CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 May 1897, p. 4

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4YUua ffl-.oe ai LibatVuIIi W* ms semnd-cflassmalas. CAION. Î4 m ieiy case 0 Uoffl aiou q Qut rosignatiOfi troW the F Ijopariment of lrMarUYIL wb. la additiontl a bineté 1 Misesissippi couonosMm 1 UWIoion of havimgbaua bora Ubae Bouse. Sbe resigmmt134- à paulti net do lier voirk te ber abelion, because cf0o me d Wth. Seretary GaMe VaS mo gpfesed by ber siaiemelit ihat wle ber resigneticf lOtetaka Mbm lasmi possible daim- hrem ýbad- and gave ber leave of 5b pay nUitil that time. 0~ Ucreary cf tbm Navy, SvSi go lte ew ork ibis ;âme an invesiigoi>to! Ofa '« tharges conoernlig favorWt 8601"mmalof empIcym fr p- ýgoS@laibmtheary yard ai IR lit. ooaoveii's Course Wini w4 viib aven more lInereai bY leiaua vbo are claseda spoWli- la by ihose Wo U c ailibeseve viee reformera, af vhom Mli. qb bfm beeu a ahlaing llght. It 44 th" ibis lnvomiigaioii vi ltmporint pari laibm conatemt .omul roiOai«Tstr Neork Mbàaie patronage, but vhich Ï-* hoeînetited la Yet la o as- 4. Mr. Booseveii Mdaielm t- ý*puor, Beretary Long, are qipuWdtbc au ouet ev OPrecideni licKlnleY. vblim MU blaumieaitpatronage no ftr, ai no bough ho vas eeolaiy i t avid a break vitk Senalar EVERETT. et ChcaovWedber ~~kbm,»owued a cocaract ZWO" tedtaiet ighland MOisI Esimoat Wbo ad a OM t aaysie la mueb il. incouý t idtheibmr.- lugw la la u theiboring *MMk. PotulsCo., 01 e IMO flahbcbrimg a "11011miaa asvei ,ayh so bout fAve voler pipe. s vetidlg hallseiga maud nSlef are yen rea er The Lake o Ciy idsLingie Carroll. e« b. MimWilliam liORne. Sa ockploca on Wedo- Mri. limOe in fron it hahm ncbe joy on Mme ori ibmmavms rVote base bil park .vod a scIn 09 Everol =iarMd*.. tve rov lb. as roulOi laea 9* 16lAUadmiirersof1 gootbail e ýold orne te aur park han- W 08te Chicago vbere tbm V^ tim card vbleh teck affect xlm vereti cOne more train iambut vba i lathbmou oor troins If ihmy to'i rua for »ou"lo. Wba vo vent ant re M kick fertUnive gmtitis a 10 pâm ben. at 1:45 a. M. and la Cicao ut i7:60a. M. Asi »m uivioapasses ai 7:19 and st5eaoa 8:10 just @bout aIosuima zoo laa hto o!feMy *a. ate. sea business la la %, mitby mi ho ber e ai Il amme cf theMe cilier vrberss rn ng dgoatot . da et &AS, go taohicago ati »110«d on some #tract corner 0i9 for 8:00 s. M. tu ocamva lmymigbi change ihiagà 16 alibi de for noemof %bm %M' do viih ont boys mach *ý TheY havehbato ta ciis fur ,pou mcahs nov. There la W rota oniy a short distiance m thu ae Om rsby Hoo'. p bMmd yaî ft la oaiy bonus i î true blooti puriflr, Ih makes sq heahy, llfe-glvlmg blood. filo for tonbm lver Md b4 le a-fIy, yet propUly. 250. .ROLLIN9. W R19ock Je aoly laproving. 0 stehappy possesor 0f 3 Evaads oSiei cn Loon We uhrme rejolo- mulival e anev sas Stp he901onthe ** JQ* DUl tA a avisiter at E. Klmne's 0. 0, SaaB v wasa Wacondm visitor Ftm Thes msin Wukegmu on b""iulent1maiairday. W WlibuIL.Ummrevisited relatives in Wauconda lasi Suaday. Boy. Catiena attended a conference ai X ieCnter 1mnt Wednoaday, Anson Wheeler and faaily vlsited rela4lvea in Libortyville lant Bunday. A. G. Scbvorrnan ieok a business trip te, Chicago via Libertyvllle 1ai TUes- day. lit. and lir. Fred Groas oallod on frie"dain Doerfield and Hlighland Park le1maiflndy. Viess Rom Sebvorme n atyluîg for a fev deys vltli ber grendpareuts ut la"aZurich. Chris Krnckenberg toot a leud of dressie hogu to Chicago market eue day 1aitveek. lir. and