CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 May 1897, p. 2

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INE OF4 DEIIE*BE *8 TROCHUA8à%« NIFOb kNAL, MALF PAIN. base« je Cbe WearkauOsez Baa-omta WolIcw Uee -o *MwFla orte Armlcto i bfflUtitae Ner ltarvetboc. l- S,ouenlaOlob-Demeomrt ihmthe t t om Havari "Thie lhtad4 o eent trrba aysta5iihmiiiecamaeasi cemuents.ethec m mena ncuair ot elthe îysteme arc Iaut vate, amie te tour tat fur m» t the eds. ,On tha vest roeia, lu viatrai liertion fr a dstanic e ija Bteen m ieit la impaie et - fobo e Tie troff els thelfortem lu na terrile tate as t laiaraobigei Wldt on ait rations, a the Cabans mod mit 'înronu'enimet for thon i ,icre carrytea suppis tu f$hm la Tiey have staticicit tiemselves bigits muorma lie uWyan as tlic t »sus geai iegite fisu, stinknlut Ton, Tmboat%,. cfru a, have icen suui b --aeimy seljeta drowmedin t thaeecx- e lifos. A curions Incident vas report- ti ï' thc tomer reote e vst treha it Ib «»ir day. iSeegaà vitle lag on0 W»o e iaforts. the Cubons rted iont- t In oportatn ittrmeuranr. Thay were lu- i = ~itiât tic buildinigs vere enier- t nd d Cat tire iotdletmn'ere aclisici Il Md wcic ltkeiy le drovri if thc buildng e bU, blwater bez quite deep aroumi IL. Ca(lbans eerei al fie odlr, put lor u on l.tbot am owedvaithom ~i a quarter et a mile of anelier fort OÏigthem te mieeir vay le a et safety."______ a sllgily falli river i rie '~theticlavasexcitassentit aINewvi tr « rester thon aetanY previocste Thé, Baton ]loug* brakai t-tue lu,1Mme uie ntureii homiruit Thé, briea i vit me il donbttul ma ibehuüt aromithtic danger or viafler fie viole eppen. pur-o *a icPoteiartrain lime, runetngb liatou Rouge ta 14ev Orleana. il limgvtby baeal-vater. Tic lateet 0 omthc break lu ticBrtIon 'o-ir à 0* latte £feraof men t wyen &Mitihe aisee teonertalncsitby Wau opewt tuat tue 0ev of vater1 *a" ekisArotet caniaticun'as iff ~ta tlluréetcfthé novm, e agiaite n .ci Davis. es- ýi5UAie e te be Iterbo- <c itr tiolsraisBayottlali * :ne micro lmoitcrad, -, -At sthlip"i ma i roil i peileluslimg cmucmum&ba- * sch*cibpr ani et Bpaash *ii ai of tisss i biet. Titr saisns » 0woYug boys, lii bisa maiLtataibt ifir ma- ce ltW pue, on vilci fey ste tlte 6sat tt laI i. of. 1bouéese mi ciotetromains i 4 rooklyn ... .5 I0 '. it. Lou.... 4 10 deuille mgo. 4 12 TM ovaig ecfth e mibera ef fie Vaicua Laitue lamumarlsaibelov: W. - L W. IL ~~ V agI.18 S lauiec 8 9 S4 Deltt. 7 9 9 .6 Krias CIt. 5 13 8 9 G'nd BWa. 4 12 Wcw uîesltiu1. ..a OasDit. à-W liat lvty of *t i apbrg baai*C- ~sur aithe laiiémtu bit Mt lu la- , 611411M agrole 0km o p thebillit Q*$-theuamm oi ae tculmi l Z 68 foi tue go* teritory. lit la report- ý tb@* n'ells amrc ilu ui buthue éji eat ai bamsbeen stmk aci tri ily *0i. mss n'ac»tait.Tic amcfarur- ha, gUI lat triunee ccdlmge a te Ne Pisce fer Javcmble. là B radlcy, ef Kculaciy, refusiti ta .biDe Creaci,àa12-rear-oW irincon- Za.1penjury ilu ,olcy Coaty sai for t euoe ycat, te go te tic peul- ~m~and grameatbermà tullparion. , G0««enr lirecteas te pardon cvery JÏWInm ovt o ut or hoth u telcprisons ,Wietic egIatur ai once provides tiob afer Itate niolsetfreforma. Ugg Pmpr Muaitas. rrcacslM e ai a ra pettmt loto - ffpeCompamylieé,largeotpaper la tic word. lit vas msde ta th ses,, ait vIlI prodxec pa4s widvu. Thitsla Ofifeen incea uni tic boit previoua Ametican &M twtaIceovin lie vori'a - bé umasigfaitWn 4% 'Onaa4 atrat palaoc ai Newv ihcbé, ioe ila0010 iwemmsur e mthéc ote saâât-e Precstâe.t CIeelmuita or- 1Ma 111titc resc. k n-isonu - pelm iïv club -mmmoe- tiâ ieni et? misrfacalaml- Ilfiftro thc e pgteeidiroaaght.Ali ebbuu AM mir als anonaeig laya et pmegr. - lm weterni 4nstmat tic great. tet t.Saexpérience& .Wtitur me- tP mun« of tic noma&etalimber. witthfe ëzoeptlem of vrer ganme, bas euttrety iteit ont Sbicli tieitrougit comtine.mach - pr SàprmwUt hano stock iefttrous &_=0__tte C t .irn. Tic lamtentmmer irb tait there was tri February. 