CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Apr 1897, p. 3

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psalii ofthe e1p. d li , ths-.- hat ome . He nsuanc -Sueritenent -urf- M-CH O'... may acolsa a the church as an bsolete af1 - Iam ely, fty-twoa-euaemo wscartuies nIliosovewemn. oe VALMAG ON NE EMiAM' RIDEfair, as reli of the dark ges. as a n. raeuly t. Thtsw hae cldbeyadtr-&BE R T RTlGF IT - ee ere 1 0 mie n isters,. in, atof end.. CarH.I ' rrison has ben l e IN W ECKE JE USAL R vntioafgoody gody peopPlent ailthe mp ant **d nes@. GFULLYO R ECOA R DED. FATH canc onth legm i id-yisesino.hebad ayromhen aron Ke of thep Imp sesso they have ever made on your T eDsgwf rnbe f eaition0 o l octier n eto- rar abe anel e xcà. it-4,in m un cipal co mined agaist the curch of od i aso-MfieTh te wh«n o role.emptation is dist escliItconerence atIt" o f on . test ay (fthhisto9 fry e l of tht .Th ,the E, h at..etofthe moonlight lutely othin. ou oudMakemoe ithyuen yoth ae oble m ttond utl r winae teFteo ollt r beti n ott nineO ho uvrs %th jur en Ia rrisAn wa rwh lue lng, an ~~~the Church of God-Roin and ]R,- titutionand if it were needfu a ou w an thte il de e av erumble gao Jut ry AqingFr etert .jt dBloomington's Mayor se o n u Rck '(.1d ë-tïrate hti k O ficliy.Ths ýWe demptio. wordsof the ingly oet as e said,"If oposy, "I have l om ropertyt ad I -Feak feazefeenredcarCo lege w e ich aged b ,y bhe udgefie Co r dintIrg a.n %Nnvoe, heiiznscn - -d h m i b a I e o l e L v f osa r gfie f r the , o Jer u s lie mt, l t m rgtonreyc nep i r m f rt nq ." Y o a y ,--ll e a mi t 1 ait.• did e ee ved a s .M O vot est , w i le J u g - e O neW sigtnPlit hn fre ercng. onder- ist hv flle n iandT mevgrIpee r caanin , TyFatyalivqte Floa siAnigli.e@rFamr,,,,Il 3tiSears. the tepubliernn nop'oineinreceive enee ofoneof aciet tmes r. a o.the h e inss, t acourae, helh y maeyo fr-tatrsout1 adY eu a thrfte i hid.nw o Were te wonnin suffr ailt. o n l p w andiacy wa spre by1.2 o r sngeinthssemo daw eson sar- e nuism ofehsemia inhisminigt, oukeeTit h ha runedyo. Toube:rowed hie a teptng o frd ceek yacontyconeniot ati eprto\te-sartr Ieuy H rrionwasbor ,, sniah ii., 5, "Thenewnt I up intheonightebtomedrJerualem. . toaniarepyoua o r oplyu.T ebac-Jlit od h eril ffi enlste g f edoaes ocl i hiao yercivdhseal d bylathe brookeand viewedeathelowaalSindlExplorationl'Nece ete r-. Ili h oe s lnolt trs h rnit h o aatroph,1.1 Wlolee ,, . nA Lakejfileil Geneva near- hý t-Ftb! .ile isIIlrliyes tune-bc ad ntrd y hegteof a inremyt bret iprsse mewit te frgeandthnkbowtwaywih1te bl- y'woyarsngotwen noteriivsio of Atpobbryfat, sooingaff oo j *~~tivingf eit-- a Ro enthanpesenrtometNe boenihaseepunrthe cov er?t h tolY rui yn fh e ot trepina dotfore a lleryof .tuh,1si Ecausretvhe d ,,e of egag e ed ,i quarrel wthFred Smithon- -rugeinrath er mntha e Wly resoedctat e anot h i sorsNesble d u in bthe midnight, þeter, s e O ,ita t thieLd e od TofuN-b te row Hor n el rup tarva rd hi siser. r)-feeivd twoàbulletawounds, one mAte ph2) eý tt eh m fbsp r b y aooigh t.T H e o ise amise far emore n i ht ride r ou on so e rminach ief. lNo. eplento rbidchpd erayd eiaosato h ihi n m ayu , lepe ttel oonwas rresed bt a Y ~ ~ ~ f sin tn ote traY uelera a usfter laascusdownfli Nehemiah br isre;Ofouceog toii rebuildola theA loccity, shipwreckedved hio Palimprisoned,., 5, Pau w nt wentn reight beoyandeumDr.. It aomaan'est wifelyeandh