CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Apr 1897, p. 2

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DiXÂIkE TO O( LANDS INUNOATED BYBEAKS IN LEVE5 àtatire Norbere 11e- et Cetelal lieedolti VIseoOvaowod. Caumn a ruetua Les. - Ad mli mmbeoalg floW Ceteon Crep la Dauger. The predction matie tatgreelt dsailer ta tbe Misaissippi delta oult foiow te breakttg othlie loves at a point o the est alteof etb.river nomt cf Relena, Art., bau been ternibi> realized. The break at Flomor lats, mulhocecunict Moneru mnitng, tas iapitty greo freun a dosen fei lurthte aàteousanti This cet- vasa. i at the hedftiet Ledelta sot mIlI can.. an everboir oflt.he ntien ien et counnles lu Misalaippi mitt te exception ors part cf Tontca. Thte question taIt noir confronta te plantera lu thte dura- liiîcf ite fioMt. If the ater Iu eut of te dela by NMay 5 a crop et cotten may lie grown, bht lcollon plante etiasle ai -May 1lObas 11111. chance of maluing be- tome tost. Ttc-ehii atitter dianger. Tht'.. crevos.smusaait e ceti befone te Jue.vise or teet' ill hoasecondi ovenfiowi. Tht' delta country pmetiuces an- Mnaily ne legs titan taIt a million bales ot collen. Mucit seffeing is reporleti trou ehe 'overomea sglusé. -At- a motiug of the Memphtis mcl d ommlle. il uas de- eldeti le ask otiter ciestonrtelp. Dona- tises of mea, mcml ati monel are prt'ten- *able. Ail rýeuIltunces siteuit ho madte1 Bun F. Pries, recsurer cf tht' citiaco' relief ,euaittee, Memphis, Ten. - sTriaKE l 1A »10 ON. icta Go iti Dîseorles nIt uma, A. T., Cause Gresl Kxct.iusal 'Cel.,George F_ Paner, as tri-i ocn joid miner et Califomnia for mure titan a quarter ot~a cetury, tibo bas Just an- iliet InhoPomona, Ca., trou Arizona,says ltaI Ynma lambu il it. excilement ho- cana.efthtwo Ime tsof maniehoos ics Mni or. At the Picitaco minîag district, ueny-e lenorlt cof Tuma, on te Palitomnia aide efthlie Colorado ier, are te Golden Dreain anti Noontay mines. For seeral weeka te men ait tose mines bave iteco getting loteicit ore andthie owir.ha&ts.bren offereti as igit as $175e- 000 for tii mines. .Thureay men In bot mines, at ahment te sanieboeran loto letigeu of or.taI yieId oven $0,000 bte th ton. *Four speebuens trouteae letiges uee fount te un $2,750 perntou. Tireli. kaneleeaby seleeot'bits of rock assayed 03,120 te te ton. Thte letie. in te Pîcita- ce district are a&l vtry large. One leuige ofetloi-grade or Ibere lualxly tet ile. t&irge-lbilêbthiinIontre s been feunti, tut it la éertaily a big one LANDSLIDIC AT CHIICAGO. Ilemoseeauweep Everyllnmng bu Toma - anti Cily Kiectlonis, Carter H. Harrison, Dem...14),207 eonu . Hlian, md ..........05,M2 Natiaiui>hC. eae, Hep ......8,W3 ,U'mington licsing, md ...14,884 i1'The steve vote fer Maoensmhonste slnengtiefthlie city, Democrtte ticket aI Chicagc Tueeday. Il gave te toc-h candi. date upen il moi-oetas tiic au asmny voes as.te nexl iigtet Mamareceiet, * n huthie City Couneilimss aise caplureul. Tht' towvnsiup Demeenatie tickets mere oucesetuL The eleclion ws ns.ofat et atot exctiug, nohiitietslniing tht il waîsewoon"e-utit, thalthaie eerteen itelti tu Chicago; ont-midi. Mr. Harrizon'. autecesa %va. confidetit'niypredicted ty lut. trientis anti petty gener.liy concetieti t bis oepponetnulune nt'lutechir expecteti 4dh a lanialie ail aoug te inet. EMDEZZLED 027.000 H.i. Adicheb Caier sud Pamsaslr, Admt. bute 3. H. AIdnicb1 for setral r-ars asaiiet atid pruasaler ln Kansas City, m., of 1ht Kansas City, Fort Scot anti Nent Phtitis aliroad, mas arestiluabis 1mw- Yer's office, nbarged i mtit mbezicaiog 127,- 00 etfte compsny's uonry. lie quletly aubmaitteilta 1amrst,-andsasYs h ite iiiplead guily andt ttuot i ttneif on tht' merey ci lte court. Abtrie'.setlngs bave teet carrieti un ton elgitt yeare. Thtecompany tocs nul know exatliy bot mîiite hein uitort, anti bas onlyhi% a ord that $27.018 hli teamount. Adric'@ lutoaîl liai enuarti hy living beyomd tes meuns. Hi mas prouinet il ustiness cireles, ant isi Iite tas s leader le suiMety. enstiens][la Costtînlleuality. Jutire Hobtarti etSout Bend, lnd., held ti hltho new lîti ty milcipraonerg oven 2".hersof agearesent te tht' referai. !