onty t1he Best( "ig je We guarantee.our Flour to be Superior to all. 8 lBas Oa p e l..................*.. 9lIbs Navy g a s.......... 4 - Corn ..... ... ... .... 3 - Tomatoes ......... Triggs & Taylor's .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Libertyville, 111.1 0% dm r M A M Bring out the Wheels. 4 Corne ln and See My Lino of Repairing a Specialty. Bicycle Sundries. C. R. Sherman Libertyville lit. pring uilts. D -Overcoats. and up $1 and up No trouble te show .ampIes. FRED CROKER, Over Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Watch te nemtissue of this papet' for. ad of 1~ a PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local items of lnterest to Liberty'ville Readers. j 5iitiiii G. M. & ST P. 'R. R. TIMC TABLE. 1('harles ilantard. of Woo>dtoeýk, l'f TO CHICAGO. vlslted <c. E. itanford and famly of Tht'y m a.m. La.mluP.ta. P.MaP.Ma. thim place the' latter Part of huit wet'k. for It Wadgwtîrth WN ý2 605 Yeu can get a very prett! liait rim Tl'le Gurnee r.t10 ":«n ::IlMed wiiî lace, rlbbon sanl lluwers ftor oppoms Warrenton 9114 l i:1 $.85t R as. H. S. H17iiLBI T'S'. lgi Eiondut 6:46 7:36 9:2912:04 5 5.24 li A cerain Young Maii about town lias tlî'n( Deerilsînt 5:52 7:"Ur-35 12:62 LSIl 5:36 been purenamlng ishles, t'arpetît. etc. -Oh Shsrmcrvillo :46 7:80 tI .26 :65 6: M Chliiitstotirrivt'i&Lai8:46 10:25 1:45 7:00s' &W »ihbt'ig twsth" Paînt weck. M"8e5 FILON CHICAGO. What's the mailaing? ptttîîtî a... a.m. Coi v.P.. P m . Bey Heuvers subject for' discussion ilî,ev LY.Un.Pans.Sta. :30 5.6 :20 98:3U L. hrlnze Mti. W.30 :30 Suudsy morulng nu libe -The P1ower for hi8 Dc.,riAlnl fr210,m284:54 &l ?7:2w s'lof (ieutleuess." lu the' eveuihg, erag fi ivrtt 4:42 Il'Ut 8.5 e0:25 7:3328 71 .'Clint'n Doctrine on the' Sîîpremat'y At tl Iirndout SAN 1&t.36 2&12 L'40 7:40 .1 M LIU55TYYIL"lE 10:45 4:46 7:60 su o! ove tîver Justice." ltec (hurnen 100 6 :23 tS.&, George Lynh, of Wauetnda.nas followi WadwOrtli,,i1:10 :103 tI il 1a(r.51tom anvasaltig Iis vlclniy Issi wet'k. of vote (aelîluga1carpetfi()eteher . i 'h-l - a t tiellns aly.- l .:« -uda ni.1 Whsrs no mark aplssars trains arm' ialit' x- ecitt Sundar. IIUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.LNerlyvtl>l. :ip.m. Ar. Bouidunt tsiutj.. Lv.Li.rtyvillt. rtic a.m. Ar.tjbluuaa,126 i Lv.Lhlntawu '& am. Ar. LbrtyvUlet4i a.tm. 140. aruiaSundai unir. gonuSsouth. nl stolt un sgna.l as foît w:-At Russlli12:0 pM.Waj9WrrUi 12:17; (lurate 12:27; Warren- tnM ;nndtat 123ô; Evereti 12:42 Deerliciti 12:4; Shermtrvillle2:ô2: arrivas ln Chcago ai 1:44 P. M. Train No." bas beutlaeir M ton fruta D.s'rfald wo Chicago. "evos Derfield 720 a. Mn. Sbermervlle 7:26; arrive* Chicago eic a. m. Ne. U "eVos Chiceago 11:20 ut.tm arrives oBermervlle Mes . tM. Dcersiu VillageOfirs ..adat .................. C. H. A"trilJ1 Tînog. I<trn. 1. J. Hort, Ti'ttsJaîu"s Nî'trg,. Lb. DafBiîs. C.1t.Sierutau. Saînusi taliowat. cltrk. ........... ...... ...... C. Saubrtitr Tri'aaurtr .............. ...... W. C. Triges Poila' Malatnîtu'..... .........W. E. Davis Narahai ..... '-l. Frî'siîai LB BlVILLE LODOI. rNo. 492 F. & A. M. PdiWgulsr CU h 4a ail Salurdayrueach month. Visitias broti',ns iurdait neeuýMen. R. W. BuLXLZY. W.IL. J.9.S. teu'. ME CAMP No176 M. Nb.of1A.. uavS at W-iiln"s Hall -str ~tr's bardwar, stt 1'stu.'ghibora tans teleoitit. C iB. SURsuÂs. V. C. Cutis KÂitmia. Ctrk. Ftîr a stylish ant i tptttdate bat, go ' ti Mra. Protines. 29-2 t Mir. I. C. Payne. of Ivaubot', tas neenu onr sineets Mtnday. Heu Butltetileld nl incise loto bis ntL hus on Sebu'h] lstreet Satuyday. Mr. Myron Motore, of Chicago, 'la viting Fred Ritren and fsmily the freseut veek. eýry Stylish hais trmmmed tlu fiowens featherlace aud jet fur5.2,$2.50iannd $3.04l aiIdMis. H. 8. HuanaurraT'. kins. J. T. Manui, ut Wankegan. sc- i'oîpauied liy bar mother, àirs. Bouse, neye in Llbewrtyville Mouîday. MnA. rotines l he beset arnd eheap' "tai place wlubiy miliniery. 'Ibene ynou ahilud a lînautintuhselection of tiînt ien tasd nillilery noveltilet. 29-2 lit. Huait' was unalîle tu keep bis ap- pttiiu'uis toi Liliertyville Sunday on anenîuttutfliant ruants,hut vimbes lW au- uuunte h i lie aeu i hs oflite Delli Siîitlday. lira. C Vuille nîll tî'ai'h a Chas of a tew 8au'btlartt in Freuchi or gise privat' instrt'iton Foîr ternis aplily ta C. '(.'iille. ai Shemmais Juwelery store. Lihertyvilie. Tînt LAKE i'OU'iTY 1IDEiENDENT bas beau enhargen t t a seven etltinn folio. GlaitI u aie ibis evidaiict' of p'ompcrity ou the' uart iof thi' pîîllherî, Mesrs. Ju.l1 AWiiot)au.--.Atiioch Vers. We are fas'îtte front Congressinsu Geo. E. Fos, nîth a copy of bisl speech un tht' Bouse of Bepresentaiivei. on tînt'tarritissue. ait. Foui one, t ie foreinoal umen ini tht' Bouse ou Ibese rucl i dletîssentquestionus. 1 carry the blitaigottdsin has aud trîmnîluga aifaryone lu Lake ('ounty sud sell fttr tht' iwties prlt'es. Piease î'land s1 lîsk throtigh MY nullhnery de- îîsrtteint liefore you Malle youîr spring piimu'hase. No trouble ta show gouda. Masi. B. S. HUIaaaUT'. The' huard of diretors o!f the' Lake 'oiuty Agrcluirai Soicety ailîl neet st the' office of tint'ecretary edîieé- îlsy, May 5tlilta arrange tht' speed progrant. appoint iuperlntenulcut8 uf valons5 ileliarimnthi, etc. Tht' 1ev. Dr. H. 0. Jackson, of Chiciago, tht' Preaidlng EIder, wli preacl ai tht' Hethodlat chnrch on Sunday ntorniug. The' preachlug services corunnlig ai 1030iipreceded hy tht' Love Feast nhieh wnul beglu ai 9.30, horsne tri Ils liii of campalguers for the comtug season and one whicl promises "gneat tingb." Robin Wilkes la owned hy Wm. Mdliv, rein, of Chicago, and Frank says tbouîgh a young borneà anti comparutively unkuovu ou thec turf, le shows nonderful possibilities.1 RoeiSedtt recently became passessor o! a bunch o! trotting stock.1 tIl a ly« &atd inloli" aertolas ilred liy Report aud cati go a mile lu 2:32J and conte back ahain. Porbapin tht' b)einn can rii. In any