CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Apr 1897, p. 1

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iIu4vp~~îufrw Vol1. V. No. 29. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. April 30.. 1897. CALLED HOME. A. R. Hoyt Passas Away After a Lingerina IlInoe. I lu ia vI ntense feelings of regret ve chronicle the' deaili of A. R. Hot, familarly kuowu anoug his friends sud -omlîains a a - Bort". Hi# untlinily doniime uhen litAnlte prime of early manhood in doubi! sud. He vau a model young man, au earnest, tiolscieutiofle chriatian, of a mont pieatant disposition and pieaelng flan- lier. Tht' unIversal griof no evient in a tribut@ 10 hise teteptioiial sterling ti'alitit'aand thehbigh emtet'm in wbhi lfie sa helti. i)eeeaaed has bren a patient enh!îrer through a long Mucutse, tying Toeday At onet' oclock, of anemlna. ii'e a member of the' Mtthodiet eburch, Suntiay secool andt Epworth League, ant i ale the' ciurcli choir. The' EnIglite of the. Globe, of uhioli organization ho use a memnber attend- eti the funeral lu a body, Flouera Au beautif nI deaigna vere placed on the colfn by iovlng binda, a lait expres- sion of the' inonibora of the varions societies t0 uhitih he blongt'd and of hie countiea friendm. The funeral sorvices vas bettiat tho id. E. church Thuradaty afterneon ut Rçockefeller. Il., I ocois, 1ev. John Lot' preachlag tht' . iý! nieand Oiflo' tnd dont- s'îittiî ofP. . fumerai sermon, for hie taxt itht Heure 9 A. M. 1i £0Ji P. M. Aller 6Pu. M. vorda, "itlula ppointetUunte mou once te die," Hebreus 9: 27. Sir. Lot' lid Ant part: Dr. H. 0. B. YOLtNG. lAit teanoleorunlhing to dii., but fitla la fr Mre saienu tiugtolie. blitl Phyaician and Surgeon. tas umpi> crouteing the narrow tetreanu BMMRXtIit5OPI'051TE LKESHN iiiTIL aLito. hiel laparattea litue fronit eteruity, anti eau 0fritacil oed ctnuo change or Gurnee,- -----Illinois. transformation o! cLarac.ter, cter An _________________tht' aivetior te uie.vod. Huain - - oexitence le a giftifrom (Uot, betoed for it'higoatsutnobtaiento! pur- O. F. Butterfield M. D. C. poses.Tube Licli onoofu nmaîterisi tu given, sud vo miy tm ito s VETEEINARtY SL'KGEON AND DENTIaT. vorà o! beauty, upon uhicli lha LIEs ¶TILLI . . . gootantidte pare shah teight te lois; or vo May adopt the tradful alternaiAve,anti cruei Attu10a ureci; leanitil te coutnipate. Dr. A. L. T RAVIS. ,Ltins bmAfliy giance aitlite carter o! mou TIL A.M.1 "à &I)7 T 0P. g.ont' qf uhon ibig communit>' bellevea aau. TLL LM. TOt Alat T W . Ébtat hc fImbionedth îe uatenil given ispeal atiention puddta)ethe binm b>'bha Creator into s vomis or lreitmoMni utChroniec hffouaiAm., beaul>'. HIe spirit te nov dwelll nu Rockefeller. - I iin I-s .1Ihbatl ciy 0n i ich vu -a t, 'hr salltb. utnigbt there;" before auneet tia bodby iii rie eting n leauhot ueenieey. Adeliiert Ileot Hoyl feut PAUL MacGUFFIN, 1ileep irneCînitat Apil 27, 1897. Lit,'# suoreyad Ctiamellor ut Laé.. >îîurneY Cas legun Sepiomber 17, litai, Alte RYPU1eLIil F1rewu, ntCeuter, Illiloix, oniy a jeu, NOTAAY UBLIC nlea miot w home il endeut, Liberty- apeoisI -ville. He' use converte ilt te go ot aet atteniîon gvi Cî leent-. No Iotîliedoîttti lita couver. sudCovoyniIim. iiin. HeiWuvas d,'vo,îd, canent, atndiugbt.!ui, ouîtticet sou eîimî'mitjous. OFFICE