CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Apr 1897, p. 2

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bÈàATff IN à TUNNEL Trwo mEr4 IKit-D cBf AN Ex. PLOSI0ON INCKIcAGOý __Cause e5tiâte errible Accdent Va-e' ka , - lIjDeusmits Cartridne or, r eciet oetrastOaJuCoi Eioein a aiela. Esseeti keet Mctb latetîiy. Bm- an explosion lu the Pont eus! ot the usorthwast ans! tunnel a t Chicago Tusi- 1 da> morning trio men seere lntualydillb i ed. four irere serloualî InJures! ans! fvc otiore receîves! silgit mounds. Thei.eraene eft hicexploaion iras lu lie fac.eofthlb. werkînge 2,400 feel cent of tic allait. The1 4«d lmeu mere irorbiug immes!lmlely oceci tic spot mhere lie explosion eccurres! ans! f hem- to-re fore te pie-es. The other mea, ttith but une or fiee excepions, mere teerbîns eihin a t e!-a- Ooie seeue et tic explosion. fie saccident came miliout iraruiosg, ans! noce huis a chance te nuis! tie danger. Tfi e nciere atîtdenly ift- os! frein ticir foot ans! hurles! agairlif lihe teilla efthte tunnel. fie-i ir-e blindes! b> amobe nd cruties! b> fallurg rock ans! rarl . i. th t he ais! of me-n freifthe tur- face tfi e as! aculi soundesi mccc caries! f0 tie siaft and hliietcd te île surface. Assisant Englacer H. J. Jacbmnan, Who superuniende bbte rb fer the ciiy, wnt amie 1O i sl'ingeallter fie accient. lu, ftbe na- ofdebrla boleusâ! a stick of gucat Posederwmilci bas!taills!te explotil. T~his tact leadu hilaite hlieve unexplodes! eticbp et dynamita' canses! tic explosion, iaving been ignites! b> the cexplosionm of une- cf lie electric liglti %hiflulumina thc tunnuel. Suleriolcodeet WiiiîeEu- c ia ls ioldgte lsamc heur>. Ohe-ru, believe lic mec explodeci tle gatit îioidir1 h>- sirilig il sifli Iliir pickaxes or ahue- clisn-hile 5etîvork. Conîruifor ('onnel oft fh riefi etF-Situns & Couine-l, w-li Ia lu charge ofthîe nerk. adeautees tiec t'héor> liaI flic explionieijomusdite lu ultt- unal ras. Tice cck efthile explosionuu ito toit for blocks filoun flic lake frntî. anis! causes! bundredis le hure> lu lieftunel.1 As soo slite-ftili emuit cf lic accide-ut tutcnuie knousn tte meoorkmen lu the ovest tunntel flic> refuses! te vi urk longer. aud "pt calions o uhlie uifire tulunl ne-ne utah staudstill. JAP COOLIES IIOT IN HAWAII. Interprcter Rete, te reath hy Su-i c are lutation Lsboerr., Tie scinocer Transit, arrives! front H-onolulu, livnags tie neses ot a Ciel among tic Japanese coolies cmplc>-ed ou fie- su« gar plantation on the isianî etflMui. Tiresa bunres! Japenefeeat ocee-et tiir number lu deati anuI stterward htilshi bodyIotea puip nfithclubs. Tic nursires! mon iras au lterpreter nnes!Ramaa. es secusaetoferon-doing in regard la menfY lutrostes te hM amis!d ton ever- ciarging t flion services rende-re s in.u terpreter. A mener ot seile bnntries! te preserve orIel- andsmec Kaseaba'e lite-, but tfhem- sere tfe tomte cape miti tic rril ans! n-ea obliges! le fiee. AasDoon, Stfie aes et tic merder reaciosi Wal- lo- in Sieriffs Scott ans! Dow, seti a nom- ber of deputies. eliies! lie plantution, ans! thougi mnny tiremta vere made by lic Trap«nase, tour of the riagleddiers wccc sr- restes! and! taken te tic Jail et Wnlhuit. The coolies planns! an assannl on the joli, but befuire tic moi re-neeIIl fie mienifas mre notifieds! ud fie> calhcd Opon fie Ciioens' huaord fer assistance. fie amaril, i a nuinhar of crares ruin-. tere turnueilont te prtee tic Jaol. Tic ýJaPàoes e meordores! te returu te their luisustion Iamoedintem-, wnutheficalerna- tive o e hamusfines! upon nili ive mle- it as. fici laivly diapenses! ans! n-nt bau-b te their hauses. butI l in halieves! las! mot thicemtrong stand hacomadletbilehans! otf<'clie oould have desbnuaye-d tfleolil uns! ove-mue lie neeflieru pari t flaui. WIPIID 0TV? IlE TOWN. Chandler, O, T., the. cee«e of a riait. fo<i caiasslty. A tornadoeat Chadler, forir milies raIt et Gutie, 0. T., t dusk Tusday igit. slestreYed tii'ea-touris oethle bsec ut 1,500 people, ans! flicreport la tiat w tire hadI> hurt and tonty-fiee perueus billes!. Thc ruina qulebîly ob lire.hies * suaui'Y O othbic ijures! People- more batroudl -Ifo deti. Six persan% lu one builig n-ea pinuecd doiroiy seekage anul met a slow eath b> lire. Ooly one ply-eiciuiu in Clînîlen cacapes! injur, u