CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Apr 1897, p. 8

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BIJYS ANICE SPRING SIT or 0YRCA 0OF SANORN.& O TAlLORS ans CENT$ PURNIsHieRs. Kaise DSok, Libertyvllle, Illinois. Complatiq.Line of Fancy 811k Veitln g on Hand. floek Shelvos, Wall pockets, Papor iblder, Book fesses,. Couler table., Exteuson tab's, Diuing chairs, Couches, Louages, Chamnber nuis. Boom moulding Patate, Glas., Putty, Brushea, Matress, Cota, Springs Etc., Etc. ISAAC IHEATH & SONS LlbertyvlllO, Illin'ois. SLOFNG GROVE. Geo. Heekelavoiler le ont buylng fat -FIred Neyer vas aChcago viallar u0~t veek. Wonder vbal litaI singe gainesvas Snunday ulgbt. Bpting la ben and âlmera viii oon b-Sur aoteganoyer 11010 vot suagea tct. rohnild, e houas for ML B. Lembke; bas bis lumber partir hauloi. We vish itlm gooti aucsu sud hope 10 gel od >meat aI bis larbst. il Il la auprislag vit a -vee bit oais thiug" con acoompiait. Stcb tssdacie conalipallona. dysppmsoonr atomnac sud disiueaequlokly baniahoti by DeWi5ls LlWeEsriyElasers. F. B. Lovant., Libertyvllle, aud G. C. EaB- zava, Vanootida. People ,eWleye wvitl bey read about Uooflsrsaparllla. Tbey know It teansu oet medicine, sud ltatItI cures. CletHood's mati any Wood'. Heed's Pileuset aIl vet lis, me ileve constipation aast digesion. 26c. N totice AU vio are indeUboe, the Ibo I oa Deinîsin & Phannenelel gre tequested loçalU& lir. . Kuebbeoe'oStor. or at J. S. Deiina rudo uad sottio aI one. J. S., remaut Conter. ,Mldnight,-2:174 FASTÊÎYT 1STALUON. I -N NORTHERNI ILLINOIS.. No. 414 ln R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 1885. Bred by.Ri H. Pooler, Serina, 111. If you wantj speed and endurance breed ta a horse that has gat It.- TERMS: $15.00 ta Insuré live colt. ^Il mares dlsposed of after being bred. Breeder will be held for senivIce fes. Ail colts ta be eset- tle for soon as mare has faaled. * Midnght va s ireti by Niggev, lie by Plymoulb Rockb2180à, son a01MU'àBlacbbavk 3"là, esi r 944"~a Alé -ie U Ud ingb's dam vasby Slarlgbl (loue) 8:171, su t oU ly Herse 2:31J. secon4 danti(paiet> "Y R=ngPatm re0f Blchitll:191, a. q1:01 IL aheabale han 9:35. Fiord. dmby X "18 'Ailemsnna MmBillcbawb. Mldnight la a fine cce.blaok hanse, 4tanding lif bandes, vowgits1140 Ponada, la vsry' 7beaybnean"d alst uaff lo. He I& a naturel pacet, a ine movet', Md ui a kiud, gaenlie dpaeiiona.' He bo a pooeda mile lu 2.0%,hal!la 1:0, quarerlu :81, a 2:04 gae. oi olts lla eouery covnly ors nearly al pacero, bOra, sud sMooth, Mshov grool ped. Fp. W. SMenvooti, NiduIglil former ovuier, la s ne. enster~saju' Be bua ared s fev oite l insoonti, 'lA 1 ock ttwW ffl1i<uhsm tglalb.the15 liaS an beMl Ibi-yoe.110q~taldawibtla 40 lacebu l. I7 «ibive oanio, » -ovoudesi i olmga oaelsbpliots 1i .Sd BusUUI, =Wh 1- &9-"« :0 te~rdo 940 o0""eoe A uiakj M-111101 i lelmgëa 0 Ur. JO"hnMofride, vito nhm emen 40ek iisé ta abil hbcoutI sdi. et G'ia, f aceda ted 'Uv.U84Joues sd vif., af 01I»er 0--ud"y nt lb. bome of lira. lirm. JouleLiu, of ienlgo, ma" ar piermetslir. sud lira.J. Bous., àshaiort viitrceuîly. John Voder sud famlly &asoMb«Ss Kniggs, of