WiTÉ LAREa CouNTT liAiK, He wuaiîî,îfuthfle î,fthe Libertyvilie, i Iii ois. ",vtert, iliiiiet o Aartuintùs the Whmels uof Hie tt oodti mli. He la nov 1 itls hie inother u the glory landi. W. H. MILLER. :Titr'e ioviug mAséters anti a devofeul TONSIIIIAL AilTIST, fgalber viliitresat' e Up Ain thiir ni'timhie lit mtersuicea -'1 eau. Whon youi vaut a lmin siave or anL i.av A m n rtatiy twgo." shail gost i sir ecatAi -on .1AIL.' 1 teil YuIm 1the groat tiottîg o f My CEOICE EP<?iS4OF 10 < 1. mitaise 1I mimd 1 day be-iluletht' body 'of ,îgmnfriend? Thst Itunglt 1. this: Net î t-, W.C. 'l'rigitu Ste- 14 tomiflu tt'e veniedtiavler, rmat la on qrsue ~ti Siiil "t~'i itry iii eeel; ilflui thie wvîr îu toidier. peac-e ove . ueanu 8~u'Ai m'ruiigiu liweeet; iAf nte L forni-beeten - _____ - - ariano, land is me ettf tolie forlorm ,. ~,, captive, libierty tas eeet, iftl t'e A, Present rer Yli pinlîmg exile, buipo e IIeveet; oh vital 1 an Agent for the' P.oç-Kinuit, MId - mun objuset Idl delight. oti ndeaeùibsbie CUrer'gtR, S TI XEICNORTOHaIT- lieligll, nMmait ileavem n. lut, te 19ss ati limîciiosTILE mninte Cos.,lredeemoti.' alan meuverslII hem gond compuan, andi 011. vi tl i 1i iiispit'. iýOr tlîîî ,au.'In, for Patch 510<81 pliAcy uilleluhy Me furla..Z anyone n Lais, CulaIst. 1viii gi vo SI. '1,1.1. îtt'uAj.ii î in tiadee ai the ~inikSht., s&tati nt - the lanme ufîîr larger ar sîui'm itupo- i.Ii aîtutiiut eitatu fia, ffltnand iii-a'îIl.. ihs i,(ee. L Aili give lîvatuc e t.uiiAtlt.ut iiu.i'n tt.ii. tîîh'g .ui rite, and idate vî,mr 1ev îuilmî'3 aufex- Loteis lp oi~~t'tter . 'iite lin exil. John J. Longabaugh, Sujet store. Grayslake Illinois. GRASS SEEDS FORi BALE AT WiIOLE5ALE AND RIETAIfL ALL I. iitiCF Pu re Clover Seed. Tim- othy and Red Top also Alfalfa, Alsyke, Millet and Hungarian Seedsl in season. Try myj Seed Corn. CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Grove, Lake Co., Ilnoim mî"Applicationts 1).' Mail iillt? attendidto1 When- or wliere have yon seen stîch bargaiui in larmiesit ? [ No. 3 ingle Hsmneu e $.iAO No. à lilugli3, imitation htuiter Trimmati Haneau IH.0 TI, Aintjjt, A ita uv','i,thi . iîi lis Wit. at i -hum. ' !W. r'.. ' I tillAi A,Aufl aI iui iutsw".,t' lt-', Ils .- tii 1. lAi Ag it i al A'. iui t, III. linu 'i Siý! fîrlh fmuni thu- gatsti.,ine triîiai array. CI,iui- th--' jritii'u. ,'fAitis'i..Aiswiraî,'y t1,t, î"y o-)à th t riu « r t hý h AnAd itti l II..' t i i1 ou roumîîhilî, s James Madison Cage. .taîmtu's Madison Gamge vas bhum aI Haitinge, uhijontagna Counnî>, N. Y., J uly i, 1832 cuti tied etthe homle o! Mrs. Laure. Hîuetuî, April 20, 1897. Deceamet cane vesi vitIhbie parents et tht' sgt'of Iveive yearm, bis tather, îii Gage, bcbng one of tlienetlomm i Auioci, octing thora ln 1843. Aceemeeti as a ctiliin o! Hon. Lymanu J. (.sge. Hie intneAmie melaîlves ara a mititer. Mmi. Louis Paddock, o! limîl Lake, Ili., a alieeire. C. B. Littlo, o! Fox Lake. He Iceves tvo great-uleesn andî other distamnt relatives. Ht' enistet AuIthe 37tlu In!auîtny, Compauy F., Au tht' laie var, eerviug Ilirte yeare anmd three montha, elumma- log tu tht' homle tif iparenite afler the' van, lter ongagiug vîllu Robert Paddtock, o! Volo, where ha renuaineti lio.06 Haut-matie, Imitation lIt. sanveu yousa thon goiug te