CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Apr 1897, p. 7

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~Nff~ Bier. Jqu EUt, 88».p, Work end e Hoods Serapaulla la thu 'and family medicine. I baaadoitIa Ieadache o-hile maay a lin. bavlug to go lemf -et lop, tired ail the gtUng np lit the. mornlng defl ta take IHood'a Sam&-, toit btter after tire. doses. -toking It, and uo-1 cau go - iumrry and do a day'swoatk borna. faeliiago-Iand uhoaya"avesro been giviug goeuperl a 0our youugemt wia oeak, anguîd end Ioelag -We old ecan mea a marked Ho Me botter, alept o-cIl, and o-h[le wa ka ueo- boy. entlnued to mprove, and lu- - ltely Ms a cricket; and th. neigli- ,,, tlbho au ta&k noai.thonau ny areund the place." Tiioam~A F, Pak Quart-les, Fniedomu, Pa. BL-Bieeatgelt Iood'a lecause las Sarsaparilla M&I wI Y»il i. s. eneBod l'o IMer. 'pfgaèo a.hko1h etsohreNot tg lre aabaila eTi' Oleb' ana& lrnl L Kun .dI.le1 TUJ SIt.U. MpIlan ai lm.. ui vu .. bsMiO rou knov anytiug about dig, Vurie 'Raitus*""satl a merdhant - upplicant for stut-ii I, If Io-cre 10 lt-tii 3ou $7, and 1 mîredt 0pay me. si a Dionil. Mach would pou uwe nie aithie dme of tIre. motbs?" edollars,,Bah.," 'sa atmaId pou dou«t Iîoo-int-h ,"aah; lut I apees I1'£nowgn ai]l Uarie 'blastua." -Youîb'a Cuit- tbhoe= r «eh day. in an- ta bu healthy thtrn la neciaaary. - utyon th. 11.r andi kitineya. *keadache. Prie.25 sund50c. * fe-Whatwouoîd pou do if 1 itayed avdp ulgItIuntiI mduiglt? ~ubby Joue, i'd aty ai honte.- 93 tht- iban bleeuimade ta ro- a net- cler on balî btadsi n tibuuîaads of eby ou.ig lalls BHain It-ueo-en, why Ft onulin out- t-ure?1 Wcman wocla a pronineu men-t- of- ethle l'aria arlatoorary apenda 00ou flowysery s-t-wioler. and a neuh bauken paysis flot-Lt $8W0 ac P iao's Curetfor[unsuaimpîion la car ooiy laIs,419IsIt it.,Drutuir, Co., Nov. 8,j -We rould l al bct gteit men ifwt i kld b. menant- ythb le greal îliigs f tlutend tb do to-niorrow.-Selem-teti. VseUt ewlfe o-ai adbg tl e door et lhe pailrabd Ihere wus a look about thue wm&Wao ye o-bigla ndbcated thal sihe bad aaked ber Ituabntfor thle lait thne to, do o-hat tAie winted. 1< waa flotun augry looki. If owaimerely au ezprenaion o-wb ibcswed that «'din- at-y mete a hiètalled and ahe imuet try fiene. Blufkli, oWho -asi attIns lia the easy chaiîr, lohed over the top of l* paper tabuc stIoodthere. "b'm golng atter that loti of breàd you apoke oftluna teo- uinutea Dow," b. a id, .apologetlcall>'. "tnt nnet golug te niake any more t-e- queatn,', h. anivenet. Buit he dîti fot hein ber. Mi tace o-a affalabut-led Ln tht- newaper. resntiy ah. came ruelung up the altireanmd exclimed:- -oue of tte'uelghbore aw aà aPatrol wagon go upthe itreet at a gallup and tuila theerner Iowardl ltegroceny. Th-t- muet liavelieeu a figIt or amase thlng"* fflttot a Word Bluffklua granbbd lois bat.,ajsud nan uatwoas goiag dos-n tle utreet at a rate whitcI matde to-o bah>- earrage urtn out fer ear of a u-'ulllaon. As