Oicago. visitadist vea bore duriug the peou veek. lit. aud Mrm.Booth, or Trevor. Wl.. ver. aUltabine t t he home ai Geo. Besa0let asiSurda.y sud Bundar. lir. G. W. Myick te baullfylg bhm redmeaebybuilding a lvo.sicri kitcen. Thisaddition vill not cly add Io ltebeauly but la the couven. lauce -Mveon. Dr. AMmbtongsuad vile, former3 of boik* 0o., but xnwov ai Lile Pall% N. Y.Wrlaild J. &. Oîouklead othet friands ber. reonlyj. Tbey veteono lteoir »my te Long Pin., Nebrasa, 1< visil lbeir sons. R«v. Wilbetgsr, ofOChicago, occupled the puipil oo ur ciapel lutsI uday. Tb. atteadauce vas large sud th. sor. mcous vera iuatructive sud sppreciatod hy sU presant. The pastar wv aeter. talned et th. borne ai lir*.E. B. perdait. Our tlovu berna sarnevbat deeerlal slinon a number af aur young mon sook tigrndoparlune. lionday Ueo. Badt« Lyle Uorbam sund Franik Oronbhlte saated for Belolt.Wls., sud' IrvIin Payne eliffLesterurdiok for OU -r W. hopeeach ou. viii ment vltb ti beat ofincoeea. GILMER C. G. Stuali butchetetia. uni1er o calve lamq veek. . Fred Grass visiiet Chicago on huai. nome lut liouday. Ansan Wheeîer vîiitedti u Llbety- ville.ent ataurday. W. Bl. line sud C. If. Kuaxattended SabbaihBSellool ai Dlamoud Labo Itut snnday. Thon. Slroug moveti bis ianilly ad 1personeaffdcte lust lionday 10 the rplace hb.lbas rented mnear Urayolake. 1 The roadal are ln s terrible condition. Farmoeaiae beeu laking their miii 1&01thefactory vllb four-hort san. George, Alfredi anti Bd Grassaa aIl loftachool an acconnai fIhbogie. nnug: of spring vork. Tite ieacber Je sorry t10las mtant. The othor day Bort Smail fontian Indfta rrov bead ltaI maured isr lucheslu length. Il las beanly and bBeri la Juslly preof aiàisrelie. W. ibeer that Bornefinit bave beeu fspeared lu indien Crack. Hawver, va know o! tvo partis bo venst ai. ig sud rturueti vitb smpty baskets. lias Fnaie. . iaee, vbala tetend. ing te Normal Sebool as Normal, lai., lia rocelveil a diploma for compl.ting à tietce yesra course lu lb. Teachera' Eesdling Circie. OUsFate lait these parla fot bis farm lu lininesota a veek ago 1bat lianday. Jusl before leavîna hie vufe preseuted i m vill a 11111. baby girl. AU cancerneti are daîng voîl. Aftor barvepting bis fan crap he .111 rate etur orn 1his flaaiaan. Tht falloving la the percentage of vardsaspelleti cort.ctly, for the manih ail Mardi, Ullmer acboai: Grade Seven- George Gr'os., 99; Alfredi Oros., 97; Bd. Grass, 97; George Thien, 99; Philip Morne. 99; Bennie Ullrich, 990; F1111. Thies, IN). Grade Fîve-Johu GrasS, 99; Fred Klaas, 99; Frank Ulici, 96; May fimai, il8. Grade Three-Head marke, TUlle Fies, 7; Grace Simail, 7; Nora Grass, 4; LeocPUnclh, 4. EVERETrT. Mrn. M. J. Convay apeut part of luti week lu Chicago visltiug ionda and relative«. Master Frankie Gibbons la reported as belug another vîcIlin of ta induse calleti mumpe. lira. Michael Bodinonti apeni Sun. day la"sin returulug la Cbicago on Tuesday. . lira. M. lielody toturneti front Minnesota ibis veob vlieresite bas beau vialting fotrtearly tva v.eba. We are glati te bean ltai Henry Lancaster ho bas beu eik for lte pont tva veeka in vory menait lmproved. Urt. F. 