tie home o! pber trimmet i Snguelamnemes Mrîîlis. E. L. Hîmeon uliere lie romaine-i No.?7 Igisgle, Haut-matie Nickel furiat-eght Jears. Teimçxd Harnes@ ilotwule a amember tif Waucîtnda 6. A.. No. 10 Fmucy Sngle iamneas 15 R., vhil organisation lied charge o! Ian. aruee lj Acit hve ~ tAt aaseqîios, InAimîcumal eimmg itithe' ZXtra Fin. Hariesai 1 A. trace' 24.0 CHAS. KAISER, , Wa hyio s t'ýJ-berty.vlIIe, - Illinois. The' Laise C'omîmiy Indapendeul bas been increanet trom asnix te a neveu -. - -~--~ -cotammiquartoud alan muc It nprove Pick les. l porac !bae .oae&u f , ~ e etePii£Pr>rada ~~Ii BUOSuil ing p o Dr. Chartes Calloway. Office over LoveiI'sDrug8tore oulaiFaon 1 TOi8 ANI) 0 TO 8P. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigge & Taylor's. -nouRs-- I to 10ILa.2.t t nsd i. tosm P. Dm. Reidence on BriEaduay opposite Park Libertyville. Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. gutler's bldg Hî,urse 9 t.,12 ia ni. and 1i W, ô p.eni. liAILY. Libertyville, MI. Dr. E. V. HARVEVI DENTIST. -OFFICE HOUES- @tni 2.M. itosan-1ltoSl'. . Grayslake - Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. I ' i i.. - AT WYN Just arrlved 1000 Yds.jMjATTiN4 T hat we seilîat I OC Per Yard:, We are doing a nice business in1 wé have ever done. Good Styl* Low Prices, does the bý AT WY' Death of John Meyer. Sr. GOOD ROADS. GILMER John Meyer, Br., au olti anti biglA respecteit citizen 0f Long Girave, thim -Wil Wheelor vimited frientîsi county, dieti Thursday night, A fril n, Copeland Telle More About Them. Libertyville lest Sunday. Hl*s Ide«s. Henry Bier, et Long Grove, visitet 1897. living exceedeti mnu'e. alloted Fnc asn( AU IE1TVLE i red Lempker'a lest Suntay. tbre a00r 0Years andtotn, and comfort, osaepî O Fn, îîsivîL, Oue day lait ueek C. G. Binaîl traded ed by the knovledge At ha islife bl n s iaaeiT igne about@ andi squantity of corn for beeu spent rlghteoualy anti houorably, ESInc o n thoP»NT:eonb af y ed rs at it teno h ho vaietitieth ally ntifealeaiy. tr ou gond roidi ta printle in y.înr fanerai tif 1fr. Meyera ut Long Grave Tht' decoaaled wuseboiruain Alsace An1ltome eek s unelviilsie noua P. m. luit Sanday. the year 1818 andi came to thii country t ail. The fumera horeabouta are et vonk about 1854, remiding AIn the vciuity of 1 have want.d tu drive cal(for a ou2 thetr land in fulIl force te eek, LongGroe nerlyfory Jera.andmonîli but did nototari out on account uîcimanonts for a lack of personal LongGrae norlyfort yerriandof uiat (hboard of 8h. uratcheti condi- At,,,. attainedt tht' ripe aoi gaot sevenly. tion of th. rowk dsi aide of anti aine years, titres montheanmd lve tiays. boyonti Eondpnttd edB lia of Shetlds. H. C. raddock, of Llbt'rtyville, calieti 0f~~~~~~~~~ hl lcob rtlfiys tariti ont yeÇday anti reallzed an friande Lore ]aat hunday. lHe apondu 01 bla e cn le tuthull mi, tretuUy what 1 hallb*n dreding. Wiuen hie Baturdaym huatlAng [or bisentalmer hie did nul have a single onemy, a min 1 iiai pasit ~srnsandi coma te schoot anti acatemy. ut mteriAng uorti, lovod by aili ih boro thora i n a, gravai doua voent Win. RIOM a shailAing hingît' vth vliom le hecame acquainteti. vlh. t Mny buggy in place" aimon ate Le Ie. whfchb goélugle the, alid Murphy knowwu# a rspec an banir. l as s drag ta My big atroug