CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Apr 1897, p. 1

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'a t'Li kia P.V. No. 25. or.Chartes Galloway. C Vfoover Lovll'sDrug8tore I-Lib.rtyviIIe. - Illinois ~.Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. 01% OfI over Trlggs& 1Taylor'.. te »M . 1 todaMd 4. tea i. m. lediseue oM Broadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr.- E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. butler'S bldg Uieens;t«.lo.m. anditosp. m. DIY Libertyville, II. H. P. EWING M. D; Rockefeller. Ili.. PA. t.1 90.9P.M. Atr OP. M. D.H. 0. B. VOUNO.- P~Physicien and Surgeon. amummacaOpposiTE LMUX W OTEL mina. Ournea -- -- ---Illinois. 0. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. 'voet MAuAB uE ale, AD DEWnT ..Dr. . A.E AVIS. Dr PAVWE ULTUREaNS NARMN, %p@ &Ut ao i ronCobemtiani. Ubrookefee, - Illinois. W. H. MI PUL ICR wSmeeiai antan giean xCoectoa Cuuveyuontau tn l. OnI WsvuLAIE OcVnTY AN WNzdort . . rMLL hE. tr Whu j tan Salae!r Tircarcucavil»olvdeUI. r ar ata W. . Tis*u hoeSoreil Saturday April 17,'97 COMMe"a tati 0o"la 9. M. the tolain ALL TROTTERII. Abdlh nlet b, Hambletonlan Ba- ah. bHalo lln0. aby Hiet nr. by Iam kLet by alne b Ham-n "J r ougai. the beutlae of e ,lr a i.ld iga byr. Liaoleit.C,*r ad b y rý by Ac =ab ibletontBfl Io. PIlroutae ThoughtlLb 1;amby &Wsorth*@ Ljor 1 yeas old. by sun of Bue Bull; Damx done s ears oîd. bL Prairie LUb U.,~Ie.b, Ham letn" »; r M .,g brait> s i'.ea lde 6b, Kg», y Lad%ýy Go. tndrd anit amare. s reara aId. a good ecliver B47eriBring mare. tyibah aud cuite epeody. ag"y ray' mare. tyllah. gffod <dver à aiaedla: 4r lreid. by Abdtallahn Hsqlt. Un e obdiAb wallali Tensyearso idoooad workers. weabt ana. PACIERS Boxie bai Idigg yee oit by Croat- uss4Wke y(.oraWilts.Damm y GoetkB;. bai gelding. hij<Nidet Noble <y ytmk o hy ol.Naiý-nNo. W7. Jlm.hay gadlng. t yearq nId. 1<4-biiods bjj*gh b>' mon of HsîîîY Medilin ÏRje , t Pois~.aste waontopbuggy, 4arts, Bond For Catalogue. TIE RIVS 0FSALE. ~-Ail quas af lie or under. CWh. on ail $%.u a cir that amquut atedt oatone rear nul b. alvmi cod aiproeaitnote», be- lu ëSer oit. AIlirolurty muet b, mtled an tibOrei ermoved. Ceald ilee thim before Sale. Kc. 0. COI'FEY, Auct. The teniporsuce mesmeeting liold ai the Preabytorlan churcli Tûesday eveutng nador <ho sngoa or aithe 1. 0. 0. T. wai lsrgely attended, <ho oburcli being iOued te i& ts atiba capacity. The meeting vaq openet wvttb a ong by tlie ladies' quartette, foed by prayer by Bot. G. D. Heuyer. Ato, a âong by tlie genUte' mensa quartette, Chiai- Templar Rab- bard lutrodnced<the speaker et tho ovoulug, Boy, Wm. Obiciger, af Crystal Lobe. tir. Oeechge«,,iaan' eroquent speaker,I nlly cqudnted -with 'bis aubjoct. hotuS a& preaenfr ougaged lu leciurlug lu the interest 'ai émper- sue lu varlous places.,bffore <the spring election. Ne 'uaoeu o asae, <lie varions srI meli"Àd vancot for <ho saloon tiD ilovns, strongli advauclug be.l,! Chat tho moe ou @h*'an~ sd local option aliould ho dil l h choice.ofaiieeaeoSo pet in tigebaudesoai1:1: lIi remaarts varo generiM làt the approscbtag eiectto .24t1 a siraight-iarvad 4énhicai uner, oooeslanally Ilatra 'e~y - àstory. vhdIchkept