bchilJole.,sTheth terward rei rlenaeth.d. ý îtlthn bfre omay seedthdbyalighand hExsomain e eimiary.explora- don. T e talan ma th eruis ithe Hn sapart a arpieln Lr e ot, wh eu -as l ni ýlilinn nafins brouht0 1 1 amd h Aonsicrin ooeloe be ton n hsfatauthaagtlathi uneo riig lter ndhedte cpizdbya ude quli ndal er!ganahefreiaonker o.rel an tu dy shkandf t red eladrothettesone Aiwe it, ortsth.iAmp r oughs e th e is t fo r om ndthendlectaale orhr the l- lytost. r. I loga n as a sistrilof xte Me-for5,0 a a1.frteloso nam ý'.ande mllio, n bu t e ha her ton-thc erun must e e xplrto ebfre moteIo n n in th t biena t I oallt th Gra brher fam loliet. wpthOe a e h n tet o ar o Lenari. ieKoin- k5 I d~e icery by mor on l oe tio you ie workxorcontfruinan Wbyegin t he u pant adtins hs trkewtaemoter whorois nidbly xrcg ieLave- *thierKa n ointe d fl aleep a te ide of he. 1 remeberwha th encantr o Sctlan resontha somanypeole n tis dy, urid hr bae o Frdayandon Sb- ala ityimakng levn o ther fmieillinos t'ntrl tacknnd trin nflcte eý l~~~siin Cthe "ay ofth lpstM nst Ro lel: app a pentin ert eeonotrs? n y on. iba thpeaired nutth ep e, fGo ad whtof ave met«<eat inthtw e ars in upon im thobe t os f ornchthe ant -runatalle tji narl fesodcall- vertdish testhbed idntefis t plo e tsaidr"une Lo m eaof - aatery grave.fH rvr; di hiade f.he alo nees have o m- . W id sB t th e n v i w f a iael ro menarig h t , th e pui n s o f th e i n e a r t ibT h e mr e so n eb a th wsch o uca ss pI a v e nrok m ch il d Mo w . -.- - -a- bi n ed a ndiwliai g h t th e fise .1.t 43 isitit y th pal mo nlig t. ht thri e rso n an ofe s d Ch is. . p le t a e, n I wui ld lkeoh red a cl ss Gr ns d rad ef t e oo - b r la r ls aln tered uthe lrs. d t a t - a 4) amo oight upnThe l hamraruns stal ad m itabo iatosadeo th acmtre." T atresy e n Phyicans istaff r,'gon l s e h igois mornin. lewopn hesae it dna fas iaoutin g u ht anenchantier snnt. y o hpe n i n trs bcusethey firty iprful. Thatistriau dPhn adlwn .t 3 smetime. alsumme enrui t w. hen- mte wamlseuedfrm üý o 100i thoow efrew. Te gaytes ydow T h a ndheinhaent n d out thiiat "tepheart in.aTbe atiul par.r i Phiad ie in--aortyrefrinra eto 'fa ae l adut nilw Wiin ia m untouch d Te'aseroftxhe ex- .- 1 ~~~~lown. ve oaeryt insof. ehoemiah on. ecilab eâtallutting t, d eper-t aroripcurge an st atuatteanad-twee ap ly expose d n iense oqu be laiplave of'ternoioenawte eople inkthe eighofArood,. ý and ~~o yseck by onlighlnoonguponeh e at fl wick fe. ilTh hada dtheriat f, tFo t enyde titt e o chidreof plesui.jr. loA .Fo, w a t uentPa nthe but the bur lakfrs he ped ron hn ar,- . aun . hilebu hey ride theisraresom e eyrealmet ight, anrd trey b ilere.eoneprs." Th aetl tute rachH r i-eCollgeis adthémo o nre s af'ntthe horc Andohvett" yet been lýllappre.hended . .Ana 1H nni len ds on fy y oot g i g t him f o ey o ligi on ns rtotnscin ocsia n a-Th e ientd eliiuns trucin , oncr ldi n hee ara y e eing as epr isoner.-. of in thd e ircit o urt a t l oon811 ingfthne n o i te hiag puli .