his o-if gtazed *fier mi, M ile sawitralmgolug around the cr- ut-r no teit liat the ceiatrhfugal force t-t-w hlm os-et-on one aide. In flire or iru minutes b. came hack. lie lîndedlier a lundle aud reacbeg fcor lia paint-. *'let-e'a tbat bre.d. As long asn 1 wnrsu o)m icthegTocet-y I tlîought I w-ouigel il aud &top pour fru-'tiug. But i ddWu't aie anY lituti- "-Are TOU talklug aboutthe patrol wraguauJ hecroo-d?"M abe'akd lne- ct-tti>. "o!rcoelia m.*,an" "-Vhy, thaItail lappeneul day befot-e yeaitt-nultt. i-tut l'i evs-e-aglad pou got the- bread, cdeur-Hoaton Budget. Exposlag the Skelel.ou. lira. Parvenueo-arn euterauiunrnome cf the friendq alie liaed aucceetird la maklng alue Mn. Parvenue lied made a ftuoe, and the conversation hati drîtteul lu lte ubject o!fcît horne- #tends atdthe icjop ot cbilidhood, ai- ilîougti t-e w-et-e otîcra ht-aida lira. P'atvenue o-ho wouîdnot have cared lu haveic ie-al facta la regard 10 the old homesteada kuowu. "Ah, thoe were glorloua deysn," aigh. cd Mmr. Parvenue, whelcu ler tut-n ciaits 'I1 eau recnîl lte olul tumily eatate a Weil ai if i liedl left it but yeulerday. Yen reinieiîluer, Juaittit, that waa@Vltere Pou lirt-tut e?*'--v lier huabanul uodded, being saine- lhlng of a trutliful mou and not o-lah- ing lu getlbis tangue luto lad habite. "'Tîcre ýw-ar a treedoinlualte olul lite," eontinuedMlit-r. Par-venue, "that oe canuot eoy -leu neu becomes a part of the great faîlîlouable o-orld." " 1ll Ialould aay yea," Irok. la josaul, feeling liait il o-ai tUme.fur hl il) aay ometltug te baork up bis o-lfe. --WIy, lu thone deys o-e didu't une te lhlnk uolhiug of eatlng pie w-ith a knite."--C'ieago Pool. Min Reaao.. "wr cannot udersaad," aald the epokcesiian 10 Ithe sherlif, "Wbyfil la j iliat yuîî lav-e -ecoînmeuded the par- donrut tlîisa tn. Do pou llluk lin] ID- 'Iio s-ouittnk lie would refortu If gIs-en lits liberty';' -"rîten wlty have yuîi-" "Oh, 1t saut lu gelt-rid ut im," bruke lu tie Sheriff. 'lic lias bulilg anl ap- Tlien Il w-arnfliat lhey recalcd tint htruia une of the alierifs w-ho are giv s-eu auitch a day tor dieling the luriouî't' and utake a good tliing out Unrenseuible. "Tht-t-, a t-clrre drad ficleslnthe SOUI.' auld eairauger l oallaier luaa Daîllas reataurant. *'lIîur de Lais akea' Afler file@ ara iiiedli de soup forrliait au hou- et- dou't apeca 'et ter lie et-ls-e ylt, does 3e"iennSittinga. PICKED -UP ON BROADWAY. Tame IncldeuL,-Apuetanwoaà pickedup ln thc atreet lunununcouarourncou- mmd hurrled 10 Ifanearet hospilah.On cxaminatiai lit-r lody wonai osmd e covered witia ores oeuaed by the hypode-mlie injection et morphine. Un meraoreaketf a woon had once held au honorable sud lucratIve poition lu a large publishtng lione lu -- NcwoYrk. Ht-t-heahabegan t faiL. Iu- o-' iteati ut taking test and medlrrnl t-t-at- ment, ah. resoteti tethe stimulus of Th're hospital physirlma diarer' ered that lier primary troublaeo-ai au mfasion of the- wesb, o-hidi couhd