CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 3

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_____________&round hlm. What wu. plesaent ta th. forum' wu& lntoleralrle to the latter. RIV. OR. TALMAGE PREAOHE$i Wbît mode ail thia dIerence? noasa the UPON OVERWORKEO LIVERA, author. Une conudition oay-the French Iare victoriens, the Austriang haro becs,' defecteai!" Ile Dlleves t tat Mont t fthe Wrd' Sa.ny ldeur brother, the rend yon are- Holirat Depreo.. Are Due toi tent aveling la the me you have been tri,- Nahdwom'hed Ogue and Urge Ne cin Balong while, but the difference la El TElS our phyuleal conditions maktre Il look Homs teTO Akc Cr etl. different, and Iberefore the îwo reports - you have iven o! yourself are au wjdely WaîonogAcemst »îseîpstion. different as the reportealn the- London Dr. Talmage's sermon Iis wee-k ha.,TMes front the two corresponde-uta. Bd- more ta do witb ti. là it thon the life ta ward Paysann. lometirnos e far up onl the cou.é and wiii b. a warniug agaînît ail Mount tiret It semod as If the centripe- forme of dissipation. Te-il. Proverbe vil., tl force of eartb conul no longer hord 28, *Ti1 a dort trilke throughbis e r." hlmn, sometlmes througb a physlcai dinor- oomou'î anatomieai and phyiological der wa@ sa far down that it seeted as If dlsmoeren were no very graî t tat ha te nether worid would cintch Ilio. Pour w« uaariy 3,000JI yesîabouti of the smeo- VW iliam Cowpe~r arasà mont excelent tint of bis day. lio. more than 1,0S0 Chrstian. and ail o ffld lnthc Chyle- Yosm ttaeChrist. seemeul to hew about tian chn'h au long as It oints i hymne the circulation Of the bond, whlch Har- belilng: "There ie a fouttain fillcd vIF dhccvered 1.610 leurs titrer Christ, withblbood," "oh, for a clouer wauk with fer w-coSolomon, lno Ecleinste., de- (]do" "Whît varlene hîndrances ne e«tibias the bhumon body, îpe-aks of the meet." and "Goulmoyeu lnIa a merions plteber et the foontebn. hoecvidently w y." t nos ho ne orercome of melan- notons the tireeecnaluie esing from h. rholy.or" black ile. that it wae asely heart thît receive the binof-lik lcer.tbrougb the miatake- of the cabdriver who Wl.. ho *PeakeinBcelateî of!the tutek hm te a wrong place lenteu!o! the ecliver cord of lifs, bue erdetttly moe.n the: rivecc bonk îhsî he did flot commît e@nl- apInîl marron,. about which, in our day. c-vide. Dm. Mayo and Csrpcuter andi Dalton i Crlîtia. Pbjelctaue and il'int and Brear-Sequard have exper- Sîirtinal condition 'o nigtill affectt-' imented. And Sootn rerorde-d ln the! bit the phy4ical stare, wheta tirenat eppor- Bible. thousands of yesa r efore- J-eu. tunnty thia gire 10 the Christian physi- tinta, dli-oered ih. that in bIs tirane ire'an. for ho eau freet atthc âeaotlime epinal tord relaze-d lu nid agi.trorluinzurrtrh the Puiîse of the- body and the puise- of the tremora o! baud and i bîsu, -.r thethtIe 'oui. and heco administer luatorh at Étiver t"rd hb. oW."Once, aud If otedicine le needeul he eau The Liver sd Iorattr. Rave-Ithet. and if eprituel counn.el Jineoe- lu the te-stIre rereal thre- tact that ho Pd hoeacm give that-on esrthly sait a di- hll datudicd that latgenct gland of the hu- i lle premacrîtîtion et lire-%âme- ime--sud monmYsemth lier.DotbytheelptrilIl on not only the airothecrîry of Partb. lisbt of the- modiern dlîameir-:î room. lîut but the phartacy rif brave-o! Ah. IbsI hy thte dit ligbî (df a coîrnîrirively dock la the kinul ot doctor I1iront et nry bcd-. ase, aud yet hbail uenireaîrupirtaot funi-- ieuethit colanotonly ecui ont the- t iens in the God ul ilt raî,tie-o! the humsn rigbt inimber of dropsa, but arbo can aien bodly. ita e-e-dn er-ti ng pade-r, pray. Thar la the kind of iloctor 1 have Its curions, ,"uugtated tranchiug h ad inoty bouse arben eleknest or desth tubes., cdivitne W.)rkuran.hil, r.incntrol came. not wanaur ay o! your profil. And right andu lefr loue, and thee îîepîttic1gîte r the-istic dutoro &round my love-u artery lhrough whiih Iliti the rrmo onea arben the- balances o! life are trem-- rides. Oh, this vital organJla Ike tire eye-bngAdourvhhegn-thnbth e o luil&t thît rnever lec ta! inedical colte-ge. alrd lu disPtiog roiffl Solomuon kuparo! it. and badl notired Ias rravrsced