CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Mar 1897, p. 6

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CRAPTUR XXVI. I The distane rom lNer Caveailn tefaBoutonsta51.tiolabî uUMa ~la nbt S eu teUlb hlt11e ava bmae dilite ah - hm boa-r oe tl.igbla et fie plat"q 1 "DeaF« hinit ilay a». bas8*0 te - «mW ounîtinot bave la W ima for saIlIain t iia ato 10i evana" o arsv, antudia. u' euW5c MuWt, as the càbâlij Oi i atoaî pemeal la fOht ettiet5Ia S Au BBiente"a O psu-cuiras a écli- Ou r srt Bsafui hle labial a SsIi. .vldantll, juaiâg th'é toide, birthe àIrNT nhmffl ofthle ba"d atrthfia Méusie teh.c"bIve 1%,5l -~ ~ ~ ~ " Bdit 'nmigiXtai-Wlm at t and ms cure leaat. f-lnut o.-"nbal IM teangln oIf Iral ei ont tu or flaie mina ta Deuli. Mies p~mua"asMaY, bdailttiy, antiPet ~II~ i. rt loppose a efls ilingil laBlba saunaiamila anti caay boitf fe ti't-tookvci7 fit lu tra-re' »sIm aoituat. but frtiquist Mst ieu go l-SitMariai? yen put k .et fer a dur or Ire, ant i agu otogahbr? Tiat io, reuit i? Icamaeliers uta friand, ant, if I1a nteuean 1 tu'.Iuqa t--rai sme iatanca Mr- ma t-Ii ounaliât but Itieveatlli- opa hli u ave te do se. 1 roulti mne halg it homa la b.d, wthb a go la Mr-tnom-roldnt îeu' Téara ara roling down MWr, anti a moot 1 era sex ulai tex- - titasl cie e aiuttatance. MI di set lb" k on carat tonme hâte 1111h 51 opa dornsudi isesebr agui. "tes. 1 do. dear," ait. nia. la a- Io'a mnusitoue. a-ad Motl abrata lotse ~e ts ars, ciunls UWeO»tytO bi ui bar-funti tiient; aal Bii »euhli almialyenontidbar Ianence ocru %=el Sa almoet aur. ' Ce.ealteienon, Muriet stid Jet i 'ral op anti dora the Plattor-tt o lit-rlido iour hea-tigod" sbhattgete crici re atba sek totomi, sth à ..on.doWt tcu santi." abcamm'i. zwatlbohointutu mb er &gain. "I au de t.imined te gouroer tu Jratand, anti1I*9 »t go bekle lNen Cavendlah mt-ét" - Uer a meoment aven Editha raaf4y u ai.bler, suni be tantis nounmotib Ilb. thequinet delrunaution la tae girV, rwhte tare.1h. uceSnaalesariut-te mmb"letuth e .deparure ptattornâ Sbetora tai bhave travarseti ha-ltt tbeî comt, face le fae s-th Cap la-a errona lng avrnbere ati posblltntpsefthlie mlstng Mu "fierdo ynn to, Captai Lerran? 6uttlaimnEditi. "fer edal fiat î- Oaia-dhbe r. alan! Bailli. MorIatela a-ala niiat momaubodi- ragela S a con f t lcomstancds.' Isn't 111 Ye r«1i couala, Mm-s Brie Ucrellys -- Mtiel bora allgtlIy ant iinls; ft ilhl the bet s-lit la the word ote eapu 6. Miss Ca-ucroam btlllanl idean, Capti eu-mîon connut avoi setarin a lit] Ïal nettle aiy tupihi, anti 10011 abot tiilra-ctutiui for iseon.. btriem doc't lookno - raadfully Sal Is tma-t selingu n lba chplace ettnut ka heur," Jdith plaida, gaily. "Mn chperons m.e ndti abe eara et Mua' va tame hemtlettala car. et riend Ia ndart lebeap «nais of are on roi .., ra, Ltewelîn snd 1 ritI rail a-dlau te roc. Yoa ar. Soings:mh'th train. 1 pt-ue.nne" - uye-a-tbat is--ettatatîI m1 WM eaat lAretaslrt, andt ticaraplhiaz ilngt-aal declalon. ilByt.a.lq, 1Ims m- flckt-rlf b an luploring ggins ct-zymai-heont ot bts tiapti CapIIn veraeat-riem s-ai. 'Mu-Se l,, i mat--you daren't Sftr sr mai 11, lilir. - ta e iws tnyi&te *eoa-lnOurt- agpu b arsiewtbmPaa*mute or emai oea-Id hb asee tmeai e*î taibu à%li tonble anti timtrucfton if 7ion banaite go." 