CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Mar 1897, p. 3

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'J51 E. V~1W %/. tmgluie heteru"ibi. f 1 y B~waffl lesodeonst u,50KW frZUt UUOIUUYI 5W ____________kee. deep l laitm; they stept iu snow-. no kfmdlm eathmum. or & eo- books; (bey marched tI their rat feet queuent, o chimen poetie caillou or moles flIEV. OR. TALMAGE IL.tUSTRATES truck&]l the esrtb; lhey were scvlndled out nations. The prinocipela thei dominant THE TONE ENT. of their foillt rations and liiccd on met one in our religion-Christ tIre martyr, THE TOW MEN. mot lit for a dog; they hail jaws ail trac- Christ the celestiai hero, Christ the de- tiireil, audeyrea extinjoui#fiedami] limbe tender. Christ the suhaçtittote. No nett Me Explns the Tbory of Vicsrioms *hot awny. 'rbousanîls of theui c-ij for prinriple, for It was as% old os humnu o- Chit- 1a watmr an îhey Lay dylng on the field theatture, but now on a grani-r,.%vider, bigher, "Ucrftce-The tlond of Chra-o n lght lifteir the baitlle auj got if not. They deeper aud more world reiooîiing seule, et fubstitutlo - Lita for Life- %vert,'cc lioc aind rec-P-ivtl no message The shepherd boy as a champion for la- Frequence of 5,îfferins for Ohtrm fron their loti-c unes. They dieu ici harils, ruel m-th s sing toppicd the tiaut of - in huitbes. in ditcem. the buziamrcl of the 1Phlistine braorgadocio ini the dont, but Our Washbingon Plpit. simufleinhe fl nttiuenda n t heir here la anotber David, who, for ail the From mrany conditfionis of lite Pr. Titi- ihequies. NouOnue but the iuiic Goil, armies of churches militant and triant- mage, ln hot s.ermoni. uraws grailric- ilosl- w lho knoo-v cerytling, tuows the tlrt- pliant, hurle the Goliath of perdition loto traitons cofu' of thre sulblimient tliecriî c Iicnaudti tort of lice leugîli and breaclili dfiat. the crash of Iris brazen armor ut. ,of religion cîiaiiely, vicarjous sacrifice liaiteîli auid. lPcgt of the aîiguisliof an explosion at Hell Gate. Abraham lhad Hi$ fext Itcas I-felreo-s ix., = ."%%ithout the Ncrlîrrnacd Sotheru lctletields. t Gasco4n-sr, bscifc i aheddlug outbloncdcila ni)i>renison" W Iy dilîltier ftfers lente their chil- -ou Isaac, aud the saiea (d Joat lu lima John (.. Wlittier, the lent outhIe greaf(trei ancd go te the friot, audnihy did bai provided a ram of the thicket as s olchool ot Anî(rrîraîrpicts Ihaf monde thée Ihcse yoccog ien, ppouing the marriacp snlsfifîte, but berle ls soother Issue tant quartîr of a cetucry riliaict, aakcidn iy, satrfot butefhe prolalililies of huattef0the, itar, sud no hand arresta mes in the White 3lcunfaiuscci ,ne orucig necer comlng hart? For thercoiitry they the sharp ailges ot laceration sud death. afier prs:i ra.- in wilh t halivraot, lied. .ite for lite., Bilcnd for tlood. aud the niverse shîvers and quakles and givîrà uiu hm butte*fu - ubsttution! recoils aud grons at the horror. tain fiil with blond,." '*Do yoil resu> C. of Hcroltaa.. Att gond men have for centuries ieen Ileslleve'thi# e lxa nliterai appîlicationofuthfli'Bult we need fnt go sol far, ihat ls fryiug tu telillhottis substitute was tiood utfIChrist Ic the acr%"Py luegutîvc fliat monument lunÇreeîîwcoiP It ie tu lite, and every comparison, iustired and reply thiti la m>- ugalive reply noter. The thé doefors who fi-Il in the Motithern epi îînluspired. evsugetîstie, prophelic, spoo- iblhe aîîcif-iwt agrees cctifhail 1hc-s-i-mrrli's.Whv go? ere tber*' ct enîcgh teclie aud hatia, falls shori, for Christ nii'a.]cuail 1lricolt.andl ail Asie-%if kictu tic-i'attetndleinluthese Noci'liiric Iati- nas filic Great VUlike. Adam a type of liste, cclit fi ifaf the blocid lic-helife. ticcle? Ohl. ye-a But the dcctur îlots à C'hrist heesuse i rame dlrectil from Goil, snd ii lit heCitifatnreligicon ift ni-iiliifi-v seli-a cks in is ivalise atîd meNoah s type of Christ because lha deli,- timplviii8ct Cotli-f'a lite ciwagci nforctirt ia la f tIclcitii la ttit vioIrspatient s ere" i, own n amiiy from the deluge, tt. 