horne hou... Wlieu rpidr ire hovli mmvi' kno va tereeoctaudbonr. and suaiat arlei froilon ber wvite ie 1£1111Iuynto l anti [eut the'ont'liho goAng ai about a tWo MAie galt.MUnd now OcciPIe, Jennv Lnda Pre.oity. ant ilinh leieAn aU directions and 1 Dont sDow yrour longe &a le Ampair- -Jenuy Linti coulti not have been rotumnet in the. .Yiang tiroti, dis- eti by the continfue,,& irritation of a more thau four yoars aoi vhau ohe giu 04,d' m y uaeyuypatatibuggy oogb. Ui.toer toervent conaum- wuean corait uth adtule totok tAont Uua c ura At. Ona Minute voke up the aoid @pne$ ln the matta 0io fMon tauhour teodanateantileAtu bai Cogu Cre tiSon oarly vOl ard off repo.el nter her tiny ingera a fanfare AtkaitoM ail lisi gios; my cont and aay fatal Jung trouble. F. B. LOvELL, that a baud used te play ln paaalng pinteansd "a@es-and bat and face Libertyvil, and 0. C. BonnnLa, Wall- ber ome.Tai wu&the tri mune a ra an beerdt hat t taok me a conda. herhom. Ttm sa ho ira muAc hatfull hoar Skia moring taecloan thom, Ont' day liai veek reportsa seo! dia- broko upon lier tAuy ars," recordasidra. mY horna.wua&ail ja otnud I lid tant thundor came to the eare of Gi- Rasymondi Mande, ber danghter, vIonent beau eight mi&fraim homo. if a morAles. There uer. a gond mn write. of --My lothor an 1 BacaillHer,"' trangafr h"tibeau U4ih me, »uaaun oJcctnre.msa te ocause ot the sonti. An tht' May Ladies Home Jour a. rom 014 ugmiand ere altbe roada cone adA s rilr rciea araalsysgodbat do you ihlai Fort Sheridan. othense&le1 might Le -"Thero la aloo a cat toùry," continues voalti have beau hie opinion "ofie .th. OminoUi rumblingi tha& praceda lire.-Mande. "bar voice hsvAng licou civliation ad a f1h.ppe0f rrsqauhlanev tanar notlced ai aingAug tealier cet, but 1 the teun 0 ia4voe ut f ]Ut _. uhqar, ,? e nonjectue t Atur vont g! vo any creditt ok ua0 te ltaie, sud ulilnetaS., Staeao!lIq. .B. A? 1 -rnmithî b. the resuît of a arai 1.881 flo gonSta ns ,roy ovn question. betueen the sirabipa lu l the hrlal Pais On toi heu inth ytar vlan tha But on myl iresome plodding jonrnay ragions .Ail vere wrong. The reporte director o! the theatre and opera @chant 1 imleazna oetlnq more about r1004araue .produceti by the buating ao!boies et Stockholm wueIntucad te heerlier, sud formeti more depidedt opinions mi vith dynamite for lte polea of the sud te accepi lier se a papil. A %t0atehou tbey should De oontruect..1IDov lelephone lUnue beiug bui A isthank 1h. enterpristng commaiiera frain ChAcago ta Minneapolis. The soe allie learneti deportment sud gos. of Uic toua of Blhida for etia knou- PoI« vîit cross -Lare and eighe vires tre, lu uhiclioah. use alasys perfecg, .ledge. Ater 1 p.aiddlb.ecresmory I are nov ap in thue vicnAity sud At gAves sud uhicli, aIl lier lite, mate iereuboer ar otulapon a gmnine gravaI rond, tiei pari of the county qnite a metro- iug ud arnge 0 stieî aste îvebaei1IhavaeOn la iis section. The polîtan appearance. ingandcariag n ettel m a gveb.d la very narrov uith s deep ditel Tht. Incradlible hla happoned sud her 1he app.arance -of a tll voman, on emoniaida closm np tbil sud 1th aIeiceuon aeho e vhen she wusereally not more than flve gravad An an rouadeti ou 1h. tep 11.1l t bnkte o hIr r euiihyveTear. foot six. Sa useWallaeaabeautifal sheds vaaI liSe a duck'a back. l nbkdfrlaiiceuit.Tear liad ad soos aihouit ati ony hAiai am liteslicou seen by on. of dancer, sud loveti dancing, titouglibrdli ai 12sova vtleboga .don.uly ouct 0a la bm vrct soldomt indulging n t-refraining for thanke te Eti. Hart and liAe seociéétà. 