CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 May 1897, p. 1

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y LibeftvvuilIB.. Lake Countv. Illinois. Friday. May 14. 1897. Liberyvile. IlinoS iPEE dircOGRAMFOtRe'a97. VITyALneatyplTEd CUBtES. Thg Cne hiles OfWutie Laflhl, W give unlai l. p, and arreneed aueile-sliiittopeedaLîe ofyvie lottelue t Sring nits luge Me 141hand 151huud wr IeLL .l nt !Ciao s h us D r. J. LOfTAiOR .r s. mmfor t e u, andgfel? ettp ittI ro reutebt Fape ale No mmi e. It n agucleii. of ir. AM t Mawo i geo er't c i o d'. nye ttiet hiena re t b r A.Y O1f3ice OUerTrg TGa'iA D loroP r . tsuperintnde onte o urlostehe '.- sd liFair.tlf0tite Utî ' uéîrî1d iime»Upt îî ie ecue is oue Wod an f ihl luttedjretorxofrteLae ColuedA frtlenrintd erté dur pge Cmpan, efWTHI"uWuEFie ON -iI<ty i. -I lliois mretati iety met e t igO ffie niprmphlet L iee ot bwete faminulial prngh the eî,lertai i ut [, ion ei ib- M.anrfluoltt fLigo Dr. J. L.T,4AYLOR.II. mn. nee neLfor th0mk îeecfllclc nC .prpiylé eme iofl, m ci eprfadO-fi". FChoent mi .ppiiotePark, opeleafis rcere t u n e d u g9 he e on 'iî es--y mfor.t e p r na t e r e tbe itn e r o ten ofet brdtge. lSprogs ifé iie, ,rcnleatraI s eltiitc.i w.s ek. h THIS WEEKre ONv l Libertyville, Illinois. epeed p<rme rrueisdte pseto erect a bottliurg eLaabliah-T- igii ui bio i.os ln e reiel 'LiertyvillO.LilCe --smperinteîugiem4es ad <,îmuuiltQM iiont l'ver the heritîgs lu the fleu a end eîutIrful narnner the grmot i- Wrs ud Mn, aentLst0. Bndm wa tt o Dr .I-.S iih 1poiited: future anducvî.ese.5ry arrangemtents éfur augurai ciele of McKnley takimtg the W. H. wî lapntletî.oî. it Dr .H S ih peed Prouramn. ehtpliiiug ti# t-te il be umade. l'lheoutil Outoffice, grand parade, ete.: kiléo- W. WLanmov fomteVie DENTIST. y, u '.e ,Y Sl 1. s.eolupalmy i., etprîeet ,iiii,piitg Vital long eeîue Niegara Falls, lu euetualtlftIm lait viei 0 1he on.e eat of the mOffice ovor J. W. Butier's b!dg N..I, iî leiti<. . "Wîrtt-a ae. oib eftue'eoia:,,eweveg, tire oenglue goimg to village owned by C. (. Muhike. Extm 10WI@ 11,1ptte.s-I 8t. 2 e>té Go. Lullii 1 ............ ' cI teiogue cii pailili meii fla.t.te 1 leîu trBlac(k I)iema uul rrearul ug1 J. C. Adami v«s tu Waukegan one I Aly hrme eliiiIf' halha, tr-tiultuIWI., relaiv'e t, file, miediclitsii[ailes i)hboutr, m hiripool rapide, tarn day lent week and osecred i bookte LieryvleIl.ii nier'~ uii uitiruralve pr..prielî l Ithe Wàiet, fceeue, til v, oeté, reseiug titres l a few dmys lhe viii malenome 40 in. Curtains Scrim for 0 d I CarutRr's Kw-,ae ie > errté,umiwecome calta on his neighilors anud Chilrnsurn akt-24-ey rýe si« tI si.&iiui w- .f.i -.f rn wpet. ulei,.wtrltefon îrîug la a facti wmortley o!notice tbtat Tomen de' plgJce~246.r o4 Dr.E. . ARVYEîîd un e, é, Il.