18112 Wifi the e.action 09a isIfaintao f six miutM th*-vînter of M84. " tebas béni m refin r« te do more iliam keeP the ct ulv% amatitictiamit Umations ham fair taie.I t incui ali taxes on révérassent iand wlU ha remlttcd and itige wW hbe a fen te fred ticha rigry ovr the vide regten devasfateit by the ILLINtOIS -LISIEL LAW. New noe» cWbhie as Great in- termseor Puabtîiaea. Wlti but oeslue voie te spare the Il11i moi SOnate Wedieiay passai thticbill te- peling th i ttil 1w cf I95 and eriacti nt a moe stringemî staîtt, stuilar te the Perinsylvanla 1mw. Tic mensurs prevides a penalty cf $1,000 tne or oeayaar's ili- prlommeat, et boti. for any persou vie blackeus the ciaracter of the deait or the living, amd mime alloe thIe plalutif 1te bring ratttln the county viera he reeldas. eompelliug tiche .rndant te appear tiere tu îndver the charge. Tic latter provis- ion la a departur. freonttié erimary rule% ft practice. Acrdkma te camtons, tie >lmlUtfmuet Instituts proceeings lu the enti where the défenadanit remîtes. The irement iav cf tic State mllows publishers i.e privtlcgc cf iétraction, te escape ex- emplary damages. LAI D OVaitQUICKUAND. Dry-Doclç et Fort <Orbard, Wcksh. la .li Danger of Cottapoce. A dlspech tront Tacoma te the affect that the Fort Orchîrd dry dock, receetty aomtrtaet b s, cot ef 1.t11.000, va In a state cf cellapa. and tiat as-a result of à dl. ins of t1hebattlusip Oregon thé b" a ti aiettimdint an arming mari- mes, i t ilriceeari te Demi ticen'ai rassel gatm lu a harry, createt a sensa- tien la Ban Francisco naval cîreles. Tic tlaegram aise atated thtat tic tocetatori of tic dock wss laid on slippery quick- auid, tiraItiheiola couritry ite eeigh- borioci n'as MWUeitwlh subterraneari uptiegm, wvici maetiegrounds treacher- nom. aid fat thc selection cf tic site was brouiâ about by a corporation composat et réal estats euen, iehat cteared *300.- OW by the tranisaction. OlEN SALOONS IN TOPEKA. Tremble Dclv... Gev. Leedy andit ti Fer tic at lime lu tan yemrs Ihere are optn saloons in'opek&4 Kar.. andts a reUsa othing etfa reetteon agaiiiat tie Prément SttIad inistrateinhas been starteLi Wltir a weïk several saloens vitt i» mxturm bave bepu opeacit. Gev. Lemiiyb bae appemici tat te compel tic pocem iommlsstoers ta close tic -plmce ti tie natter. Ue mam i. appotnted mea cm tic board n'hom tic prcihitienu.ts récomacnitei, amut tat lilas ot its duty te sPF areani te sec If <bey are doing tir duty. ____ To Me Sld lt.Mongtand. Tiec Brst experinmental exportatieon ot bttear froni tis country vas made Weit- meeitay trou New Yerk City, wiu tie 00everncttiroagi au agent ment by tie Agrtcaltarat Department. shlpped tiree-qaaters of a ton of sciceteit buttcr fer male lun aompc. Tic resait cf fis ex- Pértimi ent ftirent tmportamete tie agricataral Interas, as tt la ti. OirsI stcp in an effort cf tic adinistration te si- cted tarlally tic market for SAnerinu butter, aSai an smccf tic traie vîth Great Brltairi lu partlcular, ici Den- Mari Prsettraliy contre). vîti considéra- ble Profit Au IncidentaI objeet la te de- termine viat tmproementm are mmdei la Iransportatieri fattlcaSBem*ebuller ls Bcv bint gsent &Sbradby private fBrus. bat ItlaI.atteei te baetftmferlot grades. Xlmsalltaetory utorage ln crossmg tic OMMcamnmaiaralcesmeme tnlemvtng tich aipucatsen auneeverec doeksetaI hli- aupton belte bailg ladeitStu freigit ears. lins mmilg tic butter moft have turtrer ietertoratedItts valla ntrie Eng- Btah market. Tic batter saut Wedaesitay comes trou tic Iowa Agretural iCollegte ani a cracrnsry at WIndsor, Vt. Babse- quentiàlpmeaits, vitihvîli ha maie dur- ka~ tienmmer ai lutervals, n'il. ha of butter trou otier sectioni. Te bath nop a igh standtard, oeiltihe ét grades wili lac sipmd aidthtcbutter n'il bi. mliat tic praling aharket price, Tic pros- est shipmnet tees ameng tic ipped ers cf thc steamer Bt. Pauilaid wtilho képi at a lev températur. Tic cargo sa maie sp ot paekagee et different simslte ictehsias wvici la nmet sstlsfsctory. A déportment agent iltl meet tic boat el Boatiampton admmi te proper crecof the product and attend te tie sale. Tic ap. petatment et butter agents by tic depart. ment nt New Yark and Southampton te taie carc eft he atereets te possible. Deserotc te ttgReperimi. Reaporta tiat tic rcvolution lu Ecuater ln ait mme treagti have hen reccîvei t a Panama. Tic forceot Goeant troue. atiengi smalar tian liat of ticetrisur- gants, la âcging iespcrately, but ne te. tratton as te tie probable orricome of tiec Bgitlng bas yet been reretved at Guayaqutl. Reporte eemlig tlen<tuayis 0quit mre te tic cf Oct tiat tic Montencros elu au parts cftich coantry arc jelntng the iasargeuts in large bodis. 'ieyhavi raied uacy tevmsaundtvillages ta tie provincea of Chimborazo ait Canar, teav- tmigwasate aidrate icalieu in sagla- ituil food, 'tere sait amuuitten whencver tenait. la tht. mariner ticy are slowty immkig bhami. Boera..pritat havi rjoincit tic révolution adsait t iîr citrci garbs are armncitand takli part ln tie lgitlng. Tic Govermmcafl be ave taken seraral pritsers, among lieu i fev petty offcers of tic rebels. TSiewc Ton Heali crrepeitel a paets Ares, Coct a item, tilcgr *et ia- th steamter Newport ba :c mete tersis lUs ti ae liaihaï:àstucesNicaragnît mruary, coumanici by Gem. Rutaa. la mmrchiezg tovard tic Costa itean trou- tier. Tic Ntc-aragau Gevernuent le te cruttmenmcmfrontm&U crer tic repaWteto the marsisbl iR net îgaln try te chante the etîtortal poley o e Plowbey. TRADI< HOLUS tYOWI. of Thitae., R. G. »[ua & Ce.s Wecii Rev et Traiet ays. 