ns!lic dii] silat lie rouis! to relieve th ise-ulsress of t-ho e onde ans! uyng. It la reportes! f iae oui> two buildings oere left stands- ing-fhe IMitchelli Motel uns! the lirans Islans! geoceni store. - tmmtters Strîke. A trîke cf thie Neotrak sfsaaifitera, lu wteicibetveen 30,000 -ans! 11,W0meu 'maY ieho nvoves!, pas ileclares! Monday, nben tover 1,10()abcsm Sters rtes! dte go te n'orkl b teur abepeike tribe ls lb. rtentt et a practicai locbont on lie part ofthfe eica. &Tiflatonrannoonces! Uefurdsm- hat the ureelmnîbillerfo ex- lsting betwtco thonislves ans! their emi. ploe wouls! ne longer ho consideras!, ans! fioehomie telabetéfreport fer teeni muet Matm uaprulne.,Thceaiea refues! te aigu ans! su tie trike la o. Rscoptsflante lie proe. ApropoS et Prealdeut MeKtleyom's luvîf- bthéfi. mvper crrespondent* le ail --ab la lb. t e n rdi,,sla a pot fiat jaxt tristerlif e wl gira @Ix Int#i et but fira .atetOreeePttOB au bas bendoue hereto. focat. There seliithefiemceoptons te tif diplimie acarps.e, iaJuicri. lie amy -~~~~ -Ty --su ar, Congreesl, fe Publie, ans! fhi, by PrealietnMctKinley'@ dilrection, a aixfh r*ecepOtinloie Pneus. Enravie la lateresated. A- Mmccii fie forelgu emaiaouer imieadMeret fise Tannes"ýCeutennil andus * Isi.l Expitlion. ba* reo mes! fron 1111uI061. Mr.. a*cehi bas beon airoas toince lm àaum. exlesica et a boio oh. bu *M is*ded4uiteshape. Tif as.- ma etstm tnC4Tekaf, the la Anst*hla abtb t t,4 ella @endl'odegi Ihad etftirefv bfjbeleets of lbhe1>0w. ere sai t". eeiortliun tate i.T'klshl fore" br thi e a gants was a trlumph fer the poli e i îan bvath.te effeet la abowgL t fat the Obifftilq lu Aimants are in dauger of etterunlnatien. Ccasequu.t it jielassm-o&el*lli stated tbat fhe gritflsi admirai la OrsI an waters battillioti si acf ln enduiaywmah et Gret Brifate ta ie part lu lh. pro peai locadoftbeorsO (ieee.At tisthe @bcwever, lai order, sp[iar- Ç. tim. le a=w, a open rupture Wlthheb JbweY5 Great Drifaîn wlll acquiesce lu the. blocitade eo.thé, Qrsai ports. Accord-t las le reoortsin tionLet"ctinoidplomatiet clrcicatif powers bavealarais!, been noti-1 4Wd te fils eleef, %ud tie withdrowal of4 Great Brtala frourltlblocbade la t ha one1 subleet l-eua.ed a tudchrlià cita, 'The.. sultan'. fdvlsesar akn the. bas f 0fhfiesituatin by painting ftafthe1 tact thaf Great Britain does Dlot connu, 0 lofte the wbolae ofEurope, ans! fiaIgo10 long as tb. sultan bafesuprof iRUS-à Icis, France, Gerias ad Asrab la nchbng te fear fRen reat Brilaîn. If lea wblapcred that-Pànaoe will ln ail proba-1 bit1 t olo tflecexempe of Great Brit- li. - Frae, Ifle rla lU»Wned, coutl!rends- l, taie tIistep wVkiout dLsturblog tf0 nm aprcaiedg»W 'ber accord ail b Rus- e, fsIfl idddfiat lu snr case the Prenèh Govtlnrent would nut rist fnb lui part luin alekd of Greece, wheh t wosd bean met 0« wcr, wltbout tiret cou-. sullin lutfhe chantir of depulies tehose np-1 girvl feet o"rccplier i1rgardedà ois beug far fwu certain. Il ia. states!à thl Greatf yila bas Intimated ta le 1 pewen r t J Ii ees lockades! stepo i siienis!aise .iatityn f0 blockada flic prin-1 cIpal Tonkîsb ports. This 1sflent move ofi Great Brîlalu lu tie Eastern game bas1 undoqbls4i.alied a bait for flic preselît la fi oercivp j . easures. sud. msY, it la'irg nbukl ther abandooment. COLON OTOp1 BEf aËUAU fichasseon vet (p% a 03,000,00 eu- Johnr E. Oser fsecretary sud froCs- urèr ot the Aie gar ItilolciCoin- pany, lin D i4' th llougli lifirefiuses .1a xnle t icreg otieohbjet cf basvisit bo Colorado, fq Denver Republican us: 44ýt Je UndetSloqd tuat, inassociaI ion Wilh bavld H. Mut, flie ýeuver banker sud mine otener, the ou»ft trust la about tu inaugurale n gigéétic project for macu- facturlng bee inluColorado. if car- m-ed ta a sueccatul Issue il oill involve an eutlay ot froin *2,000,000 to $5,000,- 000. Wbcu approasees!ou the suljecl Cc- egnly Mr. Moafi.zsquiRfcd à- aring salît thaf h~ stood reidÏ te invest $1,000,000 ln' t aftdatry, provides! proper condi. toIoxbîr carrin k culd ha ecures." Passen. ,la ate. The nl-dé~fna lr u ass wass aute 4., ffth 7 meunier, aisent or retub te vg*i t qc tour members open- !y pmofalingainst fthe mesore tere Bazfer,.Chapptau, Hamilton sud Me' Coud. A niahier teho vof cd for it did s0 laudan prof est, believes! Il f0 he