CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Mar 1897, p. 7

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r' M TE WORLBU Y, t lieus BCt r. - ah nt ailiS CAl . Il .,r.d rai îgsa tN« i.,.Bnita D.. INCHAMTON. N. Y. A toue > t aiîri iesii tittc1-rt. , ela, iau gorna eclitl sain tiJ'iCCuiîIi5 tna Cu, A ts o irc, l i, iil' t lo tao a«.C. ..S.1tî.. hein.. i- wrkme 1ts.gaarsI' . Ft >R'rE'c Rain niuci tnla rrii lic, thersu't e5rul fs-i r i Cl o Cg, t nir,n.'i.ritllns PÎJM lCU rineri i ier s e.i Il s aa-niiiîml oirk 54)0 fbct ti iu Mn.*081gigtnt havesi l tu - swln. Illlongg go i lite i ri- spit-ce. W 'aenind $am furonse 1 $100 Irzisa foc cali iaan nîlon' nced i M in i41 ilisa. IMCAilOf rca pe-ddg îroîl-otii.-ni. Thîrty- earlest sorts. poettpnll. $1. dand Thi; N>'otice soi'l 5 cent. for a ekage la!Golden IlRind nd ironîer' seed book. 1441 bglgéeaci. SOtui obA. r lleed Co. La Cromsea, Wi. C. S. U. 'A mouhle sfiitp of Ill-sli- 0f- b>' 15 bI)raît. ias i-suCC-rr-ia a avillage uu -usaiti and v-rak. e't cf the Jodn. 'Tise psaement l a iliera-Ito belutgk>ta tbe tlth n rutilI> «tler Cirtat. *Cougbîsag cadtu t (nsutss plions. lIa-mina Basatm s'ill Ip t eClenoi Ai 'e. <Go to yaar lnigggio<t i. c, sait get saisîpte l>ittle rg. SIl a.25 snd 50 i botticanGo iait o.î;dolais are reos c-nul froir hulir îllîî'as. and bas ý*fitled rî>uîti g iI - îrnîia Of beor VWolillCe of atiniri> vihucu oil mon ho iitasgsssnturtrelis,-oiittitîiin- gratItude. N -t-Bacifor FttY Cent. (5,cr 400.000 turei. W ii au IlitNuiTo Bat Moe riOor cmrc uuîr dealca f.critai,? @& 1Cicililiand m.ziliood. Cura gusssrt. býOtand$ àdmSstuientlst,. 'aViskaera ht are- premntiireli gay or fade sîCrîlil tic tIlorntlui jra-Vet the WIoif aege. and tui'kiitata's l>Ye sex- cela Il otheni i n oonig bronrior black. ga=a C egîn 'oc tis M"sd ouSatia j;. siSi .saemecig ltc BeCa fie t er alets. elt Pýrou, the e Rra, U"eeaburg, In& Apecullar case wss roported te bhis iiauer regardtng Misis Mattie, the 13- reer'rli dagîghter ,f .lasigs vertt. edît- cro th Ue I)Parborn Independeuit. The re- portr . *glrsg aitihebhome of Mrs. Everett la Auror . 1 id.,tu Icurit the jiartieulars. %ira. Evereit ranid: "5>ur daugliter bas tiît lr trrg suce lier sicee %ith tise fever two yen msigri. Mlle didîr>: frrly re- eiver. Ril "as jinii entprîrra a detrealsi ige. ithie tec'îuî ailt rciiadriwnr. blora gîrtt icf ,rrier. andd abe ras almlt tCrin- tirrîrilly trîrîbîrd with auî'k baab.$he mt tiîied bard. Leing noambtnitiaun", but finally ber'rnme fSa irait shrr 'irîtld t it tdy. an td %%v lore rorgnîreted t.r keelr ber front avloir. 