eveut Jahn K Itngseyaiply liq not lIn l and vi liave ta esaât istutit for sometblng fat if he irupases h travel Ln couipaul' wiith Sîott. Il du mg is to M, rigenlotns devîce and lhe sîiceeîlednl i ispoglng of a number hereaboutts. Mr. Fred lishol? sud fauiily have movi'd to Chicago where Mir. liist'btff la engaged nt lthe manufactuîret' t âeveral metal novelties. fle x1îeî'tt. to returu tai Llbertyvllle in abolit aimonthi andt re-opon bis fat'eîy here. There wilI lie a -Shopîpinîg Liat Social" at tbe M. E. churcil (tilts) Fr1- lay nigbt. Muielc y the manuloliii and1 gultar orchestra tasfilature lu itaelf1 tbat shoUlti attract a gond siteudance.e 'rogram commuences at M P. M. Ad- nission 15 cents. Fred Scbreck who ]ives ntrth tif tht' village riear thestown f ine shot s large ulack eagle last Sunday. The' bird neasureit neveu feet two inviles froui tifp la tip of ninigeansd weighs tell .ýoLînIud. C. R.il. Rhrlman purels i'tînt sngle tif SîjycE sud liaditlxilruà n uotiit It Mr. Shermnîsu illJi tt<q' t on exhibitiotniut biis jia ters 4.t' The tadies oif thé, Lakettide t'emîeiery A.soeijatitîii have. secur-'d MaI lt l'lnker- ton, tif Chicago, for a lectture, %hî'h wili hoegiven sometime luay i nt'e Union chureli. Mrairukertou-s nainei lu couneetion with bis detective ageuey lias gîluient for hlmn a reptîta- Lion thaât assures a crtîwted bouse wbeu hie cames to Lîbertyville. Looîk for future annunceinit'ts. The "I'hotograph Social" ai the 'rt's. byterlan churcblhsit Friday night avas a unique altsir aund favorentWit)n s goontatteudance. Photos ntfpruunineîit Lîbertyville peuple taken -yesrs sgo- neye ton exhibitioni sud prltt't wergawarlentthîtat' recogîuig lIh' largesinuiîben. 'Ihege old unie pli' unres scause entnîîlîmenritiient sand amusaemenit. llefnesbmueito wt're tttrvetl titriug tht'e eviiing. mauy of the' glass liglîts in tht' îîîaiî hall unt the' fair grtîuîîds have bt't' liroken liy boys playlug ln thal viciuity, whose lianes Supt. Edwin Cook lias sîîn'eeedt'd in asprelt'enîili sud is coisidl.'nug the stlsIaabuillty tf takiug st.'ps toi puiutathte innustrtait'i. 'lhere are muie boYs titi is liî,t wb" would very mach tllkt' alîpt'ariig m a justice court and lie sdvuSet' tt gliiity (mes ttî îuînd tiltir WaySanaid aivold troubîle. .Wm. Ente. accoipanied tîy tainltld SCHOOL NOYTES. ehall t a l the rage. H ag i t 9 l at lle, sriig siilit K -i eHerrirk lias itrti rfM :tv lIlle and id now tinU teg. ftrnaces have jh urit,t n,,keN tw t h ave cast î tro l 'ti e n I u n i , !it iot mas he in ic îk. ytl ecampaîgo manaîgersifotte glug parties declsît tht'e eetlotI i l they will, ii i.11 r.babtilityvy s . n nd a iîew eit'etitili. -,t- i is h ihere, Oh where id my Little 'i'; T . 