tbe aroders o!the bumîn elîher lu vivisection or post momemnt 'l,.etotuchnsm. and fond un <iodinlu ny of awfnl îttar-ks in and dissipation mrakle tho-labyrinthe, in a fpol, and connut dec- uSpon i. util the fiar of AI uighty God 1toc me Or mine. BD!. k. irte Christian bide the body and soul eeparate, andl the doetora! What a coofort they have been eel comande te the- grave and the- orh- jinmuniof o out houscholds! And lhey or Il sonda e ojodgmenl. A jarin of ter- nght ta bave a warompace in Our pray- ributton, ont laucing off or mailing a ers. ne areil as pralse- on unr lungui. alit aounul. but lpberclg Il frnt aide to 1 hiee@ Codthat the nimber uf t(bris. side "tili a dort oeikle lhcough bis trer" tie n phyaceniîn tuilipling ug n]mnme (Jalen and HIPPucrare aseribe-toite; o f the elndents o! the- oedîn-al collfeemare l1,cr the munt o! the arorid moral de- be-ce to-day, aud 1 hall you and ur<ain you Presion. sud the- word mlancholy menue to tihe-tender, beauliful. beaven de-scendl- blac bil. edworkof aChristian lîhysîcilu, and 1blach aYD h o e uhil.n.u >uurakte your dipîinma fruru the- I preaciàle yn the ofapieusesfheaitir. lunotdical college lu lookalittrrrire- periahable takag diguoia f dseaeaof the e.,ul hody hl sure aietu get a dipluma frent of thebnay.AIs, f tue rdignis ut dieaones tie tue- look after the imperiabable c! tie hbook Auof the recrugnestament . une eul.Let ail Chriatian physicissunile wholte boukao!he- ine-w Te sme ara.ithrbmiuiste-rs of thre goepel lu pecauadîng vrile- hya pyai'ra Lke sa~I re-i. ood Peuple that itian ot becausc Ced la lcsi dotor, and he- discourus much o! tIre- agitth-ntatby'eieled- phyaicîl conditions, and hirel-l* et the presste-n bo Ires eter ie-asde-d good e yaor'iîu'inte-il n of àthe Ibody. 1 suppose Davidl, thre paalmist. aroudmby ourug u oI sd n ne-.anI as on more Pious ahen hec clleul on recognisea buger as a bmorraucee te hear- evecything human andl angelic. animate lugt cegospel. ngorirat tire 5.(09) wr-cele-< andl Inînimate, cren frein enoarake to 110 sîme records tIre aparse diel of the hurricane, te pruine- (oul than Wheoube- Peodtgal awy froot borne, andl the ertin- aaid, "Out e! the deptir of be-l bave 1 guichs]ey ergit o! the be-gar by thé- crie-d note c, 0 Lord;' or tirat Jere- araysde, and letseus kuoar of the hein- oMiah awasmure pions when hecarrote- bis ernace-oftire wuuds of tbe dylng Christ prophccy thîn wbe-n he-arcole bis"Ia and tbe mitueulous pontstneram remise- mentation:" or Job sillon ho said. " itation. Any estimate of tb. spirituel knoar thît my Itedle-aer iirth," thon omdtion thît due-s nt incude Éame the arben covereul ver wth the- pustuleu of Pbyldalîicondition ia incomplele. elephautiasie se ho sat lnlbheses When the- ninnokeepe-r et ('ngrea, tell scratching the- *cabe off with a broken deadfren c-ensre-joybe-cuseBarpiece ut potlcry; or that Alexander Cru- a-eyaditsurr'endlrdeart Saratoga. and dmen. the roncorîliat. wum a ietter mau Phihip V. ,nid'Sain dri,,1,jcld,'d nt tire aie ecmildtr-bu.1iî e mcv cflii crrrtr'a etet u bile, 1cd 100W sîudenor !tire-Bible than arben *Bd Cardinal Wose adeti awny as tire- nuder the powrer O! physical disorder hie rasaIt et iienry Vlt.atmnf a'n, il iu.ras h andcrfed anrd strîll aaiscoateul lu demonalcared Ibat the- body and 'oui are I 1thual lIre-u luaoc asyluot. "o.h" Siamese- tariftansd avien you brili lire- eayx aorne Christian oman. "nuone ougbt onee itb Jnîy or orrOir 70e îhrilîibe, o aLloa physical dimrder lu deprea. bis other. We otaY as wieli recogriluethe-1 r,.- mu,le orgt lulivrieurnear uqed as - - mendona tai-t that there are two michty ru be- always ru the aunehîne-" yen, thît l ortre-ses .u the human le'ir, tire- b-art la good adrice. But I warrant that yen. adtheliînnr. lie heurl rt efirtreu inf thenan who nives the advice. han à mund the graces; tIhe livr-r. tIhe ff,rrra'ofiflire lire-r. Tbank Goul for a beltbful hepatir furie-.You rrayliav elIre bruit i llildith ronîllîlon. for aeucrtlainiy as yon iac it &I1 intelletuoiic-,an sd tireear witir aIl, 700 arrl mmetimes. lîke- David, sud lke musical sîqîreeraii,n, and the moîrtir aitir Jerennisir, sd lke cowPe-r, sud like- Alex' ail eluniret, -nd the, baud aith adlinl- inde-r