iTire weddiug menl&g dawnn; a itrigbt, .at.e, enon->'Christmas Bye, and 0 snoftat godesa auembie; onal M lr. 1utt ofciRatiscatre and birs gvndaom. *>Ive.ter-transformed by a yer of Duit' kmexistenceloto a vulger young dandy, imomae ase attempteaai halug At test lire iouiîhil cdtilng ibrekfast ames a an mndt, end tire bride nd groom dtk icrteparture amidît ice andi aid bures, andthie guens go an-s> one h>' Hettie itembeen beraic la hemran-n sarditi rnay; mire bai endureti a martyrdam o!f hilter e nd appreirension of orne oue.tiis' <cveIng tire suppreaaed nen-., andthtug sarkiait "a horrible usde," aa airephrraes at n il tire n-bue mire s miled, sud L:atde -ll repliant, and bers caurtecîns uatipla end an ttentive, moti ahirabo ren"mifel>' arer," tire bride anti groom eiitmn-a>' mmiing, te neddlag gouret eine, tire weding breakfast cleareti an-my, c md tire bquFqquet; andt ien, accarding it the fternon poil coiles, briging tiers for Mise Slnpleton, ne steliai icleverY manageai Ibat il mtait; antiasain Iber usatlhabit. ire takiezahem upsimina Soredl irher aon'@s mm n-ile tire>'are rnkig Ir a flermoon tes. M1uriel lt nt mith lIeut: inderd, site Inver makcî one in an>' et their cosa>' ire- pîae a-bt, or ton t.i'nkrngs. Oui>' for MRithr, irer lue soilthaibaeieen a olilar>' e r tire )t Iscîve menth; on- tira dtilti ham gone Il n-l hautter louellucia Intieed. Minute afler minute Hettie de- Faye, tremblig n-hile siredinuks ber Ica, Inaning tire laisyt one ltter ta ha opan- icd. Tire carelape ia beau gummet uit agala la lireserve appearances, and sile gearseiit * lire tell-tae poalmanka aeront, si @be uînioldtihe leller vitb an exlama- Rion of aur-prime lIaI "it la-in Mn. inrren'a iiaudwrvniiiag." Sirèe rendsa n ion sentences and titen. ai lite uewnlhiait lohL, flingi te leltor (Ioa-a ntI a wil rita-y o! biter grief, w-iea- In ahitreal. nud troor Mm .Lien-cihyu learua 4<l icireaqlhtaItruti rntmHcnlr's iheurt- hirokera subi end lenni. "Iletre, gel np, my chilt," tire olti lady gaya Preacrtiy, nlu&atne, couitraincti 'vota-e. ber bada ahaking, lier face asiton aray', bot ber eyez qurle brigitl andt 1c- deai-'gct op, Hellie, it iîmat true! stop rying, tuti, il ia't Imno! My>'boy, the ouI>' monof biis motirer, aund site a nidow -itt omaI truie, Hettiet Do yau bear ima? q'oiegroph te ta sma-lilawnyer-ii iim ramse over la me ai once-at once, ,fit coneIbiuntiredm! Bid i hm corne it once ta me. and tell me n-iaItti, meansI Antiyon muet telegrepir t0 ltl,1Mn-. iLl'en-clyn soam, erertairl>' "aire moet cerne bock agaiu et amce.' ;Hettie piaya deurm ex maciina agnin lu -9" lintance, il la truc, b>' tiena imple min- opellilng ni tire mre o! tireirtel ta n-ilci » reteiegnamilaaddreeeu. "Haîci Denta nuteati et ~Hotel Dreux," and as te anse in question la a ver>' quiet, select, gralber old-tambtomed place. tirere la ever>- $prospect of the tlegramen hg conali- Jrobi>'delmycti. 1"Anti if anecacn gel a day's brnahlug lime, Itin h mmething hn-ho nc ln sur- ,'otinded b>' seliirh, liougitîcupeuple," IHettie link, sili a ipnmm of self-pI>'. ..Ob, ilctie. n-irt airali n-e tdoTire la Muriel la lbe talt!" cria. Mn,.Lien-- ,ellyn. "The puer girliilibreak lier ireort. Oh! rny Erie'@ n-ie, n-bat &hall n-e do'." "Do yotr counI lier grief as carraIla iouia'?' demndaHettia-, stamping sut ;Pressing iter foot don-n asIfh sire grintia out tli11e o! nmre obnoxiota iig. "MNydAear, abci is iti ie," Mrs. Liew-- eilymi aym, ieiti>'. hagninulg taun-cep. "Wilc! Site ienDonifel Sire laocul>'ii artful girl that dludet Erie loto guiug tbrerîgithlie marriage ceremon>' sitir ber!', !Heitensanyn. Sire baries. out ofthIle roam ai île MIPRLak, mnable te central hirerif-unubie No coutrltciher tl ira lituidesire for 4-éngeanae on hapiesa MurieltIhat takea ponsein af her-Mumtei, wn-llanon- lnrieudtess, iteipleai, a noliati>, an inter- Saper, a iratetol memenlo of Erie'@ autiten Pisasioiane fol>'. For n-e, toachhei. lu lhe tilerce jenloun ieart, dac, Hester illa- p.retem 1knan- lirent Eite mati>' loved he aYoung mite n-iPm ire Putlmma>'frtru Ens. Wae ne ir biouglil liePomacese br ilirot irer ireart's nilllug affection. Hlai an boni' latcr liciter relurnnate tire rouge, and inis %ira. UeeIl>n Just as