'ae doetorpid îîith her foîr a log timîe, trying ail reimedjell. but ther failed tu"3lr e Mary ,roves. tif Jonpeb, .was visitiug a -uibr andi letirtiedt of our darîglters r-ale. Buet,'gri treCl andl adrined us ta zet Dr. Wailliga.'I'itrk Pilla foir her, a. ber nuit trîd ieeti citred try Clirrune. 'ae lnt CiiiC t>iil'e the iltetie inete i,'t feIr &lîmes hellîiirllier. andî gfilr tai.ir1tticiîfoir a tilrie *Il.. u:i4 gnîntly'l nd vis aCSsbt C,, rerirti tir ber tti(liea rnt scbirrl. Fler gyt in't r rt rned. lier trloiiiin litn gîrd iirin. înrid the ferlq îrii.b str.rgger. Kilt-> tintgot bis-n triirleit l ith ii-aoii"lie ili e h. rk tteie tthatf box.a. titi nj Coie tlolrîc gtle lait of t h, boxirihu. 'rP fini- vdrry cm Cetui tir Dr. W il lis mlé Pirik l1ijls. ndCilrire fm i',iilîtit lntiltltr. anC] they i.itrcstoiýI-l 3lttie tu ber fimer ICC-i tli." DCr. 'aVlli:imi 'iink Pill, frrPale Pea- Pli iiisin C a C'r 'iiCIfrari ltihe lineruitii"*'iCv!'tii ivîe ces" lite and nilgrtir the rr', Ilaat- tr-r-1ilrîîr ni Tliey are Cai, aa st-îr.'îii fr îîraaî,î" C rr ijn r uSildiiaIl forint if ci.aîire tC.C glîritof htîcrîîrtir Iaîr inîl r.l liii% InCnr' nuii rCeitlîry effroi- a rniýlr vi'ri. in «Il iit earialCic frorir inî'îîttl m'or- r.,ii.ii r eri.'-ee of îwln:to'îir ut- .r fn$2.59). ICindI uyI..hi>lait if l1truc' galas. oeil(J rît t ircmail frout Dr. Will arus' il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N li riiiCiCC!.CiliCirtdNY. largrat ln thse World.- Th, 'a'a>i'ter lni'iCîgArma(Co., Nr',iilltivi'. . <' r moIn- ia-t inau faui' ( oi î, îf talisl i uli r . r' ;,.ti' ilt. siri lus. atiiC I iihiCnua nîaîîîîîî1 tirn i t riii 'n ' l'. ha".Cg -i itain1 th e gns uti l etisii T Cu- 1n-rl1.atbnîîîch sîCi>i-unir iii ec(rc, ua'netir agi-' ilhra ont ti"o. nkria. aimi-hgî hase rautthen Nlili Cuif>' ýlu sit pars of he woeldi Cr:ra-.:~~ tgln-lCc gi usente.Ciaîîi ta'irlu inn Cstar uii"imft ts10r e ci:l1tr. arr- is'ay' le Crriuiim l lu>'thaeurrii biiuîtuieinof " uilrsirgîîîîîanId'%Vain- rhar n[r uuîuuîîtîîîîu Thiii ýtîiuru>' a-tila a large llistrata-d catalogule fmecupouo ceg unit. Menit Win@. The invention o f Alablsiunsurked s ntini reu osial tontungs, sied fruni the *stniiîiat of the building gruter wait a monimpoClnurtan ut dilauriery I t bas Irons s gualI btr<gîauîî buliretod outi itto very rcountry f the ricin d isworiri. The nne "kiairiritie' baha-rme aur offetsivlnC lueuIwrteut nt. that magnufacturer$ of o l(ant knaýitinC rerierîliia ore ltost r'allitug Chaeinb>' rsa- otht- er se, snd ai- Cr'o1tiig tir-11anti uthe Alabliaatuoe n'o- patuus rîrutaCiots. rtrortgilsexta-civeasdvertiiiecnd fper- snalluse, tic marita of the durble Ats- basaiue areaen, thoruîcchly teuuin tîsat tiie peop~leiit on lgg-tinctIfhs-"a-goidi sud iiti Cke tno iaure of sp<iligtheir sattls foc a Faisaile savrac of nt thecmnnt but a fis" Ciot. Thrs