'Il@ cccP ail thluftac f wu%% clini gayv lrne i tie lia nIa f ct lic-r 1ch ailsusali ciel fechiacice a ftype of Christ Ieaus. hae 1hetBibcle -,c-if utloin adiairicctinc ad ac l tu-athe' rail tra i.. }tcfcre lhe g-tcf fnbac] no irede-esaIr or successor, Joseph I.the licv cint n sut nit tIi-y raiil a fi't tfhe r'i-fslie tasses» a cild y eeofctChrist lieause lhe won cent out ,isgtliir honne reliionif" offly utiîiws railtfrains. ri'gilcir aund extra.'ittingcItlic hy hi& bretîfren, liulses a type of Christ their in, ipi, ty cr tiin tU oo k hut lyiig accu iffrfilteclIcopulation*i. Ili' ar- blfiiff5alhewas £aileliveret'frontlbond- ilirucil t,- iicrc of spi'i-li ioifril tîhe ii ca i a it., oc-r n li-h sagrot h-rr-ir logeSamlonnesatype ot Christ beransa of Ihllng c iicii-d. T'eFlc clîccltha f. onfithei. i-c Iculcig. lii- g-vcc-frocum icl ic c-ciil, Iis aI rength fe lay the lions sud carry off ilsc ro mt Ir ii , it crlîlcicr -a-fO-icij-ilfýiclg <if thflc-tcct -il tIlil i l i- thei rutgares of Imposiilif!, solomc4 or Iutrii-cl cr'icii rel i routInl fle cItY - suad fîîia a ul lnn-l Inytar tc-r Ilsy. iigh a typle ot tbris! in tIre afince of bis the idli. .ciii t hei- ,liani l ti- frct f liffter cimi. t -iltila rîtci lc? ic-ciigcsy: i]domiinin, ouaia fypee ut Clu it le- Ille illîci cccc c c-cffrrcr. fiacki-kft.c-tcaicc )ictir.c-ic lîcil lct ffr goc homei'atnd reat. caunei-off tie tormy ses anln hieh lhe threw ln a feu lie. t .agilatcdit cfili li c l ic-t ci ciahi- Bu tclie cacfc-t 'sbinicif ffor fthe rescue of.others. but put end tr f cr c-fliear c.ani if maun ic-t ulule ulac ncicrarc- offcriîîg. oflic s oit tlier Ailam sud Noah and NMelchi*edec slfppefaîli-cn ii cccapp1liataion of lle' litern? un. nIL tîl uii- iciricg bthuihm iffn aîle snd ,Joseph sud Moses and Joahua sud liutt If h rial t liîre n outl îît hic-c c' Icci incrcin. on iic-j aik.ta u leti, soit Masmmon atfd Sotoinon tîd Jonah. aud they a sccntisllc-ci fur the tabi igiffic-1cru- tfli-cirixes ic-nd i ma hi'aiieoutgic cinilocook 0li l'fOtnitee s fragmient ot a Christ, larces. sttc-r thcune ficci. cta. lttc'ia tîclî a quarter uf a Christ, the hIt of a Christ, V.1ntoir.l rrteln. n. t'itîfic i lztcbils atiecîIcîcts otil or thi' milifouth part of a Christ. Inci ci iiiI cectanîl licso nd-clicril cf hoi-failIt%îar i icccio -ucr and cc atir Whst"ChrflsDid. riucc-ONt ic Iii.iccie ti)mcerIi c ooicii-l ccccu- tifr rpl-ui iih ccin it-i' lii o Ille orsook a tîrone alsumat duwn on is 1 'ou icii-c Il - cigcîciia. oî- ditincc iichîcsdfoi îlr ci%ay frîcîffbi-incic ftî- owti fouleroto. le Pcame fromt the top of c-ic I c u- . tnri g aul;fccc taig. liiiir ci. nuiti cc Icft iii ic cy ia a t ru cgira giry to tIec .fi tîmof humiliation snd fcîclii r. ltc urc'for fatigui.-. iccr fcr Alfoi.i l ifl', icll'tfiport of -1fi-8 - liii rged a circ-cirmfereur esiraphin-for ls I.-ncr, ci i ý < hc ltii fi- for li i <e..ccer - p-ieor lifie teclia us cif lts ciii- , lus -ircffnci fi'renee diafolie. Once wsil i-jos c-ci lc ili:-rcTi- .- tc'af if fic-iti.riatuif'joaît Iciciig flcctiiiiic'taIccn.-bye. I angoii, nom, Whisaicilet by brigands. ciloin cIIIcI- c- P. c -lthiiiii liccl.ilr ii-i 'cflie liait s t cicci-Icc fifrt hi-st îigli t ut Fricuia ar fiigh up lhe came ou n peut i ait .s i fi--cih ihoi- dfs utit; ccitr c ciiinui ,cc tfat tcre h rc'ci ektofr lîcrui ii- 'liceurccas oiffer fha n fey; hy sisrry tin id-ii cIi t-cc cic r iiiccc i ccl.:i-ccriP. lie'tgui-s straîglif as 5an flircneal, hînîceit mure icîsuroci; poct larger lIcgi lcciI i-cî-lîig c illy cIV;,.cccc- cc i - -k. s ic- ud iii-"I fc for firmiamencts, and fron c-ic,îd to cloud, and lc icilcc ci'--lr'Io. Iiicf (ccli-ccc.sictitiiticciî fcccoglh te atîisd idto the caml'a li tiic] ic iil it i- cidc i- i îclnciii tilic-1-.. - iccticcii11)c - lic- carnit ensciiAloi talciith(,slaceof pariletrîîrhr -sta-s.,f tul-ii ii accoiii i - of- c'tI i ci-ý , cilii ccerliactiiitie Icitsitti-c, nîuit cc;îîccd fiicv-lci ail the <eircgccti-.of clc-i !cii lcc-i .- r.- cic.1ulAclccîcIIN.,S -tiiitrîilgicra ichcîni e-cirtc fr ocîr mis- At 2 - kcccîccrcia ! tcî r cci9,,-cf-cc cccid. ciiccl ingam, andtic ouccd on thfli slnrg deck. sîccî cc- ii u lcîcicî-'srccc ic. Il tli lid slcycIiý- I1tirec Ai Ni-clfanut-,o f ouriiiclcng vesciriamiflie dri-ic-ing mil; i... d ciiuit ilîcîcafI, - ccitic fi-I icl>. cTi> t- i.,; c. fil ci ,)ci-c--iîîîîîî- >srf f tue sea. andl panc-c'clmidoigoton cr--iii-là 1.'vI-c lîcî uits. sicîcî t 'y dcc ic-icifl Ii c ii -fi lI:;ii ,:tly lcy anccpl tfeil cfuidcafo laîcict n id hens sof lre,, icey arr-i rci-ckcc. 'flic-y car1c-ic¶cc- ci cei - aac cclîl c%--iii dccc lit- cîaccd tondal athfli point cihire ail carfhly ly obi, 'i li r c, afc iiiicg cccccidy ct., ia-h i-. VN.Y- i.ii-c),calccitIl b i -c iosudinferniailhofliiîsca rgeil on brna ward tcicrcl-crsc. Iri Iat c g-o.d ".. lic-Ic-, ucicciad> uciii hu.cungati-- ai cime ciththIicckeracu sbesour sub- irccicicr---ci Ioicil- a tînit icitor-c-loticitact'. Ail ccr.'