uncousatiftlotnal, but teere willlng te lut If go te- tM âcourts. Scuator hurler mas!e a ouf"cj agaluaf fie bill. He de- iclArs! setiletlatlon ta be sîsinef flic sprt of ail advapcernent. Tbe depart- meut store,lie s;2, *55 flicenmurai pro- dort of economiealcodItIons. Ilt was, li «Ialsu exemplt. flicheoniversai ten- deoci toward the concentration of capital sud the centralilatioi. of distribution. The Introduction of msbihnery, lie explaincîl. resuîtes! ladolâ&r-awsy wlit fht e mal shope and! amithies, sud la sendici flic spnalaistheeiad baud tanim f0 lic gar- rat, butIn fthe endJil Incrensed mna n'a pow- erot productivenes and! mode fhelxo- Ure@ ans! uessa,'es more plenliful, amid gave gmreter Selonf fta orinen for rec- rasîlon uns! lol.lee ual Iniprovernent. "If wc are fa foow b-spirit oet fhi. legis-1 ation," saIs!he, hw iut as teili do1 awaî *1 h Vlia ailod, flic Ilegra pli, acnd1 tie teieplione. We iod go iuî-k le the dsx feamsaua a meana et transportation aînd distribution cf meWiadise. 1 muet vole 1cr, ibefiausel a0 nfeIfrstfi getf cohsmu. sa ess i el i lzablon". bun r Maboaeyauseeres! Senator Baiter _,th aspetech lnir bi lie defeades! tbilmansd cul icisos! the de- partineof stores. He raterres! f0 the ai- legeit tact fiat f bere are 22,000 unrentes! &tore. la Chicago ans! argues! Ilaf fihe ig establishmnts are reeponaibie for suielist condition. HoesaIs! b. touls!vote for lte bil an fie gm-osas!et monaiity atone, ans! deeiared fiat tie conditions under tebicli wom.. sre emploies! la departuicof stores %u Chcago are n diagrae f0 h cif y. Cou. flnuiuî, ia assre d tiaf fie big stores outstrlpthber amaloer competîtors. 1Dotlie canse. of thé. superlor business abillîy of fhil managefta but because tie latter bave ftha advantagas cftaeurlug more capltal, 'Iurtisbes In manyimse," sais! Alalioner. "bY retires! stockparde mag. natm.* Kutachi UBaksAffece& The Court ofiAppeasi nt Frankfort, Ky-, deeldait tha'thfe btnks orthfe Sttu musf b. texaiennder theasd valorem wsms- feus tisa rvMain adecisiou renderes! oMstbtag eva aeste go. This deelsomi ecre es a à 4ow"te the ianklng inatitu- tiens o ei lte, Who. heretofure, bava hmfentraxnndmp the. Hewiît bill, passa la 1W!0 ns! wbileiprevldeofr the psr- ment et 75 cents on ach *100 Worth Of captal stock. Tanue.~iamlrCemmatai. Tifeassidanae ofJacob Aile, fiffeen mile. MW Nagnil .Taon.9murnes! Tuas- nur dles of Jacob, Ado, Un.A a Liais iedgs!20 m-ars, tloir denîtmrz ad 41 aMorrer, aies! 10 meau. Who was vlftni tie tarnlly, *e.e tonailin tbe roi o~ff the building." it s suppotes fiat tIbm mli'were murderes! theIb bouse burias! to couceal tic, crime The Bassss, roi Ass"ociation, knôwu as lb. Jeon ors Pool, bas been dissolves!. ia ebig Itercala ens! tifIMinnesota Iron WOULO EQ«APE @LAME FOR KILiLING OF CI-Rl8'flANSu Aagoy ietfthe Pow5vs fer fIbeI'Act ion iate Gracia. taria Imbrogtl fw we ave Witisteswn front fhe Bîoccadini Ceaadron, Feari Si. la frappai. Of. Petersbuîrg dlapelch: lu fie ment li-1 portant quartera mach annoanuce la toit et tic signaeofthticvacilisting paluer ahomu hy the pavers aif nmoment iien, lie ircaîcet firmness ls nececsri. fie feeling lat fiat te etber pose enaîre tpiug te pince itusain lthbi unileirabie position efthseddlor Christian ilooui.fThe Obgo- looki luebliahas n verm- mrons irtiele on lie sahjeet, enos! Iiioba engianilla goint te establisi herseit In Crete, sud halng fiere,sasy: " 'J'y suis, Jl'y reste,' easn ('rate is noln-bat the Dardianelles la le Roule, tic latter seonli net go te sean about il. Creeau ou be pacifies! hi shedidlo Christian bleus!, but ortiedox Ilussia canuot do se. Engulans u doue au befoce nus! cau o îl Iion ."tIlii dplo- matie circles tic positien la lookcd uopen as ver> emîcoilel, ses! ite olYsolution will hiehilt If tie Greeka luisiat coi fight- iug fier sîteuld lha allosecd le go on ail ho leslie. CYCLONE IN KAM Austin sud Severel Villages Fifcer GreatraI ie. Sond.i> sttruemin Austin, Teins, iundi ltme aircouriulîng Coîuntry wnes visiter]! hi terrilelocyclo!ie. Seve-railargeul -i-irir unig tovers tecre lliwtu uotto, cuailiuug a lmofo several thonsui dollars. Qeile a enuaille etbonses in lie reulooce por- lion of tle cit> toece bletsn dowan undl it caverai cases Omiroteescapes froli (le-ndit1 are relluortes!.'lTe