iltins snte demlonstcagenl tliaCiriet bIi.. andsidenht manufatgrurea of frit rsearrticsnuIt he au1ported b>' thetuCre Itoni on the Rage. A similI uuitIlle olje-t wa faunu ntiîlic aittra nga; îsea impetur tuilai 'aislril.lie.Ittalnd uthe 'irkting illi uni s a'rtiig tluum teta-r to open It 'trth ta jeCi ii . II n n-il to 1w et Jap4u- n-ese taijîti. and ln the expiloin wsii ifrulu't)tt the unfortutrte man 1 ut this e ingersandit a thîuiib. .T iTv or <issrs. 'tTr (ur Toî.ri.i' Fe'unis .1. t tvî >,avmaien sath tIaile CN the -au'r -rtnrthtiie, isfnIF. J. triary& (' , ddu' b tu.itacvlutri Ciii> ni Toledoi. Ç t'oiy unail sîuîe aigr-aiu. and ibet -idtitfiren minpa tire auutua ut <l it*N lCltl I )LI.AIIt.srcr arai r-res e fc uta('tarct hat rastiat a- corl .)l, ue of utALL» tATAaflIt t LiV.. FItANK 3. . i IINEY. Swacu Cahl-nira-me sdatiî arauieci nai>prua liiit. Cit, slh da! tf LJeo'mnr A. t. îiÏi. %A-niA. WVSN iaill',nrt(oure i. taaetternatty. aid aits dîruý-rtiCicttruiondele trtlandenei-os urnfacao the ai sut». iriL i -lr'iIr aa. ret 1 F. >( tIIENEV & I.. Toledo, 0. gtÀSnIld b>' ruW'tst, ue. Jetai>'I.tud'a dnughter, lira> Ray'- r moud %landelais writun a ma-mlt of ber mother. W-<.grilt forfait $1.000if nf s>of our pubs- lirrtred testiniottiala are priva-i tu be nul genuliie. TE 1'lS0CO).. Warren. PiL À WOM4N'SBODY. Wbs± Ia eglet Lead& ta. Mms.Ch@& iage Erpertaca A woman'a body la the repaeltory of the MSet delleate merhanismin he i whoie 01ii e creation, and yei mot womeu wll leii t get ont of order and keep out of order, just as if it were ofigie consequeeee. Thefr backa ache aud heada throb and bumn; tiiey bave wandrleg pains, now boe.and uow there. Tbey experielice extrema lassitude, that dan't-care and wat-to-be-eaiae teellig, excitability, irrtablity, nervoumnsa leepiesa. neas and the. bines, yet they wi go about thur work untili they tan acamley stand on thetr poor swolien feet, and do nothlng to heip themseivea. 1%flm»te positive famr-nnferf searons woinb coupliqtluea, and unIMa givea immedite attention wili resultInl untoid mlsery,'hf not <eth. lLydia EK Pinkbatil's Vegetabie Campound vii, beyaad the question ai a doub, relieve ail this trouble belore ih becomea serions, aed ih bas cnzed ~ay fterudrtroubles bail beecmechronic. ~srî.Comonedahaud b. take n Imiediateiy npon the. appearance ai any of 64 - toItbieenmmaed inI.a vegetable ioula whlch invgorate ~ua4atitnlaeti entire female organlam, and wiil prodnce the saine boue- goIsIi reuitsin the case o any sicit waman as it did with Mss. Cus. i<cso, 811 :âoeeood St., Philadelphia, Pa, whoee letter we attach: fà writ tues. fewlines, thanking you for reaioreg my heaith. rm wele 1 I uffered with pains lmpoeaile ta describe. I had