CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Apr 1897, p. 1

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~ndvpt~iîbrnL Vol. V. No. 27. Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovel'Drug Store mou" a u ITO) i AN l T #olu I. Libertyville, -Illinos Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over TrIggs & Taylor's. -lotji-- 1 to 1 &. M. i t., tandi a. tW 1.m Reffdence on Broadway oppotlte Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. IiutIer'abdg 11011m: s ton i a. n.and 1itou6 p. en.. DAII. *Libertyville, I11. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, OFFICE 1HOUES- t.laA. . ieos anti t'> I" . 1qrayslake - Illnois. H. P.EWING M.D. Rockefeiler, IIM.. IelM&rne. and Offie 2iud or sounih cF P 0. Mhsss'9 A. . 1 go P. J. A 'iv OP. M. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNGi guIMIýnsaoppoiTE i EMMAs iIOTEL 5LDIM. Ournee-------- - - - inota. 0. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETEBINARiX iIRGEON AND IJENTIST. miSSa. ^LUCE DAVIS. eradu.faet Aaia oa"lV vole CULTURE AND MARMOVEV Along Mlwaukee Road. J.1.Henry Wt.terild, tilt. Chicagoi Nerehant Who lately pÉWt«iaqal tilt A. W. Waldo ari napriaing 5.25 acres tg makilg muny Improsennentn tbis spriug. lBrick and <iw>ahfin, si.e- waika art. lîeing llai wihti,wil conuî,ct the. uain rlwelling andi Uc- several oînttbonnes andti barins, a mystetu of vater worka anîl sewers la lîiing put tottlt.e bîuse, andl it 'sill ,loîalt. eAs lit.a Coutry home i-witb ail City improvementa. -Tile farru la wel dralueti, there t'eing rlu-en m>ilî'i of tUa laid, and It Ila a iodel ar inir addition te lî..lîg anexceptioraally fiue country seaàt. C'. H. Avenu ltih ast woî' ipha. 1,.e-, mukiin*,.'he unsai arlug Imîîruve.. mnrnta, andi preîîarirîg for. tile season î.Tf *aoalng andi plutting, Mr. Avertu la ou the. old tiggle frsi, auid 1l meeting vîtil very grod anceea in the. b.rne pasturing anti bordnig t'idess, at'ly asited bty iii mons. turing tht. past wlnter bis barus have t'een i, lled tu overflowng wtlî horsea r.,inChic'ago, anti Mr, Averîli freiuenitiy ,riveh lto Lihertyville blibi nciire ut the --faut nus" lau i e.'pilig. At tht. Viella arin ev-rythiuig is as mila, i Khlp.itilwp ,,uî,l tlîn. Dwtll. luga. barî.s antift.nces il kept looklng nier, Witic vegîtatioilajiut spiugilig luto Ilile. givea ene the lmpraasKion that liTe un tilt Wels fiaimni mnal bi jlesuant. A uew botel ai,! hal tailtDasy lit.peak.'. progrn'ualvi'i,safor koote Bros. 'T'he #)lit ereaîînîry ouîîtie corner bas ileeu rentnodn-ri uIadditioîn, rmade iii) tht. u..rtl midi-, anti a vî'ry îretty buiiilng ln the r.'slt. iDavidi hp"ar. ia to e t'aprriretor ut theil,,tel uti terperatî.'e aak.on. "éDan' lerrirkin aalwuym t'n-iy, lbut malt now j4"lanuore tlîan iîtîy. Dan Is always lu tht. Jeudi, hira corn, us out%, is huy andl everythinîg on hi. arm ilabahu'ao! ail cretuton-mo hie gaya. tBut wlilnîIlii' su thaut onîîthe' Herrick faméta, aulit (ouvla lin-rd of sectionî of the c..uutry. 