-'o ci ii' itiote-! tiisir Ii ccîc ccirfnAi uliilioni li-i the k'lc-iiccih ferti' ii , hticif 'clîi liii attorney cii-c enilure su mch Icesîn. llcc liite a mstio-c cîffrcul h ii ciccciy lcc' iccrcl uciil' locir, ic n olcîcîer cl-but. orcc ician isfor ths and a pa ,il li h- btiih. f fil c- aio. l.. - fuicanciid cci u»i- lctiu i f i4 a. %"it- cci'iflcfic ii irfc.h at ulgii ; inccîifcc alaocri. flicii. cmoi Iil. Scit sici. %ci ccc -cciii Ilel licrcoin- i ciicc-lracc,tcrou-cccp. a lisCcit for Wfly arc- tic-i lruciiikvitIir i ci-iiî-cc a-icl> c v c i-cricaloii rr--tic)i iiil, loi ucIccglt ,,,schriat forrccii. as Christ for mol sud lafc<: 1cr ccc? Si,t iduclieIsIfdît Ici,,-ccutcit i lc ýIIu ccIii co ll oiii lit iiXi'-any Ocifu or %vi-cina ricccchilî in tis fituit tc c cc ic ti ouiici t clIclf îcîthe liii-icccvoncîise tiiriccg ii-se uccîîc cinho icaever suffered for amolli' Iller ciccciin îîn. ttc-s ns,- tlic-y-arc' si- c ac ctic I 'ciccîi - i-rfinit ii ccl f0 unîcersi soilthis Cbrigtly Uliriiona: ]uiii ifiSti nit. ... lciIai' "InI.-l rin" ccI life c-arîfg tasPeople sif-cig(ccc is? Shalh~se îcse sym- t heir cccitn fo-cuiilwXoiimaicarc-t, ccl i ? t l i avci' îcc-jtiic l th-c - li icrca 11i1-1ci'fiInc- paf fcccs havce lea rn-muinlubebaîf of the No; a feui-c fccîlecldollars cui cl cîc-rinnîleîî orictccplc'iijiig i Ico hait. le îccfctîiehe -c' oiiplreiiation of thal gîlt clîir c ru.Thfi acîccuci' <cccis filtîc'- c-,iaiil ipiccr. a ilmri chîcct (ule mmuent o hic hI-c-as liffej ont ut ail mnui ndtic Fgail lilialftfc iicu ni ex-iieller 'unearrise cc 'iio cii. NIyc bi'il.t he ages ot eterîîify as mont ccntticuout aspersfci i!airar ajoi,-entri, tc'c'lc lus ci ti an1 Ofet iinal uc'scili',licarnis m n-hi-n Cfhrist gstberc-cl i,."ahlftic sins ol home prompesrccis.T'herc' i i iiiili- cAceccornfi to itfr tri i ienrcic-r i thune f0 lic redeemccd ocîjcr bis one ara lin. resrhbing fronm tic! ti,ri'. fccccî flin! rcas th crcc-cccccll. Thei' c-.gacr iitfli aocd &IL bis surrovs cunulr i other ar= butoir. fronut hat #holt rîcîithata i ti trearc-iftciubies Irue lf0gi-ce lic-i if lie iaycci5acîd salit: 'f mil si-crefor thesentter Iug. tu a cquiet ocenle a fi- clccks ica x cc ,a s 3 ciim yoi. au i coam. Ny, hrin îy cîghfct li itdiii Ibai al thos onde a ruer lutte-s a ensd f lere ca tic-c'ai-ri-i cci cc-a-ca ic' ccithfouI iiisif Iciiibut5icf of1-tf accu. Strike ie nith ail thy glil- ut thiller sia-insendultrancîe. Ilefin maiity soute on' ciifiii. Iy brnice cc-i-gn Iccs "ie fering sshafts, I) etcrosi justice! Itoil ,the icbsmpiiomn of s hccuacsfil, fcccchic-b cihi-n tiii fiâ angerii. W'a iai cio ccl, over nie îc ifl ail tîy sgorges, yeuvcana of h.oains leice- ncns rîrci it ciii 'iii O i ict gratiicitud, mit aisYncîaiiy nui-I ifYd'i sur, u h-fi id-lol tî flousSc îiiisic-ctyaujicisic-i hufl .riiscar1Iexpett uc-c? Threte p-[ris- blaut rni aicove.andl the lpsanuttrouîbli 10-000 u oi fait. Offtel'1111) l i nS îcir i. Licotal"Ilic 1-")k i t' licroli-cl ii-c fronthentath, hurricane sfteî -cc-out I fucy, uine die' cf iiccrekf-ccassembslage'- riccilil c cci. lictiiu fc hiir lirricuice, anj cyî cne sfic-r cyclone, anc -cteS. iii cîlîeui dises-cti' iicîi ilii iiilciccc-crcsi c cîcuccirf-s andcîli Iir ecoi el cIi-oaccuit lere in freacue c f hi-aveu anc wth uio cc.c fr ut resiat 5 51i-candclthiii'fi-ctrs aoui tPi-ilnie cihi-ce a iiiog iii;icigti- Iarfh andl heu -ci, ail cc cîclîla c tiessing sre pourc. Utc'for lifi'. bhic-cuit fc hood. I cir-icir uty fc'ii-c uenci r, rceni'i'i th riete iirlrtIens SichsiiliilcvcciIli.uheuirt. I1cccii ci ic,'te 0 icdi es-ctimirt sc-nîheut uie, ltce ai'fui prive,. fleeglu- A t 1 c/lic k tu nircow ioicinifth tue di lcglit. ii! ttic cccy oit ricarci or o u icleîrcc, rte influcirv Icie, tflic' cl hoor c c-cnulcsub ccismot corntcrcccc-icikiicci-igli-it Icc iii-fre-priîivcc? ive, c-s paildccnt ets uils trc. an flor proficccid. ciale aicicilth l i CiI fcilli-i. yiici uayitîiclit If tliîI-ci-i That iscc-at i'aucl mu-anc. dccl at n hat itcg Iccccsc fcu-.. i-l.y l e î'c'acl tîciri. ci-icr ci ictýuf ciplicc-e. biciciniccibat v-c-c-c lorcan. tiat in e. lai ailic-»e i-hu bac. coui'ccit ii nîcîa ciil gîcî ccc oaK' il linflue liii Oici' Iiiic f'îtit 1a-c'.-ccahi-icfc leu-'-ccer nd hcdfir hi-o ris cianîged mueutb; bvuiis'ficllciouuu ici t-.p a suicîcici uit (In moii yt iiftici.hf0 l'esih ti>tii-cc-cio%%- 'î1coî. tgicry cic fuis religion o f hiocil ficirnu. clai O.ic-i o fcc-he tommesafcccin u bai- ccilue motîci hi lthiuipli-1ciicr cnt lice icir t an thriliec as t1siercIre suggestive coi-c Io Itopiact- aun cilirkas tffi<ciii tiuccilcaitc-c. dciil lit t !sdomentîOuli kîuîcci it ifl ) s-acrcimental ccip, ci hi-her ij! Ii' utbut A m foilii I cl liagseO-u!trfrt Le arc-h t liiit my ai-aduc-c talis on Y.uu inscuiat o-f nishcedil ccic'meot on cuir h mciii ciaici. o îgc-i of mclu .