bearieg-down teeUigps, =he, buriug sensation in iny tomach, chilis, headache, aud alwaya hail IXaek apecita before my oyez. 1 -as ahuMi ta stay alone, for I sommetinnes bad jemr ad live fantng &poil& a day. I had seveai dociorsanad tried msuy pet- éu#maedoluea Two yeara ago I wma so bail that I hail to go ta bed and have a ý tMin" aurse.Thraflgh ber, 1 eosemenced ta tait. Lydiae, . Plukhaan'a 4,Vgtable Ccpoiied, sud I never bail anythlng give me the rlief lihIt as. ~I b*vi,%Wm gu botlet, snd am Dow eumoing ib0bet o e t Ii84"I. 1 a wetlaffly -7 thmbas emdme." SCOTT JACK<SON AND WALLINO DIE ON ONE SCAFFOLD. Former Made Another Confession De- loinegaie Compeio aisneceet laut Took lit Back-juwtice Aveugedl lb. blurder o! thse Hooaler 0t11. Were trnnsuid to e lal. Scott Jackson and Alîgi7eo WaIling n-rs lrlge in l Newiiort, Ky., llaturday fur titi, tuurder of lPi-an Brytin, of Greeccaa- lie. Igd. luth s"'ra- trangla-d auid die ini creat sîgirtr. ltriCbdelared their ino. ,euti e r te ibi' tu warrant wassread. ott arrivisîg uti Cle îi'tifîld the prîsoupe stol titi bio%cdbrada s"hile a prayer iras suld. At iCe conclusilon tbey btd faressîlI 10 lbose groCipel sbouît tiem. Pngrior La- wasorercone efler hil prayer nt the imailara-ce ou the ucffold and hail ai lie rarrurd sa. Jackson kelt rr1r bisrePutation lii'mak. tug anoilser itieged îonifession'luin he nîrrnîng aruil urcedeintedelayiug the g>Xr>'Cio.lig. le sauid Wallitrg mas Dot guily of morrlîr. Jarckson liad Pastor Lere. thea-dî-agh svtr. 'arlling. si>d at] stand tîp asihe celwia-acItirai IValiug la n uanî,I the lungaltruis . Sbrrilt Pligmmer ,alled in îî aliitgs utttliitysuand the>' wi.. ie'i ov. Brille>'. Jau'kuon broke iota- Culutrl! duontjuut aist tir anruib ttha- gei- 1ow iaïut.ruir( ci-I Ci atrC iCuil t plite a il r . bll g li iient out hat I'aallig ras (lii.irll . on renrijui of thea dis- piCu , eirulIn Cirunut Jitige Iliems lu> trlrîutînî nd rut nîlareateîdi'd ct'ir - r-Ci'- with h luut. Thle (i ru expreaaad the blief Ctt iii toni' nte-.ioe uts, ritl! iC ieil toir nîu Cuta,': Ctat uteaut ssii tot cîu il Cf <ifurnlr. 'The Govercuor dc, iilio Cri niCi r'iCou troncel. aid s'iArt tir'Chîrifrf tIsai if Jactaýnintauue s utitetOltit ,ii the gitittis'sexosCertilg 'aintg tir nursitirii'Vaaliîng'i t-eet iCil titittl fittlîr iluitoîua. Wosstl Not Ces,'Wsllinog. After e.rrruucfr-m nthe icosultation %b îuh t he,' t riui, ur . ugeilIeusoIn 1at -nîu Chai le itsîainîg îud if fie iiiiised I'allitig It anru sutita hm i-isoulî hava to t ,)rsa r i lit ]'akiu'for a doubla-crime. le al-iiîn >r liril J1ac'tontg iih ttue fact hat i luiie ît lurbfiir- lisi liec siih a lie ou tuai lia tua- siuilît le dîîuîg a doubleu wr'e.c.Ile tîteti puCu'Iniimkoni