'Nearly ait vlibe atctisei te lesrte, ttactual sales ln Aprt - byd leamiig bouses I ecrilin.etfbusIesslatn the principal eties cast of tice .ekY0 Mountans average enly about 10 par centà hmacse flan April. 11119ticher cf the largst business htherta, mani ver. O Pet centmre. han lu tiche Meti lait1 yeur.Yt-hits la tic suamimry ef 857 re-d ports, caci covering atual aieatif lai- à tmg mrcianti le a Ilime cf buIess laone i ot tourteen ctîe. Ticy arc aapeeluly encouagitinluisse oflthe tt 14i et 1 pricea nitiin tihet§ve ymcranmd witht- f ceptiecal bois mnd tier retardtig lait 1~ eces thi. year."____ PZIRZ LIKES Iras GOVIMNOIR. Alabama,@ Chi4fer açtie la Peecai t taEomie at Nigt front a 13t8"" Goyv. Jeinsten et Alabama anmd bil. wtt.l secu te bc tatedl te bave taecape ottea froin Ores. For tie second timc e as meetir ticy have been tercedtte Iee trou a blase lin lhe Exchange Iletel, Montgom- ery, wirre mut-et the Staf c officiais and legisiatore lire. Tirre were sirty et eighty gueeta whoe ecrpeit vitheut.te-r jury. Dît7 of Cemtery Conipantsm. A Jrrr betere Justice Dirkey et tic Brpreare Court lu lhe Borougb et Brook- 4 lyn., N. Y., an'arted Mm Barbara George,idw 1.W da gein ersti against the Cypross 11111 Cemetery corpo- rationefor Injurie@sueatail ed nlune 2%). 1811In thle reaetery by rouitas tube cou-r tact witlî poison ivy whlr visttiig fieà graves et her husheet ail two children. Mrî. George testifleil on tic trial tht poi- on ivy gron' rran ear ber iustsnd's grave. lmmedtateiy afler sihe altorari-t cd it her face, arma and limbs begme te swell. 8h. n's confinei te ber bei ferc four mntis and vas ticaacttetdtrou morn for ablier yeeg, Iven non', mie more, sic tequetiy safferet ecruriat-a leg pain. Ira chrgng the jury Justice Dtckey saidt feltich suit was a nOvel ont'. beîng tebils knowtedge fie orly oeeof the kinitever Irtedin ie his country. Ilie Instructeit the jury liaI itn'as, lhe dotyt cf tic cemetcry corporattion te extermit,- e te lie poisenous meet anut te hrwis& prof ect Its patrons againgt IL. Asirs foràliedtstîci. Thec Atirees correspondeet ot tire "s- oiateil Press ltrms, on, the very brai atorl ty, that (ireece ha.nruade a writ- len application te tie powers tirrougira bhide reprcsrrtatlves et Athen. nilh as vien' le ebtaietes mediation. Ail tie reprerentltves have prominedInluIheir ne- ptles te use lirir hest offices, rxcept thet German miriter, wcho lias merrty nu'- knowtedged tic recrip tf te nte fronti tic cabinet. Tie porte ls inclineil le soir POK lie peIner, -tb a vIe-te lbe fa- rtllmtlen of rigottattons, but it decline ta10 coesetteen armistie., on thre grounul thal hils n'ut ensile Greere te reorsaniz. lier forces. Il ta sait Tnrkey wiilnotet.Bt. tempt te secure Greciari trrritory, but wil tnat on n bravy indemiiity. Slockarelvei slnLkely. The taking et trstimony inthe bcstocki yards icariu ou tire altegation et the stock yards effitetals hat tht'eritorerment of ratricci yrdage rates, as proposeil hi receut Kansas legialabion, mouid rrnde» tic business uuprefiiualr, vas reenrred et Kano"s City. Mo., "rilay. Tiere ta ua stroeg probability biat the Stock Yardut Company vtli ai tor a contieuance ef tic 1l'nqtrtry iChicage andl East St. Loui.,1 ILt Tic company n'tmies te maie a crnm. paraître showing te support ils dlaim tha- tie lave in nt teasonable. Tis Oder Prcspered. Grand officers oet biceBrotherhoot of Railn'ay Trinmen have lmot completril thilereports, tea1bcsubmitted le thc bie- niaIconvention, to 1w beli t aIToronto. Re. clpte fortbye yars have beaui $1,158.201 and didbarsemete *.0.0.Tiare ta on' lu tie trcasury 05K,574. During tn'o years 42 loites have been bideil, makiig a tetal cfi1520. Tic Iotal membership uew ta 28,532, a gain lut n' years ot 3,201 From ct. i. 1884. te Jau. 1. 