fl'ER i ïq te Win e vau omid iwitaibI- b hieo 0 ý gsk" "icyu rpluay up FMcushg w bettc çà» 0"ali *ad*, met 1i iatiee&" the lttie ehlIt Iay theenitis liiI es______ beatitul, vîi hthe *mile f beaven ,ue ber il.an sd ieiding la the vazosa engres ber preclou* gUIfttht Rasterilly. i DEST Or THtE YEAR. %I W ],noer s. olidaw sea. ed anti li I )Oul*itfulAssoctiolns. 1 - ASTER le more de-9 lichtinllainIls a&go-« edations tbau auj other holiday seamon 1 I ots s perlio aifcap-à ventionai rnornlag.« Il le a revIval tramx traditional deprem- sîop anti gonr. It ebens tht maring ai ~ ~ -. tien. It revets tht le - unelting hude ai lic jouandnof ha ie man iaitb ad prom- Ti aallatheauqb i dIffus in dmnane frose autma Stihhlvlug *ad inter Christmnas bell dur& .Autumuzel boa"* mark lie eMd bedsWa et lic barrait, vib"auI it@ulebavet -beau galithoi ud M t etitude le a- pu ,. esset tor evwy giftIt Pravfideene 'te Mt» W&M. a&Mhnd. Tht ele 0elaqP& tî.Rftoiu U' le the sole accupalimof et htmd. 53*8151 l- tnths ma>' hogatbettImtrouexpuil. bo ieuifl e Ip friît le gatheret imthe Mlb.oeil SBut l iu enatmnevery huez as e à Mf l thn fmet le Inepîreti hy a bnetlatige that lbe ' anis-'8 hais et produef s eftht je.r bave bMas gati- i bh, MNa. erot, tiat ts tnJaYmsntleare ckImetlaI h. ame m i s fugitive heurs, pporlanitiem, avat@ e tienandouilem»onsthat ai tbhieb lb cmeluetifor got or evl, bave, hocome a* blssant et Ia stethe unrtturttltg past. tmm». batexperiences uith each relura et tht son ta > lu Selishrit anti ai tht raineansd data at ne . ot e belhr appoiuteti tint. It brinsa vernal sunehine. aies anti ors. Itlas ceiebiated tiez te as te by eofferingmet laties. by gayety lu at- hm' HO gave tire, by testive dleplay. by pli the gaudy 04 4" hOPuc etvard semblance. unatblh the duy- Uns Nigi, liMM qirluget the eart cianofthbbc aaou la U tbfé -9 Thle Chultlanlaeti Easfci vlch the an. 6Ia a worl celebratee le a Whrliuspratioi et MI, VWM- tuan phlloaophy, reneveti. reinet anti MrT ehhenealîsetiby lbheuiuences n'blcb pie- ob* bili ct, 009"4tfrt t b. trugie ersuts an calvy .5 &IMMt ta ui trou their eshblimie conclusion. Prom thJ~le ecailleat tna trbt mn hezan teatutiy fte màdR"W the'vend arount i hm anti detj lits maul- bd n utIMOte frelations the apring vu. sanctideti as boa - lslgthe perliodetftht jear tbeu lie vlgor et ?le; cI utest uture e rative tec inet vas displaj- t 10 l4" lWy. & very tomu et auent mytbeiegy atm; FIDU 15.1 ecolase thlicvernal equinaz as bbc point 0siM.tbIles etofrejuvenslien toi lie tarld of vege- tanihP,1 table anud animailite. Every vinti oi mi UMo = aeng liaI blew anti every tare that "IW hmot II 0 . n e ereareti s e couvrceet &MM I X4eh.'l e vital esergies lu production anti 'buImusgrti. »Vtat Froms lieue beatiful pagmn elef s te b t-IU 4W h1wheatitul et i Cris" blle thbb ~ItC2Wb e haug as et ol oent ner phenomenai ~aff a m *It von a ameilevolullen tram beathea obiletbo" to teChied»atca iuhe t wbas transition et1 othat thtbW«efais. but n'as"Omnt llfe vme eely saunatitil as tral tate ebeanty anti la te acgaoe boâes. et tuti. Coleid"getiecrlhtithe illuameVai Mabadeseftoens ofe cleai baletes: 4% n'uM al -W telilbie item.etfaneust