bts aufince n Suite af nnrth. The ladies. q ate rendered anoiber seleetton. vorth as hlghly appreclated, judgtug <ho &p- planée..RBoys. John Lee agd 0G. Dý Heuyer lu a iev veili clîoeeremarbe andarseit aHlChat land benu afl by tir. Oeaclger, ant shoved tiom»Ieve. de. ctdedly on tho aide af tegnpércue. A song by tho male q-partette, tn re- apondeo t hocellesfer an encore, ciasodt linoexorcises. The Ladies? Bazaar. A Mont aufcossiui baxoarras boIt last Thursday andt FîtWiy aiternoona sud aveninga undar <lie Iapices ai thie Ladies' Aid Society of %bc M. E. dhurci, lu the empty store "nof Dr. liglta building. A nadoiin 'Md galtar orchestra composed ai Younug lad ies renderotd 'elëtl munic and lictted mach favorable comment. Ico cream ud lcake veto aeryed boilé eventuga. Mriay niglit suh articles inslbad net been nold vere auctioniet by Henry Apploy, vho amuaed <tie gather- tng immmtesly by lies lunnylaps. The lattes ueiled SWI, sud thaeatt0;nd>a secret mait ne i an sd prett*tbonne- hlaI novelties for s nominal sum. That tlie bazaar vas a succes , con- ceded <y &IL. Cithzene' Caucua., Notice la Aareby gitan-tinat thora yl bc a caocus of tbe voter*@ af tb3 Ctizen@ Ticket aif<lia Village or Libertyville, hoît ai the T»wn Hall, Mturday April 3, 1897, at 2 oclock p. in., for <he purpofa placlng lu nomi- nation candidate, for tlie ioflowing officea, to-vit, te <o noted for at.4li city election toelbe beld Taastay, Aprh 20, 1897: Oua Village Proaldont, <bree Truste.sud one village lerk, and te rasac< sucé ather buainesos un maï properly cine belote tho canou,_ Bv 0»311 OF' COaXIaîRr. Peaplea Cauous. A Caucus of <lie votera aif<lie Peo- pIes Ticket, ln <tha Village ai Liberty- ville, ta beroby calot, <to meet ai the Town a ll, Libertyville, April 3. 1897, aet lit oclock P. n. for <lie parpoee afiMI pcinlanomination candidates for the o toing offices: One Village Preatteat, Three Village Trustessud Ou@ Village Cierk. sud for the trans- action Of sncb ailier business as Mnay proporly canne beforo <ho cancua. C. C. BtVLKLzT, PaANN FPaaroTN, JOHN BA.LLAhIW. The Waukceganv Harbor. Waukegau tin in s turmoil af political airito. Major DeVait anobbla IOliov- tng are lu rayerof aigivtug avay" <ho liarbor, <ho opposition factiou hoipg opposei ta <lhe plan. A large "k,"com pany blias aaed Vauegan for*o bar, propasiag <o erect immeaèoàa sheds, dredgo <lie barba, t4 a deptin Cbat vilI 0110v boita dravwingtseut lest ai vater ta enter sud lunfqtet mabe <lie barber sometbiug Mor'man ane tnuine. As<o the adyiabtllt7 ai alavug a privatecompauj <o nSpnopo. lizo thoelarbar, even ahold <bey bé <ho means ai roating a consierable ahtpping lnndnatry et Waukogan'and atirac<ing other large compantea lai<the question agltating Waukcganittaa suit lia beennmadean suane lit?