Unr. Ifarrington, of libety- ville called on Mir. and lira. C. G. ina llaisunday. B. Thomm i a la llng bsons on tbe violla vblch necesatatos a trip to Biluigio mch fflday,. Missnes Louse and Berha Bees bave roiurned home from a veeks viit viih their brother ln Chicago. Dr. Wain, of Chicago viitod at Frank Thomas'.1lai Bunulay. la tbm afiernoon thmy iook a trip to Liberiy-: villa. A ful liUno of ladies' and eilîdrena' iimmed haie jusi reooived at A. G. Sobvorman & Co's, alse flower4 fur tri-mmng. 0. Tegmeyer bas moved onte tbe 'Vovler place. He bas mat purcbaaodl a nov Peter Bames wagon of A. G, Sebverman & Co. Otto knovs a good vagon vhen ho sees h. George Brown ia lmproving bis farni by dralitng a pioce of land vlth tlling. John Porteousis dolug tbe vork. H1e bas al»o juat completed a nice vire fenom i front of hde reidence. We dld net mesit ta convey the Im- pression In ont remnarirka 1mai eek thai onu gemisIJohn Wilnuer vau fot a iras claus btermater. The factIn la lil say op In bi% proesieu and vo hope that ho viii continue tla mn ibis part of tbm 1uinosm undor the nev manage- ment. The iWupa»zuxvpubliabea more -,O»flmty Boys" than any other paper lu Lako Couniy. Doms your neighbor knov ttm? Telbhin. Admnltratorus Notice. P UBLIC NOTICE la h«bonbigven thal ltte baoiber VAImlnlaoro !te Rtate cf Rosti lic eocod. cilî attiendth.I e -ut. a teou oa ai Ibm heoeil Houas lu la msait cou uli. on the final mon- of i RsoItLMa. vien mati choe il PertnbionsbMlinats ailaalasid Es Ftatu- am noli5d aràgeqto emsat tia sanie tes <oIrt foro :0 oic. t ekema laIii,AUt On. laJ. i0"v. Amasrt Adiminstrator' e Notice. Bw CIf.DU-ad. atorney. si Aýhisn. Cunir1 &MIo Ifrs. Kate te _-awse20»M 15udo le e Mssale i. h Uau wl Oas& -CF tl- '/ RAT» vrm W. e ouicum o m uaervdMe thai aMyc004&uS beom " aig.- The. elommpb brought a leçtut pimsici la a OoMamiion vw nmsueLla Imo bernIt. I1vern% to dothu lchers »Wgei lh Me Dean amNervine miter- mayMipd vus mamsaibhealh. 1% la nMW ucathu mi ncemd Iam sperfoil vli Dr. Mile'Remediueae solfi bY a&ldm5g- 9sais undr a postive guaranM reo. lii ue tmenis or monep refundai. Dock -cE HOa aMd lierres sent fire ao a&U aPPIIlats D&. MILU MEDICAL 00.. M"-% s.lad A Good Newspaper. Absolutely Independent. JOURNAL The best news facilities in the world. Delivered b y our local agent 6 cents a week. By mail direct, $3.00 a year in advance. 8UIT o'r OVERCOAT SANBORN & COL.,£R TAILONS amo GENTS FUJNM HR Kamorllck. Libertyvilie, Illinois. Com plete Lins of Fancy Silk Vesting on Hand. WRVIGI*T -6 - &SON, When the Question of Buggies la taken into con- sIdë*tIon. wouldn't It be wise to thlnk the mattei over, and figure out the reai value of a «Ooéd Suggyl We mean, when lwe sal u5Od uy"0 a veichie that wIll flot, ta-e«r'9 work look as though it was fi ubJect for the a s old-iron pilie. Vai wili flnd; If you investigate, that there la a dlfference ln Buggies.- Corne in and let us explain It to you. fE SELLE GRAYSLAI<E LOCAL NEWS. mm e.shermuan te authoslaod ta receive subscriptions and advertiamoui Sfor ttibIuapumnvm Wso oru mfor Job pinting. Cli on her for soles. lira, Don Wlcks entertaisied friandsa frua Wlmot, Win., 1astunday. 