-,. ndcie p ila iis ci citaccc cr hi-c ii- f.' ite, or rougir hi-cc n frîoti oclnef ou t lccify. in Itndvo-i- isrieurcarliglt bhrn- TIre galloi gtil lin iicltiit tfce liot tale l in lobt iucr--icg bouaeiofutheflicwl loirfend ud ,ht-e ciih' cinicoi rcanmpaentl momentc examiialiin cf Ile pourcr earcicejrnes. Non I om tlcrilc-d natIasectlb ina aglus-c cr cîi-tlie r cilining t-ccd for a shon cultu ail fthcecsurgeocns canud ticail the allure of nieiecuf sccificc' crinocr ccth ci- k chl ii.Tiie foodîinlamat i the freafu rIdnthila t t he pulitc-'cas wrn g. tliat tf lhîod of tf liniai la uuî. a ni letvltlic afi.'Thii h te citli riglt thît mther WiVliam il. ii-ccirui oas iglif. snd tIrs! la f0 me ut t nu mu-h the f(1 i-cestment fia as! ccîclccithlIrai stfîirer. Sfic Ias toe liard. sfoy top-ofIutoqicy n tflie Auburn u h Nw- - 1sewb h dsry the la-ci loir! otceyerd tIre phtysicin'» pre- c-cuîît ruen oî --csthe finit tsc-p oftche %taires g ns gr e-cva. Siuc t ie oytithe ndest acriluiol, ftitgviug a drocp fon mccv h or oftanfoui p lih licmocut tic the top or sparil pa-oin bcusei-c'lctiitreui!g tonhofttie. or a moument tonisoncior to late. iu o thici ee l)ofNhetop, tfla - i-cri-j l( nthîse luciss tiio1d hoo $ihe ls ceci rnxious. for sIre has hurle,]deioiil brina throcighithe !reieiiry ~of-,hat Iaiab cuentis wol c he uats c Ihrea cilîdren cvitIr the saine diseuse. aud Antericaîf polifuca. Nothing sublimcer"îîc ui-ch dapcîacci ocnhizg c-c h dyed &bce prsys aud occlus. ecrh prsyer sud aob cc-ir »sec-oio ait Auericau urtcirouoaiibai garructs froîci iticoculi' andl chounthe î-nding it h a ias ot the pale chet. ity William H-. Sen acul. Oitlioct rro ord. Apocasylce iicctis o li-ciilutdi-eribea dint! otticiluems sall gets tIre liffie onue staoding Iefiseefi flic fory ut the popuilace heaveuly chietain ciloni' "vestore-wîi througî ftce orieal. Aler If la ail over and the loathaume icuhecie. Substitu- dippeil in lood," and -c-fat Peter, the the moteluin-ctati-n doon. iBrin or fier- tion! vo s fvrmt ud une day sIre lestes Wa mk.îî aposile. menitos nIen lho pesaofth oiia te-ci-skets iru."preclous blooj ,that vcausetb trom als rtue cona cueut chilil nifh a mothen's In the rentrutof tIre flue arts there wonp sin",,sad n-bat the cld,. cornonot, decffpi blesuin)it(]udgi-es top[cef0 icltlIe thr-e in as remartable u instance. A brillanlt msionary Paul mentis nien, lu my lezt tle Icicgiloinuiout eavei. Lite for lite. bot Iypercritivised painter, Joseph Will- hae cries, "Withoict sbcdding ut blond I Sciîbootptci! The fart ia thant tberc are, tain Turnier, nas mîet by a voIlley ot sbuse no remiasion-" lIy that lond yon and1 au uccuicd nitmber<ot mothers liho, fromtaithtIe art glîcries ut Europce- Hi. wiîî ic saveal or ueer caved t ail. (fIel affer thcr' have navigateil a tar-ge fuiicilY paiutlngi, n'hicb have silice wnutIresp- ha to Goil that the blli bai-k uf Jerusalen ut chlren tlcoîrgb ail the dîseases otfiii- peuîse ot ail civitizeai natIons-"The Fitfh vras the battlefield ou-ccIich Christ sriey tsucy and nut fhem fairty starled up tIre Plagua ut Egyp." ",Fisbermicuions& Laicd ounr liberty! foweriucg loîce of hoylàood sud girîhouil, Shore lu Sfînalty Weatber," Calais Waterloo. have uni! oîrenitb enongh Ift teodie. Iier," "The Sun Rîsîng Throighb Mit" Orgmat ne'oo -slaPesî Tbey tflaite ar. Sourte rail IL conaiumP- aud "Diii Building- Caithage --ireO urget aTloha nPaetn lion, sonne raili it uarvons prostratioan, lIeu targets torc rltin te shoot n.lun ere came a day irben ail bell sode ni somnev-il il intermittent or maulurai Ituile- defense oftfllehîsotrageously busi a , lad by Apolyou. sud the peptalu ot ou poition.tliint1cai Itma'fyrdom ut the s yoîîug author of 24-youerjust oua yer ider in ouhenfroitebi thea ulÂostypTh Ilcanestic duirle. ite for lite. Blondl for out of cottage. cime forth vwith i peu ie ntewiebreo h pclp blod. tScci),titiou! sud wrote the îailet eud m ont furmons Cotng ont agaluat the black hors. coa A Sscrificinig Nottior. essasys ou art that tIre 'old avec salr, aîry of deth. auîd the battallous outht, or pi-dlisa smother lingeralogor ever wmu ec--John ttrstlus"**Modemrs O3lc adtemraiouo oâ enooghb aie a sou git ou the wrong Pointers.' Fior saveuleen years thisu- ln tais 1rm 12o'cth aetenotalof uc roend. sud litformer kinduess tecomes ftlor fonght tIre hattles ut the matreafed nteatrno h rses afeu rough ci-lly n heuslire expresseg uxlety atiat, asltteLn poverf y ail broken nui!verse ireut ou. Eterual desttuies me aboutt hou. But elle gos right on, look- hearteelness. the paInter bâtil diail sud the bing deiedil Ail the ormiers oftbh. In auicliy ailler is uppacel, remaniber- publie triad t10tnude tîieir