r.adihy hav, beau cured i n 11, o-heumIe bail felt the e-a. veau pains in théd boek, the terit-bis hendaches, the constant atna. of futineai, acraucai and pain lu the palviti reglon, ihe hati niai Lydis IL Pinkham'a Veetabhi * dom. pouud, itwouid have tibailvd andi paaed off 1hat polyptai ln Uic o-omb, andt t-day ah. voulti hava - - - boutaa a l omau atttDin beha - Wy o-u o-omeu lt eama.iva -go la thia o-ay? Il acamà pasaing trange tht a Vonan 1k.thia one, no highly eadilitedu aid nio-eU pacet, ihovaithava de. - pesdeul cn morphine, mat-ad et acaking a radcal cure. oi 1» noexetra.fora-y o-a -ha ufaer&ahe neati net go vithout -lra. Plnkhaan stands, ready te help ny wauau.htr autrsla. n, Mat& Wrte tc, er; ito-ili coat pou nothing. Inthe meaitima eta( la of Lytila E. Paukham'a Vegetable Compound stathei utart-t druig g. The folooinglette, trot ooaf 'our aitera o-tUencourage pou: sa Bxa'mAl d m.aAN, No. 1iEHi-e St,, 27ti Ward, Pittabui-g. Pi., rtui l liPIkhun. Il ailiardly fSud ow"rdi th o-bicha te tiank yen for & yon hava doue fr me. I1sfferd iearly mvan pearao-lithbackaclae miéamhe leucorrhoea, and the- oi-t ferma cf o-omb troubles. Da6o ei flt tedo me uuy geot. I have tairen foerep tes o Lda. eVgtible Compounti ant ona box of Livra Pill, anti nia one et fasatlve Wah, audnuo- eauay I amn oeu amndihave bhau t aead. -ime sSabgîw»u'touter and beartier uo-thaua Ihave liema for "ymk4he guai haath I amn ejôyiatg.ui THE DINGLEY MEASURE GOES THROUGH THlE IOUSE. Recelvea 205 Votles Oui cf 848-Hio. liablcaiPrenanta gScli Front- Aehdi4eni Adoptai te AgfeAlAt iFuture Iaporte-Lviiy @caet. Vote la 205 Agral 122. Washington apecial: Amid great enthu' elsiamounItie fluer aund Ite galleries the Houa.etofRepreetativea edneaday paaaed the Diugiey tarif! bibl, and lhe dotlizlmpoacd hp the billare new in foccaandth Ie Wilsn laie la a thiug et tb. puit If te lent ameudmnent altached lu th. bi l efore ita passnage in lb. Houa. fxing April 1 as the day on viirh lia provisionsabaotiulgo Itb effett IaIS b.e beld ta h. legs] by the-t-oria. The 1Re- publicauns prerentî'J anu nbroken front le thbgopposition. Alilîe rumora thiatdia- saullfautîten -Ith pinticuian achedulea of thebilîl mightl lad nome ofthtem 10 break over the psttr Iaces îros-ed uutouuded. Ou the other Iband, tii-e t>vmocrs ras-ed the. party o-hip anJ gavee illI tht- ap- pros-aI u t teins-otea. TIteacsev t-meraI. are ineremteul partiimurly lu the augar achedute. TItret- came front Loutisiaua and to-o fnîum Tu-iaii.Oine t'opullat, lin. Hloward, of Alabaîma, vomted fur the bill. To-enty-cou. otien memtIt-naoftw-atlel dcuomioalî'd "tht- oppîîuitotmn," consiatlua of lPopuiias, fusioiuta ands lirilea, de- enlied tu recond îhentuulî-ea ejîher for or againîl tht- menature. The Gruauter amendaient o-buh prov-it-J that the pro- visiens bu the bidliebcimmediately euturred waa paaaed tiy nastrilct pettvote. The vote eon tht-ittai paaaaége cf the bill utood-peaa, 211; noya, 122; préenct