CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Apr 1897, p. 2

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Muuéime e ýe a i 1,000 td . F vnt Îimd mut gage oft lIvé havi Ma tred Fr jé viel bbive llqt b«eue él Ir, A mlso ?»remil tte mm Inn- Nb or Eo M"be1 mai" kmmm 010À fb émet caiop- or pn - va - gossitemen ment I~I iShav Mr ., elatalsmnt as mosi _________ lî sai béa exaumer@ la bis bureau vers *,~tte taaMd ual thé viii mt psrMié oi vheé thaft jÂ.emgte homade la hie te Ifho an éd a, - ~ mi uéaba Xr. Deels bas a Yser te serve, mev@ thme Mhuattess se bave an aie on bis dlsapj ýTES IN THE< bumssaréncusiidigtmted aidare tri- Amer WUOT i«agt.reaise asIsse htvésn ism ad tlngh aséetaui Gage over the arrangemnt f tet tif the elericai forces.'Tins faz,however, hij« calai Ligué, te thRY have fallitd and théré havé eaunoneingu lésa dc..asignaet friction la ébat quarter. Thé on qu boec et the placé hanters se that Mr. Eck- 11le daMAemittblessait ta hé irrltatéd te mi *umL thé Paomént frcslgnlngrathér than suhuit té iésétrenc 6wlhie mclrical terce. Ho Pusi Dscipline. hé»séeioffers ot outeide empioyuméft ot thé Nrthweet that vili psybhlnmorme. than hé la nov "i C udahy, im th»c ivit. hué ushé»a apride in staying pugil jhat thé e tàoSyte thé end of bis vé iears' teru-néant I Il lenie river mnd Api--mnd ln net llkelî te permit himmeif I emande thc at- ta hé traplilte rcsigning te gati ythé at I t. Tysie sé-#Poles«é. k uli an é sd vltb truth ébat cola nt. Qniia theré se ne diilostien on the part of sither nonr te ~the Preeldént-er lecretari Gagé te dis-oa is erquréls t urb Comptrellér Eckels orte Iterféré in hémng hie admnistration et thé affairs oetbis death 'Y Oum ye nfie é la practlcafli thé amui relie et hé bu ,,,,m«Oaita-thé, Clevelandrmign vith vhom tbis d- el u tur le tta imnistration appéars te hé lu sincere symi- bea érddt tém-psthy. vîtn. h-ey nd dYoung w a e aise lésansi te BAT RIMMINOS CASE SECIDED. hemi fruit, sai mmiandcolap lent and danger- Ooveramet Wl.. the reousnsmuté show or. Lsut vlnter Wiéh Importera. bd édu i ag- The famous bat trimmingu casé, vhlch the. apdhrt ét.Involved htweén $20.000.000 and 8Z.~- issue nas i m h 000,000, which ha heen postponed tromva upthmm m m tEre ttimé for thei. lasé hree iears, vas viii it s bttIseaie naliy declded in fover ot the Govern- ne tiie misalonrY meut hi a Jury in thse United States Court et Phiadelphie Tueedai afterneon. Thé suit vas hronght as a test casé hi Meyer *~ FLEuR. & Dickinson, big imprters eft éat city,Ch Who songhts te recover from the United ty Watcbing the Sates a diffrence et 30 pet cent ln Ch peîteat custema. dutié.. Thé frms contention thé at,(Ot.,sue Was ébat thé Imprtations in question con- eft i legl, andi .bé t léistéd sloir et hat trimmnts, on wiiich Chici tie [et vasshort- thé dut under thé McKiney tarif act defa le énéssi ationvas ouy2O0per cent, bt thé Poédéral emi 1reselvé le ou> iciel~~as ln thir argument maitainéd that wrft Ilitai llma. the mrchandisc va s uad chiéfli fer on th iséssésand dress trlmmings, md that théeoft i stre. rom iati et 50 par cent iévied by thé Goveru- pros oé 1le as al prepér. Meyer & Dickinson hée umad is hlég 'reneminalli hepcatifse, hué thére aftt î'1i5. 13LOtlvére-bndrà. of et blimuportiez firme aue Mm c6l10g9e02e- thuoughoué thé country vho ver. inter- mîtu Msd a Iaffé hOt»ase stiedilathé outcoméefthteisuit and vho les'i au"se l av lait s ver. instrumeuntaliin procurieg thé hésté ner thff. mmd Oee-aif abtalnahle couniel. ofa ,peeuliô gagtm. 1itt lés chatsba thélis TEA WILL HAVE TO BEGOO. tic d ligameatahave -leam «M la tthé sPt Bosrd Of Experts WlltExamitne Atid, WS&. hills ther Inapertitlene. Ml ii out »U"iséon Undér thé récent tset of Congre»s lu re- Iéwlg thé symp- lationa te thé importation et tes, thé Trous- ury Departmeat basn found it neceari Ri ta issue ncv regulations, seting forth _was 14 111111106 vth trent deti thé prer retmeut ot mit thé mrchandise. No dutinl exmcted nd thé soe object ot thé aet vas thei, vi 0m14 piles Protection of thée onsmers trous thé sal, tur U , leé94teuct et unwholcmaond fraudulént tous. A Mis »r RWILmea? COumboard oetatin experts seiéctéd hi théeBer.