't mili mvi ta-tni Bt-ici e u Ob* maye, ertwyi'. l a berlt t.mseand ti fliera accordi Meatta env tfrout fe iesgt o te train ai M fli tia-b jeu se yen -damarve **or lme," Etiimat-unis te Captf Xaa-msa. aêblau-ats la atiog M b a te lisdenhause ta Mad a n ur b l-nU-mas s-ia ho 7 anl iliiAnt4oe"l --eumm, tisa-b ber:bu sogla loto a basaes a at-i5aritltaitiahre aI, aa 5a tus 'eloek. .MsOHAtuld XXVII i4ns oIlat5ber un 4f lie Dan Rt, iiI6 1 1 . atinestroan&lep. efeuhi baive r anti"d hbahnt lbt bid, ief gIluli. of ltppiness jIiili-r a-ul tjea»Vo',ani the il -tnt Adm gluuni abuiia mukai tsamarat o te qu.lun.eIo coadte bâtt e feffer laetfaeel ntinant b, buatile.amrak 1. Deep dovra la h le ois f I e lint anta .n* d«W tl ;but bar Icat oft l se f eitsII ofU thed Ie deal ai conara for liasare alloai; qual ii.tlsnot kniow--pnot-.huplei heu aboi aha-thal thiire la a dieua usubsiato i terpoals n athec aupe Rete itgg on'a et elbanda Aireb 1 rememimd>the meaaage ot love fi ronil bâr. siatdeneti ber *'us olt wa 't Bo thiMt i.,,ub'Rillt iSn uelk a geleveiandtirrite. scii chearitngti gi-mg lattea, anti t'teat Ere". hen&'tqIil. -tispaOrt et tamul rmaot anti il fille ebroati sheela etforaengt p nith ber clar, incisive, blackll reiti caSitgiihby;readilgalondt tlIfhe mer wilt, nell-tcrncdsti ences tu ber au * pt-tvkllga sIte.andtie traino1 * uitaV heart; andi omilini a tes- 4t homns nlcesandatIniterpolationas-ih - ara for Brie-s beneft andi nul for 1- netils cycuandmilaira- $h.. noult i bave permlttlthat elevcly akelcite t *of ber dangiteft-tI-lS'@ escapade-s-t It Mortel tait ohîlgeeti1 oafeas lu hermom i? r-la-aw-tii whlcb pour Murel'aun >, tiiCaptaila Leveson's name wre !t pléomtlr .ntwinedto lie aent 1 E an ina l bu read by hMns-th as tisn - bron anti a rinlng pain, -hlcb mel, - halo hattineai antiaumbnezeaua-athe. ru I boule. But lbe rccalreje no enlightenmd rho ore eea none; anti Mnmel'a colti, b ut letteia gror raer as the ycsr passesa anti Editb navet- write. tu hlm, ae The. yesr pasaes on, a-ad he mont] x- Amigut contra--autani, ulini Aut wbicb tioea net ripea 1h.. grain qui ke anugli, snd perchenthe. a-ttemrasa, de.fro oym ote .murket-gat-ten et a. allogeiar. sud s-len lit e il aelf accu r, welaritmas andtelb. s-liocf elit a tri. Daneielti Prlory la not a joc r abo eta-fsnl Ime-ai. Indced, la nul t, « aispected inla&a- euane homaciolti ut or tIgppgrtmidltie" eu ntier the. taiti ut a- prici. atterly matron-but ila I su algant, aattq, dapesasno mmer ta3 4a ta abat tireary andalora, ta. Mms.Liaellynaa&pale anti atent a- mhiverlng hy lber badroont tire. tri, bar4 le umaath. hlier thal lias faîtei si.le besma 5 Otilaland a agentliesou a- gis bati hvcteltixatsthosainil pou mn repteeniaiaIga atireviais, lafur secitties, wicitame nos- soth1 ort t titnle paper that repreai-nte it W. Tbeapriee lmal-owuta tmethar notew -l' mattontag. Sbc anIltoe ail but a pi à, traction if site selle ouf; &abe may lbac a, ti I i te bolti the bondsta tl,sa ta ha-n doue. hoptag against hope, lhcaf ap mentis. till Ne wrete lepor roman ahivre t- neepa a little, amidt-eats ber Bible fu, antigetsm asi ceaitort romi ~"doleltanti waak-tallli Chritana ai mon d. 8h. rahbar abLMka fromt ber el et-, aflecn.laeIbislme of lt-ouble, anti nu. Martel éaue pavwlslliloba up4n as .u an Jncraune et re.pouatbtllty. go sai 'a erila b.raatte. Utti atone, inii halu la avenulthe aunai Icaiper anti b !r, lamoaclane fiat the 7sf dolefutty ch up ""a~ eWaat do enythîni at pren, n Ildlthiimyi, gravlyt le lettr.'"$hl tle goon.d*tiem iaicti, anti se Inuet1 ig cvra leuance forlhe.t' se .Dons Iat mets fiat s-e are lu ii un- noi alowncer " Healer salae,@a e-la niti a- amir btor. "For I1s-on'î. rial assaretly!Seoner tias tand ani ny jet, ot aune t ttginema, anti pinching, tIdI siig, lilI go ot as a governes,. Our actem, or à telei-a-pb cii-nb. anti bis "J bure got a- notable panoin my lIte, nti nue-h I hope youî ill ho me." Effi aaya. "Nothing s-lit do mnd san ncb gond as ehange of air anti se enatechange for a gond long lime andthe e., cese lima Ibat ah. la aiga it le a. and ty lthe change t thc saime tic, plan Seabeti aces iMy mînt ik111a go tie inqammpt. sby rbihîchs-acou] tn hav' a ump et air uand acene, talq a'se menatal enr, ton, ai a miere no sur. ret-uhtu p Da-acillti o~isxmi wtI tiimsinsaat tiiamavns but Clarba.