- vtilt betîi shipp-d. lMr. Y. rablie, off isittîa g l,ieeîtegt uieuv ,tiàcrs, lie dues thiee iLàlhe scmrcely&anyonse Choice eaCh wie. 8oetrf i.ihi.- ta î-ty lu nci lterestefd nieheiiiubrte.tiîtiesud tertling. Thie pro- whig, owns a do«. NevertheéisthéorieButrMISop3cksnbxpebxS Dr .V AVY t,. trne. t i ,ti . lteLt'utriikSa aesi o e o DENTIST. P..i,.k n.. ml r, lt- ,u.,i.1uiutof theine Springsa tnd la graî .i ii] e Ote eilI,t ch it tie jue, art lots of calorimes maround Ibis I10,0 'I'ttC f iE MIL iiY. SeSl I'. .tfy eeiliiug out circulte# std tant r r-itations irvtîlocaltalent, euT hé and it etaul hom diefor tea tehumIIIT e oet la ahm fr ind u A. Il,-r' . oIdI 1t t 10 0 iu m.,lér crelative tW Vital Water., muiu~. e î.t Iiîîfllfal rept Methe n..i . 1.,,. 25 (l'.'. ',..i..g . ,,wiliieiappeltf~iningiveilthle produitit Of ,.rlitl,, gr.-ettet, f.iiiVeitiolili. >0 The sehool dîrectors field a meeting 1 ~ - slkeIllinois. . "'- ... , .lî. ... t, ,I), chat éîeve been ku)owu eéiong Lierty- î,iI,, titi.. rîtertiiîiieit. Thuromday nîglit of lait week and from A TWN F.i,. SE, . 1-..eeverml applicantmot setectd W. 8. N., .1ia- p,.ui or iîut 'il iti liLA EZU IC .Welch, of Betoit, mai mprincipal of on? N- 1-1-1ls-P ' i .titpir r4î-1. i i iCthLo, UIC. sebool for the cormil g u.Mr. Cor. Genl eand Washlngtn St»Il H. P. E I --M . N :rtiu Wlh n n xerene Rokfle.Il, NT-I ---r i rolVia ae sil h ial npim lna.let familial wit th ie scbootwork of titis WAUKEGAN. Rockefeller, III., i etiTa. îîlilt ,r- Il MIium'enfiitlile uneiuiimtg force, Fratik ltîney trensted loisimles!§ uniy having ta ____________in_____________for_______tour______ ari nad 0111 . i,i<, ,,it , .O ilai., ,r 8hoiitîti 'ig IrI e a populirer urali'. ud1 isitoricai horeMuuiiey. eurs.i ssc im sl n henlover aeai sied iirait'l lt é O~ii. trnit'. e u> "c I s eing nu lui, John Koht. o ak-T Jnrmi a ers M di thp sents oICKEL PLAT ours9 A. M. 1I o 2 P. M. A ffsil M. L.itk ...nty. Mol ia e TeLrÀ ttlvo fiasticti, mtCornetuthrsergraes nr,.r î,,ted n a'.yre." .r F -lor over hatll-m iere Tueedagy. hrvr uig Iepeettr a li" FCari,,,. ii il,. eti~ t hl n niInégalsudelen nireîy stiolactory. The vagea r ~ I 1B. ,Famvg'i , é,rwori.- ' er~tta.. Aitl V1u , mtifi île ,preeding tela.le Donie, o! itcrrangtItn, was a for the Doit year sers ied at fifty-flve Llr. ri. ~.. 1~JtJL~'. .,,trle- Wit,,titLos- .tV, té1I, 1 f.,rceii utis appeerm.î-e upou h ie nMarket vimltor Suudyrolroorlt pe oo nifry Iîu.i,ýmTmof t, i' O' u iou,,uî Iî.-wit i rgentl putlilr .John Forbe,,make a lneituese tti fpltu e dollars for lte tower. Ph sîla ad ureo . i. eil s t. , oteNlîCro ., t 1,eiai(t. &I ,uiiumg front ea dî,triet Elginli ouday. W. regret W unuonee that Prof. St tti-E PPttTs t ~ ~ "<' tflul1EL. tauH, for cuderfl eSprings, tito., Chliem. Wolf, e i ntl lue, Wa a vimitor Franik Sulk hascanceitefi hie engage- i iexliet.lti, <.. ît t'.. tifitî mi lnep..etevs il . tueividuil - .Siî'uot endtiiltVu v uoudndm pool rfotu snd alîhougi magler ltiîtt tt. u .,.... éoct ,Il Lt -- - .'