189-s. tira smu et $3.667,904 vapaît eut fer death ad total ilsabilty edaims. Viii Bae aTwo Wtve... The sentenccet W. J. Barke, a trin- man on lte Pennesylvania Ratîroal. brougit cult t act tiat a aumber ef 1men bimtlmrly cmploîed, betvre Pitts- bUrt and Atocua, have awtvca le botb Twatve Dollar Frac Mltita <Ora. Worime In lie Tornade mine ou Bal Mountairi, er Deaivoot. . D., enroue- terei a fissure velu et free millickg or@ anis tei quartatte tiat assanys $12 a ton. lirova ta a Collssry. Eleven meni have heeri irowacd liroîrth îeau Bon' et ater trie tic Ketloe roiiiery, r usar Durham. Engad. tMAZEE" <UOVATIONS. * titog-Cattlc, coumon ta prime. $3.50 te 95.50-, bogs. siippiug grades. t*3.00 te $4M2; sheep, fair te choice. $2.011 *ta $5.00; vicît, No. 2 et, Tlc te 72c; crn, N. , 23e ta 2Me; eîts, No. 2, ltk ate 18e; rye, No. 2, 32e le 33e; butter, echilecroamcry, 14e te Bic; ecgst.,freah. a eta e O; potatees, per bustret, 20e te -30e. bruan cern, common grovbi le rhice grean mni, $W5 le$70 pet ton. Idanapols-Cate, siipping, $3.00 le $5.25; bots, cnotce.ligit, $&00 te 4.5 h eP, remmen te choira, $&OU >te $4.1,1 4, icîet, No. 2 8&e ta 90c; coru. No. 2 r wite, 20e ta 27c; olis, No. 2 mhile, 2le te 22c. Ot. Louis--Omtie, $3.00 te $5.50; hog.i. 0&.00 te 84.25. sieep, 03.00 to $4.751; vicat Ne. 2, 90e le 97c; core, Ne. 2 -pellon', 2lc ta 22c; elle, No. 2 w'hite, 10r a te Me; rie. Ne. %32e ta34c. a Cln4natl-Cattie, *2.50 te *5.00; ies e-.00 te *4.00; sieep, *2.50 te 84.75: b1vicast.'N. 2, 90e te 92c; comn. Ne. 2 " mlized20Mete 27c; eate, No. 2 mitxel, 2le " t 2S; rra, No2. 87e taMeè. , a .Detrei-Catile, *2.50 te *5.25; bhea, DSS»~i meInn v I uNscse eAmmeic. Thre tallff bll, an rcportei by thc eate ComilIs cm Finance Tumay, la a varl lifferentamorsrntttatit iri paiicit atitee ilenitgemaie sf111 forfisemam"- Mcoabe as mon au liai have limate epro- mam lieu. Amantls . vze iti ha m ie tcfet5dans au a asbaitute top fith wib eipears in eticoReebill. nre daty oM te&mandthé ie ull ttax an ber ste Iltami a b e atemperary,smd fer ture isurpése c et g strevenuec. 11c01alor Ahii'lipresenîs fed bel111te the Bcmàtc. Tic flue fer fie bll te laie cf- teet lesRmaie Zuly ir1,197, latusai of May 1. sa proriddlu fie Iflemme. Tic saten eiciale tin wbolly rewrîlfes n thelienter- est o! the trust Tic vend bltinusas etrirkin ouitmand aIl coai mate dirtimbie ai 75 cerat@ pet ton, viti a prorîmo aiteit flaI tic duty on CeR nsaI ime ai$ha esO ents Pertonr, met où cool saar, on cnlmae, 15 rente Der ton, vian tmpontcd trout saV coumtry, colony or iepandeeey tiat dose mot Impese uPon ceaI on ceaI sacar or cul. m ilier rates etfituty flhac home ummeit la fis ptovtse. The B.riate ha. tncircasei tic hibernal revenee uty oe brer iy ehaegps ection SM3 o! tlie ravisai @teiutes le neait as tel- lova; Unti Jan.I.10. Iliathre siraîl be paît lon 611 icer. lasegeerhccaie, porter, ami efien àîmlar femmented Ilîners. braent onrmaria- facturaitait sold or remeaifonremamp- Itou or sala vithîn tUnitedI istatea bi vistever came surh i ltaesmuslybceaisd. à ta' 0# $1.44 tor arery barrot ceatatarlat mol mobre tisa 31 galious; and &tier Jem 1. 1900. tiera simîl b. pati s lax et $1 par ban- tel On avec y tunel et mach boec. laser bscm. ale. porter. and ethen sintîar farmeutli q- nome The present rate la $1. The- retroactive clause of the 1Dhugley tarif 1bil la ts iiciru trou ticheie bil. Tic entîr iem re iinralatmn ete.c tprority bas been siriceneut met lie 150110on'Imsection aubattutet; Tial vierernanu country. tlependeacy or eoioy imîatl psy or beslov. dîrcttu on ta- rtrrl,îybouaty or grant Don ea iaai etauy artiele or marchandisa ad suriarticte rtmenrimedîse te tutitbli undan tir provtsion*oet lis art tien, apon tha Importation et eny suri article or mer- cnimaisa lo ite United States. yiclier the smc skiitire Iiportet dînecîtl tram lia country of productiton oe t eivesand viatier sur-bar-tinte on mernhandmc ta lu- ponta atic ceme cnrdition as vien ex- ponaifreci bheacountry et production, or 9aabeecaimut tniconditin y manufac- ture on otierviar, lbere *alltl ire Iytid ni gadl it u n ases, lu adiioto lalir ti@OerieIcimrd iy tbls set. an ad- itenal diitY ea a otir net anount of sRi hontiror gnant. hoveer lia mame le puid or bestoed. Theaesma aouit oet alsnchb bnttasor trente mitait ho frain time te lime aftertaln- 0&, dctarmtned. sud dcctsced y hiee-e tar of lie Tresauri. wvie*hamitaseail niiteu l nattousfr lic Identification cr suci artIcles mit merrisndser. and tut lis aemouet mutcollection of sari mdt- dlonai datte&. uftmw fouseprroirluninte hai# ill i.cpmt ng tefrce tic Hawaiien nceiproctty treatrinla trciee oct, tie effect beina ti-. ireetiy te abnogatth tir ty mut impoe tic Ramo mli ouHawaiien mugeasansja impoacil on angars trou etier corutrica. Tic provision tin tiefBouse bili on tie- tilla i nres in stricienout anithtic ollon'- triz suietituteil: 5h11 vtsues. alng ginger vIne ur gin- ger cordial sud veruth nti.t ra or park- stes, aIlier tisanbtties ut juge, if couras. bat 14 Der renit, or leua. et aimoînta alcoioi. 