crusetîieson-pierceil our ciheftaln, sud fle battîcaxe itug lis ecry irtbilay talthsome memen- nard hlm by giving hlm a big tunersi grc i s ni rufoot eree lur Iu, and,.n-tenlIe is brougt home, onru nsudhurla]inluSt. Ptiut'@ Catlieural, bg houiller aud hand ni otterlnan out wtb imiloi nurse bisa tili ha lil-fîme fri-end took ot of a fin box bis, dinel with ooslug tîte, but bie tonghit Cet@ neih aud storts hlm agooauand bhlles 000 places of papr - cciiiaiuicag ulawingelntit halegave a final airoeesuad btlacoi sud xpeia mnd ruy su cousal su hythe ld aloersud irr.,.,,,...,..manîder lu chiat ot bell and &ah isf orce amiexpctoan prys nd onuel an b th ol pontr. nd hroja may fllbaci- lue-cialuting rein, sud the Y suifra uuili ierstrnug -Ig:e.OntA il-c-cry andl ttucompeusased menthesassort- sIr tila Se a gin, ud ttndats cl sd rruget îum fr ublc bsrva furisous. Aj-onth. mon hat -ce BRIEF COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEW&. bts.. W. H. Iug, Wei-Knowui Sigia Tcahc-,llirrdtaDath-spur-' .ïnce utrthe Questionof Ch1!d Lebor in Stores sud Fact.rîca cr-nted Aive ln Ber - tme Th, nc-uucc cicc'ci,-cucccf l'a-c It. l'aing un, i uifi l'ii -cc.I-tci. ,îiuic t u $Ici Il. c- lcs fyc-ii,.lire turviiy' mccruiccg saccclNIrcc. l'lit iteristri th eIc fl l.'lc.-tire,.cdcurî,-cl cru cii- altie- sud NIra. Wirci. ucic- u aîct'.c-'t thera sud iluruw- crc'ar iliafcniàc i c, udow. Mnlrc c i- i-l f-c ficleic-c-c *rcccuu ansd cigmin %vent tic flc- cit i. lfthuui licr îisaanul n o' auc-l lc-nucuîlui' 81wSchal uic succncu.ncsl ic-her.cccuu ci er tIie fili,-ci iccn-t cit inci lic- stcujrcccy. culing utt ail r-tri sc. le thI-culccîuctfclîccc'c,blit was dru,-n éoLt y thei'neuii.'The fine- u-cc. lit fi le dut f thvnr licca. iiivaderi th.. cicu inllulitlcou-u, tfcr I. lVinfg. thoii ccamafcccindclolucril IiiyondilaI i-ccuctitli. Nf s. "'icwinx as i'î y i-ns nidh. alo i rnitl'cii ccINu75 cilccu- dutofEigiiu'i lualiccu t..:-ciuc-.r. uc-jlitet c ui fiue1pria- c-ili! oc. fi. gli h ol T. Abo1isti Clid Labov-. i Il.chiiîuîîic t-cu n-it uâsiiucri'ly holie it it- ccii c îîccî'c teiiig murîue fil fhe ;tiiivlI.i.lcitir4ccc' tcc sec fanoauex tw-rii cccii ccdii.. i cld icutuur lamii cciii m %i tI - o'tic,TIisljcr; Ici uclivt ictual andul Icis-cii.- ccl tc- i.-acul-nfiîig fricthte fillull(iuyducni ld ul iccrc-ic ca i Agi nhit Icb nccci u- icci c uin 'lulu-ciccuttccccgh se- lacc- ili- r u resil tincU cîis th.e ccilanc haa tc.ui -c ilighlu;lcrudl- .There lion hi--cii li -ccnini, ir juir tic u-uPuIy'ra, nhl, li it.drpcocrt f Sutperiuuetidcc' -Lait,, f i irc,-îcîlîllc a lcis s-floc% . t Item- miýa o thcc'ucc.ucci iit-esu ci cut tendit ,c- c, c lii'wy cuir icrilieicnttly tuihiui- li li c' ccii. cii-ci ouitthc' lcf.cî f ilcîral mlii ccccc-iyic-Iluei-c vu rluiig i fn< forciat c- ic flic-uc shorc if Iraalîfi Kitic -Scci-d1. cciiilîcautiuf. 'FIat lui-c ilcen iudil i l 1 t. cucu,-cn t cufc l tiucn- dru sand icil,- --c-i ccc cuccctc-. i eaciuccccc-cl c luic Ic.cgl îtchu' tcruthtr anc,-fil> lIida'ai iIciinu-ci cuuucci cn cc n c. cc-uciir.-ho Ifu-icitflic-uc'brnchs, Iic. e i-lc- Icci cc ci clti-u-là'o cuccdy i a i i gicl.a cc- cit i uhtt fI'eiuiituill c oot tidi u ilililhoodccali I icîcl.duc tah-i iiol~icii ccI, nc- u ic- tc-illicccitii i c-nttu-c. i. cu-cc c ic lii.c- ciiuut uuu"id dluific- fini c-cc-ucluf t.-i -f edciii ut-ci.'t'heu 'c,, n uiccitI)u- icc- lit lii.- îrcuc iSi-iui..ic ci i ii l i cc iiiccîlc' iii:t niouf nuuu uil îc--; , - ildi,--lioriil il. ao ilcuu ulcuunten-i-.'i n N,% . ok-,lccccsyi cuili. 'lu-i ci u nds mi- tiluorc-Plic tii-ci .iy ,iuiicar licc,-ccet. lî uile iifi tcc iccu' ccc lofullcccit-uexcactile. Til t-uccuuilt dcliicitu1,tu. iicuten ici',un- cu accu c liN t. teaIldc'udeth~-le ecd otluc-c-c.-ccuucu c lîlu c. lui ritrion th prucoposticudc'ucsirc- uiiglit tic' 1cudi ttu fcit atat.e Ne- i r s-et, The u-ccfccw cui cc îre tc'sicth.i cSiiici--lul l'ic;tuccuuuu oil l'y acifiajrctl>0 nu ii - oi' dii ttt '5 ft-ct cuuuItiîîfiy- inîucc. cii19. Sîti ci athec- nIfu' ci Nfililu-cin. thuuaiuuc irrc'cil - 't Purinton BrI-i, i. ccl q lcul-shcurg Tt-rra ( 'ci t. dua l l'uuc i,,Bt-c- -ccclecic'ccinle- outcl ci cl iiuccl-ccct'cl,- tnc-.Tbe lit - carge' iccicccl cîcuc e At E-lgin. c, 1oiulcui uict,'Ici- lic, ros ho-lii- i vîtci dc > l'ydiiiuiaitnd sc-mac jug uwc-nciclic-c w liâtcionf ua laiyt> a-li îtec,-cc-. Wlilicii 'F tiEs ci agc-ci r Vu-f cc.cciciii llin-j nnmcIlini ai' tle ctI -lange fauucily AitCi--ciSiciioc. Ntn. EllunD. Fi l cc-cc cîccu . clitIl ire-out I5 -ui-c. n Nl'accu ýi-i-du .us du luicciic tincc-ccu Ct 'iu it '«.1,,i loi.cucul il t c' . :g f ýt s ou i-c t Il fi.El l-:u i ldcciii. '[lii cccilIcdru-cumer ,y ccili tI-ctlcili. t.cui cuit , Icuc tir%cc ive'tîIoý . Ilu i.,-i --ci ucicilci ilil'lc. S of ~util 'r 'i-c ty gcccuiidtf-ccthtIc cluii r- i-cl <cidacci'ab., iui. rh'nIt. foucl i 'y e , on.i:1rI-cc-. *lcl. *G. îciittioi', c o cl g-t uuii Mi Th.