-ch l, he reuspicliosbof thepoe.h e p eople do ture to flretigoion n polt o n sub dtra tum'f ko w th br at ha w on F idang onr Sit- e je a lthes aind barred ofth rp rs giltyo i ghwnt a r ob eyad W lim yeradbcmchruhyaq ane not k nothe secrt of ehe it ah'i s e a reented sins. Te troubln t a gode- arhs? ttdinowitthiose w fy: oTha d Wa ag as t m a lh metol f aing,) r . ie flnrloin, and, ChA frles iciendy wo ar- wihths ema nnuge Onrtun utthe ar gong s asor ofbodgu rd. dlxf moduentheo i logy i tat eite a h i rst hoveme in PladGei wm e e lton s a a m e fthe junior eta l an i en, .The et at nm.ed hav eaed nt- h mehewa gadatd-ro B I hear thovewn ing hoofs o te ihorse thof buiin g o th r ight out ion, ifl thr a caoll to cm fot ret1or w.haveseized ul>on bythesemos-as a r eulty.o Jd i g Ttheon , b c u e o he n tu ole e a d t e 1et t se Guayianthatinothepi ige an o t ientutàre.Tha ttiv emnp orebuditdJria. ]drowned atn g Branl ieb.tah e fa lter gea e and sh Loeeft o urten.oo.I te teimli"e eec t tat ' Nthe frindofnhanieriy n1 3 Afer "bie a s, h i i n g t h r o ugi atg a t e a id t h e n - t e n s t o e i n f t h e d m i ni g t f o n i c t o n .d m oiti h i e a m o t ( d i e d e b o yla n d 8 i T h ,lw r a k. l o n esý, '4 I f h e a s l r eO Bankte r i n a t e s e n .te n e w s u c n t i u i n l1ei d p n n t a e .h t r e o CI ebio f o nce g rat x J teus am.r r in the y ha vle ceen te boghas ti ns .f heun.go the bob ans rie k f that a th n e and- Fr d hy g e s , 1 la r ýid llm af hi A ot iid elayed the sentni ngolfthe sprc i soners a gu an t o u , ý pr ctc1o ,.a Neao tgthers e nscoddha ta t Y the el ýigi n that the afi r ton thes t raiofiesou nd m ers to-dhay.T heeseemed3 by m ineàstreng it hauehm o bthNenoo f' th e] efinité tefrmof year) or a$ i-7'heninntoh. rel stae uste tumblped sny herae he anuno as. eonoptIainbl sthemri d hpown I hae not 'o be no usvey of pbra ng, n for n yket wheel thI eiy st ried itf fo r clthroing d abdef nit e nrt .-iHe h awittn t $ e1it.hs(rohe. Ilm.'r tn ari Now e o s he gfatite ca re d T me s. ithé in ahave fo n donteron i h esrnt don b at upar t e or in h ep ro-aom e g rae oer h ivieboy and flefthim to clerka ii-othe Mupr. Te be o frthe text- o . fert e.sasi ato,1fM a . Now .he comes alng d w here te we un on r t e i tha ler o l -fahi og , ne d day - ohn irwn ted a ta t e ttpray eer ut the oer behi do th,. i mney.ý.I s T o ýorree of the dee iioni inp orplerie th at ih al o r Haris 18, .on c nd ct d 2 d re athe moo n lig t lh es f o e nm o th e B u n y an 's w ay , ,Ioh n W esley ' t w a y, J on t L XOrd c m fte w d est t esorro w . T h ey d i h ou r e r s e o th e a e rs re ai d clhe o tse lye xa miilin e th e leg aýl o in t .ahe T i es u n il a ftrche st ik-o 1 0 w a os .n a m e h ies h e rar e e m l i h G d ' s w e a . A e t i st sa d t o e , " Dl t e e s g o a n y a f t r o so si t I u t ire H u l e t w a r r e ant f o h q a te t lerme n t i nda flt t ectr ato a o rD a e l F o te r , i n Re y sI Lo , j a 1o e I nt o àu t . f re~de s o a ct ow leb y th e f t e le, ow li i s y o r t f exines s i n.m y ap roe n m ion . " W a l ionsr i ed u o n , t a n d w re th ér a t r l it n ýiri tedthn d a sk a l th a (th e1in t n fo r a llo i n g l ta im I inl gt n catso n h ee n C i a gth elrea l e sta t b i n M aloid onthe Infinr , o e dty tt ba d g on t e ena v e ftoul . hur efre w e can help."tra u- of fr chtflow ers arond Ïthe sn . I thin1 t aran el o t srew %- o l o r n i .l r in the c it rio n and ranother e f o ndm a mit teal riacept for o e ye ar t e..r tn sion T e so t inpeplg epar o pl e wha t you undreltaindruil n a bsrt m o w ient or s ue rw et .er n fwas n ie ioisne ar e t eb rat d s tat f a t . m . h the d the arrést . a rrion a we is ujrl a ne.wo- N.en e miao of he eting seutrx e l a d The r Nb e w .t" wra e t h of fresow er n bs aou in w li Jnifa iW e. I et onf ist.hi3 r . a - litf P iickpocket ty n he was caledt oithe man.the d aher in drpe.Od e un-th 1. but tbeH a re S an itersnalsorr ows, gard d e m an tof m et th at ognel onetils em. nae rihnei P oli ep i w êe 1 F l a aist f-mBlo o i ,ch-bàlr .I ý at d th lie olh e telehotnae dan cogn i ed e i sh m ian a u r af Appeals oK. -he e A . 