0eau net Le doublet; vboso name leaa huaths and art@ «âke, ai eh@ uged ta Thay show they are mon of sns Y s)Ym nyifor traîli, aid a man uho say, smnc teatgondberotua.m a gravai-nover secs moviug talse liglita, beAng s saymine iltirti er 10 mcoi mrs. I conclutiedtiater secing îJestrictly temporale min. WAII Hall, Mrs. Mande notes thret Jonny Linda lIhtasille grading Up v have doue biule gazinginuto theanoutheruboavens tirat toacher uai Croeiiue. ant i ase ihat uhoro no gravol liai beau put on tho othr evGuisserlava ig ht 11gb t Garciaonue o!flier earlet instructors Anahouit b.etue ovor. le inail heoine Gaplmor rm theursondli tht' tedlinical art of singiug As pIUlvn vide aid fiat. The ditchea ahould b.ome.Tolginpdyde arat aitatom ix fet Dnerrthe cceLil of!P28-l"direotiy -ve au,%--undAesap Au London. Jenny Lint beganunak- te rondi on egch aide sud machi pearet in the' norlh-vestern heaveus, ing bier profoasional tenusetiau &go deeper. le na wusaiof gravai tb put tisplaying lunlte rear o! tht' airship when motIgirta are tentiered antiDunr- ig on the ronds the vag tûey Lave beau tLe proverbial med anti green lighe,&. tureti at home; sud alme coachetiffliooe- gratictiop. The told eanu ni b. Thie airship muet have paeed rieur tiried by ditches n fur avay andta ~Deeriielt sud Veto. W. vonîilich pupil. letts glfted than hersait, thereby put gravai on auclà JUat ide surface plceed te beau trai hose places.* gatning kilouletiga und pxperionca. in te es..JeAt OU caS arloipuaboti tovu Tvo meeting,, er.hellti lait veek lu Her liraI fii.groun" appearauce usa lotoite mati. That ronaialard and regard 101th. butter sud cheose faleiory. matieMiarch 7. 1837, uhona eo use«b.- aool becauae onougli gond gravel One luit ucek Watiuoaday et wbic h twee iszteen ad seenten; a vaswmPut upon s proporly matie hall.liemsr. Patten anti ally voe Avon axten nt seonton trt-1411 Everyone who hmi been river ihat roati proseut ant i agned] aconlraot by uhucit yeara lator %aie sang for the' lant time Anu An mudtlme knoove ulat mndholee tliey sgroc tu eai their entire Interest Pulînic. thore voro er i t mcslo. The rondi ln tht' factery for the aur of S',Ot b.d use tilodt lere andti hauk@ a givgPosseossion the liriday o(June. APPilcable te This LoCaliiy. those commimsiounr. mdjime w iHir Te coutrattwue&ac o igneti b>'repire- This the saseon o! the yeir uhen neyer coule there aguin. l1ai dry muttivea Of the stock subacrihera. Sanud antsiaof catalogues trainithe' anti smooitli, yen ryer sud esmoter Anothar wuaihelti Batartiay evening ai Shan any rod of rondtinAuouvillage uhîcli A. G. Sblierman vas cliosen *ity departuenlefiores are sent Anitothle sud tliey tell me lA ba been RiO ail tremarer andi s board of directors, con- country-amotig the' farmlug clama gen- vinter. aieting Of John Eggers. Geo. Graver eraily. Tbeyvaut you tosendîhenialil Nov lei me conclutta by suggesiing fat e iiib. un on le cho-oprThve thie cami youu bave, sud thon vhon thet' ltICommiiouer Austin "Open tLe feOYwl i u ntec-prtv