emal townofet 'iiks- ville mus aweptIL l,>litew1e-oulnds!mcii liorses n-ee illes! b> iyiuig dcîrlî, n-hile a number of soletil bitoetii-cc lowmu doive, tioigifortutl ir te lmlac n-e-ene ot kilîil. thougigl iverni o ere hbuis! ly mime!. lReports rtnu fice aurrounîl- ing countryarec lu bue- effu-ct tîlot he mtonetin-s geueral Imiliis sî-lîîîn.Tic amaîll loti- of B3îubtue-tier Austin ans badi> linuild!fi liyte- dorm. quito-rinoiul- ber of heurtes bliuorbown ti ilandul ii or tioe lureolus klls, thouigl f leir naimmles aire net obtiaahe, tt o lu -thetact Ibet muet o e tei-egeaîil îîi ri'sii- imutn ans! teie s slmvery nie-cr. lhis le fthc 0-orst si)rtnu ihat lins een ervtuil iî:î section sud il hueisiuimue eVthit ilg lu ils truck, ilougli fnrtulialu-Ii u fr fie reports of deathe tire fie. Tiit- storiru tins eter lunmaiheur ans!tlti- sonmiCuot ont as lrirlit as itnoîbmî ins!llia iliuc-mid. WINILS IOWN Af TACOilA. Mevilent 010,., of the Winicr Ile E- periences!. At Taconua Thursda> lte heni-s i ndm- tueri etflien iner ragre-i, bloin iu g alme of forly-t-o toiles an boomr. Mtuîy Ch'mo- ucys ocre hiutçuîden-n anti signusont]il li- boards seuIl ores! promiscuunîîsly mtibui. A lange portion offte cruniveetfaaihree-- sien> Pacifie avenue- buildingwosaIlioun ri downc,bricging wt-liIl a trigie utfi'e electrie llrht ans! ielernîlm nires.'Thi- dram' spornt ftic Eleve-nîl istreut bidhge n-a i bowopen, te-npoesriiy sluulmlinia funerni procession. Inothc surruuudiuî country Irees n-ee- hloseii lutn h lite score. For soile fite Tacomanuut n cul off frein communic-atioin sitl flicoutsideu oorld. Tic gale was atult b> afl soîutul steamers. n hicli neme mor ir elusude-- lares!. TiheIBriti s lip lfbcidlanus-C tic bruke an-ny fom lier luound mmu riftt -i acrouasflic bar. A ireeflacrose niciii- ing Irain on tthe-atîle bcîîch. 'ltînî ilms decayes! amis!broke iu Imo iithout caumsiug mut> damage. OFFIIAL PAPERS i ISSINO. Cleveland uon. Taimu £rein the While HousalynD.icuameits. If lashu-e edis,ý-ercibthuit ioii.4t c n lirtemeot Pru-sidelut f -veluiul c- frein the Witlit-Ioune aiiilii pets:"ioirihti- iu;g csidenee or charges ganitt Guvcri -mentu offciliis. Moreolvur. lue haîîd u-ul hi. uwni îleasîîru lu letsrmmuuiiiun t dlui- uîîmuhtsi-er.- luivale ans! ehut pubicl. Tfisi fuiý t tins disi-overe-si li a clerk oille ue. sci king Certain Iplersicontaaiimi lutuuta- inn chargeaainni su efficial efuilult dfico. Amneuthfe îiliing. laluirs are tirete oluli c nînin tflichcarges egalue§t flic librurian ot Congregs. Germany PolIoss rifaim's hucas. It la asiertes! at Constantinoplec on ohal ls cegardes!uasrelialbe attiorit> Ihîtl ii coiunteuec c f lie refusai oft Lord Salis- blini te joie in n llor-kude oft Geeebptrm. Cernmacy liai given notice te the pon-ers uif ber Inteuion le iitidrae front the ciii cent. Il la unuierstioîl liaI Turber seul ber squadren tirougi fhe Dard!anelie-a o tie udvice etflie-mach. Two Mrteges Filai. fwo chatte-I rrgages gi-e-n b>thie Me- bcd IStsîup sud Puhiisblng ('omnpany of St. Louis f0e reditora have licen files! toc record. Gemorge D. Mobeel, vice-preskienit cf fie coipai,sasis!: "The asacta et lic conupaum rapresent more tien *200.000. Wc bave noodelta but liose mentioucdi n Ibemomrtgages."____ Deif i et Wss. 7. Adamas, William T. Adans, fie weII-knowsn tenter, pie.unader tie peu naine of 01à,_ ver Optie, bas enlertaines!le>oy, reaaers fcr msoretIon a imnenation, dios! at his home linctotiî,Salurdsy. 'Ha sema75 yeerofsetecHo bâti beau Ilihfor salin lime wlîh heart troubla. Uoyaessert Item Ravy. Biteen apprentice hoj% bave se«ercl frmith U e tlegaUnboataima lu fwe dams. hii.oâers »y fiat different tactîca in traInldg tie beys muetf h pur- ouaied r wioi desmrtlous lu every port n'lli reuit. ___ Pet mens etfminaI i. The elgti ,snnnel sesion cf the Ou' prenne Assocliton efthle Patrons cf lu- dutri wu@ese ld lu Cleeland, O. Twen. 1-fiee delegatas, nepresentint a totl aieabershlp cf 2=0000. teere lai attend- suce. Nemw Law Uameat £ oeOu" .aaUd Ps'Vlda ri!malt lus Lettefs by the meW aba eauf..pour- lcg ln on tbe Treasuv Dsýpart»nntaskag for Informatfion concemvins tilewulatio in relation fte thepammIai or utllafsdl coln, although'tbmsa .auing tihe fomaèes. tion a majerily etf casit, haire vecured it froin