iohly , Best. We guarantee ou r Flour to be Superior to'ail. 8 Ibs Qat Meal .................$s 9 Bars Soa 9 lbs Navy &ans. 4 Cans Peas................... 4 Corn ..................... 3 Tomatoes.............. .Triggs & Taylor's .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Libertyville, 11-1. ce %eason of Pibeels tte1lleat! 1 have si'x new Models for 1897 l Crescentsi AJaverleys. m perilis. Bring in your old Wheels for Repaire Now, sud be Ready. C. R. Sherman Libertyvi lle, II VIVE Corne in and see the VIVEg For Sale by F. B. Loveil, Mhinois. FRqED CROKER, , Merchant Tailor. OveJBan - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Pants From'$3.50 up. Suits From $15.00 Up. Every Garment Guaranteed. - Expert Workmen Ouly. - I W. nov bave on salieet the sttion bere Ten Bide Bearer Commutation Tieket, for between Lbertyvifle and Chleaga, rate $4.70 E. L. DuBots, Agent. ,When or wbere have you seenl such Dangers 0f the GrIp. Tfit greatest danger fro.. LA Grippe los ai Iis reaulting iu pueumouila. If reaoualble cars in used, bowever, sud Cha mberland'a Cugh ltemedy takeri, &Il danger yull beavalded. Amongtie te4s ai tbansands vlia have naed Ibis romedy for la gripp, vo have yet ta learn ai a ingle case havlug recîîlted in pue umonla, vhiojl shaws eaupluaively that tRiaremedyitaa certain prevon- tie of that dread diseuse. It vili oeffc s permanenit cure inl ba tii». than aux othor trestment. The 26 am 50 cent slzea for sale by F. B. LoVELL, Liberty- ville, sud J. Ji. BEAcHsit, Uuruee. bargains înnllarîoes The Great Producing Stalilon No.: S1 ingle larliensa010 GEORGE -O. 2:21'. Noa. 5 Siuîglî, itatli tuller No. 9701. Standlardl îudlr lîotb troîtinga nulit ig No. 6 Haiid.ninde, Iuitation Itub ruli.e ln I v Laki-loonîl AOiilllaio tii (f111 ber Irluuned Stiluglliairueil 10.100 lirttior te IHarold l clu"ofMaint M.) h> 1ln elotî,nlau; le: .Fan' Il. a huIt No. 1 Single. lHauod-naoioNickel Iiaefg0011(yS101o Sa .Ptoo Trlmmed Ilaruems 11.4)0 Oeirge 10. lmît i-)îctstit herse, a ilmre mai No. 10 Faiuep Single Harueco 15.00 Ke feýt r (t:rau elio!a osr.uil ossi bie tuki F&UU Ù&reu l inh trce 1.0nset hein. Foul Hareasl~ liol trae ~(Merge (0. lethp gln, cof ilcht In tbe îlot. a Extr a Prn Iilarniioo là Il. tme 24.086gand snn2.isooand a neoroo tio.irs 1;I1111i aydlGeorge(0. aI i iy oatte uIn CHAS. KAISER, Men7ý1 . ti prraf ybn obb orIreIl t tme of srvic. e, fot r,,I 1, ol *11er mri, pd oaitui LI,bertyville, - Ill.nols. Leaou. T la flai. BOe t, a hbonne t bha roveuo hlmoelf btoh a trotter and îroduoer. 81-1 1 .- M. ai Ill. PIKDUp HERE AND THIERE. 4Local Items ofl1nterest to Llbertyvll1le Readers. t - --------- j-- - - - - - - - - W* 44444444*44*4*4*****4QQ*QQQ*~~*~~****UmN I - G. M. à ST P. O. O. TIM£ TABLE. To CHICAGSO. a.m. &L. .M. P.M. P. 11. Wadsworth :69 6&20 5:05 Gurne. 59.10 6:27 6:11j Warrenton r. 16 :30 V.16 LIaZATYVILLE &.30 7:1U 12:30 LU8 odot 5:40 7-» B :2 12:40 6:37 6:21 5Ovt 6467:39 W.28 12:46 &" 45:28 Derled K62 7:46 l&6:111 :36 : *eil-I~ille ;4s6:9 :40 12: 56 6:38:1 Ohicauoîarrivel 6am6:6.16:lu1:48 7:00 4:30 FaBon CHICAGO. - &M. a.M. vm. pi. .. &. 1 L.nPa.t.7m10 :06 6:20 5:16 Lv. I1ai.e, St. 9.30 &W2 M5h rvl04 *M 1*18 4:54 6:111:23 r-16 0ud :36 1-.21 6:06:11 7:r7 621 8vrt :42W.28 W6:068:26 :31369-7 ioadoira& 4 6-612 6&40 7:40 8:3 J,.JEUTT1LU 1fs &M867:50 Ir." amton &66 &19: 1 . 