3 o in arit Dr. A. L. VRA VIS. y... d,lars ît'a n.. joie. mou" ML I.n.sM.. 1 vo a IL" 7 "a i . M. Wilt.ny.,n iit tihe Luc'e (arn,, y.,,, special attention pai to te ii tid as in,-Iy ail.u Iipuc-d .lary taammtoorChronie Rhennaattam. faim as liliaiîoisoastaH. 're ti î,,,,i,' btter w.itii3'auîirnitlun.ut tio- Rockefeller, - Illinois. Wrrlstir, andi,i I. u.try ai,,i .gg'. ly > i.I.X t >-Irl li'. a 1- PAUJL MacGUFFIN, arîi.t.î.Ji,, ....til.ý,- ,cl AnoenaudatiCoi..nall,>r ai Law. in. r '. t..g1% .- "..ming f1i NOTARY PUBLIC iii.' tional ark that i.,.it a tr,-a.t tjt..- ' c . .lr i ., @* aal ation given C' leti 't- tm, itî,-i. .1-1t,,t nuiritie,.i î,ik- sudnt ,nvpyattt'itaK. 1itgiaahu- Olcica W-TE LtA91PCOt'INTi lIBAK jwatie A.'n . . t,,t.., Li.brtyviie. Illinois. wiýe'ni,,rî tlîro; ti1ij t>a' 1,ng t,. o'.1icngr.,, r W. H. MILLER. TONSOHIAL AUTIIIT. Whou yn vaut a ean stavi- ,ora good hair eut cuit on "lî. N-HOtIorE11A5DW.FC.inAli on 841 rail',MII. . , î 'lier.a -s'.rr 'la) e,. ningirzl n.rdrî,,rrg, Auction Sale! Tht. nhlritsltnt.d l al.nt.11-l1.%,l ,'i artr- Saturday April 17, '97ý ALL TROTT 8. Ah.iallaln Ham .tly H. 1,1,. diIt... Rbaw. lail,,lIan . luIlIa, .t Ian Io. ille n M. t4 yes old. b ,uia.t,, Hamn- hl-t n o: t. Lue a î»i" t(,,., wru'. borne b.' ivr 0ne,. .j t>le.l s«W. , rs. L[Abot *5.64»M I % y t.-.tniate. ty Cspti in<..d: Dur., lrmac. ty art. &M art<liai, .). PIler 7 Y l.1.1 y T'i l,,citfa i l'y - Thyi'oua Hapi.> lu ,> . iamn- Mb.lin 1 ii; b) 'al>iw.rt,s Maî..r Luei. 4 ya. y mm , f B4ni,.lîjîiDan, Iflsn M. DamlenytM aM. 1r.1. ,r-, by ar 1 -y b Mîler. gruY 1,si,.s,.I.t".i,îv driver. a mailIt>t 4>'rs A-lt.t, AtIal,,,Ièd PACEAS a ugiy.'arsould. tb) Iron. ba w(el 04p"wil I-k id, l' t'yLoiîniNsrdisn-No. isl. ,.'.~,.~t~5li5IlDli 4 ers n. 11 »h uto!Happy lauan. MaOdUEt. %,ltunlut*, uf Ai.e"d Witt] b~slà'.ty s.o of'Blue Bull. ~V'5id wagl. tplugy utta. ut mmies. ..l... - à-'. it k di. , t. E , w e , Laie comuity. If the- rural c 11 ,t., c,,uitiLake- a ,drive" ver tàih'.c-h-at thicruttghfare til*'3-w.,.,h r't l..r,ýg deluy gruvu-ling ail thce r,'a.l'.i the coitry wicb w. oil ru-' i t in gu 't 'aviug tat ,I'cuuern.,i. GILMER Stii al. wus a t iieAtg.. vi.itcni.î.tI St urtiuy. Idarti u is- ash l it I.'? ' i lasi Satarday iion sru-a ' r-d At".coist'a,- 'a1-i 1 . 't" Chiciago.t at a-k ,'k -sic'. bis tain. iect ia.1 .ity A. 4.. Stîin,ar4mancdili'.ix.tcr L., yrank Gn-ki.,f litai.,nid Lak,, j ited!fri.11lS in tinur liat SNî.jia.y. wir,. iîîîý8-c'iîg and i am iy. ,of Lake- z.îri, vigiteul t lru-til-iî,s i't Sun- .iuy. Angu8t t'.îhvnnaiandcà.11lii, ii ur didi hîsinî Liiertyville last yeek 'lhnîrdry. John Dotielson und clwife visîteti (rien,!,in i lt-rtyvilî- last aeek W.dneday. 1 Fred Tlîies anulbils tac, sours. Fred anti George, touia trip t.tChic-agou ]at Moliay onu tsiness. Frank Thlomnas maide-twîî trips te. Chicago. laat week witil Iur8en.file lbas tieni, t'.îrding the past wnter. blra. J. llitt,-r left this pis...