aud Dol voting, 21, glsng lte bill a aijciItr of .83. Speaker It-t-J iJded te the clîiax of thi t-o daey' struggie in the Houa. lip dimetting tht- ritrk Ie ral bis umme iltte endof thte rol rail, recording bis-uote for the blli. Aaste boutrfor rotiug ansived lhe es- ritemnt ilurt-aaed. '.It-. ît-Mullu. oh 'T-enessee, va. t-ecgnized-Jfur ive min- utea 10 closeath Ie debate for bis ide. lie hiefly rt-sieo-ed the "c-uraordinary" methoda hy lit-h tht-bili oau heiug brought 10 i vote. lie hirged tat amendnctu'rtta et-a rut off btcana. the leaders of te maointis-fouet-rihat tht-y might be trulited hp tht-h oisu mubrta. "I delty yituo."he @nid, "tu gis-e us aepottuality to amcnd tht- saga;atht- ute, wo-b-hmas ft-umîd lu proert the lia- geaI trust uin the rcountry. AnJ to-day poîtcoi tudtht- îiamp etftht- bill bp uîakiug it retroaiie" ir. Mlilliii cocitmd li.siavitg re-ad nt the- ricrk'a deahitte oîda of Sa-akur It-id, tht-n in thet- ul.paitiîîn. on te occasion of te pasange ofthlIe Wilsonilait. "%%*th thos. wends," aaid he, "I ltt tht-blli go forth lu tht- mat qxeirtion of a roubt-J auj out- nagt-d pt-lle." lin. Dingies- tht-n tuek tht- fluer aud elosîthlIe delate ila tn in lute speech. lie apolie çf tht- extraondîoary ciî-uîm- stances o-licmItproud'tht- txîgener o-ibithCongrei'auubad bru'iî ualliudn extra t-nsalua lumet-. Ttue Waysansd Mens Committe lid laboru-ulfailhfutiy for monilia In adut uiehnprecinetacondi- ios. Tbere utght b. seinte utile dia- saatisat-ion litat-. Ht- agurcd bs rolleaguea end the- couutry ibalbo fail confident the biltiould acromplisà thea ptirporne fero-bit-h it w-a framed. Tht- dehale elinîoet an end, tht-commit- tee roae and the blloitlî pendiug aented- tenta, o-as repurt-id lutht- houa. hy Mr. Shermnan, the chsîrnisnofu tht- commiltee of tht- o biu. The mill rail on the- page- age ot tht-bllimw-s tht-o taken, and oai fotîo-rî t -itlense intert-andujthe ltcpubiii-ansa aiuoued sigotouaiy o-ei tht- SIoaku-r unitiinerd tht- neautt. 'lh. gaiieries jolurd la tht- djuonaîration. TAKE OUT A MILLION. Ho- the Buctet Chopa o! Chicago "-Woi'k" tht- Contriy. John Hli, Jt-.. timîn tuttht-romn- miice on go tîti iîg utfit'(I 'hicazo Cîs-ir ler'ttatou. toui--nat E!dora, Iowa. betfore tht- Itorîln ctiîilt grand jury. Il i la iirît he îet-ti-d once salunhIe lu- furmtationi affe-îtîuhg the lui-"tpt itopa aI- lt-at-Jto blinîrîîîlg io thai, lat of te Siote. Iti lamae'il !lisbt-tua pros-rd to the satisfactiîo n oftht- granud jirythal n cern- tala produce moiusiok ei-itunge ut Chi- cago la dultî a buni-ltt hiip blinieas. It lu clainîrd t-mre Ilît tht- nittutîou aft- i tomri lt- 'higo cîîicc'niîtook $38000 out of Hlinîtu("utp lu Oi-one ek at Jnnuary, anJ lias îeî-îît-e front the pt- pie of lois-a ovcr $1,0000WOJ urnuatuae lait four moutha. Mn. Hill has tht- rameza utmauîy iosers, as orilias t'vidt-tîmt-in tht- cams. He claima thal ugents ofthue buct helaopa are Ir ~eliiuia uî r 1lo%>'.t ayaletuaticàlip