CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Apr 1897, p. 4

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aUnaiasmu noe.àdm Monday *ee ghtOI thés ev DOvu ett liis 100on ofthe yen. The prie wu ý am M 09à: ne,. IsoryUM gppareutlv had Do botter ta ipare.i The prieyen 860BgOVU.Ilfo. The Pont Office deustnet threv a1 bomb Bmoung the POiIIibfSwheflil annouiieedt"t oe"sve Partisa j ahlp" voilaiDot be ouffleat aMuse for the. reinovel or B pontuBSte, Ulmi uhovu tahBve beut e immta tb the. busiflemB 0fhhPooWB evioe. Tii$ 1 B cotinuatiIoofthe. plier 0f the lent adminiulration, lke te fouryeBr term for a&l p<itutitm B. If Preeldunt i<cKlnley 1105Uop 10to his mannoned Intention not to appont thon. vo laoOd on uder Harrino and vho are noir pplieBte fer the. nain, posiions, ha hmanode a big Ont1 in th roll eo! Bplicans; but tic.. Who 1 have àalrOng puill re BRIE lu the. 8Wd9 and nmof ! teinvil!doubteu g appoit 1804rabsorne ruW..No Peu- &.j denti ban ever bien alei o av* op tlu Bu tronfla rise latheuaBtterof Bp polntmnt., Bad t la Dot t eli probs- blu " amm DD voAs Buxtounfor thé1 good vlU of8«mr.andI Bpruenta. tivesasnuPredduut NMMliey ham ahovu bIioU luabu, via do no, but lh. rde vill beunuud lu shut ont B gre8à MtbB 'l of ter. bu repuettuai Ihal lthedebulu on the Dingley terri« bilD, vhich gf004 or badinstabupassed ,b! th t Houa thin veek, could flot have beu cou-1 ducted on te actusl meritu or demerité o the duatîen whleh ru lu bu inpoasai b y that mesua nlstead of dugenurat- Ing loto apartisan urBugle lunvltleh bothademecraasand rupublieuns trlsai ta nhow that the 'oher pariy" la ru. sponsiblu for the existence and un- couragement of truits, a sit huadoue.. Pnrtisan nccusations seidoininfluence te Intelligent eltlsen, Who may Olteni b. made lu change lis opiaion by cuIn rgument backed vtth proofsà. Bore day peritaps ire may have thal ort o a tarrifi debale lu Congreun, but truth compela lthe Baemet that thr. hmnn not beau one o! thtBkina_ p lu thin lime. Milk Shipperu Meut. At B meeting cf the Chicngo lillk liipper.' Union et th. Brlaue Bouse,. re.muu&*t OUMGgeeCeueri. uerm ced baiseare lu buamod. Sue bemd ,uoRlealuin e vowekln WAUCONDA. Wm..Clogi'. fâmillyare ouvalui. un* P. reportu& on thé x0s. M wu laWaukeffl luit wek.>4 4 Pe Grain vnu a 0117 viter reeeatly. Wm.TUdide e nuding a few daja la tau City. "P. L; cmvert Wa Bingwood nu luti la"t ve B. SBiulMu~ed inlu lth. Brooks iaous<TUuuq. P. Thomns, o! Glisser. vu. à plussent muler Tuesday. Bcaba * 010004 but Prlday for a vekavaaton JohnB liecelk, o! Liberlyvle, va. hure MeudaY. Mr. Gruen aud . a . lurnbuli Wer Nunds vluitm Tueeday. mmrB.C. IL Woua returnea aturda! froftber vlt lm Chicago, 0. a. Jeuks, WULamperu and J. Goud ver. Nanda sm TueMay. lira.8. laminaiof Waukugau, spnt Suvayn .vthWasicouds. rolativea = t: li. 111 soussee 5.1m andlMay Spçneer are nding afewýdàz& vlth rplatives lu . E. nr buainesu t RIefeoe" allai Librl7vMe the tuta 0 thue ek. J. Buaet«uy