- wc witXdlbda5ora- tri has stahuisbéd a lisse et standard mei F étht Mr. BAve- samples represétinig thé varionus kinda coi tram adie-et *mieishb- --tés.. - RsatMis 1. ASs mi Oldtain examiner* are tatioed at NewY ok, aP ; tmms a van Chicago and Ban Francisco, by vhom ail mes égt a1éisia thé lmprtei ton@ viii hé coaparcd vith thé giog mgséilea ustandards and proiited tés condcmn- 311 t lepeýes es-a& d.An appeel mai hé made hy thée1mes-bru ~ aaayprtera te a board ofthre génral ap- bai é~ts émaeipralcies, vh e ard mai procure ex-ho SPo"é asistace. Coudemned tea" musé0en L v wqmm aahouéxporeil d ithin six menths on théî tra or. »6*0. wiil hé déstroyéd hy thé collecter. Pend- vo SU eatadti thé tes. vili hé séored v à"a" ý undér bond. e, K141013» 09 PYTHIAB MENT. ef - ans Ouvrase e ésilyUulfemedUa Coavemset Iadiscmtolls -~ ~ Thé supre»améénbuy of the Unifenned Rainh, migto ef Pyth*a.,met lu Indien.-cet w üim«. M besessaselle.- léinleanesposi et P. T. Cogroe, sol upreosechancelior, of Hastings. Mlch; et MMOM Jamsé. aruahan,NMjor Génoal, Indien- se âpetaoNis, and a long Mastoetbrigadier lgen- &ai e ffià eésais. The audltlmg eoittée vent 0,cr e aï Séihi thé books et the major générai and ré- ai$ftsu" te potéi tbmte hé correct. The Pullsé ~ lespée-etf the rock vere 82,000, and the mems- t t = & mtbhé heriIp si evowsaàgain et 50. i Ots u- Aimnt MoUysmi flltef. Pr 01 Ar Prof. FredissickD»Maili et Corneilt Uni- » qo sae.vesty.lithams, N. T.. preieuted maé thé fo Amour Instituts ia Chicago Wéduesday i laStiecldubs stitute et Eleetrical Englneers a pper vi 1 4 ti Dartmout University, and Liet. Il 0 . quier. eonnected vith the. siectrical 'i 0 5 epatessntat Fort Mopro. Thé inven- w. io.n vhilhrequiedéthelahéns o! tva yer eperiet,.flkow:8te tsyIcbmo b* Mosa ite egraph, ad mmd e nme bd o mpm»odm bdow-. raplli tnaasmttlain elgneb h ml iteýtaLug corrent. ith thé mcv Inven- t ýsîî 2 8 tenlea s gald te hé possible ta transmit e i Masaauie .2 a &M00 en"sa minute over thé ordiani Ie 1 amma Gé.. 2 8 elgaph vine. Under thé method novn 'mi Népis..eo oeuly tnusem it réquires sevéral dey@ 0 5te sendi the contentset a daiiy névspaper1 thé vines,wville vlth thé synchrone- d ugis & g m go z. graphIlé le clalmed, thq? time can h lis- '.ofmk meIéena" léadt. thé nolghtarobod nf an heur. Dr. besai bmvut- vmy Oehore and IÀeut. Sqnicr are respnsible là; * Th esmmuaM« tforthé perfection ef thé range-Oinder nov - .soemdtii.~. dopted hi thé Unted States Governmené igase guçaî ~ ~ andsud la obtaing accuracy in Dring at t 0f ~ metboi fer méasuring the veioity o! meéflé peecs.caution hmlls& ____ ns mihba h vediLoy Fané eatea. t te Uséies, JndeShevaitér of thé United Statese Court. Chicago, bas grantcdl the injuuc-@ rl-«O»u . Gemtien aaked hi thé Citizen' Street Salivay *hnt Nv YorkCompan of Indianapolis aglaientéthé en- =~5 *th, lupodiniforcement ef the -cent taré 1mw. Thée - of ééetbrilhéEséféci vIlI ho a returu to 5-cent fores. The. l 01681 pgéta. A Hugg lav ln dcclaréd ta hé uuconstitu- ,pIecemI iiiGels. élenal, hécause ilé inspécIal legslatien, ap-1 ISOM W"iss de- phriig oute thé lti et Indianapolis. lé MA -»ewJeé. Blua- la thé opinian ef thé court that .vhcrc h'w omsSé ta &e proeéedingé la effort destructive of a vastes! proeéréyringhé are tbréateuéd by a dendant lneloficiai position. under cler et a vold Mtatute, the prelîmnar injecte- *Iie ahé ien ougt te lsue. Thé suggestion by1 K e X V, Thelé é.AtUmer Genenal, the court sais, ébat ýl ý 1 - laa- ev .6th8.curt- -ht Do t. con-1 [-it IàtW ein5w sn.