1 bar~the orrow oul of the na in u b rne < ohsn rof b ilhec ot huch. i t akes n mareion l u&t theCi sian c m otha erot snttow sse large di n a th e s vc e n i fth.1. a n. Vo g ice of A iny o oser seakue f h aingo n ermaiz n ui] ar, ndluest t an-,1 ntellct? % t ill hies mudniegtixoraitiis on on ly mnd l l.ri simpl an t to know flow1ersbâth ehaingbonoanchied lie rab- niesar ft e e , ttlem- tet a Bloo ing, e . e im hwh Fxte)cudgt u rq ly ncovro i e e s on Ne.herniahon horsebacktra<l-erwhether he w stconverted in te old-fauh- bathafternoons motheed ten or twent ton Grfve.enow rendorilnl Sprins, twofa)manioutof the city lirlonrandehehnt . e las trave mIl throught thentfihgteIbysgt terd oftheu inaurway, or whemt re was coJn sert fthW os n e ofte tr t. T a is ieouhst of B omingt Bon. i. sudw.. (Dun ) tl hi m fpttoietfitlw maisratnes Eo pandt i n e.ithison tryé . A he ma ret ',n1 wellwin nd thougt ilndt nt dfil t e nt e re in the old-fa h one iway. ohe wi l 1rium pat adnents. liceiseba ma who mitVor ftai va f h pry nth r yteehoeoreedD nnt rlas ari J m e,1s midnig t r«,us( cn tetdrndNenmialean .Ienetaenonered nvhesew hsnlsthisprpety.Hedoe nt o t G ove ad teyhae lvel Pi elean 1hlmat"he nood wa aoud."Ths cilre, C rtr H thethidnowinhi <iide unts rrenthis hrsle, nd to th f a ed*waytheCwill n sotad. iTha t h"h ad ik i Hedoent tdet a roy his ounty ever fince had a ot tprl 1 e did.theNeteay fthesMayo r old im o 7l er nd E ih O dn,1 oth - n~~~a a e an d n undeda nd C i n ed:. lth r ae itou t it.eurA mnaen o e rt e own lif t te.r e com es and says: "Har e ns 82 .the vllaw cIson nll red ami nlie vsandpatlde de ny Ii t e woldtentaffa i e and io -ilitI t rfi p ye rn. H ý N~~ewrtwhen be"says, "Comde. now, atltet u eigakim in. "Doyoufel o r selftoe oa I have no treaureton a re as- nrst outmain st i vili ationbin atl of hel fn een mucaxorni n-h elDec rat iltt e lsinte ae ndant.o ý itittbuid Je rus le " "Wh a nt eimah& e, painner":" ifiaheay, Well,1-yoies," e the ure s ev ae a vn oicweand1a heat nos rth fE lkhtwhr e edof i 1 ii.fai-dfliemnbe i. ln telt h e \ v ei.lois, o., reminlimPeub la The I ý N~~~ae ycou ay n I ey'f"h "N ." Hae he s il nancymakesm eon e li ntha t d n tarve God." Y utsay thatthhartiman bult c abine in 18.. b The a ws"f ie O 1ri fficSpeneC ut ffie xa n.res l ernMicigam n emed to favor the Noight,mo nlg ri er N hemioleresult-chis agectionsheolt by hed ate of his w i ohwndotish thco edprae.alutthe e o wers ld nd . her briiýý. oth r r ird K nssctiscsteoraticMayre ed in te glorius rebulding o the ciy of an beforehe has otethrogh withthatipi who hae anylknd of tomboetnver to oTheylae both n goodlealtheaa nturndsand Cuncils 1 d~~~erusae m. Td hepelea ne w fr n t hote m Uidnght ride hn e swi leyropthe Joreins o g ive up! wih tey oulof o tthe enjynonr l tr., of l the faculti e paidasho . l et thng wa tobdraon&ferbutwhicth gte-the horse's nek, andz wil a khriss righ t fmidnighriderouthe. Tex ud hautath v on tii F-fi io,)lt ocl CHesu lAS, R WAte EtRSleo ,11 wu* ilowrad.buidtvhejty. oe people "odabey.Amerifeil odim e iner."