Cruden, andul le 10,000 ther iava- duitrin.,and tIre beart wtb ail generui-- dm. Ire playing a derd uarcb ou the sae- lie-,ansd yt -' a dort strrke- througb thre organ aith whi-b noir you play a su- tirer." roto. A Rebellions Liv. nDinpàtio.a First, lt ('brialian peuple avolul lie My object rt this point laeualot nty lu ottîtakle tIra tIre-y are ail irrorig aaitb cet - emuliate the criticisots et thoae lu god because thty suifer trot delire«saln ut bealth against thone lu Pour heaftb, but epirils. .iany 4 acunerîted moan bas 1te 'show Christian People arbo are atriobil- found iesîpirituel skY betugged andl bi.sjioue what la tire- motter wth theot. ]Du hopeo e-ubtarr-n blottcd eut and iaisieit 001 chrge againel lire heurt the crime-a pluugcd chialude-p le the alongb ot de--oftsoutirer portion uf your erganiste. DO Épond ,and boa csid:'19y be-urt la nul Rot conelude beesuse Ihe partb tebeaveu igit wiîb tbud, andI I thiuk1imtithave ls net arbore-d with aa fine- a fnllage- or made s miaraire-ant Inlsteaul ef brins athe- bonktebeautifulîr enowed witb cîqul- ebid o!flaht 1soam achild oef larkneaâ. site- chrysanthemuts ase once, that the-re-- No oeeacu fte-iou g10uMY as 1I tel sud b. fore yeu are on thre arong ruad. The a Chiristian" Andl be hall gene te hl% rund aIU brng yenuout nt the nmre gate mainlaer for consolation, aud bh- ha@ col-. betber yen walk aith the tride o! an lected l 'îel'a hmok, and Ce-ils book», athiete or come up un eruttces, Thou- and Boiterae houka, andce-dadnsd ce-id candi e!ofChriatians, mourbid ahour i tir and rend, andl proyed and plri-culand experiencel, and moorbld about the- pres- Prayod, aud ne-pt sud ne-pt andlne-pt, aud eut, andl morbld about the future. need greanes] sud groanei sud groaued. My the sermon I1sot now preacbing. brother, younr troubîle la ont witb the- Anther practical use of Ibinsumbje-t la heurt. il in a garric diarder or a reliel- fer the yurrug. The tbeucy ilabaread that lion of the lire-r. You ne-rd a phyaiclan rhey mtuât firat sois their wiid oata and more thbn yuu du a clergyman. it li nul aflerward Michigan nircat. Let me $la that bbota OutIvOur huipe utflirne. but' break the- deluien. Wild uns are gene-r- bile. IlîDt nule-Y ellows, Yuur eyalle, ally suwnuin lbe lirer, and tey eau and fors yuur longue, sudmote, your never Ire puiled up. Tbey me preoccnpy * band ache, but anopopUOIun i munoi tiat orgue that lb ere la nu room for the lu dejectiuna andI fure-hodinga, Th. de-il implantation o! a righteoue erop. Yen * laaflr b, le-bs file lerIeapol yîrcse-e sced me-o about una ar80 cr-ct, agile, charate-r, andl be-ducs the ne-t be-tat plendid, grand olul me-n. Hoar mnch lhhngtforc bmi-be- miPs-a ur penace- ot arldtIse did tbey sairbe-lae-n 18 yeara mmd Whu ie- syntha ye ar flt satd 30?> Noue, absoiutely none. Goul frre-en 'oui. aben be- maya yuu are net dur*s ot vcry otten honlortai olu agn îIgbt with lied, when bc says that yuu those warb ave in ealy lite saeaified wiii neye-r le- talen-veu, be lie-a. î' 0 r on eti airsr o! the- bodily temple. gie lu Christ. you are- juat au au re- O!, atter t- Oyoung oman, that arbile tn heavon as îirough yu en ee there already. afe ieadatryaso ispto But Satan,. findiug that hec cnnut keep 1yen otsy perbaps bave- your be-rt chang- ion ont o! the premlme-d land o Cu aa. TPd religon due-i nt change thé lire-r. basdetrmied hattheépebsl ouI rembling andl saggering alongtIre-a. brng 700 any e! the Escbol grpaIeAtreets to-day arc me-o, ail tbe-t.and de- r torcSnd sd thî yen haîl ae nobhi-g aye-d, andl prematucely olu toc there eamen L~ but prckly pears andl crahappie. You are tir t rhey are- psy ig foc lie-na they pot ina!t as mucb s Chrtan nov onde-r the nPou physical estate ballo ttey elon te asyoo aere arben yen acreac .i- -»y early dsipation tbeyqiut on ttecd to rse la the mocing aIil ï,k à sfiat mortgage. sud n sec- Viewy ,ccoc fo,4~e ride arorid? ,Ncvcr, Hoar aet., arori te doue? Perhapc lied vill ta It np la lic resurreetion body se that il arUm net have- te go lîmplng ticough l iin ternity. Bat ege lilvcr tioroughly damsged, andi it l stieh-damaged au louga sa yenare lie..PhyàieilanacaIilit clrrbosia e! tihe lirer, or Infiammatlon o! thc lîver, or fat- ty