theCUlited! States district attorneys et secret service officers et thett respective loenlities. ln brief t iusy b. expilud It the sou, la la the-mnaua extension of tbos: agulust connterfelinlu. Il Ifrovides that tihe passlng et inutilataîl or defaces! coJ, or the ulufllation and defat5eoicut of con for auy porpose. bsha i bc beld te tiena erlminuni oiNOue. puelil-1 able by ictprisooment fur a perlod of one te dire yparq sud a âine of $100 ta *2,00.i Coder this loue the practîce of pre.entlug ladies wlf h relns of gold or ilver, wlth1 the Iitial*setfthe donor eugrav.d thereo,. te lie worDas bouîgies. la a erinil of- fense.. The law ultro drives oui of butIins s tombier of people wlio bave muade a «nod1 living shi purehasiog niotilates! coins 5fai reductiouo frein ,tbir face valua and! piai- glng lai lite h; -.s so killlf.1 fat original iuitilni-ka could nelt ha diseov-i crees. Even titis, kins! cf tamperîng wlhh the moue> of the Ooteruentwilil lie ce-1 gardes! as aitioffense trader flie 5151 us. 1 PR1f5IDEN1'S GEACIFUL ACT. geat Wreatb le Fsuslly et Mos Killîsi st Pattaburs. Auieng the Ilorai enmleoms reeeived liy the faruly of Williaoî Poter, o ho îwon huriet aIAssouan.,'aý, Tltray, iras a bî-autifîîl wreamlm fromu the White lionse eonoertatonies, a uit ront Presideat lle- Klîîliy. l'ainter oas cruxhedagrafons: su bruililrin the t',ion dsprat, 'ittabu rg, hîy thle criii tIryi;g tl rase tflicPressisentl- P)c-' n'ienideît Nlt!eKiuley aiso sent a personai le .. à.codolfacp,- ri wbîeh lie rectll es! Icloîldeut pcrfeelly and ai- larcsel th.e elest grief ut theunuforto- unie occurrence. Sbock Feit for 1-enIy-fiýe Miles. A terrifie exî.fîai.îu oe-urred af tire w.ui kmof tfl i uan,îtt (leraient Couîpany, l (ne e Ille ha nkls onitle 1Delawa re rivera nt Gillbstîon. Y. 3. Tliree men iwere lait ii tualuim.rThe d-nil rie: James lc.îdermtun. la "'lr . J ..; Cars WVrightf. l'a,.lx,f,.N..J.:*fhouinas 8tiles, Agbur> lPark« N. .1, A gang of w.îrkuncfla ,.ho siCrted luIo cr anuy tI icre vkaa mouivdialc ly o fti.r tthce xloeioc ,verc ablei te liai] oiy Iragiau-na t fthle rentma utof tr tit nfort lmait, nllait. Tic extîlooilotc- irin Ile c;rîîgbuilding, snd liait efroîitara. will.four .,lher buildings '..rrouIo1îinigi. wena lIdwc 10eilîinters. T'he du-sIroyuîl ftaf nry oaa devoted te lhe niaiufmclnui of dyainmmîe oundpowder. and Inameof! li anmlamuro aýela eter of the e,ýliit fplll41 nclut. W.18 reanule frore aîy lhabtationî. 'Tie .uili ofthIle expira- Fion o a Ilatimiy feilt aI loainI stventy hiem mailes noay. Aiher FrenkS Blli. congrîumîmn Ifa . uf er York liaIn- ir r Ie! lilic [mu1se a bililte tareront itle mui f tlieniomuof asicides. TIhebilîl 1,c. ies tfitnieun ewspnlwr shel i. fracs- îmited ilîrog lgte mailsnofie United! Statels vliiih uCitaiOs au, pîcture cfe sui- cide ornuyit delsils reistng thereto canait Reo* e in«lc. Judgc .3aiAdiiofuthe icatpelflate divis- liri ut thée New York Itlreeme Court ias dîidd lat wliîîri maon becomes en- gages! Ieoîîbrry ra girl trader legal age, acd giverr lier ungir ignineul rintg, liecouot siicil ira a suit ta, riiî flic ring, een Ihliguglisicjilledsainta. Exsmisîlon at(Calao. Toaîriiaeir e extensaion of varieras bironchie« of inuirar!nPierii,flic Gravera- mccl lians ploiii'us! for as pcrnaânt ri cpons. lion ut îîîumhinery if 21i1 kliîr, ta whieb fotîîeîgm erlibits v.iIIluebadruities!duîy free. Tire exiuositiun opens St Callao .Iuly 2S. Moyfiowera Orivinal iaieg. I"u,n tfie rîcomcnieoilatium of ihe Arl- oislîiîf Canteirbury, flie original loîg ct tie Nhmyllîwer. nîmur in tlie lîbrary cf fielli ,îlue. voilI tic presceuedlu flic iIale "uIasmcbnqsells. (liii the Kinetcscepe. T'elMaiîin1leisî. bl-yrn vole nf 65 te 2:3, pauscil tob b- - theî.uu libill providiîîg foir anile le i o for il photo-graphie or uîîlher ri'lresculaiaiuu of a frize tigil lu lire Sitite. Ja pon for Gî. d Tic bill adouîintlgfie gels! afanîlard has pnsses! fie bonnse of Imers f utipon sud unir aoiis flic signalture cf tkq ttaeperor lu liccouic a laie. Chicago- Caille. comîmun le pâmre# * t.f0s5.75:;loga. slipiîiiig gradle. $3.00 te *4.511; iep, flair te choice, $2.00 te $4.75; whlit, No. 2 res!, Tic te 73c; cern. No. '2, 211e le L.c tnta. Ne. 2, 111e le lite: rype No. 2.,3-Y, f0 34c; buffer, Matrice urcuinery, 17e le 11k-: eggs, fresh, tie te 110V'; oatnes, per husiel, 20e f0 30e; tarioai cornl, eiumoR grefefitechoee green hors, $20 t $M0 per ton. Intîlinaîiollsa--Cattle, shîlpplng, $3.W0 te $6.2; bogs. ehoice liglît, $3.00 te 114.9-5; stiepecommuna Ioichoie-e,. &Wlae$-L20; wheal, No. 2. 