eerefoMfor4hern Vis. eomuln Tluday. H. vill go by rail frei n HdL. The. tovn eleclion protilues lu bu quiteluntertlUng. -Tvo candidates are up for aseuq, Buy jour furuitureofa M. W. Buge«. aiea Prie« BruMe git. Ho pouktively viii net bu udem d Mina jouQot at. r teetireI et tie veel r s afueu oka' vii vith relative luths City. E. A. Goldinug fa building four u.v boats.Thor' vilI bu lauaeled Juat nu uoou a. tue nesm PeMa 'ZB. A Prd, vihu bu en .pundimg lie victer vlh »"Yatvuelu Chicaga, la uxpeetuai hove this eek. Grand sprlmg Ojnlg of the Vau. oohda Btudio, edesday, Apianil14. pireb4si vert gauua.tued. - Fred «Grovenir, vii. lu teachin¶ at Prairie Vluvw, cloeeahlMsschool ilM Priday for a veeke vâcaton. Hon. 0.0. fleuritpurolBsel the fi"h sud ent Il by ezp~àiil ttue preident of thu prbpoudd rllrcet Cicago. XmIss lubCoock and Master Fred Du.ey cuptureda ?17Peund pIchets! luath Intlcm noralng lutI veek. H. Muinasba s uit reed a tua Une ci truaka sud valla.. 01v. hum B eauBWhovian Sueed e0f aonyainl tbis Une. XiaseaLUiman Tidmaraisud Jeunie Green, viio bave beusteking lthe teschOW ourBe t the !4orthern la. diBua Normal Boitool, returned home àouday. Chicago, Mach 29, Ba<costittionulaBd Mia. Florence.iUgglenov ban a bylaws veru ndoptud, and officers niOS di&play of fuhionaible spring elected nu follows: Prenldent, 8. inury. 8h. ordlatiy luitea 1he Graai oin, td..Bucutay. 4 adie t <nil vhe? in D06d of BOy- Cron Pint ld.;Becetay.B. G-..thing la $big UEd. on, Dover, W..; Treaurer, B. 0. A Peoplu's Canon ue l bu held In ,Richardson, EIbaut, M Lthe naun place lurday, April 3, for .eBch ilahiuhpper was auked lu the purpous of nomlating candidat«n vrlte hl ra.puctlverepru..Dtaale, for the offces of Village Clenk, Trun. une bis influence In Sur. g he as&tees andtPreeldent of the Bord. age of houa. bill 43 and sunate blU 24é) prohibiting the oîloring ci clac- RhiuunatJiem UQiilklCured. margarine lunemblâmes o! butter." Afler itàving boom conflied ho lbe Afeeling wa. verY mucit lu uvidunce hou. for eleven (laye and paying out SU tlu docte, billn without bhuat,lMr tint the s001.110d Iterete vould h. Preak Dolngn c01BauI Ste. Mlie. Mich. mterelly enhanced by the, employ. vwu cured by euetuofte Chamuber- ment of a mnaried ngent lu look &fier lain'$ PaBl Bau Oing 26 cents BMda therInerets.Ths mtte wM -ýha.not a"ne.been trouialed viti t bla hui lueretu.Tuamaler iiih. ompWalt. Yqr sale by Y. fB. Lo'vELD coonldured nt titeir nuit meeting, b L1buritrile, and J. R. BBavEB Gir. b. hld Baturday, £pril 10.un». Offic iai Baflot. ANNUAL TOWNSHIP ELCCTION, TOWN OF VERNON,. APRIL 6. A. D., 1897.1 TOWN 4"LRK. For Town Oiark, - lCHARLIE C. GER BERT. EFRANCIS Rý.TRIPP. For Otutr E JOHN MI.WSIDNER. For comaaiaaonor o! tilgivj, E FRED STANCLIFF. E GEOR3E QETN E EDWARD R. SATR ETHOMAS'WILSON. GEOROE UMBDGNSTOCK. fJ JOttN« T. AVRES.E *NAYSIE SOfEToES. outh DWhota lnhi srne No. otiolVii rdueensd J. J. Lounnncl. Bac Bt eoIi iét"fuir country lu vbtcb $g~SiUeur r ~ lneue.led Rh.eohutaofrun te.!lu, m- cduttin«., Aidm.uku nut iIlm lias A. . ~b.It...In.'