d.]Ppvd",ý' Vol. V. No. 32 i i Dr. Charles Calloway.1 LIBERTYVILLE HOTEL.1 Office over Lov I'sDrugStore Revu »VON I10 i 3CAD B4l'ia5P. M. Libertyville, -.Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Off ice over Triggs*l Tayior's. 7 to 10 Là. .2 gtansd a. ta BàuP. m. sîidemo. on Broadvay opposite Park Llbertyvllle, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. Iiuters bIdg Bouurg: s0tCoIl . m. sd 1to à 1,.n. HAILY' Libertyville. Ill. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. -OFFICE HOURS sto12A. M. 1îtoàaMd 7tO 8P M- Grayslake-Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller. Ill.. asid.tees sud oflbe2ld dcor sout rot P. Hui9A. if. 1 go . )W. Arfter 6P. IL Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Ph iIsiciafl and Surieon. auamsaOrPPO"BSLSMAB 015TL ii. Gurnâ.- --------Illnois. 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. YIEEINAEBT SURGEON AND DENTI81l. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. goum M& $&. I1 i CIA»7To 5 P. xB. Spaclil&Shaiton pld ho thet tisstu of aiChroule Itheumtisiîi. Rockefeller, - Illinois. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attorney and Counuelia? ah Lav. NOTARY PUBLIC Spaisal attention given Cilleittiuillt »d d SuveYauclng. Oppicg WIvU "a£E CoUI-TT BAK, Libertyvilie. Illinois. W. H. MILLER. TONIIOtIAL ARTIST, When you Vaut as dean abavt' or s good halr cutl ilou "Btill." Cezic aaÂDa orCF cuo&s. NetiloototaW. C Triggs hi, tr Ou a5Witid Kt. hoju.- 5umsVryda *uuamn udau' monlais. &Present For You! 1 Ri Agent ft thuRocupott, MA. Hggl»u, NORuTH AbgEiCA, NuRHlIur- ito ud MEili'uANITLE inmUlt, c@COs., sien mevemal uther gouit campeniee, sud for ech $1<10)poUicy vrtteu by me tam aupone inLnate uuut, 1. i viiigive- SI. lu traut e ,i,tur Aoe," and as il,,mRans rate fet iigr or manaler pol- il'ea. %iI91,1elovent resptnaîbîs rte,sud dte yu)nlà1ev PolicYitaIex- pirationu at oit st-'o retunsit preMiln Let'. belip iai-bt ber. Write or Cali. John J. Longabaugh, rik toreb. Grayslke Illinois. GRASS SEEDS FaR BAL£ AI WHOLIEBALE AND RETAIL Pure Clover Seed. Tim- othy and Red Top also Alfalfa, Alsyke, Millet and Hungarian Seeds In season. Try mny Seed Corn. CHAS. STEMPEL, Long GrovO, Lake Co., Illinois. aApphlatloas tiymail jirumply -sttaiited ta W »'en or where have you seen sucIî bargaixta i Harnei4s? No.3 Single Marnes. $6.001 No. ô fingîs, imitation Rutubet WiliIbe Openeit to the Publiea June lot. Thet Triggs building, crner ut Miilwaukee Ave., aud Chuircbhrenetui fat assuming tbe appeamaue af aE botel. Carpounterit aud misons are busy itting np thbe oub haIt of the second fluor into badroomis, sud thea. vlhh the nortb finah malle litheen larges beitroorna andt a parlar on tbe econd 1 dlor. A ber, les box, cigar easu andi the customiry saloon fixtures occupy4 the test oft he .large north iroomi, on1 main fleur, separateit tromi the office,1 locateitla front unit of roumi, iuy àa partition af chipped a lans.set ta pan-, leit bardvoit trame. The dinlngj roomi anditcteen yu l occupy the outb room oumaIn fluor.IMeus. lillofison1 a Furney hope te upen the botel by June Jet. The saoon ixla lreaty îopen andt doimg business.,1 severai oonvsyancen viii be kept lu tbelilvery barn adjoining bolifar conveuleuce