CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Apr 1897, p. 9

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ý3r AdimuW3s aniwaow-Iaret. IDa#tb obementa of Uic Upaia imp . mm moue"amte ua4aln tb. naval demoamtion tijat agmode rit Kavana, ln au old 4Idkit .n7 , d.miUMa. PIk. auanable seller. lHe got bis educe. 1ftOUU -wh5&t Y- wcâ&irttil n ai le ciailles and ln the. art of bu do» or maoi warfore ln the Spanish naval &mad»i@hhI 1eth doct0'siBMid caemy aS an Fernandlo. lni 18#)o tueor Navarro wam commissioaied a nie - tenant ln Uien ny. Hia firat er- go was ln tlie trar wlth athe Moure of oroeco. Nava rrovrtarndethlledto0pro. thte carfoes îLot were sent neroqs thm 1 . I d get no blind,1ou .i me fo My" aiminutea. . 1ald Dot stand very long withouý Emehng atck and vomittng. I coula nofl laoetise & long breath withoat ecm / bum, My beart paîned no. 1 alie hait female weaknes, 1nmai atIlon of ovarien, painlni menstrZ tien, id>pIaeent of th womab, Itehiý ia)g of the. external parts, andt nicersij thoncf taievronb. I have haital theaj oaaplainti. Tii:paaâ I hadIt.o stand wcre an'ne uang deaUhL., iy hulbaW d i i ta try a bottle of Lydis F..L tokh&amý ictbe, which 1 did, and iter tacini lit fer a whit, wam cured. NO Othe' ] lddof medîcine for 'ne as long say<>v BEIAUtADMIRI.IA AAIO t omon. .hure evsir»WOm4 our Com tc beSili f (ibraitur to thee Spunlanl Wh wbBlfters wili takce Yo&Ynteu ClompounladofGe mil ha oure&-. ". J. $-Mc<;JU-AORi.tiu aî u ndu ei. il "h8Kuurei avenue, Itockicfd, IIL nirim. lie rcaiaîned on dut> taiere uta --il the çvar ins brouglit au a close lni - li;la Atte r t i.,t thie Llçtîlenîi t ws , ~ Jeu e 5tT OUIlttu ih aval station F U N la Maulia 111te Plàlilline Isltands. r -4 arrO w8 îtiignî-d tservIre ln am~~'ttu dur'ing th it-kst re.-licila thie AUFE01-ahI. lie grnlutiliy %orked bis way IVUftfUflUJp111itheti- tutiotil le Lad rcaühed thte I 'ink out.n rear admnirai, lie becnme snd healta i ak rtglieeuiniauilr of tlhe naval station ot arteiuclude in thrile Autilles on the deaili uf Iear Ad- maa ug of HIRLSilirai lcgaol'nrejo, wlîo use druwn- Rootaicer. The Prepa-,ti off llavana ln te laslukilng outhte ration of this p8ttCO-ruiser SaracieZ laretsteguit. it waà pefalccdrinkamoanevetfltduial iNavarro 55110 presîded o ver oflmnPertsnceaneaifltouae c.o ui i itrial of thie fiiuter, Weiliregulated houles. iftheC (ouipetltor, andI wlo lgned the 11111EClatli warrant lu that affalr. J~jJ~j~ ~ Condenamlonu. Taiere lo n brliai car ou thie Mdland 'Rootbeer. lectrle ItallrutsîloorStatén Island. I la fu11 of gocit bealth4îma a dffing <uttpartiact an u txtr- lnvigeratiflg,5PPtt-)~uis firuiàstiinga. ing. a-11f Put7 Otter trapî,iug hIoatti) rpurtedoce- downwhenevryoulr«o an otter 5 feet 0 Inclies lung waà th= oy. usat lu MeDOusId C.,unty. Mmcoulv bY TairA London lutchAr %%lie put uip.tle Charles F. HirceCo.ialotnoe bs hp nte ýphjadeIhia.A t0I&renglt or ing lî ud oinle beef te ______________ - --_le Invorlioraled Aséos>-lalon of lier -jcstym IV arrisait Iluiders îLAuilted> 100,000 m ie offepti-i ulsttegnmr parlir, ofthelîrnyrnir, Mo., pub- ochol hve jiteonipieted taeieaak- of ala grei ' .te qtt" a;r, %liJch Nt a smngl 1@97 Columbiaa bicycle wa ta over thIcr tbuiinlg. Ou Ils tai Ofind lm ie outil prctkrdlegm ts eaibruldered taie naine.oftthe sme made wtb 30 of the ie su modes.loil r. Eh ua utten grumn1500 te 10,000 erulsan ellideul cf iterature are mile, 