30 cenat»per gaionu; if contalalas more risn 14 pet ntf ai1o10e1mîetl 1 cenrta par g-r--. Cm btîles o ua.pnnse ot .a. 0ien botties, on jage. coatalnimg ecri ot more than ole qart. sud more than on, PIltor 24 btetorjce ina onlatuug e«ch Det me .tisa on@ plat, 81 per rame. anid MWi ecres bhoau hee antîttea touai le suri bottiez or juge mimîl be subjecelba imb t 5 ra enis par pint er rmettoit part @baleot.baln apnl r siîtlotiat dty uhal leaasascdon Uc htites mnrIts; tpro- vidai. tint anY vInes. singer ecilal. or veracnituol:rd.eoatntang more tisa 24 fte r.:nt.-0f :bl1ohallît hoclam asspîr- vidai pther. liaItithere a.iho , on- elracttivcor echer meariwee toc breakage. Icakagaetordames@ an aines. lquors. cor- dItate, ubdItilie spfIrits. Wlnes. cociala. brandi andtcherptirituons Ilqames, Inrîmi- tnt iters of ait k iles.and bay ram.-or m* vmter. Iotel a bouttes on juge, gaiatl e pacermtuI packages contatring met Iea tisa ceue dosar tieIlles osc lu ai-h Package. or mli minait i. pâldi R@If suri package eetaînc i a tleuoe dosan bettiez or juge; aid aIl sortibotties or juge shaîllDnles» otiervîmea .mtmtty pnevtdcd for lu lis mci. Cy i sa sddiîttunt dutu ut 3 "cetsfer «eh tte unoru. Tie percantege et alcoboitut vInas art fruoit jutrea @hall le dialrmtur- lu ari marner as the llcrry oethli Treasury I ssabu retulatton preserli.. 1 Lubic ndmiWooI CiangVes 1TiceItomber acheilule la ciaugeul by att- .ilg aller liehenod lichen tiche rdi 1 "Haîra, sitei er squamet sud rouedt it- ber," sud lie tuty irai itthe rate cf 1 cnt Iper cuhie foot as ilalieelien o bill. 1 Tic mate et $2 per tee ou ail saveit .boards, etc.. la relairici. but vima planai >ou oeae.sitfe îdtonrîl rat, ta mate 35 . teat et 50 remIs pet 1,000 feet board ucamure; wn'h planai, bonuui, and gneevai tic aidîttoual rate ls maie 70 renta per 1,0010 test board meaure testeai eto $1; If ptmecton Ive sites andtontueil met groovci $1.05 per 1,000 mint eto $1.50. Tic Houas prtvso for ani mdititoal dttioe 25 per cent ad valorein upon tm- berlimiprted fronm ariyfonette country v wiciImposes mn expert dicbyin chantai sse a mdi lie amerriftet aexport duty ;tnsicai et any fBard som. : Placet on tic tree Hat are poplan and .otier pultu Weeds, heading botte, atari .boIteauni raitroat tira. > Mary mut important changes vone ?mate la tic vool mmd voolen sciedrile. Wlrut-clas vols vrireiunai trou Il )cemîl lier pount, as prevîteil in tic Henu» bUtl, te 8 cents per Pound, and aeeont-clas v woe ,rou, 12 te 9 cents, vieneas tie italties on voolseofthticthiti l cans ver. ralait. The tlvtigline Ite hie latter claie n'ai .Pl&ae i 10 cents value, mools rader tic: ,;value iie maie dutiîble aithti rate ef i cents per poua insateat et 32 pci- cent e ait valorem, asithle lieuse bill. Wooia vatuci ai moea me10 cents pet lPound vmre plareit et 7 ceets Per Pound ,-uIsteat ef 50 per cenutad valoron. t Tic vool grovaru ftilci te secure &II -de U&csc ic o'b I 1 OOMUS TOl~SqI~N~ PilOU W. i imonti ai iichl7 maet I*tqv. tthstIt mmet a Deri" . It ha $e M sfer ori$ osIPort- Ia&Oe'If the unadarro«md. lugstWates, mand sapa- euthte repieeta- tivée et thec dlurci ~m:m. PWislWAuam tilidwtth the and sommer UdOol, eshwtrWY Wliona, beuti ate beutifui lutle lake, wil bome hePermanenthoerte amsmbiy. pomrteit. It la deiaumationalin the cou- strnctin of Itsboard ofdirectors, two- tinitaof wvircuent beofPrcsbYterian fatti, but other ienmmtattens are admit- ted. It la la charge of prof. Jobn.,M. Ooulter of tie University of Cblcago ad 3cmo X. Stadebaker of Souti Beed n'as rccent' eteit presidect. Pour thousanit repreaentattves of' Ibo ihurcb are expeeted to be in attendants Cyloan a te icthic asembiy yul uct ta tira bacagnowi4. dattes lie ten daym ir genermi mmseeîbly wUl be le session. Tir auditoriumu int viethe ir'meetingrias mtb1wbell is erecterl ce tic etyle et a cyclruiea building. sut !p ftiiitsnn viti ripera c-irs Ii, b§fat" rbl» wprsorng. suitliW) more di 1we eiromded into. t. Tht' rissners otfithe eraIav, aembiy mn. elèctril iy preebytérietu an! groulird ietu tic con- ventia by synruis. Tirerrarc thitîy-ore synirds rertt'suted la tic geieral assemn- buy. Tirse are tirhe i syneil et Atlanta. tic syrindetf aitl- con..tle syrin uit.. California. rie eyeor et t'atLwaab tht' irYu- md rut l'uina, tie ayn- ut C1Tml - ot Coiralu. lie symodoIll inis. Ilire arimi i d! nludi. tic aypiitof Ilja. tire1 uyrert ot lelia Iirrilory. hetii.