- "a Ils rite, sud let 1dm havre the sailec 1 ai frnit anti vaeeables andt en ahlil vrail, senw. dirien ne -cnt te Ce or» y« lîewas" jetngo over to Iret .~ OnusaeeM3ut-Sla ottihome. am be lenbg in et paionnlelî te mur lbam fetnnlibpeope al-ayatdo I mos tae couSIn niain ami *ain tiis an, iOtt"Mate fIliv lunat ami price.1 rita-4 li ytaflcI et aMy Plan r' 4" . ge Tw "a "i aitoutti Illa u huerl Irate 'pam 11f t e la inn t x n . 1 "ane6" maaa~e t khsail t le tile pint, uà" Bdlhbm palateat Mdi takSI ulmper bt-ise barel las t. e- ê an-ti lid ra. Ll-eellE ferf~iy 1cqaSmmeeand Mut-tel la as a aiqlbtof a-a-fiigJast nos-, as *Ivstceiîmfeà gadles, la es Iy glatietuthlie Idea et six moatha fai teuaace athele mpli boas.1 naff Rbusa &NaSIsest-ar. Anti a.1 #t tbW$w ral ba ptember, Maiel éges, 1amdeifla bu eoN linonce more, "l looue zanti ianuata litogunebu & li' sil taI mad t iebashoua on.e o A i fêerai. mudâa - ,Oa la beruatt uîts = b:d$ais luth" Mur a- il tha=1itmad - b» icis deateMiles'grave!l look et tiislovel., Utile. douaer of pae, oalnhlyg règnma &id whte gftnmnl Oh! 1I-tell I kuarWho it ras who tovedl my darlini S *etl, andi remembera hlm an tontlyr' te crie, 'iith tears.1 But net ati esfiartseEdith Catuiroil sheila,una ahle inka dosn andi laya ber tace. anti ber outatretcheil arma over lb. colti, tamp anti. "-Oh, Matrd! Nuret!' ahlles-alla, wtb terribte, hopetesa pain ln lher voie, 'IL woa me! it- wonmale I toet i hm! 1 lovet i hm better thon ail the wurtl ho- aide, ant i aitttlove hlm fil1ieu!" "Oh, Edlth! dear Etith!' Muriot aait,l amacti antitremblti. ,andi embraciai ber, 111 ocrer klacs- -ocer treannei Ot Lilial MlesnuerrLaid me" This a i.asil ret veyi'y tfulîy. .,Milet neyer bncw," Edth gayis.binlfY. ta rilasni rou lbhe grave, anti drytingber la faims, --Miles neyer kber. 1 rua O0 Line todtuetooambitions, anti ton caira- at atai anl m rccn teyletICIhm knOW ter, lhoîîgh 1i bewIr heel for me. So80 O ut ames, Mnrie"-eid eahepihea gently anal brbar clingint annh-"Yoo aeti nel t teitt frme wth anr gra'at dePth Oft enesnca 'eu or e-naancy. Here lies the olî msn 1 'l'-ever lovei, or @hallore. But 1 arn gotIti tu marry anotier man for ail that, 1 amn ging te uurry Captaîn Leveraun aa a001% aach la rtch enouxh." $lhe eren Isugi irt. hslrshy ty il uriel'a shoeketi eyeàandm laf "NOL oltînuot love, earetyr' the Young- :ager girt urgea, -Oh. Eilith'i Nul rlthout bar tua-e.Ttinla actrime ta marr i tlhout mde luove!" iti 'Lover' repeaha Fditit, tlrtarily. "fore li andl teana go together; love anti deati ara off en ide liy idtf, tonanti soc ara n aooooi Whal halove dons for lat ou, Marel eft-y<au wih a lgbteti tten youlh anti a widowedt heurt bnfore Yeu-"r rry. Is-entyl AtndiYet voit love him*' tu; "e, Eit, Muriel surs, ampy anti thic clal, out' Mny tattnti, -ri 1<ew- oft ettyn. vt'ry iearly." îlch t Andt iin i-dith ('ameroo puisabhr arma I arooîtti the'at-adi-r fignure, treiuiliniuth î not m.totion, druwsber ito ber s-arn,, inler- lai'- l Wnmraec. uanîtkianea lir t'oterly, s-hile île-h anuiea andi leurstruggle ton the rnanlet7 lt- in ber face. ail 11 klues' fiet, min(lulrtiîe NitricI'. u ni- new hal from lhe tiral, eti-leu«Y, sOft- rit. , "b to I eantl 10mîke>-i)"noui fn-n Il îtng Andî1tianinot vIctualîr aurr-on the other tle. nsiel,-.giin i-nt, tii-ctiy, anti tht-n liain ia thit lic-rcy tipas cnetf are c-cld anul whtite'. "Ii doesa tulove I t'Ot t hi hih 1, 1 kiuîst i l l -1 do 001 t q luti tolî or .-iptior riulit Il of ta i eîiion on thaIt clit. mny iiar," iît, Edith, i tcr îarpeîa., grai-eful wuY, ickt; "intv,if I1î11 î tîî heî-poiibilito antictir teitig a iftI.-nii-chakei lsal 1îidge anp soulti >on decuiitiîid uvre my -rords [Da atrî-b ýence Iéîa îcblt eîc' rcpentt Mutriel, anti ber -tînt heart quci-kenu iltcnitigt. "Ilnt un- t,.