CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Mar 1897, p. 4

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7M b T a. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. the Be t. BI Jo rLocal Items of lnterest to Libertyvîlle Readers. 13 (;JOC. M. &S-rP. R. . TuMETAuLe. Marcihweathier. Ï à.To CHICAGO. Mr@., Mabel Smith ta cutertainiug A a.nm. a. .n P.m. P.m. lier siater. "B ig Jo" Wads rth W." :20 e.0 Mrs. J M. Wooig u litvisiting ber MI d Hodu 5:40 7:25 9.24 0 :0 :21 mi"sMabel Klsts a visitiug in Wau-- erlIIsI :25 2-52a-sia~u ega the present week. We guarantee our Flour to be Dý HM HCGO rsytr a brhTusa eeig When Youspeak it. Superior to ail. Lv.U5.PmsStam. am.ri UO' S2el' .m.s)te , MrBeHrt Austin las sîen<îîng th That Verbal Transformation, Isn't any more Shorrii INl52 e 1s 4:56 6:117:23a9»16prseot week wilis her parents tu Chi- Remarkable than the transformation of I bs Oat Meal............$ .25 iasrIl-d wN:3h10:22 6:0 5.7 7:27 921 ao 9 Ba s S ag -. ........... ..... vr"t 1142 0.2 5: 6 625 7:83 I212 9 asSap...........25 Rtondo tl 4X :41:510'.6e2 6:60 7:40W33 Meurs. Âmes, Pierce sud Winters, of 9 Ib Nay ens ............. .5 L..T., 0;"a.,, & 7:0 9, aSn"ail Sun-s of Cash, 9 Ibs avy Ba ns.............25:5:44 - 9s:3 8 Antioeh. viited Libertyville friends 4 Cans Peas..................... .25 Gurus,., 91M 5:23 r.41 da. NT 4 Corn ......... >............. .25 ltuasesl4irrlve)9:18 6£49 1r00 Ed Clark rotnrnoit tast Hunday ailes Triggs1& Taylor' LibertyvilietpL SBNDderTRAINS v.LII,',rtyvlllIll.4i4la.niTRAIN. oPloi . . Au excliauge says, "It le stated iR. W. T rigar lo, s T ayorsL v. Ll h.-:r 1y yll1p d:56p-.m.Arhisa" s sn i 50 Coon, of Waukegau. Isa acaniidate- for su aéo9.,j&.ArLfbt 5 & l u- 2 ii.A Lv.Chi âagc, 4:5sp. .Ar. Llbs-ryvflls 5,3san. United States Marsisal." T CL Y S Nr. ;5î runs Sanoda y anly. a-salu g outh. a-tii H. P'. Scott, a-ho will lie renjcnshered stola, o ixignal as fallIw:-At llumss-ll liaS Pi no -.,:, n . Wadswarth S-l is-a-. a-l Warse by many oIds-r resisît-ts as a former sa-12:; Rondaout S2: "reiia4,erfjid merchaul of this iplace, in shakina-R I have thefam 4us P. Mrîl a52a-i.suCssg tbands with olsi time frmcuds hereabouts ESTEY & CAMP Train N b.4 an bcen lately pu o frnrn tis week. Pianos and Organs a-t.B1frIl :24; arrives Chlsmao a*l T.V. Blocsîm a-hilseoiat public suc- insok araf geieve 12M 5.:m.Dsrfi'lâ ti luinLibertyville, ltaturday sudt III ~L5..5. a-ils - lu.Mondiry, Marci 27 and 29, bouts, sauser, 0- Caland' examine Village OffIcere.ruhegodtc edbsad l o.aîiPr,-saS.-st ... . C. H. Averili another colilmu. - these instruments. Ml<'l>-H..t"bdClrispît TraS--..-lms .;Ma,45ss iar. -sBo,. dCaklspitng the interior of! Great Barizains il .1t.;kw.ruiass, u-l Galloway. W. Waldrousm store-. New- sielylua e inPaosobrgn ,rk ..... ...... _... ...... W. C. Ifanbo.rn -ili ise added, aud alter thse sprîugd ............................................................ W. C. Trinins du ing~h net 0 Iil.Malsrat............ W. E. Davis bouse-eieanlug Will'a market wili pre- during th next 30 ars al........ .......... M. Fr,-shmau sent al most pleaaiug appearauce. VILLE LODGE,.avNo. 4a2sFng& Are You interested in Tea? If so try Ours, -à& aurday e of eacb Inoulli. Vieillne bretlisrn ftuud propoiion, of a-hicb Woodmeu là'1 1 id 4.IUL-E.W. haehad5 mciltl, iIerI Seemns wonderfu I that we seil meeting Saturday uight. M ~b ~ as n f 1X('ME e er!At 5AX¶II No8ut; sXr'dW.of . - tb ion. Caler and Wayne sudt Lynu Goods 80 cheap as the ones namned I have ix new odels fr n897W-ao.