ýffly reducemaniéts vas du. thée ezllé i in grain sudi stock&. As théu- nn la auagalei, Anserlen uscketa re muclt more Ilghty than Euroeéan, ee thé easîibitles haift héén diseuse and parttf dleeounted for menthe. But uneertainti remaîns and viii affect vemcnt o etneryand staplés until lé apears, créating s langer démasai tor rican produetaséethîgiier prie@é S,éu- isasty spéculative selling oft seuriéles tmes, but ame more contiuuouo buine foréisui Inventera. sud DotimmprOhéhli eneing thé attitude ot foretgu poveré uestionts Important te tuis country." MILLES BT EH é.U? DLOWI. gflsé Venue. »iés frOzaInJURtes Récielysi ls Fgobt. iiI]y"'Vernon. thé Hanvérstrav, N. Y., lult, vha vas injured iIn ble Dght vith le Pemrce, et Athén, Delavare Comm- PiL, diés Iin thé PreubLytérian Hospital Philadelphie. Prom thé moment hé- lpsed in thé fourtéenth, round, Ver- r.mained unconselous up te théeéimé is death. Perce e in l jail et Média, g held vithout bail. That Vernon'@ h vas due te hearé blova thére cou ut little doubt. Whiie severlmlpersoDs im that he was net struck over lhe rt, tlinne are mt leat fitti reputablé tuésséé vho mythbat the. "Briekmaker" a truck four heavy blova over thé kré in thé fuurteénth round be-fore hia pse. An examiimtiuau et the hoapital ijes that the. lé!ttaide ot Vernon*c ]y vas much avullén andl discolored in region of the héart. Warranta ver. éed for the, arreat of' al persona in anY ýcunneeted vltb thé Olympic Club, ré thé fight ocemîrresi. SPALDîNG 18 A WRECK. icage DBunker Unnervéd h ie. Ex- Perténce in laiE. -hrles W. Spelding, ex-treasurer ut 1Universiti Of Illinuis ansi président thé detunci Globe Beving@ Bank, ut ege. vam ent mu jaul Baturdai in fil t if$25.000 bail, on a charge ot ietzling $100.000. He i. a nervmmu@ -s-k, ansi bis physlcians ter ébat be in thé verge o! n coliaPae. An expérience tve dais lu thé counti jmiubimpietely ostrated thé prisomier, mnd frein thé heur enteréd thé prison unéil Jute Bundai ternoon he ddmot tact. feod nor closé eye. WIth thé exception of a te-v sutea Saturdmy attenniche-dud nué rée bis celI, but mt traislufl' every rve te cote* thé suund of thé foettep a tniéns c-Omiug te ree hlm. Hé saisi le, but exprsrdis surprise that inss did nué cemée te hi@ rescue ansi r.- î &e hlm from thé ceEl. Hia ounlicoller mie fcom bis phygicimu vas Walter aher. _____ feéks Igzineerins ti teprese-utative Bayer. et Texaa, Who as chairman ut the Appropiationsa Cons- téee in the lait Demoeratie Congres@ il bas hasi mucb expérience lu dealing tii (iovcrnment vorksa, uggents a Plan )r a compréhensive settlement o! thé salcesippi river problem. 21Mr. BaYe-ré muid have thé United States (lovern- knt iuvite thé éngincérs ut the venid tu Dasider lhe prohiens et contcoiiing thé lss ji> u dvras te présent pLans for- permanent systens go ébat theGobven- %ent mlght adopé tbe idéas et thé bé.t en- ieeting éalent. For thic purPOté h. ggests ébat a competitien mighi hé ought about hy an offer et prises, pér- ms $80.000 for the plan vhich should omaiieréd boit and $25.000 for the s- md héét-nducéménts sufficiént lu ai- racé thé mont skilEtul engineers ot thé unSi, thoeé v h ave deali ii souch urke ais the Suez canai and thé dykes >f olland. Notices ot thé comPééliOm ioniS hé puiabéd lu thé principal citiez dEurope and India, Australla, JaPRD id evéri other country- Voterans Bad Civil service. Ail et thé exécutive departments are re- eivmmg langé numabéraof Jettera irons ex- >oîdiér Indlcatlng a générai misunder- andlng as te théir righta te sppolntmént i office. Many o! thé veterans Who are téter office sééns te imbor under thé im- cession éhat they nucen é ppointéd te mtosrons in thé clvii service vithotlé thé t rrmaliti et thé éxaminatiomi or réquiki- iou on thé Civil service commission. This je langeii due te thé tact that thé iav provîdes ébat ex-soidiera viéhin the civil 1 »rvie vhu resIgm or who are dimplmcéd I fr cause ethér éhan their ovn tault mai 9 ec reinstatéd te their aId positions et Rmuî te. Thé iav, bovever. makes nu pro- 1 ision glvlng pretérence te soidiérs In en- I tering thé guvermument i(rvlce