0. Ellsworth*& farnlly arrivet ai Everottftrain Chicago vbsns lbey have beaun sy.nding the vinier. W. are glati la oseIu x limaitaeshare lte bouesomîeesofaour lavu. The hors. market ie gettbha i 11W botter la ibis raglan, iMeura. James Yore sud Lcreaberg e s ellng s gaod AorStasébs veek. Thm ret pienty more good homos for »la 1 $heme parte, belote buylng glve na trial. MILLBUIiI. lit. J. L. Tha la spot os wvon s li. ... Bain bas a sever, sNak ai rboumatiou. Poternfie apaut a part ai tbis veel t"àCtcego. liu" )boit* O'[a. la living witb lira. C. B. couamag's. Tb. WesB .t»Q fl epentMoud"y amIss L diCob caore, of Wankeaghp. vlsiem a.J. W. MSt gover Snlidwy. liee. E. A. liarln, A. l. spaffard -d Roy'Hughee Vote Chîcago vidlIqu FThe buines meeting vill bc heMd et Ill,"&" cceae n Fnlday evsnlsg ef Ma. Brny osnlaable tebeoabeiot ag;;. allr b oo aflned 1 te bomse lir. Palertibltr.o!Kbsa Grandda4M . a licewtiHal, :eo G. Wols ban bit lthe srnploy of B. Bmsding. Goverument tuspectors ver. hors stWin. Wouderlect tbe barbârtei V1Ialing la JoUet. teiueusi'. le" sud gris% Mill la dolin arumsiiagbuinesas. *We noiobe trsffon the B.J. aL lvery beavy ofliste. H. Hilrnaba reolved 1the lumber r o sua]R mmeamark"l lobn Giler sMd vfte rejaice over the strivaof caliW. swn. 1(ra J. C. Neyer vIii swon ereet a Pbarnand vagommskrg shop. We expect ta 8e4 à pièsenger train Lbelves Znr" bsud Earriagboa. ' 7Wm.BUnefin basthlamber on ybis plac for sa addition tae bislous. 1- Cbarley SteSfons hbaSiegag.ed tu vork for F.0. Kukuk ait the carpentor HoyTonne bu asprcebsatisa"l j= in luSely's fondi sndcooil ibusiness lim.E. lie sud dàughier Laurs, vito bave mada msea it 1he meosne id mr better. * Cbaley Saoattebas returuaihorne froan Obl«oo bere holie semployait ban s fonhmrecoived the lumber &ro=enebsr. PFRukkCo., ek The. nez regniar meeting of the Or* 0company viii bu beld the second le Tueuday of April. e n Our. am*rgine bons. sud 3jeula 0. mpled Vitit lt e &*Mon of ame iefluishingvwork. The Zurich brasa baud bas te- orgaied satars la vith nov vigor, aller ashort vocation. built Ibis auminer la place en tbe labo e-for rentlug purpows. The E. J. & E. road bas been carry. lng the U. S. mail of lage between y- bore and Barringlan. aviug I0 the bsd veaiher. MiaAnle. Cinte vel kuavnu t id Zurich ecuizons vwu reoetly nirrled le o Chicago gentleman. Four large cistersare bçing put in thîe grouud ila different parts of the tauta atoupply vatlei ase lu ltire. Meon have ho t t ork1h18 oreet r nloadlng about a dozen cars af toto- a. phone ponsafor the ne. telephous inon. Baerman ilelfer, of Long (Irave, wi11 Ulbuliti a fine rexldeuco on hie. lot on tbe ebatks ai tlIsa suad .111 more bore to tealde. AI. E. Floke vbo hm hobendowu vllh typliolt foyer for no long s urne vs 1are pleauset 1note lasable 10 ho up r- once sogaiu. 9. Il yon keep a dalry if eveuls jmsn$lot 1- th.