anid. eitct ï t My eny- -~osand ir*,o!-"howl rcannot amn., *Ma~de Farm and, Double rthe dates. - Il ê 1 @= imkOvIng aler a ~i la nltaisecret ~Our villif a veek or fé?ing the anuazation 4imion la Ont village t1te O- t =Match. e irA»1h» Domino«i lot b"4110111ai' MailDeerlielti. Mmliia, VUtba Prtion of Pio thé 1. O. G. T. attendut Wet aetiRockefeller lait PiI4 itrauglil la beiaf o a& . tlroadcontpany 1 bt aft a temsafot one l~slrnn, uaichapla, 'gteot; I lel hopeti eaIil4e.w hbas buen lu le Û aeilet. lir. J. &*Ot oimeng lte prinel- N4 breuit t rarn Jefferson leiiis er. aiptietila nIia lmi esi. AI prea- SbirlU priionets hehiati bd À. W. Flelthr are tlime 8lWva bupelior.antinut- "s lgiAOântIo Ila i.amot la ta mum Wblr'b ieflBarbl, qnatry 19o190*tô Ibe Salyards ml*yhsteal vworkvilii Iai hpeidirect fromn 1 epacvh t Alas. bu eu" tlai. givea b>' lb. MMvrvi» 8%hiaït laut thi~1e Lotiiea Aid I5itiPsEbpamtlulirly Wwa"d Boven foar lb. M. PmoW" viaaimotion of Ê"UNE Paket., Prames -mvo, Boom ahea, g pGais, oba, Kattrese, oeu Cote, Springs àr Mats. Let., Luc. 08 Il SI 010 un .60 MU 1069 mu "50 @644 0 eu1 m $sou 11a o5Lq 9ui emtSuanda,. latl) aly o an sal uL. m a m. vmP.m . am il am13i tea a6 100 tee. lte 4410 e.a Around thé County.j NOOKErELLEA SOCICTIRU. (eONGEEGATIONAL Oub B uadar mer Vlce 1s 0 .M« andtim15 p. m. Prayer meeUmg wednendar evenlaga. Y. P.S. C. E. aeet Suntay uveanagat :48.Junior C.&E. ta 13ock. D MO Campî No. 412. M. W. A. muet S first and thîrd Saturdayovenîngs ofesehi monîh. D. 0aîwnITU. Y C.1 10. 0. F. No. gis meet sueond anti lourth Thuraticys ofleseb mo,.th. i.C. Ost. S C K. S. Buanjua. ey. 0. 0. T. Thursay evnînge 0ff*ach vueS. LAumiA 1)oLmTLi. C. T. JOHM 0.IAAN oe(.A.I.m.' hltnrday albohtNn orghefomefAuil Ri.nn. J. A. MAsoz4. Co)m',tr. 0 E (HI&UCHILL, Adji. Mdl goiag acuth.. Mail Solng nortb ............. Mailaver landi by tage sarrive@ aile a. an. deîiti atlnla. M. ROCKEFELLER. lit. Wm. Porteona andti vi. vrs Cicago visitr@lionda>'. lit. J. E. Hoicornb anti utile Doroîhy vers Wanksgau visitons lait veeS. lir. Wiil Christopher, of Elgin, lh @peuding a ev tisys vllh Dr. living anti farily. lia Uce S8mith, of Grayalake, vis- led ber aunt ita. E. G. Payns the tirat Thas. lioBridebai reatedthelb.norl hall of H. Van Ibrna bomte anti exp=t Sa move iMon, baving rentdth Ie roomas over lb. stortes.a mas tront Elil. (Tram another Corteipondenl.J Naît Bunda>'lter. vili ho services as nouai, bul vo bave ual yet bsen ln- formeti vbo wvAUcontincltbehm. T. Moclriduas farnlly are preparlng ta move Ato te norlh aide of the Van Hala hous, laley occapieti by flet-cer Clark. Dr. Travia reporta an incresse of tvo la te population out lis vicinl>' inceslait veek, a ne, son aItlHenry Massas, anti a dagitter ai Fred L. Maatiue's. J1. H. Croakbite bus juiltucelveti a cit laid utftle, vbich vii ha noci 'y Henry Grabbe anti Augnai Wlrtz ln driuning titeir fara. Ou acconnl 0f lte ain andthe05hor- rible condition of the roadi lait Salut- day, lb, leachera' meeting via not helti bore. These meetings ire dolng a gooti vork. lir. Unger, of