vhu have i net béén in thue civil service betoré, excéPi bhat Officiais making requisîtlona on thé 1 Civil Service Commiasion for a iist oa!,iI-1 glble appointees May favor thfe.veteranir e-ho mai happen lu hé on that 15il. Battit eteévef Convîcée.6 As a resait of a hioody hattie béven vwo convicta in Ban Quentin. Cal., prison, onie la dead and thé othér dylung. Each sai a knii, and they b.d héén earving each other for fui a minuté beoré the guards couid Interfere. They hasi héén ssing thé knlvé. In thé Jute Mili. Norwood, Out, Avépé hi Flmeil. tThe tavn et Borvood. Ont., umu nearly lestnoyed hy fDru Tuenday monning. Lets, $100,000; insurance. $4.000. MAUXE? JOAI!S cblcago-cetiie, commma te prime, $3.50 te $5.75; buts, shipping grade-a $3.00 te $4.25; aheep. tair te ehoicé. $2.00 ta $5.50; viiemé, No. 2 réd, 74c te Vi1e; ern, No. 2. 24e lu 25c; outa. Be. 2, 17e ta 18c; rie. Be. 2, 36e te 8c; butter, cheice creameri, jDc teo 17e; egge, tresh, Se te gc; petatoca, per bushél. 21)e te 80c; breem con, comun grov th ta choice green hurt, 2c te 5c per M1. lndianapolis-Cettle, shippufli. $3.00 te $5.25; hogs, cholcé lligbt, lg-100 ta $4.25; shsép, commun te choie. 13.00 te $4-501; vheaé. No. 2, S& te 00e; cornl, Bu. 2 vhite, 24e te 26e; eats, No. 2 white, 21c le 22e, Bt. ]LAul --catélé. $3.00 te $5.50: hugs, $3.00 te $4.25; o.beep $33.00 te $5.-25; vhéat Ne. 2. 81.02 ta 81.04; corn, No. 2 yeiiov. =c e e c; omiu, No. 2 white, 1se te 20c; rie, No. 2, gùe te 37C. Cinchunatl-Caétle, $,-.80 tu $5.00; huis. $&On0 te 14.50; mimée-p $2.50 te 13.25; yebeat Ne. 2, 92e te W3e; Corn- No. 2 umlxed , ,26c te 28c;nan, Bs. 2 amixesl, 20e te 22c; rie. No. 2.,3-àecmeo39e. Détroit-Cattlé, $2.50 ta 35.25; hogre, 88.00 te $4.25; ohéép, $2.00 te $5.25); viiemé, Nu. 2 réd, file te 93c; corn, Nu. 2 yeilov, 23e ta 25c; unis,'No. 2 vile, 2!2e te 24c; my. 36cte037C. Tulédo-Wheat, No. 2 réd, 04e te MC:; corn, No. 2 nmmlxéd, 24e te '25c; oui$. No. 2 hite, 17e te lot.. rie, Bo. 2,836e ta 8UC; claver tseS, $4.3M te $4.45. Millvukee-Wheet Ne. 2 8pTIng, 7TU te 77c; cern, Ne. 3. 24e te 25-- omis, Bu. 2 white, 20e te 22c; barley, Be. 2, 28e te 34e; rie, Ne. 2, 3& (:tae39ce; perk, mess, $SM25tla48.75. Emffao-cottie. 82.80tea$";0baes, $&W00te $4,30; aheep, 3$.00 te 1$.50; whéaLtNo. I'2s, 92etae ODet eorn, No, 2 sNw*t. tM 280,2e 3witS e m a u m w la OREKKTRCOOflREPORTEO. peN** Yef ork b McKix é, bubasisu p l m aIn o" - ~Mmd Ba.pltica for U e éul. lm ern Tute alv. rm <éeéc mdthéeStaté eva oand, aithon>ho Uéaanri0tek Viet oDerycvast Ouaatié. et Otoman Béoté Crown Primée Constantine has tirred AMhée te a higi pitch.of énthusiMe over bis reporés te Klia ,éorgcetf reék suc- essés événywhewé la Théssaly. ?'neéHel- lecie troepa, under thé crevn prince, have - destroycd thé Turtish battéry abr Ligeria. The Moleusa have retired tnom Nserea and Bapsari and ane appaiied hy thé de- struction etfmil éhir stores at KaterIna and Llthocherion. Prom alonica cornés thé neyra that after a fierce battié the Greéks occupied Karya, a 'staii tortitled tovu near Miona Pas. Osman Puah hbu suceeeded Edhem Pacha as command' és-in-chiéf of thé Turklsh triet. Bd- hem Pacha bas béén recalled by the. sul- tan and the hère ef Piévna will try te rally the Moilem troupe,. vItle t .con- coed, evén et Constantinople, have been CoUNELIPS VAN CQR?. outtoqght at mi points by thé Hellenes. At Constantin~ople thé situation i. re- hasnuée occxapied naany offices, hé bas beau garded auseariens, snd thse recala et Bd- for many years a poewer la polities. Ho hem Pacha tis taken tu hé a rebuké te that vasB maie petmaséer hy Presidént Harri- gemeral for thé mauaner in whlch Crovn non, and i Oed that Important position Prince Constantine han pparentiî out-abli.Yermg Mr. Van Coté was given generaied hlm in &I moveu made on the a ub.