* of Lentr7 moti Dakote ouiva Isîe àbuk J IL Wmm. 80atuaée09 th*E t l% theuproducte W.ett elisout, sqwi, oultivatel sMd bat. MD zv*M,,sy y." niin My ol retieo!ofthe qnome. Boa. Cu. StLUntdatuat. Andove myaunlu -yotut mtovt theopportnnlty et B Utfetlme to'Go WetaMd bu a, arin" lime. Du»mu. Ueo. tR.a lAr» .P ACiao CONGEEIA'Ti Cabhcia niare. 1ni. nmdî velme B t, MOI fUe Dr. E. V. HARVEY, cODE? 0F MONOS meotas M d Ihlrd - - E. oy o w a. RàvyWB .5*I..tliOP Orayalake Village Offiers. Prealdent .................. Geo. Thomnson 0. ichrdsn. . .Harmy. Treasurer....................... LNeville Polices Magitrat................. Mera. Mrital ....................... Mliglen lerk....................... Dr BE Shaffer. Rev. Harris spent Tuenday in 1h. City. Mr. Noble lana beed quile fiilte puat vOSI. Many trous hore attesul te flânerai of lit. Wallace t Monavilie lait Btur- The Ladiest AId, Socety vili muent vIlla Mra. David Whilte noît Wednee. day, April 7. Uma Mabut linrgatrold la helplug Mns. White durlug ine Morrillsn et"y in Chicag. J. J Longabugl ava. In Wiaconin tis veel in lh. internâtotheli. a counlad Company. Mia. Olivette Mortill la .peuding Ibis veek vihi" sAggic BulIwlnkl Bnd other fiende lu the clty. We have huard Ihat Mr. Harley lien- des. 0 hhoailie boune saidloi lu bis brother Aibert, of Vaukegan. Wili Merrlck vsi ilu Wsconsin inss veek buying caille. He rturnud Wed- Ueaday viti twteaty-one bead. Bert Johnson parciaeud a lot in Proclur's addition and lis building houa. thereon. Front tila v.judge: that ite vlU bc a permanent remîdent. Good luck lu hlm. Tii. many friends of Mmn. Orlando Richardson purperaled a ur prie.on ber luit Thureday, It 0ii.oca- sion of ber birthday, and lu the nuna- ber of &bout titirty lnvsded ber bonne- hold. Progressve euclare - us bbc amusement aoflte evenlug and the primes ver. saaded by Mr@. Richard. nous sulstet, llasJeunette, vito va. th. inatilatr o! the saPrime. Mr$ Georgfe Thom sud lit. LuanIbarge ver. avarded lte irst prises, and Mlis. Wili Wedge and lit. raddatetter liae oolalion. Aller the gaine, a plenti- ful lunch»rvcd and lte computa! dlnpersed, unauimously vollng Mr. and lins. Richaardson royal eniertiaaamm. From Crppi. Creelu. Aterthlie big lire In Cripple Creek, 1 took a vety severe cold and tried many remedles vithoul lalp. lbe cold only beeoMiug moru seilled. Alter uslng turee bottiez of Chamuberlain& Caugit B..medy, bath the caugla and cold lefs me, and in tis higit altitude Il tae* ~a aettortlos ceugit remedy lu do BRn good-G. B . HuNainox, edilur of the Daid5 Advertiser. For snle by y. B. LoviuuL, Libertyville, sud iJ. B. BBÂcii- an, Gurîce. Grayalke - Illinois.1 A Present For Voul i11nAgntfo thueItoCuroi, MAI asu ud Maosu iu. Inautace Cou Bsie evernl ohhengoca campantes, an for usc I 3(1 poUwio nib.uby me lE &ayone il L u onmty, 1 v iiigve 8: iu trade st lte -Brick