CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Apr 1897, p. 8

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'n*tWck Flour.-in try hksFlour If you h ë lisa Money gaver too. la gntber' *hle< esséfitial to the Try COMrComet Paccage Cff., it le Ooo>d. Prize ln every Packagre. liarge -$lock of Dry Goods contai ns aji eè Lateiý,jtyles, In $pring and Sum- mer Goods. Try Our Choice Smoked Meats. Butter and Eggs taken ln Exchan ge. ï,e1er ' Iois, Oc nto Lhiel patleiaa tDryGoJ) Icai iiput la né yariaueo"etm IC n les. 0 Osolmeap tisok0f Clars and NeQkoNie, en B Mlb »arnda f4Faoy Bo.mB e veryinin the oye "an ktipca book. Dont 1.11 te il Iaveallgale. anti vo warrant you'll do you.r ading lier:. Z 3 Carte nfri a haltune of Ladies' anti «ltl. inon'. Boota and eBlies la al lbhe ttStylo. of ___Tees-Coin, Pick and Neetile Toe.. Rie slo 1 hma aargaConfIer, fihioti vill >Ladies', Mon4., Boys' and -Girl'@ bc.., Ovrafls, Psntte, an#i Work Shirt., at price.. beooos. 1 vont put of your trad., andi vii offer a aPecial fludnereutlor 'bue voek, eommenctag l Mndoy, Apnui 1,10 every purchamor of On. e oat'. ortit of liercliandii, 10 ôeentm in Irade, v"i0b ta s0 PKR tNF. T DiscouiJTi Don'ttnm t.. 1h, go ildon'I happes e«7ryday. m a funfl ne Of' the latest styles ini Furaiture. Itouse-cleunig, and need Carpeta, Matting, 0' oir Window Shades, corne lx and ose my o the Latest Patterns te select f . This Be Table OnIy $1.95 UNDER- TAKINO SPECIA LTY. WILk .KNIê,QGEp efeller I llinois. AT THE -Wauco#n4àa Ftiruture Store. pom sets, Antique Oak finish $12.<)O ak Set. 24xaQ tCerman 1Bevel MBrusseis ,Q rdurpy,7.00 s awed Oak Cane Seat Chairs, L al e.44 ~*~~r~Im.n1y. reo1v4 #1 bMoçMl7 e,oopndela Mia Nia lac itefr publication. SeeOarl anov ai. 44. »M ovia aiWukgan. vws ler. NWtaO, M.Gorb"-L.utnterk.aning a dse lisprîaeas. Wbilo radingadadout forgot . ta.: Bpeobt vileti drelatve. .1 Biamontilabiola ofthe veok. li.sdanilr. jas. Vise,,Of IL çm- fard, ver. 1Rocketeimr "Mion ioeetiy. KniMan4XfMdtiiy, cf Chi- theIr parat.. J. aN. Po" Mad tmiteiof <bohgo. apont aotf,« dpàvaa P.ottleltia tiering lbhep>ol vek. ie Grffo Cbutitqýbe,; of B@eanr, XILb, laio&M PJ loieur, lma.Dr. J' d . IbrWh .Pmuoou.. etbo o n c e .o a , v i i b b r I i Whenu « tfo buy your cemuma eil t a a rerm anMd ge$ pitMe.. A Ilgone o f temple« 10 boîteslfrom. 0 «mo. . rleba.Jusgreceivoti anew liceo f dry goodo sud noicua te ad 1 bis Mtore ia conneclion vithli bismarket anti grery. lir. Geo. Glyneb, et Vaucontia, agent for Patent carpet obretbers, vsu la onrt ova OMoablg emong olti fnlehds eue day luao eek Peter Litiebteidwuvas eld toLong Grovo ireI pan 0cfthe *et:k b y te ili- lin 0f his brotlor.ibaw B,~M eas, vitos death ocotriTuod4 iRoy. Bock, 61 obiego, vau sont ua ncdidato fur Ibis plae lest, Bunday. Reousa roatiy Peahoandi delivereti two.rousing sermon. te velà - Il'.d bouses. J. Il. Cronkhite vùises 1 neoune lt t.e pile *01 besualre Çaq a.1.01 out fine briti. B"«terservie. vil! b. obqervednoxt Mua eveaia 84theiii Capel by lte chlira of out Sun&w *Sobool. Great rPreparattoasare bai«made 10 have &te eutrt*aiaainl a geai one. Wç hope a.mayta ea vii b. pr«enî. sieryoue veloome. At M. e U meeting cf DiaondILake CaMpli1. W, of A.5j Oh.. Qeiler, Robl icihcey, UCm. Broxoin andi Pk Iole att IUb. oanducte th irough thei iphU ermonee.The -"toal" i ho areIird eraiwbqqn lh. vork ile iluisteti, neôtionhl. Tic.. Molitie basla bis store the beotisnud aniekaof a Booky lionatain Ek. I la uocf lie lineot speolanens over broughbto 1UIil&section o0" the Gouatry. Geo. Be.oey brougl t ho ho... homoe lseding 1 to vo he adora the wvoil f hie 4llng rimbu founât hom tcu, -à- se- - h .