of botai patrons, sui thte harnvlI b. under management of the proprietors Ot the botel. Brk Bron. Huer Depot. The Birlt Brus. Brewiug Compny, ut Chi-ago, yl utabllh a beer depot at LbertyvÎhie, from wielc point they vii upply ibeln large tradeite u Iis section. This vilI b. Lb. dishmbuting point for Lake Couty, the brevlng comipauy havlag bsit oftheb St. Paul ralirosit oompeny tfiein laseebouse located nuer the vater tank and it i rebuildIt iltu accommiodate tb'eir busi- una«. Furney &tcTllltso,villIhave charg of thebe er dept sud rupresent B.mk Bronainluthîs iocallty. TWO Roissons. It la lb. poomemh econy tu duprive your famiily of the local paper. The vite dues lot gel ont tu uee and heur' a&l ht h egolug an as do the fstber and chiUdren, sud bence ta teprîveit of the emjoymunh Ibat might serve ta reileve maY bouris vbeu »she lauatune vith Lb. amaller chil4ren. And it g the hume piper lnaua educator ut the chilitren, for thuy s'illmutait ab-unt the 'eue ofttheir acqualutauce ant fInutl. cidents in the çîmurnnity witb mucb interest. There ha nothlng that eau b.' lntrouncei tuitu the tamlly thuit vili tuaeh the chlitren tu remit bettur andt fasntur than the hume nenimpaper. He Desserves IL. jotîu W. Jatiuam, 01f inouk, Ill. tlra% apensionîîo!filtuipar mouLo. r Mr. .Jantury lentuitan ai over the counutry ai4 theminu hoettuff blis ovu fi-et in Aiii'riinuvill- prison. Thie ('uutîe<esate surgeoun hait toit hlm hi- mni.etdie,, ai lits luetvers partially esten avay by gaugrutue. The surgeou rd'tuetltii ampuitaitthe luijureul parts. allien Jsnuary perfuirmeit the opera- tion hiniasît vitb an oit kîlfe. lHe rewuK he ic ue ai a valuable rnli. OU RN EE.c (;une Dady mnade a btelujea., trip intv Chu-m@ga lent tniay. Carl Lamnb. of Evaulstur,lispeut Sin- dai vith hIe Perenta. .. W. Gray suffered, a break ituiv vith is menttwagon lait Sahrday. Edvamd Gerardîn al4 tazliy enter. lalueit company ftriChîcag Suna'. tir. rad lits. T. E. Grav, tutfîhauk- 1 gan, visîleit theur pareitc bure la'.t Saniday. Mn. andUli%. Andrew Baenctiet, tf Waukegmu, visîit t rient. hureisîtt Bnnday. The W. C. T. '. entertmîinent bas besn poetpuned until neiL Frbtay1 svehilug. A large crovit vas pret at thet W. C. T. t'. conturunce lait ThursiteY evening. h. nuit meeting of the W. C. T. t'. viii ue wvltb tirs. Scbauber nuit Tbursitsy. tir. and tirs. Charles Haity are viatiug their parents sud fieuts In tis lovu. J. R. Bracher and ftsrily entertaineit tbshe iaes tCreelten, of Evenatton lait Sunday. Audrev Traux andt family, ut Wauks. gan , caileiton frienits lu iblis vlciulty aie day Ibis veek. EraI Alden, of Waukutgan, vas iu aur tavu lasI Tnesitay andt tunut itpanai for James Farrell aud Hr. Young, ' Misses May McClure sud lMy tie u làg atendeit the Cbristian Euie~o coveniona Lakte Bluff iit ti~urday. Tiyonng lpeople of Ournes vilI gîvti n entertaumuuîtet range Bail, Frlday eveuiig, May 28, for lb. benefttof the %V. C. T. U. ofîthat place. Tbe temiperance dramis, uThe Fruits o f thut hYle Cuipi folhtusici by the negro farce --Uncle Jeff" viliiha gIven. Thure ylbu musict by tbe Gurnes rcetra cf six pieces. ruading andt 0 vocal miusic, Guterat sdni.uiiiu yl b@ tyenty-tive cutnts, irilitrun tun 0jcents. No.S aHsud.madi, imitation Rub- The