100smies ia day,-indyou-, cîîSilexercsed over thie desay otpolite de rnaglieste"oamil Connecticut* Net ters an taie fatherlanîl. lu achlolar- a single beak n anY Pa artte tbuaty. pIl fmore tlîan holdois I.own, but 1197 conatruction fliceiighly pro<'s liber lu potry, drameu, aur fiction s ~~ re atsytlîlng nota sbcl igdsotte. Il ~UAEJrj~ y be- aaîd lat taie saine ls true of f~J fi' fL ~~noie. Gertmtamîy i)i longer leads thie îrId as sLe dîi lu tlis art. i ltroi;esd buildin1g 19W lu Boston oc hIbslIte eretiiultofany build- " r e'tcedlng lsvcaty fcet ln helgait asaaun or vRYULWOBLO lests It occuplesa n itaile blockt utsned taei une pet-sou sud aurrouaideit ou 6100 te 1ai t. e ides by public sîreeta, snd except- Ipublie buialdings. grain levators, irers. spires snud cailineys sud build- POPE li. 0.. Umtfaéda Cei. jat aiready contracteit fur or lu pro- Osés it yd. rMFa inSb-théWoeld W etconst ruct ion. caaape lim hlmés myCalmbiadéiléit liuaal 4-yenr-old infant prodigy va. ex- 1 ted recemtiy before taie BerlinoAn- puiMý oOgcal Socieety.le Ila oson et butebier anud at 2 yenrs of age letaru- WVhat Hie Says. te read ultiacut assistance, lie DmEtNAn.shionC. ~, M".. bs thie dates ofthtae bitt and deatai Felruaiy 209h. 1897. ýI hiîtae Gernian emperorsandutmaiy .11 thia eaW@ M gond Dow 1 ,,ltselr neted persans, and their airai- laif JaN en, tai eibet cîtiea of thie worlî, ams.iM . OU ail taie great battlea. lHe can reai *îngsg O M an t n nprlîît anudcan taik IntelU-. mingamto, W tly about it, bot flutidetfardt te ».. s rA a.81, te strte andldraw, dîiakies mu-' QIIIEDandi bates pianofortes. The boy Io IL iacally wefl developeit thengh net AIN, daufhs -dom t. i.--' 4 4 4 t I I us-) . . . . . . end!'i 1111 Vé*bm a iée uuet Am j"if 1I sete aâam.dte Dame . bat te Am. àu bui S my ~alind la thi eat îeiiing attrlbu .cf ' am chai-acter," mamit the agaciouas womtan, île l, "I ahould say-pomme. Ueaaiy, It know via ma betté al tboile liostetoeutt tbe a c ia méel umlIf To Take a Spring Bedicine ofet iag more ëffective, eltiier as re- Ï h, ormdeitasrsI aacn ____________gardae te indîviduai or tiiose witia pliahol alîthon a uma siwltbsciaibenet vorego tact I a othe boséca.. the. mImac-h mdthé laver. 4dMuait bel Mad ie ure irebm site cornes Ininroactne sp- t-. se eiedy tube os etlokn es.- Veut iod Hsa a ua. peala le people, cmneiow, tir amcre tente Itiséf. a;id tier.],» prévent lit(fronth.- lmpmred eaat a Sre. tban-aiaost un>- other trait. Beauiy, contitgernîiC. Flrmly ixed among the Important cieveruesqa, auiability, pylttiatlltiiyli Vaccliatloai, ona preveatîve et amol- prîncipica ef hygiene anud beath la taie these are s'ery s-cl an thelr wa3; Iut pot, la saidtotebave been practiced lai ackoowiedgred noesity of a good 1 douait If amiy oft aeat ever prove liaîif ChIna 1000 B. C. Sprlug Medicine. as potlent as Puise, tLe ainiifeslntiun _________ Thie nacémity ila fond lutaie Impuire ot a perfect equiibrîi uto mimd ands "ne'ameaamil Medicine condittion of thie biot utnt tiaBeans, mena. 1 suppoeeIts iargeyciyauase so Moves thie bows ea scbday. lu or- owlng te taieclose cou- fesé of n. paneasuaI. We ulsvttys ad- der teoi e healthy thla la neressary. Impure Air, finement andt breathlng mire and enrly stliat docînt beluug to Acta gently on taie iver and kidneys. Tee vitiated aiin offlee,atore, us, yeu knew. Plncidliy ut temîpersa- Cures sick headache. Priet 25 aud lOc, .Là'û"n RIch