=ntegposition in thé custom Theesalien border sincé the. rt aklraniuh housé,, mmd got lato politics vith the aid etMluaPass. Ahmad Hifmi Pasha ot Hlwmm Borner. la 1878 Mayonr Have- PtINE CONSTANTINME, COMMANDER 0F THtE GREEK FORCES. princeCoustanstine, tihe in mpparedé lu the Grecimu ébroné, lc vinning thé varmeat applausé trons thé Grein people hy hua gaiiant conducé in thé préent van. He Is lu command o! thé main mrmy and la ébresteanngthé Turks vith 911 ports o! diamater. Constantine vas alvmys popular vlth thé Hélienés. Hé la 291 >emre oid, Grecian hem., andils an ardent foloeenoe the religion of thé country. When ho be-mme ofate inla 8M0ho married Prince*mSoBphia o! Rusasa. wvoinel yeny patriatie aud greméli hélaved hi thé people. Constantine ansi bisvite ane very densocratle. PrincemSoBpia gees &bout Athéns unattended, andi la distin- guabét inlune vai, outwardli, trous any other lady lun tii ovn. Prince Cou- stantine conduets himseli viti nsuch iréédom, trons ostentationm, andi if thé Grcoe bai tisir vmy thése évo vitb théir ancient namés vould héking andi quéen. Con- stantine vent te sebeol in Europe ansi had the héneit et thé béat nsllltary trs.aiing ébat couli hého ailu the bit van campe et thé continent. &s has bean recalied front Zamsia, ansi meier appolntéd hlm, Oré commissionén, Same Edin Pashm has leftConstantinople ansi hé actiti as treasure o! thé. board. eu reliait, hlm in command et thé Turklab He vorkéd bard as a commisaioer, but nroupe et that peint. hus efforts ver. unappreciatéd, andi ho lies Troupe Ievwanied- lé! t tuieM'phce te epenau n Inrance huai- Sevénéy-tvo ewe iatte.lebs et Turkish nous dovn tevn. Hé Oigureti strongly in oliéts-50.400men-have heen muséeréd thé Digbt on theéaboré greundsi Ystén e! in tram thé &my iréserves anti prepaneti viré stringlng.ant i ived ttsee thé day eor Inalant service. Oréece, to, bas snm- viien the citi vas faneéd te tek., thé ac- monéti sii ber Eanivebr, or mlhitia, ansi tien hé hasi so urgenély recoumménied. li tend tbcm to Thessali at once. He*vi Fer a quarter et a century hé representési ightlng continues, al aiemg the border the Bevénti district on the Répmblea fron Arta te Piatamené. Btaée Consmittee. In 1887 hia senato- Senti Quarante has heén rédued hy thé m-l district sent hlm ta thé uplaer houas Elreék squadron. vhjeh mhandnsed thé a! thé Legisiatur. hy thé largest Répub. bomhanrdmeut et Preitgm andi vent te the lican vote evcr casé lu that district. fermer place, epening Dre ai once on thie Tunkicb bleekisousetiters. Latén thé FRUIT INJUPED SV FROST. squairon retunnetite Cerfu, bavins on Reporte Imicate tisaI thé Crep Es board rlgbty Christian réfugees taken Oufféred Ouseréhi, troa Senti Quarante, whieh vas déséroî- Unseadaahui eniti vathen during.thq ed ani the Turklsh stores thére burnéd. î tér ashuis créated the gravési The citadel ut Proveoa la repontetit sasaeg h'ritg0es nmn bavée witbstaod tbe turlena bombansiment secéluns e-,t thcfutigTrough ineui of thé Grsék ahips, but lé is saisI the tevu med Indiaamad the sutheru pané et Wis conslu the col bisa béén esneiaill a. gORUEPASSA. la almoul violly destroiéd. Thé East- en Greek feet. atten hémhrdjng Km- rna an the Guittoft alonica andlréducing thé tuwn,,lmdéi a écnhment miii cap- tured an immense quantit steres, lu- ciudiug provisions ansi ammunition de- tinéil fer the usé ofi ues Pashas arý Gree-k troope bavé forced the, inhabit- mnta te abandon KaDa mand Koaitéade. son, tvu torélfieti Turklsh taténs. The people fled lu terrer viien thé canknonai- ing hégan, ansi vcreeorcecd teleave ai their posesasion&m ton thé victortous Greeke. 