fiv>min- ties in w hi h tiCmatak aje tup tundlteaving ita îiiuiuiiendd ex-teehît y the îtaatb %ntaCih. Ar tue expirationuuîafuthe-ime Jai'k.iin saaud hat be coulil iii ata>'lt P'EARLt BISAXt. tVtuling u'as inîii-nt. s-hisaa-tled tie raite of hoth pnisosai-ra. Juat hafore leai the ia-celi Watling rail: "I wil l il soi nos.'aitie lest moment ofini>'lire hat t1îra coitier anul 1na innocegnt <ufthe ishile crime. Jactson bas sail as mach, but il geoma it 'iliicoi gave me. I canuut sii' ne>'more. 1 nll say n more ou the scaffuli." An Immense rosvd ws'pca-sa-t, but ssas flot attos.el bo sec th odies aller the>' n're lainan doarî. The funaral il Jacksoen'as ha-idst News.port,.andlliai of Wali et a Hamilton. Jackson'. ce. mains wmea-htrieai st IVigeaset,lMe. Thbe dira-dura of tic rema-ter> nt CGreen- castia-.lad., s' ire tisa remnei of Pl'sr Brysi enra-Ief usa-iltu let Jgintuoc>sbody be bunueil tisa-e. Thecftest sa-sion»of tha- annueal conven- ton of tihta>' Mail >rvlce Mtuel Benefit sud Benevola-at Association was ield ni Sic Francisco, the dl-agales ans guetaeitgmiertng 200 sihila- as mac! more membersansd trianda if lie local ort cragization n'a-e pra-acit. Thece farcuers dritc sicroaa the trucks ni YZea-etd.%lltci., ivene struck hi' i tinort ilun Chicago anud Wa-t Michsigai pasaeger train. Matinl De lanon and Rimon Boeize acre kilieansd Hein] Driestuga Probabi>' fatali>' ljuced> Tie Sutan of Turta->'il da-îse tu bb a dometic matn, ltnxely foed of hli chitdren, for nhou a - hasa n îl>theatet, wierent li->'pisy>taiali parts foc the de ietaatioli of usa-un pspa. About baif a mai' rime la takenu;~ elgnlng peitloa and protesta. rREMENDOUS DAMAGE OVER A WIDE AREA. lisslusr nthe DakOts., InsebOts, INeblask3 Io-& Tennesssee. Arken- le as Misippî sai Alabamsa guffer frotte $be Greutest Visitation isnI esc. Asd the Flood& came. Tire Ip 1.rnîhr eteorolocirril coiitîions ef th besritt few wîî c'utluiittcd 1'riolay andCiliardts y l Iiri forîs î lr'b fî,r vit- nicgs of volume nd Ctlexîrlit exieP lt iug in tbe biingiry of Ille counitry. A illsec- tiris of tire rnuCiCîla- 'elii. North%% est enl 8oîitb report treiî-idîus daucage l'y ci%- iag ati uerîîuotrollerl streatu*. ltriilges acre sweapt frongt ligliwt~air ad riiilîntia; liîulacds n'a-e IloaMd I n a tnav'tcable deptb; format. lîlatitattong and i iea w lîicb for years bail aîffer im uguitYfront 91itilisdantger, I)i-itrtie siumegeai; milionIîts of dollars of tn, buildingys and lise stock reotilt-d. InluMaliritri gliere uru'uered great liiiî of life; while in Teren' nessee, Arkianias . a Wuiii. 'a'a>iaiou sud Iuwa thoitagia of peaople tigre ilriv>t fronu their bouileia imm initgetperd. ta wgitch the destrucrtin f get'! Clilial;Chey bai in tire worlrl. 