*Dot and mah -roe m igh ctto Up iee allYou arMayt or ii Fosriýt-iieiii.l terliofiaBloommaton a ll,] ostr ng Te hea ;old Wans t eoreitnc o n-te RLaugedind id ut. could nsolbehone.fibef orheha tad 1 hi"Of or e e i will diourfamnmnd hard h a d rials. qu itted when th jury returnd ed att. .porm n lCrutC i a loemt- T fom ranmet . o epepe eeinuWaeandOerd tkehs et u f h sirpsnndh iv p!W ois g uoind gi e p hen nn g h-'-1, .im o t .uilt fadlkfnitte . imr lotn acimnl Oenae ast he in icWaltrs pteatatesmanffwho p1hsica iol yten e aying t pe ng bou l wlxide o wn ousnte groundi n d he wfé ilo n hdooufG d ecnhv l is assig apisnrt p. C mm n gM n ahpn ,i oe w nsoioy rpot t hue ten comand-e noadt he done. But the cworkm t end ent ight kneel, i) c rying: "e ertocy on meo tsorob l ued? Giv te up!neerthink warrs ve m n d b s rokeou-i1.en gitrou h il eprben fof jti,,8 fr a-r. "e'mnt'I n h tttso ass sa en, standing on tegweand t oel i one God, accr udgto thy lov i kdnes ila e- of ou bourn tedon with was-soon Nair!-ointloffice, a e'row lntàt, tiI llnieandi en oK n sfo ý ( lio~bndT 4s or in rt ther, un t mit enork ordiinu to thmut i tud ofth teder poertyenamlttechild ws fun hodiwhn ds and lo gr aetla brta a ting him..oitIle ioof the iren t able Gariov e iFulto n aount rI, in ra79 ý Nelidwas l .rio sly com lee t ht v ry merc es. 0B4ot andmytraNsgesinsf rheea d ofteter's h-pand in he aknes ontreet t he same demoinstirat I Awo fkoce iyt i %,i cl Orthe Talnd.stte d at Oseo go, whe e n ha red. 1 Hav~tieisGreece e noa op o was writg A Iacnow tll ed entra)ngeson sidanmy enmnt hosefadmsmeon c rsi e atds et ra Of Blo l hilip ( kA.,lý , h fi e(ier W po der pked t. l)iin or I lpae ej 1 ~ ~ ~ ~toflry, nPlto wsn a ki ng phiitlshlis r o lecevreforel tee."o Ahl)l-,lmy Bunthe Cittgin loke pwh sfilodng P addydilya, was ythn open. t -tif l gl- o nta 53rFiîe tie.k.1 Foury, fin 'eý.ti%-il idm h-bn indelle o? Stithe n wa ratling hisorhetiori - r i ndyonsti1 is nov ttaoplnont- hers d edr oe r's av n d, n d aid , "h, h- ierpickpocket h -oe re .lBýý.liý- fe .e b ovleasefom 0 - --··· · .69 8 jd c t s fiefeqe tyi ovrigwt e go~~es 01thunder. Bt al l o th e ogt e r ary gospel-rlT a t oni what flcmakes smepe- dbahth at o d nhad maellmor te ih t oGo jil asthe ause off he trial;of .t%o .... ...... .. .son. it ia tavld uch i ddntd uhfrth ol stis le a d t o mes t o a manef am i ll oorfh o ks "e*My ederctGod will b , a e i une r fBiiictme. t r r. 50 i%- Derby Hats...... .l.. ...... 1.75 nste Fit erefnu-ii outy lem t nidniogh t . monligâthtide- of prayg o ur-thoe dollrslad .mpeitentin hi ainslightoGodtill b your helte, GodwilCaeny.rAnumbe ofrwtnesne tesChFedrao" ..n. I39a2t pri Ili~ages, y hoeick, ose-muthfiedre he an d ay, w "Yiiou're apaue."H i oe s to. beiyoiu r home.lA re ub orne dowbsy ndwith tha ct that l'ais re fwasarreintes ytee 50 ne" ...... 2.19 a rlst, ae ej )enlr I M h a ir 1 e~~n Wiahi n ut i u ot itl h ta womn f .farstheek, wo halne veil r iomep ea vemaens.oflifelaIa thehouse engag e n icking of c sai h.16 rpn , 1 ýmédiighind.-l o rieof thedChedur c ruepent le, a eaysou'red in tener."Itln elnbso t He ids gnet Dogo t ovs u ild a e aveofier ithiiia <.00 n 1 iesia"%.%-.