..r-ertllhi tu alrnée té, honodtmitee, iTrefîouisy Shalffer Antes liai otiered i hm a tc, t,,ét,, ti. i u- p 1rings knoWu. Iili te , trlit-dayteunping aimver0 nem ie he lie W. il uiis i j, 't. -,,eviiîittis lii fel éee0ii, u.e lre. L'. Fieké' vielfef ut Irving tark tie g.în ad ofiti u riee rîv 0. F. Butterfleld M. .C lit ,., ai lt M'..'E ,,s fry a s acteluecoe %fonar4 ttli t'igo hit 4wtek. mi, ein tos ,? I-aving lt rîîmrên., VK'EtiALtSUili A i étN' D C M Htst .I , - o'.M. t. l co fo r .apiîai hav i s oétrt:: i- "oi l arg iecie éii lu siy.Sa ig ed5g to li t eu r l litaI toute r on&W t a luo ud u uiiiIg le unuiso iftthemufif ii îîoy f i Ei h,.it the ame luy tie kor. , Mdiiio-id W niiotltng cliiiFred It lee miler elgittee li tmnerétmil, resî,lu-.c in th.e emuvYvl er -i ~'ttt tté'. ut t ttitttt Spriings fuuipeiY ]"armsno e ru Ir'té. 1.-on yvistlfu . Sttidmy. vieinity if llîgtand iPark sud lu wliuutm T Ai,,eflrtereettuig firttigl g.iiiiiitt I ,.IIrttiry tBr-... hippe.i a i-rioid III lise h een i gvlug utigtttv ste adeu - . ~ A ~ i ;s-1t~..t. ttt.tts.i i.t , r yt era ucrO, e.A"1ii.Oeitlofr ..,. tî,r ,om -lu. i h Ie ciîrdoii, play. Dr. PA. L. TsRAV IS. MttsMu.,tr éexpe, îîieuif, re,..Urcli id ..'.. o-, lir,- T.euslay. ing suî-ittuul mai MoIty ttarting" a IM. I.ol .,i AT- iIti~ilit . 11 tth i l oi is llSmdte yt ai m Ispié I - ut't ei trlot-îup e. ptfo U t -)ti t mor ie wu, *itaniuîed %4@.U» ei.luft i r, tile ILIi.iiiitî hui.1 t. tais,--J i,>'. <I t M fo~i tiv, rem.irkalut i Lu. ul . flé, -gretIllé J, <.. émv iii.lié.- iret tenmel t tei nuti ule and btmi on ie u enrmiptmri .Rockefeller. - 1Il i nOiS. ot.ttMR.tC Itl s'.lpritig> o% thllo havm te ,. C,' silo- îeEvo,îuut MrHienry, vas Listhte griu1taner in oh1ch Enait 1 aI-a fIn ou .sallIcn - *r oIdu Pr t-tt- l., ,..rrti liNj1 , t1tt li'.iurvteys.1, .é ,i 'tet er uta plaief itilasd nuu tlisiwhiaeredLiiat Gray egs17 0, sired b ater9 Ch ma. lî mIEýmL mrugbae eu hèWttàtg f erylibwr au "event vitituappen luncî.neeituelice. a ,KGria ulbodNra Cie-r Ma. 't'. M e m.ethe rlluetn i tectuiedtE ae uiyw. fgif iuy liwmilint Wttîlcause t.cow telle bc ring dmMIfSS McGage ulOd r PAUuL.... Mct cti '.' eudeloit Hoield . idiative &-thut.l isAui Ot eaninei ont.I. là Isheu thîs Witt occur se are He wiII make the seoson flt ELM GROVE STOCK PAUL nMacG)rutFI.. S-11, %volos Vihttalerdoll xtr n ely a ildusîler 3.Mues AugustaEiEthmn ilua hmefron t etpresent minable lu tate, fuîl parti-___________________ Lttorney and C0iisiire s.t , - Miaà,3 M ALI- til 01-ie itîrai waters votind-Letter -li lticagoi fîr s vieil lu ber pareinle. ocuuare wll liegiron lter. '. P4OTAR