Hoat Remedv for RhskUMatlI8M. ber trimmed Bilngieflamnesi 1(0Froua tIc Fuirhoren (N. Y.i Rng4snter, No. 7 Single, ltRa.nadut Nickel Mr. James Rowlandt of Ibits village. TrItumed Harntets& LOO @0sishustht for tventy.tive .yuars bIs No. 10 Fncy Singl' euai ss 1.50() yitut ba been a sufferer train rbeuia- ticin. AÀft'v igbls agu ah,, vas lu Fari a nesl inch tract' 18.410 ehltpain Ibat *ee as nearly crazy. Extra Farta Harissa làinl. trace 24-00 1 the set Mr. iRovlandt for the (otI.u'ur. bat b,, bal ruaitof Chamberlalus Paint CHAS. AISER, Baba aid inateati ut going for the CHAS.KAIS R. pyi-deàn 'o wetaethe ktare snd Libertyville, -IllinoiS.s. ectreda bottlu tfi. Hia vifs dit ual spprove of M. Rovland'a purchase ut lirat, but nuvuthetutie.ppled the Sai boomhy andin luasuhâum's lime Cucumber Pickles. yKalet ata aaeup. filme nov app',Iiet sienever ahe feel Samnseho tract andSeed au h hador .s pan sd linds Ibati alva ifves .~.Clby Ços, rigs &relief. lie MJa that nla - ciii ~.v. ~ith& s<'~ vichhumbad nueS sver 41 ber S Libertyvile, Lake County, Illinois. Fridaym May 21. 1897. A BIG BLAZE C. M. & St. P. Depot Burns ta the Ground. An alarin of tire wvour iii îeally quiet village vlth a etart about 6 o'cloek Monday nigbt, andl almost before the people lu the linnedlat-e vlclnity realizedI t the depot w«a maus of iâmaes. The tire mpresd with a rapldity Iliat made 'it usweas for the ire company to attempt to «sve the structure andt their efforts vere directed to adjacent buildingsi. For a lime It looked a thougb Wright'& elevator vould huum, vbleh vas averted bowever. by the efcuet work of the voluntper firemnel and oving to the tact the Ilttie vind stlrriug vas lu a direction that carried eluders away froin the elevator. The pnmp vas nianneil by -"every- body" snd a&l vorked vitb a vill vhlch enabted the boseren to do nome effective vork tu the vay af keeplug the elevator drencbed. The tire .sted, it la prestîmeit, by the explosion oanw mitch lsrp. Frank Applsy, Agent DitBois' assistant, ligbt. ed ficv switch làmps sud taking tva stsrted to put them out st the respective oitches soutb ut the depot, leaving tbree burulng lu the frelgbt bouse. Wbeu orne distance froin the depotl Frank beard omie one cati tire aud rshing back fonnd the aouth end of the frieght room lu fiames. 011and vaste served to ieed the fiames vbich spread so rapidly it vas only pobsible tu s*ye the office fltures and sucb light freight &m could be muved quickly. Sorne local firins bast a consideratile amount of freighi for whlch they eauL pan, s they hait paît carryiug chargesansuitrecelpted for IL. ibut negiectei tut remîîve I. The comp*nys> los»intabavy tljeru being coniderable trlught buuet for wvicb the shippure yl have tu be ret'lrnursed. Grand OpenlnE and Bail. The HaIt Day Cub Huuuse witI peu Friitay ivi-îiug, Mtiutym'lu, 94.7. witb s ah. t'rot. Siithm ururlestra. ot Chicago, vii ltnmlstie uuele. The Hait Day Club Hiumec îa c lew building at Hait Day, lit., andî ail beu imer the management ut Davit, Spears, vbo ln veil kltn utiiruigbîiut central Lake- County. A large ball anit duefluor assutre ail wbtu iecîru ti, tripu thte lîgbt tsîtactlc. a n'ont jIleacanit tunie. Ait kinimfte ut uherancu' riuik, and tri'freusiimi-nta a'll hie servi-i. DEERFIE-LD. E. willrnsn traussaetet bumieitis lui C'hicagoi 'lI uii-ity (,eui. Zahu epent lad Suluity it e Witte bis parents. tire C. Antiue vialted relatives wi chiiego Ibim weck. Et. Kîtteil Jr., uf Chic~ago, vas teiller on frienite bure Sauday. tir. audMtia Getu. VetL-r, of<'t'g. visiteit relativueshi-ruetiuidsy. birs. True'suell hem returnet rin ('hicago asidla Lie guet utfire. C. Huuyt. J. J.1Ellis. 