DeKaît' connty, lit., proachet to a fulil bouse ai 1h. chapel dunday nioraing anti evening. Hos wua enlerUied ti IJ. Croukhtesa dur- lag bis tay la tAie village. Mrt. Fargosatamil>' movedt ait vsek fromn lb. Norton hous lu ltb G. W. Myrlo' famll>, Chat lira. largo migAit ameibte cire of lber maîber, lira. MyrleS, vho laila pour healtL. lisa e Bude, onte of lt.e Rockefeller leachers, recen$l>' teceîved a diploma frominthe managerasofci teIlinois Toucher»' Reading Cimle, bavlng coin- ploeet a tht,, Jyeas' coursje of reading. A progresavetouachor i. lte secret ot a gooti achool. Johin Futhersansd fanjil>' front Wls- consin have leasot the rooias over lbe itardwgare elore ant i viiiarrive lau s ev day. . lit. aera in a barber, juil vitlonrtlova legreatly lu neeti of il present. He cones bighly recoin- meutiotiai a cdean, elraigitl.tervard litasti lira. Ueo. Harden vent ta llockforti lait Frida>' bu viit their tiaughter, 61ts. WUsKon. Urt. ilarden te- burnedthe g lrao! lte TeeS, but lira. liardea viii romiain a f., tisys langer. liena Lbtile Harde" vilii upsrlntenti Motel Hartien during ber aunal, ab- sence. Ueo. Beu>' matielis fumily boesa veeks vIait receally, dnrlng vhlcb lime h.e bo a trip te Trevor, Wia., te dispo. of vool. George viii'. a hsaing lice. Thii.year lte receipla l'orna bis sbeep and vool vili bo con. iisSahbl>'augmenteti, owlug te ltsean- ticipation of salMcKinley' administra- lion. P.yot. Y. N. Gaggln anti bit assist- ant.,,lira. Ziegler ant ieasWatson, af the Anllacb mbool; aIe lit, Sabla, af tbe Lake Villa maboul, tuSi a holiday lent filday anti ipsul part o! the dmy la aur maboul to, aequinit emaeîvea vlth the methods emiployeti ty ont leachera. W, are praudtiaouLr hqool. It la gainlug a repulatioa oiiat4e 0f bhla dlmIleleviencet by tthe 1am ber of papis entrulleti vio coine lrom tLe adjaeeni dsriclé. Ont station agent la a long snfterlng mnat, rlcbi la smrpatby as veil sa "tlcb" by arne, butlibe somelmen lbt a bisagonuaturlie svereiy 1used. par. iag the vaibunt betveen bure anti Grayd*aba. taaisver. tielayedtbobe on. day leat veok, andtheb confusion occasions& titi nt iourh bis equanliniS>, but vheu throngb the apatering midsudd tizzliuig râln, an lmp«Wivo lady (a'ho livea lulniii. vlcliIy, vs aie forceti trait, but le& ma hastea to adtit h1ber apecies lu rare) vent ta hlm vltb a pitif i ais aio a wort1ltema huibanti anti an empby larder anti reqaeited hlmts tcierculisj a sunbcrIptioa Iop lber benollb; tbon ai visions ot a nsv aprlag trutfioteti belote bis syca, ont geriali "llcb" man troue ni. 1 " ",Taî OTnz BuÉ . hep tasu pure blooti;, a nlqoeat MW aniM eetisti SRENOnE M lira.Jaco urnan wèe ln lhe Otty lhi Tlauîday. lira. Chas. ButterfieId's mother la suwi quiS. poooeiy. lmas dilTowuer vashopping la Chicago l"SThu»day. D. ShuaanBolt Lin. Boadmatet, vwa la Jlbatn lionday. 