- aat wo-unesi,,y for Iowa vier.' ii' vili .Pendiltilt.suinînnen iti her lrtin,'n lu- law. A. . Scliw,-rrîa,îî,INla gent f.or Peter Sannes iglt spriim gandl la'vy vaguons. Cal i a a mee iii.,Icfr lircliasing elmewlerp. Frnk I'lric-h visîteuft at Arligt,,u Heigilts lat ltitî.iîy. fHe bits h lneîn- gageaI t,,g put oip then new mnet marier. at Long <rovi' for i'riry Leuik,r. Tîneri-'awllit e tic reular ainuial si'hool uî,ti eît tiec Il ini. - thool bouse tuuOruW -atir.ay, April 17. Polls vii le op~en. hetwe'en ,tilt. Ionrm e! Mj andi 9 pW n. Ladies c.ume ont and. exercise y.tîr rigit of franchise. R. D. 'Cooki as aNjigt reeIve(, mainît sample grain and îuiru sielf lihudera. Tlhey are'iT tht. maàniftntre anti are boauties. ('aIland soe. unIf .on are eeîtenîplating tht. pîreilase e f oeeo! these nmachines tMIla it.s.în. Il you bave ever seen a ,,hilni ln tht. agny o! croup, pou eau appreclate tht. grfttde of mothera ilho inîw tirat Oaa Minute Congh Ci*e rellevenSbtiri Uitile lles as qucily UAs it la adminîs terdt. Mmenhahomes nu ths ety ara neyer withont ut. P.B. Lovxuni.;Liber- tyville, anad G. C. Robet, Vaxooptia. Liber'tyville, Lake Coufltya Illinois. Friday, April 16. 1897. Granit as a Peacemaker. GOood Ronde. The. honora aiattentiouns i. owerid ltllevln.g thaï o"g.s..irondsi.agita. upor, Geral Grant daring bis tour .of tior' sbinld bc 'encourage.! andi tiat tilt world are, perhaîa, luue<ualeil lie none are su Intelleuted les the farmerm, tilt. tîiat..ry of kirîgly ilosptatIty. ,Hie w. prolpos o.nmeninignet we, tu wa,, re.'i'lvei as. tii,,great. Rutiliail tromewedk t.', w.*k, for a Uieî, est suletier of is titne,'so.Ias tilt fore- articles wutten liv farmera f rol)n mont living Amn.rieau. lHon . Joiln varions sections of the.. otiity, an.! ltts'uliYo.ung, Who) aceli<mpanied Geel. alîcît COMMuni'atilns, wilim nelmnt Grant throîîghmoit tile familles jonrney, no& exooced 1004e v ord; andîlie igne.! graphically reealis lu theilt.a.y Ludien' by wrter. Aloenmiinnlatl4)oihould Hume, o lis lîî il-lie Maillgo an asloreac il snia t 1luter denuts: the. relc'ptions. <lnuers, letem,i tilan TîteiNday te Insre publication1 halls, et(!.. givetîlie botîrtieof tilt11,8lima tint wei-k If aflr arceîià apisltlin tu,, trionstaAneri.'ai. It ia saliS thi.tMr,. t'rnider tilla Mibjet intetlje y,i Yonng I)ringa t.u llit a fa@& that basn inrely the. iarmnt.iii1l, an.d '«,invite r toii.' lt pa'.iug attention' tient tlîriu'Who bave -lideas" thant (.eneral Grant s'as Instrurntal triar- 1ufne toutîresent thit,î,throngil tilt. rau.gng tii.- ternes o! a treaty of pesae 1colmmua (if tt.e lENtFR.t.t lmtweeiî China andiJapain, whilcl pre- verted an ontlreak of war betweecu OraW Lots. tilose nation m. Harry Cuntie, was l,.rn indoir a luecky star cor fete dîcIeed ieh.. ho.îl. lie Take t Along. IConstale, îor aomeuhellg or other, as1 If yole are goiug go mure tila priliglile has flally captlured that luch d.,n't fîrget to order your palier désîred office snnd agaitiat adiverse. <'hiangeti. 