Ports. cn, M* ieu- asfar iesacles of ou lgls, S Tht pover. the betty and tht maje.ty "Ol, fr '" nt atdeither haufs la daIs on ple mesu- Orfoeust, by slow brook or ptibIy Pgug pv'miOr chassm. or wveri ieith--eilbiear lav0dimanceT# lAv.eolouger la tbe faitb et ie.. N "-la place ft lisse tatebc bethea la- sges the set reltIoa beSuht resllima et - et*8 etl ngue a"i till.The aid Ictinonf thle ~~ ~~sth daW ardtaoetisudd imepitereti' 1'b * rie ucceetilth le goupdloe tUb e :riétea«Il mauthln-ef ~~ es ~ pis um tIcSC curiIt, Ofethai- meme thichster day end le assoca- bines eovy. P*çan phillesopiers anti posmete viachet Ioly the ftancls»cti neus UP~t~et Mei.- Ch"« tlu hilepy reahemîïi - ~Wis teproffuiest depthe nof*8 e ttlisaandi -- aI- It reltes bath te b utpadthtie lwte.. Isineminimmoce anBd a pieul- be. It nanimeliethé M»«"eti tu aoe ms lh ie bis îet ail tUn y«nnte vlth pîstahie plume. The mamieoe dlsbes coohetile enarmous. Bgga téinta part of U aihli paatlme. The rmgluas servires aredevant sand impresmive. la Meti lailal tht great festival et thc yeur. la tic City et Meu"c the popula tion 611 lie treebe andi th biis, .twb," reemble the malt beautitul gresJe pie passlug esch other La tht strem t tre liovees vh tb thir aIuatiolas.. Banda dis- courut steet rmlcsi, andi theteil e gereis abanduentltethe dellgts oethle feti- val et thoîr "unuday of jey." Au AerC- the W- sonla ebtret renerally but qulttly. Pruenta are es- ohanuget, egsasd levers arm given a premiînent place, andthei chanci services are unuusîal>' impremeive. Ifthli Amern- cane bsd suy specliuse for tht festival In a varutly vay tbey mlght desugnate t as tii. "ieasbof bats&" The féminine por- tion of the cammunlty vear net bats; accerilgta othe ancieut tradiin liaI te ho iacky au tht jear. semethlns net must be vain en Ester Sustay. IN JOYOUS GNEITINO. Ote th@t' Aie, Wcauight viti Si. The caarton ofgvins Zonter aite in an lhi « lisA. fot'Men goa"ipl cari eentte fMenti e scmuted su clent recegnibion ai the day. But lte card steilet I nto a inlet, tht legaet lut. abhokf, and novn, t bnohbas sougbt the coMWjals ipai r eruandi andry ar- ticles ai a dItIneictiý eminlne character, and titi tieni proceeda te, organise a Christmas atltt he enng of cprlng. lVlth a llght debmtet mieteven Chitnias qad New Yearpimreeutau pmumonster a setEàt effevnga. 'Tht eards anc delate tiesignanantpriuilte In ceiyimg. 1Vccetieuunea- cretpfinsl tbrongh the onuy chaanuti open ta It mui- feeling itatîf lu groupe et chickeus anti pIetnres of rebbils au carde deslgntd ts- peclally tai chiltiren. Tht eggohell veariouely deceratti. la ubiqtîitoum, as usuai. The decoration ut eggmhelis le not no diffiuit as itlooaks ta oet familier only witb thelr tragilit>'. To prepare tbern, wah tht shelle frt vith vinegar andt hen vltb soda anti vafer; puncture s noail hale lu each end anti bet eut thetcontente. NMake a solution- ai panter of parie anti vater. thîn enugh ta run eaelly. anti 01ithteabtl hait! tull. uclng a imali paper iuntil, then iusert thetw taend* ot a piece ai. narir ibou cuti continue tht Ollng. It tili take about tuent>' minutes for tht later to barden. Then ire the egg a aiug vitb