84e te Nei; cora. No. 2 white, 23e te 25e; enas No. 2 white, 21. be 22e. Si. lonle-Cattie. *&l.00 ta, $5.50; boga, $3.00 to *.25; sele", *1&00 tb $4.50; wbeat, No. 2, 94e f0 lste: corn. No. 2 mel. Jouw, 21e te 22c; 0515. No. 2 white, lic te 11e: my. No. Z2ne3e f03k. Clnclouail-Catlle. $2.50 fn0 5.00; bogs, 83.00 tte*425; sheep, *$.50 te *4.75; whest, No. 2, Dise f0 92e; corn, No. 2 mixes!. 24e to 20e; pas, No. 2 mIxes!, 20e te 2:: rie; No. 2,30c- f0 38c. Debrot-CaLttie. 2.50 f0 $5.25; hogle, $3.01) f0 *4M5; sbeep. * 2.00 f0 94.50;, wheat )'No. 2res!, 88e !te00c; corn. No. 2 yeliow, 23ec te M0e.: cal, No. 2 white. 21. te 22c; rre, Sdo f0 37c. Toldo-Wbest, No. 2 res!, Ie f0 02c; corn, No. 2 mizes!, 24e fe 25c; 0nta, No. 2 wlte, Ille t0 18e; mye, No. 2 37e te038e; estover serai,*.5.10 te0*5.20. bllwaukee-Whenf, Ne. 2 sprlng. M2 te 74e; corn, No. 3, le te 23e; oasa Ne. 2 white, Ille tu 21c; barley, No. 2, 28e-to 32e; irrie, No. 1, 04e te 35c; pork, mess, Imeportant Vitor er o everammaC 4reespue *prlai la Fluer Pet l l.e Wrovsse-tlaataVrrlteoy "a %conu10oipea-Frost* la the Seti. Ufal nBasa Wonndad ilu' lattisi. Haven& advlees spi fiat Ugu. Heruan. deýs Velasco, contanulins ilsoperationa la the bis o t Pinar dol Itto wtb fia col, umnnsof iroops-under iscomnds, ias engages! nt cabazedes, lunflic Rio Hondo district, iviti an insurgent force naiher- lng ahoot a lindreosmencunder lieu. Rius Rivera. The. Insurgent@ were dis. perses! ans! ticir pyelfiouu temecaptures! aller an hour's fiiluting. Ticf roopa cap- tures! a numnbai etprisnes, Inm'udlng Major (Jouerai Rnis Ritvera, bis. chief et staff, CuL Baceilmo, ans! hle adjulaul, Lient. Terri. Lien. Rivera and Lieut. ferry teere bath wouuites!, leu. Rivera succeedes! Antonioe Macco lu comns!itcf the insurgent forces lu Pinar doflHie and! ha ia consideres! udt In miitsry Impur- tance te (Jeu. Maxrime homes. Tic in- snrtent% letI feu mec billed, ans! fie trooue, ifuiulthle eonm-, captures!a quantily ot arme, nîmnunilion, dynamite capus, ctc. Tic Inoope bailoeeman billes!. Lieut. Wuigesraffcn, aud fwecuty-fîuur sabliers moiuihes!. len. lRivera ses! liii chef ef t tl, Cul. Bacelsao, vriere bronglil prisouen a foSMe Cristohal, Province- of lîlear dcltifo. Lient. ferry, flic adju tant of ie-n. Rfivera, wbo n-as made prisonel' allihesaie limeies! teille on bilst wa te Man Crislobel. Ile es, eondes! lui lb. explosion et a Sparish sheil duri,îg tic engageme-nt i a barclais, PEARY'& LAfEOIr PLAN. Hopteste Beachs lhe NorthbPle itl i Dogs iedges. * .ientî. l'cary rece-itlA laid -a Plant for an'Ie c eeeb hbetore-ilue u-iniCil otfte, Amerii'i enra îuui Socf'Iy. The blau nckiuides th- renu-luluof t h- norîli pole. IL suas liene-ilîr udonsf-d b> lime vnnei-il aud a siltiplion filiard l us nu-- coamjîIimimeint prîiulsd. Siotîls! <iller lu u ei-l limei uim-d 'States wmll test lic ninni. Lieti-. lerr's Plan, as nuis iaturein acousideres! by arclile uxlnC,'rs eue o ethfe ninuiltieanilile yet adeîwalcub Final of al il isamiot b lianexîediîinn u flic usuealmsne-ofheut lerni.Ihn-Mil, sc' mlule-s Lie-ut. lucary huniseif, include onmi oime unr 0o while men. It une, lie ohll h n surgeonu, ans!if lieu, bic otier *111liebc laciemtisf. T)ie Partyi>l le cous cris!l'y a cliarlures! atta lie point on the o-estern cost îf 1Greenusn hlcih PearY lias goi of Leunaeaubis aissu ufexploration. At titis point lire a Irihaet Eskimos. 