smehamd jleftIbe, rccklng erueli la anti Ira, sam- fog at tire lire anti moaniagtu 10 ereif la a tI onotanous lame n-It ceM ri-yh-atir mire dresa. *"I have amI>' ieen upilairs, aun," Hem-. tem gars, ln a ion- loue, ad ke.piug ber l e. avenîtid. "I iradt1eiliR er, you mko:-t:îtell Muriel,jio n ko--of-aQf- ,the n .' - -Aie, thlirre o-r"mama tire heaveti wâatircr, la the marsneitie, broken voler -.'tireess! Oh,.rny on! my mon! What AId>'nnYeu taIt iber tlitn ii FB rie n-aueatr "Srhe séemeti quite stuunuca," lien& WAYs, la tire mama harmic. filgitnçî'îwly .nd Indeedth ie le In remli>' lretitilîimr: like ~ ian. *"I ment for thre dameto b er orent. Sie--ire imimld. 1 tl-.u,C r For a c emlmiutes befare, 811Ç bas hmd te brnt gHenmmir O Puehiuleae irr te Irod, drear>' 1111e roues n-ire, on tiemrec'. :m te Inimle body>'oaipaon Merrici lLaereiiy andttr.olt aure, scresrnrlug 'sl n-vungug bei bands lnateon>'. hm tooket ntrams n-ire ,sie. Mc lt., nart I i USar udan, unremianlîr Celte relt, brai curaed Hesten Staplelon in terriille 1"Yeu're iiliet bem! Toarve kiieti ierr!" aire maye, st pitte]ti, meatitg ibandu. -Ysi aiways irateti m.e cri, me hon>' dArllm'h Tire.nusbabirreti an'murdirer jet -are ah bmat Ian', rrebiae ur.îîy o -n-hem groruse np bea te e.a -=:;:aa' broesber leitafljmn'klI.ber, imtira t Yere dure, ior iver au' vra4r aun!n ' eebs us ant ingbtt t oilon-,anti tire es yar- tire aIrant-e, ad nen- ean-irîs camee, nd gane, andthie iaya ai-e lengtbeuiug mbt iprlngtlme. anti latire oi bouse et Cur' ragirdene tliretmreeheur& brut on, anti tire n-ary n-eledof lite revoire, anti day-à m teuttsanti uigbtm anti deys go tir M e 'swidom'ed bieatianti tiremotier'o irereaved hert. Misa Betîle managea ant i reaitI tbingd, settlem tirmitbey @hall continue la lire cu ln Curngirtene for a Iimn t lensîl ai Danclielti Prior>' la culalleti, andti tt tire evenî ai Eriî-'a deatit heint- proyet aoes ta hl@ oncle Llcn-eilyu aifI'laavou. ]Kditir anti Harry go ta ttei- pleanol. etatel>' home la Ilorie> pace, wmireetire>' baîve lakea îîp Iliir abloie for lire prom- eut sitir Capîmin I.Pvereoii'isua-cle: and tire deys go ou.,muni il lais tbt treumnlia, ftranhie date tat potir Muriel ihanIciare- cd maalire tite of Ena-a deulli. Sire ta apendint- te t't-cng nitnfr. MeGi-hne eaie ottea aloca lire auciel>' of heremactileoilfrit-nid lalit-r ont- chance of hint- motht-t, and Ilrire, ile cf brer ircart'a desperate grief helug caîcnl for tire tire, au me@itaelunlthe tudat,. anti look@ acrosa at tiree nra-it3ard, and lhtetta tc Ers. hleGi-ati poyiezgoft. saillit>'melodicas, anti singmnat-mournini olti hallalis, anti neitatqiicîl> urrili ahi- iras no moi-c lena Ion-r-nia But aunItis ei-enirr aibe dates norlniuu blut gaze leirlei@vaI lirte wt-ite tiran- stanca in the cirorchyni-i, andt tink 'of Erl-iranimome, - ilsîci>, gatian tnia-- ber laver and uiianil, lying denui, tîn- mirondedtincofineti. heruemîlitIr a -vr-s! Erie iying tironvned l inte tiepîlis of titi mc, n-lere ellc amnneyer finiti higrave- n-ler. lire billon-a andthie wPedi ufthlb- acean lon s d rall orer the face ale tas kisnet andthre baudseIt li anee cînspe ber no fondl>'. Tbinking-thiajtîgugnutil tire madnemsa indidempai cf poiHmait- ilY nttheIl iecter'y-anti lorrar ni dealir. n-Lia-bindee thbce eeûmer oni }tanilv alune couhlut-arconte. ecomem at-enhi-r Youn-ng otninl>'sortisud fi-vers il mIt augubîh. "L.el me go home! La'l me go tome!"* el sIcmya, nlarlirg tnp suirdeua>. -'I fi-ci la-niglat ns if my hurt wuhl lunk on mySai bialrrn rp! Let me Outn tlt.îr a-aid air.,ticar Mvs.. lratb let the- na blair on me md irelît me la lrearbe! 1 feet mn if 1 weme gobug mati!" "Out bunte freili air bu a miutre, in> tiarlint," Mrs. Mi-tirat aumn-verm. prompt.l 1>, ual crueli>' dein>-iug MuiiIla make a labiot, but jntltimowng a na-t n-rlent anti- umaasar oUr er c mbrsa lioéks, anti irannily a dailiug a liseand green a-lec-k taiticelotir aroonti bei- aiouldera b>' n-nyof a mondie, sellecIlieu forth n-ither an- cutnmed i dguitidbeaningtirb' lMuriel'i aide. ButI lie girl item w'aikMtiou no frveriall fait, bir e iaiiiu oyes gnxlng traigitt hatore ber, br paie itpm n-iperng anti mutterlsg mre n-ordm oi delitionsanon- i-an. tR lira ie hamunnknoningly am]uni s-t- tingi>' saîkê ias fan aa tire shomre@of the tlle, anti Cufragirdene lisin igi, mnd Derryiosan>'leit ter hahiai, te are h ciacironslirer puce Ibrougir ten> ruuliy fatigue, anti murmura an apologt->o lier patient fricuti. dicernhng neairle doepate unlîtnena of the iîtiy'î apparel far n long n-lk ai a rali Mara-iret-embng. "My dean! It'n tut a trille'! A baga- telle, atire Frenc a-i a>!" tire goal lady sauy, aiily. in eern> minie oi tiere-at. "'*>' dear, I rime upinir lte eIrammieli ai caetera! 