gumu vater bu mahe tht clai take, ant it la ready for decoration. Goemansd duck eggs Olcti vîdiplanter et parls, prettiij peinteti sud arraugeti lu a netf ai colareti ctten n-ol In ont et the litie Japaueee baskets that ma>' ho Iurehaseti tor 5 or 10 cents, mahe mons aita toi chiltiren. Authlng that le juat a lttie eut et the ordlnary le acceplabie t Rester. Plie. tographe mouteti onbits et tinti centi- boardi or trameti lu iellet hite rMes prmtltly decorateti mahe nlisactery pie. ets-i giron te the rigt people. Aua ases atetopbe. 'IOs Bater day. tha sija s»ema. Net iainby gurus andi bats anre mea. à tragrasce .vaettht brameInstillé orf vmite 5 " anduL Wb"@ pâtIsa le sica.. the fountXié ~ Nture revives, sud maids ptay; t bave ne heail for ml of that- Tht biece bas coleld my Buter bat! Outoao6e for etueries. The eine cf Master cuslome Onds tic rentraliIdes lu tht tact that they are the autcournof ai ghtetu centuries of religions ceai, snd tht concentration of genuuansd enthnslaem lu art, science, poetry anti itaring ai every sortEasater le a crym, tallînation et tht hope expressatIi ts oemu observances. teiiverance ftonm deatd,.fanudeti on tht cfory ai tht great Teacher oftNazarth, cuti carryli gje>' anti lite mb otht deati anti dtsotats the- in that luntht dcvi agesbeidth le torld lu dominance. The festival of the couilal tht hlghet anti greateut ofa ahtht cere- mneaifEatertlde. Walter (to Caek)-4teakforan ant Gent dont tant It rat, non he tio'l vaut It burl blacb. Cook <anmnly)-le that n'hst be âzîdi Waltr-No, net exactl'. I ashet i hbot be tantati It. an' he saId "medlum."-Spare Mo- mente& P~ATRE . 5 ýA35TER?~G - -~~ Swatq S aItn 4~.~s 01 reh- et a les.slbi ,a Nuader Mca, assauat Vameu-.Staglev Accident statue et Arthbur 7. Wallace a uue noreBViUO the noad ofea eamx. BoEys passing tbroumb morne woodlaud on iem Volney Osborne faim, Ove miles aoîtbwest of Mount Vernon, Baturday fbou a wemaW bhad ing nier the pub- ïe road ieading fron Mout Vernon te lbiv. Tltey rsported their discov- jr and a party was orgeuhsed for a seercb for the body. lbtws iound 200 tirdu troustheb.spot wberett head Iay »li tte fOesb stripped troua the honte, both the trunt atf beati being ao bedly deoSmp.d as ta rentier recognition lfi- possible. The, bemtlrnony ine the Ilueeb WWnt to prove that the, body visa that of a wcsan trio wtra Dthat locaiity early let Noveuubev. She tram apparenily 10 earseofts, rather titder mediumt height, wit binec hhii, tras dresceei in a darh suit titi lighb coiored jacket. and woee ra Mlach straw bat. $he appeared ln that locaiity about the lut of lest November sud staiti ln the nelgbhorhood two or tbree 'dis S. e refuseti to dîvulse ber ine, but nid ber home won as lu('mi. Il.. snd that shc wuacSing on fout to St. Louis. The latest et ofber twam when ahc ieftthe Osborne resideuce, tnkingth te rond on wblcb the body tris founîl. A mnu. whie paaSed the womn shortiy alter s#ihiihd entereti the wood when sien mest Nuvem- ber, about s quarter ot a mile turtheî on. encoUntered a houli paie cutter, te whurn b. mentioneti tlie tact ut the uoaîunu'msai)- J)ioach. The pole cutter Paitulie wouhl bake ber in bis wagon, ns