'Terrifie litînz le reporteS irom Arta, vheré théeTanks cuffered repuims constamtlî ville attémpting te cross the bridge Into thé éevn. Tbé MoIems vers met at éacb onsaaught hy ridi. volleya and vere-farced bockinle isordér. Agala an- again, under cover et héévy eano Dire, they triéti te cn> thé bedia, bat ocoul peeceei ne tarébirthan the Cont. >iahil ""é lau, sthé __ -f END 0F TuITOUSL u Lu U Tro Et t Sia"T. ffltain 1Taheuthe Initative fin Icté, vemélea by thé PowasU-Aéhé !béiv Co.opes tien - Favrable Aaawew Gévea hi OGam, Isse. a" 11017. monnéae spirite Dv.obiaS. It la a veek mince thé outhreeh of va. battron Oceece and Turker wamuonnce- éd. A" dlWins preeisli a veeh&fiter1 th é cmpalgn as formally open d hfore , au$chiimg decisive v.s.accocnpliahed ornj either ide. The. victori of the Turks et Mai and thé subséquent evacuation Of TyrmVaa »di Larissa hy thé GréeluailaprobahiT thé btennlng of the end. The elvacuation of Laia leaves an oen rgad for the, Turk- lob invasion for nearii haift th distance ta Athens. This doefot ncan that the march te Athent viii hé an @esyaffair or opecdly accoeaplithed. The. Urééha fight despeatelYln Dretreat, and viien ther have lent oneé fght they are ready te fight again. Under these circumtanres-with thé réservé. reaehint the front and the viiole population aroused mnd armd- Aveu the Turkiah victory At l.arisem vili aimply menu more bard fightlng aiong the nev line ut deteusé vhich Prince Con- stantine's forces have taken uP. An Atheus correspondent beileves tbat the situation in fnot yet desperate for Gréece. A brave people tbat wili flght au they have fonght durini the, pant veek are unconquerablin lu nmouutaineuà coun- try like the Greck peninsuIa, except As the renuit of a long caiupalyn vith aven- whelinn forces. If Edhem Pashas Amnyi telows the. retreating (Ireeks te thé sarisalia line ut defemse tbey vili hé stili arber trous thm haze ut suppliés ans i n counutry vimume eréry inhabitant is a medly enimty. But vhaé le muré likéiy mu happen nov han anbsmmg m-ls- in the interventmon ut e grént pouwmr, No dlubt thèse povenu ive muore remîme-t for mise treeks than bey has a mteek agm. ans itl bas net b-en Spart et their pieu trous théetmegnning te Lllowéithér Turkm'y or <èsese etu mimD a lesivé vicmory. hIla inifis-ulétfrotta the angle ut conictmsc tmtitgrams te unsiér- aonsi thé ezasé îmmoston of affaira. Foi- vlung hé Grée-k defetéat StLarinsms, mmt- In opiniou la alamst ummimomis thiét the, midle in night, ansi this viemilaspruball isi id y the Emunena, as hey are mire-ady mevtflg ta intervene. It la bs-lieie-iltîat intervention viU ftrot take the terr eto a sugueation ut armis- ce. la vhlch thé combatauta veuld o dubt agrée. Iltis atateil ébat the British ur.ign office bas sent au identiemileltter ao éaeh ofthti poiversasckiug for thein ce- aprmélon, and limé (lnmuany. France and mita bavé alré.siy retururd favorable an- swenc. As a rendiélun. hoever. Ger mani Insisa t mié (reece musé promise obdience in thé future te amy mandate trm thé povere. Nevs trous the front la nf a character safaverabie tu the Greeka. and as a result agloomi feeling se prévalent et Athena. The reveraes et thé hast tev tisys. »y i* méceet rousthé Heilénle capital, havi caused a trovlgt feeing favorable te Eh. eSsation etfiuo.hilltlen. Wben thé news et thé taE o! Larios sud thé rctneat et thé Ureeka vas reeeIvéý in Athens a eouuicil ut thé miniséni va, hastili caiesi, sud ns a resulit lel assenl si a King Geornt oe mske en hmumediate change in the com mansi ut thé trosp%. Thé ormiertluentrent isuéd hi Prinmce <Vouslmnine, la helsit have béén inexcuisable, ansi bis pureEy de 'énsive tactica are blaniesifer thé leso Diamasi. Théré is a nevulcion lu popa mnr feeling tuvard the royal tanîli. ani ensstieemi nesmes usono00come trou Léhens. Prom Conistasuinupie comes thé newsa concession te Bulgania, vici mai quis the ualcontenia ébène. Thé Sultan lae ponteil te have prumiard that conte, threé more bérata when thé var lu ovei Esiheus Pmsha ban been parély console for héing supe-rsesid by (>sman. Thé Bs tan bas aofténd thé blov hy conterrn mipon hlm iich de-corations. Théeconr mandera ut the aix divisiens oftéhe Turb lob armyi nv aithé front have ne-ce-lys sinsular honora. DASHING GREEK COMMANDEI Gênée-1 ml soménmand nies lilla, Viemeni Ov-e- thé Tuksa et event. len. Bsmolentz' bnllhiant victori 