- Tbe otu.areleiot long anti over tour el aspart 84 the lips. WAUCONDA. Ut.. G. W. Pratt Jr., vont te the elty Tneotiy. linudantilr. Wm. Marbie vere Elginj visitons titis veek. Mies Sedi. RAilvas a lidlenry coller et test veek. C A. Dcu¶ý"s 01Mcilenry, vas on ont sbteS.esdy. lir. E. Jobason v"a a Wakegan visitor lait Saturtiay. P. S. lisyeo, cf iefeur, vs. on eur street lunday. lir. C. A. Appiey. ef Libentyville. vas on eur «uetlu bt woek. lins. F. Gae Io 1he gueit, of Mn, antij lir. S. Beynold., e!flicNenry. Mn. D. Brouit anti tsmily visiteti relatives aM Nunaaeas.Sunday. lin. Clia. Curtis,cf iNgla. visiteti f riands a u liiviclnity recently. Notice M. W. Nugiies ad la tJiia ise.. Specispnie. fer a short lime. lits.Douglas,4c01Lo8 VMdi.vistiteti9 ber a1.1er lira. Wn. Mabie roce.utly. Ray Lompliore, cf iclieury. &peut, z f lait veek vthieh brother1 Bemember thte enterltment le Oakland hall lialurtiay evenlng of titis veek. Whou in neeti cf anything luntte lino 0f photos cai a& tie Wamooda Studio. lit. P. Gale ha. rented te Turner fan anudti viiiove there lu lie cear future. Mn. Peck & Son, of Terra Cots, ver, guesatsof Mr. B. joiesou, recontly. «race Miii viebus. been spendiug a feu veoks l intee ctyroturneti home laut veek. Frank Gteen, of Chicago, spent lent Suatiay vltb rotatives andt fiendsisnS liaplace. lir. A. T. Glbert vaut 10 lie city lionday bu teishuwvok vithia Bock CenmpOy. liasCloraBang. t. teaching lie Boevili achbool. lier acliocicon- moacet I at londay. lir. M. Irasîeo s ant togltera are vlalting Mr. anti lire, Ci..oranger AI pteeaut vtlting. faMt. anti r. W. S. licClae are .peatiig a fev tiay. at Dianonti Lako as pressaI vrting. lin. Shumwvayanti son Boy, of vankegn, ae visitig relatives in is place Mt pressait vttting. Johne odlmaggae a grapione onlerbalameal MIthe home cf Mr. IL. UarrilontWedneaisy ovening of tasI lit. B. a. BuoiWhobu ..beenl emnployai tu *0 eader oceIbe pa tas'é à*laa br l scutetia poli " s tOd oo&fr a roirooti .bov. The Olret Produolng Staillon Staodard bc . andp"eis Mi~hrsia loksa.tahomeoe o liaist ". vom.lcr 1 'i 2>ra oo aùlin N. H= ina alit aop Louis Kraft bu. a position on the Uwen'a ferma aI p«Msai &eitocieloeeon et lte ahool houa. nobI Saurd.y oremu& - 'a" abutuntrip ta lied Holtanti. of Lob.. Zurich, va. ta Palatine Wednoaday. lira.ULKano; ef Eoekefellor, ta viàLU1ý tia M r. Whllpe'a.1 A douceta annonh"esaI anitI'. bail Xonday evonlng April 19. le. Aita Jankme, of Cbicago, in te guest et f Mesis l i.. Bletar homeio.utaDean Grove, April 9, lira. Wiseaafser a long Mine Sophia Nanmtntng, of Pum Grov,4 vialtei lira. Bastinire oTan Dled, nt lits home ta Chico, Aprîl 10, Mt. itichardi Grottes formerly of Pointille. J. B. Sehlertiing andi M. French matie a business trip le Chicago