degeneration e! the lIre-r, but Solooton pot il thce» panas mb eone figure-and ay, TII a dort etrîke tbcuugh bit livr-c: Heslod seomedtot0 havc tomeo int ot Ibis arien ho reprecenteti Prouetheus, fer hie cimes, faatencd te a piler and an eagie teedng u hi liver, arbieli arce' ocareul agaîn casiniglit, me Ihat lb. de- vonring vont on util finaliy Hercules slear the ««Je &s.d reacueul Promethens. And a diasipatati oarly lifo assure& a te- roclty peckin asaray and clawlng aaray at the lIver i-sar la andi i-ar out, and deatir la the only Hercules who eau break the powrer ot lia beak or unclencb Ia clamO. Ho aime vrotc'?ables about voiluresc preylns upon the livr-. But thre are tho» eir* antis arbo t ilaIsne fable, but a terclilc reality. That Young tan smoking cgarette .ud smuoking cigare bas no ides limaI ho le gettînt for hmelf amokedu livr-. Tial Young tan lias no idea tiraI hho as lii early dissipation so deplèted bia encrgies that lic ailgo loto thc batti. onl- hait arme-u. Hec. la anotiror young man arbo, If ho pot &U i forces againat the regi- ment et peutirtul Imaptatione, ln the stccngth of God, migbt drive tiet bath, but h l saileartng tiem te b. re-cufot'ccd hy the arhrle- army o! midlife tesopta' turne, sud arlat but Immuortel defeat cau Oh, my Young brother, do net taka lire mistake Ihat theuaaoda are makiag in oPenlog tic battie against ein tue lîto, for chie arlrd tue late-, and for the aorld lu corne tee late. What bringa that ex- irr's train frein St. Louis loto Jersey City tbree- heure lote? They lest fiftten miniutes esrly on the colite, antI that ai- fe-ete-ul heot ail the way, aud they bad te ho saritéedu off tiece, sud detaied boec sud dotained ticre. sud tic man amie loaes tisie andl stcength lu the eariier part e! the Jouruey e! lit. ahI sauffe-r toc il Il the aray througb-tbe firet tarenty ye-s et lite dsroagng tire fullowing fifty S-orne- eare axe a cclitlfic tectûcer re-ut tbrrogh tbecontry exiiilg on gre-t canvan differeot parts o! the bu- muan bd ian icaisthi, andi tic mme parts arlin diseascul. And abat tie verdi arants now la nme.clequent meentiat te go îhrough thecoceitry, uiowing te our Young peuple ou lazint couvas the drukard'e ire-r, tic ider'. ilver, thre- lir- ertioe'c 11v,r.heb.gatbler's livér. Per- hep§ thc spectacle miglit top nsen.Young man before he romes te tic catastrophe antI thi dort strike tirough his lire-r. A Vcvew ptapis. My hearers, this la tie. trot sermon yeti bave heard oo tie gospel o! healtir, snd Il mai- b. the list yen ali ove-c lear on fiat subject, andl 1 charge bo n utic nameot (led andi Christ aud usefolns sud star- na] destlny, taits botter car.e o your bealîl. Whon cerne o! yen fdic, If your friends pot on your tombatene a trutitol eptapi, Itlahilreati, "Hors Iliai fie-vie- tiru et late suppeca;" or It vili b., ..Be- bold what lbster %ied at mlduigbt arili do fer-Ba in;" or it arbB b., "Te-u cigare a day cloeu my eacthly existence;"~ or il ailbît li-Thought 1 cuuld do t 70 armaI 1 ditulet 20, aud 1 amnber;" or it ail b., "Hcrc la tiecocneeque-uce o! atting bal! a day wltb vel fel;' oc it arlîl b., "Thi i aber. I bave sacked oti-harvest o!farilul est@;' or incteaul o! aurds tic tone-cuI- ter ailla" for au eptspb on the tombatone (vo figures-naine-I7 a dart an4 a lire-r. 'fuere- la s kinul of siciiocua that la be-au- titul arben il cones trot overwark fer Goul, or oee-scoutry, or eues* ownutom- iiy. t bavesecen aouuds fiat wareogli- riona. 1 bave acen u mpty leeve fisl waas=oe besutiful thon fie muat tucri lac ferearin. I have seen a gre-eu sheds ove-r fthceye, shot eut la batile, Ihalwaas more heautiful tise aoy two eye tiaq hami paiîed aiflout injury, 1 bave aecn an olul tbssionarywarm eut aitb tieina- lacia o! African jungles, who lookoul tome more radiant tran a rubicond grayuoslt. 1 hareacensa oottier atter Mx aree-l'a'Wtch. ing orer a temily o! cltdren devan with acariet te-ver. witb a glocy atounul ber pale and aran face that surpamede-lb angelic. It al]de-pends on boa yen got yeUc ick- ne-esasd lu abat hattie your aroinda. If we mnuet get *ck and wvrn eut. let irhe- in Geds service- snd in lie effort lu make the vurlu goul. Net lu tire service-e! sin. short sermons. The Love of Money.