689 fa VIrtLL 9:10 6:368:8 denotes dil7 adenotes Bunday only. Wbere notmar appoars trainsa w, dally ex- eot Huoday. BUNDA? TRAINS. Lv.Llbertyvlbe. 4:860.8. Ar. ioîdont 6:<5a.r. Ly.Uibertyvlhle. 6:10 a,..Ar.ChIcag-j 1r.52 in 8-.30 ceo:Ia.m. Ar. Ubemrtyvl1.1645 a. MUhîao 4:06 p. m .Ar lAbetyvilIle &6:231 Nil. No. 2M nins SUaD21 onlr. oing oouth.- vlt @topok gnalas olow-At Itueel i 12:7 P.m.adawortb t1:7: amren 12:27: Warren- 10 1:6 tnot 12Uverett 12:42 )SDeeri " :àt, rM11-11-1 er.82arrive&sl C(hcago Et 1:46 1. I. Tvl~4ou a benkmlypt o foM berledW(JiaoT eveM ried7:20 arrle~ harervil.iemo a.L rlo xlila«gâ Of flo. Pr.~slknt.................H A-s i . . alîr I. .j¶ Trset JamM î*irgîr E bpov C.E.Shnna.OlzulUl.,iy Clerk........... ......... W. C. Santoorn Treeunrr..................... W. C. Trlggn Folie Magietrabî...... -........ W. E. Dan le Marchai ......... ............ ýM. FrcoibMna saturdarysotmwhcbmrîth. V1'liaugbrellern aor.Wly3weleoied. Il. W. W.N. A CE (24ONP N. 176. Ji. W..f A.. mni.ît, Aum iirejtiri latur.lay ,f -'eh unii C. Il. Oslami'. V. V. H. iB. Eger vs u»( Chiago Monday on busilness. WerdVu Wells l'o working 'lIn Mr. Harace Bulkley. The election Tuieggeay was a quiet affair in Libertyville Township- Bert Austin sud vite remaoved Wo Chas. Autios qfarm th i rsI of thie week. Mrsg. Protiue vasg lu Chicago Tues. day atteudlng a "sîritug ilpoiiîg" of millinery. If Cater drawsthle lougext triow lie cao wear a ctar undI e-rry a "gîiii. il lii-Kilt. A. Bl. Cook wax tigîlet ofi Caugrecsmaii Ceo. E. Fase lu Chliiaguî wedîlisday. Miss Katie 'uits wliîîLinslîcen sul-ferjiWn wth tv 1111 iîl1e v r i.c viîînly recaýverng. SIre. <te H iuge li pplandiol ii i9,%nn isit Friui.y mînriîg. mevercly eîîaniuîg ber aukie. Triggs & Taylor purchasged of Dan Ilerrick thia week a bec! veighiig 1,150 ILs.. and whicb dressed 81J Le. Franîk Duseuloerry 1lai3 happy as you gel 'eut- Hecn fathier of a fourtent-u pouud bo>y, bora Tuesaoy iorniîîg. Tva ci W. H. Dows nmen fr,,m Waukegau voua here Mouday sud gset the plate glanssln Dr. Ilighl s buîid- ing. Dont farget the culetýrtainnieutat tie Presbyterlan churci ta.nlght. Come oue, came ail sud eujay a pleaganit eveuillg. A meeting af the GoodTemplarmwill bo bcld luInlte Preshyterisu chrircli neat Mouday nlght. Ail Teiplare are urged ta Le preseut. lire. Praline lias aecured lier hpring stock af milliuery sud dry gaadîo. Alsa a ful nile ai ladies' sud ebildreusi' (lue eboes. Cali lu sud examine stock. A carload of iarm msachiuery vas plaeed lu T. V. giocum's varc-pouîs tols veek, vhich viii be sald at private sale by Mr. Hiacum. for mosi uuy prie Joe Pester, until receutly of Antloch, lias accepted a position vit bihs brother -,Mat." oaibhileplace snd vl remave bis fainuly here lu tbe ucar future. Fou SÀLF-StapiO tre,,tai MyfarUI lu thetowu aiFreusaut. IwilIl e oni my farm Wedluesday, April 7, aud Mat- urday, Apnil 10. L. C. BITTA, GIrays- a loie11. Franik Duseulîenry kpepa iusself and the hanses uoder hic <ave bLsy tiemecdays.'Ihieme Warin eprlg osys sud luîproved couditioaiofte ronada are a deligit tu borseniecu Muoh in Little la epS %aly tS f u 1Hods Plis, for un mcdl- aines ever onulaied 80 greal cuistive toner lu 00 mmal spam LTbey ma s hole meene obu awa" liYa,ý, u 'aiS or lem, erco.aul ilvrIM .10k bualphe. jaundîee. eO<iUP&.1e., g m mb.elyPIot" wrk. wl eis Mrmumlmb That uev plste glass front ln Dr. Iluiglits building, ifIbe epeaiula pernimable, la a penach. It givea the building an up-to-date appearane, aud F. Bf. Lovel la glfd accordlngly. 