timmermesirayounee monetingbail" luy iaklng tht' other connu- Plan, paying seven Per coul Interest tAme come tial yu noti sntelingsonora ovorW seaothâtailmloeot ruiou Reatksd viilbogin tîperatlon ou res] bad sud n a htîrry yen viii go te bcyondthle croamrery noie uhule tboy the irai day ot Joue. Gentlemen bring your local storo sud saie for -ticS." se.itnlu ihe. î itwi &k.a oudyour alliktanti yonuî iii rpeoive mlitmore What do thoat' felous cire for onir ta tesm te geltiabre. Thon thay eam la ln l. get your miooy? lt tn tht' local stores nte"ure anti aqaint anti ittrelut la Igo tha tkeai hierstluyou wllrem ie doue thisamie o!fIltu oun lime lu IDEERFIELD. tha tae n ltteea Anyoîr eifreDerake 0ur rond ulapeasla. leilasjuat lMre. C - oyt vieltetirelatives lunfchi- ytîu ail kîuuw. Can you geiyourgtîodm thr" lasoi our cominmaionera nt'ed cag.î ibis week. on *tlck"etai te cit>' stores? No lndeei anti tueyaboutiti take e Atrgislae. tl lr.Wreo lotvle i't- ui't. Difiiereînt vitit salir haine steres. -ould le a plemmure lu taire tte oigiît -r.Wreo ,etvle ii mie ride I100ok Frlday îvor sncb s finonda hort' thîs week. tuf cîurmee îýah la preferabie; but uluen road msa lima, butt i5rd ai Ai le te gel Ueo. Otatrmau. of Chicago, speut yîîî are sho)rt" credit gode jit tite 1I tneuy theme imig tintta1i uunt ISnîiday wyuL relat, ves ht're. marne aiii villingi>. Wehupe auinîtr rapoiltaug Jonruîy novr for ton, W. B. Wech, ut Beit. I, se ln tîtn of mr tnne fri»4I wii vaeflllydollars. Il inmopinjul !îîr ma e ie a.c toi ,,brnea nue day icisI uok. huituit, tu mi liru tver5 leu bt. pu ainre t' il<îv iluug ubile tltt' Henry Alartit, o!f<Chicago, Wale aavin loo ino himsudtaa oer iew out soll-m refo!uletilild, sutivem'y tire- ler iniîr tîvn tint' day lc'îl eek. Tiieo n io îîithlg geiuncA îy traffinîg monte Il otrcomimslîîura (I viril asay foule home. Paîruilize titie-wiîo tu gtve thuni fuir warniitg, dont do ail' Aîdy Waiiace.the evor veicomit' via- have bee tniuti luiyoî Au ht'thleY enueu eil) ue out this yemi 1Alur calioti tn bis uulimerons frends buvebeel frinds u yo in he' teritaudi encre viliinb.iameetinîg ihem ibis veuýk. limetif ue.-d. Mial it' "vyour bu,niiil icîbliadu nthîmsaubject belore our noie Laonas giveiln gracef ai moveinenti locai lteri'laiil lhroigh thick raitiu e lection. 1 have icou bltd thal ouanti ualtz timiglt An ten minutesa (tnîo 11eie unmt-a they bave due by youIvow olti conimieeioners do tnrt inten aullan Rte. Haetion guarant*,ee. P. Du. ali tirsudiîlyîuîî ili Lie noue the lte heoilthe t' iiof toepeuple. ai moet Zahn 'ipe iimvt ununlouiy oxpraseed ti aI nr tIni Mr. K hrlà oeiebisamuly eo lleur, meeting, thugt tity shoulti ratie ail the Chicago. We undrsiant Wn. Linge Morley tht' laiv viiPermit, but 1 do lia rentoti tht'latin o! C. 0. Mabikle 1. O. C. T. Social. nue believe At. 1 viii euggtet liai our ant i viiimov a in th e bonneevaciled TAie 1. O0. T. Lualgeut iRockt'feller, commislosiers cil for Commmiion by Mr. Kioppor. wili gve a ,Weight Social,", et lité Hart mo ltai leecm go vitb ihem ndt 1e.Hab !l lniPrs o ('hapei, Rockefe'llerm,Ill., Friday eve shou tiem hho o le ileti the bat occixpe leplA uAeZo vn ing, April 30. Ame'ptimmha Places. 