1) 'at pi ote Lea dthe tille tif thetetitt <-Ad fi c. eda Artir og, ad snîîg i)V i-I, Lusk it vet' Uorge ha# receiîtiv inuit' up j8 lois by spprepriattîîg thinIt' î aih of the zooiogy datM a e e t r. the mnoiithly elpeti. -if the'Star ade h t r d cty lait Friday stt-"r»oi'iitihe wlng oOluer received the' nnnjîrit3'I.. i t lok aL it ,e Shermn; ti. dt-r. LîlîtilàM , S g t it A ryons, H eu Vt i l > S h e s e e s it a ! (Ii l JI L S I - - 'i- 1-i C'hinirett'Ittît' i .'5uaI 'l Bt. Il. S lit it.ttr>a. Tht' Lakeside teet, rY i,: tIl t, 'siii iMet utai rs WM shîronî sF ia %ay 7, ait2:3(l'p. n a ot escà&D Il redec0ratÏ aper look$ il and yout Vil 0 e M day 10 should have iiew. Dont shove more old fashiou onto you; corne- where y. the latest styles for IM than ist usualIv ch&#'jU lato ItrNem Yo trk. iTul lui&a toint l Ion es. tht coincîtialon liaItLittrtyville t' 6 tt, loîw for hlmi sud y arutug for me rti politan aimmphieres, tic. ldtd to go ti 1 the' t'aîteafl n.itr:îpoil. Sioul'efolk,, IHE N say thiat bu a iii practiet' ineltîiue thlerr, having oltlailit't ait iunight tof tnhe professionit "liei"-vfllgiglits lati, U emtploy3er, lbit TOti n. ayth.Itii t .Neverthîeits lie' hase" %iiint lie i wilalies îOf anIliél' iiiM IlciliDurlty is tt j- a -lt t.:.l st' li , "Ital i t 1 'Ill 'teint i sirnt i l t f a , li b t ak i it tl'-sltliti 1. tutu vN iiiirtheCiltniatn'-, its'àiw attre anti lias itîtl tua to li I (1w t: ' ligesn't' jO tr Iii1a'i' iltl itih a ler.oiftuvamut Ita .' ttiI:\ew n at olo tyu tire pihetro f C.trreI eiiet'!sri, storeknlias titiller ay u lit,- pind may m Mr. Levi Wnhtney inthetii,' titi fit Then ycu would be irt a fix. ser ionîs d Ph t al initt p rî se dl ital b ett er g t a n cw o n e a i istalie lasi }'iday night. 'Thlritgh 1 an overslght a luft l dit cus amnollis at d' wast left oit a sîtît tshure Mir. N% hîtiney Wv' u . :.. -tvî'd a fine lot of FMti wa"t sçusitomned tii ktep reditille lit'l il't wlitit voit wtnt. was iskiug, anti lie' l'titok te alinituiti foîr arithct'ltoutle utfiîlieiti'. amîi t îîî k a g s 'in s r it su vt ,i tt i ' 1 - t- ' u at'q ieniit'i.trulatilig jiaii wlanM.Bai huaI tiànlearalttnlcaiîfor a <lit' fet aa i r' il'Iittertainî'd as ttî lia rtc.'ery Wlhth'Libieî yvvile II ilta Wili bt' boute tinte le fuit ,ZItr. W ,Ittîeyh nîîîîlh ati lntirt ait iii tDealers i n Everythi ng. iii diitii tt al tai f i-'iI t arlaki ti g t aliv b lui li iuriblIt(uti. e tantutti: Il if îtît'i usentsud uts til t rie utsnuIl- g la dtI 1 u JO Ut ha lt I hi t'l u eI t T 0'E UtY rt'i'ttVciy in otiy a t.atîir ut htute. i NOV S1 TH E TINIslE' OE Y"Z - Hîs experience' shiild pive ttitiî'l %aing lu ail sua guet s o bthalt toti much care lusIut lie seri'iît(l il, kî'epiug Poisons sud ntrdts'ineil uf îî y amugerurtaclarticer ur del lock atutti I ~ A l b ~ T ence Sunday igbi. Ht' drosi' to the' art nut ikelyit.i get litnt: 1 OaRkwood Stock }'arm ai I'rairie View, ia ust h"e'iîet ena tieittg his bornse ta a ireet herc sud Miii. Protinies white torride tht' building his horst' betalue frigliteneti. lroke tht' tie tTrapCOUNCIL ?ROCEEDINGS. auntrau anay. h luok tht' continen Th'rt'village board tout ini idjt:trLt'il efforts a! employes aitnt' fsriu ta st'ssionî Satnrday, April 