utgin- izlffgtht- lusiîut-a, auj that th. main evîdence la le the effet that tw0 former emplopez pro-c tholtt i uaineas la ouîY crtrit-J eutht- bouka of thc compaup and net ln the- open mat-ket. la au n nriew- at Itlera lMr. 1Hi11 mid feu, people bail any adequnte Idea cf lbe citent %- vhich the ltate of lova la helua draîntultoenchthîe huchet ahop proprie- tor ut Chicago, and tat bie missiou novr lato secure esideure Ibrougbout the reun- try distrcts that o'ould cons-it thonie men ad drive tht-m ouI of the business,o-ht-oh. hoasutt, bas no counection o-balever o-ita legtimate market quolatioua or spao. ululion lu actuel trnsuactions on the Board of Trade, but le a apalent ut gain- bling la o-hîch th. operator bam set-y ad- vautage, uo natter ho- prices ntay duactu- &le, and lb. patron linIesilably a lit-r If bcetapu ln atter the lultiatot-p otage of thse ganie. The Chicago houa. bai i.aat-d oIre troni the Westeru t[alon Telegraph Coi' piny riuning through Illinis, Indiana, Ohio and lova. Il ettabillbes ageuclles lu amaltovua whers no other huchet chop or legtimate houa. la repreaenled, Ia oh' JerI hting, appareully, tb avcid rompari- sona ut pricea vilh the quotaîîoun of thar houae. A man gi-tg bhlmaime as Arthur Jobhn. non tempted tu mut-Jen end arob John Chapmau lu Milan, Mo. cf a gang et ighvwaymen o-ho murdèred a braheman. condîttor and nearly klUad a dort-oi luRcd Wiug, Mina., tori' h -tht - -- -y r eb Iagt a-rh Ol<s"es;wiTm TMEm TmAN WITH THE YOUNG. A Vemuady thal mer Be Uned. Fro,,î Me Rqspubrrnn, Princeton, 12L. Among the well-knowu tarmera cf Bn- rein (Jouaty, Illinois, la Willam RI. Lamib, or liioI vw o, with biso-fe. lira.Joue Lamb, ia. uînered amung the pioneer aitliers. Thia tamily, Dow weill aIong in yeara, la lbe renter of a large relatlo. ohip. aud tbey stand weillaI the county. bli. l.amb,nowa77 yparrnof age.haaexperi- eneed two attacki of the grippe, and lber r«soa-ery in a romparatively short lime ha ben the tolîte ot much diacusaion amnog lthe eple of Bureau Couuly wher- ever ahe la kîîoon. To arnerlalo te farta la the malter a repréentuative of thi apiper ralird aI their rountry homne, loeated'one mile ocal t ilo, lat iaturday atternoon. lIra. Full- er, à danghtrr of lira. Lamb. mettheb re- porter at the Jour and gave hlm a cordial Iverume. At bier. agé liae. Lrmb quile naluraliy ferla muach penaed Ibat abe le enjoying auch gond health neaa 10beable la o-ait upon her'hîîabandi. oho la noo- IfI yeurn old and quite feeble. lira. Lamb saad: "I had ai-asa enjoyed gond health dur- Ing my lite loutil thîe pear Iffl). Then r bad au allack of te grippe. Doriot: Ce ointer of 1811-'141 oithdasecond raitack o-bith left me in a very niach enfeleil condition. Ni' 1logasud bat-k oera weak. and 1 hadoa very troubteaome rougIt. whiîh aettimrrn oaa au re ibat 1 thought I .bottld trangle. 