Food. shop, bouse, factory or meut la, Indeed, mli taat lm rare, par- avi ou e. achooroom;e xemasl1ve ticulariy syliien itCm a achooi,-d andi dis- Aecsordihg le laie sattiiea ibere are =-î. tain~ .mot im. eatiaig and drink iug tee ricli sud hearty ciplIneit piacldîty, net nîcreiy a cuw- In taie Unitedl States 40,000 dent mutes.. fooi; late houra andoialindulgences. lîke calma abut a coisrepoeesignfleiaut MM I. IRAio. atoMéswaasvaue tor chi "lé ~S E mébt».1aya Many years of test have proved t t rgireat reset-ve streuglhaiind force.lé.iilts . .tbej=sa.resaamaéaaiaIiaa. so.dlO. ilooda SaraaParilha supple*thie gea- Be muet baiedesared Io taie qualît>e,I-, 9i"té&oaiaait.!tUauhlam lis l eYu ".APa son'a deananitas noting aime domc. hosever, ilost mauy undiaccrulug per- caaAaém 011-6'îsr, 5',- etlaau. Oms tia te=«Mettra" Se easy tu tai ansd me readiiy a8sm- sona ae ' n eacettei ita-à"aoeWlasens âlerm rmolice îaicit, taie purifying, vitaliziaag aud On- te iewiigt cettaeiia ________fo.b~aSt Wtshu.qs rthig leiatsofledsow tore- for thaiel; an ot!ter words..te ------------UOIa.N.. a -icomina leit f iltureSamp 'acOwé-hlke caln' Olten plame. for thie re- bouse et vegetable remedies for htîanan Oé Taawaysnldt aPeott tla, possaito taie tomacît sud do thetr ptutpiti eveu looket up te. cpee Fe ld.a.c5s.7mtsh;P aiuaf._.eI.Sdi. séorie ot purifying andI Vitali7ing taie ailla dIng to taie erreneous If long e. _____________________________ bîood, wîiich carrîea nesé toblisbied notion that mils waters lu-^0#9 AN I11 Appetite lifte aud vigor te every varlabiy ruai deep sud tblnk Ieenause Ulge ACHES AN PAINS Heaith organ and tissue o aeemy ofiîtheaiSir.esJaMSe 011.1l1sTHE ..IAAI ni and St.-ength body,. The affect la Olten ai great dteasinl keci, misent about. .%bout E 1 fl iAL U'D niagicisl. Taie weakneam taie ouly le.- tiat couceît lins to stand la socu driven oIf, that tirasl fealing dis- upnu la ilitth la utten auhtaken for ____________________ appears, the uervea are bàwlt UP, taie poise. The unelever otbserver secstaithe appt-tit.e restored. Ilamember, supre'te sî'if-satisfactiounaid takes i Hood's Sarsaparilla thng ~tocsa tiatere abuso men- M Y CAtY I teietti l&tcthtaté(tacTrié isdus pri- cordlngly respects and euvethlelIs-o tr.n Mhid l'y I I druaMiluIs.61t. I . cesesr. Yea, poise lm a quiity thlat ln oel>pia ti 1i let-caltu or ls couriterteit xrtseutl-nu Iolod's PUIS lm[aSasaur0t . mntsiail tlait laappeaiing tsi taie M q - msny ofus tt liart' coutlnuîlls-loslng our balance or Iilîtsdiaallty. IV Iotîg to as-qaire i it UtIse arceaatvralay tlruvititta tis -oiit-n ho ms'rely atpears o L to posmss Ir cItmoe of thilt at S- u $ ' n mso$u I tractive traits on recordl. Nets York teBrareTnul GUilAiTcostipa~ tio.mearae th alnt tls EU 3~ Eselng Suitmtiamiti.A. siY u er tr. ip raL eau at rel M&LMmt La. starrat Cluîé. 9-0--.gCuam Rentrnt. Cou.,orm________ sus tth 1.0< (At. ArP-C(ATION4. as ttîey satanai s - t aitettumh disea ise . (ai.t ausu r htietsi SLICK IER ki ac- ittrac.atidreIo h ts ts at n ternat s-anetiîsiies. al n ite 'ILKEEP YOU DRY. tMed atia i cinrae. al a s aara(tir. Dosa'tnt Srd wstia.s.sktts trainand ia regut rpriirptloi. 1atiltavn- or,-iti,eoS., t - s-) ...tac t [7i5eit ffl ieStoniles knovu, cibinedlwiît thatWit kep yfl ry n h h. ieZ tiosh puelfiers. an-tang dlîss-iyon the. est.