'lte> toni te muati uttheli setîlemeut ot itumoîu i iign, os0fer osnasnonn, îopecn lte globe. Tiey muwth fe explorer suis bave eerm confidence ln hlm. i-rom theu lie seli select fic or six younni marries! Couples, ans! sill Iiltiiteni tuush aloug thé norîlinesit'osat f Gepuîland as fer as possible, aînd îmerbaps info the arcil- pelago n'iici, Iliinheliees!, surrounda tie norîli pole. Ail tudr goosis, Ineluinlt dors ans! sicdgen, *111 be laken n ii hem. and! seo nef>rflier progreas eaou, made nnfrh Iiey ans! Lient. lPoe>ryans! bie compualione n IlIlhe landes! ai soie pro- pillons spot ans! a sete ceiînm tornes!. Tlie slip wilî leiave a supilpiofe provisauniu for lirce or niore icans ans! make ls ns>y bnck te civilisation betire lie ie ClO&" ln. Front filsbolie ipoint the mo or îree while me-n wiii i me iliel explorations. Lieut. I'eary figures liattfils volien> sil ntl lie ovrr :tfxmiles trvim tie polo.flue- Eskimos wseulx- bu le lt e iihsiaîîd tf li- mate-, andl bebeliees liey- iiL e con- lentes! as long asnIliey have î-moîgh foodu. Thc womeum il] li e tak,-n along le deoflue ee-cklny anudaile-ns! le theecitluing mueti fuelgi-ar. As bounemusthe 1<e conditions are lrcîitioux an aileîoipt *111 h madtIl r-au-lmtle lpole. Tie IEskimos s uudtim-r ilug sledgi-e. mill ie aus iilIf Possible, lut nI aoy Case lie w5hile expîlore ru i ~illici on uîhiilie- Stars ans! SîripetIit ie-s-n hlmiles!Leur, if nîlton, tie pole lIai-If. WICHIITA A M AN& Te Bc firown Open te Peticri Refoe thc Viriet f lm-. Itecenl information fromt Washington la liatIthb Wichita country, owued ans! oc- cuuileulyhieficKiowa, Compecie ans! Apach-e Indians, nilI be ope-ne-ulb> Nay 1. flue gels! ans! sileer ercitemeut la lie Wichita monunains lbas draten hundres te lcoirder in tais coteceuntry, ans! the openuluz le erluecti laoha et more note flan unm- landl upeuing of lie Indien Ton- ritory lande. Tîme illolfing le liehIne familles uslerresior grapidl>. Minera are stili proapetinginlatfhe mounitaine, snd nef a day poites tithouf a confiiet lie- tu-cen protspecer% unid oulliera. Wiîli tie exception et one range et mouufitan, thce reaervatiloa are lhe fincat farrnlng coutr Iin ftha IndianTarilory. Tie lu' diana object t0 beIni- alioltes!ountilthem- are pals! for the lands. lut fie îiîotling telllie haforces! le -coeilon. V]rouf<ta Biis. Heavy frosts urt, reportes! frein ail ever Tenunesee, north (eorgia and nomtii Ai- bu=n. I'each, pium ans! peur traus througbaut fief logion wcrc in fullIliouse, ans! the probabili la Iha thiese fruits ,ara biles!, entailiug large losses. Gaentomi Hla C.tes-cmd. Dr. Joseph J. Ruis, convitti et filibue- f cing, rwas sentenes! lu fia United! State$ Court te jol for elgiten mqMba> ans!flues! 50.Bailwurse fnagd peudhg mu ap- peul. Bor sahootavieI unclo. Enmmef Joues, i14 ye.rsod, haberau sentences! te the retorm sciçol for 1*0 m-cao-aton shootlng hils uâche atGrey- Merse, l ia heOuseaNaligu. Joncs *bot isrelative bocana. b.e obet9ilte bIs il- icar-ols! dangiter ans! runt Joucs bclng married. major White Bons!. George Q. White, who wmop a mendiier of te ii fra bery et art liari raises! in Illi- nois, wmo culistes! lu ChiýCogeas carli as W"ftK ceOUR 1w110AI. LAW* A w b'. preiulsal ie ltius00 -C.uâ.m-Imsportet Ieaunfu. lIta.' ansied mi Ated figes-An SImpar- tialitBemme et the Dusimene. The NationalSis. The Bonne Wiédnedam- vins aguauen gaes! la tarie debata, the discîmma lelst- ing hâIe fthe nighf. flie oppoition made bit the collees et New Etimglgiîd sud b> Mrnamaientifie men aguainat the Uilee, places! on bobs sad s--lculllic apparalub- bm- the DMaier bill 1lièdiiee<i lie frarors- of thc meesuire -tae ud!ilans! renier* se rnany- of thes" articles 10 therirelia, as are Importes! fer u làe.itl'a. or lous Insîlînîlons. Tic Seiaes open sesmior Isoteds!oir bohit au heur. a îand nu siacami wssdoue hem-unithfle introduiction of buile Amntog fese. as onçl'y %Ir. Allen. ot Nebraska. ta repent Ilie civil service Ioa- aud ta do away wtili diuaioniatest% s, al prelirnrm- te euîîeriîug flicpublie ser- vied. lir. Boit, tfhMasachuisctts. prp »stes! a bilipnohiituug vifasecope asud kiudmeil exhibitions of urine llghls lunliii Dltri4 et Colombin and thle lerrîlormes- snd fi Idd.igfie shipoieni ef picture fo ton ielà'nhibîs by imail or itroucgit> mie Ppointieiit oet ihger Heirmnann. ,or O)reiooq. 1ta eccuusiîan flir Ce rral.4mns! Delco: l. ,riiisetf1Win eujte' 4aeAudîlor o et litoute auc otfl rtmeuts, ind Gog ."hoin inel. f ebr.iasa. le Î ;0!%Iurshniot lie Unîtes! Skieadlitrm it t f ,rakI Tih ody lue uéote t arifi bIht i Bouse dunes! Thîiradlem-lgitý rmaklng' te icliot oau~inu .* e fe vo-,alautv îl e T or a -vote., Tice a1 M itbu ivre Ti0onre'% - exec-u tivec «essieu- on fie arhlFraîênistrcîit î-sî theîl lc oc. e lin LO-ordcnio go on 1i lImhe-i lkIiplu-y - II AMueýcuts! n ' tSo "'. 