PUBLI ~ - ise Aà,.M'."1,-cuoise diilereit. sud t l i dtiitee IRHenry Droce aitd lurt Heedersoii, t',,. tl L- L M Am [ . >repreeeol'd i y curative agents outte <ut1arnugtuu, lver. iere a strday. PLTNE ~I iT i 'A;o 1aI Aý1Mtsio.ABC Çttaild prouuuied anîd putrfiilklid Thte riroad reeitved tour cars o! AAI . ta y i suit 1. HEATH, r H.i oH î ,icnvey pprl<ttit l ttee tuckfr tuni'nwlerttts ulnt. . . loatltdva I tvureeli ni Il CI,,uCouliE MIî-' titui,,o Lett t, w@iveil lY 24569 Ouiet iri lÂlt Cresteli'..ou p il fic f Vîge tlot alte iwîîî rutid o! e l Dt pnaevof it-e l.Standard. Rule 0. Reg. Vol. XIII. lin i. Rééoléiououepet 4 tuio iilfg ia e ie lgfred eelttrtpr !lt .L. Beuett vieilcd Crpenterville At__________________ fa reglie etgu f Aîieiuslltui aetaan earty daute. Even tW-day1.Ba tion aedI rdadowd yCll.P.?M Bo4 W1 i.î-'loirSu. tdt. ugio f~tite plotîgii.liuiretutim up lu te um John Eregmlt. of Diunde.. isvisililfi li. Henry Heie vislted ietr parents Franfort, Ky. Nos owmied ly Mike itdmond. W. H MI LER i.tit tutI tfl iteu't~t talot Mv , Ilîoed iefu ueuuty :lit hliee prnlige, lis i)rileyi--w Jothn Finie-e thJa, bere recently. W .MLER iILliliI he1t dy0 à..Va-t éiellitauîflf o arus itea.,!Mei AMryOicotî,of Chicago. visited reda- YN RA 2:4 ToNS(iIiAL Ahi ISlrthe lite mtiusmmg, ees l uwallu , t'., b-ett,. eîîd verittuu kîmîda MltuuAlivHideman, o! Dundee, le, te aitrere Tuesday. 5 utltlcun-Lhe îeltî ieutuîpn itîuu ili lt E .Crl hs J. Jappa made a tnitnei tnIp 10 Record 2:14t. Sire o! Norlamine (l), 2:31j; Lakeaide Notfitva l, i lt , he ut.-Atî, l i -bave îtn c ,tlîcutî file..tîuy. i,,1u'- i ne1t ttioi I u ,tle trui,,, wiiîclu ,'aoe c ek. Barrigtoit recenlly. 2:17j, and 8 portformeis in lte li. Son o! Elecîloneer 126, oail gl_111t gon eulia tt ~'îiWtéS i.lit.lititt'fre-utu ofnt ail pertseof the tt tiutr7 tV) thii %\>mtui iggc cud itef tRockefelr Cak Ny ni t ssTuertli Il uo omdmo avl :4,sdN ra :2,b o or I lé u .'.IIIil, lot.- urovi.b-iréeSi.r higlil Aý 1poin u a unLoiurdes, or 'le'- ,i. ent'ghil ttu t! lite lterti pareils l a erkdlNoy des he Msssla. r iso! utlof2:15;maa m ofeno2-21, 2 f , anedm ri 17tro 2era l 2:2 II..t31tvo-li.ioiite t iil, (er ' Ai ulist heticremembrmflie o1 ol i un- hl mi cy. ýtt. ud lre. Chas. Beip vleltcd rels- lit dam 1XFrî,c lb oE13 on la> 't l 'trMM u>~ ' 'iu. hIr.îd tuelio-tei îlî r imt, iîuieui'>te Ravage% were wont t' o v ..u Wotod, (J 'tu.tetctiuta, wms tites i u n IeZurich Monmday. l t, l O !DiEtatr1834r, !Ja- ,. i e t tytntt oiit 1 t',tirilî 0 t ttr ug heu mic qu és tnd m puuoea' li kuand upt uh ui Iren~s her P H H a tî îtaus lidsilc t f is tîtu . l imit r.,tli in' eti>u'eistme. -E Ji .,l ils p r t g e . r eat hith ei l ot e t i t i m é c e l u i l i te54 . S .o n t i f nt t m ,1 . d a i o !e o uf a y fent ui i'mme feutP, of tisI2uit%: elretgt. liaey rejIrvcofleeltantiime 2:1 fi.,-f u chS tit jttettt ,e i té o ttî-eiuug "uns n X.uil' et.i tetl îeta tnd Tuocou-y Rdl înu e o la Id anemvilen the.,Caimd out I ' r ofe.m .;e. tige ..H.o ,lithollocti iréMi, r 1 sd lu itill ffloleierningiHlite (ifatmen- er iladi .n tnda dam MAWWA adttileul A oryI :26. y3 Mi I clu, Agê'utu to Il it d'ut.Whce infilm fie loI1et-'. i "kut'. mi Ou<s~tiNe lLoiafilele ofaoecenetjdmeetSiing!Peicnce.2tlTua Tmusa tsN 1 a ~ i, , A l I t t tl i t f l o st î 1 1 1 1 l t'it h e i clti e d e g r é~ t té, - V a l i e th>t o m b e r t r i m ée .tî , l h a t r eo f Il l i d 1 l e I I I I g e t î ie a . ~ î r a s ii I D h ea u r m î d t i o n e r e . 22 :d m5 1 5 . A y am uDu i r1r 8 3 5 ,i f i aît c.t'l -tF lt i. ttaliueu- i ) Itu uuit. itf ti ci 'mtupl.ty to l ie net iii-, li ti mtin Vtaltt ire e g tvbue UIl it put up sm no tm ato e or.211 iruti oHu fmrt Ikc, ta thlsd 7fot. l st e uveri .1-T, r -'l'Il-I tlifaitle, ancu it îîti '.,.-1n-etlît ér'Itioi' ci e gtt '>11 1r.otît i'. mvtiveftit lii-,meek. ter Kopetu aeZuîl, i-D tuu ntsu ec ond daîmiMiluervs aa fo eftir Illu.. i'. ' vrittll 1%t., uf-t.r nutIiltsetil 'liw-ut-lreIg etî icglit usih le I w-ite R,-tîîî-îîber .1. C. Htaltse cli ii sel ttîg-led rienda Lu Piataine lhuiiday. caudtun 1mi, 5 ytPilot Jr. il ommmyim it lui .1" ..1 f 1I ili gu" iv i. fI.I,. t utiA cil '. gil.entg .t II. iitîttIt'ts. . ahi rr-ttgitd tie faut liai li, ie Wiît tti have a titree Maurket as I Johbu ltiggs, -t Parie, MO. l vlltîug 3rd étamt DaE&x hy ADMISTIEATOR 357, tuiuti t!lu'- i t i1> . rél le, utut uîrmî w 11h thié- r.îfull te,',' - -t tt it- lutiat oil i ccv'. tt'ry colti-, ilLu c'. e iitnd. relatives liteLi Prssentvlt g t.o dt21 ttunC iitl2lii MU iO the.oto-1-t tn l 'Ir lioli ier1i"t -1 b~rthi.? tI, tt thé , ti? fI lt-~il .t iti . ne l, 'ti t iBîîr t 'uuetun riuetd The Thursday enbtlimet uah Mno. U1fii iglrcOfhecod, raiartdrington lntTiutliety. o ai r a t' li td I h l - '1 ,i > ti., If lic a i . i o ul T ii " . - - t . î t- - i s c t i y g t c l" " ! i t . rci t t, .l W i i l E .il u t t' l ? i t tt t imîb r d y W e s e b;ra ot r . 4 1 a m T A b t f L, m a b y UamcD a, t u Aeil. rlml iu . u, Huituouiioïl minutetr 't', tIIIteuond itilSite o!,ls\uiîli V g b U fESnhdlit att îi-t tî-, rsî, ,.,ît' I '.r~ . - r r utîî ba le, e aV T l tiltT J.L e éobroikm ter t a AéIN , omey .RD&tiAs Ieuer16, su 1John o tem rli i i, I lo tlé.tWaet1 .in Ix ae Vi. Weelte rs. Ltnftuuterger. o!f lisrrlogton, elot1:2 Si ofoda t Joh-in.i pt ti. l i taitC aii th'tiiI.l thett tc t u sr, t,- G a sa eIliNjtttIltt. .o te vpib u vla eatpe iit Se, a y M. ad CoOca etlra d e,221so o n lDof! Ge;og i eu ouo , 1hrouS i.Ite' vi r o blcti i it ttt tloitl.ftiM -itai I tig , i' ted u tw.I)t .....r..vr..h e m v fie ts ur e . a~ ar ls le l o !lie f u g o t r o FoaAEATi' .