3. J. Sabla, of flharonti Lake, wu lu thiaburg lait Thuroday. j g.Kruokmmaas aa nBarragtln tlt.U berpartI0f llt .k IL K. liaraal in varkingf for the Wl.. comilaCentral et Mlwauke.. - The B. J. a X. ini.rtaduliag reware niaking necomaary repaire ai blAplace. TbeOorboWll-Filmmona'fight seema l .letoplcof t he day et the milk The E. J. à E. cucual. pasoei lhrangb Ibis place liai w.eS en route ta Waukegan. Ibis plac re rwquit. a crovd Uof apec. lastora lant veek. lira. Edua Bristol, of Waukegan, bai beea vlitiug her molLer t aIliis place., Who la atlU vety lit. Lots of tain fr11 hore lait Friday, causiug the roads te bu very rnnddy anti a large amnntt fland las nuder Trains onte Botllandi Central rmada ver. delayeti betly lu ait urdsy ou accoaI olfvahonts caauti t y lb. heavy raina. Thte lour rah ut Ibis place L'ai ceaseti anti allbh lour trom the lin.- neapoliashUas ngolag tay boat via Xauilovoc ovar the Cental roai. The E. J. & B. delivereti go th. Cen. tral roat ii n cm oar faIelectiqa ,niery bers lent Tucaday. The michiuery vas deatlned fort o», Jupas. Quit. a number of docks of vilti gesie and dncks ver. observet hers the latterpart. ot-lu, Waal' v onit ho quit. a boon Ifl(irover Clevelandi voalti viait this locaity. Ont nigbt operator, T. J. Docksry, viailed isAnbrother John as liartinglon lenI veek. w. presume 1. J. vus viait- lug nmone u. Ia.hile ibere, by lb. big émîle h. vote ou bis reluru. llov about il, Jeif? Il t la urtraing vbat a -ves bit of a thing"can icarpliab. Iick beadase constpation. dyspepsie, sont stomnacb anti dizuinema are quickly banlabed by DWiîî.s Little Early Xisera. kY. B. LovYtLL, Libettyvilie, anti G. C. lion- BuTS, Wancoada. GAGES LAKE. Miae Lizzie Phelpa ls vlitlng frienda ln Chicago. lira. Bilan Wright la ia Joliet vàiti- Iag ber tiaugbler. Mrt. John Thomsbus aovedto thIL bonne vacaet by lirs. ONiel. Mira. ONel ant iéfmlly have moveti tu Page Ri's fania near Ournce. Misases lattie anti laggie James vii- iteti irisuda la Chicago lent vouS. Mir. and Mlre. Hovard Masfu o e.the victima of a surprise parly Tueuday eveuing. Mrt. Peler Jorgenmon clopes a very ancesafui terna of sebool on Frliay of Ihis veek. lira. Etilc, iho bai been very pdeS wiit pleurisy, i. Impruvlug under the. akulifai trealmenî of Dr. Shaffer. Oneliante ila &Ilb.helime necessur>' to tiecitie froin permonal experlence that On. linule ('ough Cure doos vhitilsame implies. Solti by P. 1B. LoVLLL, Liberlyville, anti G. C. liton- mave, Waucoada. There vilI b. su enlerlainanenl aI Gagea cbnrch April 3rd givea by the pupils of tb.e(Giges Lak, @choc], "isiedi by otiters, undor the direction of lir. Jorgeuaon, for the benetît of a ac.hool library. Admission ouI>' 10c. OUEN~TINS CORNERS. Our faclory paît a dividend of !mie. for Februajy. John LeTman Ibinkas nome of golmag soulb for his itealtb. Mir. D. Sturmn matie a flying trip to Chicago lant Itnnday, Bora, te lit, anti lra. J. F. Gainer, a non. AIl are doiug veil. Mrt. H. L. Bockelman made abusines trip lu Chicago lait vueS. lir». Mary Smith le convalescent aller asuver. attack of lung lever. People suy thal the.matis here Intel>' wers lte gorett Ie>' badever seen. lir. Henry Alîrti vilI Ieach the mumct scebool lu tite Pnlaam istrict. Chai. liauzou, of Palatine, han mnvet lut H. Gainer'. place on lb. conut>' lino. W. are gla t 1 report lira. Willlàim Wietbart on the gain aler s bardi pull vita lang lever. Titey are sa, amal ibtalthe mont sen- sitive petaona taku lhem, lb.