ho was guing in the direlion the womuîuewa. travoling. Tluey r ere never sen ogethu.r. hatrîrer. The theory la that another IloeurlBiyiii murde, aba en roinetted. ]tiA u>said a ,suspected party loft the -(iiitrY nimut tiht date t fthe noninu'n lî,uurnc The fioiglu the rare lîrograni for the Ilinois State fair, f0 bc held Sept. 27 to Oct. 2, inclusive: Moulay. Sept. 2T- ,trot purse $300: 3-year-oluls or un- deri, pace. elîgibie to the 2:20 tisas. Au. 1, perme S40; 2- 1 pare. purse $010i; mn- :Ding, une mile. perse $2WJ: rnnins, titi- eighths, of a mile, puise $200. Tuesday, Sept. 28.-Threet-year-olde or under. tro.t, elilgihie te the 2:25 <e1a. Aug. 1. purs" $M0: 2:18 puce, purce $500; 2:11) trot, puee $M; ré'nuitug, three-quarters oft a mile, parse $30: runing. huit mile sud repeat, purse $200i. Wednesday, Sept. :n) -2:15 trot, puise $500; 2:23 pace, Puise $50: 2:11 trot, purse $«1K); one sudue- quarter mile,Ilinois Derby, Puise $200); ronnulug, ceven-eigbhs of n mile, puise $200. Tbursday, Sept. ZI0-2:14 pare. puret $5W0; 2:23 trot, purse $50; 2:08 puce, perse $700; runuing, tlv"-lghths ot a mile and repent, parse $2010; iuuuing, one mile sud repeat, purse $200. l>riduy, Oct. 1-2:814 trot, puise $70); fret for ail trot, puise $700; 23M Pace, puis#M0; runuing, tbiee-qunrters ut a mile, puise $200; ruuniug, une mile, puise - lives. (14ms Up body. Arthur T. Waiiaee's body tram tound iu t*e river et Chicago Weueday. Midis- appeareti Nov. 28, 180(1.The unlY Con- clusion ta be draw ru tainthe circum- stances ln toat he wus slugged. robhed and thrown into the rnuddy etieam, whose elugglsh ,urrent bascorncenled many a courtier mystery. Arthur T. Wollin" was oniy 16 >-ecru aid ami the sounaoflIer. T. D. Wallace, pesteof a the Eightb l'resby- terian Cbaîch. lie had been a utudeut at St. John's Militai! Academy, Delafield, Whl Whiie there ba made a reputation ne an exceptionaliy promisiug young men. Sociaily bhtwu& rnucb seuglât atter on ac- cumul ofaismusical attalnments. he be- log a proficieut periormer on the cornet. He ise ostood ibhas àastuderit, excelllng lu Latin andi Oieek. Duig the Thauks- Civing vacation Arthur T. Wallace came bock ta Chicago tapes the holiday withi bis parents at their home, «%2 Washing- ton boulera;d. The $Ptuiday ereuung af- tei Tbanksgiving he lefthume t0 visif frientis on the SouhBSide, intending ta etay tiere ail uight. That wos, the last tirne ha tas sten alive. Sgtriack by s Cormice. Hait a ton of trou coruice sud a twenty- lire-foot roden sigu fel wltb a resaunti- lng erfsh front tht front ut Mandel Brotb' ena' dry gouda establiahment, State andi Madison strééts. Chicuga. Satuiday after- noon ai 1 o'cian sd carii te t the aide- wali litawrock two nomen and a lutile gilwbo tere un the point ai enteriug the store. Bach wu,@ mure or item hadly bruis- eti, andi tht girl wili pîohably ho dlstig- -ureti for lite. il wnsone ut thoseiex- plicable accidents atteuded i wth aiment mîraculousg feetume. Nohody can, eu- plain why the coruice feul, utithe. eau aulbody undeistant w*hy no few persona tere iujured. Mtate atreet waa alive with Baturday shoppers, peahlng and elhowing each other lu their hout after bargaius. 