CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Apr 1897, p. 7

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teBesti -We guarantee our Flou r to be Superior to all. 8 Ibs Oat Meal ................. $ 9 Bars, Soap................. .. 9 lbs Navy Beans .............. 4 Cans Peas ................... 4 " Corn ..................... 3 *" Tomatoos .............. Triggs & Taylor's .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Lbertyville, Ili. Pianos,~ 1 have the famous ESTEY & CAMP Pianos and Organs in stock. Cail and examine these instruments. Great Barîgains in Pianos or Organs during the next 30 days. 1 have'six new Models for 1897 Crescents. ~averIeys. meras Brxng iII your oldl Wlîeels for Bt-pairs Now, asud be Ready. C . R. Sherman Libertyville, Ili. AD ThS E b UIB V - 09T71-0. Corne in and see the VIVE, For Sale by F. B. Lovell, Libertyville. Illinois.1 FRED. CROKER, Merchant Tailor. Over Bank. -LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS.1 Pants Prom $3.50 Up. Suits Prom $15.00 up. Every Garment Guaranteed. Expert Workmen Only.1 Xiu Edith Tovuer, of Diamond, The Young Pe6ples Counil met at Lake, expects to re.-Jde witb Mr@. J. B.the Presbyterisu churcb lat Satu'.day Alanmoii until May tsit. ight and elected officers for the ensu- Dm101 Conwy. of_ Bondout, wasIug tbree months. The oiicrs elected biuls badiy bart Laistlfu'.day evening vere sas folows: Preident, lRay Wýybeing Iro*n froni bi@ horse while returniug home from bere. Eubbard; Vice Premident. Earl W. nov*bive au sale t the station bers Ten Bide Berer Commutation Tièkete,fr be"een Libertyville and Chi.U,.ratW$4.70. E. L DuBoim, Agent. Wheri or where havse3 barainin l lai No. 3 Single Harnus No. à dingla. imitation T'rimmed Ha'».c-vs No. 6 Eaud-ouade. 1bt, bar trimmetilsineiflI v N.7Single. Haid noieà Timmed Harus N. 10 Fincy Siugie Bai -f"rn Mana»is j lti Y CHAS. KAI L ubortyville, you Beau sut-h mhess ? 1 Treasrer, Fr.ank Wilson. The Ladies Aid Society ai the M. E. cburcb viab ta extend a vote of ibanke to, Dr. F. C.- Mnigt for tbe f ree use ai hi& store for iheir baraar; aiseote Mr. Loriug for electrie lights, tao the msndolil sud guitar orchetra, ta il. Appley, E. Cook sud J. B.- Aauson for services su kindly doualed snd ta ibose wha 5 0 liberallY paimaized thet- hars.. '--iWII E.ANDiTHERE. SLocal Items of Interest tô Libertyville Readers. The Country New.pepr. The- hId eatry eekly-hov deariy 1 lovo Mt From 'rlsp rt'. duly Icaiok tueraie To p-ad lits 'maint leader.the is-dng abole, lk. A bory-balwed edtor@ joYndMiei mride; les iolimus of local* lf iY lkh ail the.. doin&g ir kiiau and n.ighbor i) trrsly are told. Tkee hrths.drL sdaa' .1 t.v.slig Th - mhertI Inotia, of Land ta o eoi. Itx cnade orre»jwomiunoe. sOM,- villagrsp Tht-y a&Hmay W -founi ln the- country tfva- Th,. oid auntry w.iakly I1n-ad ww-zia Y.. - AI.. Politien! Did you get April !oled? Dont forget Wo vote nexi Tuesday. Gord Schauck in enjaylng a veeksà vacation. IBrnW l r. snd Krs. Jobn Boysen, a sou, Baturday, Marcb 27. Mr'. Wines is spending ibis week lu Chicago for eye treatment. A Select dance vai beld ai the 13ar- ringian place laut Friday evenlug. Harry Cater lat doung some tl butllng" aud we predIci his election. Mr. C. Vaille bai maved bis family loto Mr. Mrna bouse on Orcbard Street. liead the election ballots and pick ont the best men, iben vote for them. E. W. Farkbant secured a nine- pound guose Sturday, aud it vanS tam, cubher. MiassLinna Watt, le! t laut Saturday morniug for Chicaga vhere sbe vili attend sebool. lirs. Helen Dawiey, of Buffalo, N. Y., cousin o! Mnâ. John Alanson, is vîsît- ing hero ibis week. Sainday, vbile playlng lu tbe barn, liabhle G'.uàimitt bal the minfsortune ta fali and break bis vriat. Mariibjil