<ha tty alec- tion canupaiga. CarlWARREN., CalLamb, ai Chicago,smade bits parents a shart viit gunajy. lis Irene McClure. ai Chicaga. spent Sunday vit b ler fahera iamlj et Gurnuae. Wperal of <lie Warren boya, visa ae ettfenting sehoal lu Waukegau, ar eso- joylug a vacation tia week. The Warren Cemtery SoietY vwl meet wvttl lesdamnea James Wlbur and savyer nei Weduesday. A number aiftira Mary E. Voe.a iondas, arpriiet ber on bMarci 11h, 19 belug ber 70tli birtlidianuiaverry. ~lr. lMcClure, wvlihbaee uffrtn lory aU v inter fronu <ho effecta ai a brakon leg, tla able go ho about aau The many Warren finonda aiflMr. aud lira. Fred Wilbur, ai Grayalake, vere much pleset ta boa, of <lie littie jg er làa cme go g<hemt leatveeb. %re. Heury S2hepard aud daughier Sare e< their..ismmouse <bis va«k. -- EnuS traug, <ho Gaine. dress- up~Iieuaing <ho voek vih y p u Par zma i vih w«" 5.0»e- lew dayaago.M «w d' -!%bd mwe..ouplt.1%oUbjabusa nîng phytel a- . li<Wm. Dal, oai(turnes, eus- talneaa evqre <bock ai Paralyaie test tutior although a suitorer ironn rheu- uaitanfor nny jears, sundt ta hopod lie vili recaver, deapite bts s»eoty-eight yen"s. Hie chiltron ,vdre wired ai bis critical condition. e J, ROLLINS. tira. A. C. Drnry inasuftering witia tle tir. F. Pottersa conditionu ta nu- changeit. ..Haftey Triager caltedait Antitcli Saiarday. eh~oo1 began Mondai alter a veeka vacation. Mrs. Josephi Wbaleo in ufering vitta Mis Annie Derby ins pendlng t<lIs veet lu Chicago. - John BIlty, of Chicago, tin uning on Pourth Labo <is vaek. Geo. Frafter, af Oraysiake, speut Studay vith Oscar Drnty. lira. Frank Wlmingtou, ai Letttn, viaited relatives bore Friday. Lavyer Lougb, ai Chicagoaspent lent week bunting on Fonrihl ako. lir, aud lira C. Kelyl, ai Liberty- ville, speut sevoral diasliat veek bere. The many ionda ai DaMdy Taylor vil <e fladIo alearu <bat she ilm n- provlng. Laet Saturdayoccntred tha ueraI of Mr@s. WaIIis, su aged andt reapectet lady living vest of Balînas. Charles and Ney Lamb, of Ournee, vire <lie gnota «Mr. and tira. Henry Edvard< litTbursday. Ch 1 ey Balnnnow. Raymond Lndsay abd Lavrence Doolittle, of Waukogan, are spending <bel, vacation vîtin Clarence Doolittle. EVERETT. Remember oui laundrybasket lesves overy Woduseday sud raturna iiaturtay. Mir and Klra. Harry Linduer speni S untiy vitb tir. sutdlIta. F. H. Zerver Misa Nole Raud, ai Chicago, vitted te ndssut relati Yesnlire turing the t yack. -Several four-borse teama vinre Seau lu our <avE during <is o ee. Gravel ts all rigb< but it can't stand everi- Anuàher chingelisa tabou place sud Ma*bXXla.nov sationet as niglit oper- ata*, ai Everett, vhtle Jack bota forth Frank Kapan vas taken isick one dey last veek sud batl ta give up vork. Oua Carlon, ai Wadavotb, filîlebia place turing bis absence. lira. M. Melody vas cahot ta Ova- tonna, Minu , by tlia destin ai ler atter, tifs. (Ybourke,who tiet tionday, Mardi 29tb asud vasburiet Vednesday, Mardi ilat. Pliat expert ceoker player at Deer- fiolt wbom vo heard no mucli about bah-been movot fartber avay and va ah~old think ho voud vanu ta au Rare ve are once more and not dead eltbor - jouaIS upposet, but ready lot mant anythlug <bat comes along as long au 1< la nat ana<her suov storm Iike tliq one vo liai liai vek. Tliat v»a Prety bad one vasn t éL. B.? S fi jou aboli liappen ta trop into our.tovu somotime do't f orget <o tako a look t our tva nov matchod buggy teus, Johaules sud Jim'a. Jms laa fine pair o! bisceansutJabunies a pair ai brovus. Tortuarig, ltehing' acaiej skia orupa <loua, burna sud sclda are sothoi et once sud promptly heled by DeVWitta Viiel i Hael Salve, tho beat Ïnowu