0f Nîrtiertii cties, N Misatkes- istahe wirt&t srffî'rer. 'Th,îcdi.tri'g nf the î'itY ktauwti as tire M'iînîue N ley, tino siteiinergeat to a dtr'itbof o01 eutfeet. aid a large nu irler of îî<îînîle wereneim- prisAned 1ira thliir tîuuîî>îforîrsiiii til lritât sntut iiris ulielittau. FlillY ftfty hlosl'rra<d voiCCCr ttoi iite aiei'iiui atiiry'. arîbd trtrl .ls w Ire tîîleCiit 'riiil' anid rte tibrdg i a tiCte iliinarehlitmaorie qulirry iNas i -lC' iit. ICi'tiiC lu tire buîsiCnessa îhotriî CaNs rc ilil. ris ssii al«,,rtC, it tiiliii'i CCC Ii 1,r'a i sd Oilikoaob. Eleoy .lo-1:lîîr great irn bridlge, n itiiICCC I «c iai tCiCtlierail- v, ri N.lîriîl g.' i a frr'igit Ci itriwr w rit kr'il AItoit' îîîandtînt lii'laid str-arîli,u .1i-r ,l f laiik . Rtive!a iilide ît, tiii a viii villame intC, lii'<iii v A dfi<'n o iriips led ati<li n 'til iiiii, ,vora ,ii 55 <'rît Ille. (rCiNiitt ' .1irlîîit CCuîî 11-1i- iv niikenlilosra oiîiîi'iing Nin1lui"itIQowa ant Euaternu .'toiIth aklla IuCIaSBUS' piClliteit. Adi liefrom ftiidiia oair' >With every etrenîinira No Iriakai îîl WesrnaC' r liî pourrin l ii: l i iiiisi'R iii Ji'î;rtiîitl flotbe 3 aaiRl' iver iîitthte Pior' mous %"Ini<tié -o!fssiiratrîilil diii n froua tire niiellafcîm IliCeCrtiitaies of libat truiatsî. glheitdiiatiiiui ire aitCai nue of the tCC t io-iiiC Irîîiîî Ilirris nlutisre gian if thi' iioiiiiiri vlein laertain. Feint the tnielto taCiea901111,hStaCe ie of Nebiraska Ciir iiite ii fl]if heaTY ipe. andl iraiorie îiîie t ie rîr tuel le poi<lly blni'ked v ila-îorrgiiagorges of tee.Tre frçeitiîrîi'y v, tb w bh ibtese gorgesa are foi.rrlîinrraîît eritîin a>' tn tthe 311'iiiri anî,]il,îtoNotîrnoa tritsrtartes ta enliaing ire i>viiniieof tit netatedue- tont e irai r i,t rerunekîttie mnitier. Thiraffair Clic d.îillag ae in Cire lîgierior tof tie Saate ai a rCý'ilt of the iti nlen sIgre, ii, n i is i irii er Ctitan îlogcthe 9Misstour i %lie,- t hi- rC-nl fiirî'i-Cf tiertflood biîrg'ily 3!etn .ir<Ctea-l. Tire rainace a; CaCIeMaaiîix r c,îiiud hi-cvlarge- I y Cri tire Ilvisie. W bere t hea-nttd 'ie 9mur( l o%-er titan iCt tiCreiwesCerni abore>.*' t 'tilitfit Salle* lW'r'rithî'c Observer i'aelsh <if (tun.lia r-url"iday uictrt: "I do lii dîsire -o Ciogelis aianrlariit, trut t cau- li,î'lî Iiasitil> 'saIre a uîît dis- agC n <<is 14m l. Irnrlii" t thceire unlay raviver aotC tri-re tiCe rrenCr'r vilit ia-rf siate lar'C-nr frigîrtlie noeCb. tout tIhe idi- t aCtti rilw are rai amnratatrli. N'MYaol avire is Cii liiiii>(.11 lith lislii n uIout e eid NetIeirnsii C.