1 wilit te announce ta the ladies of Libertyville aud viciuity that on Aprîl the lSth and lOtb 1 vii show the largeat aud best assortnîeîît of mtllinery aud trimmed hal ever ohowu lu towu. Caîl and see t(hem. No trouble to show gooda. MaS. PATINE. The mauy friendq of Mins Matifse Wright viii learu vitli joeasure ai ber impraving beulth and that shtelias go far recovered as ta be ont af doors once more at short lutervalit dnriug the warrner day. Lake Connty tai books vere closed ou April ISth tuis Yeal, glviug the Oaa. payera tva more weeks tlian usa t Psy their taxes. The copy in tlu the bauda of the printera and vellebcpull- liabed ou the 6th ar May. The auetiî)u sale saumon beiug about aivor. liaîk Apffley, Lilbortyville-s -veterao alîctioneer wili recuiperat4e ,and wait for fail business to olîcu aup. Whou it cames toalatction gales fials. a rigbt at home. Mr. Fred Biscliol! exPets ta move to Chifgo thetrotaito May. A ruina! curreut on the- s¶reet tas the oedc he viii move the -equipment of the 1Cblcago Metitl tainiing Company b Chicago. tn uniounded. A uew vocation 1l4 opeueil ta the fair Bel. Miffl illte 1K. Miller l'omununug au Plectrie otreeh car lu Sauta Barbara, Cal., aud esys 'oie lîkeH the place. he ta the only maharwomau kuowu up ta date. Thie democ rats coîule pretty uearly bieviug Chlca&ga il, their vent pockets tfii yeur. ('at4-r Il. llurrini,ni elected MaYor lq a lululrttbly of 75,134. white the boieilîr offies were largely eaptîîred by >elnou-rats insouïaestlîîg af a walk. avay. > (Govetiar Tanner bas gissei a prat. rlaniation demlgnahlug Tuesday, Aprîl 240, as Arbor Dsy, aud ealliug oupon ail citizen% ta prviperly observe the day by the Plautiug of Ireesand appro- priate exerchses3. Frank Gieake, vio lias ba&l charge af the Libertyvie creauiery for the 1>501 tva ycars, viOl talle charge af the Dianhonîl Lake ereamery cauilnclug uoxst ttanday. Frauk bas made many frleudn dîîring bis resideuce here sud aIl regret bis depiirtîîre. At the Methodist Epileopal clîîrcis, Suoiiday moruioîg, 11ev. John Lee vili preacli aon the cubject: "The Resurrea.. tiali: loysire the Deuil Ralced up, sud fV ld laThey Conîci" Bis <evenlîogmilîlîjeet SIlOlle 1 li(c L>eti tii. ltîgiteoiii. Il rit Fishler and Ili., uat*r vihîL conie yta the fronut agoîin. Fred Gralîbe wan- d,.red oiflit.. îrîild et 'ater andoljunt i m oire it snigiot li4nt b is lot(ion New- lîo.rYY Ave. He salled an Cit. wlia, w oh a loazel vrotvhl lated a il owlug wel I vi tii a vOl miln af vater silicien t 1to suiply the cutîre ueighboriood. Orn Lion aetouipanieîl lîy EliTriggs wnit ta Waterlîoo, Iowa, iat week. Mir. sLit 'ee vent ta ste a milkiing machine iu ojîcration on a farui uear Waterloo, nubile Eli arIted as guide, he bcing , "raised' mn thaut section. Mr. Lnce t viii lu aillProbability pureliose (iue ai ,-Lte machiues uhici lias a c.apaclty tiat will allow îof oullklng 100 cown per hour. One ln impressedviiiticthegreatly timpnoved appearauc;e of the Lakeo.ide Cemetery, even at a casual giauce. wheu pasaiug that way. A number of imonuments vere erected tact year, came of exceptioual baudeame