8The doors ai Mandel Brothers' stare teere caenmtantly swlnging teand fro to admt ai 'the passage ai customeru. tehile the sldewaih immtdiateiy lu front of tht store tas packed with pedestrians. Thome tebo at tht tremnudous weight u ou o and wood tail tili net cease wouderiug for dais ta corne over thetiact that no dîatbs resulted. ____ elte Noa a a Drec At .liet the nate of the Standard Oil Company tas biotru open hy burgiars sud about $M10ansd mauy vaiuabie papere wers taken. ThebuigiarY vas the mont daim: ever doue lu the clty. Tht door ut the nie tas hiowu te pleceâ. »«&a Annia et Chicaga coilecteti froin the Wsst Chicago and tht North Chicago Street Railway compfaies Jolntiy a Juta- ment et 815,000, with Interest, for per- sous] injuries recelved lu MeY, 18M2 Tht aminunt w» awrarded hy the Suptiior Couret andi the suit hasl unir receutiy been settisti by un appeai ta the Supierne Court Jeremiah Weich, a fermer sud breeder of âue barse", dled et bis home near Blnomlngtou. aged TO. Htetram a native ai Vigo Couuty, lad., sud hati livtd tin MeLean County miuese' 18U , He ituves a ereessng atoeêters lu .fnse or à giO lWtf~ evsry ffrot 'te stop bis bers., bit e chilid vu khbacetidOW0, casaiug inju rles tram whh ch ie disti.1 1 -i Wilia&m Drury, a&thiliaonaitu landi ewn-9 ëi ot Joy, Who died reStnd, Proldmd10 bis wiii ter the establihmentb qi au nO«t-1 tution ta he knounat.hseb.WUiiam and 1 tente. lit lsnov ir d that hlmeuldot bas fenauncti the uil, sud it le ber Intentioa ocontent IL A horrible tragedy occurreti et Jackson- ville eaily Thursduy mrnînng. Wbou Charles Waiker, Janior of the £lrby1 block, weut te bis worh about 5 'cloch be founti the body ai Charleg U Hasingiis,1 ebiti cleîh lin dre Kirbys8 abstraet -q lire, iyiug o c h lIter lu a poo et tblond1 with hie ibroat sud triase t andi gasheul1 lu a dreadial manner. whîle &il about the1 routewert tracesf aaviolent ebiugile.1 Chas. L. Draper has heen arrested. lts1 alleget that business difficui e ezstad1 betwetu the troan d a wnman le aise «fil 1 ta fliture lu the cose. 3iichaei j. O'Blrien, of Chicago. Who murdered bis tifs, veut te the Joliet Peu- lteatiaîy ta serve a file sentence. tJ'Drlen'a tiret wtue, Mrs. Kate OBrleu. troua vhem be -secaied s fraudaient divorce corne yeursaugo, bas caie-I upon bhlm frequentiY ainceasentence iva passed sudd cheeimd hlme n'th the hope of s patrdon eventuai- ly. OBrien le iÙu euis oit and ai quiest besrlug orilariy, but quaàrrecome, erra* tic sud violent whin druuh. Tht crime for wihch Le titi s1erd the icat ot bis day. in jail nus the Ikiilur ai hic@trife, No, 1). ISiX,. cnt8W, West Nadisou stîeft. lO'Briensa, a elounheepr and tait Politicien. Hourace G. Bird, tihe tounder ut musical1 uiganiuetu,,ucin <'hientgu. dieti Wetnesdayi nt lus home. The ucwA ut hic deatb ri1 irg-ive recolict ions oft inu' stlring1 pveufs in the histo-Y utfnMomie lu the CitIy.1 it was 34r. ird Who nduced Patti te conte ta foChicango the tirst fne. It wu$ s e Who uled the magee le the Wigwam then Aira,iu n wicî us noninateti for the il'rg-sîducy utfIletUnitedi States, sud t ww te hohurganized the Musical Unian1 'the firet