Fresbmau sraped tbe treets the irst of tbe present veek, vbicb put theuin lu fle èondltiou. Bas-Jle Buiiir', wbo bal been sipend- Iug several veeki viib relatives lu Cbicago, returiied home Maturday. Mir@. Jackmau, of Nonda. mnd Miss Frances Dlii3, o! Guruee, vlslted their ister, Mna. John Barbon'., lait yack. A -Wowîens Ballot" having beau provided, the lade s bonld turu oui sud vote for at-bool trostee neat Tues- M rK Kent, Whoc bas ijeen viitiig ber cousin, ias Lillije Morse, re tu'.uei to lier borne ln Waueonda laut W,ek. A. <G. Churchlll, Who instoding the Notliwetern lUniver.sity ai (iii caga. hin peoding bis vscatio,, ai home. Iiss Alie (orlett, sho bas lsceeî, vistiîg lier-.horne sud frieods ini April shovers are in order nov. H. C. Paddock ban been nduqir I ously warkung up bit prapased academy the preseni veek. He assrta he viii open ame september lst. 19 la à greu ai fsdto have borses elippedast ibis sesan a9 tbe yW ansd people bereabouta are up W ibee urnes in that respect. Il adde greatiy to the appearsoe of the average beat and converte a vertable old plug jutoaa Ipreaentable and etyiish borse. The auna electian of ofifce'.s of the Libertyvilie linriai Ground Asso- ciation accnred ai the Town Hall Tueesdaight. A number of ladies ver, ln sttendance. W. M. Heath vas electea trust»,,Edwini Cook, Supt. and Mn. Frank Djunond. Trou. Ovîng to bad rooe Dr. 0. B. Have bai besn obliged ta discontinue ii viite ta Libertyvle, but viii be t bis once suudy If theroads permit. Rie requffts aJIlo! hi& patients ini ibis vicinity ta vriie him at Woodtoc>t. &Bd niediines' viii be forwardad proluptil by mail, abauld ha fail ta reàch bere. Work on the foundation for an addi- tion W MUr. A. C. Frencbsa bouse on Milvaukee Ave. bas beaucoammenced. The addition wiii b. a one tory wing' 11122. Mr. John Ausin, iBr., will oc- cupy a portion a! lrs. French'& bause wban the improvement is couipleied. Master Charlie Paddock vas tele Vi% tim af a surprise psrty lait Fridaye eveniug, sud a surprise h vai A large crovd vai preseut and a mos< anjoyable eveniug vas spent. About il at-loeS "refresbments" vere served, afler vbicb they played a 1ew games and ban departed. The voodvork on the nov front baing put ln Dr. Knigbt's build- ingh l&bout Ouished, and vbeu the large platt4fiss vindovs are lu place and Chanlie MeCready >applies b48 paint bruitvith usuLal good affect, ibat nov double front viii ioam up tui a mont credible mauner. The Young People's Council of the Presbyterisu cburcb viU give s'musical and iiterary entertatumeut ai tbe ohurch Friday eveniug. Aprii 9. Muers. Strayer and Duris'., ai tb. Chicago University, vili participai. in tue program. Mr. Strayer elocutionisi and Mr. DurS.'. a sali. An admission fea of 10 and 20 cent& viii ha cbarged. lu the article publihed lait veek relative, W the Lakemide Cemnetery A,àaa. ciatian unde'. tht- head of * Oood' Rtecord" vo Impiied tibathie aid Libertyvilie Ihorisi Gronnd Associa- rtion hâd auerged loto the Lakeside ct-moto'.!ASsoclation. As tht-se are L vo ditstinct asociations vu visb ta correct the erra'.nd smâte that tihs fonds of the ai al&sacaion vere not tîî'.,ed over la the- ladies'association, Liiertyville, r'etunucd to Ersoston lamti but romain ln the old sreasury. Saturday. Mru. Eniaa Erne&, vho bas beau ulpeudiog seve'..