- tieratauîtiyod! Iitdo vt ui Iio Whal rtht' huve Yeotu o16 tellIle Oh, Eîlihh, dit tel rute Ille if yoîî kîow aîiythittg that I doni these kiiow "he Il. ait, pteîîutatY. "Dit iel [Yse i n-sr rtît u 3otior ia lic coringhomne, or wshat»." "ît lie- dici 01ot wrt' ta me., -irtaiilY iog Etithsa»ys, 'lijr îtîî 1 kuîo amy laîr la noon u-ju do> of l)laslîteî,tiona. But I1lc.-liee «IILliirii'.li e tnnuîla ml-sange tayoîn shii-t tati,. you have- ni-rtr rît-lit cd, a uni-sauce ut hie l-in tort' 1 ii."Woep item. ctioî.lier cyen gtc-atnîg.'th c orhmy husbaud.WCacsagi f romnt '"doa <ltifut us" 1ditiaoaoerî, bricly. 'but there il elle tnili tica friî-îitiof mile eaIt'îîirncttdeil te ix titis ereini, an] yîmîîhail hearws tntho hue a hoel-l yuî. Minie souhu e only tîcai 'san n"y cnîietic', au 1 NsoIiid rath.-r uY ne ul nI nîreY doe- "l)îny tell me otne tlinia," pourNluin.e ~ i, s pena, wat-th childih entretr, hardIr s ayaIblu belles-elier seiitstiti-mnl -lvrpain anti 1>eaure out tîitha ncns, "Il Pou this i-ruulîl sho ia tu tait tue a friend 1onty aof rcau le b .-- ertainir tei l," Edittigaura, îithà Og a ami,-. n Aniid of roUrg. Edituti ,bd@ qtIrutst el»aiuleao-cn-N. Coiihly and cin . raveîr. anti the sinil.-fadesa. "since.ih.i c ina the D uaImigo uiiuirr>' malle -'(,alîluilitev-aoirepeuasMluniel. la lin ac nucent uof *i*tiiuhiei ithOugi 111 lit - t s -)ed if ai. d ou -ne ho tati aea nrtly, i-ric- lntlYi." lmobt Il jlatatin I.t'î-crion." I-iith re mor'- wtmt. &'Anti, he itic N .Mîriel. nIh a n ti a I-a fi r tily , t u rn i ig th ic îo nv r s- a t io n orudu slictu larc loti going lu trctlyoiurai-hf "art' n jîî-het - rouit 111e ma- -Nul Ihia tainter,' Murniel aayn. îine heati. iig i liitie ligirlisti tij-,;-jnifîct. thouîl tl bell, nl,ie tiesi iwak nîeucuii-nî--rielty. Li ntt i Wb, .par«." urges Eciti, toobin ama- rnzedt. "Xou laveîlcîltY of1noney. at' ;ot î-î,îî cllît get a uice ue for thirîr lil moni-y oi-n' " N oI: î1 ,- îî n o t a llo n il o n e' t h i s w i t e d i . n - ts itri ,-!, " '1 am i o rry if 1 lo tl o ntt tabtr: tuat 1 reulty i-nnnot -pc-ndti irty &amandî fie gliiiinouo a lNY jaiek-t." outilai , ",tlcaque YoItihauve giael tai rolîr but plnhbuitîVagenenoustaltos-anc.- tim rou itto hi n unit nithtrandetidaiinug. litiyontr trid of the' antiunforgiing lemper. tualbeitiaioltient inge a hin," sasîitih, coutIY, "aind beiat anant. yotî gave fienter Stapîctun a htîndre ahicti Iouldtu gratfy ber vunty anti ai-f-ti ore n, e srton: yotîlare an fuuiinlay generotia aIt 1c l ehltiihly deirous of pleaaint peoptle. lon tay .uiluNvdo yOuu now?" aabns armie et hee!fitîhing carlel anti lIni troubted. T "r! .By a proctu et induction, my ticu, Ilorin., Edith ans-t-a, dryli. il dis- (To ha coatinue-t.) thé or- Mannia la the Witirne& t your- On the gteal tirnerla ut Sîbenle, au inaebprtsof te ffle-an Saharati, a if, aLt on tetablle licthen gows la Imense quil e as-I tiljles, Il lamows-atiemania le-be f« hast t& Ilgehltf peCullrttîlli bftIL bas litt ,a dota'--or ao athiaon lu the suit, anti n glati ad carrieti as-y lia ne. by ftac gr in Mui. troni atin. Durlng te slege ot Heta Ielu *hteu famnetwon-asdetastnting the cht s'CA clonttiofut (ita manDa Hlcen began byl he tait Dire ain, savlng muny fron il ti and% pangg ut bunger. No doubl Il liaiti be ail th cirrleti loto the upper air by a n nageti. salum, The native otfte ibaro ut et il meppen cetI liiHelehe'artit lre.d anail. t emev.andt itir calt DEN il oli -IV Lrq mqy imr. DînglteA ESz1Uluam'IlI end ose. Whootatm et Danmouma It CI4IDREN KILED I A E. 