>-oîl et uIwa,.the unoil otKansa. tic s>imrd et Kciràtuciy. tie myno etfMtihtgmîu. thc synriîl et Minnesota. tic s nul ef t ion- tans, lie synodt of Nebraska. tier yecd oe er esey, the ayuoîl etNew Itexieo, ,), synoil ut New'York, tire synriluit -Çorth Dakiota, tir synoit ut Ohiou, the sYn- ou ef (Oregon. -tic synodiloutPenylvania. lie cynul ot Souli Dmkota, tie 5700,1 eO Tenneseer.thei-syni of etTexas. tire yrie ut litai. tir gyrindetfWashington andl the aunot et Wimronsju. Tht-lad aenaI aasrmbly nepresenteil 224 îresiytcniesi. 6,942 miniabers. 4M1 Il- ceetimtes, 176 local evangrl ts. 1 508 au- F - ALeNti EAOLK LAXit. ddtes. 7,5173 cherches. ?7î,025 eiders, 9174 ileacons »nd 9U4.716 commurnicanits. 1%ile rhurch hba hadrat growth the last year. and it te helterei thii. asembly will show more thoni eue million communi- canis. Tiers' are 43.000 Presbytertans in Indhia.a,65,120 ie Illinois, 96,461 te Ohio. 30,410 i Michtgan and 7,M44iKeni- tucky. no thaI the' serreraI aaseerbty witi meîtIn the midst of its frieig.. Many sobjecta of importance wilI orne be.fore the genersi sasembty for conuid- erattori. It bu pretty deinitely underrlood Ihat Geri. Harrison wiit bie etected moil- crater oft he geceral ausenrhly. It %vili bc the fitrst ime i the htstory of the ,4iun-h thîl au eider has bren chesea te preside. The lieadtng men inr the church beirre tie wiii consent te serve. FALL AT Tt4RlR POSTIL Vltty riremean Are Overcome la a Piece Mima. la New York., lu New'Yok, a deadly lire, atteuded witi a .Ioss cf *30,000, broke eut in the basemerit cf tie roid storage mareheuse, 161 te 1653 Chamrbers strs'et. Onre lire. mari iras kilied and tfty others were fetird uneneseteus hy the demdiy frime@ of ammonta whtch assauleil thein ns tiry etrred the hbuldirig. The firemen's cry et dariger n'as heard ou the' outside anid other eompantes were ordered i te resue their comirer. These i ture mere aiso everromo. outil Citef Boerer enrel hbc weeid loee alilet hie meni. Extra rails mepe meut eut for re-criforce- met.; surseora ad ambularires@were aummoried fremn the hospitais: engiriecoin- pariy 2i's house. almosî direeti, oppobite the biaziug building, Was ternedI tb ari emergrricy hospîtal ad as faut asebic rie. forturiste mn coul 1 l.'ated and drsg- Sed ou nto the open air biey were rar- rled tebonesofe teluporary reief andl prop- erly rareit for. Notas of Carrent Evats. John IRussel Youeg of Pitladelphia i. saidtotebc&ede asinislter te Spain. Pretiderit McKinley Saturilay rereived tie cen' Chtieac inister, Wu Ting Fang. Oyerflows et the Juetata river ln Peenn- sylvarita bave cauaed Immense toua te growng creps. -The tertcuc Pr.iueeesChimay- bas gf-r- en oip her intenitnaoetappeering ta publie te Buropear ie schalls. Soeue nnknon ndonor ha. give $10,000 te tie coe. e tCocloradeolSprings, Colo., tn e b usaithticerectton ef a woma'a baititidi. Reo. WtttanxPotter, umls4ter te ltaty iier PaiMdt a Ras,. h e b4000.ue eauit* l, sit> «Mat1, a JuscuDia;M lcmea beaWlg Neu YorklBarber vith flcer Obseity Cargo. Creenti can bi 11Ses. Tic Mallory ltnoe'teamier Lecmî, wvie lof icr pies ai-sev u« lea altairy, boun"itfot'<Wtô.tola, f04 Db mes, put bacn mut arrlrit mi.apeet uuay n igist wt oixteati cerpeme mm b ourd. Tic daai gee iirice aminage pssmmenrAntd thrfte.ilamhars of tic ercv, vho sue- eumicit te a terrible St.m whld cour-ai cf fia Delaware cspes atmnuceriy ibeur giuiay mornlige The horror cf tic miery eau iindly ha telil. Tiesa vie aro demi n'cre pemnai sp brlow tecks, end altiergit franlti citent« vame made by lhe encorue01thte vessel te cuve tben. lie Ora bati gainci sari terrible icmivay beteroathe dimer n'as dlsceveredt tiat ail escfpe vas eut off. Thme steamer carrtei ta ber cargo uariy bales et cotten. Wiee thealire vaes direveredI ilborat tutti vittisuci tirry t lt ttmas ttnibuisbtc te rcumeitute siaetr- sgt'. Tlt- saloon pasiengers n'erc Birut arotiset. aud ln suri a maneer as te oc- casion lit tie starm. Wieii tieamuneap- parent thut tie lite bail eut off tic ste- atm lie taptute atd ilsmen poumait great quaritites of mater tovn the rantilator, sedthCe mentfranticefforts w'crcmate fer the. es-ape oe! home ponnet p. la tue n'ay nirie et the eteera4e pasisengers; mote tbirescape. M.. Wtaalua-,,ot Rtirlord, N. J., a servitvor, toid thtic ollowlag grapie @tery oethre Ore: "Finsit iste Wallace rcaprlit the bridge &bout 2a. mi.. wn'iire igict tiat lie scilied smoie. Hie veît duvu tie frresrite tii. rompaniori m-y and ePeneil tireubo. Tire was a terret et dlame. mhiri iiurd bustac. "Wslince ciel tir miarm ut lire te lie forwart match. teteills hlm temn'aie thre stevaand heve ait tie pasagens areuscilas qnickly am posisible, vitleat treatieg ai exrttcreat. Warme tie Pacoieagie. "Thre stevansidin lu itoues that