lunti histoiy et Chicago. At1 the <edicatian ut the Bunker 11111 monue- tuent in .,ston lMr. Bird huit the houaot 1 mingiug th<e Solo part iu the dedication Oriiiugtou Lent. tài fuoedr o ai Eaus fuot and tht father ai Northwensern Uni- versity, tled 5f bis home Mondai Mora- lng. The nembere Of tht tsmiiy -veta the hetiside sud the egid came ns he had <ften wlshed if uîigiut, Peurefully. NI.r Lent %va$ a Ponter ut Chicago. sud there he amussgeti sfortune. i connectian uith Nlethodiarn dates frogn tht tirne ha teas 20 years aid. tehen he beame a mem- ber of the church. He alwsYs gave treeiy ta the building ai eburcete.asd bis dana-. tlous werp, Dot alwas s coîiined tu hicsuuwî denomination. For rnauy jears be had been a truster ai the Fiist Methodist <hureh ot Eraustun. lire. Rehecca Forman dtd et Otalion Sunday. ageul Si ypasî. Ob@ at athe witan' ut the nuted 3MethOtîst divine, tht 11ev. uage, Forman. Who dieti a number ut yeasc&go, sud orer thocePierPerby wss matie une uf the grestesl le981 battît, ever kuown lu Southeru Illinuois' Forman leftb prperty vetueit H$0060 ita uuiy duughter, NIi,. IRobert Price. wac ceut aif wlth a pttancetsud practicalY ail the piopeit!tr ac b-tf to the Amerlesu Bible society sud the Mthodist Mission- ay Socety. 'The daogter'a @in wc$ hem merriage te s Pour mait agaiust ber ftd- er.swnul. She eoutested tht viliiaud fiuatly wron if lu the lUited States Su- pheme Court. AC. B. & Q. lbailruad trui ÎkWed a fartuers eut near Blooniugtou. Nethlng being heard iroin the atruer of tht cas', the compsuy viote laehlng thte valetof tht animal. lie replieel that ltrwam Just a commun eowvWorth about thirry-ive dol- lais. That amouigt Ives prornptly pali aud lu the lîtter of remitta0ee the fermer n'as lniormedti tabihlmletter bcd heen pluceti lu tht Archives ut the cenpangY as pvidence ut mu honest man., lb nid fur- tther, that the compsny bcd kilied a vrent rnnsy bead ti istock. but thiz WB@ tht iret critter that w55 îlot a ttij hlgh-prieî@d rhoroughbred. It je reaiiy remarkahie ushat air uaccountalule habit steuista caentetathteucient heamt in a berd ta wnlk au raitruati tracks. Cauonglos faiuan ader ta vacate the premiesc, sud unchie ta further coutenti With ilî-fortune, William Hl. Gsge and bis trif-e, two ageti aud aimnt poyerty-atrilh- en people. inhaitti chioroorm aud died .dde hy sigle ou a hed lu their berne, 253 Western aiNue. Chicago. Tht deuid man undi numan n-ire dresmed inlutheir hest clathles. aud uere lying lu a chnbbhy bt scruplauslY neat bedroont. lu tact, tht house hbai evidently heen thoroughly cleaneti and everytbiug pet lu thebt ofa order prepsrstury ta tht dîmîse of the ageti couple. This la the letter lett for the lautiumd. "Wsbiu 1 receiveti notice front yoer agent i curnmeuceed te maka intuetilube prîparaflues ta get eut cu quick as 1 cauld. ly ie sut 1 talketi the matter uver, anti te coucluded that even the tirne tht Ian' aliots n'ss ail fon long torje te wait. Suotee then decideti te take the short est route, lu an envelope aditresse te f0eu, .wbich jOnviiili ndi un tht frout room table, cavered wth a nets' pgper, Le une rnonth's ret-ail 1 hure hotu able ta raine. yon