'fice test way ta to Moud acre atuce.H.e-ud13vos postal cari rr cati atoont oilice and etoue- ne.H, ene 3 oe gîve notice of tht. change. Itiun. f.or til. o<îive as did George Lyu,-l, and portant te give tht. old atidreosa as tilt.t il strange lu ltfelf as larry new .ue. If do not recelve yourkuows, of 200 votes pledged tu ileu paier regîîlarly end a notil1.cation of- eî,uîclnitncd ii.p.iit the fart tr, tue .office lit once. loo lcinhne6 ht oiia prevarlcatlonn'. iowevei, as provîdeti South Dakcota In Sprîngtlma . ty law hie drew lots gatnrday nlght to decitit.wbo was wio, anti now lbe bas fa eiotiled wth verdure green an.! the oMce handcufed andi shackleti, spoteti witb the beautital bine andi vilit, prairie flowers. toklteos Of-ur- ,lita bis for tour years. art ai i hie that fair country b o'Vilett 11eplioseled the. cilhutren of Intaet In u-. Prom Crippla Cr.ek. ocnt Utiles. Andtilke unto thaât landi Aller tht. bg ire la Cripple Creek, 1 .of plenty, South tDakota outrîvaîs its touk a vt.ry severe miel ansd trieti many ister tates .of the. Eut In tilt prodînceta remediles with.iutb llp. thet.culd only of its s,,l, awu, cltivateI anti bar. becnming more sedt. Aler ning esnted Iin lemsa io.'andi witb great«r tilree liotties of Chdmherluiu'a orypgb -asî- than in any (Atlt.r poîrtion of tilt. leme.Iy. hotte the ebugil and cold IX Initial Statesa. Anti s.we aay lio me, andtuin iis hîgli altitude tt takemaa y,,, tiat îîw ismtt.e opportunnty of a mrertorlons cough remedy to do any 1 ifetlme touo Went anti buya farm." goot.-G. B. Hmunstrao%*, e.tltor of the F.rdeffcriptive Iliosaand! atIdreis Daltl, Advei.t,n41.Forsale t'y P. B. <fao. H. IuArroiti. G. P. A., Chicago, LoVELL, Libertyvtile. asti J. R. Bla m. BLI Fa, Gurnee.., WiIl Propably Close. A Iaat effort on tht. part of thi deal Park people t0 get a remplie falledtu i tiie Wiscornain legiflaaire Tilîra"tay. Th,.lr pie& was bâeet on what anyone not Iictiateti weuld thînk was thoir interest lu conuty fairs. Thfis was ouly preteune, beconaethetlt.evidenre.of tilt trotting horne mern hefore tilt coin. mîttet. was nt.urly aili efct tbat poo)lrrioms anti rnnulng meets were sure desthI o troltirig raceus. It la sald t'y tilt.Wlsconsln pupers tîtat titere ha not been an effe.tive niove againia tis bill mince il»s itrocliltlin, wbielî ha not 1,etn a anea act ortmlle nuder dillguise. Tilere la no doubnlt that the govenor willl agu tilt. till andi tins efectulsily potuan endi to Ideal Park. To Our Correspondants. With lucreaseti ajace we are luaa position toacacornmodute more ceuntry correspondt.nce, and whithe here-to-fore ve badf been oblîgeti to "crowd ont" mucil teirable matter frein our cor- reapondenauowing te laci of! space. we are now desîrous o! havlng cacil anti every town and locaity lui Laie county rrepresented h. nur roînimna. Senti lu your uommunncationa asn early as posai. ble. As thlaisa couuty papt.r"we are partial tu onT ceuntry correapoutients. Eu4eavor te maie jour itenia St once terseansd centplete. anti glean from yoor particular locality "al the news ail tho.time." Helpns maie tht. lap- eaNDENT A wet.ily aetrapaper, tu ail the. Word Implea. Don't Fait To attend the ball ai Herman Meyt.rn. Hall Montiay night, April 19. Gooti muslc anti a'gofld time guaranteeti. Everyhody coule. Dent forge&, fnezt Montiay nigilt, April 19,. * "NOTIIING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS." * with thits issu,'the> lst.Et'Eii>EsNlr Iaq.