'Te firat day ut the' tarIff debate la the MHIORiiE GLERO (N AHoL Bouse- waa ratitlamte. fromntha apwe-- MOLSME GORGA CHO L- tacîttur undît oratorical saiîicpoiut. The opent.ig ofthIte dettate waas deiayed ocr Right Boites Taius trou the i. ld- two houri tiy tht' fuit reali ot th, blt wreckad IRau noran Acadmfp e t of l2 pagea, ati ii,, t e gl a iii, ail a snurethat d-reatinlfluence. t)îiy Arllgîo->tny afatY nlaed-four w;c~rîaNere uniade at the day ai- BatraStatle R.tragent hi Hurricane, ion. lir. Dinglpy. the' etairtoati ofthtei IV'alg anti Meu, (jiiimttce. openeit in liotr's speec-itfor the tuajî,nty."Ia r.-- Storm ln the toîhh. viaing tIh,- tariff," ',it i, "tii' ,(-oiuilti-e A cyclone -lit farist of dcath t hrough lia neatiuoire-itatoilia,-aritl iii-r.-théoies the ltte tbaik otArtingtot, lUa., ljin- îandit rait,-sejracit il rcrnii-,nat trust in dey. It ti'ft elilt thilîtron-ininit he part. for tie !Ila hicîn have foîr go nîauy ruina of Artingltou dnét,,y,. 31any îh- ti,jitti .m aal ltihe- io,îiiry. arat antieloth ie tusntoucaiher% seldie-. -Il la a ctîlltaindtsaut a tiicory, Thtrty-fiu-î' rildtrî-u sd thet tacherra Nrit i li-h i-jifrî,ni i ie. Outr problem lan lu do-n linle srp4-k. 1!n- shoIvoie re r-- troilîle adeq',itta-rt'eenuefrotta tititît',ot movaing the- rîtitba ire -m ai theurt. îillorhnIl -te)rry on ie gineriiiiiettandt Thte horreur reine ipon the ftssn nt >8:30 intîuiuing duties il,acj-cir.- tIis restat oto tn the tmîrîîiîg snduit thout ia oenotu. adutnthti-inlit) ecure ituî,ur us-i îpeoptle There ws»,, a iiittenîrugir, shich tlaiel the îproducîtion and lnîatufactiriîof Mach-l 50wn7 u quîlîkly ans it i-aule. anti the'har- artlî-l,- ain w.- ain 1rotuce or tile k for vent utftiestît hâti hi-o roeaiî. No argo etraelni-i witliot nattîral i diinago thon a t-d tiltiot wu*tia, l -otird itiv uh authontl î1rovlie mire anaint itotru- lhe cyclone Ioaa hid ti, t îtheal toO-tialitsfor lurînlahor. Nu e,-olt,,mir pliuy front the nrthoî-at, imo-iltht' butai, a- wlit roN e a utîî-i les& it alinlla section l'y a larn-blocik, taire îhrn,îgh th.- amore ia nî-r ,-îîtribt tu lu ,eniltg 'ai) reaidenmniî-otf IW. 1. ('iîirtn nîDr. I'W..-atlis te,-t il,.,n-magaca ,of îîur peoplle E. gauitîrx. d-uillalit'i t hetu auîl tlienn- t agîaoo a -g,',. Vltn thi I, laaî-i-inn,liih- tol the t-li 1<' iiili- andSi ti t njilit lllittilca-l. , lt i tontie 1irhsiitiî lose uoftheb. frugîneîîta. Li-Iilc ,îubidy wx'itan it, eh lu-r it w -îrextîirf-îlthon, ainiltot oitl t honi of the ti,% .a . ,j--,andi au) thi- ,lit h ,il rii-îa -soeete),'co t,îthe dlerani it iatontiniîi-tt ,i-ui,-uýyit,jîlît. ,-fî-î t îîf l inlcaroi-iuOint,,andî,ithle lfroa- - P'ersna sIho lio-,,rl iatutiii NNthetieCal o , îsf (îî,rrî-ixe ta- u rtue sandaiard honevr,r.i haijt i bili-uc itt i1a humrr rlt- 11, î-iîamig NI . îih- tlta a»crn,eî&ja iii- frtînel,. irce-j tinîof tht' Il iont. ,- loîN fronutria n, -lno f vcW Si-aitin> 'tti- i NN i l it tl l lileti t' it aI îj iet o ori,n t acn 1îytli,- lui alimues o dîi not Iakln îg t,r tint- uni-otît lar,-tld -îî 1-.1iii 11o nalic t »ui-reti T thultntre îts aljiîî,et,-r. M,-nutloft Ihiir î wîî-ailî1.thélCtuien1aittî1111lm ta nded évt'ry-toly hllileiihî ,tl i lie iîîct,înul hu11qa. arc a.kl.,g for îeîT-înu. îlîîalica ett 1 wendr ut-oan wepng-e,rentlcia t îî,Ia-î ltthia tirettIuca unitn le liiî-t u-îd uiliaîîtoc-tîgi .la arry au lb. and sacrt-anii-nit ijii nu a- teat hail huil- g("N innalttcIildfa j raàhîlIY sah h anad- pai<'flclthe'a -îî-NiIa lîî-îî n c,-dii. I til jînai auit if uu l- .wtll re.iorî t.,Ounr dren, lari cititjiiI i ttera'trtli ille -m-t liî tîic tvîtt lii. IIII arutiri ta ta vsaie .]11,;al rtslc - it:uaiog i'int h ot four,'yia, IaNNlih ro- l-îî e h tii fîller,-.tiio-ne le roa. ataggcerlic 1)tirfîuîuiîii i-r th,- c re--i-- mil,,,ni t-n-î- chat àratiuslhy aia iisrtiy hîciîtig.Ittîi-c. î l, bîîi hc .lîlî ain t a ,ru ,11 irl i î.