1 Ur. Clark, cf Chicago, apont soveral timys this veek ai bis cottage ai Druso Lake. Misa Annabel Whimore lima rmuned fromo Chicago, vbere aie vas visiting the puât fev vweeks. Ur. and lira. B. J. Higley and son Hfoward, cf IRussell visited relatives ink ibilavu wnover sun4Uiay1 misa Carnie Firy la stopplng yuLh ber uncle Fred mosiers, family of1 Rtockefeller for tbe proeut. ' Uir. andi lra. G. Il. ltrigin, of Chieago, vore the guesis of W. B. ifigley and vife 1mai Sunday. Memra. C. R. Sherman and J. M.a Wooduuen, of Lilstyviiie vereonouitheJ atreote of Ornystake 1ai lionday. The Ladies' Aid Society wilI nieei vithiId ru. Eugene Hendoe nert Wednce- day, Maey. 19. Let tbere bone e large attoudaee. Wtt understeud a piau fromu Trevor, Win., vill tari a mueu arket lu John Bocks bulding corner of Lake andj Hevley Ste. The Ledies' of the Aid Soeiety met wiih Jobn Wicks lest week Weduesdey. We bave not beýen informuet wbere tie flexi meeting vîi li e, Lani Monday Thomeon Brun, put a fine nev soda fountain into ibeir drug1 store. They nov bave e irai cas Pbevuuaey fuliy eqnipped.1 1ev. E. A. Harris, pester of the1 Cougregetioual cburcb et ibis place and 1ev. Spentgler, of lveubee, ex- ehanged pulpitla 1maiSundey. Uir. end lira. Austin outertaitu-t theirq gâter lira. Bons anti brother Mr. lBons, Jr. of Cbicago, andt heir brother Mr. J. k. Austin of Iowe, lest week. i Mir. andl ire. Peter Beeku.. are re- joiclug over thie etveni of e baby boy ai ibeir bomeelest Tburmdey. MNoer sud chilti are boib doing uieity. John Titus lat sudllug oui louai novW- adayâ and the cause of lit gayety in a litile nov girl et bis bouse that nie1 ler appearauceonee day lest veek. lire. J. S. Sherineit visited Rsuvurai timys o! ibis woek vitb ber sous Clarence, of Libertyvili anudti lla, cf Siermerville sud ber deugitier lire. Adamns, of Deertield. Mimsc Cora sud Carnie Austin veut la Chicago (onu- day lest vot'k; the latter remainiug tîtere, wblle tbe former retumue th le nexi day. Mies Cors vili remain a mouti or more. The youug frienueof Mima Clera Bitta vere Inviiedtu laber bome last Tburaday evening to belp ber colebrate ber aixtesenili biz".day asud eujkbyod ibemselves imuunely. J. T. Mornil itheib uiafortune la baveonue of bis ibumbo eut cif ubile I orkiug in bis miii lest Tburaday. Clintou Hendee aise aheti;bistliuol jbedly eut, but leabale to wtîrk agalu. j lre. Wlbur teck e drive te (uCom - la eopenti a day or ivo witb nreltives ibere, tbe irai vieil ebe bas bu-en aidje Dr. 0. B. Howe Tresta acleniificeily and sneceafuUy by the latent approved meihoda ail ehroato DzAuss cof the Inuga, bemit, iliroat, noase, alamacli, livor, kidneys, bevela vouib, and sealui engama. 8KImI OtAsEa ecrema. eblngieu., mairheum, acait heati, toutera. psoriasis capitîs, psornis iasycolas, (barbera' Whcb ring cora, herpes zoster. and ail forma cf cutaneous !erupiion, blotobes, black beada, etc., curet inta ue monîli. te MOLES AND S arpFULors SAIe reaored vithont pain by alect. ~yl -Cure guarauleet. DîssABs aOF TuE uNEVOUS CYSTE Nonithenia, lIccmotor amain, pro- grenalîve paralysie, beadache, neuralgie, * clatica innomuin, epilepaiy. cuned b German moiboti andi elecirolymle. EgtaumAvîssumute, articuler, muiscu- Jar, lnflammmsiory anti rbeumelic gant. eosiively cureti by a nev and succeas- ml proeesa. Cure gusrmctoed. X-RAY APPARATUS. Dr. Have bat; a complote cluicricai outlit iuciudlug the ceilirated Meyrovttz hocigeu Ray Apparatus for 'Redlcgrepby andi Fîttroscoplo Du-mon- mrtilon. By menue cf ibese vonderful contrivances ihe doctor le enaeiot explore the Innermoet recese of the human organismansd se viiiti te naturai oye viel before romaned bitiden or chac une. TOPLea STATIC MACHINE FRoAnIC AND oALvANic nAT¶'Eeips andi al kinda cf diagnostic and operative instru- monts te iasit hlm lu arnving ai a correct diagnoasaof any disemaseand iheir auccemaf n treatacut botb metilcai anti aurgical. CLuarrr traigiienoti by stirgiam opertilon (Teoomy.