1-do't rcgarnl-m>' dean 1," anti ber bmting speechr cornes tlan deaui *top. as ieici-s, anti Marielline-. to-a man miingt et ireadioug ipeeti sea*%om lie ields tha ie beitlne îor anti Cunraghdenc, a man Whiolituga hiei arma op, anti nindu is ebat rourndti is leatun lire connes as nîlgou. leckoniug wiltil>'ta tircin, anti houiug ai lie raina. CIIAPTEII XXXIII. Not exactl> unt-r hir owu vine anrla-r awnn it-troc dora Minlicileter ttunietun mt At cent, as irnai-nad Inarinea-i t. atapposei ta do fter s neii-foragliaîbaI- lie, or a lard-m-an iator>'. Brat irrtqut meianlorphaaed, gage-gi-ean, arteein-. Graareno-talery-"iulerior"lbike tins ni- lut- mcm of griay, olti Cnrragideue. durpi lire astîrte young n-omaa, n-ha hamlarul no bard for ai tnt ri rl arat-cm cf n-cuIr andatotriil>'. emI litxurounil-, anti taienall>neil-salisieai on te wliolc nitb n-lat tire ile oa illae ira irrnglt ta ber n-nitint- et, andt loge pnetly ujtIle bnde o! ire n alrelciret itnhIaut cager avaric-e for al tiaI mu>' tbancm -ithiins tirinreacit. Yem; taierniti>' -cii ulasieti on tir. nhoîe. Sireirai doue n-cil fan berseif, tlîe It ail lu il. Sire tims a tis eveaimg sitir nmre exultation even ha ber awnn ert'. eormuqniunm elleaire aelanetbbclire- lIitt, anmd mon-mtiretselehan mat ae-- ceptei John Sutton ai Rabirmone, ageti oixty-three, for ber laver ati haubanai. 'Tire.couil t vbeeen bîng habtter donc for l parted" eale s, akiug n bîgir moral tome evqn n-tir iercit. Het- tle mi1mat haîtes ta look upon itermeif a. a beakei*msa ta ber famîl>', sInce sire adTiranau ber ownaineretno cieerni>. "1t1 lkep tire prepert>' an boti airas to iee,"aira >ate bernelf-"keep pour aunts mme>' mat. eofSaurse or. n-li lire witir me; and, au the bas irev.huu- droitia a mr aiber on-a, u". tirue.hun- ured o! thet mener' pan, fooaib]r micb- tlad on Mortel, ah.e con afford ba mae *m., a btmd@mue faiIon-ane for ber hoaird, andi I n-ilteke cure air. dcilesI, tbar Sire i pin ul>' .aerging tire tlnlng moom of Cu-rgirteandmaibuilding a teliclamna lutIle eomarvator>' adjeiag i14 b&rlmg tire nu1IL Pgnellug at tire baulli rrelahoi. ati ti thelruemterlnVenelles ted anti brana. n-ba &fas almuree bo egaspo - n-blieAlniu&&A-libe vi*q tlaad cs'uaples metae'ulil ai0lie artrval af ome visiter, aute a as lbt.ebour. Borne an. n-irehbaudriven ta Cntrugit- don. luIL e.OmnPiags anti palstir orms, rmukne ant".aiplala i t rot>'ai- sO ose 0" iW=le amnd ircklng lbudl#' aitira deee-aem oen-ira qrsii la *,W out;rn,&"douroayauaaaaeatri> *6t~ Mmvat opeeute deosremi "q n-ir la mien-e lut, tirs dman-lgoom là tire b 4,giibarbe s ea te tiiaeili«ag.4%M abothê doaïr. £4 whiéb Hante u sm m rnw t imgllâgç and draws hrmnai op Impelomly sauthea thougbt comem ber mind that tbis la aue. 1>' nmorneaMurlel'a friend-her visite» coneat proper houri, andi enter in a pro- per maner. Tire door opeitu, and Iliiter almultane- ansi>' touches the faîtr wax eandicàata encit aide of the over-inantel wlt h a igbted taper, and ither'blane up brtghtly. i8h. dcc. no purpomel>' to startie the Itruding visior enterlng unannooned, and la a littlo disappoinîedoartconfrontlng tbe per- on ta ha dismmyed la diacover tientIt inl Mr. Farren, flhe-solicitor, who enters hur- riedi>', but, ne Heuter I laed te oh- erve, drambock tartieti et meeting the chiling glance af surprise troin ber brighrt, teatifail cymiand tbe baze of the wax llghtà ia the roule. - tinolarai mtht he abouiti leurber true position aI once neaileI i thera. Mina Stapleton ays mentlil>', drawiagl hernait ran d pamiog ber phîmp tround weint wilh ber white ingera daintil>', es r ite sec$a Mr. Farren drnw haék bhnir> with aneiuppreaaefl exclamation, etif iflB- dresseti ta ort ne cwbornh ies e ke.p ont of the room-aorne ane whoae derk, paie face andi brilliant eyem looaklever Mr. Ftrrren* nd, lian d who pumea ,poît bhna with a quit-k, Ierperlartm getrîre. @trildes zero"a the raesanti rp te Heater sitir outâtreta-herj bande before ie cli ele,. ber lerrifred erse.. "iltti-Htti, lear! cousin! Don'i 3ou llOW me'?" he myî, honu-iiely» ns Heis- ter fa tri>' briek anud alirinks bock agîjuat rite %r-al, frot the lunch of lte mrong, Kalwa-i, mura irrowued ansud, i.hih elle knona as i-Incia e in cs the quaint etante ring on one of te ingera. 