- ····· ugw s trii%]. h rycidei atrH tetid lwi h ý di~ ysm ubjecfr st bimp bre fnds ., hh a i ce, awn d y You re[ot und iht a bardid un hkin it e drsknetdehim wy hee utye ei l ifg i dt e .o r -Oly onh a i. t s d yt( pers o ite as7hyaau dt ge, 4m ubi 1 a aeio n d -à. e tebin de o at hoi r se and and foolth c ir b te dil." Itn co mtes t. iow litrso uche r o t he i ttleaa: ga ves saw82 . The m an e wi a sd e d i am cl sancsB d pTt al e lo th P 31af i a d 0 ,1 ý . bollygtop Nehemilah. W hy dad oreofribing entir a ce, and saysi-- , You'e a rin. a -the-emetery- much- mell car'-e tn in e tteII News -- I n Brief--ý ,. .. urkey d -»··· risoner you lfe-er inthtnght Y ur-ore ha lyrui, nClli itblerun.leSta ite arer raes- ndth-ollsxto sid Adlf Weiknf acoun dowit", "t»•-••-i o 4- ' heurt wil tum le bove thes . e in eand ,fall on som eies'*Day oume:" Why do o u "A, Sbien r, yo un t a t f 1such ithte kng- Cern ommtf ireen ieatn inuredarie 4 yds only soldottowoneipersonasaetotal Il b~lf e No . ehemi hllnt s. eil a. .a gospe- lih noyrepentence in i ? Why er nile at.1lased whn vhe re s d hewt o iTe S ath o Livee.tockl Comis arpob 'V-Se . iis,'%o.rm n R pd ef.Th attelustewoetoy Heetusdnton atemeaharssth to sve Grow "mg a y orttintma bitsa athe fling22. The reult a10Ts ha kne o ie wan exl nr f ar distant"land, m3iag the m e e lrigh t hydn'tDopNot Give UP. .leofnitelii i ihgnloéidt ao h ý jeu ~~aykgyacoA txeres L",.on -ias, an no a retnNeiisaying nothngby lou extfor a mre as lfactory a nseri-the y rda102Ohiefle tain te Deneaa oi iIlnisas 1, .F~oneaylwile he was ha ,, N dingy thbet mc up f thri tlk in al the t e aotte lcetniad aotthese larger .Snation 0 asenty 11p< .1e t i ort r.mndF D morti ais ae rpotil an 7 qu~~ine t oothe ig th o e ig-id eto hi afedemtion?,oel gracgleofbsesl- O , Ig d o et no rwhoae althepLod's inston. 14: and lemnbted asun .t ihoue assciscoeDuorteM y . *i l"Wa tegis eb'matter fthewith o? Yu 1are nd empte io basace ithou t Enin. sbat ints o adehaen i oftruoulknow, r a nd ordredata nn ed, 1 nu6. mr"dan oicis ý ý Jnot sic. TIekno you musDt baeso m ni sy g t hebei da mte, rain." o itgis en d if erentwth theobkins. Oh, Y S T E M ATofIC her a-iltf9.7 1 - th gre at tou be. W h a t i th m at er nwi th w ould ratherklea d E v sll i nt o b s afeg ty i f you h avri erh ad th a t ke e n t ien te md - D r. C h ar es it P ar e of loo e cepsa C A.* W L E R ,tu?" e n hwy eoth e ingho tathand20,000 ntorit ion. Tieheur ademay. tcribboesOrrothat eas ro m hcNtelobrun a erat siterf iheanm beoe.euslmwsbokndw ;ho1ino.hegse s efc ace i ofuaechid, o n te uaPeThe*ol leton yor Fube iiter f praciiiitice og h X 'ýIo WCAs.n wAe.Taa, oat thatlw he is a the tomb hadube deoea- ther e is n o uin "hewhlenednoaa waelgh.itisal welwthth birs.He 2yersofag adisstry r n W be ng SO Gaes e ve sm- M. aer ient lw la ed owtat the tepl e hald e e dishon- phys iia n, bt e thatbarnle sck" if i you aetsiannead ad, i aisned t mota v dotori cnra. lira e r btei a lawmakran he know ý Some peoredad ecd;how tat e salls ere anyehon fethougho hie sbe ua an emgievously-oined un t iyuve bewen or s beenet yearh sho h aeensa n' l y a fextCatelyw a lteroant.hen eproposwes Phscttered lancroe yn. "Well," sas b Ko ing heavenl , re ch n .1 ot h r o spndle l ha n cathe o it o othe lhu c ha ed unil hiy o c iiad o t. sep r o sp - .Co itock l a n nd Su eMs riJ.5.leritten, t einfl c r r the pe aty o elth o an e- Arntaxie rdne ttes, wha orkou wa nt" "W ll,t is," sayst:H apostle c"lenh m be 0e-rhaves uben astoutby oci eety rontive been m rcti cean m tinlom ato am e -haim n fthe eit oi ld g e omm iteno montw ei t evsaes a ygou t herahas in at Sosaincpbarnethe m h ", r w ai n tod cur d n. oThre mstbethe in d