cure for piles. Y. B. Lovxi.. Ltberry- ville, sud 0. C. Bonaiva, auconda. O. iY. Vitanna, ho lias boon mak- tng lits hoorna i bs son-mInv'a', F. 0. Ellewbrth, ibis viater, depsrted lor btsli onne laKanue b. iS. ies vile snt daugliter vil roein a vhile longer antil <bey arm able <o iravela tinoy are bath ou <ho alek fliaiat prea- eut. T. V.IBlocnu viU continue hits sale Eloy Loat. 01 boots, alioea, arnesses, ca<tlso, Anoie< vaospstses wagona, larun implmonts, eto. neit Antc 0vrospsmtr Saturday ai lits vare roM lu Liberty. tbronghout Une Mats lias beeu saut ville. Tb dstg i<i ae ont by John Sparlin, af Palailue, Il]., ____________ - <is ve, sallcttiug tuiorm*tkon asate B3lood and Nerves anre vbttose. <ho wbereabouis ai s yoang man -Iy rait, l Xesp tinsbloot rhcl, pure uaned mark Raffin, about 1@ jears and lolhy, wilh Hood's Suîa -,-1Ia ld, l<ght complexion, liglât volglt and yau wil bavaeao ueryoaasa. ' suad su" nal statue. Lately omplayet Hoodle PIlle are boit aftr4dtunri by Mre. Pahimsanoun the John Rolet. pIUO,aId dlgeeto, Pr«teooutipsttoa squ fera neer Quentin's Cornus. DEERFIELD.' C. Autos ta *vitug relatives tn Chi- ongo itula vo. John Sljieser, ai Wadivortb, wuainl iowi liaiTuemday. (leu. Adam a eita Wsadwortb on tmportant buanuselai veek. Bbody Roa, of Hanse.Cty, vas <lie guesé ai1lir. Duff7 Si* week. tirs.J. C. Adame ,'Vied iends sud relative. lu Chicago lite veek. loba.Horoaberger basresamot lita OÎd POÎMloDn a aght operaior bore. De sure <th 10E vîtueis the kllpck- oct ouit M aithe Tovn Hall, April 6. tira A. C. Strayer, oi Glenview, villied lier mother, lir. Vetter, <is lmMamie Vetter, wvin aattend- tuE Sool ai Valperaiao, ta speuding a aliOri vacation vith hor parents bore. UtMIkely <bat ho vilI accepi <ho postion. TOUcm eau a a katoe 5 Tilllatsona for fi<y cmota. Vo roter ta a piece ai boras11e0818 ehieh ataWied on his promisaes. Dr. Kaje vas la tovu *thl@ veek. Do. vlabes tomanun.<lai lie vill 8eehage dental wvork for a ev good leSme in pool. The Old Sports' Club naeets veebly at Phitp Roumel'a. 1<tla reportet t<bat at ho lai meeting <ho games re-. sulbed s aàual lun Petits betug au the loeinug shde. Veoaffer hlm oct haert- tels sympthy. Jake Autos bas caugit <lie hause dOleaIng lever aud bas beeu baay for so=0slime painitgani cioaulug <ho store. Jake b»_a deuonatraied <bat h. bas ablYtu y<<tis lineof Ivorit and -be SI.50. in Advance. Air' Shoe Sale. Boys' Strong Every-day Shoes ..... $ 90 Boys' Opera Toe, Soilid Shoes ........ 00 Boys' Needie Toe. Caif Shoe ...........I125 Men's Buckle,-work shoes .............I1.00 Men's Grain. work shoes ..............IJ 25 Men's Caif, work Shoes.......... ......I150 Men's Fine Shoe, Cain Toe ...........300 5.ý14 ICmYvhwlere for S.00 Ladies' Fine Shosrýmrn $100 ta 3 00 'Lystyle 7EWà AT WYNN'S, Cor. Genesce and Washlngton Sts., WAUKEGAN. would praceiuly aili a positionan -th APTAKISIC. FOX LAKE. heado a a ouaehold. Alil ommfiiea- Tedc atr r n spi <touaaddresed ohmwvilie proaaptiy Where duos ho go,we're tili wan- he nnudd aud ea nasetouasaie auawered. Ladies, horo la the chance derlng. rue ai jour tfetime. Chas. Heracbberger, of Wleellng, GoreCrlttonden and E n wu____ a home Buuday.a c Villae and Mr@. Wna. Wbigbam