1 niglir juirst n-il have atayed Iin lýontloti," aitutera Mrr. i-arren. abrugfflng hi. hloulderx. "I thoiglit 1 cane ta 'break the ien-a!'" Hie mrgged hi*. mit.on .again andi gving a l111e ai lie dia rvecri'leurre the riou: for Ilicter, reî-uv ririg f rom ber ruonieutar>' terror, lha rrraied mbinthe op- positp extrerne sud bas lug eracîf Itl the itrange visitur'i armas witli hyeterical weejiing andal girrdnanud louaainala kisaca aud ernhrraýea. '.Enridrliig! Eric . darlijîr!" site crica, ,viidiy. -t iîarnever bc you-econre bock o aie fruathe dlaad! <Oh, Erie, derling. ne baver broka- ri hearis griesing! Oh, Erie, dearear. it aru't lbe >uu! It ia tue guas Iolubhctraie!" 'I dont kuon- n lerlier 1I mlliipronotnre Colone'ilion-cellyn a lîriky nan or the re- ve>rse." iiolterma Ilr. l'irren ru himmeif lu Ile bail, -brrt lie cerîrrini>- seeina to have eîarai îrairs (if luiing earatu eufoiti biten, anid acrernairs ivaof ririder lipa t u kim Iirri ! iVondrer if t-racr e uwrertî of the irviieavisa aud irisal]su tgree logethrl <(ru b., cortiuiueti.) -Quelle Ilian l>ihben. Ili thatt lrvreil futret, Ile ltaiiian a-ork, 1t rut, n illlie torit.taut ti-itte natiral <alur of r-be(. Atîprem'ent lio Ilikeco; t ilike Iis isutola nbn-gb! or- linige chl-rome. ad t,, drr,îîn il lu olive i. IMy rapturca; ovr'r tire olive grav-es of te Riviera fadeti n-leU Iutiermlaod tIheiactiont of the Itlian cef. Tire food lutsote tlarces ln inî-rcdlille. Mac- aroni andi te cuille-stape wlieb la caileti "olraglietti" -ori clin tolerflr% bul besitre of ztrmpoue! Au iii sam md r-trlosily promptc'tirte to ortier th11 diait. n i iiproveri 10lire linge &lices of atrunage-tcrr-tiriy polent lis sage- drenclin l a lirînit i h matie ce& tom ol, dellcaey Iby coniparison! The tiomelerin Londion cel wooiti have lied front itaci fare! l'ertrnpa illa thia satrange wlriclrendeama Nortbern Itai>' ta lire avernge Glermen tourint. I me.o hlm eatlag il writit reliait. n-ile a »peu. taclet nose lhovera clone la te plats, reve'lilng lu the orlor, wbiclt reminda lirîr, no daîrit, of liii borne lu tite fatir- criaîrri. Now aitdIlien bclifta1hbhl lircîd; biis riglit bandl windera ta hlm iîrow, cnrylig a Lite; biis eyca mal trpvard. Probal-y tte lut regislering a vt'o 0do anilthat lies In Ille indîvidutai genus to ta nîaitîrnhisgreat bond of Iighli>' lai ored i asge between tGer. iusny and tiiaiy.-Loudori Skita l. The Rliver Thaneu. If I tpionsanon- tender n-ny arecacr- rirai out an airliciîrated, the great womk cf wiertng itnd tieapeatlngi te River TIanes n-il befor,, long b,,an icon- pliéie tfactt, andthIe commercial Im- prortance et tient river llîereby gruatly I-,egd lr eing rieur t tire aut1bri- ttc, onextendeti cxamlnalion anti eon- arltrrtiotn witb engineering exper'ts, tiet il lwenty-nix font r'banrael n-as required for u aI lal nine-tenîlin of rtbe altpplng, il w-atiecidodtientitahîe nork ahould ho pioafflrtled. ta ha doue solel>' b>'dredg- irtg. Aecordlng Io0Itis aplan, tiscro sll re f rotiGravenrt up te river nfar ai llrîyford Ne", opposite Ilarileet. a channel wIdtlbof 1,00o fk8î anti n MInI- mal ndeptir aoftn-enty-four tee! aIi awu -saler. iprlng lide.,n-bile freon Gi-yford Neam ta te Albert docks tihe wilith la ta ho 5W0 feet andi the deptlt twenty-two, anti tram tae latter ta the Mlllil Docks threowil ho a c'hannel ai lenat 3M0 feet wlde and elgitteen teet deep. The Six1 Dore' Bcycle ][lces. The ix day.' bicycle race. wilh have becorne testitres of recont exhi- bilions are eprehenable lu evM er>mna af tire word. Thte ietere atrain hep iii neari>'every caetterearîllti In fatal IWi Jurin ta tire contestants. josph Jef- ferson, conaaarnting rtartitly on nuqtue atilette tralnn, nid tIlinmre yea ega ho met Laurence Barrett on à Street corner In Bo.tin, and Bamrtt ailbirewasî wntlng for a atreet-car toi tae hlm ta a gymnailuin. 