î ii h.w E vo , vai,i liti frt-ItTid tumi tIittegLo It.1. tTi Lytte. oi fluel, eui ere he dCicitfer vroeafi nuis efounlere- MIoTE- NLI1 esprl rdbig ln zr ttîiilfi- -a SAhu f~. Nli, k-Y lît .,todelni pr ii ie fil E.e creai t da.Ibisedate. taîn M lNornem Mi ner-tofàva a g r of ith vieil 'ut t t'tt- d ~ ~ I'p hecf t tI l uI I iiet il u Tiii . tmtitie céett- i.-etnrt'itaitnilliitielae fo rs lnllgtamrsd daetr ih as rttr r ae ! ped ewlim keltaaaay G-PRACoye S SeeTm e.î fri siitcagotiie, h tllu h ttr tîiig Miette sci guesîs n o! Irt oe. J.22H. onLf io GorgeOle sTo d, FAre, s ru.pth1ultitu . oil.t' e etthehiedanit.-.a F t y a d Re o osD..A %yI)t Olma- . 'ELtt1)SelpMe% Sia hTer hemm Tom Brgone siedbo iaibeeoutithee MIKcn.B'&ret e odRfe touD.r grttp 'mPtosnntt ffie adromising- rne, -te ve.»à Alflf, lskeMile h S ""'îIE.I Ht lu li hom' ut loii' m AtoutMRoada. leip.itmtiandtdemg>,eElle C chien A.oB.eaunr luaireEofl foi' litemptifycar, rt- 'tI,, tiihitit fiiilti .til~ N'te ru o it illtttltetl 1lt-.ttîIthuf uiitg l'i A tore iii ang endMint e tred reen ell f r .H Seed C orn. t'gM ill t i.tds titover flid liitheiihomeiei f i s î Llrttîli, ue'f t R ia nti ttit il i--Buthu Sî ell é tographis l-iBi o ie he E.tlor etept îns s r t-My l rs.t , iti. a. i it h. .î t itt ti-iîg Th, re et ît t'i , ' etîfl i ,r pe te iily ti esA- W Hi. t ten d ite u edrc lP s Ofiea o ofit te and H ungtrinnmSeeritetîtt nemeo tîil ir.-1L.iliaplel ubel tucrcelit 'reeeilud atu'day evenT he Lon G av , L it C ,Illnoti vtîir iI gi, i'iigi,,t'î itN".' Xr foam efrot umgtwuwîîhlpa wu.uli l cil), eIli Pttî DSocitet str îîî.g ety o li mer t St nre. W a 'iCisi hi o . Iti~ ~1Try MY sîe It-, .- ,t iti lit,.iku- ithîntrv tiîpel r lltcnfig e~hi)ir Ft-ke, ae r la i.'h. ay s W arren ay lo t.ire fom. ' lts he,' is ~'Iloio t.. art-- t n ert i i'-, Wtil r t l l L ti un (ýIîr cabineîit itnrpis é)e teu adsaeltIp zls oî ocm n -k -moitoi hee ae tlrm-itlt -glite cgi'em the JIln W.uTalorg, ertea r ty Wm. Ied C rn Jl. lu, i, ilite etuhaîte thi t)thcyImare insomîrthe H unlug fof ilan , Mmyf oLitt1le (tiiit.~ cilit',. liiet tis-. tii'. itvttt'ctttltt tO st tthei a ctIlle ih ie hifbat one ieL r en f hce aatr CHAS.~eI piiTlug iit eptiiiigug t m haB.Reev o liqmtim.hî.t ite eu onuttgilemtaeulio. ustoiofie ver' n or dt. bel M pp ca oidorti utétt dîgienî.r tu ii. utie. ta î r ' ity . Le et uih ve Bren ase t for uzber f ut bo me nîcan' arg îî il yoi.Imiecr mts o rt-tiyre,1 wan - uelm .le -i-aertie teeOurrtaréaegit g Tuo da viit il begoo vIite o atteudotîuu tuiuheurtivfrotnît Afermiersili e t o rte sa etre o e naseluvceLAKE. iedmany bis e e u Pbai mde ve .Na 3 inge Hrut'ssp.tI'liv-1 f e tM,..u t.spetmil Sie sClit Ios~ieu ansho tedtlî, i g tnrlll etigeonilie. A ,Bafvn No. . lta'tlé,etîl oiiflou... tI! olng for tht' ' e -ae fi t t îetîgîare i ,uiil h e fI nnbllcl, o f a loo i m y lit 87 Trm ef tiruu'di tou s tl.ifi t- t thtou lo, iu'.iig t Ilt .plu nl'im ie R wandt ofliu s vle . amut kîtîe rc oBa nTna(lsal@ Mne dyM rneHin fHtzooo 1tl'.t et tietihuit iieetthtoin'as pplieunlite ort Cliii le hue'tivé-thlité.