(J sm ix toitaearen coltimu «Inîarto, wbleh sîi lî.'ter enable utan t.'ope wtlt isalm'iut îbenorneraIgrowtil li ii .oirtry .ixtrivt.. an'] t... i,tia,,. witil a greatty îneremmed sîîlîsription ligt, 4that ligh standiardi cf<-ieIte' e, tre.lîLd jt in n i piei'y aN a ihumre Il twîlI le jinthi iftrre a'. in thé- patt, our cnlcavor t.. a --psp.r nt 4tht e f.e, avorng no..lirtiviul.r pnlitl.-al faction or party. To finit ont whiît 4o.îr warit to kn4ow au([ tien proctire it froru authoritative sources la thet * î>li<-y t.. whi,'h Wl) adlbie'. It ha. ileen oir, lîlrp" os. . make tile INDEPENDIRST tfii,' liêst wesiy pap'r publsilti in Lake Connty, Und it in desirable tilongil 6 liot ess,'ntîal. it lie the. largent. t.. maintain tilat endi. Titat wc have s,u'red fot only a veVy large entuber of suhscrilers. but a t tl,,mtliat appeala t. advertigs as d,,es no, otiler weekly lint in Lake C.onty, INl attested I.y the generotus adlsertiming patronage wth wliclî we bave heen 4 fUV(,red. 'lhe I15OENDE'NT will c'.ntîne t,, warrant thle liberai patronage t 4 whicih lias tie, aeeirded itl it.e paNt hy acvertiserm anil subscriera. By * Skeeplug everlaétii.giv Undt ..ergetically ut it we"p'ltpose to, exet.l.t 6 Standing as it docns witho.,t an eqîrul ln Lake Couinty. having attined in five 4yeara s liat olîler eon.ternp.raries have falledt , accomplinhin l a quarter of a 6 (entiry, natoi'ly. tic liest 118t of!,wrilier.4 andimoRt liberal udvertliig 4 patro.nage 01 ai.y weekly publiet'.uî.n in tht. county, < balelty the' rbara,tîr Unad, ex.eI*etnce of the palier> tht.treENr) ucR.T bila fuir er, anocther yî'ar t', ex. t 4 eeu unr funemlt iî.pes andi greatent expeitatiins. T,. oir friendsand,. patrons we are grateful.t William Daîziel. William. Daîziel whose death occurc-d t bis hoîme lu Gnunte on Muret' 31. IM'7, wus a ploneier. Mr. Daiziel vuas lioruiti Ayrshlre, Scogianti, Nov. 29. 1819. Ht. vas marriedtatoAguca Campbell May 25, 1942. Together they canne t) Lake Couuty lu the fall o! 184:3 aettllng near Fort Buil wlere he restd.îti for twt.nty yt.ara andt ten moving htlt.e tevu o!Warren vhere he cotinoeilta hosiealanutîl thet ue1 of hls deatil. Thoe wera born te thbm tilirteen chîltiren, of vhnm neveu are atil living anti attendeti tue fimenai. James andti Mthaw Daiziel realde at Hobarnt, Iowa, alaselira. Biarbiara Thlorn, Mn@. Jane Faujo at1 watseia, MI., lira, lunette Notting- baut,, lrs. langaritte Hooi anti Gen. Daiziel resîieiu Lait. Cotanty. Mr. Daîzîi vas a minuthat bati a gooti worc!d aa mliefcor ail vitam be met and l v I)illî.eved in giving a ililpiîîg baund ta thoat. vho, iytded, aid. illa memony yl ever be gîecn luisl chiltiren', heurta !fon hismany kihat act atibI aiistatt 70]p lu tart- ing thein01onthteirondi o! prospenity. Bey. J. N. Lester, tut Wankegan. preachitisan inpreaive at.rmou.ufront t1 Cor. 15til ciapter, after whicilbis iremalus vert. laid ho rest iluthe Bpaldlng ceimetery. TAie large anti- acs vhich atteateti the f anerai anti elbeanerous floral offrlua shovati in whal bigh mteent bho vas beid VOLO. Granilpa Roslnîg is quite sck. Mia" Rose Allen la lnproving lowly. Mr. John Roinga ubîildinlanomle botter. lira. Vrnnm, of Chicagou, la vsiting ai P. G. Husona. Mira. tosing