'Why not, walk?" asked .lefferrr2u; "thet la better exercie titan yun V.ri get ai tire gym-ý naatm. andi Itn-lll myve Yor thte trou- ble ar geins there."-Youtit'o Camnpe*.- Ion. Rtumnsaa mtiba Wagon. To change a wagon lUtt a A el4k econ- venlenti>' a rainner faer eh wb.ol la The Grooli Premier. Tbeaqlet'eDelyanilsI. eOreoir pre- m l,-je pan over 70 yoare aId, but b. !i*sIliYgate-la evet-> repect. lie 04, >121119 yal Mare.:but M la lu t Vi lim ee t theo! tre -. x pubali iftlue eas I. Br a vote of 32 ta 12 the Damt *We"dady amendedt he Bupreme Court conaollatlon failli wbieh n-a reeentl> paaed, bai trlktng out libm word Ottawa and aubtlttating Springfield. Conider- tion of thé Humphrey rmlroed htailevnm poaiponed on* n-eek. A bill affectlng gami. atlea ef tStto eilciaeives-naintrodacoti. Thra (overner tranamittedte theIBm anale a arssaie. appraltting Franîcia lilîhert ai Ciiego aà mendier or tire IBoardtofet lin $aohe $tâlte feformalor>' ai Pou- lime. te sbeceed Thom&@ t'. Macillan, remîgneti. lu 'tbe Houme tire ramolution provitiing for an investigation of the eauaem ofthelirecmîry delicit anti of thet management of the étale Institutions un« der albielaIe amnistimratioan-a agAla Ponlpened for one week. ]ar. Sulivan movedt a irrpenti lte rudesta Introduce a I reaclution. lte nature aorn-hlcir . leali 9mot explain. Thora n-n a nclamer on tirs 1Denocrailcaide for lire yens ant imnym. 9but the motion n-aiîpultoanaviraevoe vote antilenl. The restitution nbieir Mi-. Sulliîvan demîredti a Irrrotince provret ta ira osene i ing tbe Chicago gaz trust anti ippropintlug $5,000 ta aid the. et. larme> gearerni lault.e proection af tire imane. Tire flIouse bllI eonsolidating tire Su- prerne Court aI Springfieldl pauedlb.h Sonate Thurada>' withant a dîaa.nting vote, and n-a ima passer] b>' lie Bouae wiîhbutartwîn-c-oe baya agninat i. Tire Torresmlandti nue bill praser]lire Senala b>' a vole cf 34 yenm ta 1. nay. In the Hanse the mnui-rlbîarlraent iture bill wu. rend andi reforrad la the Committee ou Muicipal Corporations. Thte Senale bil appraprialing 450,11(i)ta pa>' lie ont- llem of thre preut General Ammembi>' n-* pammeil sur lite eruergene>'ci caume. Tbe Sonate bill aproîriatlng s7etU tol psy the iii-ideiitai exîsenage o! the lares- eut Ge»real Amemby andi te pt-avide for tire car@ and ti irot>cf tbm State houa. sudIgroarrirla nas pnieri. Gar. Tannyer Frid rtir>' ile tire bill cen- oliatiag te Iltrîremre Courrt aItSpring. field. la t. lre tuu %Ir Needilea, chair- mari nf tire Corrinilo n Aprpropriations, i-alied traIlîr. lrrbeiIrll crenting a Stel Bourrl uf i'ardiinraardmakinag an appra-. priatlun for ira maintenance. Afler a long dphale tlIre uiln-cm adrauceM a athirti renrltrg sud anil prubbbi>' a a-mildaup oU abat order nexr n-eek. M'heu Mnalor Karroo callenib e Senate ta oriler et 5 otioa-k p. ni. hoe wonithe ouI>'mriter larereir nt i imeaintely aanouuced te Sprealeijirnedti la edueitda>', taac- cordantce -lit sa joint remoluriamiadopteti. Sent Att. Matabes. "Sirrari!" excîrririetitirelireajident of rire ruatirIrrattir biilt'rlîiig agent, -htave Yorîtborgitrtatil tire rtclfac- 'Antirail lu France and Ucrrtala>"?' 'Y t'a, ire; n4rWil an titone lurail te orlri- f Euîropre, Ami, Africa, Arisa tralin. naitiNortit and SiourthtAmpra-jir." '-Il la n-l." muid te Match Magnale. "Yort lai-c due rour work notriy. Bt tire edW lantriot-l. Preirare leoie. John, brirrg te ln' etlouery chair." lu giaite cf liait;urugglim tige agent ,-avuolainai lititire tIhair andtirlie dyua. uain sacl ln mtoion. Wit"Ie ciled. '"One momntU! May I kuow n-ly I rira thogtnett I > lant itwnstire reaidpariof lte IMatch Trusitn-ho rnsrrr'rd flmo. **oet rar>."lire ini. *"Toirare n gooti. tuit. 