0vf the Turkihîl forces neur Rêveni la régani édt as thé irat jewel In thé crovu of Il tormer Gm-eclan ministér of van. BSmolen, Jusé misaed m-pturlng Edhem, Pasha. cou mander et thé Tom-ks un tise ronmicr, oa pushes*i m luflight te-mmarnDmasi. TI dashlng Greek has bee-n promotesilf rc his late eelonclcy. ansi is novxa ful-flml éd comamander, mo bhuadilgoomi expeé ence lu hustle. IVien he récentlyils serte s mportfoio fothemie Dlmdhe w~ a I h c le -y t la Il a amurlng. Th é records etf tiie eather t depanément shuv ébat Tuesscys tempera-U turé vas 14 dégrées belov the average for April, andi ébat lacé Mondai vms 18 - degrecs colder than the. normaal. C..- E. Linueyî, superntensieut ut thé aeathen ansi crep service report tor thé Chicago district, sent eut a bulletin wbich takes s clseertul look sé thé situation. Hé la incllned te thé blief that the fruit budle ln Illinois are net far énnugh md- vanesito hé hurt hi thé colsi veather. Thé nevs trous tic viinity ut Joliet la nué encounaging te the frut interesta, thé se- vére colsi veather laving killesi meut o! thé fruit ansi hérry bulle in éhat section, ale .rding te thé reporte. en soin. séctions et nertiern Indilana, notahii in DeKaib Counti, the mreuri registeréd 16 de-grea above- zéra Mondai nîght. andi grené injury résultesite fruit ansi végetahies. Thé icaviesé damage was lillcted inluthé sotthéruasection% et Indiana, vhére the fruit vast artiést ad- -vancedt, andinl thé gréat fruit bit vhich Includés tbe contica aleug the Ohie river -andi extenss ortb for fOty miles. It sa -enélmated limé nearli ail thé fruit le tuis 9sectian la klird, but téleémay prove ébat -thilsestimaI. ia incorrect. 9- itî' adile merse. r- Thé caddie horne selecérd hy thé Han. Charles Flilahinanu of Cincinnatlifor t- Président MeKinici va sh11ppésite ?- Washington Manidai. Mn. Delanci bas Ie héén training the hersle te cltY sighti4 mmd se re e th di q7--- plaeS inithé comndu nt.avU.d ,leh insué flNA~ A cousgssbéie*Digues eUt'Imm, Pe »Osiamala thé Legieluveo«-- hase u We ut auU* télctO -Levusiovu t J.aboe. Bénatr Maon, et Ilinoi, made bts maien speech lu the sonate Wedneeimy eud siggumisiédlé hî s meébroutait itielsai on thé rules et thé sonais. lét vsa sncb a variation trons thé prosy débateetfne- cent dise that thé Bénator vas eceordéd cosé attention aud tvies recélvd thé- heauty applaute et crovdéd gallene. Mn- Bor, of Masachustt, neplid biéfll. pontlng ut that the ather brncbeto Congréés mas more epen te criticlosm éisu thé Sensée. Hé vas lu accord wih Mr. Mason. hovéver. on thé neéodsetur ries. A vote vas taken on Mr. Ger- man. motion te retér the Maman résoi- tion te thé Suies Constte. vhih pre- vaiid-eaa. 32; nais, 24. Mot ofth. day vas griven ta thé bankroptry bill. Thé Houa, atter a ten-minuté session. ad- Jeurnd one duy eut et respect te thé laie Réprecetative iliken. ot Min. Tiie session et the Eenate Tiiurdayv openéd u'ith a prposition for mn officiai expression et sympathy ta the Greks la hem rutgglé with 'rurkey. Ths vas maln mergesi iite a turbulenut debsie over te disorgumenzd sat. ut thé Be-ate. taler ln h, day the Nelson hamkrgtî-y bill vas passesi hy lié desirevote ut 40 Eu 8. -Thé ban.krmpty tsill an pa-smsél in the suhalitule tramih y lin. Nelmîsof Minesot. Thé "free homeatésim bilE" wax then toisn op. Mfr. Morgan. offerd su amuendaient providing ta Il public lndi nul lakea îp hy publiceuetry hy Jan. 1.11)Ai.