> li.moHEoxIE5 (Pilies) citredti uet peinful operation la monticases, or delay froua business. VAnozzpormmnoally cureti by a nit operation or delay frou assiness. groinhm, forelgu bodie, nectasmd boum, etc., remnoveti iy surgical Digrcaîsiîscorrecieti sud bit mak removeti by eloctrolymîs. Cpron.axu lxaa»cut DENTKAL. Ail metiloînes furuimbai patient.__________ 0. B. HOWE, M. D., Office at Hotel Woodmtock rWoodetook, Illinois Suite 2 aand 29. 0 te a p. M.wliu rnakek profea- y suonal vsts un 1countrY oaly in cou- sullmfiss VUS ote,' qeuateà pkl s ciac a d asegeons. -BRANCH OFFICES:- * Libertyeville, Trlgp A Taylor Blgg.; Heure Uunday eniy 12 la 3 p. M. * Wauconda Rest Cottage: Heuresaturâuay and Sunday Oven. 1. nsi. from 7 te9P. M. Cornutpoudeuoo by mail wrounuttr ansyerud. LAKE- COUNTY s. BAN~K... Wright Parkhurst Co la mate inces sari y l1mail, mer mamy frienda voe sga tuasmo ber out. John Murgairoiti sud ivo youmao aons drova np la Union Urove, Wr* luai Thuridmy and returned Mlonay eveniag. They vîsiteoth te ageti patenta cf Mr. Murgairoiti and other old ionda and relatives. The barber obole demi beiveen Manoirs. Stuekel andi Lupherger bas talionà throngb and Mr. Lupierger yull rem-'n iu posmesion, Wbtle lit. Iltuckel bas pnrchmsed a Ibarber »bop vitb ivo chairsil utilocli. Mir. W. Etiverdebhall ilie misfortune la loma one cf bis herses aoedsy 1ai veek. Ih broke lbase turing ibm nlght a vonderod la thee unofceomis hero h overelte itéloif, front the ettpeta cf whicb s vea efervard dieti. Our scboaol teaeherg andi pupille are mking great preparaticua for ibeir liay day exercislea, vhtch vil iehobelid In gînresersa grove on thie vest aide of thé lake Sturday lMay MId. AIiliehse tuterosied lu the enJoyment cf cblldren are luvlted te attend. City people enting op tote iesosl aqpeuti Suuday bave sated earlier iban usuel ibis year ai rmmntfeaied 1a Suuday evenitig chonutmilesasi ffy persous boarde th ie 9:10 train for Chicago. A numben lied la stand up ail the vay te the clty. 1 ho Cýbnltlau Endeavor rally ai ihe cbhuncb 1ai Ssiurday vas wcou atiendeti by people freni ont of lacu; but vo regret te) amy, ual 5nu-el by lour evu tovuepeeplu-. Mlîburu, Rockefellor, lvanhoe andi Weuku-gmn cere reprelaout- od. The progreunfur the atternoon vals caerrieti ouit s unatvertietiand ces vury fine lue the oenilug 1ev. lipangier wesunuabie te deliver tbe proutlcud wrinitis; lut 1ev. Buck, cf Rtockefelleur wan tail aie anhtituta. fies dîseourre ou "The Power of Exampie" wusavu-ny goud andeun uch -eonýôyed lty ail prelient. lir. Autet sued Lia vouderfult ni- seolae 'clug le tovo lau-lxt 'hura- day, Maey W. The exhibition viii bu- givesi li e eCongregatioloehuru-l tnuder lte euspico!ofte Ladies' Aid lueeiy. 'Tble utaguiscope la Idunicai viii ibhe cînu-malogrplà andi vitaslcope whk'l inuy ite more- fetillar vlth muai of us sud exhulitha à e cessionut uàoving llgnue. Itlal ludeoti a reaily conderfutl intventiont-anmuidlll lie vu-l vorili the tinteed ntpiieny lspuuttt e- It. W burevu-r il liesbu-en shtvn ivico it urave langer crovdn Wlise'it ibe seeond time iben tbe irisl. He miaitlie a aupremely unbappy belng wbo Imagines the vorîi la makiuig faces at imt, ad, tili thon. are sncb people andt hey are constant- iy trying ta '-play even" hy jabbing someoen tu he short rîba for mu imaginany vroug. F. BAI1RSTOW. liannfacinrer