îc ia'-k te , lint . gn..t glira enietîdont O lv hii hv-î itnaîi Ilo inii. t-- ,rîe sd slh-thet airaI if 'ttu-nIDI ioie fltcoeî-I.u 1-ad i ig tfr aaui î c-' :glli l, llIli ua, tarliiy -,îIe'it t a l e- a il t ii> It r r i bîl e rth l e urtrn ta i N l îî o ., l i I i l a Irt-d s. a i l h r 'qail -> Iti L . lo u ta c i o aî i l t h - î m u r k .u t l ii . t u i t ii îi c l u . l 'a , o i a a ' itt-seiuc- NN l k N"tg"Ici îi lcgiinIt-iMen îl and liesir <f A laama ii1i'td for o-ain. n,îci. lor,-t i,- heINN iI-l tiila-r-,. te 4opioia4n. Mie.; Veeter Itegan wilht r soitiniii llijîl a-rcaaitau . t t-,-a-ionaiîlly na- 1 liiix t -ruolitiehint eî,1tit batil] t'elaccrît.l tture waxii nditiî l iiii.îliî-r onilsit lNIans 1'y îci-îanî-ll i, Ili- ht- n t.-tî,ihhi' a 9 tend cri>l ui nîNl a l inilu-ujtijini. Icih lau-n di-iiiliîri ofthe- toniiille'u > N -a ant 1 toNNw i -r iaikî-il te, -uîîtnidî. ,ii istee , cî-ii. tî l altiîii i l, i la i.- t.i cait'etfront ietîr uanjuil -ca. Al ti zjt liaerîttc-aiia tir, 1-Yliîll>N- liiaBihIlii oajlî i.î- fîr tIi-tuicliii î.u , i-,teliti-al. a,-ltaniacr orea. aex iIN-hi. ti-, ltn'- îir, line te,- lu i neui a-i iiet,uînl- -ililet. lîghit eic1-l nli lhir ie of aurrîo. N,arIy tc -shiiii-celig iti cu. lî --iPair paIN r-aa il,-ttoin.di titric-kci, landihiii c, c,r dtat,î n ii- îîîu- tr~-i, li ii i t i n î,î-a,irj-d te-rreu. 0e-illrtî o-ii ul --i-,i a -ic- ii- i i--iaa hle. an aiai ithei M,ISlýiN -Yra- and in s-a-t ciller Icttii1or di li. -iiijl tî - iice tî l etînt .NI.tK ni-c,. Tho àiicilî-iiv. Ns ii 1a-I cdire-, il.- iii rite- nîra i 1 ' I ron -ioiau 1xp,5 îî'- i-jtt, N î-rly r path t heili,li.1cafliî, .l e NI c a hid ij-,_ -Nu-lt ,.4rigrsl)tlti%%-a>s - (iî- rote Ille it.ry etrîliiuira. I1hNNlmîa -1i.kîl iii cit tl a lraîîin atmti- îu he li W 'ilani ll totlu grcat lue-ah, andti h(- o irk eil lu zi%ll i i-Ictîl&- all it- cu:til.,r tilrlesla.h 't SCENES IN THE OVERFLOWED DISTRICT ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI. donc e 4f_ Imr _ i-ui- luuuer i -ra ncihuct.ttP)uîutoAuNNc-ttuuoc en rmoi1w TIt-elnu t "I a nl. ii aj1tuto itiiliuîg 1 i lin- diii; nuîotu t-lpi-mr urtilcîi ihal ir Vudan l rolibui inuhersnamhuit it îjIini-liiia-il 10 i hoa.- %%ho vNN u n d iein bodis iere ul huig owibir ii,îckt-iug ii;,- iriffuvtheîi.extmuoiir.aru t-le» the cti fiiat. oren- un iiiaual wity hi3 Iii.-rit-hà. ty traits TIie- -yclonîue furîuc jin týIi lo-j--ut-rn gîtif f.-rriuîttlai nunuuuquauoil y utsoo anti Na. g -lî- tinlhtdIy uhte Atita-fr-tnclaumai3, :1 lai nai, 1it'etity on tav chicota rivera li.t> 1,trtuug ui t1he vaul- Nvasi, li ireaetfuar lmyoncl any hi Iey. wr-rtig tuitiiîgs MIialuni the s'ay. e,- trvm-tail ta ait Atuuriu-ai('ongre.i it slt utat hi' jolit iontf tht' t'tmaliloat- 'iili tstii h 32 l'r tetItimer te' Il ceht.andnt thte1lit rueýr,, ancendinîi batha Kiîuhey bill stîmuld nos. lue sailli, puy A vsîleya amundstei-in ubroben parIasuni-r n-,uiraicuiî ailvalort'mutfielaseen U) tht' countrr in s-li( h li-a Arliuugtuîmî, Ble- anît :ffl cir vecnt anti 1tuasbty miore. Th ]y anti oter tpoittshearl truim, As thedutiY oit e u-cntuoys liai-il y the polir ano great'r part ut tue eountary tmavreitilaeinraeact 10about 123 per centl, umn remun-ecl frNmncotmmunuictiont the damageit'itl'lrohritibitory. Thi llt metor-utht eau n oDîrh.- urniae'I frntnthal reliotect. îuty ouo ihurlait% matie frontJute lise Il mur tnvolsc Iuudrt't.of firea tiftht' for hagging grain andti trtttlizeu, w hi record ain atitainetl. Anther tortu tht' uuu t crlap oft hiatdenscripion mad sept runtlthe Florida Atlantle tnos, ai.itia country o-usmatie lu prisons. Cul norths-estwilrd. btl no dîsastera have vtt of jute, parchaneal hy thie pour, ha heen reportet frotu il, ptb. een rataed, ho. aid. lo u an qtivali-otc 150 Per ci-mt, s-hIle thon uuned Ity the rie Tott inlua Tew Liss weme axeti M13per cent. TIi..ta- upo Col. John Churchil. us-ms' ofthe c- watuerprnoof elotit hatilie colinuet, h.