-Tlre dangereus tetrdency o! tihe lIme la lire- love e!. mule-y. There- are ether tendenea et the Uimes inwhicb money plsye a part whicIr la trtlly magife l lats mope-, but we are cemmandeul te taire smenait of th ttspartlculac trndency alicbicou- otbtutes fie cardinanl sin ofettUne- 11ev. Dr. RsInaord, Eplacoalle, New York City. Adam and Bye.-Adam sud Ev. ver. net Indilduala; but tre-y repreueut the P"10ieet s cortaa c'orepoci, ex- tcuding ever a long period, andi forua- lug te moet aawent tiirpih, aiici aras bronigiatoeauncend by a mental flood off foise principies, whlch detroyed tIre spiritual liteofthe .peuple ut tintI tpocli. lt-c. E. C. Mitchell, Swreden- borg"a, St, Paul. Mna. T'he Crose.-The crues la Ioked upon hi- men of to-day au thre cymbol ot Je- sm4,saclie aIgu off Ohrlalutaly. licon- veys a meacng.& not orf teraor or Wgooa- lny, but a meauin lia! flashai eut ln beanty; tust men ahall do acta of mer'- cy and ohrity le tnirir brotAieru, ho- -cus e!ftheSaynec vie ws crel- B.ed upen ILt-cvy. E, H. Jenks, Pree- bytoban, San Flrancisco, Cal. The Norrow Way-Tne narmaw y la tic hand way--tbme way te fortune anti hure and «mU that la reaily émet- abI. on tati aendi ln hi-veu. Noing UMm tevotw« M ,aing va. ar 'go vith- ou! Induie. mule endleffort. - The narre-v vay la tic way of solf-rmnn- clation; tic broad vay a 'way off lf lindu)gent4. But tit'ioanrm rae d. Ilgils t1 tic umtoar -a.-e -1i- I ILLINOIS INCIDENTS. &ODER OR &TARTLING, FAITH- FUL.LY RECORDEO. 1 Beile.hlle-' I'resca îlsfls Oeut-No Extra 11Se.sin, or the Lcala- laturc - ilila h o Psy mulla for au Incendlarry'sAcn.intsnmie, onaglg l s lmrakehllouse. J. IL. Deertog. e-x Ii i« vTcrv ir-r, ho rua- rid hirluI aitir a îhrllitr itn ua rrioll broume nI ic houle- nt lticîlt'aulhi- e-uly '(rt- urrlyai-uoina. Aboutr7iinikiune- f bis uauglrters a ui.,utin ir, oînîî,-nnea atter one me-at and îîîî r lic,.bodi-. Lit,. aa. nol quit m' rarîruî..Stb'e-nuf sm-eamiiinu te ibIonis, îualiotlnr' ru-r be-ciofîthtie tomily utm lit,- bnodîy rinan. He expir',laltoel at thecsant.n- mr,îî'rt. Di)r- inga te-cmr e-îjired rrrAjiil. Ar blb.e ginulng ofthtOe- 7e-relic- i - I iiin ru-ia- lut big bondrI 1h a ineilhrforctire teintern rof tire Caoio-nil iirrmiton u tce-a.srr'r e-Il lortt gl-i-r hi brt'11-, arînd a ri'>Uiuion isAn ailnuIYP-'el îy tire Couuî'rl rir-ring rt* ire -frt iloml iti trino- tityii- lîutir alune-ccbet,îr-lin.-, tmuitr'e- aI Il» ne-rt irre'tune. Ile it'nd '-i. crie- ire- mu b bondrirutitr'i, alorr-.mi uattiiiltIr, romumitlte,'tirmhi*,a--c- iii mininvre- .lh hrie-lut nt rliattIbm,'.althoîmnt i ns riîiîisr't that Iiimnils .if lmiIm.-iurelni r -'n decldeilîî- lai, lie- i- isluo-i tr-. r iruait,- sà-m c rthiruningi~. So., rt Il:u- In-unalnar tbmat >. irirng n- it jo-i :i-lie [ir le- birarIbur -IInoieilulI at h, l it"!, unît,'a fiin al ti rii .irrt. Il- - .iih o.n du e-nu Di-rinrtarrurnlrie r-- il- lii buIrt Ialnui1r ni it filirli .1 - .'r-so-nti Naise7'5 Re--s.jhf- .n Filrb«ot. 'nlie ltalni.îv aîe- unt mnIi-r 3 rin,, bllon Irave- arntii Iur--io. lr- ofl.ut burcil lii îe-ca crna--h ni t 1.1 1i ftic t-lue- cî,riit-iiu uttheIr- r-c ii"ui-i ir-,lIle busriness orimn f tltetnuunri 7, Il i. g'eeramiI3- hinuglnt t irintir,' Ille aîîrk i ,i ouurneîui.ri - n- iis rînules ttre-ebigrielun- rt- in, ib-iio- 1 rk. ltouuîr in,- labO. A tringirie- iî.riaboaurtir,'e ta-o gere-caltiresi. lutira ,t i l --n1-rur have lutrin starte-il lit th,-nr haîrdwaarr' stoure iru luiIllit Auusr htl. '[lire-hardn- avare store nf S-ilihs-ll& [lriit'y aras l- a trame buoilirg bn a -ostn't,t rfrme- buildings..alunoire- ice- stmrrcl I lir' wbaril- arare stur,. smatr'lirrg ua'csuntiti' trielie ,ur ifte--o rani u strii,nessiiiaie-. stryiug &Il tire bus u-eu patrt iii-tln' trrii ilonîrirt', tb. beginuirrg oetlime- tiliilockînni. arbini hrall be-e erer'ctl itii t art co-f tire ira%%ilru warera s raotn' rwlins lb,- 3escrires i,îrm borne-rtont. AnirIre- ,--e-tru ce the- bard- vare store- nus Inuatiiun tbh' midIdle-of a massive- brick l,luck. a idlianrone- nlitte- block watntaItire tintie- ,l l it ie-u y 1r- Ilt fo loan lu tire inirrniof t l unr rrtiuilvr nsmu thélir' (ifkautnuinr-rnirry. N'iat arastrire trust bearrîfîulimlrt if