-c'cl uit gCisilts 3e it Fhii-nocc-uci. itud r*i,;tc'--.irun-rc%,ilI gi-co Y d, -,Ilcc- -nii andîccoici - Iîats 40 Il 't iii it Ir -c-did'rcc-ui-i ccctei- i S .-c cii ii uicui ov h iuuuu ia-i 1 à A. lfccuc-uV. It ire, Pluio u. I c Cîc'it .ut-c Dr..u. t ti aloi i-,IN bu r. Il-th îi-îgc hlttlicîa cc %honoiilLI ho eiuiiciiUi.ttribUuc i-cldluiil' t"i ci ii II hoci. ithi cia-c-uift> ig etuecrrfilica te 'It LI. E l-ccicc. ligi-Icciihi-Ici ac-uiulî'ut ics [t, OtCJdl c tlelu,-arcuumfit $ Il151 s ilcc -, hcfi- huli cg $ltfîici'ct agaifuaf bucuf. ci utIfit, icuruce'alia c &Y If;. SIc- tiainuiaiiud lulier afflliaiit tBtg r- nut l'y tculain i-flui-ctly befure i «clout Stcut.y moricn t hic' 'uuigaky lI.u-kt fI eoriu c%-ifs chii ci iuraanticIanccue Ineft; Icet p. mIro oc-c'ipii'rithle second sud tfilir]i lii, ar cc-crf-recctuc'cl iifli uuuî-bh-ilfy.T 'ho boililiug ccam praetiiiilty ulstroyaa, i.c se ai linicoufcua.oila tIre Munhy IcI ly- odjiiriluu oi thlu.nîcrt 1, sud tF"as- Ire hîcck it oithe' sonrti n-cru- thîbadly cI, lk agc-c. . a ndul aicmIilan t 'onil sty-c-i c rki their lhuas on Iuilrfiug ut $50.000, ounfh Ire tliere niisrarnoait$lIbf)0. tirh re & Cr houuicndutitt' the dry goua et( euouthue tiret fitir-, ci-ri'tIra hem-c-et loi, Le frnt tofcck 0ltu l,-aimiOafc' feiutsAat 9 ald M)8. un cIdthene ta8linsaramce ot 02 un Il- At iltue. flue 2-yeun-cid chIild uit Jac el Si-tir-ucr -c-cas fatfully turued n-hile pîui 1e ', aronila afove. '.trs. Ichrler wnsna le- orisi3 uhruccct nhile lryiug tu sac-e1 wo child. ,ed Williani M. Gb-uýn. turmcrly a Chics tallent franc afretght train. " le MulahdOt - Timolby Ualtett dled ut bGâteau. . He fluUPIMI &tets-alway kils f waxs nut the largait fruit gromers aud fUetatfe Wadesdy. -Bemator lE beî'kupelu nIllinoois, and mes oue ut tha ofered orte ameuadments whieb h. cfl _ lsairs- ut the Prohibition party id thla rellatail siuulîy lu change» ln u ltrsaqtv<- litcte.c But aller trenuona objection by - Warler, whu clalmej thaenceasur w= TIe Gsffney Vitrifi-il Pred Brick bcbng ruaIent thrcuîgb cuithot opru C'ompauy, owniug a lsrge plant irit ut ty ta exiice - F.diirilsvilie. lias madeu asigninent îiosticuiccd fuir I-ci sct.Strott- iso- tcr the beoeflt of creditori. Assets, $15' lions relative ici ci1i .istîing compeilhs.k 01>0: iaiilliei,', %O. itih cucîclut ,cluc- ccereusivai Tle Nc'licujiiiIl. t'îttier, une ofthte aidet Gucenuor sent tiie foliowiug appotasetst rresicleuts o! Joulit. dlild. He wan 92 ta the Srnîaie andiltliy eyare eonàfuagl > ;-î'urs cii, anjd lid ben saresitaut of BSuai, Board ut Lina Stock Commabsâga Jcclit icty-thrie yeurs.le bail been su es-J. 1'. fock uit Chicago, fta sag al1dpruuau, üaseor. justice ufthtIe peurs C. WV. Plutf, re-signeil; James IL PM&. nud srcotldireetor, sud mas oui- ut tha dckc, of Springfield, !lu auccad bmsst. aiealtbiest Cii ensg. Jouuies Il. tGoddard. tialethurg, te tue- Pette iena snsaion A enrâgeF -e cdt'. D. Bartiefl, resîgucil. Tiuc~ Petiam lasna ses lati c e ar banedi--for the Si-tiocc fur Deaf sud DoutbeAt day a mfon nmeri W.Ilioterma hsgadJav-ksonvile---4eorge W. Ilssp., et Rab. thr1 u h ttre thssifr akinson, tu o scced J. E. Parrisghb ém âge, mhen the marm rin e tlb.hegraus Sfrawnu ot Jsactsonvillta bu sceed Wtim took ou s green bue sloser the court Im ppingate, retîguedn J. M. Uunitb, bouse square asooer thge 5<5e. wethe b~Tsytorville, tu gueceed C. EAxe, esdgmr toctade bai.l sioti, xcept ove! the ispo t . Truste-es or oler.sudm UV cw occupicd by tIre galluws, which sa barre% ali-,aQurcy-W. O. Wright eofVFue- and lpreseuts the exact oufilmes of àI111013- o1 halr eitu ii-h1 su'a fui-e, nith bair streauirgla disse- -f.erIIthe tru nigatscehsd1. U rangemeunt deen ber U#ek <cjsàsBid te lh. Partions, realiguai. Trustees fer <b. YIII& s apicuid ilikeauiofutthe murdereat woU' Dois Western lopptsi for the fau.uW ans. Rtock Isan-Frank W. Gotild of 3 NMis Nellie tRussell. su attractive Young for the terni euding Maric 1. 1901=~ wouusu o! Elgiln, irbo came trout Chicago Mc#--tsuleY out RCiy.fer the teriu.f byve years figoe Ia umua suit inu Mari-h 1, 1901. Heinry C. C,.$u againat J. V. Smith for 9io,ooo damages Chicago. for tIre ternu endingu#ro for hreach otfluiomise. Smith la 50 yaars 189. Trustaes fothIn fcurable la"» u ld. Tîne tglimonlIre proposer! marriage As-lium ut Pons-R. E. Bennettnet su wri ias ttc-l-e rpected. Ha ivas 6fll l itchfleld; NM. P. Ileei. of Peois, .. îpcc me-cîteil ParrI 7, brt Ibree deays Inter lhe Alexander ut Joliet. The bl i teet n rote MisseiRussell tIrhaiebâtil ihssged ecnaiiiiction ofthfIe Siîpreme Cour et. -bis minci. 