-item bt"thoeo viiibcs ara *dauce at Zurich l inck.. Hll on Eauter thlut10hInat. Corne sud bave a good titro. Toturiug, ltchiug' s.aley sib erales lions, burna sud acalda are aolhed at eo nsd ptomply hoaied by DeWiU'as * Wltob Esh" Salve, the bos" knovu cure for pile.F. B. LovaU., LAberty- v ille, sud G. C. Eonzauva, Waucougia. etPALAIN E. fi Born, l t, Mra. Neumann SundAy April 4, a girl. l. ias Berthta Eoeelzuann vialleti Pfrienda lu Chicago receniy. e lira. Spect, ai Rockefeller la vlitlng lier brother Henry Kalgge. litra. Millet, of Fairdâle, vlailed a$ Bev. Butcher'a over Suaday. liasLuella Horacbberger, af Burke- follet, vislted Monda boiestiat vek. lira. Shatdile, of Fairvle,, viahttil liher daughter, lirs. 'bas. Nicole, 1recently. Clarence Page la nov occupylng the barber shop formerly ovueti by Mai Gotichalk. 0 Will Umdeustack and al>,ter Rate, ai <311mer, visibetilteit alater litre, C. VoherIlnv eek. WHii Brockvay cammsuced bis datsas day operator lu 1h. place Tuesay of 1551 .00k. Mr. John Euuueberg, oa iPuma Grave. brother ai Win. Hunuehorg af Palailue la vory 111 at preneni vrlllng. ia Clara Svlck returnedti t 1Palatine suaday frum Callio<ala slter a realdence af six muretteslinlbhelaurd or sanabino. Six yonng people Jalned tb. M. I. citnrcb ou probation test Sunday eveniag as the resat ai the recieul revivais hbe. Tbe Young L"des Foreignu Msio. ory Society o! the M. E. churoh viii mk"et tMiss BIaneIL Scbrdlng. ibis Fiday Apil 9. lisrried, nt th. boni, ai the bride, misa Annie Frentni, ai Palatine, ta lit. Win. 0. Srntb of DesPlaines, pastor ci the. M. E. chnrch of DosPai&nu cwabing. The "Fbhuraday Club" a mSal asait or= iaed by th. yoing moed I ofes Iwo M sd a mol vihlbir, larman Go.n*. Weduusday, vh9 bliova boy ta me Ibinga enjoyabi. Fit. Llberary gclety ita a very iaesu g progfrsrai li at neet. log. A wvrndebate on lte quemion Useoleod. -"TJIMat ba Ubolt b. aonn lia eteh ued gauy.. w Jamu Baket eutertainod at bis homo th PAlRas. Balpb MfnUet, A. 0. SIllit. Qu.. Boulier, Nyrtie Smith, OInêt. Lyle snd Ums.Wluet, af obileega, onda' eveaing' aud au Vent inony osa managfl eia. OlmrleeAlias Sot vili glvo lier onuoin lour »Mele mloin l b. ttu- hthe palatine »0pi *IIOsOO. Aj'mil , *W. l inte,. IMMeotcsmm l. popularsceltate ,m itl â o r o y I f tb e ao p tovu 0f Avme usurrd Ibmdesib'ec George J>a* vWho bas beeau cit ek sae imbee pool A' ambwet car yoangeola stleuded the Dom e t Wmi. oLmes lâs Tuu4ay evoniaglit bonar ciMie tés limes 1-1kbirbttbday. 1Ail report s good Urne. W. er. osorry tebehe fftvek of thé demb o f Wm. DPaluel ct Guru,., li. Deustelvus aI oue lim, a reaiden cf lb6 lova ai Grant sud vas on. of tht early setlers of thal lovuahlp. Be moved t1 unee &bous lbiity yeurs Ou Tburay lestthlb.homne oflit. tdvta Brown sud lrilUy, e t Labo, vasth Ibemefa iaplesant gatbenng the oocasion bain« lb. lvenli'.fft auniverasry of lt.etarriage of lit. sud lira. Brovn. Batty lu th. day the Cotà beSsa arrlvtng spendlng lte diomeof tlt m eaaibg @11 figib.Tii vih a yescribe le tbat lit.