1Idottihope thret Libertyville eu ti hearcP u. v th iti lite arreugeti etnisiug iof mcitâiunâ, c bae&se o ot rtîada s SAelestformer pimior, hliselke charge o! s uhtli ia Iv o ilrot lmasasfartechurchln AuChicago. reoliîîgs, laters, salon, tinte, haut the' gravol. B. C. Petits baller kuovu air Doci. quartettes, ec, Tht' uauner lu ubicli This lasby ail oaïds the mont Irivoloi Spîcu, purchma isvainable bora. iJ. thia soci as lte bc conduciet inAsunique rndtiAn the township suit aboulti b. C. Coas Auclion let yack. One put shapo. ifl le llail lb. vagam itaudreti and thirty --boue&"'wuethe antdls b sl!îîortlt'u mucli marriment gondi m la lIat one mile, Libentyvilie price Do petiti for Ahe animailsutdlio uherevor lilitas been iauguatot. A vouiti gat alle Aatie out tharea long maya hoe bu a Ohu. f course il cordial invitation lasextendet ail, tuthlitshlor. aud our people :veut o! musA b. pedy or AI vonit not de. coma anti participate n thie fulte village couldigel avoir Su the meryeIt ttis. makiag social. ropidi>'grouing home market on tae Ln udyatrnnalcmtv liSe shore willi their bey sud outi antiLd ndyalronalcmtv cornanmd potitocsan sut ier vegotibtes, set tirate 2h.e roof of lte levîlor ounoti The Sunsihune SSute.. sud pontry anti oggs. Mesure. Coin- by Horanberger Je Autos. Titebia.e la thettlie 0f sgenemoualy ilustrateti miailoners vake up t0 your dtilez anuWalldiscovereti uhete itirat stirteti pamhle ofstxee paes u rfeenesmpousibilittes. Dont yoe. e are a a atim se nt t0 our vounuleor pamhle ofalieenpags l reere bore lu a beautif ni productive country lira department. iu a feu momenta ta Soutli Dakota, lte roadiiug malter An thlrty milei tran s city o! 1800000 about tveniy-flvo reepondedta t the vhich uase ritten by an entbumlnaitteand caimlug teliîe an Intelligent cuiii. A. Landau, our chses miSer, SouthiDasSole iady-lirs. fteila Hoamer people sud dragging tliroagh the madtiallitenti te Ie lirte ta o tuo Arnoit-uho hie bean a reident o!fh the sa mneai the early sestîlrs vere mI llbleitnit euet aixty yaars ego? If hled ords vare quanalih lb.lames, but se soonsai te Bunnanine State for aoir tan years. 1A noS raltiouiut ofYonr anlarged boys tiiecovoreti the contente o! th. copy viii b. nisiledta teh.ototire«s o! excellent home paier, Mr. Botter, 1 cana tboy drink the millk sud for a feu any tarner or firmers vwile, f msau t aIhonitihave amai bai a feu n momentse the Situation tauliser!serions. once te Goa. H. Routaord, Ganersi Pas. denrlbing tt ourney sau lautS ,i At AliAs crilical tAm. Docliemhl dey, mist afeu expielîves a l et ye Matie bi s piearauce anti pnablng sneAgnChicago, Milwaukee & knov hou 1imaîîy feut. Ibronglithecrouti aitempleti toune. s eenge AgoI, lottle o! BiaIsea Expert ai.s lire ex- Se. Paul railway, Chicago, 111. 29-2 LaiOu comniamionera gai ail tb, tinguiber but su objection us mati. money they coaulmsoo mai tbay eau, louarti usetiug t Anthat manuer anti Dînners of the Orip. anti auticipatele At A by eau, lb. objection wuesuetaineti by the The greateat tdanger tromn La GiAe anti naSe a gond roud, lirai crouti. AithiaJuncuion anme splendid s o! ie resniting lt pneumonie. If Ibrongli our tun froint norih ta soatit vork va don,. Fire Marshall aubu, reaaouabla cura An unei, liovaver, aud andtinmasit te uesl sud titan other yuLh a large milS poil, anti saversi o! Chainbrlond'a Caugh Eeutetiy