- brateil Chure-ill Dos-na. iiet i utLouis- lt-reiil front the IMcKinley rate out villet, Ky., ungeti 78. tiir cent tu aatolit 120 per cet John BittinlîhM artin, s-ho marnteti [nliagiai EtiWur A. M. lAsr-rena lira, Vitoria ('ladlin Wootihutt, ti-t nt lReporter L. L., Levinga ut the San Fri- Laa Palma,in te 'atai>'Iland*. nai-i txaomneralîl tauve lu apply le il The naialae utlitas Anna L. Buse-b, Utited t taes Ropreme Court hetore Ilf dstîîhter of Attolphui Bni-h, the mult- ean regcain Ibeir liberty. -'The aiea s-' mltttoalre bn-endil dwrdrtFaust, urdc'reîl 1 jottla y the' State Senaie f Jr., soit of Tony Flut, restauratenr, w55- refuing ta telt rheme they goilie i 1alemnized the h.-luunch of the lesait, formation o-li-h ,led tu ihargea ut brillai 0St. loila, t Ira, the notable socila-be trefeme tir the' Examiner aginst mnt a vent of the wsin i.tleut. beo t he.Legilattîre. i Jantes M. ilagar, las-yernda shiphbulî ai-, tilealnt hta home in Richmond,lie., ut titncuani it ati-on criminel pg iageal 75 yenrs, fronitajuriea recattetinlaemoreti-the pIori ntot eutmoutcd by belinglauclent dus-n b>'a tillrawagon codu- cotepiaanera imedd yI lu Booan-lro s-celaugo, fHe wn ainter- oe - ison .maling Itl a- e-n entd l ti d-reupmnî t altosia atipennahable hy Imprtomcnt of fronti ether enterprlacu ilb..heuth and Weast. monhaltre i-rfrpenneu edin.tlamach enterîtnimea as Keley'a mndi A tarrible tragedy i ram anacletiicarte tri&[iir., shie-h cruaiedthticState in I litieI.vllage out (li-Idla BarColai. prînu utf1894. MWo. Belas aloatr, a fermer o1 morose a»ti jegh. lapealîlton, et-uelly marderati Tie Savage Arma Compai of Ne ,héi.snif. bis atiter-la-l*n, Mya.Wliblam York City bavre matie a cotract -Ithbt ArimBu: GentrItnouS~ er, ti tigb- fiaaan Uovernueal 10 fueaii job mohnItr.a s's.e94 iO-, tuo.p. or Ibat country nuitth eli haSt aail1bmae e ont à" aw*4tbu"m 01-f IBaugmilhtary rillea. SENIOUS SUBJECTS OAREPULL.Y CON&IDEDED. ' A acbotarly Itapoutloaof ithe Leam -ThouglasWorthy onI a1 e&0-- flou-Hall au Norl. ta47 Of th* cripurea-TmelWOUl @Petit- Devlcw Legon for Mrck M5 1. C hrita Ascen son .. . . A tta 1: 1 14 21 Tho iloly Sjrt Ghet. . .Acta 2: 1-11A 3, A Mlîitudp fýonverte4. At 2:32-11 4 4 T h e L a m e M nli I e l fM - A t s 3 : - l e1 5l. The Botdneas of P'eter andi John. A-ts 4: 1-14 O. T ru c a nd Val se (i vi g Act% 4: 32 f:11 7. The Prison, Oppneti. A., 17-39 8.The' Firat Charititan Martyr. A,tà - 1.5 7:,: 5-44 1. TIhe Disciples Dlaperae'l. Ai-laI8; -11 10. Th e Ethiopian C luvrfA la S: 2U-40 12. Chritinn S l ltsr l i(or. 0: 1927 The le.-ns of the quarter. exîludt the at. lover th,. perifi ront the a-. c t'n iiî, i o f I lîr l t t,, th e- " Iîn vr io n u f Saut: frnt A. 1. :M) it t,îaty) A. D. 37. This la the fianIt f titrùe perioda lista wlich lthe lîtîtory f the' -hurt-h la the firt cPturyÔistîîralty talla: il)3-e7;- ('2) 37-681, fromnt ant, .onve-rsion to hls dta tara-terlzed hy hi nlgionrY me- tivity. and surls; or traii.ig Chît,-las; 41) 05-100, the îîîreIsl of the nhurt-h throghî- out thte knowu wortti: 1arel-tons; tir- lingor the goata'ts. 1Perbaps the firt P- tln> , , hba, yia I lte au pcenaac , a44 t l i c c h u m -- k e t J e r u a a l e m i h_1 1 0 4 41 h o. P l- tentdin 0 at,la trat mlacnary jouruey. nmre eliht yara aftr Mella IoavetalOn. The lnanons 111Y bo plaîtti la Ibrre ge-joîja. au fullor, a; is The' chiir,.I nn-I-rit n Ils divne mi- uIlln. tut WNt.the nP[iid,,%vIuaii --ftet tiriat l1t'Id.Oli21. lip 'Yi is sgita of r-lî, ic î ica er aima- lifeat 4I i d-eî,ot s2 21 T h - ch 1 otii,,,,, I ot,, row . nî't- w ith a nding th e ottaai.îî îf tihe rro er .. ta) A tytîclca iraile-t -nIî l~. wrk ilI,esii 71. i:t, St,.