trr'onsrn i.luit i mai. ot ralil... VIII C.1i1NNXta ssonlen. Glor. Tanrnrrbure- ntrrîrcîaîia-e-'y'tiii' liraI hn-rutermin i'nllimur t jr-i-ua r i efthl l ire rn-iala ct ir I cnir- e-e-nr,- Iegî:r latirln. The rtoiry tIrat ililnoorr-hrrter troa xhan Im-ir l titre-nrn lutgiluli e-ir cIe-utfioc amuir'tite nuî' il forr Ilium! e-enn soine e- n-ters bhaie- le-e-niîl io l ii toai nu,1 ih Ire uljet-r ifî,re,-uur- e-gîr.hiilonir ilire se'ssion. Tas n irutbnîra oh ci-ie-nue ile alvirattrI by tire t 'in-ugo île-nI Etat' Boasrd hrae alc-rli-Intame-rI th, re- I-rat and lare no n efîre-theIn'ltons. litr run et tire- t ove-rrrrr'm trs-laratinm a ni 11- ninrul e-firt ailî lurdrîtir)îluiibu-h e urassrre-e îirougrth ir,'Iioi,' Ieforrsut- jinutetpit. 'Ilr-l-te-h lic ai ' ,n flulmîr île- lbrirar.îîîîîru-rshue-sle-ci - fteeNe-as ain rle!. Thecaiune rît Bauitiraru r-era tr ite- Sliii Wodirlie-Iuorut e-rrlnt rsi.iujilu ,' Saîscre 'Coutr, .alni nu,- ie-rrlrîarlers if lthe- iriter niil ce-nain at l'u ;iiinnus nrc-- nuit. Tire ltugnutinbas voltutlire-tic se-Fera I triuuri nild i e Tire Atricu, nM'iiiutipairr uîu tec niuI-tee-e-sidhît a cnrr!î-cî .-ca Et. James-' Cliiriruun i-lIginru Ahi ccvae o! wue-fli'îui' ai"mdrt mailî it qtir,'iuluig se- smn by 'uieirtoi tnnursel C. Il. Fil'el, aud ltr'v. îrGne ran -util. t' rmaC. r o! Chricagonc-îimi,. ic-sirruElih. C. W.-(bairi, soft I in, agoti r ii'mre,-. Atldccrm ,l u i iahrisiN liiiaru -r,' nI- id, itu'i -C. Il.- Tluîurîe. lur vA. A. BI-tii hl. J.I il.Ce-nie-us.tV..S.tBrooksr-auni F. .1. Plerson. Tire- r-e-iunc'rgst-iur rio-firs,- trcel> rIe-a irinah. Fo'ir the- miîmrir.or nnf il' uil, isatlerend mr-mbr-trh lb- -itî,f-,, tlrin' Furltro tr-'t M. . il, Irril. t'nirl'î baie itr,'d tilata ro;iltuI mcmr ti ler ci-ic nîr the- ediflie %ni-il lu itIi -e- ra-ir. anil]Ina- araccnmge--la i'i,-i-kitt - vlrru. ni i.uii ii c'harg-e-oftasco-raift-- nriiu eai-h snn'e-uî. Th'eus' io-era lirle-Ien rîrlnai c li- enili bu'- euu,îrcaeni rtri îuîoiineun1tiar t lui' Suiday 'tnI ulirIn rui-r.i- sii:uinn thr- ien Iriaun niis in.rere-uiad aru tnii nnmre ofrrautthe iinuuc.rli t muarruie-,'oî tIre scurrn,'unu-. A ttl'ieranm rr-lu iii rt lliîruirn fruir lr Kyi-iinu ., - iciught Irt i'ui-ni n cf thse- IIir -'t a nIatiine-ire I le,-t a n, Mcm. Martin t). laritin. Ex-Viii-l'c.'e-n lnue a gcârautrrr. '.%Irs. ltiri ritNaIr. Siir î-î'mn'm nlii'et dîi rue-l ,r enil as Milas Jo îlis St,'evenaorunais ne if' ttIre - îinl taý 'a ucîtes o!flVaingfiiu T'Fli iit %t i il Il,- natrmedl],eîitra S-evi-isiîi lîncîlî ru honterî,co! thc urarer iof hurs. Ilurîliri.'lTIe- 'iilî nias boni ai t 4uh,îîne ni! p. Wuat Ziardn iIer pirccal gcznîularh,'r. A ftrcbeirue-e-rui iime-lu lr-uu r,nurr. thIe- jury lu the- narre- o!ftii. 'uhîri IL. I-roiwna alroilNW. 1'. Bruer. uii'led forr tire-e-rn hezi-relnýn-t f nonru-3îe'e-e le-linn thIr bmtik at Metroîînhs rn tlu its failure ta-o ye-smago, lcrre-htirrnia verdrict Illrn- iug tirle-lm gity. "ri ru se- naure-tllak 1,0 Marion froint lii-.u 'îrnly on a cirange out e-îrr. The- inn-a verir-t la s cormpromirse,. fixing- tire- ieirsîl> i unue-iear in the- penritertrî-asd satie- rit $410 e-ai-. (Ire-tst yrîuîratiry lui- xî>,menfor tire défendantsemmiv-ilrrnoîf their oid age-. 70 surI 82 3-nare-. Aînilluii foc a ne-au-trialOaw muid,-. James Fr-ni-h aas înruin lrthme-Cir. ciit Court nh Ihu'kfnnrrl if tire- lourer o! hie*auitc ouniruli 1Itla-rt andith, e-ienat, fired at tinalir. The- îlete-e-r' uuî iianit>- sud the trial lrie-iltn-iru mIni- AIt fre joiîntr-Iunrve-nt it ofîreranrisud mine-cm o! the- noitii Illirînis district nt Strealoc. fie ruine-ra pre-rentil thieir avale ut priea, tire-y irine- ceje-nted tbe-seri,' pioposeul by tîreoperatore- lauo aseka &go. I I J. M. Laate-r. 79 yeurs nid, dled at Me-I Le*anebore. He wasa a oember e! the Illinuoisconstituîil onvre-ntion e! 1847, waso ircit e-f the ctnty before- the- nar, and foc maoy yenre wattm the leadbng ome-r- cirant of tie place.' le-bâtilbeeu marricul fitty-sevn i-e-ara, Wi the- acre-stof Albe-rt E. 