-lmileleils eîtend iea Ibanka 10thfrontvito s- WIIgT Il eea oiîmmonaill-theg(neoaviablespof Tnimef llrnee é (ii sefim 1tutlueimt e wati el t- h ai lint 0g i lnp s' ,0 u'itetfî ut, ,,r p,,tîiluîri.erp t hide etyroedalrhohamae. wh it D E.fct. Acolt teslo t Io aeb No. 31Singe nmgeo; ieti15liei Fîur m. lra . ec it cne IetScite mpiesn t e.Rondee r thel ua'aer, le lhlg fr i lctlim,,W.I eof y lli. . Bi . l ik ey touri o pu esu wongIotstt h.lm ,hua enrn u en FaimHaiiec î~~ ~~ ~Mr. ciiuiittvol aqitda, h n haitend o hutliaI Il aayPaine vrbdiwît Isrpi-tacote. lotuugtcegrnpitooeUitérsubythe luoomin e lo.g5iiilLImitation îîîuebla r ifiif ndliiKtae hat I f ng o redtiti- oo.htii a ti îti tatjiit la pn etl1 ieH m iilAlrMe une a lt an l~ ltaprlle o olvi i et TTt Fa i uiié li.trio-e fl ti iiwk4 ly al h ulihmi o it îttîcit t1 nevve if hr~ eisn it Mr i e setuNH i l eestu . Hi e M loersun ae o atutîu sto na l act- T u lt eet o h l ly. el> dm H s o phyi ulliegod.Ti tu th0 e tent lt'-od r twy .K h i.eevpi Tembdy orng d. l oso.noa'A oofeav dr pretc5 CH,6 A S. Kiai iiaoIR, iew'iiti Wettiel 't, lud.New pthé. th- ftr nuilèe byFtti. LofEt., Hi ifetvîlc id t11ela utotg.CU 'aîehisihe I 00 b ftîlîîwiug h regrd 0 auulîlnesiemut.1.IL. fsÀumEhé (mmc, . H.LITI- Th' pepleo Iformer11 roll venmt of The dMir aurer o! 1h. Sta tLber tVie ile ati-NIllnfilm utilace "FankliAvy.fot eirt.uRekeelMr lat. d'l otet muzt ahuite: uonuingaI t eio, tpasd ofthois imiteront biue cmifn oloi,(eomei -db* -- t nîatuy y~~~oearere u t Rollui to i e u b rt bi qeverS.lgmapl te Frt;uek for ite lrowvKsig ltfrgattlzlgs cm aislisil .biiencn w u n e tv tt A.o.1 . tiy here eayn:'I lî'tte îNickellarg Settr Facîîîéeatypein- tiandaiecitol.tEveytidyeomflo!mmeed fo the aillsoely.ttroe emand hree urnne Stov Citamberlains Coll)faillioleraoeud quianin o! )o lin adrli Cîcero Alleît e hil f'e )r.Lolahicmi idn rd t .10Fne ingle Prickes. a1 o5aRmetyfrTeDyar o dililaaea onsyleading Wisaeoni, l )ttalldtit formeranon.irMr. kburoa, laut Tnadsm act Ti our Burther lmthas mttp sgullre lmu . hdial .conaýfil'idur il thelrnetetyapintoudera voa uil aded 10 it e lra, il Cuolver mnd rocer eltves btjs Y ung wtilegli h op. o iimtnloreDtanatileofaûtWttld - '., mont bou atmetTIwud pest,. -90 ILI itehui asitaserdidlierami r. 11)mi, 1,10stye ghmél.tataio- i. at. , ne 0 uu,.eui Met-acul- Thm.othedisincs o th ol styelb.llw dme lg d m - 1 l~oa __.4 .sm -1.8.. 1 -» oirIlgi . ». s n . o & oie o fe si eo or otal -u m t

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