'Whouer 7011dieyour moul avlil Il> te thre happy eulrartnihore, andt îere yoo will miii final n-ork te do for our trast.l'nlll yen bav-c donc yonr work there orrr ntonoîroly wiii nit l hocoin- ploee.for ae-" anti ber@ hoetires forth n papa'r, evitienîl>' n page frotn e hook of poenis-"nsre. ibore il la mttld tIraI 'matchîes are matie lnlu even. (iod-1 b>' anti gooti lîck! You tare expectet ta iecutre contrai o! allie match foc- tories acroas tire tirk river, Do malter itîaltireé cosl." W~lth a glatiitlie lite ageut arraugeti biniacli ln the chiar and iMe. *'If," alh lt-e presîdent cf lthe Matcha Trumt, "if b>' nu>'chîauvre lie atocuinet rendIktlite'rairîîaboyé ele n-hi at lout ho ln a Ipoitiont te egotiale for large1 qoantillea of brilmsione."1 Fond or Water. t'ia'anlineaa laione of lite tiralt fuator4 ln ilapaneme civilizallorî. 'fTepooraat1 citizen brties ei-ery tiay, cien In-iee a1 day. Tut-vurarc cicr 1100publie- bath-a lu te cil>'of 'rriko, Dati Il la citirnîted, that ot-er 300,(00 perrorta patrmnize lIeut 4î,iy ai a coât of 1 sent 3 ina liter lircat-ahotit 1 ferlhing. A redtilou of! 3ri-inauade for cilittren. In adtiîln ta tItis, eî'ery itrivate bath b lis s itn bahlroutm.lunte villtrgesi llrare1 not pravittedti il iler btthing ecaai- lisionaets or prîvtne bâtir rcus, tie peuple take thier tuba ont o! dccci andi Imlte iMeore their own bouses. Cookingin Ch -sbire, lkurlng Uy recent mIn>' ln Cit'mîire, an amuaîing Incident liappeneai ut a neigiriorltag tarin, witere tie peaple n-erc noîcal for rîaking ver>' bard amui unpalatmble car'Usiatt, thaîr pasîr>'. One day a tramp caine taulte door audti begged for aomething te eat, lHc watt gîven a cumtamd, u'lth cniat mo ibari tint Il llfted out of tiAlîir nhale. He wa aoa ta pae 00down tire yardandi baving devotiredth ie contents, returneti abortl>' afterwarde im-th tie ct-ust. andi sai: "P"ee. muni, l'y. brougbat yourt pie-tu at ecandithanir you r-London Anen-eru. Mr. McKinley' weigled 187 pounîli the dla> ire n-asnoînliietei. A test- 4s&ibeoregSeig to> 'WSobtilntu ba h ipauguatted belas wusix poiunda iter' lu i I ity lections n-erg e b dMandait, la lchin,OhioIndiana, Iowam and es- ott aIetatos. At Cincinnati tieR.1e- ,pehlcin ticket was beadeal b>' Lesi C. a Goadala for Raya, and thire Dmotreîi tieot b>'Gouster Tajal. lh, latter hélit 1.elatd b>' a plurmity oret'l,33 whn-ilateh c it>' gave McKinley' e plurilit>' oi aimant f .OO"aa llaeMbor, atiCnidn-el(Reg) fer Ilaéor titre e semrs un, e plaralil>' et O ,.. Tire w»n-aitetalivote ai ave, 0os, 000, ae coumparés] n-Rh 78,0<s> iest Naveni- ber ha, aaua unrrrtailY large vole for a i ocal piug niection. Canton,.lte homse e, 0 etMKlleY, %vertI Démocratie, Mayor « ltlce@ for i'e-peetion, î-nrryitiîg t b>'over a4W.'Tire Dearrîcrua nîrararricti iSerina- 3 fiel, tireironie au <;oi'. Buairn11eleicig tJ3ir111M. <iroul hIayo I-Y 010 majorit>'. , The rfet tof tire Iepublia'an ticket n-mm citeti. Clevelandti rnî give McIKim- ou 2»100 ater h'arley. Thte otiter nandi- dates on Ille Itepulies ic Iket haro ma- joritîes a nnginu np 101,000. Wiliam C. baybrtry (Dem.> n-na eh-it' t d M Hayrio f Detrnit b>' about 500 ara- Jarit>' 0,cr Caairî Alitent m. Stewart (Hep.>. ileturtî framntirhe Itte ldia'mîe tire re-ciecîlon of Jutige C'harles D. larag <Hep.) go Jusmtice of tire Surtpme Court. > ad tb. defeal t f 4org(ý L. Toi, fusilan 9candidate. ('harles Di. Las-ton nur i li- hem11%1 J. Cocker, lppulffican rCandildaes pfor regenla oftihre University of Michigan, ire aia lecti Dubuque cititn eietîiMyruf t>', Recrreri4 nfff andti're&srirer O.irtlh. Tire'Dettorila Pcted liens'r D1uE>', ailty atto!r!ansd rne otofail' âve aldermen. 'Tb,.. -itizenoirtauIcotrai lbe Ceuncil. '.%or lisE>' hasti anli190 majorir>' over, J.41. Keirety. Dernocral. 01.0 TRiITY 01MUNCom. Wil Ctebre la lu If»tbe complation Of Twe Canlsmieor ret Etenci Of al lte cirrirce. inu iblroatimat ual ona nei S ntcrc,îit.g asolti Tnrit>'ai Netw York, wmimhnli t lhIry n-icelebmnae tire Complelirun oftn ira ina a-rine-s of ex- istence. The eairrch wmai fountietib>' the Britih eon-inlicîi l'iitg-onrendtheir Deciarattrn ut indi'pcudelLregtai lit ic- dicta on Ilie aite oftlie pressent Ni-w Yomk aiity bail. 'rriit- b>'no Ucanuainaionaa- tire seantents in tht doumentclandi atoori fasl b>' ln royal frusirier. Tite Britishr troolpe six s4-r-r-koInter rri'iali; îrd Anglican artr-- n-et-e heiiliti ira W-all*a protectiai l b lire tir,' fora'tg notiir. A, a liter dite 't'ru>- i liat i tt ot .a aira earergr'rifraurri ira troubsitubl, tri'air',f the mont raalta munir-of. utri h- ie iin th tai aalal.e 'he' ras aigrant l ladtigi.'