tient' masa mgit lire ln tic ferivent pert ofth ith ei.andrt ilmîit ieadvtsable ton tire Pasengere li- arrthteir thinge te- gettuer. Tt mitit ho. possible. lie arlrd, Chat tie stttp wverni rventually taavc tel ie -Tii.r- mas nae txcitemt'nt asnrthue sarloion ua Thesre inseward mate freinueri nittis irtil. suldtm.ini au witi mi.prirts of bihetiroremaofthe tlscis. lie satul r"t tire lire w5i rîruinteil belon' tecks. and. seit tue ttaies uttîlritemine by huglu. the uaseensers lut net frrlly realize tir- uxtent et tiec ln. **<'iulst. Wiklei' I trur.ordernil do, cri-w te rux-eltethe' steêiersa,. psset'ir.. On t'e canie îleî-k m-tth the strrge, on tic port aide tof tire siip. a large u-tatitty et L'etton bougiig warue stei. it'psnîtéo tront lie stPerage tuassengera i: s boardl parti- totu. 'Tire nain dr-kmas lnioteoui'i tilce t moifmr-rat, coltinia rit mil t'xit Truth ti- tnge tiit thies flinguartnofthre shui. 'The tînl- mliv îou t friramtthe stuer- sgt' n-as ititie fier,lard rorlrltwy 1 ry te SacsThea. tuaIl e agie. -'nie i mcm' at:iioit-ilte, lres-i-riu. Ti' wiere dinn bâou-, h l itiusi.voume.tnsof suer irine rip irouîgurit.e vritilainir. anul il wa siiirrnt tir aIl i %ii tsirt- it rhci tirt ts-i,,w t--hitiia* a rirg furer. **'Fieur itlruawntir-uiii thirettuiteuaud vera-t hat the,-utufort i ua teein tis,- ,tcr- aiee re riroiiîu trtî hrt tietoiii',eltir. (3art. Wt;utr moeabris i-ru-a dr-ri uerk f(nomitbe oimprîc irt yaie.] tht' nuiza- tiit if t hei- Irrur bnlui nmade uruir bu-- permet . '*lie rrluer tiitir- stair. nul i.i !iy mttr-rîrîuteî ite gir tr-liri i- il 'di i.t et dem e noire'ition hlif n tIen.-r, tr-jolu n ju tir- itnt-t<-auttrg r-fouilletif quoiiker i th ir fiammues soiug urp ariîudiuIn t rrvi- ut ar-k (un iteck. -Ilr.-oti-wreîirttirri ti, tir tltelur oif tire Pilot hme Hir - w te ii,-irt-hr. tIl!@ t'riii %ri -r,- uruu,'îaw>-. li.estiror tiee-Noriandt ireuai. frta rurnarrut. "Tuuuilulier-xi-lstMr.«ul 'NrDiuicrr-arrgo tirirtîjitirr it alouiri e e u ot a liv,..' **%%*Iieii te tur w ar-d ariuuii'rl [liei.1 jttnruiinu lhamt>- anud dr-surr. I rae frmnti uIlirer-uirsh- xt,-rivethét-rin wax. Tii. taîint,aïout.ju. ir.î îorrrrgout fteth crn umotîlîýn os atfer bts fruit resoi effrt 1 tr tirrikert ittix iu, t huit torrible ho,- rire th.ught vi-suit'tier me liii. t huit ni-en tht'irtaun ndrithe.r rea- that ti-re sir- îrtiby butrruiigte lu-iti. -I 1ititrtefirn oiire. but rouldbeu.r tiottrirîsasert rieunr ofet ti les., atiety cru-v rrte-sly ir vouime blum and rli rotaInnuitri oundI il% thre nsrr ttuarte"a. Titi-r-e wutolit a si-ru.snu tnot a mhri, eo aiguaoft irf, e tlri. *lOiuty l s;tght minI wax lus iriiitiufrut tir sorut irwr. tiuut tarrieri tire tolume et sierm ict oSdn he fuitlltl uirt ftire ehls n(tl ivclIril hem rin a nohroudi of chukirn riuî-i. îril tier.nirtaleinsaeor- ilers te ihanse tie riruir"eiutiîir ms ilertht' arirîe n'trehrlie lîlosyn er rtir. hem-. 'fluc a$ed ut tire smii wm-ax tirxt siar-kerrr, .their the rtener wm-rie ier te it'epa mrpbarp oeteersgm-a-. "'Wir e ie eocf tl ire m'nihel tire loner teptrs o et ti it, irture tic stei- ers vere feeiig tIre boilora, tic> leeert- ail thein pomse an rumei te tire deci. cightern oethreur in &.11. Tirey damier- coliu thebieactuel boat cri tir port elle andl began cuttleg it a-ce. Fiit (Officer Waiiaee andlC(met Eritrer Taylor were aifler biem ein atomerut. 'blet eoutuofthat hbuat,' Ihunnîrreil Wal.i lace. 'Tii. strkens rrfrised te uley sudI i Cli on citttu an-ny tire liasiige ut the Ireat. -Camp,-orttoetthat boat,' re-ri-riel Tayr-o. VTeilulhe rencheil for hie revol- ver. 'l viii shoot tir mane trienrte ni-ay tire boat.' "rThe Spîninladslooke-ilnt tire ouef en- gineer anultien suileely oll~yed. Niume Malte Viair Eusp, "'During tirer-rcitetsrnt oethtic irml heur ve 141 net knut, that nuycre bati getten eut et the eteemage amure. bat Inter me tound lunlieheate that nune ut thon imil managri b-o gri ont. Tlsetn breis mil been neate*l te rie rompaniourway, -und th-ey hai ...navierl- ire,-art-e ,th lea& Dr. Tale hO afer or Ici Pase dl W e l Uestil Pasia Mta I U te . S O$VTIbm Tie tarif bill crasnsac cd froca couîttua tta thre mmd tic autîre due of titt bou, laie, up la lilsamg te emBj- meatter. Champcs have becat Wcarly cvery eciedul aciAt Vo', by tic Houmes. Consideraticm vs,., pineit tourteca des. Thelastea mot luasesion. Tire sensta Weineéday by tic Irein 08 te 28 refuseit te rtty fie gmerael bltratloa tromîy bctteu the RNcU Statea sait Great Britain nosgelatit i Betary Olney and Blt Jutlien a*a, lote. At fie conelamlem*of tue legs. mli1etfn'hlrh ver. tir