Ut.,antilira. Ired. A. Smithsant s0n, 01 Evanston are vlsltlng thel parenteslir.anti lra. C. B. Julia. Ut. anti lra. 1Nrmlulng, of Pium Greva, i M,.anti lira. Keatz, of Palatine, mode a business trip te Chicago, Tues- dey. Thé XpworthhLoque vîli give aother entertaininont May, i. A mber of thloms Orchestra fron Chicago, anti other excellent talent vii ma"o. Robert Cuttlng formeriy of Ibis place laste. play conterfilditi vth le Austin Niit sâciioc bâe bail teri Ibis Yekt. If Eoberttnaeas goi'. player as bis fothbetditi be viii vin.t Hon. . M. iUowli, Vice Ptreaident, ef Nationale Christi"n Clhtzenbip 0eg 1,c Chcq», deliveretian admrdw lte a. I. oburcit lent Sua- day4ls10g. rtvas vey ttresttng. Titi Vemen'. Foreign i.ieonary .Oclq eldtet a vry plossat meeting1 ai Mrta. Il. Biehr4outidle dunday.1 Tbutuday Ua uteber stitiessedtheIli huatitao cf.E.aei harch, Evanston,' on taeco««" of thoThaak Offerng 01 t.e mia'Foreign liissienary One Minute la au1 the lime necésenry te tiecîde fron personai expenlenco tht Onte Sante Cough Cure dos vhit I»Maie inipliea. oitiby Y. B. Lcvui.., Libertyvhlle, anti 0. C. Bos- Bars. Wanconda. PRAIRIE VIEW. sean Moyers la remodelilnghis. Miea Sophia Aibright visitet Inl% Chicago la"l veek.1 l lahâher vas laChicago on buai-. no1r ou. iay $Ittsweek. Cali anti 500 John C. Hein lhe Prairie Vlov bisekamith . Miea Jemalo Berger, of River Viev, la visitingaI# orman Moyensa. GeO. BIMucoti, ef Oakvood. retura- ed frosa Green Bibish. eeli. W. P. Dickinson apeel a 1ev day. at his Oakwood stock taai last veel. Miea Julia Loomi. ia vsiting hon parents anti friends lier. thii. eek. If you are iooklng for voter ceili anti Osee Wilit bk. Re vii linit itifor 70e. Mr. Bantater, our station agent toAk a thhrty mile apie on hi. uheel Suntiay. Bnrglars viattei Mr. Grley one nighl lsi eek. Walcia doge are lu tiemanti. A mistake vas made in the announcement of the Euster bail nt lieninan Meyer&. Chas. Storm liasexperlenceti nome dIfielty In oUmbing the statresistce lte oection o1 the bantater. Win. Back in nov reatiy for engage- meutaetiiggtng voila. Wililta a tiret clam. than andi knovq bits business. Calil anti ses hlm bof ore othera. *Aprii 12, aI the Oakvood tarm a blniitday Party anti dance lu honor of miss Emahnt. Ftfty couple vero lu atteindance. A gooti Lime la roportd by &i. John C. Hein former borse ahoer of the Oakvood stock tarin bas Opeoetia bisekamith ahop te Prairie Vev. Cati, antisese n. satsfaction guaranteet. The Trotinig StaÙliion, Archie Gamalean, thlre. year olti, race record 2:14 anti yaiued at $5,000, d4104eat ho Oakvwooti tarin April 6, viit ent diseuse. A grea lunas golte tarmn. V. L. Clark suporneedent aetlthe Oakvood stock tarn, viii moTo to Witeton, Ili., tn a feu daYs vill tveuity bond ofetherses te bc preparoti forlte grandi circuit. We ulsit hlm $noces&. Torturing, llchlng' scaley 5kim erupo lions, bre M aide lisare sootheti at oneanti promptly heaieti by i>oWUle Wtlcli11" iBalv.e, .baé kuov cure for piles. I. B. LovULL, Liberly. ville, Maa0. 