&tory for isrct'ny isn ncenslltutboaal. Tiie decialon et Jutige Ilutitorticanseti (ira cenat Suprinteen lent et fIte referma. tory te deter lb. Iasfen untilteau- pueeCurt take. up tht' decision cf the DrIve. te o ileiIy lseu A unit et Shanghialcoolie, gumbering atout 5,000, wut ui-t ecruly @galant an Increase et taxes, engagretInlaun ath forcl is»-menstration. There mas.eri. oesrioting ai tnoa. Thte -lunbters mer, ralieti ot sudt detçmetet09 marlies an mmios mre landedta 1 sint the auteri. tics ho reuloring orde. I A Mlxed Rosit, V-t> eletiens in Wiscnin ihoir the Democnathe volete aisheascendant. 8t. LeuIs Mo., remainu IlepubteiaLne reumt In Mktebgan sceaiedt elavor the Demtoral, antInhoIlinos alse, bavy gain. are ejurt6t. Many Manias cities chose Ucuocralle Msycvi ad Counelt. SMile Neur Devml-a Lake.. Tweuly-seve.n ceactes, eemposing luo upeclal traim, bave rrivet iIn evil,î loake, N. D.. b.arng Dnkanîta to wm esttielu Baier, Tonner, fenton, Pitre Mdt Botinea Couluties. Four trelgbt trains breingt thela' herg.eioit effects, Vum miun usthle bTreafr. Tbplt0t mI «t(haIBritatu, previt. îAbaleta&th dluteOuaa beudariy ~aaasmp0sy gllp bybfhbous 8wel.ue suaElamepu Vit ey At u tolue 11121 te hlo. o Wa1 als R tee Ir10 W e4u ~ t 'Md dwleamegthe:*tata movd Out la aa iIg7 ule. bas whiéh bal tovuaied la hqriegut420imvmpnacc " bre nai an Immense volume, et Waler, mi big cake of le stiudtheusandi otfooet loge, ment bearbag down the. rver aRd ovr St. Anthony Falis, Thi. water rome twe feet Itide of hit muhueur, etig lil way up the river book»ountil the 00n et many of lb. bous. tere iteil moder wate, One.outil man.stimatesial t25i. 000,000ft etjle s mre amept awal. BIIite 30th &venus sortit and eat Plymnouth avenue are ruportedtu i danger. The dammuo'may reaeé $100,. 000. At Waipton, N. D., te taer la the Red sud Boise de Sioux Rivera sa twc fot abaie tbm danger mark, shoot tht' leigIIste v.v kaow. The. le bas irisen witb the venter, and la tbeatening ail te brida..o the lime cf the»s treamas. Sîrennema effertu are hiog made te save te Nertboru Pucifie, Great Norîberti andi te wagon bridgea,. Dynamite ban beau usod lu breaking tbm le. hotitshoeeb- low and btweca the. bridges, and thore are maueshope. nom eofaaving the. ralireail bridges, but tbe rond bridge seceis tale b doomet. __ POWDEiR MILL BLOWN UP. Shkamekî Cospasl'e plas 4Danie- lahed-bwelimge WusgkeoL Ail te buildings et the' ShamokIn. Ps., Poirder <Compny et. conpleteiy wrecked b7 a terrifie explosion lu the' mii. Irortnnately there mere ne lires bast, ail of te orkmen haring gens le titeir houeu. Thd dweliiigs cf DavidiBeamu, Emanuel Kinger aod Daniel Ouvrait, te- gether wtlu enboildings andi haron, wers hmdly tiamagred. The -peirdr ImmIlà 1a l- caleti about 8v. miles frontlite eily, but the terce efthlIe explosion *book neaig every building, sud ueney persona rmuiet troun thir touass t ascetain tht' cause et te shock. The' darnageti residenees are lueietinearly finît n rule fromth ie sceue oethlie explosion. Tht' bau8trili amuotnt te îîealy $11,000. Train Lundt of Comylcîs. Ncariy (m00 onvicîs, maeiy et whom are desperate criminals, lefItte tote prisen at ,effesenvillc, loti.. Titttnday for te Nertitero peitentiary et Michigau Ciîy. iThe train empioyed for te itrpose irai apeeiaiiy prepdreti by te Pennsyivaîîie Italîrcati, the' windows being tearily barred andi gratings fixeti orer te doers. The priseners mereihonrdta te ienta@ jaud thte cors mere gîtardeti tyma total oh 150 gurds, srmed mt Winchesters. gFreai Jeffersonville te Miciigan Cty titi etrain travemmeilte entime iength etftiti Stale. Thet Iansfer wss made uder tite loti passei ty te ttLegiabure. lmak lngtte Soittieru priaen te place of con- finement for yonng conviets, eslablisitinc a retormatery, anti making te Nertiteri prison te place cf confinement for cou- firineti criminels sud men peut te agi timait for admission te te outheru peunt L*ntiary. The prsouera removed incioded ail Ibose over 30 yrsrs cf âge anti ni 3efrs et âge net envieteti et manitugit ter wil lie IransferredtaleJefferucuville. Trains tu the Se.. Iifte, The Wyoming bilzarticoulinuet Ila