desîgu, whlcb, botinded wlth the gravel walim sud driveways. leud a pleasing effect. Let the good wonk couttue, it la surely one deserviug connuendation anti Libertyville basno onganization mare vortbytble lieartyOo-oîperatlon ai ber cîtizeus iban ît'e LakeNted Oeme- tery'aaaaelatian. OCT WF THE EAWTH 1Out of the mud--into our Extra Doudle-Soled Shoes. Keep your feet warm and dry. M« B, Colby & Co., Dealers in Everythlng. GREAT SALE WEEK.,U,,: Carn'iicncing MaondayApril 5, for one week only, we wilI give yotu the benefit of these tîiprecedented low prices. 3. 50 l'4ntm 1.... ... 3.19 3.(w ............................2.69 2.60 Derby Bats......... 1.75 1.50 Fedora ........-1.390 2.04) . . . . . . . 1.69 1.011 1 ......890 Ouly one biat sold to a persou. 3&-- Turkey Red Table Clath.... . -1 25e . .. .. . .22 4 ydiu auly said ho ane persan. 1.000 Wrapper ý........ 9 soc .. . . . .ý . .. . .71 Ouly one Wrapper said tW a person. 2pr. LadieaIftc Hose............. .33 Only 2 pr. aald to one persan. Ladies' Aprona ................. .090 Oniy 2aprona vill ho soid ta one person. F. C. SMITH & SONO Butler Bidg. Libertyville, Illinois. SYSTEMATIC IMPLEMENTS Are now being sold in large numbers in Libertyville, by that Tuenday'oo elertiouî affurded au IU syseIÂ Â s Sio um. apportunity to vote foîr yaur ino,u sy - e a- I OC f. vhich mazuy dld, vetiuer said friands vtre candidote. or îîîîl. The bolav. Wood and Iron Beam Waîking Pîows 2, 3 and 4 lug reeelved votes ifor office as lu- Section Lever Harrows, 6. 7. and 8 ft. biÏc PI'uver- dicated, vbicb vere nid "j-uat fr, izers, 15 tooth Cultivators, 12 and 14 ho. Seeders, f in." Justice of tic Pea-L. B. Corn Plantera, Check Rowers. Farm Harness, Morse, Dsu Lue, Jay Morse, H. C. Wagons. Trucks, Road and MIIk Wagons, Carniages Paddock, J. Woodnjsui, W. tiefinge, and Surries. Chas. Smitb; Pounud Master-J. Y. BOOTS, SHOES and BRUSHES. Wlliams, W. Miller, Il. C. Paddock, P. H. Juat, ((co. Lyncli. H. Lusk who Barb Wire, and Nails by the keg Very Cheap.- vwas electeot vili fut qîalfy. collecter If you're looking forBfg Bargains ln Our lUne, corne lJau-Lee, Ed. Wellm. L. H. Ranhy, In NOW while the '*flt" laon us,,as we cannot say W. H. Appley, J. Barber and F. B. how long It wIll I lat. Cl1ark. Cali and examine our stock, and meet Our vener- Pid pou ever ,otic-f' tuut, lu, he eshl- able agent, Sam Moore. matin o f4ole veryoil leT.V . Slocum . toa aîîMetiiîîg 00onefeli.ow Maay Le ail riglît ihuci'tliat bat i l'ohaîgelier- aos. Aliltier l a tinslgy. Home person lg a g.iîîîlsoîj ilot he or chis 11laO b o o rel lg i au u.. )Orw fe ll w ta au ar enough but lie fi to ihal, another I brîgRI, bt oit l tf ai; atiotier voit ' h. good i lîakiîg blit hIcis oce ln toa WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY long, hi&s cyuîst,' bléîîot eshasto large or twio smnalh, sud no lH gaea THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND tbrnigb utîîdefllite listai fauts. In LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDE.NT. . tihe e»9imatinn of s'onte pouor unfor- At tihe iollovlsng rouarukab lo1e figure vhe» "edubbed» iro, ored toufflm buniare dyapeptico, the noble vark ai Wooe.kInther Oom d a d I d ma.t, 1 Yeu......».......... ...... a t Ged tasa total lailuîre. -- »dSusd" aJitw Oum.and lud4 ha4 t 1amf .................. -W 2 1 ý Wbertyville.