îi eeks vltb ber aint, Mrs.. Samuel Moore, vent W Chicago lait F'iday. Fou SALE Maple trees, at iuy !arm lu thetawu o!Fremant. lviiili e on my farma Wednesday, April 7. and fBai- uday, Aprii 10. L. C. RervA, Gr.ays- ake, 111. Mr. C. E. Sauford bas reuled the living raams recently vacated by Cbas. Sith. in Dr. Knigbt'a building. Mir. Sanford expecis bis !amily the firsi o! non vweek. Deunis Limberry bus made an effi- cient constable sud is deservhng e-lec- tion. Don't let psrty liues inierfere vtb your drapping lu a vole for a good man. T. V. Sîncum's auction sale last Saturîay aud Monday val fairly velI attended and lie disposed of B gaodly quantily of boots, sboa., clotbing, etc., vitb an occasianal sale of a buggy or 50010 !arm iniplement. Frank Sheli and Matie Clossick, ver. msr'.ied ea ihnooii Thnrsday April 1, etthie Methodist Episcapal pasngthe LeV. John LAe oflcis- UIng. Ti, nevly married couple are rési dents of Evanston, 111. Services Sunday nt the Presbytérien 1cburch ut 10:30 &._m. Bnd 7:30 p. m. Comm union service at iOclosef morD- îng vorship. SubJeci lu th. morung. *The ilignificance o! the Cross;" in the .vening, «Cbrisisa Doctrine of Pro- gres.- TI e Y. P. 8. C. B. wvilbald tbeirext business meeMU gea the home of!. lin B. C. Paddock this (Fridsy) eveuing. Alter the businessilatansacted an in- formal social will be Ini order. Ali members snd irtendeashould en deavor" to b. preseut. Four o! Lbertyvilles îirnrodîî. sq $6-011 neyD. Galloway, E. W utetilWbmynUNa H.. 8.1)( Wilbur Meredith sud Win. Davitan l.imppoeaad1 tilan loiî. roseOaRrly onemo'.ing this veek and gbussw.tlal arnes 10ootukiog vltb thtufr'.ditinct sud sep- , le Nickel . araceama'aias, started out for dit-ka or Il.0(1 geese. Tht-y gai craw. Witb su aress 15 4m0 equipment formidable enouightW put t-oe 180(1 a Orpcehuul amy tauIigbi and ait aBir '- BmiI5 ii.tae24.00) sueas groatthese vily letbs suc- etl.= roi% euN ceedcd lu bringing ta eatb oe dimin- tu te àft àlami wy SE, utiveacrav. We anggesa lsv b. n- hsso lmindm acted ta stoptiis vblalelsaugter dsuggkia*u. ai. - ~ o IInl.adoks. ilm.on*ruPmlbl» CriE. Just Recelvedi CAR PETS, Ail WoOl at 50 cents per yd. WALL PAPER, New Styles. New Prices DRE-8 GOODS, Very Pretty Patterns. SHOESAND R UBE R S In Ail The New Style Toes. CLOTHINO, Men's Ail Wool $IO.OOSults For $7.50 HATS AND CAPS, Ail Styles and Prîces.' We are Ready for Spring Trade, Wlth Up-to-date Goocis and l4lenty of Them, at Bargaîn Prîces. Bargains Every Day. M-0 B- Colby & cons Dealers In Everythlng. C-4REAT SALE WEEK--..c:ý Com'nencing Monda3 prîi 5, for one week on1y, we wiII giv - o i the- ben-fit of these uniprecedented low prit-es. Tbe volera of the People&' ticket' "3 - 300 '.. at... tu the Towvn Hall, and the Citizen@' 1.50 Fed,ra ticket People bobi their callius linbte 2.50 afie'.îognat aithesaime Place. Wbat 2.00 .. ... caaoidtes will be pltad lu nommna-.()â> - . tiou in a conjecture Of lsrge propor- R oebtgdt tions.Wbethe'. o'. ualau attpîiî il! h (>il on bt si made W hbave the p)ropoSitioli "For Or 35c. lîarkey RecdlTLl Againsi Saloons- ou the- bottam a1 the 25pI t ballai va are uneble ta determîne. W, 4 yds ouiy oît are informed tbe tallierauce Peopie. or nome o! ibeni. opposetbe Plan. i F in likely tbe Feapies' cancus vill F folow suite sbauld the Citizn caucua endors. the Ides. iesButler Bldg. ... ... . .. 1. . 1.39 .. . .. . 2.19 i tu une person. 1.00 Wrapper......... ..9 Nlc.................. ........ .71 only ane Wrapper sold ta a persan. 2 pr. Lad ies' 20e Hose.... ....... .33 Only 2 pr. sold to ana person. Ladies' Aprous .................. O Ouly 2 aprans wiii h s-Id W ane persan. ~SMITH- & SON, LibertYville, Illinols. oflfi[ BI8110-11 l IMII Id ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1897. TOW CLERK. o El El El El El El El El loIl liitK For Town Cierk, JAS. W. FURNEY. For Ajuor, JOSEPH C. ADAMS. For Colieçtor, JOHN'C. SICKS. For Commissianer o!figbas GEO. OUTZLER. For Justices oS tb. Peace, JAS. H.y FRITSCH. C. W. PETTIS. For Conétables, ELMER PETTIS. JACOB BOWMAN. o BT PETITION. For Commission.? oi ighvays ELI A. FRANTZ. . 1 ls.âo Pâlits ý rad% d

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