'aç- cd lu heluntof Joliae n'dbrîîrsoa. aie- ~Uieul by'Ile Gnorî-num u leid là the Scat rVles! -lu> le' i. , l iîîgt eut a @sttment ftu-nir. taictinig chair iman Ofthe lt]Muimtîî4. on e'lriiigcesoucil hÏIeli.,us, lit AtiI.inn iii t lie- 'cuig 'le"- 5uu casw xldeCay deluit!he,îiii)iuii-tainly ta il Iiulî1ce , iri,mm ni fie Sem- nt@. ThlIc ersl,.,creilinl4 ner r.- fe4reiI IûtÂte l~e-iîî uutîe a imhbl "as liri;nopenh00for amnintn il auulur thle-Vt enine ule in thé Blonnse iridlnv lbut si-i -n a-cary heurs-el n-work uniy ai-recl u tisîi ouf nineocf lIme 11C paru-s --thlIe bil.iTlire suit r-ismiiîecK. aîî-vîîîîî ..mre iadopt- Pd, cc oetr %vi iim%%a.uin urie_ hé utyni oui white leifrotte 21,olu:1 î,i-iis apoîin, ltme ral<lc ic luihe bl.The preoeut dutal A ii~icnls. t!r li liai, . Ini. i liViltelu.) ut N0',reiukn irr-noimil u. tirs]iftenanistissd b> lie 7iiei -ecuillu- Mission te soqhtuuint .s alo-,' i 5,'- nient fiat cetaju upîii-autl. for ofuies teere requîrteablel,à ou ne filot fer twelve fect. flie.'enut.r r..-lIl le &hop- Phug" Provision andulset -ral ,tlier ques- lions s a uth eight adumiî,gîcmti cf là, tîplWeterg, wich b@ll -aracIerizcd as Sbsîîrd. ieferricg 1,e lite inl «irir requiremenet lin. lallinger tsais! '"i Sheridan rouis! mot bahu r s-u-il@iegv. enumu-ol if thé cihl survieecommission bsd guiiitn i" flue- mat,~lr mas ce- ferred ta e i vil Service tlummulle-. Aihiemrnes!te v o us. In thue- liuse Satneîiay. unlir Ie mure Ofe t M [c)n2aes»fofIllcbib i s-r, ieuosu Of, mailng fourî-ist lies int lii rcfth, fiee dits ,alunis! Cur e-ssilerauuî,n uîndr fle ic fv-nUinuîce te.îtlisfe luî nil. Met eu -Ccuiiau .'l', it i lir iluiri- ai-e. andmi euivl n u ,,ioiî , fi, v.a, a snil tcno nm )nnittlie. i-uilyt hou hîiicm wert spientmit Ii lle diw.t-ion if îî liltl.r lhe funcîioiepr or counsumier paul i Illeta. If5unre rorresin la madeointeiglu se- Sion% Tiai Le liels!. lenaur r iîremut WVyoming. in rgcnîeuî-e , t ii tielie- ballicatn meîuilucnst liii' Sitai,- clunîmît- tee ou financmue y@ .tsi-luia alihar Wesfern luleresîs, mamid î.e sugie- tilvîs -onee-rlulîg tilird i tee.s i loo ik- bal;cuire, honerer, l, saclimuinadjusl- me-ut ht hananoge if Cutsx. Tiliîf11i19ènu obltYîi%.itiiuti n qioi'lmtu. counlnie- debîle if tlme inriff biîil. but ra!I itepogretis. T'elic S'uiii eso- loinMIlreprizititig s$251,oiiofor imoi--. iiaetuse on lIme Nlursilumi. mîiutli-ulf mi, as te cary $1-40,H00, for ui- hire fuir MeMiera le Jul> 1. , 1) iC s-I liieous erpens.e of lte IIoliicanud 1-., W00,000 cusînnisdefihîencîca. n-as îmdo1iV AI, andl v-t 5:25 lte Bougse iuij,Iired. lîî licheéite a sbill a-ailsiri-faroraili- la Provont kinetoacuipe exhuibitions et Priae fighis. lr. Caffe-ni ut Lotiiiiutsse- cures! favorable eoiiiiîration of a jolit meontiou onmailng îgnimedialu-lm- acil-i abi. $250,000O for ticeiouprov-iuucît of fli, Miasîseppi- River frunithe h icas!of lic passes te liemoutliofIlie (Ohio IRiver. The appropriatien la tluo Leldîîî'cute rot,> fi.e*U500,000 ien tle li llsisaippi Rivecr hithe lat mriver as!dlarior appro-ý priation bill. Tielill n'ai passes] coný firmini fthe compromise made betiven the Offiemr of fie goveruimprt athebi au- thoriticu et Arkansas relaling ln moins claims. AI 12':50 p. ni. flié snate teent bl trecutlve sessio n e icarblftraton, treaty. Tnesday tslinte hastiîlamfer uelate or lie tarie bihlabbctheHotte, sud no oaier butines@swu@eameon. A number of amenil- met, teere adeptes!, but mof one--hird et theflebels billhsbâtsbec considercît nhera debste closes!, lu the Seusie Sienalor Allen, o e braks, made a long speech on -the coastlfulionality of tarie taxe. bayons! tioSe requisile foirem-venue. Tie Houme. amendaient s ta tbic Sonate joint réolteiton appropiatint *250,000for lie savlug of lite ans! properm- aloag lime Mis- sissippi River were mm-rocs te. Amnont the peillions vwns on. froni lie Bard et Oheep Cemmîsaloners et Monana nyging tie ment amplé protection on wo01, ln aceortlance mi he piaftorm promises, ans! asudtin al blie polie> et protection vrouhi nof leng prevaîl lvilliontt lii ade- quate protection te lie neol growne i- tereot. __ _ _ _ _ Note 01 CnromnfEvents. The MassachusettsIleuse îl-testes! Lp a rotaetf0gt tfi61lime resollitien tue a monument lusiaf e lieuse yard te (;en.

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