Tuesday ngit. The streets cf Cheyruui 7 mer. ail pileti foll et sow. A diffpec il soya: Ail Union Pacifie frelght traini 5 ere abandoard and passenger traini m er. lu a had plbig. The train mmi 0left Denier at 4 o'leck became etrandei t ln aig driftl boit amile eset ftbe Ciey. i m n dept. The Ovrlsnd lFlyer aluet lu itee soot aIilidale, Imety miles est eo te cily, anti the' eat-hounti lyer mas tic op ai Red Belleî, rieur Laramle, onrtble e taimit Sherman licuntain. Thte men;t ebonni Oyer trom Chteyenne lias aise t abumtined. The big rotary pons orted 1ail dey anti p op O miduigitt, butl Cr1 te.. tecaut' snoirtd up suddtnable I keep the roati open. Ail Coloradoie heried onder aitout a fot et auew. Tit lemperatore droppeti beloir frt'ezing point and stock on lbç range wiul sufer ce verely. The Weuldsa Whet Cop. Thte Secretary cf Agniettture un >1 nounces tIsat lb. world's mieat erop te ]S5IX) la 428,393t,000 buteis. Il la lb, *smmllest for six y-t'rs. Ail sectiona e port an exeeptlonally aaii pereenlage or h anilte gcnerai average belâg 20.« -against 26.3 lent year, and sitemiog but -88,000,000 besiole labfermera bonds cu y Matre It. Unnîmaily 1111e cf h.e rop ol d 1895 remmn-but 3 lier cent., against 41 4 per cent.of the 1894 rop seaield a yeni aigou. A larger proportion titan usuealmuns hob retaineti for boue consomtpion. Tit 19 average pereenlage se retained la 48.zi 0agoînsl 41.5 ]net rear, witen tht' odmeS 0 monta le expert ivtr weoker. Bill made leoetyv.. Tbnrstiar mornliri te etele.impose by the Dlngley tarIff bihllier. la terce, The Wison, mw lsa tbing cf the. pont, if tbe tant amendment allacbed tc lbt iDingiey bll betere lils passage bln b Hanous, fixng Tituruday as tb. dey cr i whieh Ils provisions aboutiti gointe effeel, -bI lh~ie h bâtitole holegai by lb. courts -Thte bll baa net yet been finally conali e red ini lie enale; but lb.elieuse msdt a thb.rmettre eroactivo by adcpllng tlb (Jrosvenor amendaient, Il lo serionsl. qucencti dIf Iis mIi procî-eau-nitt rtiens]. OWe sCoba lau Vnee, Minîstor Dupuy, de Lome hIanadmatutei -te me thon Oespersonan aWsabngtez iha th1eb Cobanituation but narroe Idowve te wbere Spaot srs simply walini -for an o<uçrtniy te irop Cuba gracs, fnIiy andi witb ai tti. escrifce. le n as poible, Thse laister adani tI eause lua t, mmd thstthe fieW ellad"a latrall«ofet .lainai .s eyemnba -wth eltbr ralkJ~y or inespaeltj.. 0 tir ».»'k affle l- d*et.d. Y Tk % idau ~ aÏd jury returd as y ndKtet bsum-tWillaunDaiwson, je ,a efflibar et thé. tallel Uak et liuneet ebargiog blmu Withte àf7Ina th e moud, ef th. haute la 0"ax sgiiltem or 0 000 aalmth es. Vag tora Natlionu 0 an E of etCiilemaeuwhes, lu tmet, the à boonk ow.d thaEBk ort lnneU ot e i t-_ là 11r.-a __og 1_llt0-h- __ ATRIYý.E OSF ONLY A BILLION DOLL.AR& Olies nore Reaiy Ceh-Ciucimnaal 'Bai Chataoe a fer Imeveri: b7 Ire-Cou. Rivera Nay Net De 5h01. Unacie aa'.VFinances. The monthly Maternent of te public debttshows taI et tbc close et business Ilietiesday. lhe tcbt, r-sa cash, ln te trenuury, amounle te b$1.003,00S,200, a decrease fer te mout etf",8,I,2Mu. Titis decrease in accoonleti ton by a corref spsandtitd irease in te asienneof ecanh on baud. 'This, itomever, dues not Incuite 1107,702,4M3 lu cerlificalcu atudtreasery notes outatanding at1d offset iîy an toquai amout t cash linte treesur.y. The cash la the lneasomy aggmgales $875,239,. 750. Againat tiis there are devisati lia- bilîles amennliuat l $IM1-,1t4,1.'lt, muicit esave. a casht balance in tht' tr-astury of 8222,,400 The montly comparative itatemen t fte tovernur-ut receilîls anti expenditures sitowste total receibts dur- lIngMinrch titrveertn$46.217,0Ir!, andî te dishorsemetuls 9127.212,9907, leaint a intripgua for te noutît of $0,00i4,6#01'i Titis ecueila ue lu'mntîl tilrcly te ui creaseti receljts front cosue. VECAU PU6BLIC SENTIMENT. Filais Viii NultCuutsarity Eecutc thse Cohean Generit iityera. Harana dilipateit: iItn jitt trams- pired taI[Riveraewtic aitiircdiie il ntii- pilai santi Oinlu ttîe, as te tIiiaIi - Potselege& .Rivera tbtilien u îîul-î le a utnirthla-o deys tirerions t,, tis catptute attî mheu seinédl nu n&ýiîiving Ielment litia cubaitu htîuuîtll. le lidu wt litrhlmbis tnad ti100 reu. 