-,., and eun N,, Tliî.hiîir- hi !.i- leiily Att», itd i -,îî'î., IIi, , g t i lu g a ,I . tf aa la r c in tilo I r, - si. a) TIi,- hr-iî iîîiriN r ld I.0 l.) Tiei-i r-hc a.tî.r-A t, 9> r l, A ty:o al lon-uîr41i).ii9fir-iz ir r si .1)The c1ur lia. rcaii -in ich- S o i e n, i i -r g r I - n t -- a t l i 1 i ath , . . olfu world wile Na,-ii i -i-i i) Sar-e-fiirly îni-ll mîark si. i- iai. ohichl i l i1 . ew t h i' îi ci î ai, i n d ai flev-ih î t. l n t he fi n i e ,fi s p îr i l l i l a~Ia I - î n I e - a îilîî r a nt ic , a i ei-t î> ii i I , lm l -r. ish e bl - - t; o f T heîi î ,î i ' i, ,--ii* . ii-h i - P t- , n ,-a rly lei, Ni t îl , f l ti s i av ,-n r a ,w i n si e r i o d o f u t' i e i , î h g r lo s ii i , s î he . lia nr ,w i ii a î t r i i- -iis ofîp î lo i t olit flit n dit h ,-k i a-k: Il,. t i n of ut or- sianoizaliotilu h. I-ue' h. ', 1h appîoinit- holdin g o'f prupirt. T h e. thir , , -o rin x à fi-w iiioiili,, in la; nt- 37. la the îîcriîal of the- firt 'iltett alî,«-k hi-h the hur.h bal lu mctare. ihi l- i hl ,ît a >ouncgnid t oeilla t roqitetit 1 - î,r5t1 h î. aundg ai- e st a y o u a g n u o I r . - l o q u e. u t l e- a d r - - Kaut. The' latter i..n thedominat for(%@ lu lb. hiaiiry <f the tîtîrlr venas. a-kit-h w.- are u »Suy dunug the Sirt eîgbt mo,îths. How te Tech the Leso.. O ne suggestion lo n,1to uake tîne ,vicw s lnteretiluo la ai-,-ffe'-tive làtfthnf'b two atpearnncca uf Chrit lu the qîlar- teoriste,.aon, at the b.giniuig antI t the ceud: the asession, andi the alpn-race to B oa ut on thne n oat 0 1 ai a - î. I t ing the î-reisiaa of h" firît ad of the ait-uonit. groîîp the r,-al f th ,- evî-îit nder orne 8,11-lilit-ad ai, ' hal île Lur. .w during i aývq n Si-a ràin FicaNii. lor a treciloia perioci o f ilîr,-,- ychtrii lie hie t,î e n ji , ir uc N i g i p i i si l ilî i i I l lj a n di pr aI-tiiîî i s o if Ir ji g n Nu.NNICi, hut h-îîiey rainîingc iiî-l.l. N on ti' hall ,fit he- N' jrldfi-ne- ,-lY-r. i hiîh 9aill tîrielitin is ua tr. I)ii, ci g i hîo- i-ara faisiflînir îtîiî-a tiri wo,îderftt liaiu rt.,-u l b lit lo t f tr it :, i-l li r , o p o it io nt - Witho,ît. 1h,' tr le-ry Ioitlzn -isalty, ther a- were thrown lOttehtaîrar; i-i'cfuionîii y ire violent tîersecutlon, andi a-atierî-ti abroad on to bect the- exéecutiiiîiof ihe tirenat Ceat- lo mission entruslei te thi-m BCN-veina b.-s "' fore. At lhii, point.Ilh- endi of tht' irII 101 ict of flte grealtdrinaa. a gti V figure ln to tw appear. to surk out dvinitlios of "Ultm- )itt agineil maguttudle; ad 10in ioohlm '*I lot a th e a t o n th e' L or dl on - e- n ore We c corne, iile te m orit e yc , looking loponsi an the arth for o hie-h se 0 tlî'.coluPOMIifltv- b1(I ly, hanl been donc duitia hi% absence. lii 'h word, acre a retroai-hlu a typîcüal Jfw ea offlue thent sort for tleb..liatlisuend re- i - b otiio n s w h il h otic a n.d t h o a t' h i e r e ir e s sn l- lt ed dimtayoedt onamîtitheiriauturat Lord "' and Mater. The net regult Otf thos e s lie yearm, then, hai boren alititl eareatin 0f ide t he lump,. atoli harveat trom £àsa"it er- qa rw t g T h e.. c enta of I lb at m eth e sel haL tîarftcd the dscipîles feuol hsét'COn- o9ftorfabte enteiiariae of munnicipal evnge- -jhl tizatton. andi the heginiaii of a acw cia [on aires5fthbnd., -pea Neit Lensan Pe'ter Working Mirs- 40 cte."-Âcta : 3241. and îîOSSpIity la a Clirlotian vîrtu., 28111 a,, Il Ile e u of th e tu ae t e -tîv e m o d e s thca o! vaugectin. Few effort, fr the ,ore iooti out othera aire more fittedte liéb effective titan wheo (Christianomca sudà in- wotDtt or tandiig invite te thetr ta- ny bicente yunsonsuad tIihethumble. whS j-& -nm- sce there til(, culture anti the chara'l ut a (hrlsttan iomrn. J. Hl. Staiker. pro- Pence wlii Gad la impollible * teout partion. Nseltidcan <et cou$' ?t ie .I lt ad i la bil n re- ho an, le-- ie i- ide te ame -eti na- tnt in, na- wn, 1là ra, 10 the 'en lui Ion, i or Our t ho Fi

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