Store," anda lte arn. rate for lurger or uanallur po foesu. Vili give lovemi respofi rate,said date your nevJlcr et & piralion of 014oou ri uraipreulu SLuIs halp usci olte. Write or cel John J. Longabaugh, Bric atm,, Grayslake 1Illinois A Strong Ruoýommundatlon. WOOOTaaOCK, ILL., MCa. 1, '97. This lte e.rtify that for year. pIas 1 bave been a nufeérer bora mrofuon enlargement of the lonsilsanad other glada about lthe uock, and lu spit. ai &Bl totment lte defarmltty and the nufteiug vhlcl asucauseil by tbe pressur, o! the tumor upon nay tiaroat bhomme nabearublu. 1 con- sulted »erni different physicians Bcd daelorud eantinnalty for years vîit-. ont relief. mlly Il va. tlId me lta" 1 vouid bu obliged lu a lu Chicago anid snimit ta a onrgzeaopurtiou. Then 1 changed doctars. calling Dr. 0. B. Have. vit u a very t!,w veeta by 1h. unie of medielne, wltich ver. agrueaitle and pluent te take.cured mie completuly. Tht. met rinay bc of Interest 10 otuers vito may bc Mailltul villa acrofula and limors, bencu 1 am wSilSng thnt the above bu published. RatepucfuUy, HEURT LVuNEY. Auo, nSale. T. V. Blocuna viU continue bis nle of bonis, uhoul, hamneus, carrlaes wagona, farmin mplintents, etc. nexi Balurdsn t )As vare roona lu Liberty- ville. Tak. avaîtagu of Ibis unie. Auction Sale. laisTng declded lu quit dalry faim- ing, t vini seil!ai publicanucliota on my farm, t mile atortla o! Lîburlyvîlie village, Wudnenday, April 7, 189, cou- mncing asi oeloek P. tm., lia. folov- lng property, vis: 18 choice covu, 7 nev nalîkera, 4 villa calte. by thair sido., balance sptlgers and aulikurs; 90 shipplug (uni anid quanutty crn fodaier. Tzaws dl ALE: Alloums o! Stuaud under cash. Alilsunosover 111) n credîl of one Jear viii b. given ou gond' bankable notes beanang 6 per cent lutereâl. No property removed unt! settled f<r. R. V. (lutaaaaa, Prop. W. H. API'LEY, Auet. Don't Read This Uni ess jon want t. Bave !Joney. TeapDust lc 35c Tea for 29c 50c Tea for 43c 1 lb Roasted Coffee 13C Sardines 4c- Green Gage Plums Ilc American Starch' 2c Corticelli Spool Thread 31'c Men's White Laundried Shirts 46e Men'. Fancy Bosom Shirts 45e Men's Ail WooI Undershirt '70c WIiI seil my Grocery Wagon, Double Harness andf Two Hornes. F. H. Kuebker', Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. The trne is near at hand when you wili see the Merry Wheelmen spinning through the country. Are yougigta buy? ~ Cali on me and get my prices., ORAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. 15 ibs RolIed Oate 4 Ibs BuIk Starch 6 lbs Good Soda',Crackers 5 lbs Best Ginger Snaps Gogd Sheeting per yard Me1is Heàvy Socks per, pair 7 Spools Coates Thread 25c 10e 25c 25c 4,1c 4c 25c ET- F'. D. BATTERSNALL. lo Grayslake - I-- lilinois. ii I AN ABLE,'PHYSICIAN. m IDr. Howe. of Chlcego. 