'Morris. a minute erk in JutIge Bonke'ar-ouortChi- cpga officiels bellee-tire-hy bave- roundetl rap tire-prumuter. aso auIl an ail rthe parti- cipante, lu the- taring ar-lie-me ýtircoi thli counti- rrunglitire -oriptrolle-r'a office, A coufe-atoîn made- hi- a'irrIleaHalle-r lu Judge Fl"ce-eoan'n rrcrurt id-ctetl Ilurria ea the otan wbo arcucet fifîy lianoi jurrr certificatesansd ibledtItIi-mintirtin- l fote-tho defranud. l'ire luditmrta Ieforc lre- grand jury reaulleu. Tire sixîl aonual be-md camp!f tire lty- aI Neiglibors o! Amertea, thre- aouarîs uiliary et the IModern Woodtle-u of Arnerlea, wasma l-d nt Rock Islandi. Tiers avrre 200) delegates bn atte-dance-. repre- mn-titîg (1Z2 campa in tire- jurledictlon r'hlch ln the simte as that e-bravd lu W'oolcraft. 'Thec rder ban sainemberahlP et 40,000,11.of ahicir nomber 10.(1(3 belong ru lbé beuefiriari-divisioun. The dishurse- mient& duiiug tir eIsatie-ar aie-ce $3.' 2n2.17. o! aiicI$1 7.7M0 aas forc bén4t@ Aborît une- mmr]dceinesuOee- rers- eut ai the- ,eatiino! tire-IllinoiasbDeutaI Soitty, be-id a ntPor. Pl'e-nide-it 1C. R. Taylor ut Sîremttnr -aIle-t tire-mneetimng le ocde-r, andI Dr. A. W'. Ilîtrlart fthrinagu iireenite-itire- reporirt if tiecocummitîenf denrtarlacicîu'uce4nii litaur,'. Dc. J. K. Ke-efe- ut ('iiogin pre-nteul Oitcreport et rt,' i-iimutîe-r.ionI,-enIaI orr and invuen- tionr. nuilt Dc. .1. W. W'aàalîi nf (Chni-ago ce-ad a terbnianl îapnr. W'. E. larper ut Chiir Iunre-nîtaairaIerru"('Iaesgibtcs- tinr t('avinies rîrnîUille-a Cove-ning Tireir l'ce-partmiiiu" JoasephirSteine-r intAlînrhIas be-e-n nti- le-d h *ryW. T. Buchnanr, tétiln Stalfe tillrîiîîe-c at Bue-nis Aice-. cf ann tascl iti Iii fsî-nr ly tioe-Arg,',tirie- tovectrment. tYbile- travelingirunthat c-uînrr- e-ght y e-rranugir Steille-r n.os nia train î'hiih eii-îîî-,întrut-r'îlne- cf r(- i-e- grasu fis'ea cin-nîuLu the voIle-a- ofifte Rt, nIe-la I'Laia. Tire train iran -onmoot,'d sud many ru onengera creurateil. Ste-ine-rn-as terri- bl, hurel, bhrre-case-d. 'flicrailrusu uni rçuutt')]IIerl r-tire- Cuvrruent, and Steinrrfile-il aro al gainst 1h for $5'0.(M0. The- camp ias be-cride-ibted and I ire lîlre-- clitve $fl?N. Frank Westertbeid. ceilleur o! the tban ut New Trie-r, Cook Countyi,lr aidllu bn short in 1dm accounîla84.2t%)3. le ariafiret ele-rte-d inApril, I18M, andI re-electe-d at n1prill airout up)tiuititrr. Weaterlield ira liveulin Newa Trie-c mince lie- aas a boy. lie- ban a wn te- d s ud rr children. lie has leen in the- cuti antI aornd u oems antI aime mîll lime- antI ce-nent. Hum brundrnen, De-nibeKiocfer, Ce-orge ût-ily, Be-cnard Brown, William Me-iern, Mattbea Berce-, tose-ph Ste-mur. Antbuuy Bugle suad Johnr Vislitre, aro are- hund in the moin et $150.. lis), lise. takpn charge- et bIs affaire. andl a-iIl endeav.r te rrcump the-mielvea. Tirey bave not canne-il W'e-terfeld'sarare-at.sond - II î,columllv irit promccrte hum. Ilie af- fairs are- smudtirhirrubâtilapm ontet o! bu» properîy le-ng reavily mortgaged. w'esterlic-llRive% ino cîpîsnarion o! lie airortage- frrtirer Iran that hire vetotem the- ruuîue-y inhli uiie-snandl liraI il. A. I.. Sciirupff. 1tîlînola' rie-aruepartn-t i-,imniarrde-rC. A. IL. ostanlan a uone- of tre- fiice-mhionvize-us if l'-ria lie n-as horin lu lininb Baaarba, and cote le thia i-on~rtry ru lt(Sb. aube-n ire- asa12 ye-mcaif mge. WhIre bIre-aaa a-arce-li-17 ',-ers int nule-Mc. i'tnirrff atre-mîrIeu o crubl t ire Uniion mrtuy. but tana cettracul a. ail the ecmpanice _ianma- 're- fille-rtasd bis r irfl tize-anuiyt hwI ne-re- rzi 1 gaint li iur. HeP l.i 1ni, aln-etoct Aiîre m, e- aIo lrl lu elimt. ailb unubette-c ce- Suit.île asi final- ly engagert mis offi- crr-r hîy of (Nom- pauy A. Tre-nhy- alîtir Miasruibinau- COU. A. L. 'ttitibhPtr.Ic-,a poiin ou le lie-Id tur ix rninîe. ai ie-n Ire-enîriltei aud I)(Rlieur u iai - urri ïldier. lie- se-cae-rtil tiinu-r inliily tnc ua iear sudla Irsîf. sud nias laitt, the i-î,rnry lu tIreaile-ee-o! Near Ntriiriil tire- capnture- ut Islandi No. 1(1. bat- rtr if Inti. battie- ut(oriuthsimd ail tire enrgagerment@ lrrree-riug lbencapure- o! Vicksbrurg.- At tIre- batie if Champniut iilM iau..My, S , hum regrotent I-rit npeyl. lie- a rut oItbrugir lIe 1,ft shinîrhier. a a nir 2i».),othe-ran-antm, s,'e-reh 3 ai ntrilu'il tiraIIre- ruld not lic t irmlns rtc.itI, a-a lefr inu alplanta- riun. nirîiire, miller a f. ris> n IreliWas tri lut îîcîaîîiruc. A tt, lueurg .ifliiied llu am ce-bn-I urioîni forcaunuinntilie' an elc- (ili rugi ndarrc ilt to .3le-iripix. lu tre- frull j f 'ist-tI. îmîmre- i ttu-il ftric t er uuiihitjrci lr-y iie rtýife- -n iis nia-luire-,-. 