bas a Une lo.t ,trimmed ilts reatiy for Easter. Tht. Vole, merchanta are gettinîg lu their stock of sprlng gonda. Thet. ater, o! tiie Cath,îllc cilurc inl Fremnont Conter visite«! thet Vole taigtari lesat anntay. Mnnday Schorl andl preachlng ut tht. regular bour In tht. M. E. chnVcil udt Siîn.ay atternoon. Tilere la quite an attraction.itulMr. E. Rlcbardaon'ai store. Al go te ilear the gramaphoet.tali. latigil anti sing. A few of tht. farmer.. in ibis usigh- baboloti comin.ed plowlng Moutiay. Those wbo piove. lat (allare aeetilng. Messra R. Paddock aud ttanght Bron. are having excellent inck i h their, linilý s.Ecihbave tetween ffty anti sixty. The routi conîmisaloner was out lat,. veek wlth tht. roudstacraper. Tbae hati sIx borsea go trav it anti four mioiltg manage ItL Tbey "othtit.ruts fllet up anti the roals are lIntach botter con. dtition. They are ao amail thut thet monteu- atîve persons take tilei, they are no effecti#e that tile mont obtinate casas o! couistlpatlou. heatisehe andttrpui Uiver yilhto t hein. Thalla why De. Witt'@ Littlo Rarly isersaraikunvu as tbe fanions 11111e pis. F. B. Lovutxa., LAt't.tyvl,[ anti G. . QBEE?î, WaU. The" AfUr ùss rIbL - LEITHTON. <ats soving a begun lu thia locallty. Mise Mattie LIIwvasil Chicago last Montiuy. Mr. Jno Krncknian was in tht. city ast Tbnrsday. lira. Frai Gosailer vas a Chicago visitor lasI Tnesday. Mir. Clarence Bock la voriiug ton H. Helfer Sonthl of towu. Mn. T. J. Docit.ry madle a lying trip to Barrington last week. Chas. Buttenilelti ant in. Cooper were leveling tbiinoad bere tat Mon- dey. Mous. Wm Meyer anti liobt. Libbty varso anong Chicago visiter, lent Tuenday. Miss Aima Wetermau, of Apakislc, vas thea gnut of ber friand Misa Matite LIUI test Balurtiay anti Suntiy. Tramde ou the boit noati bas increasat ço a couiderahie extenti judglng froin thie amount ef trains nov rannulg. Thara yull bo Easter service et the M. E. obureh t ai Bamonti Lake ou Enter Sandty,Aprtl 18, a flue pro- grsm bolng araugoti. Ail ara cortiiuly welcome te attend thae services. Bon't shlow jour longs to, be impair. ei t'y tht. continuons irritation o! a cough. It taesler topnsveoteonsnm. tion than te cors IL. One Minute Congil Cure takes early wiii wrd off auj fatal lung trouble. F. B. Lovxa., Llbetyvillit, anti 0. C. Roaam.a, Wau. cýunda. Dangers of the Orp. Tib ra pileedanger fo IcA La Gnli la ai lOu Maaa1l ,asaM: mmaa AT w~ Carpets. llatting, Rugs Grand Spring Wool Ingrain Carp'ets 38c t6j Pro Brussels AII-wool. Filling ma& with warp. Worth 85c. Our Sale Price., Body'Brussels, Bea8t Quality 65 t0j Chjnese andl Japanese Matt'g 12J. 15,20 and,ý Floor Oil Cloth, yd. wide Linoieums1 AT WVN Cor. (lenesee and Washnln WAUKEGAN. TOW N ELECTIONS. Offioeret Ecteti ln-Varlous Toi;in- Tht. foUlowIng table shows thie cakndidates electeti for the resisectîve offices as lndîcaead, ln tac varions townshila lLke Couuty as thie recant sanunal touun elections. lu Grant therit belng a tie vote for cleri, lots were caut aund Mai Stoffel vas electeti. tu Libertyvhlle thora wuaa île vote for Constable anti Harry Coter was tilt.snccessfnl cotestnt ulian lots were cat, lu Newport the e tîaight Bepublican ticket wsu electoti, but we are unable tu, obtain dailuie returna froin eltiler Newport or Bouton Townships: AXTrO ME Supervisor....... .... A. N. Tiffany Town Clerk ...