-artruTrisarry a large traa-trof lad. witinhietI lItaI ime b~ ~ .u l'o>fil iTtiNItTit" cul-Ra. n-me nilirauî nbe rit>'gales. A4 theire i gSren- paraciiof linalandil n-or iven mn-a> fon purpome o ai irty. Snob litho ofJi an let nernaini ol the bandlu ofthIe îrmriahs ha@ tean entimituf la Ire imunît about 1125,000,00. Thi. naiisotof uildiigts, tonnlota andtilnt-meute. Wirila Londoun cutdutiai ia cbrch- yards lu the ciI>-'s irt analttrisaulitrain Ints: panka and brentiing mputrs inrlira cir>". paon, New- Yoi-k a-iritbeiTriait>"a moIti>'nid lambitouci, ndidtecou il* graven-withiu suah ic ep 111.110deauilr PeoPhe. As long &go as 1832 hliil thee churcayril as forbiaiden. But un-nr Ji* mod beucall tire tren reliomse boihues j oi the anient tontrymen m-irelit-det il a lime mIen lhe bomne of Sliasuenti Stratord îaus sOi crunnouplace. TIi-ee amoar n rc iet inre ofruutNon-Yr-a a biln faislliesi. Tirere. tua, ire tire tomber of (!en. Kemruia. oaitueta Ful 'nton, of Ahý hart (imîlatin, ofil'liam IBradfordI, ai Hiamilton. Anal "Triri>' a-imes" Mn>'t mîtllb le Iari, [ut nut lwin'. Tieirt mn-cet tarira ordinaniiy ara- rra et milirehs biminter ai Brouaa, but n-heu thon- d s a Jol nlaithi- mlont eir noIe. arc clear anti a Ibousntines mon'r-e l it eaaise oi tire iticongririy of the surnormudlugs.h Tire celebration ai Trinity'. licenîcaniml i n-ill ha a great alfatn. Etliiet Eptacoi prelalesurid prianlts front ail partm of the countr>' nullgo la Non- Yank 10 Iakl pirt bu Il One trouble wtvhh ree-ee is tirai *ie Jla out of moap. Tire -eathitr prapbet evîdtiel>' consul- en a rni>' lire apîce ai exisîçace. If nmeParents coulti tire>' noni'tmare i tirs Blesuise their bbelfrttohem. Il A great assy>'Peuple o! titis generallon ai te Rot mrtacun 0 on- ban- ta mare nul'- t tblng. P RItapI> tor ("en. Grant.,ilbasei nt eeti- cd a morumicat tu.ireep bis memaor> greeh, *Il the»rea. 'nrti Pln;t Cirictt aglubaatintof actien hoi 112 lieurnm id.But ito irasnot livet imla tirat tîme tu Cicigo. Tir. Micigan Supreme Counrt bas de- cidedtfitIMHt. PIngre. muel plant ail ig potato.,lulaOne Patchr.À Tiare seemeio ha a dispoqition amanlt mentoet thé etato Lcglsela tu a yee Ter ta V n-ork b>' tbddayamuti alb>'tire job. Tir. Pre*t-eemhv.v Bat-bera non- propoge a tex en roiraiet.. Tireir next Progressive mstep n-iD peobabi 'ha ta tax n-amen for L iravinca o.;- Amecima n-raf are anîxissus for martyr- dam n-Dlbaeis atri Tsi-rke>'bermter. p 011119la8M 6longer able, thrnks ta CosemuGénéral Lac,. MW eteStit at ir. Amarican lau la uav@r sielîlla, Cveten port ispuautaixeIp lhe ,--- pnbaima muciras il burt-thie 9eem Impriutatian af Ansales. i tI-OUWiTS WORTHY OPni RIFLEOTION. Ive Lessiens «rod Wlmeae * Vound-A Learneil end Cessea vient et thaseme, Lesona. r Aprîl Il. - Golden Text.-'r'boacver haîlevottr' film shall reacive rerniasion aifinu. Act 10: -43. Tire uirject of tialeamm la tirheaa version aif('ornius--Acte 10: 30-M. luintegtlet rion n-e miw-tiret rter n,s alreti>' lominit snine of bis Jen-lai sh gew.ý irenelia: t lira e %las traveling Ila a4P "' ut Judos n-lerae finut bave «« n" of fientilea. andtinttaIlni Jappa hu irdiîdo4' w-iîimnr, a trinter, lirat la,. dnelt la 4 baume ceremunonialy unecican acardi«gt- Jett-mi notioîna. But mach remahlnsw1 ho donc lu a-nnviing [Peter and tierei,. rinajorit>' of tbe Jen-lir<Chrisian* tiraI thi -«et barrier Iltat n bitirerto oxiata iretwn-e-tiem anthie <leuilea, exleadbg liraugit ail lthe riallunaof liftesta- 4 orabi>' anri r-,rnrhleteiy mu lindu caet$, n-mis non-toublieitraken don. 