>' are 1e effective 1hat 1h. mont obalinate ecas of contpation, headicho anti torpîi liver yield tu thema. That la vby De- Witt% i Lttle Early iiers ar kuavu ai the lamons 11111. pilla. F. B. Lovic", Lîbettyville, andi G. C. BoRcura, Wau. coatia. HALF DAY Sprlag vark viii non comamence. mi", CaraMaon apeul th. pai vwo veubsi t Gleuvlev. Mrt. anti lr&. B.L. Tripp have basa suferlng villi th Grlp for the pal tvo veeki. S. T. Foote's nov bolet la nearlng completiou anti la s plesiig addition Sa Ont uttle lova. The nev addition to Mr. G. itocken- back'a houa. la nsarly eompi.ted. lit. GeaI anti bride fromt bIlas, lit.. vili occupy Il aller tb. liret of AprUl. Don't allov yonr langs tbeb.Impair. eti by the continuons Irrtation of a cougli. lii oauisopreveulouam- liont Ibmt'O cure 1. One miate Cough Cnrs liben eariy viii yard Off as>'ftalilnng trouble. F. B. LavCna, Lihertyville, andi G. C. BCUnînn, WAu- coada. Thete seemedt beb conalderable ex- cîlemeat lait Salurday at the canons over lte narin@ion olcoualable. The candîda ere J. B. Gm'ley, T. Wilson Mrt. Dean. andi Hugh Green. WAllon recelvea thle nomination. For com- mlasiaser uofblghwsys, Fred taucliff. Tb*e nildalse for aiber OMe.. rO malmed i unoanet. VUi.Bio$ ofhmjbea th caflest onr anleda m . i s u e atdeys, e l iraw ie bei s oa "« . o u e l" s i. lir. anud lra. Z. D. Adême, ci wads. voréh,1 »pont funda&Y vAlh relatives ber.. lira. B. B. Sharman, of Grayslake, visa] er aiter, lin. Rommel, a 1ev laya laut vouS. 1Abers; Anria utseveral day% lu Chicaga and I ac a. lait Week, vliutlng relatives andi friands. WHis lla Rho f Elgin, gasinli taga lia ut eS anMd liahown las. the myoieeofaIthe lM. W. uf A. lira.(leo. Stovena, 01 Shermerville, movedti Anthé50aPper flat of L. P'. Totidu houa. the oral of lb. veek. If th. persan -vho Saab'Pouffe. Faoitns a it of untiervear Viti klndiy. ratura marne, il viibh.gralesfuiy re. oeivcd and no questions yl h. asketi. liumor aaYs Ibat Ueo. Parsons r.- movodti he fonue.trm i. 4%place be. cause lter. vwu to much swnging on th. brout gale. Uow about titis, lMr. Slhirley. EH Frauls la runnnlng for roand corn- missioner on lb. independenst icket. No donbt EUA bai many supporter.,sudnt what promisd lu bé a quiet elellon vili b. au exclllng one. *Get shere, EIi." Torluring, ltchinW a.caluy akia urupa lions, burunaand waldi are boalhed -nt once M Min .? lY bhasiby Dowitls cure fr Ilu. . vur ibesrcy. ville, andi G. C. Eo13uvS, Waucoada 14te correspondîent et Everest May* tait one of tboir bays la trylng to ar- range s aiane ot chockera visA a man Who playe th Ae champion 01 the Unitedi States. AÂnovni s. auggeal IbiS he play vitb lthe champion goçées hunier &Bd checeW.player of tbe vorîi. Mr. "Bulcit" Tiapper-as your stervie.gentlemen. No, that viual tan earthqnaka yon board the oiber algbl, il vas Dafy a bedaleati on Nira" eeAve. Ithéscarne <ova vtlet occupante. Trank gooti. noma, noua.evia hart ythe, but