tili aise faud a letter addresetd ta tbt coroner, iu whlcb MY nufe bac luciosed $25for the crtmstlau ai ber body. the aterenaid luciemure cou- alatiug et one $10 goid pirecs, out Englmb soverelgu (n-hich You rttustt tht other dey), aund oue $10 Unibedi Statua note, seri, insof18M, NO- A4M0702.For ail .,Our rman, actesf aidnete ame 1 Isnlc ta thank Yeu. Alil that 1 leave la jrouis. I arn crry that it bas cone ta this, but as lb la, it la htter sn. Wlth oui great eter- nal Father lc Patience snd rMercy. 1NY dear tufe and 1. siter traveling througb thîs trorid together for mure than a thiPd aio a ceutury, go s'vay stili baud lu baud. tlth aur love andlmtaed. Witt kindte u imemhrauec ta uerselt nanisl jour iarn- ly. jouis iaitbfuily." At Miliedgtvilit, Whiteslde County, Samuhel M. lnglic, State superintendlent ai public instruction, n-s a trichen viti spa- piezy. rl.'iot glîs tra@atteutilug the couuty tescheru' lutitute. lu a maoment et cblldimh plsyfnlnee HaMm eoft tellul s cli"s-. CiNeKiasio:, eI sucecW L B.G. IBrèves.,rimagei W LentisCarlyle. taecend Wllm Aà Dawdr, mesîgneti; W.CL Jonues, taemcei Sauel Alsehtti. Grâl. Iwo@~cteretSaaa-,< t le, Thomise, te sncosedJ. 3 mon. Tbe*S@sateaie calioet l»>'U peluttuentsfteI cllinois ictormuatl et, Poubiac. 1. i ollotlng bille., aen 4, q ses, ters lubrodi liester C(3aflpdii't Taosi tht civil serivlce lavIU5lP pme*loi h 1w elrLug trbtueefs Jbo las: Btaie fonds ta pu lot b "tonei. l the iieepapers. The Bone.tIi aotbiui *f Importance The Humphrey ralvay bille veres a apecial ordeisthe Sagaie Thoisdal boit ltse matter tas sgalo aptieet. %0 Obicae saResate Beard revenait bille n'aie takou up asau ineiai ordi "0e1a beir lttier eofereti a subetitate illuir ~thO bill provliiug that ail proetitl *51 be' assessed ti t ne-fiftb lUn tair cash vaiUe,ý aud meved s po*tbpeucuct, wick Wu' &grand ta. Senater iraugoes bill to&pei mit graduates lu etpotby te PrAte- medicine. sud tbcbill tae ebie par.hoses, mulaiouers taenlarge and conuset Puicl vatersteers passe&i.'the chîli le bot1WU vas cailetilbock te second ruadiug for thie purgas, »t smaeni lu bbe HOuM Mr. Horna bll making Incurable iatait a groussi]fer divorce vres dîsencee90ai linuykiliet on motion et Nr. Allen bj etrlhlDg ouf the euectiug dae& lu tbe Souate l.rliday Seustar srd introduced a bill t, repeat the lilial law., aud by unanirnons causent batit rend a firot tlmnt. advsuceti te second rmad':, aud matie àaspecial eider. The follouriti bille vers Intruducad: ltepealtig the l%&W provldlng for tht payaient ef bouattes1904 tht hlling ai Engliah mprieta 1 11111g-3 lats Saloons, bolug a copy ai a billImu1.4 duceti lu the Hoes». latht Bonce Mr. Murray oet Bsngamon made c favorable reportn M. liammeies bill te estaNte e Biais boarid et scbeoibook oatls5 eru aund te pravide for a uifti =.af schooi tszt-hooks. Moest of the csedOst ai the Bauge was occupied i lth te ca- sidoeflen et appropiatin bffisn eseci reedîng. 501h bons adinurne t te I Woeok Uouday atetrnoens. lu bbe Bloune Mondea sblill us lubie- duced ameuding the muicipal civil soei, vice act hy giving e.