24. t'olhettMn. Edeit îîbaraîîht'ruslia and lTht' electihanretirttt titreî'ie", siart him safely ou bia hometsiurt tand te le(-i tu tetet "t' Carpets will be froin fifteen to twentyt joune, saeran wiermai. Presriduint C. Il. As trll.'rst' joure~,s saer uintnisr ~.h..Metiregur. '1l'a isu. .1. lil'0t; cent higher, as soon as the Dingley Bill' Max Kohtut'r, tif Wa'tr"ats.Ill., lias dci k. W. t.. Sanhtrit reuitd the' entpty ttire riont iu tir. Autliiiiit5 înr <lie tiiltitîg ilai tîî and we have already received severali *# ali itîlantI aiarran tmoiired ti I<ia Kulgbt's bîuilding antI siil t1tan a Eit'eltrical Exehanjgt'. ttr itiiu" Manufacturers of an advance in prices. uepartnii'iiistore tînter the' naut,'f ut intîni eght .$92 7ru tht' "Lllieryvllle Fuir." Mr. Isuiier Criss sinus. iujulttre antdiliuma tr expecta tuoapen the store the irri în'ek Aàî'ant'ai't relatnve ttt i tc, le lin May and carry a g.nerttl stnîck. as etc.. %%!itbhlr. C. 'I. Lîriiig tia n tij tht' namnesuggests. itvnilg 'lard- an. acEp. tn astrlnî1ta nare, novelîles, etc. He wnul do dontuwt l hîidiing adjaceint lt h. "t a trictly cash businiess sud assertalie Oieu'ssN Oatp uit)!Mil waîtkteAst'.. ta c au seli Cheaper on thrtat :no tnt. ~i V1i'tIaert'ilas îiilane. Otilise'st9was ltîîssdt'ii liitg Look for the' Fair ail in nttxt weeka» trustees saiary. isue Tiiexrastee igittý i ri rattIt'tF. C . SM% IT1 H & SO N~ makiig intiltmi\ty32 o p. bert buua .0oa5bd plIl, nithCL last' p u iIo ims. an samla il anIl owda. sylak fala. certanMmim Anra. iruggita. c. C. L 1Ro Ce., .wà Ta one yPill u lake uhwll oas laf 11k. O,'dînance No. a9. Butler Bldg. An. urcilîanî" stt'.tit4 part, ecetitîli f orîilîîteîN'a . 2-'4eliîtr îng comptili tonitift! li ttiira if il h, village hîtarn. sntc'i'10N 1.Dli t iiillîet liv tht' Presinleuî t snd lîtarti t i i îsteî's fo!tht' villtage of Litbertyvillil,,Iii hnt Se. iV IV Eu o1 urtllinnt' No. 24 lamhi'rt'iîiauteidl hy strlking Oui tht'ertlre'sectit,'& fler Vive la prosmaoed as1 the nords --ontoltnlarfir ce "tnti tîLut« iusertiug lulieti' th t a e t'tîtle toril TOESMALI "-meeting' AND 'THE LR pasei Aprit 24, 18917. sa 47- XpptrisCil Ajtih 24. I. I'ublimhed Apil 311, (it Attesi t' HI. As Ei.L, J'reg. 1 W. C. SAS iORIt. Vluiiîge ('hurk. l - - - -- - -F - F ly. nouai b. tlav sa- W= to"lb F. .EST CAMERA GESi PICTURE. r- xSa7 1-9. 'rhit' amur andtibent higure ut Dan tii utamn lamni longer seeu abotut tht'___ Cittnîty fatim,. nîere for tilirtY.i15'e yetkra le hai eeiàunau luiate. He (lietd ~Takui92 a glapteli Or 36 dit A '4lu 1-4 tht' irmi ut the t' ntuweek. sgt'd 66 T'No . sté u oa 72pdue lhEl eiutie vasa muaht'cesntaitt Mua, altitlgbI alvap, a he PUS yeamalau a tîtBUYS A NICE SPRING Ittny Dait'lu"h li ears 'nlw&s r.BNA aieq d oumionod nuiy ludiorous Q M IA O incient Ty atamCOAT\moe.EO OFER imgie c m eusÎe maagr o!01 11______ t*t or -E,,PC A c~.~aaia w'a'~THE CHIC IlO1" ds1h M MLAlKE bapi th Corneý ar VI For Sal FE Liberty'tl 'W' Libert