'flue au tact on te tonîitai tian motie Iîy Rifltinhiroope îlieder liernituuuea iutui R-ivern.ttîîîgh %ttciCidtet iluuit ueýl tu cut th i» vyt, reulttI fil. utur-edti wltu niet'bîtiets. Altig 1'i utipttt Ahttmatit bas nceidcrilknit frttîîNlii- lI-m uof Wum Ateemmega. nenI 'lturu.t te ir ee. Ritsis Rivera t ite-tiîtilY hy court miartial. 'lite liistu-r ttiik-iflint e sttnary coutrcîtial. fiuliutiiî13-ti uit .- ashtiîg cf 1Riveraanti ltecala, , wcilI hare o tai effi-cIti EutritIit. Th'l iii- tti lit genrn, ' htt-uii it rtultul te offer 1Riverat s lutrdontun enitii t itut te ose his infliuentce te indurtîe Buiga. Dut- clf(mitse, Vide,, entIDelgadolo i] t l uir lut- L surgent leadters intiller delc t-IItitIolesutc- aretier entier tee nnititiurt-. It ratio nai he utitltilay titîttut lisuati, lu sors t' veu-utclite utintconditionitat i t hini-it andtitis imtettiît'fotllets le 91B1G SUNDAX BLAZ I. Cincnnati Bouses Sufer Three Quar- ter BMillon Les. Fire trot, out le IL. htusinbiium*s -esîluateui lues la $750.000. Il sittine mont tilamalous lire lsiete. Bs-thitî conflagratiou eft tiret' yeoc agît. Tte Roeetttiaum conceec n-sa fiueil¾itiu s fine [hil stoni itra, ladies&' garments, laces anti te d te Ott bouse iras stat-ked m it carpets et ail grades sudti ates. Tte sa mhieeblet ls Ibm propoty oethlie Rî- in telu estate, itaring bucot teuigitl th iein lu six yeara ugo for $375,000. Tht' stoc-ka oi bi Itosenaîusand ti >t. tiltebn attal bu. F-andtte Meulier company tiili cuffi-n cui an ideratile dumnage. Ttlhettuîtttsock tf value mou abotIt$150.000. instreti. le fig Lsed Grai lui Canada. t- At Tomente, OnI..te putthicmtitun et o ae hiu-boiit givitîr detailia otthe eititir i,-n ,i cessionu r-tneti b>tht' lroriinnai fier tn emmient lest I-ett-uany le e Bri-tisht cyn- ao citet'andite fuitther dereloprt tta sn tiis syndicale is le enlity a cîtat for iti te fautonts Southt Africon Cempntiy,.lis lit- iterally itarticdth ie provini-c. tetticattni-. e-tnuetite get-st sentienen et-i-t yeem. Tht'etîtîerratiren tielare taI te once-ssion inla agrat i tlit tpreccîtent, andt hat tce UovernirStbas hjn a't bso lutliy utîtuitittul te ils truil. t' <iliet Dembo. off lte 0. A, R, Lhit' hutitre<l ycare, in Fat Ou-iey, 'mEtugianti, wm oe W iilu Harding. naît tiYaseea, Mine., to-day te releman oI titores mara andthle oldeet rmember etftiti "' G. A. B. li te United ti atue. At titi )fare et 15 Hardintg panticipales inluttc mou .7 of 1812. lie tongit. untier tien. Ta>ylot I li te Nexican mar, anti tonr taI serrice sth. la non, draîing $72 por mentit peut suceio. Wtr- te civil wirn rote eut bu e» etlisteti, aititougit 00 years et age, and] serredt irougitout lbe mar. foutimeru City Scorcheti. The Richiarsn Building, te lau-geai e. in Chattanooga, Teng,, sud on.ecfttie 4,langestiIn te Souh, iris totaly teslnoy- te ed by fine Silurday umniug, aud t oe persas bent their lves. Fire cougit frmue ou te tunace ln te hasemnent anti rait no uth db ce toihart. Tite test: Boyd Em- o ig, O. 18 Paton. Une buntimetiofficet . anti feur stoeea iere in tho building. Titi le total 108 aMoleaste about $40,000, es ibh bnrance of about $200000. L- CroalsPrime* Net Desi. TII. Japaaesc legabien t Wahington recelvoti s dispalci trout bbe conul gen. .d eut tBSn Franchiseen saiag Ibat thei reeent repet tImiabe i rm nripe ef Japon and lb. sucemasiçuoe euac@ Ailsgewa as her.appenent wre a 9 mtrely ulnfomadeti. C Ceeu Admite Crime. Rugh Miler, 250 ye Ido, enier ahéest a.fir mlett O tr tua bur-tory .brownteIlu bd apertattent bonne laBrookjyu, hba ttsait led that la 1001 àbu brd eight boemaea, lu mhbch tee poislons mer. burne te detiell Miller eolly relatai thét iloretbis au awful crImtes 04 Ma, 11usd et Lite. se Reportaeaet the CiI l- cage show Ihat tourtea suicides oc- al curieti bltaI cty bu four tdeys. Mor. il paine, canboile ucdt, revolvers, Sas aa4 m- res mre te nethesuotdfor Ouient Detea",udempeg4tir a"yDe . memke lut" Lae..oi The tirentbreaks la tbit iereonu the Mie- siuslppi sldo, â ailgrtous oas.have eam- cd toustsrnalion la N'e$sburo, as tleà ter