cf la Marble M on um e n tas. CEMETERY WORK EVERY ~DESCRIPION, Correopuou,nde Sý,.jidid. i.10 -eneffe Buret WAUREOAN, ILI, Executors Notioe. P UBlIC NOTICE la horrby civen ibal th. UbtiorIIwtr Eiffutrîx ut tht lest viii and tetarntnt t! lien, B--s iouesed, wcliiatenti tltt County Curtof Lake ,euat,iy.9a tera titwMof te b.. hoitinu et lbe Court anse lut vatiku-gan. ln .aid tonni, n. the dfrat linndety efJuin nextac,»7.chou sud vberp &il uî.mtons a bvi laims aginat mld esate mru- notifll'd and r"%qtemin ed- prenetthue sam. to seld Court for adjiidlesîUou. Chniimne Boas. Exoutrix o!flbhe1ai viii ant .aaunt of satd doeaaad. Waieutku-gn.May irdt. 8t.-3 Pain bas nu shovwItthDr. mil"s* Paie Puilk The p:eoPle are a Opprecatlng,the ex-, ceptionally goodvalues we are givlng.' in gieneral merchandise. and we are now golng, aft.r your trade wlth more v lm than ever, n thewa&yof glv- ing you reliàble gooda at extremely low prices. -NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 21 Ibs Oranulated Sugar.............01.00 30" go C 6 ........1.00 8 «' Roastd Coffee.ý .......1.00 3 " Standard Yeilow Peac*heës..... .10 Extra Cholce Pic Nb JHam* per lb..0 Breakfast Bacon per lb..- .08 Pure Leaf Lard 66 %.. .08 Salt Pork per lb ......... .08 Bring In your Eggs. We want 10000 Dozen thîs month, at hlghest mnarkoet price in trade. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Grayslake Ti - - - - Illinois. *Arte-You Progreisive? If 8o Investigate and find we mnean what we say. For one week. commrenclng Monday May 10, .We wiII seli: Mdeus anti $1.75 l4ak anud lBrovn Pedom a lai a 1 Golf Cap ,- .. . ........ .27 Swvoaters .. ...... .11* Alil WoiBicycle Hues............ 5 65e Oveals .. 25 Cmlfmkin Ehoes Lace and ConrecsPer Pi A6 3 don pair Ladies' 81.00 amai 8.M tippers par pi..s55 2 dos i1.00 and 50SOc Corsets ..a.. .37 10 d«m pair filmaI Coiton fosiesmm4 la il p@yr proS Indigo Bine Priais pot yd. ..... ,. ..994 No 2and 3AUiilikBibbon par yd a... .0r i package perfection BoliletiOs ..... i cou Columiba RilverSalmon ...... .11 1 lb package Jývanse Berri* CoSe............ .15 limiOnade Tes Dent per lb...................019 Ligbi andtir Fine Cnut Tobacco per lb .201 We aso have on hand some children's 50c. trimmed hats which we wil close out at 10c. id F. H. Kuebker, Granite Brck Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. .1Sell TOOI Corne in and ses the Monarch for $38.00 Fowler for 40.00 Bicycle Réppiring a Specialty. Complete Line of Sundries always on Hand. E. B. Shrerman, GRAYSLAKE. I LLINOIS. Sýee Herel Ail You Ladies and Gen tlemen. ,Wo "Bons refrain frontca cmiing Yu"r tmoute l hotct th"iqvo faiisur. ihe hve ibm"praeta bociag, mosirable and aeomom. lm LME LAME OIL 0COOK STOVES ouitibmmarket snobhas Idéal, Puitaint matie NalUa, _i et Priams uhn y b fma voVIIIe ehip yn dirept onoreIcpÎ M ..lme sievO =n 1 4e,=rad l etdtia. v iib, for (cal838.85. 1111Ya&liprotuce a nice. bute ame vliih emm ell yon lnsein lmu >lampeaa,d don't sache or seWi.orn bit more Coai-oli la cbemp, beady, - -il utthe riglt leug e hubs.r Tour loca lidemier yul habih _ Uasyutemmic ioa " osas#do il anti bave thm avais0. Laugb ai hlm. We oaly cbmigs .78 vlth;,ut cran. W. bny car store.luiqbmh 'mine tutun ubere v eaMI On ]BLACIK and TAS BOOTSanti rlviig t sLityrhUlo dWmt. monae., oslandi Il yonplmes follficlu Utnmw~o.Luis logaie ylbiad 8glSa binmoke andi ta antl~ Latgli e » a p. ~~~utile.or ag o An b

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