0. ROBERTS, Wsuconda. IVAN HOE. Opel Smi tatequit. iI. Ut. Wolts, of Chicago, la risiting bis Miater lirs. Sktaner. The. W. C. T. V. viii bolt its next meeting, vithi ra. Arthuer Payne. Mr. Frank Denlier liasroturuoti îrom Beoiilwhre bcho lasbeen attending achout. lir. Spengler gave the congregahIon an asomât Of D. L. licodys meetings, let gaday mcruing. Lttie Bm*gRti uebker oeiebr&teti ào bibday by enlerlaininga les, cf ber frigade on. gveninig lent veek. àiraWJ.@itmbirala leaIienraa nterinsooa ina-»tn atll a O .0 roonbonsan1lot on AB~iethstrlT. MT CWnter. imdon cantio Tu41e*. daya, Thurodos raand =Oauray.W. haro a large ow ov Cnanti Cobmmi Ihat grinti very tant. G. N.on"Ana &Sosf. Ml LLBU-RN. lira. Vm. Wavor la vlsiUbg relatives anti triend. haro.- lia. dvartiMeadi relurnot f romn Chicoge Ibis vesk. Wo are orry 10 report lir. Thain étui1 in poor healhb. Misa Bbiniey Riehle spent Bnnday at ber homo Se Waukegsn. lira. a. Potai sapent Suntiay vith Mra. Adiams la Chicago. lir. Vinneceehuas bagaijpror- muent. on hon tan aouth of hr. lins. Guitidgo'a baby la ou lhe sick liai, but vas lmpnoving B as se couais. lira. J. Munrie, of Russell, ia spenti lng some lime vitbh ler dugliter, lira. John Bonnets. Preporatlona are being matie fer ex- Ira niauging KZmter Sunday, untiortho tiltcootiof !Mir. L. B. Mtakeather. Prtf Burt, cf 101011, cccupied the. pulpil bore lamt Senday, Poster Nantis proaaehlg in tho Pfignnoucit Among the Chicago natera Ibis. voek vm erems L. B. storkath, A. li. Trotter, W. H. htome, lit, ant i la C. B. Cemmings anti Mi" a. lamd- goa-d. 'È. 9. Turner, of Compton, Mo, write. ne that alter suffering t rom pile for sovonteen yers, lie oompletsly cura thon by tht.. boxe@ of Dtretl' Vîleli Kamit Salve, il cures oczona. anti aevero skie dlameae. F. B. Loy. EL, Libertyvllo. oend 0. C. Bnua., Wafaeatia. lisny cases of '-Grippe" haro laioly beeu cuneti by One MinuesCough Cure. Tbis prapanatien seema especial adapted tiihecura of thua time. . acte qutckly tbua proventing setios compiciones anti bati vblob Ibis dia.... oftebaves th.patilent, Y. B. Lovni.n, Librlyvîle,, sudiG. C. Ben£nTs, Wauonoti. avoLE colius » "qlow tEU mm'U. Birdls of fine Haciiel, Lobe andi Comb a spectalty. 'I have taken tiret premium on my Legiiorna for several years. inco September lent have sold 26 mae birda snd .1111 have 1evw tosol t at$1.00 (o 33.00 Eggs for hatching 15 for 31.00 60 for $3.001 Inveotigate before hnylng eisewhere. J. P.WILLIAMS, Libertyville. 111. 12 Veara Experiefice. Since making My lut improvement on My re-atilg vitrai, 1 vilil ~ig anti brick a common wized weli, 100 foot 'or iles, tiretal 21IL, 60 cent. per foot; fext 20 ft., 75 cents; next 20 It.. $1.60. Prcepecttng with 2 or 3 inch angor, ne chargea unies. the owner stops me tem dlggug dooper. For clèslng out anti repairng 014 velse, 5W conts per hour, forniablug my own help, alao- board- lng myaeUf and belli on sny job near home. Titoae vho cannot boardtheii belli, iii pay 25 cent. extra pur foot for te tiret 20 ft. andtheb tiifoerence on any &Mount more or lesu, oceording to tho above pricea. Price for abearing andti ltg vool. 5 cent. per beati. Btimates fernisheti fer clearing op lanti or any other Job Work. AUl vork dione in goond shape muet ho settieti f" by cash or due bill, Ail lettons anavoreti on short notice, wýitb fu parliculara. JAS. P. WILLIAMS. Box 141, Libertyvilie, ni1. A FINE LUNE FI .FRNliTURE. Clock Shelves, Boom monldfing Wall pocketa, Peints, Palier holdera, 011., Book cases, Vumniaheui center table., *Gltas., Extensipa tabs, Putty, Dbn Chairs, Brnhes, Bocker., ho. Teachers' Traihing S.'