1o 04"n- I. vrenly L0oicadBt Wo@oUIocK. Dr. O. B. Have. 0 o! aiLe accoti- panylug I.s a fair porrait, *)w 4 yuars Of ago on is laIut brtbdy and luan native a9 Mclienty counly, havlng $peut bis boybood on bis falbet's faran. eut of Marengo. llls early educatn van ..equîted tu lte district sebool and laier lu Marengo, vbere bc ni- tended lte higit nehool for tire. cou-, Dr. 0. B. Howe Trente aclentiflal yand uwceWUse by tbe latent Approveai nuehodesà Di@Asxn sof lte luagi, heurt, tuneet, ntou, alumacit, lIver, kidneys, boirais vonèb, aud set uai organe. BRIN Dîur.uASSAeCteM@,sînlu mairbeum, send boucs, testera, psorlsiaicapilas. 'peorlnn asycoel, (barbae's Iteit>ring vola, herpe tomber, assi mil forma of cianacua etuption, blotchem. biaek laudas, @e., cured in ou. nionla. MOLMA AN» 5t7PE5PULous HAIR rcmoved vitbout pain by ,leei:,Ayde Cure guataeed. Dsurànauaor0TimU NERVOrs STSTer Neurisihenta, locomotor ataxie, pnr grussive paralysie, headache, nennagia nalea usomiaola, opiiupay, cured by Germe a,,mtlod and slecbrolys. REIITMBacto, Brbtiiat, inusn- lar, Inlaiiamalry andl theurmatia goni. posuilvely Curaid by a nov and ses- fui proee. Cure guarantesal. X-RAY APPARATUS. Dr. love bas a complet. cleetrical oullil lualudlng lta.e elibreff Mdeytovliz luttgeu J.Ray Apperalunfor liadlography ""id Fluotoecopic Dumon- tratlon. hly mue"sof Ilaca. vandenful contnlynicu. lbhe doctor ia enabled la explore thIaInnermonl recea. cf tha bu."a orgaislum and sue viti lie naurl ewbat belote tumaimied hidden or olaucure. I VR. 0. jB. ilowN. IT'opLon sAvic NAPuzxE PosaltO necutive juars and durltag vhjala lIit. AND<ALVANI< IIATI7.kljansd nil kIInda be vu-a nst,uait lu ueidc-ine u lthe of dlaga's.lle and operative instru- office o! Dr. J. W. Gree, ,of ta la e,îua-au.INiaitaislsint hlm ln arrévlug Bt B nov dcceaned. Aler completing bts rorrel d(ianin ors &Dy digns . sd siudeu turu toa-tiur wîîa ir s'cc.unal ruatiautaiballa medical Dr. W. W. Cook, late of Woodnltock, ud uurieucl. Dr. Nuit, of Marengo, aud othur wello CLUB vEa traigbiued by surglcal kuovu Young mon of Ibis vIclaty. <perullon (Teioluomy,î eutered lb.e(bhicagou Mudies od oua- gogi-Enoh»ER<Plile)>cured vititout at lb. sainieUlie. Alter grauduniu iBuuloperntio n ontuet aes, or Dr. libye Iocated lu Chicago, vaur e d.ay fronuabsinss. be-psaiclleed Medicine sud nurgery fory VAMlcOcYLE î,ermainndy cnred tày a uealy tlvuuly enrs, having grndunled Iauv iueiao.. viii honorenetthlia ugor tweaaly-ohae. uly"RIaLE AN"» HEnNià ured viit- l e hu a lvsytabecu of nluudy, sober tuioperation or delay froua busness. sn udlnuhabite and durlng lb. MALLONÀANT Tumoits sied &abiorna yenrs of bis proleumloianIcura-et bau grovilasftrelgu bodies, uectcsed acqulred coauldernble distinctlion t baiose, tc., renaoved by smglcal lu ltee field oflprogressilve îuu.lhue opernîlon. anid urgury. haiîg spen ue jear n DnaRtu remov.d by uecîroîjandu. rt gr*velti abroad viaulllng mauy ntcdIn-la- k eoe y lcrls stittionof! Icnilg, nlloudlug lbe CONUnîLTATION]PUREl Ani)COMV. cLilal lectures of greni sud u<ok-d DENTIAL. Ail medilune furnîiaed doetors. patients. Durlng teIni ater years of praiclice