- rm, t'sy ti tin msai sunais Sufaes. The. lesfel ecomhthatloi of Sicks, < t - t e sl1.yaaî theto Oluis-edl,-ttta I hva.tsprsic"eilmutswou- ti- .,.le . e t. de-fuI rsiltiin a criait ((Lrha. brenuts orte. A. j .TOWSR. B'stonMSs. liiFlat. t3. . Pos TJd . Moid b> 4sru«gh;L'ta. as-le-~ ~"~W LL OT UB FF' New l=m r srat<daasLa non- '.Z ai-toi a a inp p- A~L~ABÂ STII4E agrhstltura StateYet taere are wltlî:mi Infi1 727.t57 acrtes cf amproveil land, e oly is «O _____________________ 41sait $ 66,162.260. Te work tliso Sm if a, m 8 atlhgbauithe e"elaum cdg &Pd Oitleat or the 01( taie serv ices ot 42670 persona are a elig alMhiSffa 18131 emcdusu li n»Mvu Tlîe oldetaithbited lougse lut le uccessamry. sud tlaey produca $15.006.- MrCunAgk R1sm>e Jtîngdots it 18 stsegai <as I lln 000 stortai of neceessry coanmoslltles min@MW iim b ave IflODil mvoe md Ebi, Isle cf Skye., Ilae' seat of Ilhle. d. tcai )ear. Hadqmm 0aeeiai md*u avlaUelsls08 of MeuI. l', art oft ihaidates train taie ulutlî century. or a couple cf han- h lpilits ca e-President Cleveland dred years bettre thie sonqtist ba' il wî-srote mtilis messages le Congres.s itai latia taieNot-mutn. himaura bont. Taie new administration euidently proposes to usie modern facill- Tihe castie li bitilt on naltrotinor3t ies, (or wtihin tairedays ut taie inauguara- at tae ie îasi cf a loceh, atdti utt have tion tsvo Nev ModealtRemington Type- b-en alas-e cf grîsît siret'tinl thie iriterassci-e ortieredti t Ie sent to taie days irlien taie Mel.s-odhs ans i !stellu White lottée for taie l'rs-ident's use, and auis wesre nt constant starfare. Vive Premisent Hobart dirested one of New 4. iha tyhelané maiwcmeveitk bu t gin l uy Sir Walter $vott spet a nîglit tlsere thies eui iasarumentm te Le sent to i ense o eivoet yocaepemaice bas sataltyou anyiiadng in taierairy elaitîer.' Lis exlterienci-s ruons in tIse Seuste. at is tit iha'a aothlag chenper han thehest. turnisshîug iatter for une otflmbis t lt.ore Mialo.M C ,kImt~gAmleCmag h.. ters on [)smonoIogs" 'Ahi the planso for taie reatornaino c utkH vtn M JmCmage Wa Taie uidest faiiill.v lu taie iorîlit thiat Malmiaison, toriîttrly thie resîdence otf atîaasn5.uceuî-i s46ttiaowi?. Of Miatata jute the MI:tdlo ut Jatîn. Empresa .ioseasaiiis. hase@aiow been The Lt ht-Roaiig Me.ionek Vertialct iader and taie thrtsue of tIsaIemireli- ia avizbtts'iicomlieteî. 'flic sork Is te suai au taie The Ltght-RuaaantMcorsnkDsiatoy aaper forasale etseryttére. filllct by uîcnaibesofutbis faniily toi uchgliburlioosl ut $100.000. andsi sliibu more thasa 2.7550 yetr«. 'lT-eiprescrit ternycsi ay M. Osiris, a aulfit-ent pa-v t Is t e S ul o i. M11kado li thte 12241 of th itinits. Tht- fi""t trou ut art asnd arciîseology. tB e iy I he S u f W t une sias soatteîîîsr.sry suit N îttieltad- niezznr, (6 yelt-rs lit-tre Illse Christian TISA? SPLENDID COFFRE. erg. Mr. Goomanu, Willilams Cuunty, III., Thse oldest famtlly lu Europe le tIse sétite8 us: "Frutaioee package Bniztr's G o ie ' Mahtomet ias hom lit 57(1: i tesceii pouais of etbtter collige thon 1 con boy N eed anIs are reglats-retî lu a booîtk ki-pt lit lu stores at 30 cents a poua."~ Mesca. sud no dolttt ex!lu!s outhte A package eft lsa aud blg aeit cata- authncntly outhaIe lou ihe cf Mia- logue le Béat yen hy Johin A. Baiser homet* dî-sceitshauts. Seesi Co., La Crosse, Wls.. upon recelpi Auctions n Jupon. f 15 stamps sadgitlenotice. C. N. SPL. Tiacre lm ittle slasce for f(ra ud Ov Telephonei fer taie Sick.