cécu rva scu, tie Sonate rotase taleanltri publications of the detalls. Tie, opca sIeuno e bionate n'as dercleitte eidry rivil appropriation btll, vbteh Dot couspîretap inté ie ofe Ment. Mc. Deuec of KonteiyW k om t ficese t tic opeatmg o!ti Mone andln'es erdldly greset b Repabia auoeintes. Tiche îtIs exectitre îssionen enroitiche0 nminmation-: illirier J. Miller, ate- ot custîrca isa Columbus, Obin; T1, b Purnuul. Uaited States district >ndge lia essteru distie t fNorth Carndi WIllian IL. Meyer, Inaiean agent fot Beutiera Uts ageur!.' Coloradoc; loba Wright aud John W. Rloss. cfloont ers ot the Dîstriet e! Coloabies; John I itulleu ef 10 an ru i't surgeonrinthte marine hestoital strviot The Itenate Tiur*day stress! tu émednmrut te tie suirdry viril bil re Ing tie ortetrutf President Cic" made Fcb. 22 la5est sabii g fte< roervatiens aggregaflng 17,O0O mcec. Aurtlher armenument agrcd -ci, prevides fer a certunasace ofthtila tîgatien of the conditien oethte tiué -miia aBcrn ese.TVeia aidru ii mn agtrrtaîe of *.000.000. Tic Homsc hy a strt party vote. &ail tichip fsm-nirg nil ail tic Demeecratsandi Pg alins uopposirig, îdoptert a reltncpro- vidipa it li te lieuse sionl mccl onr on Mordalitaud Tiuamilys ofe mcciweek outi otirra te mien-il. Il n'ocasmr- nunsrd'te b e ucReputrlcîn polie, lte c-aittone i Ienatea saction en tic tarlW bllt. Mr. Harie> tileci.> of Texasmau al str' 'lnbrut unsuccetsafutlait lbe th'. Ortler rîodrtlli oun eiasteea rly and; fîull onustueration te tht' imruruptey bill. rail uif tiheisiirutiti-y bt il ndboit 4aily sesutiron n t sfl,-r tir. lenderma'»m- Iretnu, brut untilthten thei@- culeutih stanut. Tie Itouse tien atijorurueil untl llondty,. Ott Mml',ruiî 0,-ir Pert'-ttgri. et Bout&? Duakota. nuth lirai if lte, Keeate con- ferr'*.sn th t luiajuapprirîuation bill,, anna,îni-t-ît iii nention ta present l"e report of tir, i'uîrfi-r--sabout 3 'cteei;. but r Mr. îrsuiuCoha en îate bell theL fleur coutil s*t-r-t in liethe tiBSnat&er n'eut tnt:,,-,-'tîiu. seato nsd adjouma- Pd. Tirnlî-e!urîtateIi en ppro.t priationril au trrtonil by Mn. Alleu (oi)front Ni-tirnakâandil îdpted ry têf i Ienaîr vstta fîîl,îwe-"Thitthce See tary ot tire lnterncr s*hal. itiu Mxtyz druu. after thet' tusaue of titsart. estob. lisi and therettr iusuntate ai lie clty ntf <imalua. i tire itîe of Nebraska. aý varehoua-ttte r Idieusupplies, troamý0 vitri ditrrriuitiori airril tri mad~e a sci Iundiaen tries et tie Weat and Nrtbveft ue tiretteureiary et tir Irileriormyl dl- rert." Tire Ilîru" rnîiuoncurredinl ibis- proposition and anptronti.dSherinan of Ni-v Tork. 'irrta of Kansaîs. and Ailais- of Nixss.ilnbi corîferees. Trai, after1 riuferrrng c-i tM.Pettigrew nd mci Senste a»,ot-intes. agrreed ntpon an Imel i mi-nIteathe' aretment wcihirié,tui fr-m îay Iysteone lesrrttemàu vitinrumliitir1e rptary oruthfe Ile- tinmas te trmnitir the Indien tl'tclb- stng wreborrar trouait hrag ttanaha,. ail ading s pruvtae bat tie rtty uot Oua- li hul fioraisir às .utsbie building for tic purpûse.tfre etft'est, te tliet'nrtad s tac. QUEEN OLGA 0F OREECE. the la lhe Noat Papoter Qastea ia Ail marope. Queen Olga etfirpece ta tire moit popit- Ian quee ta mIl Europe. Ticre la net a natire et Hela vie mouldte tcfer ber. Queen Olga taa àRossinprinecand ama au hoeorsry madmiraiinte cRussaîn lest.j Olta la tihe edeet itangiter et fi, Gr@n Doke Coustantine o u issa mnd m aisc* ofth 1wlabo Czar Alexauder IL. ite ail adit atetcy met realizes the trsdiloaa[ ides et a queen in lier appearare an*é mauiner. Si. ta a blonde, viti btovs-b ç*ber av bev. tm Mm seiti lias r ,te bat, a lavitir vlag, tic t. lsevittr 4ftare. bon as hi lot tie por tfolio Joderft tlhie; rie as calt Geit for uta sh n'as cal Mid. olden *o ha te the hum ~the iond Sthiler. r liain, regîntar teatureand a batift me70 mut siroulîrst. Sic tocs about Atbep nnablended. ercu lya amait,aidiru" ln tir mugot simple tasin. On tatu ci rasions sic cluelumes hersaIt royatty. 01M tea a reat seicimn. lire loves atene su tic clasîsie sutndcari speai itnmntty lu Su stan. Italian, Greei. Fretn, Germman Engliai. Latrly aie iras masterai - haninni alao. -Sic ileiterestait lu moi anrd art.,ilrvobcsimcci f etrattime tu nier lîu andl publice etîcatton, and heu foutid anc or Ime prustpenous ariocts ti Atia. JOE PATCHIEN AT AUCTIDIII Famons Pacrs C. W. Mr on afniof 01,0006 Joe Illtcbrir. ti, fameus- pacor, vithi $15000 t CwMrzul aet luren,,Tuesitay uorutmg la thi D4IwI Pari ions. exchange ai the CMteg yard.Nearir 5,000 hrmeupa talera ailckdt mmbaitieth Si

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