lu 0. B. HOWE, M. D., Chicago bu beld ranainog lb. beul sud mout succeauul practillotaurs lu Office ut Hotel Woodstock. the gros$ mutropolîs, na »attenled by Woodlock, Illinois Suite 28 bis calleagues vlaosé luttera, of uen. and 29. dorement bave nppestd ud t h18 Hour.: 10 t0 12 a in.. 1 Bo 3 and paper. Il la ulaied upon good nu- 6 10 9 P. m. W'mîî make proieu*- ihorlly Ihul lis average cleuhagu for atonal v la iin country cur ines.b yeans vanovet onu bumdred patients aultaos leter qualifled phgs<- pet day, afordiug bhnm a prncllcai ex- i patIence vbicla feybpidnlaus atalu. cians a<ud sreonu. But lb, pueal; utajegi t 111upan - BRANCH OFFICES:- hI. iutvous ayal ei et l an thnt Libertyville, TriW .1&Taylor Blgg.; ho declded blu tuurn tu lte counltry H %uaSunay înaly12 lu 8 P. m. and tu theotenes ofaiasboyitood Band W auondu Hest Cottage: esetisulot for lte temaludut of is Houri Saturjaay and Standay aven- day01ai uefulnusaamong the people insu. from 7 te 9 p. m. o! ha birliplaco. Many puople lu Carteupondenculbytmail promptîr azaîvered. tbIs and adjolning conUates vl .. . . ploaaed lu knov that Dr. tl.e bas corne lo et", aud sleo tint ebuasuru- LA K E1<P galned hi.eitealla uompletely, viti a .ras large practo lreaedy upon lis bande. I> l'il The prospect for bis future IslaiaduceeANK brigia.- Weodolock Soutient.BA K. .. Wright, Parkhurst & Co. TorturedAl Aivu. iu mwMnos HARVARD,,ILLi.. MAi. 10, 1897. Lbryfi laos JohnaË. Zank for heu yenrs pasi vîthoul doubi hansaufeted evety lt- Issues queut; penufiar lu a mitlady ao generally lknovn by the broulteborn Ecema jet Certlflcates P4yable mo little undetstoad. Mir. Zaik maies on D.nand. the foUoviug plain staltement, vblcb Maay inturOt otuter Invalida: *Dr. libye auccoeeddla ny emm.sad 1 -u' noc* enlirely frue of a disqai of lie F.,BAi N$IrVW. a"tu, *MItcl ail lie doclota celed,1 anufabuwerof teseras aid Itom vli e uffened un- bold tarment for ten yen. At lImes arl i coulai aenoely lent-ain mynuîf ibe froan leeiing MYj pesh aunder goam great va. the torture,. aud nothiug Ihal my physins eanld do voWd BRird me auj tempotety relief, t Granite counateai Dr.Boy. a Ysen mgo lait Februrary, vbo talai me thalttr ue M ti vere et leaul forly variations o! the diasoise called, Eczeaun and liant mine vna. a kind allen «Unld Bail Ighenie. C~IMEjTF-y Won,t tu"e a Iota g @tory short, lie W IobS hae oiteait, loten s ymplni o WOR 1oia htaventl' Il, WeVer I van, om il for over a year. He a,"o ciaeai MY of daugiater ai Calanft ishe velst, a diseattesbîcia itafi buen Bunpped tlu bu Cousumptiota ae the bovelsa. nd EB lîver by iMy 014 laily phtysician, DSRITO vhli came on Baverni yeans mgo Md'ECRPTO teducéd lier tua B selolon. but utader Dr. Hovaentcue Bbc h" 1b1101me a orrespoudeiSm strotagsuai healthy Young Iady. t -Sc1lad cmnuot May to1etuinlufavor. of Dr. 0. B,iHave and is metbod of treal. m-ancenne @W- inent. SusM.Lana" W 1". ~ -p

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