1 tried aIl tbe doctora in tIi. ueightiunhood endauil [rom olhér toros, but noue sermued Io gîte me any relief or esen tay the îîru grena of te diseana.. '*MNy aiitering nt tiriez wona arrere and it o-amthe guraIl îtfinion of Mn eîch' rs en d aclpînintanrea> Ihat 1I muid last hut nfew o-et-h, aomltbîuuîtihtnont nmore than one or Ivon deys. 1t ld my daugch- ter lira. Fullet-. tht 1o-a s qtuijfierd I ha. tthe couaomption and thal nDotn codIdlieb.dunc for I. lihe ouiy lauîgbed and aaid: 'M1otîtr, it ran't bc thul yo i have the -ollîîlmption il May 1w oîîly a hea-y Cî,U-h. N%r enemben I1o-as rvad- lng u of lîe pof our frît-ada 0é,-r in1La Salle ',,îîtv te other da %vy io-t-e greaty bîîttîlïtïîeo! rF. î soisa Pink, l'illa for l'aie i'ouple. and if yeu will try tht-to I1o-îll have Mr. F'uller boy àa olulle of boxes o-heu lie la iu to-n today" le rnghlt too hexe, and 1 coin- OItnc-t-J aiiuîg tlîi-. bIn - wýe-k i [-t tui ibt-ler. anJ ufier takitîg ttîrîî- boxes 1 frit eîîtir-uly v-ored.oand anuin îîw a lt,ý dou about os în,îî-l îvcrk am top diuglter. NNtî, , the othîur day wlîeu thle Otu ineit fron ton with a itfty i,,otîil aack ot hlou uinte. wallon, i pickîed îî op and carried itla intebuse"' .%Ira. 1Lamb furîher»aaIdý ' "i tel naîîred ibal my renToerv la entirely due iii the takiugcf Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for ple 1'npe" lira. Fuller andl ber hitîa' bond hoth said! îhey o-eenetireiy sas- lied ibat it oaa Dr. Wiliams' Puk P'ile thtaIlaedsaived lorsn. lýamb'a lite. Dr. Williams' I'ink l'illa roatain, lu a rondeused for'tai 1 h.e fements ormes. cary 10 glu-e ueo lite sud rirhneaas to the Ilood aud reqtore rhttered nervs. Tbey are also a apeciir for troubles peculiar to ternales. ao:h aas uppressions, îrregulari- tie-n aud ail forime utof eakneaa. TItey build up te blond. sud realore te glow of Ietîlh tii pale and arnlow cheeks. Ia mn Ithey effect a radical rpr. ln ail rase. arfiaig trom meutl worry. orwork or ezîtae e o-hat-ver natture. Pink Pilla are oid lu boxes tuever in touae.bath) t 50 centa a box. or F.-" boxes for $250, aud ma! le b.d ut &Il drugjridla. or direct by niait front Dr. W i liiai' Medit-ine Gain- paup, Srchenecady, N. Y. Profitable Flicttaa'y. Tred-ilow did thtat Engliali nobleman mariage to borrow the mouey f rom Cliolle? SNed -Ou beiog Iutroduced lbe asked biîîî If lie waan't bot-n on th th tler aide. -Judge. Ua-aThia! We otier flue ittîndre t ionrare-aoît for a Ca. se 0lita-'ttitCatrotlbe corail ty Iait Catarrh cur, F. J. CIIENET & ('CO.. Toeo. . We th. uaderstgoe i are tooo-uF. . ('teuep for the- linti5 yeaza. andl belles-e biea perteety hoanoraletanaObuuiuessa lraaetomandintfua- tWIy able lu caM O ut mUYObligationa niada by 'Vuia-nSi TnuÀx. Whalesate lnuigttltsToledoO0 Jer boittte. Mied by al tîgtttî. rS5. The lvca ot auîne people at-e open boouka; lie livea of others llaok booka. -St-eeted. Oýoughbng Lt-ada tu Coumptiou. Kemp'@ Bnlaam o-ilasop tbe rougI t i oce. (Ioi topour dt-ogglat to-day and gel a aaiie botte [ree. Sotd lu 25 and 50 cent botltra. Go et océ; delays are dangerouua. Thie