'le re ents r rrerinî lire liglnulng 09 lire cion muat of rourse bh a Incldu Thtisn-boie-mtry ina moa( interesig eus, raunîidereti rr'r'iy ai a star>', antiIf abl- fuiiy talti. or drti rain tmànclam h>'quei. lieur, cannoI fuil t lire attractive. The. star>' n-ltemr-b treierent trîtils efbedied perbapa bguller tIbm Peters aditreus nwlek forma tire tesxtthe leimon. cares-eu ihere C'orsaleflus t'rrbrnirt -u siima i n-as thre emictai capital of tire provinE lire. sennetiaIIl n-as tlire-aidi-mca oai-, pboîuairlr: a itoancil>' more Iia otier la tire tend. The "Italinband,"%~ ,caobort oft via-bCornelius n-aist-enlrteloo appears la bale hrrumi arrr-lrd as belugl campoacal rof natir-ltrunlios.i. moieéd af mca train lth pravr-tif like.auir et lire [tRoai ary. Il amny bave ,beft a apecial lrygiuartaifrire prfcurstor,.Tia C'ornecliusna ia aatrioftimportance. Ille divin v-irrratr, ai iept«iettt-ila lnits n arrative. i. notit riaarkaîle; yet s-e rer et Ofléer anch case«. noîniri'tire one n-bai sentant Jeans Ireeil Lulle ô: 2. The. *tory -fai14 iodon iairl nlgâii-i'nly cirer, Iholagit il is n, iirir'dy tsold. l'itera vision f'rr ta rtrd.-rmraiidiug rr-ajtrie.nome an- qira tatirl,-,- nitl tire î of-mr'sa t eitacxl ian- .1svl'a a-n and n,l i icrferai., rtber.- Sia-ai it, pinl'triii n,s't ari n ordlnnry anAs -it r re haiar aIbi n js noot0ont o! a' i haerr-,',if rig-l irt>gaii-i.liet-. .3. V'rt,'r n a f o fnr i irr-r. gel lima ianigricr evrr-r-> nri'. moud îrhî'r îir cit'a-urzwraaaî-'Ireitiauirdin laa iatorpicot- I i fui îaran it-an 10 d,în frorntr ren ltaciS ena' cuti. isarrro in trur-. ianancienne- Ian-. btoarîrnla-ie wir h('iiarlinity gond alîrarateai, l'a-trr rfius'ata telti' hUaL xr'r. tOf nurrutih.-i' nia ritg of<-iran n uni-hei.n ialriu mas a malter de<'fll ratiir y lr'ylthe Moirantew.m -mofaitb îrrubiiIhînainiali h-iag r-nrtroi>' rlairle of Jeas iin lacir dis-ouirue-s.'l'ie>' bave gie te s.> abroutlliii near-bings. iaysiDg - montaitsre&* ou ma ir olineisx oichara-le - aad bis umaeanm murki. Thte Dsuai cras - Phi a i ebre Irlna-cri upthe tre rcurraet lion andlth' irrof .ail. aslIeretal fea tir te goapel ws hbPeter irc-bed. -i 'Te'o Siregia miltire propireta tsirneau" l'on-r la eridenl> sporialomg te tientiles mite bail cosdermle kun-wletigepiof ed reaspect for lire marreti tillea ai Juiamm. Ti in a a mîiking illustraion cf divine providenc-r; thil-ala otar>' irosa, it-gia- soing 1te encaeauha matei. ntercuting le sltiruomin>'clas uaif Ibia tenture La emplia- iacri. Pîrturpe Romauan molilier la bis quarment an Caer-a, Coing onI soduetimem A ro aîttndaervlil lir te Jewlrmyna - Cogue, or ta couvertse n-ilrnme leuoriierd rabbi, sinking iris Roman pride ln iris eraa- est deuoire la lenaumaoreaulire traie Cwl; coa'irintîins llhafuIily ta tir asr; tryiirg tlufiadtmoutebady won-irbait knon foiasauinduJdtiteIllhlm about Ihat m-on- in-rtul Jr-at îo ibatildir-nilanime yearalire- a iaalisoaa>(du il sas sairibirl rimen ftra -ho, brut,. hMaic viviri lie i"-e n-len, aflor 1-n-rt of %rn-lavt-lincamne te alîri a'uinnadirrg Lina turi aly> lu SOion i'olcr. a umanu ir luit-aivelith, a .lutrrIan- ner, tain foiler informration alirrimt divina Iriruga. Teillatin licatîerel irhartt hleu ire dr-t ut murern-ofani r i irarrmid, ta- geoie lt-rita ain)taot Iris mldierr, anti ron- nîrîriraa-al lau ltiin-areoudmena, maline arrangemaent* t u menailmeinoengers. ut oncé to Jappa. Dr-arritne l'nter, iiin hie mbles odgiaag plan-eeat .lapia. s siiing for hlie- lintrer. nsud e-nrgIbis atrauge visionr wbchuihe caaiunl utvera tiIl iriierpret anliln acsrv-arntndrnittedti lrceetravel- - saineil men-wha calme n-lti a message froni a Rtomn centurion n-la bord alas scemi a vision. ['ollos-utahe rest o am b lan>', lthe journe>' te Cacrca-gCîtiraios n-c place. iccateti on a map>-treeep- iron b>' Corneliu, tire conversation. the conversion, tire balltimun. Bverytim- I)ii nedti u mt ai it soultibha; yces. -» of threa"men concerne I nowlmin>' or e thon hia onperanai dut>', ignorant bats- ithe performance oaiil Orne teaccompilioi- anytirling. Tire eaesteanem of seekeva alter igit. sommse»a.mong; men ai limited religion àa apportujnili« sornetimes pute Chrfsltin oe miame. Sncb cames as tiret aiCogite- humn are mot unkun-a lan mlaalen-au- raIs. even lu aur oana >; amd tr>'are - oemetirnei met W-it in Chiealan roame- trien. Tire cagernerra n-tI n-loe mîMa- people in Roman counrles aeek fe orir - lBie luinlicir o-atangue, til r. rs -lt - riricli the>' rend l. tire eaidence IýW rInce in il. ougir tle ie a leaaam ta qÎ -b.1j are se cameleas of unpuraleied privilewim W'ir of mus seulti icumior go a day's Jout.- ar-y la lintiout about Christ?a - ?mct .im"(et IsCauverltme- Lntioch."-Acti 1 1121 NWait mol for lthe maman-, but fargive me Whr o n-a n-bhat fatel-are-