going Ibvouli.the breake wlUlà mne. date a lalgo portioa et tis eoi;aIdeta. thle muet valun ai théu plantins Llendelai the Stite. T1e will, no doubt, cause the overfiow of à tegirlport of Bolivar, MachI cf Washington, lissuquruia end Bharkey Counties and à portion oft 8ndfler. TII. iraI.? frote bheopper break, or Pertht- sbire crevasse. aîe througb lb. railreud muid covered the pantationsma theI. acth. At the tniddle crévas.. tht flccds front te oorth Jelne<i force.witb the»e wa- ters.,and, logether. they imundatedth ie Country souttrard. sud te uietiwaters front itres, godgsatemi, %mt lcréaslnu force andi volume, rouihed overte coun- try andi finaly irere thretvn bmck tlét thé main river et the mootlh ofthe I.Tooc, a few miles nortit of Vicksburg. If the levee la front of tIreenville salmtibreak ne mon Cmn comceele wbat lhé lons a 101f. enti properly ivoold lie. Probably 10,000 people worked wtb sntiesperation bars, of despaîr tomsai'.titeir homes asud property. The whitle macisliery cf lte SlateandI the Illinois Centralitnalîroati nus irougbt lto iter. ____ Woue Place. 1111ie. The Presideut Tiieruday sent teate ti'eîite te fulowing nominations: An- driw 1). White. cf New York, taelie am- btisuaiirtrorîiiry andtiplenipoten- tiliry of te UVitiicd$rais ta teerinutiy; Wiilinsii F. Drlieer. t lof tis ta t là; xiiîhesseilor extrnordiiery and pl"ni- îý,.tiiîry it the ' litlel ÇîAlCe <c A,41 Chlitdrli!i' ot %fi ice.I o ie secretury of the i-ntt.ii v *,tGrthe VUniti-l ilet,-. sut ltunie.It îly; siîîu'tL. Irnmy, of ijs ew i l-krlingaiie ,Iîtiieoî. of C*oromdo, rulisîil ai Amoyi,. china. I r loin#oi Dointion tahum tii lie îîîel ai liîiiîa %à,.4 mmitti raî : lieijaiii;n I-tii Il -rwrtlî, of 011e10. alie t' Iutn<tit$ if lGr alciit Olive r iL. Sittîiilai. of MNli fuaxi tu tb2 A 't-îiii l*iîilry G i,- 'rreasîry; ~Viliîii I. lte cifutNie,.iermpy, te be Assistanit Seerulery tf te 'renstury: tiltübert Creug. isignaîl corIps, tiilie iiajuit The uicilty oft ?ýiîiîlVernon, Nin., %vit ui iuld ly the titil tcrrui seulde- hi riitivt IY t liorisun»i -i r îiiiteguicu t hre. lil ries ttie ighi titi tut1.i weivc 1 i;tccs fi-l ini gre:it iraufiiion nnd with t &ut-iàfarie eaniI me 11h1il y thlat ût n bouse ii. thte ioiiiiuuit îy euilicîl omarc or les.i- jur iy. hurtlitYiî.ilîls. etc.. sîsltiloct] hi- iryiieq. Nut;l ci eerce lltîgle roufs itungeut, luit tc ievy i-un rouof tte floirituglandtul ihiiiiittt ilis ocre retileri tuceli tit. ltuit tfriail Litds sitired Inl- ittiiiiy.lFruitlani]id uriunie-iîlti itri'em tere Lailly ilt iîiiiIîiuiedile cy folowing te bitil eline te licaviest riiistori w it- tesseu i tere for fiftrt yuears or mnore. MutCer Te0-8 60 Cool lrars... *lite towrtiat Ramonditti [omer passeti ilimttn itit tht' largestt tour of coal ever fi,,ated oithe Otioe, itrbatis te largest oit niny riveýr. It eoiitined sixty barges ruii,,&y Carsmnîht înty tous tarIt. P 1107 off 17 itîqecawllb à Girl of 14. P J. .1'. Atkitià, t he l7-yenr-olft son or 1 or. Atkitiut of Gî-.rg1n, mnd Mise Adle 1 Brysn Byrdl. agiedl 1. eiîtjed tront e Attanta. The parnots of the' joulifi -îouîîîe have ofi-reti a rewovrd fer their i letintkon if npîirebctuded tiutre te mr- f-niage taktes place. Lord 1thotto -i. a F on. Thte htMaruuià of Queeettsberry, bas à Western gratiduiotia »dLordl $hoile bas a soit anI heir. The lîiiu e traituer cae Tliîirâinyafefloue te the' honnt-etfLord andl Lady Sitlleo iinlso lutVanicouerr. Yrmprhsmed on Chip, A tnt-clitns statereuteit he cebin cf lite steantitulMariîusa ram turutedloin à pirson Cclli ontin il liurîlererButlier ltas lîcen tnk-u tu thie scerties of bis crimes te Austrtîlin. t l191Pic inleBomnbay in a Week. tAt-eordniltal the' officieil liat te total niîmter uf deitéine littîtav for tite-. nek enîliîgtlast lriilay wm s1,111. tif these, 4Mcwre dite te tht' tubo~ic plauiîe. To Blioekýdo Greer. fti m neoutîced irtat te Immers bave tieictite proceed ti ntîtthe' partial bhock. admie of (irecce ntlon euriy date. eLstc Cycte Recrnts, e» ev. Dr. Charles Il. Parktrst ant isl r ite, et Newr Yock, rc the latent reeruits rte the kitights te itbiicycle. M IARKET QUOTA?10O<5, Chitlago-Cmttle, Common te p rhie. $3.510 te $5.751; hors, siippng grades, $3.010 te ".'; siteep, fair to chuiiee, $2.10 ta te5.00; wvieat, No. 2 red, 70e ta 71e; e corn. No. 2 24. te 25c; also, No. 2, 17e , ta 18c; rye, No. 2, 32e te 31c; britter, a ehoice creemnerr. 