-- tosCic Bouletex- The Weiis laid ini lie "aioaiin t Siuxi laCiy. tiCi the risver la riaiuig ralilioll>' a iegea lart- foiiîiiîigiid the pe(IdutiCvini 4aiiiiiutthle <Itii a4CCIriare isili tic Cthel hume-R a il a,ii hi îlîî'r ini'rty Igobiglab Pr cniiiinia.. tt ai o-a if points Iarc' fiersof aCterivre i'l C srit i Ch tdyinitCe lîrenking aiî,ta ' '- rgea. Ai Sioux: (Cityîî< hiiiii'u.i' andîîîNirthéru lridi toi utoC, tii lIiii ilihrrctuiC ree tie'Floyditfrîîm aLe Marrrs duiî i. sTha- ig Sioux ypiai>it ali res nus miarks. eCtir& ly ttîiîu h- village oif '(,.tiCield and mnakiati er î ',a it výINN ifCi iii 1 n a uki'c tid a'.t. jil iridlgen'a it 'rî rr . uticn ithe -aiuiSiiC akoCa affret crI dîa ti, tr ia Civ Ciiii. Ni r- stitinCtrged suCd ail raCil Crilir atii1jit. t.iverur Biri ig Valle'y, l'airiaiiandlPresitogil MntîuaeCin, auîl Ienru uIc, 'aîruuilicotl lîntubiiin.a. ndil aiir'aCiitiC.luinbte Da kii. a il]aCifferCil oiverrly. tt In 'iCriwax l'mîîl bilahan( dcy, yct 8CCrtiiCdiIlis nIrrliaiCtlCho rity ' N 5ova-rriCli byhi>'ioiautidri if refit cri-a. hîrougîcbC nla ti> aiCieras. iiclhbat iigaCeil over usi t la irilinirril>' frril ta-rriCiiry. Tlîheerefucîea i wrre inthu mosC abjec. tttirlon. irarl> ail col vyn nrul'. IRelief frouout aid sio iiî suret>' be ueeded. For Revers dayi s ix> regrillar stim aicrafi sacrpenc gageai lu ;îeneCrating Ctire- ltorlacourt 19try t0 the uttermaoat possiible lcit, tais Ia->'i-ru rltait buait aimoriit iîiiumerabl, re uaaier ressel [lave boeu pîtahed to th, c' emoleat corners. il Chtcagu'ai paricîrlar portion of Ibes, e. remarirable couditions torit the forua o ecrinous pra-ciptîtion of ssnlcr, sitali a t l4ygian darkreis..snt mid-afCerîiituotrlFr Prday. Bîtugsis tîplîrtd watt a joli. itaci cef es@ nait alk. mletietrsible pall of fog mari eletrir haRlitbs <if cuitor ca r laiil e- acrosaste strret. SixCee'ti'try cbuilîding e. iere hidilen front toiglît. ln ail districts Il seeli-plicipjrevaulerl. for r-meuiabrance ta ,ltic Mt. Louta 'rrclneiran riril' sake ly ed. l'copie srurried like friglrteried rat bitesbalaC, an> brtrrosr that prîamtseid pri tecgiîîn. Visacondition ltrsted but a fei ne minut'es, but loti re1reateit sereral tîntl al s'lîn enued a dowsn-huair r eragbliag au cloudburmrt, folitredIntlaer b> vioilet toet 2d trtc sCorrins. ratriiggd<ice conCfutsion lu fit 27 alarcu amai elecîrlie liglît stations. Asir aifronts flooded boiaiulet§ tno dtauae la ri ported._____ ___ kg RepregreiliCire hall at i aiîti. Iliel s maselirsa-ly ptiî'eîl by memhaler of tt nu Leglalature and ciClaîns of Micigan vit i. latoIae ua c.elbration of thre Iiti. pouadaeftbettereoe«« ýt"ai1Icouar lu stor«et ai30 eatiat pOM&L A package ofthibs sud big nord calta- logue In sent yen by Joba A. liabler1 Seed Co., La Crame, Wl.., upon elp of 15 atampsanad ibis notice. C. N. Butter Made in a Minute. A -machine ia een ievented, and la In use lu Switzerland, by wblch tmlit ni-w f ront the <'w eau lie turued loto) butter lu one nttnutes lime. Not OnlY go, brut tbe tîîL kgoes lirungb a proceats lit the satCe lime wltieh ls belles-ed ta roniflretely alerlilce t-that la, free Il front ail uîtlcrohles or bocteria, ether oi an innoeent or aheoiouekInd. 