% anilt.Baamylive te0 ou mauy happy rtinusoai Ieir vedding daY. VOLO. lin. Chauueey Patker aud. son veto Waukefan viaitors lut Satnrday au legal bouinoa. Quatbetiy meeting net unday i the licHenry M. B. churcit. Thora vii be no service lu the yolo eh ureit. lit. William Wood, ai Oak Park, spetusveta tisys bt veek hunting lulte vliliy oIf bLabo. Re anei lit. JleyPaddock gaI canaiderbie Mmre. llasRoso Allen la lmproving alovly. Nuias bum tu Sigva up ber subool. lie ies Fard. of Chicagoa snie.o! lit. C. Dillon vill tenaib lb, remain. ing tht.. mouthe of Ibis I%«M. Oh. commeneeth Ie acbao Ibis veeok lionday, If yon have ever seen a chilti lu lbe agony o! croup, you caiappreclte the gratitude o!futathers vbo kuov ltaIt One Minute Cougb Cnrs nelleves thein 1111e esmsMqudlk4i s bla adminla. tereti. loy homos@lueIbis city are neyer vithout l. FB. Lavrn".; Liber. lyville, snd G. C. Robert@, Wauoonda. April 14 th. Labo Conly W. 0. T. U. Coniarence viilb.abeld lu Liberty. ville. Thon. vilI ho an exeausio session nt 11:15 s. M., aternoan sesion nt 1:30 aud eveniug Îueelug ai 7 o'eloek in uhich theb Good Tomplar. are invîbedt 10taespart. Fbeistilel Presldent, lits. T. (0. Blley, ai Evanston viii pl'oide. Ah. liopea ta meut a large dalegatînfrorn oac union lu the county also ail$hie temperace perople. Corne, Il .111 do yon gooti. Thero have been noverai large fiait eaugbt l lu i.h Lako Ibis iuter. There vas oee hioli veigbod 16 pounds. il vas seul la Chlcaga but net ga tb. presidont af tbe prajone rail rond. Perliape If iihaî msnt viw itM. limIta 17 poundet St migbt bave besa same ludosment for the ptesidonste ca0me sud look over lte terî.itory base. Ws are gind tbey bave lb th.ol vay sud evceylhing la ready for action, v hsv aît S& failli but faib vîitout work in dents. foir Umea'y, tal Oolumbu MemoalMé Obleag, write, uitd1 27, 1816 I«àn Isb pluaihcm"a 1Ihave kwu Dr. O.b od avldl eaal. ami studiesdilgbs« boat. sud mciist auuu iônorin Ciboao; 1 ucitona sd vSf yiui siciau d nrgeon. Cucumber Pc Contract ansd Sad am ai M. B. Celby & Co, Taylor'., F. C. 8mUa Conai bdefovojosup a. W. Bv*ili I F TOUR mQllHI0TM"NM4 mon*s mure. bffll . - FO N AL-e.% u o0 har ln.pruoed kil. cm le est es Conter. esu ego .n C. Lortme. Food ili. Wo viii du oonlm "audg - tisys, Thuratiys sud Uiidj. have a largo nw overn sud Cb mlii 1h51 gninds very tat. G. a. scESNCK& Soa Have Yom; aucin " ebuis ptigéoei aI the iNwurastiagv onim. Spring.Trade.4 2Prairie City Seeders. i Keystone Disc Pulverl8ers. The HmmerSulk~y Plow. The -Rayns 9ulky PIows. David Bradley Plows. jJohn Deer Plows.. KeysoneCorn Planters. Bradley Corn Planters. Steel-Lever Harrows. Staver and AbbotIs Carrnages and Buggies. Fis Bo'.,Wagons and Truc"s. Timothy, Claver and other Field Seeds. Ç.H.Schanck &Son,* LIBETYVILLE, LJOSý ARE YOUB :'THINKINO O~ F .M~tff IF TOP -ARE »OWF l'AIL TO CALL ON ~-WRioWiT & soIN For their. estimates. Close figures glv- Sen and extra fine lukmber. We have a flnely assorted stock af lumber on band and C an supply your wiLntes at any time..- We carry a fiilIlîne f 41rr' had- wïare. '-Our stock of naits te the best-as-. sorted and cheap, _ Y. -'c A FINE LINS Naa.~a~ PiaturePrame. Vol. ~ Dr. CIr Officeo', Llbertj Dr. Office c 1 ta 10 Reaidene Lîbg Di Of fice c lLow t Ciraysl H.F1 R urs 9 4 Dr. F Ournee O. F. E VETEBIN. vo Mle. Dr. mou"s vu Rocki PiA Liber wheu' * gooatla ci', Ai ThA undi R~ hip vili Satu tan Io. botne. corrn. hom. b ay h'dr driver. Brsck 6 j J

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