take14 neiS important ronds, atill he wvi te boys ver. $(Oon -ruehlng 8h.eea" ail danger viillwi b adt.Am tlh ov la proprl doune. Afler they Th. u-ter u id id àr ee le .k k, ând dam Mîioi îrd 'taniAuRAit 4th tan lAOLmOrEI, b>' CoDa 183 2:2214. Son Of!Alîtalar Ui& ant 2,11%i- Durcr. I;î7. tArsOf Brs SitLýeIAa.oÏtofCrui.dam Of sud Blanche Amory. .18i. Ly Ml ("anedita mare. by MoADI&i183U, in-' ot Peik.mno. uis' La Tîtea 2:104. and 1025 muotan nies thte sire ut! HumuWies, î:îîýûiAnti' iii'Beimuint se; seouiian fluai meaudir À:26,j.1) ty PihuilJr,.. Ly AnMmîvTROB351, Ruulotnd 2:29u4,usire tuf (a*tely.Il:iSON adugoSotmer. làtht' lit. iSu eto Hautead. iuy imhurinuu Chia! Il. by AnO)ALLAu 16, It,.uudi2:42. Sim.o! Goiiismth mai Pnuiceutir of ut minduelna icares Jîrmuë t ma5 Prouine 1:1 Siou f am t t m. nul of i N OTE.-ANALYRIS lasanperbly bred. hein or anezrt, of the great Electioneer, out of a daughtex of th. Code, 2:22j' un a foundation of George Wilkea blond. 0 est source. ao:crrloa the blond of tbe four greal hb" monutea nmid,«Norma and Minerva. a great combinaý bHe lar an attractive and promislng youughter, and Ski h igli clam trotter or a sire of speed. Re vili maka t "ELrI GROVE STOCK FA MIKE REDMONO. fRNop. Post Off ice add resu, - - (GiOh1E. LI MiesaIrent' McClure ani letat Sun- lira. E day ai home. lMt"aà Jamea IBYRD has novedtb mb JothnMoud y Flooti bouse. T. J. I Mr@. Jaunie Leachi visitet iAn Cictago finiautik tle lirei o! the vei. r. Roy Bradher uaAu Chicagi. on InumA- et pneee noeîleni Monda>'. No g.l Eut french is home agim, aetîr anlayt rabsence o! covemal veeks. C. F. 9 C. X. Brown antd famiiy ontertaineb aPector Bfriands frtim Chicagu e t Ia inîhe>. Mn. E. Arrange 10 attend i tht' connîr Chicage Chritian Endeartir convetiouîm t Laket lmas. Jo jBluff, lMay 5. Ulie. V Un. W. B. Price relurmiet front Wagert> Chicago Bundiy viteme mht has Imoon bm i sevomi mmenthe. bl, lira. H. C. Lise amît chiliman arem" vimiting 'relative@a iin cicagtî andi hal-no lavouuntIbis cise. Qit Tht' Wotlman Lave Hitlle theIha aea&i question of building a hall et belt an ulnvmi b. nettitît An nov quartera by nazItafui. Grayfl~ alMay 13 lthera viii b. s W. 0J. T. U?. Ourq 1 conventionitalut uthe' Christian churce A4 su ,comtnencing uaIlmi î'msock alec avouîngsblp EPm texorcises. 100 taS Fermera are comnpleluing bittarby uo! * 1tlu, priceffloltere thLm by Chicago Pu dealere tor Ihair miS. Fsctony pricaa are bouler. C. M.Broya racent> Purohaa4 .ce, B&E Jne about thirty acres où. the fn 2. i»e sQ~gsb " 1*1 Jouasbailmni1 mattil Y. Docka Geo. *ab «t untam MI -----e p-w. am z Cor. Genese. and Washlg W~AUKEGAN. fi ERN 885. want t has .AUV eeder $et- P NICKEL PLAr 1 - la a fine youn g staillon e .. Gray, Welghsl7SOslr.d byC&té" dam Mies McGargle, a fuil1 blood Ir Hewâlimû.aket euomon ai"ELM OOV Analysis standard. Rule 6. Reg. Vol. x BAay Stauiiom; fomieti 1892. Breti sud ovueti by Col Frankftom, Ky. Nov ouneti by MiSe Hetimonti. BY NORVAL 5335, Record 2:14J. Sire of Noriain, (1), 2:31j; LakeddOu 1:l11 antid pr farmerlu tL. lioi. Son o! Elac5ion lia. ot f Nmmi dm o! Norval, 2:14J. anti Norria, *9 of Lumi, 2:15; Msy' Qneen 2:20, sud Ahe daMa of 17 #1A mmc dan INFL17INCE ý I.È A- IL JJW or IV" t

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