*m,-Hall ,v-r Ee-rshardaarCoiby, a-ho are attanding nebool at beow hav si ne Moelsfor189 I C. B. aSHEmAN.V-. C. -Kvauston, and Dr. Fred Churchil. of cY%-c .J.JPf CItS. KiSER USart.Chicago, are speudisîg a short vues- J.M.Wodmn s îstîu ion aitb their parents. Wert and Il rue cICa P mkn5 Mrs J M Wodan18V"tngClark Wrigbt. a-bn are et Bebiliare 6 lbs Prunes 25c1 Can Sugar Corn Sc feusais"d relatives la Wakegau. e-pected hme to-dy. Other Prunes lb 6 and 7c I lb Dried Apples Sc C rsAJs. W averIeys. 1lpras rBrsact ek itinl slirpengthlu Mies Mille Lyon waasagreeably ,nr. New Dress Prints yd. 3¶c 1I1lb Fine Drled Peas 10c PriaIs. prsedlant Thursday evening !yteChallenge W igr l aetIpoet 14 Bigi orodWi..sfor L14uîso%, il b Ieay. Liesballtillefnmo or uuexpected arrivaI of a large numbor Brin in our us1NVIîs-la I~s-air Sou Rcuy. adie balots -hI1w firnîbed forober massy friends, beut upon a __ C. R Sh rrrianths,,s.-of ril,-fair sex (ltiriiig l.sexlarcss genuine "surprise" aud a good limte, ~ C e R. Shernian tîsîr preferecs for scisool triistee aetisoli belug fully realized. Fruit and M uC l y & Cu Libryvile, I ti.ethe tosi îcetissi Aîril 6.ake were served. Tise party madeLbe yvle II..., z . I ls- ocl pîsticl 'ut1$is~lîi« u-merry iutil a late hour. diistrioumsly. We besur L. B. Morses' nanesV gst.dasa rislie anidt A cominicatiou fromt Wm. Lînîle- Dealers In Everythlng. iiesue losd an aiii<llscoeedwtcindidate E 1Wattieraonsthse Ctizensm Tic-ket. for President man,' n1 Gresham, Neis., gays tise -r~ MLLKS CAMtA lie Laeside<L-sietsry Assscitionbrother. tise<la-y wc ?eceivcd your lot- j f MO METNtLA9K8?PICTURE. cl met it rs. F. Protiiie. Friday ter thse suow, a-sîve incites deep ;a rp a=à 10.aftersso'as April 2d for tise els-issu of and stili failing. Ola Lake cossîty W Corne in .,01lcrs fur thse comtiug yessr. Il iasste- casit bcLiens~t whsŽsîIl cornes rigisl a srs-sl lat al shhosîld be lr('helSsî down toas aesr. Fosr one wso'k we WIli have over 200 ditTer- IL. .1' lac, Fred Crsaker assai ake tIrs Archer llîrsw opîen lier bosîsit- eut olImplea of Carpets. If 'Vou are goeig nd e h ile-r nissssnated for 1î,oSîsîal suas- able dossrs t lle usenîlsera of the la-r ut tl«- rspsilicass satuicns atsîrday y. . S.C. E. taxi Friday eveuiug. to bîîy Carpet tisis Spring, cali tlîis Week. ~g g n1 llsally Hiram Lilsk s hanse w a .sl, guesl a-as presented ails a sisol i rorîgisbsfore lie cossîs protent ,,sasvenilr sîpon eutariug. (Gamnes and Ingrains - - 20c to- 85c per yd. V I V a r tise aalîeras liaitdonsse. varisons otlisr amusements a-ors In- 3-ply Carpets 50SC to 85C " Mtlatsrsal faor ali-he newplats- glass slulged lini il lo'eloek, iclesidaiuiy F or Sale by frsînts 'aar Dr. Ksiglt.ta-o stoîre rasoums refreishneuts acre served. Tise occa- Tapestry Brussels 55c to 85c " on Milwauskee Ais,. arrived Iiîs ek si-su as aunIdeal social ansi a pleasasît Body Brussels -9Q5cto $1.2 5" asîsl'îo Carle-ts- ii I l aassis-e -r s-vseIit a q. F.B. Lovell onasli eale sIsest.asfiluvedsiis nsnvIae eciiOrir M uets - -8co1.0'...vll tie praspased improveenst lsaas ixon At lime lsttasm 0f tise ticketss 0lie Velvet Carpet - 821c to 1.50 " SLbertyville. Illinois. Harry Galloa-ay e anîsd eluthroidleapoosin"Frr 06 =,icls a manuer as lu sprainlitsankle Againat Llcensing SaloonSs. Let thseOrlrti ekathsmpswl leenbc o1aifcuei n b Laaly lasit veek. Williur Meredithi cou- people setîle the vexed question. Ifsa WedileSslay March 81. Ail Carp)ets sold by us this teek Wifi be sewed stitiites tise Libertyvilie Eloctrie Ligisl majorily waat a saloon, &o haieL. If Free of Charge. Select frous samples this Week, aud get Carpet lit anil Powear Compfany until Harry sant, n trustea-ould ignore the axais anytime hereafter. utile 10 attend to bis dulies again. of the majority. Iu fact, village tris-_________ Tisere a-ll be an annual meeting of tees a-uld aaddle tise reaponslbility tise Btrial Grasnnd Associatioasi tise on tise pesople and tbsau lhe aved cou. Tawi Hall, MareIl3otis ai 7 oclock lu demnation, a-ich lu many cases la