5h- sotîglit bila toaiemsnd anOttan ns lipai-rd lu tIre Hous« hv enîcanat loti. moud fouîil thatlire bail mar-vtccli-8ut u (Il. ri-ed iziae Turner. asother Elgtin girl. ou A bill to egalize rseiug snd pool mu]ti -the day that i-nrot a toMieRusselcc-as Irtruoed ilathlIrelonne Thuridsy c rcutiag bis engagement. %Ir. Kitc-'csrsé , or Chicago. If porM - hilrs. Don-an Loiule tesrans srdo uet fi- n stxty-dsy sesigeu. gPd s tu: ne L o Dr. O.. .Stearus anal the surviviez m1,m pi-r juy, ltha muu.y ta goe<oalà ber u the historiç Sithffer fauldle tai! oreign pool seliing ls harrail. i.1-c t t irecpurt ut pneumoniea d 72 retro. . eing salary ut Chicagoga j euiuit oneIof thegesi-îy mutiera ttbe tate bill. %%-Préadvsnred ta thidI.d5V loixted 'an1@6111 *ud mss luthe Seusie Senalur StnbbiedltM lg th fh-sistec of tien. J. Witson, op --j -,T-.iela 1 mkngtasaa-y. l. a(Grant ns tioceruror otf<Utah; Captain wurdeu nt .Joliet not tenu than $2M0t, set -Joui-s if. Shiciffer- of lb. Fitteeuth Colo- ore. than $5000. At prcsent fiée satuu rado Csvsîry. Col. 01.William P. Shaffer, a outhe uacrrden la $2,W)tS. sud lfts pup..- îiruminent Necw Yor-k broter-aul mow ot thie bill la tu silo-cvtIre payement of a dendtdîiil C ansShaffer. acho wu5 Iargcr salai-y taliai. ifcCaugbry5 wm- -- iltil ou Crahlai' <'ipedtiont ltu Mexico. letb a more lucrative position nt PoUtie. --c % Ins. Stearms' three dsmghters sud à cons- The uepartmeut store bill wss sdiauffl i'ii are ailtn-ho are latt ot the tsmous tam- tu thbrd resdlmg. The Goreruor.-t'hh*.'4 tily. uifted tuaflic Senatitmas trusts-g.et1tige, Thue nationat eduestion cunterence. _Nortîreru Illinois State Normal Oce. ,dh icu-t ilosedat loa omînglun, aller a lhree nt De Kalîirtue usures ot the tlowleuds li diy' session. adoîufei resoîntions embody- A. A. Gcudiuirch ut Chi-ago, ta bueegi itheIan i-aIe m-suît of the convention.him"Issuelami >teeofutDe KsIb. Ite Thec yshirin that the- Methodint Church tu-clIusl;W .Grsd. shoud tke brade vi ad pan f feld testuciceal himacit: Charï-9 cflicatloiial nork lu tIra future. and that ticire o! luftine, ta suereed himsaf;IL, IL pfcrompt measuresabsotitlie hataten ite re- F-uirud ut Drxoi. fo nuicceesi Thom» j.a Alsce lIraebumhrrasmeut -c-Ib ib resteus Stark. TIre aupointutents mer. eus- ": ..sruy ut the Methotdist icbouls ut the lin-aI. g, -c.rfrutrcy. Biahop Mîerrili presîdeil at the TIretat Generat Assamby aspiolto choina webtin duilsuaddeut toterait a su-diat cumniittea f0 thorougthly las,.. cas given ftatIre prouveaofutb1h.dey by tignfe the question ut eibldaillan sd te ie unexpetil presenceaut Presîdeut mote a report nt the preseut sesalue. Rap- Heory l'aade ut Northiiebteru Uiversty. re»-etsiivc Chartes Page Brysua a*glsi. i- o druielivereil u adreis. mnon. ireuted the report ta the Refsp -ru tFri-lay momnifi. Il mai restil t teleg r Wifh s green siismiock lu i buttai- cînîdi-sfer-ced ta the Commîlte ous IdWc cu lole and surrorîndeal by the tuuju.dlate audj futrlial Affaire. flabhe. qus ci- menirunof bis tamlly. "'mel, Jimmy" 1fr. 1a Munie iutrodueed a lgîll tt. p,ê t.Laitethlago's centenariau. spent bis hbit tIre exhibition fu ut eures et plaq une luondreil aud first birthday Weimsdsy figt or other- namtnui acte a y .e receivinghis trienils at the realdauce ut o!flice blogrsph. timetoaeope ou ktm4ý, h, lis daughter, lirs. Hasi, 5311G(aufeld uacineiîis. The bill mas ref.rr.d te *^-, ofavenue. A constant stress utff'inds Comuiiltee on Judiclal Departmat m itere ciller-sutiis homme ta cougratultfe prsctic-e. No busineiwss traau hlm, uni tlegrauia mofred inlufrein aitltithe- Senafe. Both bousies sjà s- ri verlige lUnited llaes. Mr. Liane Pl iotil ri p. ut. londsy. hale Iainsd rearty man and durs nt look The lionne conveueil et 5 o'cee% la auiy oaierIhon une torty years bIs-JunIor. îtay wilblemsathon s quorum fie greefed eeh ut i. esllft'5 witb a Ajrong thue prlet osprenfed ws.ugussc fshuarty shake of tIre lîsui sud expressed Mr-. i.a Mfonte con$ui u mhst P m ifthe nish ta fIreu ailtfluat tbey msy lire tu i le reaclthous ailopteil et a ubil i-y The ciizeus of Jolit are aatorînilei over alh la-ccs pr-uiibifln s prise Ait, 5 thle fait frtum gruve ut W . B. Hîdrealg a s thi'en cit mnut out n b h l ige ia< ait youcuucollege stîîdeut mIro-about four'give prorrcocon aeeut bte<be- u uinths eue establisbe4 a poett the ring, lu préeifng the peittua t clA merlu-an