it-at treitauren of Rumbi Coîulty, Kanana, la sald lias-e recels-rd $1.500 for tnklng cnt-e of $500. miaw.Iuaeu* oovaia Sy.friOdes. a-hiri tain.leur .ied mit. e 5ai.bolia. o-uitVU, aniaai e S. ni i 1eaabtt ils. tWB"e.aia hrabialcS 100. àrncam m s Thepap etof cea-rk fea cee Hfrailaudao' oltiflklike tohear -thse chilm a ci o le arpIt cf %Ie . ' a mava or thet .Wh, t bians -1 doat'ee oby yen îhooad Ifi« thit Thaoe*»ae gutelia. Have y«u never AWUoid-lht 4aatad of avotrlug taI auathng la noIlle la alo-ays iuod- est eu.ugb teaj 'l Ihîl n o r" "'Taiff obng -Ftbut Iis egotlant. lie thînge that bi aaylug lie thînka rsa lnakei the tatemeut ibal rut-h umore poiive."-Iudtanapola Journal. Hlermn iedmuaoreIMas a DRY To bitai (t-m &bout, and are alo-apa mure complota an a tilg o-heu lt-p prme"d wtth aad egliy tuaeanimation. talleillutIcir.t tpenîuanentip heaittlîfui Chang e iithe tîuuîauu apt.i are lot1 orosgbtt y abrupt aloiI 't.lent Otan.. sAnd M.-rn toeeiare ihemotuaI sair-y m.etiiîea a"ttera j% he lb.eeofrtt-ai. Dyepelai difaaai utbiluate cbarac'ter. ta ubiterteS by IL. 0mr ohetu îdio.à "I o-sli,'thle art-ailw-ho hnd a been ga asarlcd In lita oetk asa lunut-- lt-tt lîla eatIng, "tuaI -oî w'ould aend out uud gel a ulce large' leau ot cal- - linge." "Ceulaloît " replilet litS w lte; "la vp youl uit iuijulmllot a new ti-ail lite"ý -No; I met-t-bp iant il for a put-bull-- et.-.' Waalinglon Star. Noo-Baet for Fît ti Gaula. Over 400000 aurail. Wliy nô& lut N.To-u-a iet-iîaeaor re. oiior detre fi l obami? Mas-eumauîy. male' «haît ad aaiood. cu guar..nLeed, bue andl $1, aUdrumitl 'mTht-e là no "F'rench muaîrdu" Iu l-'tanre: tlle ait-et atîiffla9 liere t-tiIllu Geronunosiard andl "Ir-ihpoiaoea arc calic'J EnglWhI. iaruwlt' 'i1 tie ad-aan ut ilpur btailai a àb.Bi itamala lWhhoakr lIT.4 bt.d or Ora.2=e adl Ce The lar'ait liower ln the ratîleala 0f, ffianantra w borne dintueler la ulue tet. hra a * AJAwr imit ia.kid-W &aWdbOWax(ic ii AJOER.BI~b8 n nlle. anaan ar-toc R ght offiça Qany, even Hr ubn s the worst of Helrbbn s the sleight of hand. SPRA PbA prompt cure is ALABA "A Fair Face Cannot Atone for An Untidy Housea" Use SAPOLIO $or@ ba la e ..n~ uum..rbaaa ia __ **,*sis -Sdm amMOui.i qLMACA AO UDNmi 4kELe..W. a.,. ELNA T. NMa ~most deicate things yuhv o needn't b afadto wash with Pearline. The fact that a thing is delicate and easily torn is the very reason why you should take r- Pearline to it. Nothing else can get it clean with so little rubn adwenlig If you observe carefully. you'II' notice that the women who are the most particular about their washing and their housekeeping and their housework are the ones who are the most enthusiastic about Pearline. L.ook Peddlersnand sorimeunacrpulota groceraviilIi t e . lthis b le OUgodu 1or-th .a ,, arn"Paline. IT'S VALSE-Pauilià O neyer pdle;if ypar oer rnnda you an imiaion. b. homoU ut -eud i laI.'ZJAES PYLE. Nw YSgi -1- a " v

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