Wl a e dS sid tsi tratssact auy other businiess adapteit10 tise position could thonraib j> itéS ~~~ ~~~~~e fore lise association. I. HEATHs, elected to i vllage office. regardiosao!fvr40Sye o eetfo 5ada p r n 9 S trirsaee. tiseir vea-sonu tise saloon question. vr4 0Syetoslcfrmad t Tiscre will Lie a Temparance mass Tise more flat Ibat a man la "agalust Prîces that wiIi suit everybody. a&meeting at thse iresbyterian chautcu salsons" dotes nI necessarily qualify Ite-xt Tusday cvcning, Mardis 30, isuier hlm 10 hoî a responsihle office, ui.C M I H & S N tea s s f tise (iosl Temjlars. vire esm-.~S I H & S N ___ 1ev. (>ssciger, of Cryrtal Lake, a fisse Butler Bidg. Lîbertyvîlle, Ililnoîs. Ail T he Latest Styles. tesnprance orator, aly3aasisteilby Rev. A Coud Record. _______________________ G;.1) evr ilade th et tl nearly a year since tise ladies o! _____br.Dcbutr, ii n becint lsîg. Gosod aluging. Kvsrybrady lu- Libertyville formed tise LakeideCeme- GodTme- kil ntesvia u o bjeciona gnsear O ver a Thouand Samples Vîtesi. . Admission froc, tory Assocation, sd lu tisat lime C. C. Hulkleys rieuds, and tlsey are kîln uocsoagoer umer- to elet ro 'At a rogslar meeting o!flthe Kuighiîtlhoy have beau faitlsfsilly asîs busily aitnumerosis, are ana-loua lu have hilm eue thesle days. One la impreased to elet fom - _aa of tise Glosbe Wetueslnasy tise fslloaiug aork ails a vlea- leimproviug asud mn for Presîdont o!flise Village Board. aIltiste Idea thora are more huniers sdllcers acere cisoseu 10 serve tise eusss- beautîfyîng our cemeîery. Il bas cor. Heig onue o! our paid-np aubacrîbers, tita-n ducks a asthe boys coule strsg. iîg terni; V. P., (bas. (ialloa-ay; Conm- taiuly beau appreciated by tise com-n- efeal justliod lu declarln n u lmie haglng li ulngisifaIL-- G et mander, C. IL. Shermau; Lieut. Com., munily lu gtneral aud espeially by a "gond felloa-5" a-ile a- can testifY Thse soldlers o! thse Grand Army are L. J. Webb; ELasgu, K. J. Madole; P. thsonsohavlug as uien t tsare, for lise 10 a feeling prelty misci lu evideuce dylug aitlise rate oZone hsua"es a day. I'1VMr.. Jay Morse; Adil.. Ches. Kaiser; association la eoutluually reoeivlng thai hie la jusitishe mais for tisai place. evory lflteeumiuuteaoftise wenty-four M y 0. M., Wni Waldron; Onard, F. Keru; liberlai donations o! bothsUieaud A gond many of Bd. DuBoin'. id. isourelise final tapa cou"d for anme one P rices.tiîsel, R. Elln; IReporter, (Cban. money 1e promota tisea-ork. t la Miraera belleve h nle ho 5 li acandi. -iso wnre tise bine. Kvetry year puis Kasr, ls yiues ran ad,"-albgsni bl ougo date, citing iearecord as an offiiai launuder theesoit more nid fsoldiors tisai iaationis in Libarlyvîlle li groaiug in judglng front the tirer year's work varinus capacillea. a-hicS in ailisoul there are entisted mens sd offibors alu- niesra rit psly, bssvl;g on Ils rol ltirair efforts*ahI ll bctteuded aiih question a gond one, as lie reason for tise enlîro United stoatu my. Tlm F R E D C O K E R , ~ -itls-lsTise nid asanioni snder tise ap- question If DuBois w-ouijd resigVs tiestisaubulleiedidintlsaixties. Tise Over Ban k, pelatîonuof--Llbertyvllle Burl Grouud trualea 10 accept the office o! Proat- a-ar luatdtour yeafr th ie mots. lu .,Association,' startesl aI iraI a-tb dent, soa-ever. - those four years 84, ois fn el lu bat- LIBERTY VILLE,--- ILLINOIS. $M49 lu tise lreassîry, accuusulatiug Tison Ihere la tise contingent whn île on tise Union id. But nom, lbe. ______________________________$9_____atotal___ofR$395.49, u~duriug D is oa-.asser wenieverbnaabotter Preident1ta-eau 35,000 and 40,00 died in tise Isoauabylopd Ivsra-bsbprsUadms. ac.,andexanalug$20.64, eavg a su AverilI and are for bamn lIraI, lasita ----- -eomuts.Adoreeys-- e

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