0f Highland 1'ark, wsa piesasut cahier lu town lmat hunila: u'veiig. tir. sud tira. Kimmhrk ut Havons- wouit, vibiteit relatives hure the tiret o the- veelt. tire. E. S. Adamsin and danghter, , Waintv,irih, vere ftie guecta tuf irs.J C. Adanms hit Sunday. Patriizu the ni-v timnot ' Frizzle kFnzziy" bair tresersand dutalereïle ail kinge ut vigsand vhissksrs. Soung service tender the directionut i 5ev. Chapinan le huit at the Pr "utd ter"a chuirci every Saturdmy evuîîin alter vhieb tue Bunday achool leva.i for the follovîug Saiubatb la studled Touchera frtraen ther chuerchea and al others interutated are Invited totaattend The resultot the baIl gaine il Everet Ifat sundav canseet "ýButel 'Tupper. hail twriler, tu be conflit.tý bis beit for a iev daya. At promut ht la convaleocing suit la Umptng rouin hopiulg t9r m chance ta play thaie fslovs again. S3core: Higbiand Pari 21, Everetta 5. C. A. Seiig the itiguiticit atatiri agent of Edgsbraok, bas tuvesteit soni surplus cain l a bicycle andt for a abor lime viii give sveutng entertaininent lu bis back yard ahoving boy t masterthb. ibucking steed o f steel. iThom vbo have thepries shoulit b s urs ta attend. tleserveid sents un tl b&ct fence or yood pile are un msale 1C. WiIlman'a jeveiry store. E. A. Frinîz, suthual dhrector, stor keepar aud oSpitalist te nov engaged 1 a new occupation ai a handy tillerc tbe sdIl. By vay 0f expimmation El saym be la dolng tis mereiy'am pastîtn but tronm othor sonrcdi Il la leamuîuý 3that be luteuda ho bacome a candidet tamorsheritS sud ta daiug tari v 1simply ta make the fariner bis trise, iandt gaiu bis support. The suppoaitl Ibat b. luitenits to mun for Ibis cfil in strsngenlbed by the tact ftalài bai hait hle vhlaters ri-moved aa: nov beurs a striklng mevumhlulîi'ue Ihal succeaufui politictan Gruve Cleveland. . Ws hope EII ill geL ther and wvs viii mention bis naine tri- tuine ta lime lu Ibis paper If bue w -set'ein iup." The Wettteld <lInd.) New*e prints t] fottovinif tu regnod te au 0 4 t vasde ofth&#si pIsa: îFrank ticAvoy, I mtsny Jears lunlthe emploi ai tbe L. A. a C. I&y. bhe m.,aye: -ibave Uni Ohambarlaiu'm Oýîcil>.Choiera aà Diarhoesa Reun.d for tan yeara loo¶;-sb mpneut vhom is ta1Hm ATWYP TIIIS W'EEK ON Lace-- .Curtains ExtraIo 1 Mare ^bout Ruade. LAKE ZURICH. Euî'roa iit '£E.NbEN'i weiting nella will mouu ring lu 1 have rendt the twii articlin uyiur Zilrieil. htctioniber un rouls.Theuo. lc0 CO**t. Me'yer vas a Barriiigton visiter Rocekefeller rosit lm mil righit. Hie 4*Sindiay. tired of ut dutand wvants .îiuetfi.ng Cl".iehiîoltz wae a t'icagiivisiteor doncîî. 'hat rensi41)[h111Itlic Put I lu m y abape seuil as possibile. 