night fr-O u erhp thre y bre dn t ou se 152 nexepirronee yea r pnt ut diie heCur htah nwb ii wa indofthen.criptr e se n o a u reof ý b~~~athesr. I lwathe t r tor theeauty of be buit heemuttube ofth e knger o t Atinaotleher: fndhodn hn n d le se rio si a tio to djour 'tem le wsTaable bil Fltor ovids. r lt ers180 th e u@ gl te p le. I w anted to eb il eth e rm a tthrre s. oo tbe ore tre c n h i n g o f O er d a s pure a nd nthe no w , u fe - a r . Dth u gt hi e v i e h a o e o a e b . Obrn of Chicago , the andvery re l gi o usw m an, wand eh ie s co v ict on . io n ery o t e nty wal l ei ie z I ant the trowlels. Frnsrsio t, n m ellemie sn o weakdmne, oneavnfeen o th srgenswhTcred fotriawlne odef atie racitonr o te'okire-ee an srog hatheis no aossorts fonoPithatwI$shali ngiot e phdeed gin . My subjl-foet gies e. Ahspeci.u he ll-oflhechageofrhe igt bigde t tal-rIlad Cuny br, hohnldinecgr- $rel.ecenri an ainein isextem 1 ad y journe. ad bes n id s ht as y o ndo o uyl ndirebsiumpnot a d i)ness.Ifbell to erap aed sud thmidtheOstre et-. k poka' m rlmi ro.5called may notableincidentswhich arvi ewnfwa.ecneie slbryl w l l Au n d e ri n th e i lcon t e t " mw a t a oi r d e r t er eg w ase a n y m a i n h t hm e s o l d w h o -i d o tF el l t i e n J aC o f f d b a t , s p i t o r n e t ,f o j i t e p r e s e n aic vo u e D a u h e tr ,inl t h e o u s I n t e w o en.n.h e hi.o r.o.t h.o d.s r u'. .i d n cd.y.t e a c t t h t e I s e e en t e m a wh o keep you for st f r ju t a ight to m pe a d gi e up -eve ythi g as P ray ng, ursi g, w shin lto ie, f li pres nteyives attermderd, aid tur . T h reup n J u ge P easa tsip ssed deb yedBw thsl e7 moe uhetimbe tuc r a tmaheed or theibs r e %ost twaeel tcmiah. u a yHe o a s Helpoo ligm! yu dt e er o udb , pencos rateha gow up mng pntemontadjourn. A roce- e tyém enighspopsdlw builingof he ity"n"H w lng hal a upb a ndthe paeo f Shuibsa n, nd Dealingin sham lefor almoel of, bead , mli e e rs- A that eof ordringsupliesfor sionwasformd ad. hededby te ju th 1ra.s.39er ou be gh. on itide kn.o hetmff it w sagr n pe." S t w s. T e H tigt elvigdfaring thedead. e toamt teent ros ath narr yg t h lem t e cowImoed2nt th)ne pb isM mp ros w o lk i r e oe enco te e i rang e n ot h aed thisandmh a ,ll ott pae . l200 e st ur e, Dou nomie . ne likô e dun th on ho e. ••.kow-lst.esi n..sid he.a d ro ee ed1t9t esout e anber. rsi n . 1c n en sth thi aw e mi n g d e n u e r c me.o e u al e m , a n h e r o f h o er e d verk . t h i r t y s i x m r - f G o d c o m e s t â o f o u t o .d a , ts y i n , ou s t h t a,1 i l e x c e pt g l t r e e o f t h t p i t e s w h r c u t a r c n v n d .J u g p1s e l c n t i u o n l an.h a t Lothe ofni hteriing rou h e rui ê-teaitende blue ote sky,nad t e e y o xassaiat,Lt h h n ttisce"' woit otarried aaySp i]omherof themawere0 sld were.the.pre.entedto . herg1.69 F.t len, bdn eae f h nrgto K t l t h r u g h th e ,of t i s c e re e n o fa th e nf o re st f oli mg e a n b ith e lh it e s n c a t he rst o n e h a t tre r . Old h , th e p ia nd Cth e ym o n e w s pta nt h e o cktden w ay() b .W. 1.4. ý . . ..8C r9, h a r a n t h e he i i h o e t o n a n h g th aty w e is ove(t f r t h p le t t t h ent o h-rv n sn w lug t e m l n n i o re s n w y a y o e n t i u m btorheenhtar i d t eewy-A o r f S p rv s r . A d e s s y W . e a s t d n p i h i is n t e e el of N h m aao ac e u ae ,w ich he uphose . Bumay* furend , ouli b in io r eas n tfk n t r ledior s i n h l ive tepreen t seofssion ma yte w rtr s av acIo . W .H.G-t an . .. Wler e y ar l nd h sn ve e oe ed a in allagsha s b)ineente teo t he la chur ch vr elthte rhitcu e wl'o p r ouafrinradi t ange tbeen turcasled for whch thpmo t wrs o ly o f It ok l d a nd W0t . J ntien f n m ab sies eist e a ag ro of Godi o u Jei r usa r lemo .with w ors vnd e l ut own hmeik e." Yoe t a ehem iah lun Neh e oh saneile. g orhvanvmreuethns ag nhanfra oinlolo e .