.8,ohool,: Wii open Ménday, Sept. 6, 1897, at Libertyville, Iii., With a Faculty of Thrae or more Competent Instructors. collège l itudents Whoiobrepcoinpleted theEighth uw &hco of theviii c o p bie ternisftiîreey vOur, Prepartorg Course, uil ho lltteti te enter lta e abai gay colflg, ln titre. e OMor tuas, aeccrtilligta t thaiments anti general ablSty. mîiaummer Teaclion.' Normal I rifaOvie vents; Per yeor, Cash lu daa,........... Raton cf Tulles er terza,.....""...... pet veek, ....... . vilii o instyncteoti mx veekus during July Mad sppr-iai (Maesson 897,if.auMitS-atunmberno10pay expoumae. -I apeeiaite . For further paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, PriîncipaI, 4» Spring Tracie. - Prairie City Seeders. Keystone.Disc Pulverizers. The Hummer Sùlky Plôw. The X-Rays, Sulky Piows. David Bradley Plows. - < John Deer Piows. Keystone Corn Planters. ' Bradley Corn Plantera. Steel Lever Harrows. ' Staver and Abbot's Carrlages and Buggies. Fish Bro's., Wagons and Trucks.. Timothy, Cloyer and other Field Seeds, (ILH.Schanck & Son, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI. i Midnight, :2:i73 FASTEST -STALLION IN NORTHERI4 ILLINOIS. - No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 186. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ill. If you want. apeed and endurance breed tô a horse that h«" got It. TERMS: 0>15.00 to Insure live colt. Ail mares dlsposed of after belng br.d. Breedier wili be held for service fee. Ail colts to be set- tled for soon as mare has f6aled. Mldnlght vaàs sreti by NBlUet, ho by Piymontlà Rock 9:30h. ou of Huis Bisekiavi 1:31j, stre of Etise, Allen 2:25J. litdight's dam vas by tarigbt (00.4er) 2:11. son o!flicK.y Morse 2:31j, second dam <pecer) by lug Phanaoh, sire of mticibail 2:12j','Bauley 2:18j. antiotbel otr lise 2:M. Thîntidama by Etitan Allen son of Nls Biackbavk. Midnight la a fine cn-black horse. standing 15 banda, volgbs 1140 pouuda, la rery lieavy bt simdan sttong muactei. Hlu aunai alpacer, a linoe'nover. andi kinti, geutie dispoition. lHe bas paceti a mil, la 2:08, Whainta1:3. quarter Su :31. a 2:04 gala. NliAcolts tlaicteur-y coni are uearly al pacers, lange anti smooth, anti show grest speeti. P. W. 9hervooti, liltnigit'a former ovuen, in a ne - cent tetter soya: 1!. bas streti a fou colt.ei la so1ni anti1 I hockfor snoeof tien te g o ie lb. 2:12&1. = biot ttis yoan. I stanleti lideigt tu 40 races tu a&L. vinunng30 lireI noneys, 5 seconds, 8 thirde, lueplooed 1i ani tinov eune, mtkleg s voudenfal ebevlng. sud* vtnnlng a nice.sun of mney. Demng- hi. naion 1 iaatoti lim agoinst snob neteti horem'A 1a .4 ettm l2:5% Jordan 2.11h, AImont BsulWw.llietht 11:12j, Chamnois 2:12J. Lulu lMcCiirdt :14,tdWlj Russel 2:15. 1 antsurpnitodhbu .net gla.ecr 2.10 ou baillet, anihlie ba peeti auind loet45l' Il vu wvili tbe boisésoeioaimeIe bIs renard Mt 1:17 , .Mi ld aea~ 1 iia.H e ttsit .ko iVol. IDr'.C Libe, 7 tU LI 0f tic D nom lit Li

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