'F ie otbiirTura. jiecis a short repir. *'A Fariner- dues enHeuiarus, uet chi iago, wae oliserveit not sigu bis namne ah 300 re.lue»ted heit Sull(ly. but ftnit du't ujatter. Ifl l otitnielle j ('bile Heur, f ('titcago, val, a visitor namnes wu wsnt but gi(i rtiit. Ie bere T uelay. Beems wiliug te go on as we bave H. L. Pr'hnî cuit wife vieted liu been gutug tord ixty yeurh breakiug Palstine Silndsy. dowu wagons and îiillîuîg throilgu Ni-k Harki-r, oif tQi'itiiu Cuorners. inuitandt over bulIe. 1ie agrr.ce aitliW me lu une tbing audnitiat lemLUnit we do vas boe-MondaSl. not vaut dîrt bauled ul,în the ruadel. Samn Lawen, tif Elgini, ti'cueated He males no objectionî Iliig itunes. busjiness bure iaturita3 He may lilte tileul, but 1 diî't and 1 Juîîîn Weider, of La.ke Cornera, wam dont believe manyotlier peoupleido. We ubeerved titre MundaY. bav% unough 0utilleuin luthe-villageanud Henry Braudiiig trausaeci d cîîc enougb ou1 Mlwaukee Ave'. irtb of the lu arriugtou t(aturday. village. it ln no plea'iure oîr profit tu Loute Seip andt A. W. HiI wî.u, go lu a buggy or carriagi' whuck ban.g W iloi dy aguillât tflum.,U lrta it pleasaltit ti, geaWVc d istr ody hieavlly loadeit wliels trilte thein andt Peter Hartlet snd AI. Suilîli, -ft jerk the pole againât the borses andt Paltine, vere boet uuutay. the cîlLars againist theirnîecke. 'i. at tirs. Wm. Prehin vas a Chîicagoî damiage do you think s toun cause visiter Ibursday of leut week. veblicles of &Il kinits beilus the F. E ilsvley, of liarrlngtoiî, tran- joltiug It giveé the driver and ugging sacteil business bore Baturday. te tbe poor bolges. Muit is the voret J. P. Lin8townm, ot Harringtoti, tliing about rouits and thte Doit ruines tas4e uiesbr od atones andtdiat. A gouit gravteettas eduieshr ody rosad han noue of thene It In a The rosait conimissioners of the tuvn piessure andt a profit every wsy wahofu Ela belli a meetiug bere Montday. eannai be estimatet. lHe eays il the Herman litoknanit vite, of Wauconits, peuple vaut the roulis graviled tliey were vIsItors bure Frlday of lautwveut. i muât doit theinselven. What, the few Mille itoasi anit J. D. Lamey, of wiling unes male Toimi for trio non- Barringtiinnvitre visitore bere buindsy. rouillent and those veho vîli net vorkt? Wili Muser suit Rob. ticCute, of Theu biesasys: "Let Copelanit hautlpPatinewm.vt'mbers@Situr.ay. gravel. etc." Nov Copelenit bas bei- 1 auliug gravel suit nauliug bts ovu Cha.s. bup s.dil ttle Jimile, uf gravel on the raid. He gave taO the palatine, vere vetitare here Monday. tovu lu one Instance 230 yards of John Cllrlcb sud Geo. Hil, of gravel. The town hasnot paîit for Do Barrimigton. vere vîsîture Ibere Bun- fousit gravel put on the ruait troin hlm day. bouse Lu tbe village hue. He itug John Doîîalsîn and John Wilmer, of swy tbe hbt; andt bum kept lu order bîlmer, vert, si-i-h oniour treetès brun- the Tuait ont uf the riverr uîîî the wlesit î, liandnitu te e"t vii tbat peuple. on'iiieo ingGoews coutltdrive tbrougb the river anîl Jun !fiicr t îîug rîîvcvofaii water theirtIorses unit bali ont wat.'r sieu iiOe erit Itikei.itIe and i acli their buggies. He en"t tu wermuAntin rdL.pe I Millwauktee &oilaler the St. Paîil Heun mlaîiFlii.îp.ui ratirouaitashutt sd g<tMtr. tii-mlil I uituitr, trenccîted busins uîe irt zLte getîcral manager tu agr-u't t,)îîip 17dîîuday. frec of charge at Itîîuîlout. ail thc 11HBit Staîtîs, E Ivleu adT. grayel the peuiple îor juaneaî,nltil e hanutl iiiilir.u îrre bitrvt(i un the rond, btnt î,îîîi M et ni 'ne to-eSatairnus. ru agree to hut uy snd gaveii p tbe Wu i e.annduit ri.