lb. bodal«osaiunfer. injuriée. roam vbk4ch si; ladaubtlil Il vilI recover. Console youraeif, "Bac' thia smaiu s. oansaccientt biS appena la th@ béeat of tamillea. A burgiar cafled on c. Il. hason early lait hSarda7 rnornlng vhlle the laînilv viu ialeep, efeetlng ansue. trauce lbrongb one. ofthlb.lover vin- dti. Aller sntering Met houa. he proceetied to belp hbl olf lu <lb Vantry afforded the l.fin, ot ssalbi. Wbea h. departed los bob a jouit of clotu, an overEi, &a vaeb andi chutn. titre.Pai»r. ut-.. n udaàrazor. Il 1*fitOngbt that a "oon" dîdth îe decti. ai one vas aven arouunti tti lacllty lait veek, sadti l, feet ltaI the razor wvitenëeceme s. beoutt the supposiion. Have yoar anclion Raie bills printeti àil I 150P1NT cilce. Columbus f mo"l net State and Wu. Chicago, write.s uder ?7, 1894: "To Wnox 1-rMAT 1Itako pie&& n IbIhave n r.O0. the pas dau, ave «alied oouaultataou and have knova lmach of and sundies during bis ca1IegeâWhieh was Vory. inaltedepartrnents f and suery -in activ Hove ha. LeId rank best- aud mont ucc.umo io"r in Chicago. H. is scientiousansd ver y;uoeauu sician aud surgeon. W. IL. Divis, M, D." Wante, For Sale £040. FOR BALE--A oT 3E n @v. Apply a ED.111.2 ertyvîlîs, or J. J. POxrEoug, teilor. Foi BAL:-e rorouas a M Sechool St. laquire sti.l0 Son'& store, Libertyvilia. lai SAM-VtiSh hiajvocI At liitDay»W Mill. W. B. ftop. ________ q Fou BAL"-iroama houa. M~i~ Wrlgbtu Couert. aiaoIl voeU bau andtw ltvlas, lura ~ uing velI md mdeen JAMES Tala, Libiv Pou av.lydul b Cor. hlia k.Ave. Manti0ub, hast moder m inovomote r ont. Carmer store 20 ftf01 tsaran d) cft deep. djlIgW 263«>. JAMES TsUooa, LiuC07vUI lue, Foi 1L-10, 20, 40, 75 orii117 of gond itmptoved land, on. mis of Premont Cealer. Forteloiu parieulars addrsaior eciiesc.O.s Portin-A pac"Sg. olana mâdervear. Ogner can bave C&lIIng ai Ibis ofice .andi Paons th inaid. ______ Poit HàLp-Lot lozOUSU0lu ville village. Vety tiesirabta 11 gooti drainage. Oan b. bongbi for cash. (Cali or atitres. 1»31PU uillee, Llb)ertyville. Food Mill. We will do eustom «griadhsgTe day, ,Thw'ioayiandiSlriu have a large nev Cura andi Cab Ibat grîndla very fait. I. iB. ScE"aic £Boa, Spring Tra-de. SPrairie City Seeders. S Keystone Disc Pulverizers. The Hummer Sulky Plow. The X-Rays Sulky Plows. David Bradley Plows. Bradley Corn Planters. Steel Lever Harrows. SStaver and Abbot's Carrnages and Buggies. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks. 4 Timothy, Claver and other Field Seeds. iG.Ii.Schanck & Son,- LI BERTY ViLLE, I LLINOIS# K'~*Q*44*4*44444*44*4Q4444444444444444444444~ ARE YOU STHINRG C trl" Ir YO -.WRI4 SFor their estirr en and extraf fin ely assorted Sand can suppk We Wcarry a f u ware. Our st' sorted andch( Building? OU ARlE DON'T rAiL -TO CALL ON GHT& SON -,. mates. Close figures giv- fine lumber.- We have a edstock of lumber on hand Iy your wants at, any time. mlil lne of bullder's hard- tock of nails is thebestas- ieap. v plattorm. . 1 1 .11 - 1 - ý ý S ý ý. ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý S ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý ý -,