20e ta 22c; eggs, fresb, n Se te De; potaloe, per boghei, 20e te 30e; bronzm corn, conmmun lrrwth te choice -green honi, $20 te $81> per ton. I ndianapolis--Cattle, sbipping, $3.00 te $1.25; boxs, choie. ligitI, $3.00 ta $4.251; sbeep, icommon te choice, 83.0 te $4.50; whieet, No. 2, S>e le 84c; corn, No. 2 whtite, 24e le 20;esca, No. 2 wite, 2le te 23e. nt, LeuIs-Cattle, $3.00 te S5.251; liteg, -$3.001te $425; sheep, $3.00 te $5.001; miteat, .Nô. 2, M0e toe ce rn. No. 2 yel- ltri, 21e ta 23e; ost%, No. 2 "liet, 18e te if19c: ryt, No. 2, 30e te 32c. le Cinelnatl-Cattie, $250 te $5.00; htigs, $3.00 te $425; sbeep, $250 tae$1.251; intihent. No. 2, M0e te Pic; cerni, No. 2 iedi 24e ta 2&-: omI, Nb. 2 naîxeti, 20 it tae; rye, No. 2, Metedf3&. 10 Deroit-Cattle, $2,50 te $525; itegk, t. 1&00 te 84.50; Soeep, e-00 ta 15.00; wbIea 1 o. 2 red. 87e to.OOe; corn, No. 2 yelloti, 24c te 26c, nats, Ne. 2 wte.21u i'te 22c; rye, 34e te me. Toldo-Whent, No. 2 rei, 39e le 91c; ern, No. 2 muxeti, 24e te 26c; estir, No. 2 whuite, Ille t 18e; rye, No. 2, 3U5e t37c«, *Claver sedt, $485 te $495. Mlwaukee , WIIsa, No. 2 sprlng, 'Îie te 72c; con, No. 3, 22e te 24e; alao, No. 2 white, 10e te 21c; barley, Ne. 2, 28e te VOLUt4TfecRSWATOiv4 L oumuNA LREU NIONTr AND DAY. enattelDamasge rat te a Cme-prs aure Wili laZeeson e.&em Bolowl Vîchkaborm udmiWeatber Bureau Varas People te Rucaute, Proclamuaion trous Geverasu. Gev. Fouler et Louisimna btas issueti a proclamnatio te tb. peuple celling alteut tien le the tact Ibat tl.eve symIon, aI- lbcugb mt yel eotlrely pertectei, iseltte bulwark et the' SIae aivation, Bebinti tem liesu onetrlite MosIt etltUe séeeons et Amenica. Joyermnt end State sid bas heen oxtended, andilte future tioiends upon tbe peuple. Trusiti leaders are la charge ef ibm mork , and If the people beip theai properly, despite th, tacttaI lite flod apparntizlje te greatest cicr kacin, a&U or monl tlte levees ecunlie beld, anti theofture mlii ho brigitîbecauso the. system wmlii ho strengîbeu nd aticoin- peted, and te country will baie confi- dence ln Louisiane, ber enlorprise anti ber opportuuitieu. The sentiment expressed look rmot befome il mas fillereti, for al abuslte MissiasippilValleyrondmati eleen New r Oleans anti Baton Rouge ma&@ mee-t- ings mereiteltianti voluntrer terce. orgme- iedtat keep strict match on te btnks anti te labor day andi nigitt te sîrpngltea fiera, eveu miter.tht' danger Ile1151 appar- ent t'xcept l inte rivers@stemiy clm Io t te top cf te protecting eartbmorke.'lT@ mmning oethtie meather bureau te abandon home anti seek soleily ln figitt bais tiien diregartiei, and -bsteati mc, a-emen anti etiltiren, white anti hlack, art' pillng on 411 aentibuilding evelunal, ueemilagly faselnated mIth tesrueggle against, the atlackîng monster. tofie ttiere ls net a break iluhe Ut. mIl-eLuisiatia levee. nul corinlg te libtamy hyon La Foutrche, the ees urne kutowu te ho eakul heoere te Oued rame. Lumiter anti socks are bring dusrittuteti eveuywbere; eren nasare aitippeti ty te csnlud, andt Uere iii tle ne lai-k o e ulitrrk turing te week. Thte leret' systena bas pruved ils vaine dorizlaut tveeim @train, but te test uili geoir greater day hy dajy, anti eacb dys s@tory millie te record et a criais met mt na patieîte*, vigilance, ln- ductmy anti ieroiste worty etal praise. flunday nigitt, tiy a ct'embua oinidenrf. (3eneraî Manager Thomne efthlie Texa anti Pacifie anti tenerai Agent Speima et te Illinois Centrai, mhi hasme rsi. dent of te Pontchrtrain lerci- board, speul the' nigitt almost opposite ravit otiter. one ai Luteiterd, tecter lu fil. Janmem, dstriutlng niaterial te tthejlantenoit Mamy that If ter anr giren suppltiles titcy wiU tfurnisi tht' inter anti toldthettlie. Frea i tlime on te leaders in te vari- ces morks nil sec uitIle nfNewi Orleans. glvlmg every moment. nigbt anti day. te the super-vision efthlie efforts lu