-îîî,.ouitIbi"a' helinie Th C(Mhl.hines, I.,attsnii'it ti-Maîy jlutylite trusite., unit eccerai peouple - .t iiMii- th treavevu'î river iitiiiit.plaîiil sudîl t ilîtrîl Thr;e inbtîelatililti îvrliw ie ball the bti-t gravi-I iliLti1îîail i l'TheEl ,s l 111t,ývr1w vlas tiieuity sd Iii dlt - d Ii l i 14 Lig Iiis '.' k IL th.ii'i . 4 piiii i1r ts.ltiig about î liait riii. lm eti'*eu d l -:! llttiI Iii ti' s.ki'. dui'flm iitiu lin iiism uu tiopen a pit. ' Mi. Jlu l RK'eYNclii l t'i '.'îri lia He iditluit Wïstt t, goin ito the grnve'ii ;uiiiu'r Mciii*- ii'iîla viluis bui'iu hue u Iitlie waîît tu leu'r îutu Weilîita i f ast we. k bic tc'sîilIil u.ieîiiw, tl'tl i t idi l. FoPr ti lt nui lie'k, liaicteatduenieuti VHe'Éluis mont very littie gravel tii the- aîîlmil kiuile uf buildinîg suîplie@ cait Lowe or tbh' village. If hi' liante a ou belip & Touuii, Lake' Zuric'b. market fîîr bis gravi-Il heitite and Lakte The(liilfu'rm acre oîît let fuill force Biluf and Lakte Forett were tbey Satîirdsy. They depatil othe M:401 biaillei-dit clgiit milieuaccînt(Iu f il$tai rnBargt S cly ig. i excellent îîuîllty le tbe place for hum tantuî arnti uîlyngt tuiwork it up. But lie ha miît'nor wll Jphn Keegan Wbîî bai beotn viaitilîg hi-emkauYoune tiibilYi Kagravi-t. Ilîsle X rutber.iii.isc. Joîhnîî lrteafoîr lut it hbegl paying buseinesas tîy aeuy tpsot ee r.'tîîrîîu'itoiEltgini Mon- luieues. ie hile il cîtts iiietiug toiday. 'i-rapt'eîundLtake- careI-iiiauit drain a lu, Tuell Aunder'ioniîand îl (Iilep Waltz .lieu bash is. He ciisas(but of have rt4liructtii tiselalte îiuuvmore. course tbi'iml a part oft bs ciîuingi They wilI tirluuh the' balaunce tif tbe thait itle lm one eatisfactlon tuiicIl got session litre. building éland foi 15 cente aà yard tii Thi- belt for the ire englue bouse peuple fur nilearounit ahi-nliereto- errived tuiay suitl vs.pl.ucud lu tbe fore they have baliupsy i7i cents fu tover. Nua hlet the ,ciilîîiaiylokhuit n il ut the' niput. Hei- talueople for the tirât alarni. appreebiate thim. lie' bas ii-.vral Lunes Tea at a o eYwl iýbeen tiîldit aIL fis Wteittuat brit . TeMypr s o eyv wrting for giot roust.uin rder Lulate dull sîcutiltt f the veather cel grvi-. I cirtlni Ina avi.timtte ftal;at teinded hait a goo a sif ravl. t crtaulymult hveýý tme.They acre a Joivial 'rovit. tati-n me pî,nUerus, grs'at peue-. tratlîîg braidutîtet prîîmîîteîl ny misu1f)aîtiiRays hi- fîiuud lii. rsbblt font in Lii altethetstaeuîeît. i- iuuta gravi-yard ut 12 p. ni. and fournita have bail mor- thati the' power ufthti silver bair pin mevt Lirteen daye after X riîyse Lu1-4îkrighlitu toCopýIlanulel Catiîîthe Exeh ange barber unitlie euîîîîlug asuit cilti nmotivesu. Ili a ., w fl tellyoîî the rTet. wîuder titittsbminhava livecd alter Ontniat bseH. Braudiug hait a the effort ti i îîle ilci a dlacovery. frce .ut.e Tceîing the rons ilubis ýy "A Parnie-'maya "tir. Cipeidristrict Lit eaect. Nov if others semeus Lu bc partictilsrly întere.,Lt iivîmulitdu 1lireveici- itt ilitte appre- u.. grsveliug the iiocktiiti ad " btin e iateit. f) bis§ letter hi- mentioned ilwlvaukee, Notice humaee'd serveit on the Tiait Avenue iret. lit lie uiit lu hI letter of mseilcr tthe tilvu if Ela by aise gîve goul iteubLaitial reauosîhe tt tage driver Scî Duers. 