-------C. X. Vaulpatten AKasssor ..... ............ Bock Collector.....John Cunninugham Higbvway Commisalon»er. . Dagid Welcb justice* of tht. peace Thon. Wilton P . L. Bouivell Coînstable............... Wm. Duke Scbîuîl Trusteet........... Tho&. Qrata lova Clerk---------Emory Adamsa Asenenor.. .......... L.A.GiliDoi Colleeto ............ .... A. O. Dary Ilighway Cemisaleoner..J. 0.Bnker Jnahtlct.s of j E. K. Mooe 'cle-#C. W. iHamilton Conaitables ... Frank Prit"h j lex Tweed Scilool Trustes. .ý....John nner Town Clerk ..... E. A. icke Amsemor ......... D. P. IUt)oga Collecter.......... . .illua. Higbvay Commisloner Nic"olsDaer Justice@ of the. Peace D c. Wllnay Conatabîsa .......îP. A. Mimiey j John C. School Truatet.. HB. Schneidei J. O. Whitney Town Cleri.......... M. J. Rauhi Anseasor ...... ....... Fred Nirschuer- Collectiir........... . Wm. Paddock Iigiway Commisaloner. Chas. Mller Justies o01thtit.Peace P. H. Plaggs jJ. W. Benntett Conostalles JonuWelcb John Brasai Town Cieri . . 0. IB. Wbtmore Amaims.r ...... ........ B. Straug Higilway Commisloner .......G. F. McCoiloughb Justices o! the. Peuce J.* R. Brachar jC. D. Wilhur Consab.e R. a. Bond CouatatîlesJ . a Gray ricilol Truàteet. ..... Henry A. Marabi 13rELDi4. superviser. James Andierson, Br Town Cierk. .. ...Sainuel C. Orr Assefsor .. .... ... Wm. Attritige Collector ........... George Fraser lllghway Comminaioner .Jos. W. liait Justices ef tht. Peuce JJamesP. King jJ. W. Bigenran Constales a........ FrnkGenoe Orrin D. Goes School Trustee.... .. John J. Couneli LIBRIaTTVILLU. Town Cleri..........W. C. Tulgga Assesr ...... E. W. Parilta Collecter............. L. B. Bhack Justices of tht. Peaca j 0. E. Cirurchil 'WL. Bergborn Constbles t Bannis Limhenry Cous. lea Harry Cater SBchol Trustee.........-Ch«s. Keirl Poundi Mater ........... Hrami Lusk FItEMONT. Supervisor............ C. P. ThoS» Town Clark .......... ...HR. C. Payne Asseer.......... .....A. G. Ficher Collecter ... ý... ....... Frank Dolph Higb way Commiaulî.uer ........Audrew Wsguer 'Sustinsa of tht. lie .j E z P« i ~C. P. Tironi Constables ........ .1 Asa Joice jJohn Winlg lichool Trnstes............. Ira <m»t Town Cleri ........ .... C. C. Gegmut Assessor .......Fraucia IL Tripp Collect ....... John M. Vweiaal isbway Commîmuleoner. -Pied StsIrohl Justices of hePO Ob.eto 1juies o! l Towan Cle*. . Amemant. Jluties o1 et Pd conuables.... Sicinol Truste..ý Toun Clark S uicem et i ! CoUa8sble...., TownCok... Assm...... HIghway e Justice of thari J i. wmwilf> Joen ooI onAien lo a,4! ctu la"b sia ous hi&d te Mmie DuUe f adiloJutic e, t'y Mr. Lapw*I bhm theac pusel na= 1 the pro.pernlý.- Tira youug p1 et tire 9Prea Aaveemeuu< A got pl andi you et exorcIsesdsudlI will appiar. - The=kl' beon puihs andi bashW' Uvlng ru prove te hoe&a, Our lum %'s pltcb et exagloW viren loe be «=rbi 1 ut a MIL'

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