'The butter la tîrerefore perfectly pure - a eonalrleratlon ta wbieb the reammrlsce of merilcai scienice give mocre and mine lIportatnce. A Frpucb breakfast laites ai lenst two -usttally tbree. It la thse eblef meat. It la better ta sait a mau*to breakfast titan dlnuer-espcclally If bie la mar- rled. On Tîsme. hAd rery esslly. tao. Tiasiw bsi sny ae shotitd iei trestig iesself for inactlin of the ktdaeys sand blsdder.- The dluretlc wbtelt eigrrtetre lirtirates sa u PPIXtn he reiluitC simulationstate eorgane wtbout euilttng len. ta ilirrtettera stometh Dit- ter. lga deiiy: kbtsiey Inaction ansd dis- esiare n. 0f ii sInrt. For fesar andi aeise dytrPriîh.l. radatlîIjatIon, rheugatlm suid nerve detility. asa<r use the Duttera. .Iloroc-co's sultaln bas enigaged an Ab- onu-en main to Play tbe bagplpes ai bis court t. ImpurucoudltiooÊte bloodaflrvus- ter& bearty fonda end britathiwg vklà"s air lu hua., ciles clooiroom or samp. Wbuu wesk, tuen or impure, the biood cannot. nouriab the body es h should. Tihe deuiasd for ceansing anid invigo- ratlng ln grmndiy met by i11 "«sa Sarsai- parxilae, which gires the biood jusi the quality and vit~iity needed toniaintain beaitb, properiy digeat food, buîid up and teady tihe Dres. and o*ercorne liai tired tee!lng. It la the ideal Sprieg Medicine. Ct oniy r*arsaparila,,,,.,,,, preque by C. i.. UsoiliCô.. 1.owell. Maus. MI0o0d -sàP i s si__ LasF-&milty Medcine - U. UVU' Maies the boweisecalp rs der ta be lîealthY i=t' Acta gently on tho iver sud k" Cures ajck haduiche. Price.25 m uâtsud n o"di f The Gerurnu Eîipneaa 1a tbclatest ce- PîboiPrrtioae erit to IClii- n't urtut>of CYtilt., frhs euiiig atrîna tt îiîKun- aatin saat1, -adi-k- E. :Mdtite ~Zn::Zî~easn r-"' ssOt Be qblci., a cus laaI ie bes""y uilse t-- --oPlMdn e11. o Zi eus, .6,t« S-LJAO DSair. gmarvets, Me a ts-ap, at O TAIS.^APNu isHUSTmU PAIN. j A journemabbis laCidaP-6 aaptl-73iîsllof aft1wat etisaifoi thgiua1i Ibave tral l.5d7ai bave Dot btsl seadcOumonglaces1I ometncedtIo as b.. My stosisach 1t(belstataihatb1cmiI)ie e. e ffr>' -1,k b, a dot h t ir d us c fe mvyts . Of caurse, ehs. gae meIeie.l= b=tbSaW5C U i asa, h dea'tbothermenov. Foi <cOr yasrsv. lciinta eied te, las.about thie«. ays noreleey ,. oh>~s. isat observes tat a eustooec bas&a feveeibsrsllt, hbc cse."Iiv peesesl bin ciii as-aboIe, sud ifl akea le *«»m e i diicuiy fotthultb, i

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