mhiih ail are se vitaliy interesteti. Preuident lir- Kiley lelegrapbeti te ocîroofette States le witieh the. flootis exist for itittr- maticu. anti hoe 0etliy inunred mb t. situation. GLOBE sAViiioâBANK II LI.5 Chicago Cancers la Fresee iOvo Cm the Sîruase fer Nalalene.. kThe. Globe Savinga Bank et Chicago susiiendect Monday mouerlas. A notice en 1tht' doors anetuned-tltItht'btnkwaa in lte bauds otfte ClitagTitIe anti Trust Company, assiguce. il t basbei-a knowm, lu Chicaoefianeinicirir-. tornsoue time pont titat tebtink mas taving surtiig but amnoutitiliitg. It mss organrd Dcc. 24, 1390, anti lias tenefore caponi- enceed but twr o oodrears lut 1h existe-nce. Jeha P. Alîgeitimasloniitàt vic-presi- dent aI that lime, btnhle eigneti. 'Fer tht' lait fire yena it bas btai a deeidcuiiy bard ime, Iasitti Irotugi twmepaniea Sufely ity avsilining Itîcf e t time clause ln te psyment et maingsamcontst, micit formnedth ie huit etflitedeposits. Tht' tank bt ascapiual stock et $210000nitichin tt'id luttht' atie et thee-fifîhs in lte Wexlt dtheluit itlance linte Easgt. Utler lte Inn. et the t' lte te itockhoiders are liable for an atiditieusi ameunt equai te lte face value oethlie stock belti le lieir mames. 'Tis practicaiiy viskes a gear- aotet' fond ot 1400,000, provitiet it cati te ceilecteti hem tht' tockitoitero. TII. ilat' Auditon et a reetut examinolion ut lte hank'i affaira ortienet an assemseul et 50 per cent on te stoekitoîders. bln-r tier to raise asusrpltus, anti notices eft fils asseasment ment' sent eut on te 151h et MI-scb. This hocouing lknote, s mon as starteti andthie end itastencti. Tite inss etateftent te te Auditor sitometi 313.1>00 savingt anti $142,000 intiuvitinai deposits. Tite susesoun createti no senaion, tut tem. lier. a feir angry depositors aonti lte tank, mite iati matie deposits jmat be. tome noon on Salnrday. KANSAS SPRINGS A CHIEF, Whiepers et Seansîr ligre neau . PrestdeetliCandidate. . For nome lutIle lime the, Probable candi- dory et Unitedi States Senator W. A. Han- ria of Kansas for te nomination for Pres- Mtent et lbe fusion forces ln 1900 bas teen emmen goulp amcng Kansas capital poli- ticiau. The Topeka Dsily Capilai du titis eaneetbona"Y@* *'A 1111e Pkilial leuti ne bigertan fienater Harris basn isea over Mr. Bryran's chances fer lb. leader- ship ef the Popecralie terces et 1900. Tii. former ls heiog urgoti by bis frients te mate lb. race." Larget Cargo 11v.. Seat Acroe. 'fl-sqWhite Star Lîne steamer Cevie ieft Liverpool FnIdayXuith 11,506 tons et mer- chandise, lb. largeet cargo ity 3,000otit 1tous that bas ever been bippmd fioua lb. ehhen ie for Nem York. ThImlmense c hipaient la due te Ibm nom taif mesimme. Gli mine»a te Matie e. a xibît, a Tii. National MIning Bureau bas Imnet e a cail fore an tersaienai golt i uni' convenaioln" te ha, beit li Denier on June 15 anti 16. 51*1. bnreau@ et mines, gBle neblofetmines, ehambers et commerce anti boards et traile are invitedtu t ce- elterate. vieelI.. Dayton motel. At Dayton, Chie, the' Piililpa Hone m as paa-tlJy isetroyretiby a fir. mbîch cnaed9teLb .. wAt Ml. fi.--_bou -CH AULE$ . l.eOuNg. la oct yct 32 years of sgt'. ince hiot0h yoam teciban been engaged iInn esI e8îmIe bnsiness antiitas matie uoncy fast. H. hIaa been preiet oethlie Marquette Club, a seebal-politieal organisatien wilb s grest Influence in Ilepublea niafain. u. I-n st faii'a caupalgu be iras a leader for Mc- Kinley. __________ Spartes frous lhe Vire.., Richard Dudley etfErie, Ps., ant inl- clinati, dieti In Lontion. Lady Lascelies, Ite etfSin Front C. Loeshies lte Britisht ambansadtio eGer. mny, in dent! aI Berlin. Marshal Busseil, Marisefaon aod Mai. e Sort mer. tionedet lAllne.- ville, Ky., mmIle cnt boat riding on a pod. The Spamis ri ernInfanta Maria, Thiasa tas beaom ondret te Nom Tout, iben.e M rerasnt Spaitthé Ibedt- maies allendbuglbtodtille et lb. Grant monument. THIE WEEWS 00OM108Ut 80SNATIE AND MOWSIL A Omps-oksuim Dut o t t»>Pro ceeiage la the Legiflatlîe Ch*m-- bore et Wasbianteu-Mutlers liaS Concerts the Poepie, Lawmakene unt Lobser. Thte HessWeduostay adopted the Grciouer ameudimeel te lthe Dingiel torlif bill;,santhobn by a vote et 200 te 122 passedth ie bill Ilselt. Tit, amenti- osent gIns. lbqblil Imimediate effecl, titus uaking lh. measure retroactive spnLlue- entu alreaty ber@, but ret lu tend. The. Preideut sent te lite SonaI.lte te fo- log, atooug etier nominationu cf Poil- manters: JoienA. C'lillitiu. t-ason, II1.'