Vornuiteema '7b.' aptsiu mss Monte esid lie dii no -.iwb a vI<4 1, -e a iudeistigshla monter snd the peut doing amay witb bard ises." Tb*y h ived ucuder- iIs om m entd. A bout thr ea i nu ut the lies m aw u de vrlt d S tiets aoelue meut f0 Chicago andl, Il teftheireadiug out iense billes a 4 pti unr aîitcged. Irad a gond lime. - Tbe matia- r lte absweefutLieut. Gor. Neet r cr. %vas Inisheai np, bIlit as deciled ld- aud Soeretary Pro Tempore Vlr'lsag aic y -. rýiegsotild goaunay. Stittrday tght he tor ('uîl calli'd fhe Benste tu oeiý,7 ild gsve the peuple suother sur-prisa by secret- sît'5 p. ni..,n luhont a qluorusmsse.. -ru- us ntarryiug MinLaouise Volgt,s Youong bccshueccasxîi'ansncted and lmmedtgw~ cc. Joliet girl. Thie marriage mas ceslebratai affer thre readlurg ut the journal su id.c hic-,lcY i-idredge and bIis trienils constnîng juurnuteuif n-me Inien. îlc tree kegs outiruer-, andl consternation Pro'lu flue Senale, Ttresday. bbongh rg cails lutIre r-sut.uttheVlolunteers. The ercowd otf 'hicago buises me. wtr* brigadiier gerceraI 'iilI b appealeil lu. c-iinirur tosion ou the- departi8i The, 'Fle taul enrolmeut lu tbe Chu-ugo 4t-ifb'ill. nohIuîg iecisiva mas doute. Ir 'tg pubtlir schools at tIre clone utf 'ebruary, miunie bill n-us up titr short disenus i $7 7.- nwax23. The total memaborslip twlion"cs. 'The<'hilcaougarbega MU l1t-r ini ailtcuprîuîeats n-s. 18,r7. The av- ccas patcd. TIre Seuafe reetve. b" unr. crage daily attenijanve for Febrnsry was 4icrifirmec t hu foliocing ' nomlstW,*i cinly 174.001l, tIre pcrcaintsge ot the attendance Ntecnîersoft Stata Board ut Arbltrgta.-irý ur lu the memhership being 194..TIre total Hocrace il. -'iet of nt ufe"f. jseu cci tuinifer uftfi-c-hi--a-s u4M. The mcm- Kieti' ut Chilcago, Josepch B. GIII et Age dr lerhiinluthe v rionasilepartu au î s as os lihyshorit f0 suci-ecct. respecfhi yA tuiloivs:Blar hoent 7,781; giammar de- thccny Thocufon, . Pa' . Rend sud CSI c-uiîur-îmeut, f56.233; icrlmry departmnt. j.. iler, mrocce feromahate egis S125..M7t. iuc-udiug 2M0 rooms lu reuteil Trtistees ofthtIe 'entrat Hospital fer ic-c blintgs, there were lu al 4,000 roome. tanc eto! .a-tourille---Jsmen A. GIM [.Y lu îite rooma owueilhy the ity, 108,2)(JAshlaud tfiscefl John MeCreery, te' thse si-mta ivere îuiovidel, mand 12,954 mare lu enlireil;P. fI. Sharp ut Jacksovit the cent ed roumes. There mere 268 hait suicc'ct Oweni Tliouipso. resgoged; ut day divisions.,cvth 11.804 cili-en atteud- ris Eduerson utf3Mountaf 1ruuu e ,tc uug thena; 11,28 chldren are la attend-' tuseuh MNI.'Pge. resigus-i. M - : lsice rain reuteil buildings. - Uc ifcard of Commissionnessou ui-s Titree collecturs ou Illnois Central sub' t'halifii'-J. C. Curions ot liM 4 -tc- tirIin trains ronntug train Chicsgo te uvt]îsaal PtIre Helu, resaored; , ýigt-' Harvey auj South Chicago mare srreiteal Lan-renic ut Springlela u see aud upoin war-rante, acciusai o! franduleutty W. Cnrfiis. terni expireil; William disposiuug oh ticteta lu Harvey sud South lirnn ut Dauville toancreed iug CIicsgcuat relum'ed rs-s,. il la exid tmo Ryill.terni exiiredn Bphn-t (".other collecter% mIll b arrestel, sud e,- uinîrr ot Chicago f0 sem'eed J op.trai enc'oifrrs sre thought toahie mpli- Nubb, reuovisl; Julia C. Latin-mp urs enteil. The invesigation. mhi-h raitilteil ford ta suceail herealt. surs lu tIearrasehbasbeau lu the audet flSpecitl gent OKeete for mont hi. Tbe A P5aaaom BOL - ifh nief Irai ut iefraung ag rgedagittthe Tb@. greut bell lu tbe loc-t cole-or t rlg op tickets wtbhunt Scbaffhauseu, SwIterlaud, -rf'l pru-ing Iheut andîbsu m-aslilag fhem for heurs ha Lui-uthre ln*ertptbo4 aun 21 ratnse. ttstiroad oekalar--eired thllIvIng. menti> toç thse ctis the ti-sit latlaaatliooftighe ichame wbeu bretak <ha ligbtultg," bas boom hhtIre ticktfs furned lu by tha collertors tatI- altier a service ut 400 Yasn-s îni-r cil ta correespond il bthe average mumbertohme ed'vtaueat ure ot paolseurers cirried. It in thonght vbeu t eriledwt ue e sers tIre ful extent ut the alieged i lsouesty of htu eansd uf hrmIn Tb$ 911-- itseutmploye a skuomu the ralfroed cm. WeIr gave 8cbliler the 100006 ~ 27-pmuy mil fini ýbat Il bas let suy thon- taholls poem. ml h. p @and dolhars. eofIrm. _________ l-ive men ci-r, ljureil. tmo perbalps Thelr Lamte lt ssl uigtfally, lu su occident ou the bel tlue ,of Wsjg&W n e <01mffb là-& cri tIra Cblcgo. Hamimonit sd Wetern at Mout l'i-mou berltaiway et La Orsnge. A sharp cus-a lrukl hav lot -ago ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ enm thFraknkldiniicc ht.@f<. l Piuu errelu ti

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