%hl ie hégrantel Eu he- >toit,%andi Terniioir eeéthé lunin are lmm etemi for dt-liciou pmrpocés. The honétsilill won vas mmiethé unfiulahed hsîa i e gx a ndmltie u laid a isie. A t 4 ' -io k s message frmmmu the louse smmuuued thé denh of léeprm-am-umaive lloimmam. N r. Turpie f Indiaa presule-s a reolulimu voiciug te regret wih whivih thé au- nouneme-ut vas receivesi andi prmvIdinmt fr a Conmmtce e ove Senaturs lis arrs- pur le remaina. Teruroulotuwon agreesi te. Thé présiming iel-r named Scmtors Tuirpié, Faraks. $isuonen. Kyle- and altmsvleua she -mmmitte.Tiie BeuatedJomruesltamuIontiny. TiseIlieuse did toihig et lmnpormsme. T h é e l o n -e F r m d a y c om l e t ea d t h é e ' ,Q la i - r ai o n omf lim e ls- na l,- smmmm-msin i-nte mu lie Inja appropsrialnmmnsst lin biml dsset the ill le cuntersmm-m. The mainmiconention cei- ter-e i mmîmmii t h emjiss tm ms m ,- l rp mm am nt u mm o p eéi mithe ,,immcr.Imiii re-srvatimmu un- der thé ulmm-cml ta nd i lua . l-'na ly ail amendamémm i es -munsmmmmd-mE mutie et f tes tis asE mm , î mle»s.uai -m si î 1,- i mw - édt mun m btai n pîsue e s os ti mf mth u- e gm sm m sile dm.m.mal. bu t tise t mimé mmm mrmm uss-t ehouisi le-e,-the lass. lu n it,-m iare.. sd for liim te Erusa mf 3 e.m r. Tise Eésmsml a m es n d a is e nm t n t rm k m m m g t r o usmm t h,- e l i s s e b il l t ie p imm m s n mf rr mie ramm im-s t .,mm u t th ée mil a n si X ung a tt".-n s o lmu id - by h em- m- mm m -ii u ft Eh e B s-4n és-a lu d imm nmms lé sé t w o n e- v s d i x - ) agrée-s lu. A rémmlutimmu m ousa sioptéi hy v hieis a r-osmsmsmmt-é mf mmi -uim-lire miasap- (Grant samait mu Ne-w Yrk mn u e-ay. ansi héellm,.ss-axrm-mmdtusa prugrss uft mree- day adjoursimsmtmla. Thrae tenaeé miamr hui a déus-rmém itm- Fps.mranm-s ihéms thée s-smalnon meed Mon- simay. ir. Harr-mis, ot T-tiuémee vas Bt his dek tur he, dm-t ssue munsonar weka. t siu miss mmmsin stulsm-d mmn Isa e-mvény f ro u s , aà s- im m îm a lin s . ln m ie a bs en c e tf othé ime tmrés,îiiémt ansiPrésident pro l e llm., 1Mr. Frye. 1Mr. N es n ut M innse- itm& ocupid mie hair. tDr. %Iilburm' openmg prayer nimade loquent reterne i a thle gatlserlnsutof ousanda mu pay trib- i- itéeutathé grat chiéttain. Grat, and I n- v. okeil ébat h. glow f u t mtitism freshiy * enkindléd mai sîreasimiens our nation. our * Gurertmènt ansitise Union ufthe MSate-s. When tie ldin bill vms relsmrtés héck tr froisthé Ilumsé cmn effort vsn made le it sénd it ta coufereuc,. bué Mn. Gorman m. ojeeted. saying iléhitd béenudérsteod o.thmé nu busiiness hatever vas mu hé- a* transmeted. Tie-reupon. t 12:05 p. m.. le an m oio ns utMr. Morrili. he Senate amd journesi to Thunssisi. lesxP. W. 0. muter. e of ir. Pd i-t 7- r.- e k- 'lie si- di- vas ttegie citi Thé muais ccuiemiOf uttemîultmg te se- cure the- Kmt-tucky Se-na torgifbEy trib- cmy. anisite-eaousthé Wsre. Pneeimls-mt lDiez sf iM - lsisas .mm d e c r e - sa l sl s h h i a a l i ai a 1 s h s, l a nt l i r a c ru . t e l n e ut- ms lm m l mmy u xt. ll lu i gm on émmmm u e u. the I) m l . C usmimmmé tu bm-sm-iis itmt i,r ftm-msî tm ls'mEim-h euétiresahmînmtl dstlrist -f To gét il u t .mlj.Emutmee eé r s s lm v m n t ein u nsm m i m :1 l .s I l l ort u i t i e s f m ut tu t i tl . M ite s, 1 h , tmom-é nmit threm uiles u f t m-l (k. Antonios EmuNiii l cria, tthus- îmm-stm-Pt p a t y a v,u i E S î s i oit m m -m - s- i t I y 1 is s t hel i tuaInussî mjiss mm tof ,éo ixaus lu iu lu Nemi York. Thé Tmrkisi tmilsiet t shngmsma de-nie-i tEt Eiliens l'smshmt bis be-n suz- sédemEims smmmmmsmssitmid ut thé srniy oPeratng lu Thesiels-. Tbre é îm,-m-emsms ms-r truu-k hy Pitts-.hirý truoley m-mra titnsY. 0f h5f iesdds, anoéber le sxle-stedsl10udile,o-hile the îimd miii rés-user., !datt era it u lmîgma re ré sais] tu hé very seriotsis u Ea memaration ut lndépéakdeneei la u éimiltismsel by îmominnt officerti o f the (.ivernmemmt.1i E mîenor William of u (rmany, .lun à speech mamie-Saturmai né Cariéruhé, x- pressési th e é an d m m belle- t t at thé e -c 0 ot Europe vouisi hé malutaisueti. . Thé budget commutée.afth@ébe MxIcmu' Congressm-prés an estimateil ré'véane fer' thé fiscal near. béginniug JUIY 1, t 00,.- 425,100, aud diahursen-ts sons. 81,0W1 lame. . Germany lincaisi te hé vorkng teoitéW est Fiance sud lRassis against Urent DI~ &in-& poilcinluSouth Atrîe. Uérappiit. lit refrai, Promises to support Vt55 pele-y ln Egypé. ,a~

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