%it orah , aacy heO man .iet e C m an ' ,e j u s a m u h s N h e i g h l o e d i s J e r - i d o t g i v u . T e n w h e y u fei c - e n l e s ? N e n he m w s o r A r e y o o f t h w h e l . -M.- a u g e r y l s o c o m - by e d a l l a Oft he e. . I g hL e i f .. H D e, - ale> . he a ct is h ate you lv hging nip amont ed s oaed re ea n d o etk e h w sh m sck ralie t a h r a' en mcBiue-tcso t eU ie ttesNwsinupremI iieort ayt ls e s chyurclr e i h o o me glthat the re no b y esm i, man tled. towelersl , 4and aby .theyou roe n haesar e d Nhe miah as o k i ng dofrom thedek of memeri ui gt e w r sned by'. a commit. " te d eo iefn h st re ' s.n ned wipo tuon eor thaced s le ina n beo] y our tonp gaveafhst a ther, l'yo woulde nhartedu k. Bthjut fse h imintheteitg- present session. ornsdth e s o te outcamer yoirs. So bsusls xosr fy u pposthat h w uld have be en iat-dng fbeýi'a ndong the sacraie eo hi cag M rRe gindekerjagd 52 e ar. Telreaneadoeprcha e .asvse rvta v ie., i wiN g h aihndadththyoudhveds o nted fae a n li eps a vcommt hi y iitted s hu li e r i. S eet eneofSt ugsins ahoicC urhT hestamrit T "o.n com ort and illmi naionett s t.Heet as gsai:p e is mo e! Me the r ae is out, 'Dn and out, theâmoolitg r abs." jumped in theLi SternCowh i ws, fled Ier F th r Mc urenrr wy e pe adafu 1.Th e li ~ t hingels eth me o u so raljte a s dav on up.nflthetempn'leutsisoine.t he th roenmsory whch hrwsa o . c dlý,irgu il eutF e S I I rtba it talkled a aneein fatdathe a been wallsaeroen down. ighave no money shadweat w ichte hrUsN sada 1t ae.dat.H a fudb rinswe' redrwnd an c a yseckven, ayou ined r nfortheobee born. I w ish wre d e." Nt so t hen teoftisnig t in yuse e ic ot alld C.rtofctre ihcao i ac n ekweebdys ore . 1 iyls a aMgol chpa ch, our hoy eruaes L jus aus mohe asno eemne i lthai oughihadabogrie onuthe mr of ssa rm inier uth ahi ave been xer-t ed for 1hree weeks , ree i verwa akedfo lte H.Aeu - Bertr oroad . I deemihle as d or lt.he orfle mointal th aite ieshe ouetarthe o xur aead Shoteeth eeer y er esnatds, 0;h of pothe ir akr' aneb Funture Compa y n a a a wnd ta h gth e rt kdi;n g %nid o tyo ame:Iemphs iongytthtpnn sgxa r a ve,a1ma n hoknow % th aeuslem rd' b nion, 3h ae end le in succe. 1%e 00 cy1Oe f hestek-ierC)edthl :,ie was aptruins, r ike N em ?hyou warelk-teemt.ifnaeets i perp ei n . a-yorain and oaent, btyol-erkow addir ni for 14si,iix eekip s herd nd lape aemntan i'o ecyofth op nusream edaia 1d tem d, a t ioo he att and i the sence.alHer genta irepasmorl t s ea ty si, you aav boien t kt e irm tenr lt h it.e h ir hn- w en t e Bw r o to r - I n f th l et n a get m n • i r ,ne rR b eutoditengfTo co d eytJruae. B ,ghnheg. a e i d if y reugae anud th- tun t wtior toisendhy n ra l ody.leu-e of Aertsiing concerns in Quiincy.tThe s - d hwtenhe templeft e e d so.n thybacienridtsthrougtet reuia. e"Ifr- drnif Ye l h vratn ra" te re o o.Ídhgerpre ob bu |00

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