-Union soidicesMid m.alloru the prefereuce linlthemsenti ct appoiutments. lMr. Anderson'*hillliait- itîg tht number ofai mnloyes af the Gta- erai Assembly vau advacerd te third mailing. Ail ot tht Hanse bis os Uns calentir on tiie aider af i rst resdlng veris adivanced ta second rading. Ovlng te tht absence ot a quorum nu businesse*oue t ransacted iluteeSeutte. lu tht Senate Tuesday thbbc 1 b ill piovohei sharp discussion andi vas re- fermet. Tht bill to a efuralrosti conesl- dations madle ander the lsu of 1874 asud prier ta 1053 sud boeqnsliutheir ightsus- der the- prient law, sud bhe bll apprepri- atting $SI.tM>0110for the salaries oi the State ailicers aud ai tht ofilcers aud ami- hors of the ut-at Ceneral Asemrbiy ucrs paemet. Thelion»at idti ecmploe.cou-_ ïaeduratten et auj steamure. Thug Btump Ws a Bear. John Qulch, ut Marrie, huit a tierce fight vltb s blaeh beur a fev daje zago. Qlalck 'tas gunulul tor phecaute os tht mautalu, eo ia Suaqnsbmma. P&. Wîlile vaiklug tbu'ougb a owamp that tras henmnet Iin by beavy heaiselt l4uivit; piedi hat bhe Ont bhff& taU a se mp net moretbehaIt g tea d saoei Oft. But theutnmp belestet Mm aud tbos Quiek »V thugat wutàaer, iddt isstee emng tevardkilos. lHe titrunt lbyebnctabet sheilaU»t the. gain, suntired bette et the boer. But bruinas progreme va».uny mmee- tarlly delayeti, for the ébeas mem etit moite bhlm more cgi te bug tht bout- er. Frein a abamnhle bc intemet is gait ta a trot. an" veut ai Qu" i l lait teetbshotlug Bhke tbe IVorles ot a mtastiff. Quiet stargt!on a ma band- ibg bis gun vlth sbot-Ollst&belle a- le rau. Thon, turunig.he'ieb the boe harnebhberreis ot Ile&& anti mach te bis sasfaction tbe bear carne tao s atandatili. Tht ucit momentIl thotl- ed tact about, as thougb tae&tort tb. other va>'. then auddeulyl ahambleti over ta one aide, ant tppleti In a htsp, deati-Net York Pres. It mught Have Itpen Wosse. Tht> voet n s au rb ten Uey gathered round the girl lu bIne. "We've jttst beard et tht acieut gliat; Imnupeedt batt eck." soi the girl la gray'.1 go very and,"'sait! tht gflitu dark brou'n. -Tht man ho brakuie is lg tue jour fiauce, tuen't ber' skidthe girl lu the picture bat anxtous te bc suie ut tht facts huart becamling tue dem- ustratîve lu ber, expressions ofet m 'Ht tum." adualttedl the girl lu bine. *"Tbink otut lt!ttey aIl criedtogether. -A broken iegl Ilotehorriblerl -Thut'a that 1 tbuught" ouid the girl iu blue, demurel>'. "utitil Geurge ex-* piained te mt that l mlght have beeu wurse-.. -Mlght bave been tarse!" l'Yes; suppose it vas au arts thug ho cauldu't use." Thej ait snid, "Yes, jeu. of course," anti the girl lu bluc biesheti a lîttis 1deeper red.--Chlcago Peint Lire Beete. Trials have recenu>' uten mate ti a liteboat mutin OC a Duvret mabaria! thraughotlt-picseStone, te tilt vhlch bas piaveti ment matiaachi,. Net oui>'la tht maberlal et <roust iighI- tinm utistreugtb, but it le eliy votif et tau abupe. The boat ressais alloalant i viisupport quît. a beti, oves thon, full ut vate. Tie pqit are matie Interchaugeable, anti, vie' a part la lujureti, the simple làloeslgg fa boit enabs the repairer ta remers, sud put Il toliftbei. blnd tc efforts un of sirota «uly bu blond, sud t vitailil of Ibm For jon or eut QuMr Sa.,