é0aIl8 0--- cunspîsînt lu tîîe matter of euntuetiug lu Fraut-e Longstala fer In e REAS NS FO USI arenotn saly o nny sales abelli "0iiat laie sica my convre twjtht v - ubr a tonIi@colintr.ficiai ave I -r frieds ~itot dantger of con- / f 1t r 1 a~ e o lar teounr nietliod oft otlng. WieLn an conver-sation hast appeualsi attrativlVCy auction lm to lske place tIe goods ort- te Im inationu. prcperty la aidvcrtiss-d for tsio steeka Coughlng Leade te Censurrîptiort. B rea. Cocoh . aiaead. On the slay ufthte tsaie eseli Kem' a saîiet sil l ap taie coag a a'Lt.Bcse IlaIs abseiulely paire. bîditer wires ails u:e ausladmît-tss un one. o a our trutagist onetoto-day ands et 2. Becaut. alislanet made by tai soa-calaed Datch Proceus la a slip of paper. stailà iec carfuija mamatle boule tire. old inla25 sud 1GO whikb timcalsare usait. places lu a box. W'aen ah tIle bîis t-e cent bottles. Go ait once; dehaym are 3. Becaaase beans ofthlae inest qtnlily ara uude. au taie auctloncer opents taie box ln taie dangerous.4. mueilaad yaehowhcprsvsunpid pre.euce oethtae sîtectators, and, aller Epr4. Drtes h Wel.e is illa at bys mlaior and lcla paithevbaunaaah examining aili, taie goocîs are sîecisres maë lIkeseWee.l.iqiieatrlfiso n drc h os laie preperty ofthetaieagiesi bisider. '»- Praneess Faedérick Lcopold et Pr'am- 5- &cause Il la the Most economical, cealiatg ar lima ou cent ibu sstantae mers-n usoa u ma, st-aiebegan blcyeliag secretiy, has a clap. thi sstet heAmeicn ustm faMi.tbal Fm.gai the gmm emeh dim à barWA.L'U ewuers baddlug ln pt-operty or guets beau torbaiden te continue so dtlug by .t*a.ii.auemsa.. tiaègîl. taie terman Emapreint, on tiîe ground --- -- ss'eld almosi enthreiy disappear. that hIslanet iadylike. lier ntajeaty 0iaI lA liI An AstuiSe J.i.t. basa cenceiveit a violent dialake for ail- misouAru m Taie jaisge, a4dresaighinseif te a cyclung, eud has prevalled lapon taie I Y u re svtuesm ottaie eusale persaîsion wélo Emperer to discontinue lthe practîce. i masas la viibiy allIsted t t smaesi oty&cuà yen ra: Noe.B o fr J.t eCets. ha aS.1ahlma "Mademoiselle, yuur age, If yen <)vr 4OAioo eursmt sébtmot sIci NaT-a Sac 9*..i110 Simaiseor- reie,car iaiet. r tbases?. ndu u. hi r Mit.tu = m," (Atter a long aud lnteresthng heslta- 4a-asdaen*saatgIi.ha tien)-"Twenty-four. yotar bonor Noe Fixed Rlte.._______________ (1e taie lerk)-'YoUttaa admilailter "Youen atutset itesn no fixed rule the ontai.', o ' condtact ln tglaelte," salit uls Wag- --- Baie tubes taieoata. "Samiou got ato trouble 'cautse PAi ouulmlslc e me he get 'fi' haîr eut, 'an' Alisaloan getP R tant yuia musut tell taie ta-atta." -L'Iais- luie trouble cause aie dîdit.' O E8U tre de IPoche. ,ý aît Ivon--ti, bît-iéo The Anise Kangaroo. Cue oi1 Cna.1 c earet me.-Amon2L Taie avcrage sire cf taie katîgaroo a KeIner, Cherry Valley, Ill., Nov. 23, ' m trf- -lret oi etl siat p- 9ýý Mrm Pistols Pesties. The dsielling platmýouplea 11. proper pasinthe. mua. lpCollecter of relies of baribmam. The pght to have besido it the pestO le t tipilla iteea t9 ie ahot IM, bu1h. tercet orfthe Iliver. But th* est Il 1n evidenoe, and theb virtueofetAyse'aceated PillaThey treat the livor asa& not as an enemy.' Inatead cf driving it coti it. They arb Icompounded on the that the laVer do..L ite work thorouehl tal*hftUy under obtatiln oditit teo:a b ~trotions am romgo ledmlyduty. kWhen your liTel V4P. get «he plfl Ayer's aCc PUIS.

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