'alling on vby ai- ail liiiillii i- particiîlarty filera tuii eep the riait" lu a passnabl Intereseil it igriui ing tIie licltl eiîîitiin. 'The ruade tif Ela bave iteen rouait" J lit drup the îdea -"A Parmi-n telît ilu eu-ba creLiheitcondition that t' that CIipdusîd'a uîly îitject i> Lu sei-l thi' stage waa unable tii geltoL Barriug. nigravi-Isunitr-a ai t ltter again. Du toi) lu ime for the Miîl trains andt youuvaut Lu teep su lnauy peuple vbo alter an investîgaitonu by the pomt if are "-partictiliarîs iuture8t. I lii grsvel. office officiais ut Washington the mail Y-lng the Roctiani rousit" fîîr re'usons carrier vas îîîtrute teL serve notice ig given lu ie letti-r fî'îu ail thuise on the Tuait coimiisioners of the tovu wi substautiel hi-ni-itas iut Lii teejiof Els ta put the public roadisIlufgood i. Copelanit ruin aelllîggravel' I gui-be repsir andI f they tai toecarnply the 111lie lives on a ruad itit ie lready guvermmnt expecta te ake to hp@ ID l. gravi-luit thLei-village andi eiant Lutecompel theint duoso. Ihilasitisgmace tor ai sLop lucre. Bislilttie oui $1501 pIla mculch s enllghteueit cormnuity as Ela i' nut wortb u'usiderillg. It v0uld t0 be ebown up. sa unfavorably i leuve us lu Lhe midi titi ve (lie. Hie Such ixupasabie rosits retard li' "word Lu the counmieioners" iis goud the growth anit praeperity of it Tbuy ehoulit proceuit sccordlllg Lu lave auy cornninty. Let us keep our Is but proeit juet ai fait ai they eau lghv ays lu gouit condition anit ve ke unde ilu h ev. 1 bave not eait Il but yull benet'lt unr eutire coinintnity. bave nuoituubt isé provisions are ample. 01AlmosL every une vante gondt mouds me sand veut stand by the commissions luInAIE )rt maltng thein jult as feiL as tbey can.P LA IE kte Hie says "vilI tir. Ctipeiad kindiy Fred Kuckuicl, of Lalte Zurich, vas tu explain bav Liie commialouers eau in Palatine gaturday. .antlcipate' fiinit for ruait iiprtuve- Ot10 Schmidtt lmeat bis oid place in rie ment." Certainly lie vîll.I in Isdons the meat market once More. 'li uveryvbere ail tbe turne. 1I colt 150i1l' ra. F. E. Havley viitedi ber ut yards ef gravel tuî Shildts lait stimuler on conditioîn finit tbcy eiiuuîlitpsy me parents boe over Sunday. for IL ncxt Jiily. 1I cd 10001 yards to Bert Seip, aItLke Zurich, wu&asi )e Lake Foret ou nditiotîuîtat thuy bis brother t'harles' recently. lu aounlitpay i' fur iL sometime thîs Dr. Frainkt L>ls, of South Elgin, ut ;', mr.1Ihave no ites b'ît the viiteit hie paete uver Suida.i' Sommîsaoirs unilîuîy ail the gravel lira. V. $auler, of Long Ortuve, vasi ne tbey veuL onhlà yeure Lianicit dget IL cailg un relaLives here recently. cil hatled u1t e yeere tine-tîlI thcy i-ar Êel-vy andt i'îlleet bt,-i.. Iff tie.towvu01f F.The e itnfo ugee vilI heb îld ,rit ShieIts leNuîtitir uitercut Itivetham n ~lthe village hall tionday uâtmeu4. id Lîbertyvillu' or euy tber toiwnsbip luntir. aut i tir.IBierie vere vîslLlu9 un the state furreisiiug ruait tax t ar nenu their eister tira. C. V'ile tias em. ltc avare ofut Land tbiukounr frienits tMr. ani tirs. (Cban. Seipnutertaiueit be intorumation muetlit' e