vweut <alger, af Foi Lako, vlated G..3 e Villge leoton.ta Chicaga Manday. on business on Tuesday. Ntice la beroby given, <bat ou Tue&s m.W. a, r. fD lig u ra. £ltred kioharda bas gono t. U&the < ho day or April nezi, ait<thehm.on g, Jhrt ii. iD ig a lait ber brother Vu. EL Galiger Who Village Hall n boeneilongaos orterty-la.very Melkat hlm horne atCleopatra, Villge alllu he illge i Lbory- ea. Suyder bau lat the emplar of Miuiouri. ville, ln the Caunty ai Labo and iltate John Ayera. fila place yl be flUed ,Wlam alsIwoha 01 Ili pas'nEeta iI< edb i.Nyr beau very nat for sometimo dhd ai 1.t ib»aiuoîg Village Officers, via: Nicb Vola, ai Arlington lielghta, hor home on 0mub J3111 lai Tinurei Orne.Ï nident aif<lhe Village, thre oelled on oid friende haro liai Bundày.morang and vas buried la th@ Foi ooHo tant atraid ai4he mnd, elèher. Loe emeyon atra. Th VDBe Tuatea.ail vilag Clrk. Dora Ougat, of Mota., came Tures- service. veto heid nai <h o;la Lab Wh election wlU ho apened ut 7 day norniag ta keep honae for bier scoaolhouse, Eider T. J. HoUaoman Weloo> la the marnlng and yull con- two brothera on the o aebacah fau. oUciating. tinue until à o'ciack la <lie altornoan Mima Clara Hersolibergor bat a af tlie mme day. quiltiig periy <Ma vweek. The mun GJuan under nny hanîd St Liberty ona terrible, bait<bai didu't kepthleST OhJ NYOLA ville, tlie 2th day af Match, A. D. 1897. errlaingetmenoaiehme.r.ia W. C. BAiMola. Village Clark. uNo jtla.b "a'. t NonU Many cases ai «-Grippoe' bave lately èrt ofor OnL era511 of, beeu cured by On. iueCugiCr. art. on the Chanueri atero.a If you bave ove, seen a cuId ln <ho Thts pïeparation aeoml s epectaily <"e a sommona thersupon audoit agouy ai croup. jan cau apprectate <ho adapte to tho cure oai <la diseae.Il m surt MMthra> e ib Orat a tl.< gratitude ai mothera vino know <bat acta quickly <hua preventing aertýoua eti <le crcuIt Cou i of l Cost. to b. One Minute Cougli Cure relieves their complications and bad offecte amr v hel d ai <ho Court 0eaItwukami littie anas as quickly nea t<ta admint Shi&tdiaesie ofton leavee <ho patient, K tenL.n tas abîa rwrd , u tered. Many home. ta <hie ctty are Y. B. LovELL, Libertyville, aud G. O. w%. csuttasdll <Wit15 AfA neyer vitiout 1<. 7.B. LovLLi; Liber-.tOsaRBT, Vanconda. J. . W U'--s boRA. . tyville, sud G. C. Robert@, Wanoonds. Jo W. W Î8Iis6*B Officiai Ballot--s-Town of Libertyville ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 8. 1897. 6ed-alýt TowN CLERK. Far Aisemsr, 'or Aisssr E E. W. PARKHURST. W. E. HOWVELL. For Tovn Clerk, Far Towu Clerb, E W. C. TRIGOS. W. C. TRIGOIS. For Comniuloner of Hlgbvays, 'C ntral Dtrict.> EE. W. BUTTERFIELD. For Scbool Trustee, E For 11,afh me E0. E. CHURCHILL. E . w. BEI.R El FRANK A. BROWN. Far Poaàud iiet, E HIRAM LUSK. For Comulsalonerof ai lginvay, <Central Diet.> E JOHN AUSTINJR. l'or School Truste., EBERNARD BECKMAN. Par JuisticesaiftheoPeace, For Conatablea, EDENNIS LIMBERRY. EEDWARDM. LYNCH. For Poudmaste, 1-Women's Ballot. ci RPOBLICAN IICKU. CI For Scinool Trustes, C. J. KEIRL. For Bholut, , EBEZRNARD BECKMAN Libertyville, 1 Lake County, Illinois.. Friday, April 2,.1897. t: JE 1 i oui

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