. Josepht C. Welr, hantool. lIN.; Wiliin T. Pritchard, F-ranklin. loti.: Johno W. ileard, Couve-rt..Inti.:iHenry- L. Cley.Omth- erlandi, lotis: Juimn" Wi. leetinpmîth. Clîla, 3nIan.; P. P. Comnuet. Cozafi. Net.: Clifford B. NIe(iy, Ceuiebotn. Ohie; E. A. Deaniborif, Newr l'hiladeiphla.OCile; William li. Bishop. Pesitlgo. Win. In lte Sonate Thumsatiy four Clttan reiciuîlens mer. pneaeuîeti. Tii.aimei: Importat. ty hMr. Morgan, ieirca l"t s state et mur exisIs, mud id teeclthe polilercf titis contry le iscu-Ir nitItpar- tir-s ta lite cotîlilltafullreteognitloea as belligcretî. Titis ti iiilte actdît iun at n foîttre day. Tirsotheru uit lieresolollons rail for litfortitlnu; bth %vrseadopted. Tit Ibrd proposeti a protesîte othe Irlîl hy drunullen ouceu-t martial of jeu. i- riena. Thet' trif illiipasseti ty lthe I-oua wns etemredtal lthe IFinance Commîntter. A joit lrpeuon dlrecîlog hue moscf a wumresseol ta Iruobont relief le Intia famine district@ mes aereil te, an thie fient.Ie dJurnd teoionulat. No itnsl- cemi vent donc tiy lthe Iltuse. %font nit tenubers of lthefleuse havt' Cott te ilit-ir humnes snîi sumni ftitri-mdo met expertteurptrn mmliilthe Sme t bs pliseui the taifltii. At hrenitihpieter Iteeti lî-îereuiinetl toetuore lthe pro- grautnu t o aitlt e b ,è every titre(Io«uva anti ittititî-dinlely atîjurut riith- out etctilulting ir otanta tu isiens. Il sn ut ee i-rn, ituttever, lthaIlthe poliey ot nintia, lu ,itanlu, stliireti go. Great pressure l intL-lttg tiigt totebear upitit tht' Speiaker anti bislitetlenant» a inti-. Iluistot. e tre%-ént ruunniuli-mtiuîn oet etîr bttslneg. tti lthe tarif ll lmlareperleti the Sonaite miilocciipy ils lite lu diseuse- lei the itiitrnluuî tIreuly. The fie-ate MNiiday hy itituatlmous rote aaiil-t a renîîluîlo euî mellng the' reports ltbaII(;t-n. blîîis tt fru. iti- t, Vut'- Mandeîr, initt te te mc trihy drtmheatt couîrt mtiaisiutîlabtuinettxpre*xiutg lthe juidwitutnt of lthe fi-aeu t tet if tIt~s rrettuaretttrulthe l're>ýdentouithlie liii- t(t Sitages shild hprudentote lur iih 13nvertittit uituoit t gitàa tvioletion er thue nuisetofcirilio-ul stare. Titis ci- oin t unsanti t t'tie lititar-of Reprenîaii-s.. iu tict e -ti-tire ad al meutie ut ai lt- t tcl'nesldcnt îy lis adloption. Afier lthe tisi.,auloet lit Cuitan questiuu ionthe ey uras given te Mrrrta I. yEltns akjujttgfor tir. holtu un thc île llnent etflthe Ameni scon meccliant nmarinte anti Mr. Lindbsay stvntinx the pommgetto tho. Terr-y bitkruilr~itII A jotit resciîtlon Was 1area-itte dlrerîeg inZthe furgeon Cerai et oftheMarine Ilompiital servicelt ai]the t ui.missiliiiver floodt siffecr by lthe, ditruuioftdlutn. ltlutikttn. feuilanti uttiiutîelr heeîwitttft tidetof lfl, andi tiolitrîhise futrtht-r sippis inuîîtcer lthe pceseuît t'îpiemtietuintifuir dusti- tIuîn. The tens-ip eTut sluy tee, v..tlI..u , dlsrciti t f'utuat, aai-utaujth ttctint- Pruer-bill. The' i enstt l iti Si-noie.tlIe ftliuis'iiug tuuttintiiuîtîTruet- ury-Aitzo .J. Tyler îtf Tîtutémaieu. teutic rcelictor îtf itnfernal cevenue ftonthe ai-- iont] district cf Tinnetoti-; Park Agneir et ofVirgirtin, t ui u oi-fur tIntenai rer- r-lnue for lthe ottidiîitti-1 etf 'brgiul.q NarY-Tit-cuplt'io-xbvi-lî fe w -mYerk, rte lic tsistitl eirel:!:y ofrthe Davy: > aptelît A. fi. (rcmeinnleld.CUnite-d )Stages ttavy. te tic chie( t Ifthe bureau îf rnaragaiun it.e&partietlof lthe Davy; .ltec. William CG. (1atssard .*f Marylantd, loe b etuflain In thei-nair. l'omn.astm eWilliiîîBarréet Ifdgely at Singfieldi, A LUCKY YOUING MAN. Charte. U. Cordon, Chicago& New Po*tuuqsler. lite migualin of Waihington H.-aing, poalmanteret Ciiagî, matit'anvseancy iblcbt resideint illKiuIey long t 11e lime la filior. A ioung ltin out the' llutu. Hie name lalCterIes IL Gomtien, anti it

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