Incorrect. s Coimpanof yoltng pe'uple recontly. id ÂAmfeou, bt lis have gtout.r,îade lu Misses l>aufieieîuî anit M isses Lu the tovu uof Libéurtyvllîe anît sesanin Williams vlaite in lBharrittgtuuu Mon- eor a it can peltuilly[lue doute- I viiloo~k duy. re ni te rosi]muaw anvduittellthe peuple zv3..Blt-eenrandbi ruthrougb your eutî'rprfielg journal ug JLe.anC. Hiter ite i'Ntalfthel vil hat It la and vebat it insanel. houlitmtîrsi sce""î'tIe'uftt tbink une utfoOur Youug iawver ek right (do tiisanitthns distinguicb Mi.s Flira ltiîuuI lmehî'îîeu'uam bimseit. C. C. COPELANI). vsledlctirlî n rio tIse hb chuiol but ,.. gratustlîiM...e unditLtay Smith aud 2:uit. ISon or Hîctator mr Isra of Jal-y.îB 2a : 1 ;D irett lr. ;1. sIre fH u'e . 1 0514,11 *iîn the last. onut fCop, amu UllaitC. SM andl blanohe Aluory. 2:2s. by Pilot Jr. 1% »»Med (anadlan n'.re.% by Mtitîri1835, Sii,'ofut Pullurne. 2igILA Toa srlIC6. and * sIoi.pc armer, u h in c Ire tBarrWilke.s. 2i1t. sud 79 obrsli ' Belmont 6é; aecon ur amM nerv . dM f t E M.'nden 1:26%. b>' PlilaI r. il. by AxiMISTHÀTOaR 357 it.iQrd 2l29', sir,, of Caturbtty111 uXle I ln the fiat. Prosnitat ot t> Proule un s i Ashianit WlItuu,. :i7 Tom T RiEuu.cgM~ andl suoethr lau e i. Son o0 Esbam m HI8tu'Ai. hi Xabriuu Chier îmL by ABDALLAH 15, Ii'orIt 2:42,Sir,,etfGoldsmith MAlA.IL adi Prgeuitor of ta protuidesmitos sud Jeronieil er 115<5'Prouilor,:- 4 son of Hun<eliuianIlout rpM <if LE greASt S EiectlUeerY r ot ot a daug e t$te eA octe t:25,o funtoneot orge Wiikes bodtheu= 41o scoes. ile n a srrtL. o o etour gileblo estiom.u MBo'Noa id te vsofth frgrea abronelUmft lie la an aàttrachive sud promising homme, sud theug~ hlgb claie trotter or a sire a ofst. He vIl itae tbhe J ",ELI GROVE STOCK FARM." MIKE RIEDMOND, RRop. CopaeElait kt Read these Prices and co~.p in and inspect the GooêW~ Good Clothes Wringer........ Large Asbestos Stove Mats....... ... 2-0t. Granite Coffee Pots.............. * Large 10-0t. Granite Water Pal............ kLarve Granite Wash Dish................. 4-Qt, Granite Preserving Ketti, ... ..........i Extra Heavy Dust Pan .... .... 6-Qt. Tin Pail .................. 10-0t. Tin Pals..................... d 10-0t. Galvanized Iron_ Water PAWl. m<t Heavy and WeIl Md.... 5-Gai. Galvanized Iron 011 Can ... ,gO1-Qt, Retinned Dish Pan% ........ Mn PWsSa Ion i Ts 1 40 in. Curtains Scrim fer 5cl Children's Spring Jackets 2-4-6 yeflOld Ch oice each - - - - Butter Milk Soap 3 cakes in box prq~ AT WYNM'I5 Cor. Qenesee andWslgt t. WAUKEGAN. NICKEL PLATE 1Is a filne young stalilon 5, mar& Gray, Wei ghs 1750, sired byC tr dam Miss M cGargle, a full bilood Nor He wiil make the seoson et "ELM GROVE 8 Analysis 24569 Standard. Rule 0. Reg. Vol. XIII. is.y Stllliour toalet 1(49. Breod unit ovusi by Col. ]IL . Pupesw Prsiktort, Ky. N(ýo oveiby MiteRiedmat. BY NOIRVAL 2:14J 5335 Record 2.14t. Rire ut Norlalue (1), à:31j; lketsde orveS, hU# 2:17j, amdt8Sperfuiriers lu the luit.flou ut Elollaneu I, l, a 9 lîst. out of Norma, dam of Norval, 2:14f, anit Norris, 2J. blg Mou ut Lultu, 2:15; May Queen 2:201, sud b. dame ai t7 trotters tu î»8.- ý Post office address, ý 1 UZ7nüjà jjý ïýý ;"-ýl r a"Fum m rffl or ou 1 ul- ço Il utig tIt ain IFLUZCE Ird 'tamn Htuv.u 4tb item TA(MNltI,