'Ti,'t-irijirv1,-ri 'CIrtlino.îI-icrdi i l tiner îlîe-ilrun ue-alhlrmnue- l'vallul il> rut tIr, iuult-rte-iiiaie-e-rteni,'uc"pa- cr" rot o! 18915. Tire- tIcialnîriu f the- -mimd wa, u ansirrnunr. e-re-pt as tir Jusrace Ntut'rrii(le,-c. a li il'.-teil. TIre-rile-te-r- mjjira ete- nceri'ui Oti-oustitores îthe-cinm nlruintu- e n i'rrlrneitentlary a prison lruîncrl l aririrrtire- ranc.stfail couvi-toi cii re-rîn riohu' lrimirm ao li Ie-retercertour uttutitnuaforanii-,lailrtnt'e couinanit- ureuts. Jirrica trirng prime-.oo r as. if r-onvi'tion, osl ring in atvercerif gîiti- ulnI d miin te-rnfinrtlnîprimnnînt mIaîl lue rrarrnr. Atter a conairI re-nci'e- te peuimeotiara tire- Irisonrîr uril ai- lia- crie, hlm un then expirationu ut a certain peril uofthtir'teru irre-ilhi- tablte- un.lie- penalty tic tirfetese-o!f whire- bâii be-en roirnl A c'crd o!fIin crudurît auhile-on cruocle. la t-r he-kept sudlire- ue-ul nul rettrcri to ) icrrruif rte- record bn favor- able. Tite 5cr ba beuqure-tionedrInla se- ecah circîrîlîn -Iree irminai.a wre-con- vicrel o it ndiuîerrniuste se-teocue awre prirnounleri. 11,ritAte-a ar-ree c et a-ma irelit ir.)re invallît se-clua apprebenalomm vere te-l tasteauletier rte- adminiatra- tioc!fcimineal irmel l-e- îwul net bIre ne-- ounli- e-nbaccasael. tBnt tIre-ne-cien set- île-s tIre- lawanrd nil cases pe-udine- a-ber il. valldiy waasinlusti-onu. A lelegrat Iras lneen rc-ed ntl s IlIm- luglon trot ,Paris.,l'rauee, Ouneumtncing tIre marciage llrure aIlIre Arnerban Epun- copal ('irurch ofut1'Frnk .. }'lnrilium, Jr., ut Bbuuomnugteu anud Miss AIleeCary o! ('irnopigm. 34c. Fl-'wll-iam le amrng archritecture lu l'arin. Taucîre yeac-mlut Noran Beie la roe-u tire Ire-ralinemn!lie "lorence apacîmoent lbeuse tire aI (!dticaga. SbIre ildi- cm to tire ves-tibule ai :3u'm'lck Wdedaly mnorniug sri m argtre- it-eleetrie bl-ls tirat samîke tirne- upâlunta oflIre bunilding antI enabîrd theui to ecme- fruu a dmuge-rous l'ire unre- umt hlmtire bie-plant o! the J. Il. DaytounTaelrut '-urnmpauny 51Qurmue, lu a fo-slory luI,,'k lu the business dis- trict. Tirefirme burn-tIont., besidfaI-bte tabuler compani-. are: Volk, Joncesà Me- Mlelu.big prlutimïg bouse. sud tnuot- bsuli'a bouk store. ThIrlo"s ili caceat $100,000. Jasot-WIrite, fanions Bs-mn abolitienîst iu centralIlinois. dieti At Bloomimigtan, &SacaiT&8He aras the tan ah. rcscued thc Abbltion pireachor Spencer trou a so a In U . H.earasO@.Of lhe fouadcr orft4 ic lof etHudson3coaensuichra tro rDelawaeOoaty New Tort kalu MHESUNDAY SCROL. TI4OUGHT8 WORTHY 0F CALI _ FLECTION. A Pieasmut, lntereating. sud Israe 't Ive Lesson, sud Whe-re Il Mai, Do Wou.d A Loîrneti and concise me' s-euror the Rasse. 1-0- o , frMtaiy 23. 'lie- loufecen- Je-russIem-m Ar-ta 15: 1-6. 22-29. GloldnTIcuT-* Tlncoirgtr tire-grnr-e-uf fie- Lord leasm 'mltarr- s hahlIre aavM.d erco an tire.-y"Ai-ta 15: Il. lIetomme- frîsunthircfrat misioiuary jouruci- laIe-ln tire--e-ar 47,Pal'andurIBrar- nabasc ue-nI not aunu ite mé ise- ciplea lu Aulocir(Acte 1-4: 28). Tire-n Iliert arome- s iibcnlty- bu tbr'cincaci-ra Jerumalein îvblcb tbr-aîeîre-tanecauese- cloua trouble, hurt wama murbly RiîetI y the- confée-nce- or cuuneil wur-b forta the subje-et oftIbis casnon. Tire-de-,inion ar- riv-et] at did mur'l te be-gin tIre longtf pro- censs ut Irrdenlng lire vie-as o! Jearmn, Chisaian#, thugli il hi-nu mesnopot n enod nh once tir the- dîsagre-ement. a89 ha shean hy trIre-ciinduir'lo! Peter atterararde el Amtiocb. uaudi u>' rie terthinga of tb. Jr-ara n-iatlIoar-d Paul ou n sjoruys, niale-adine- îIhe- Ialathaura andI other î'Irru-les hi- rIreir aird. 'lire irnportanc'e ofth liacriais lu tire hitory et the cturch ianrut bc,' , rmurgli emphasiseu. Ilaed un iha-e-n ftruhie- libéral îe-nulcocy cepre- senîrd hy i;-euh fniaiuig, ut course, the lîheratiti- ut Jen-m hIitsi-t ie cirurci aroulm haveb,'e-n, unt a braucl e-f tire Je- lobr religiro, and.enc for as arc con @see coul,] barrîli- it,' airrivetheliregmat shock tirciaine- -uir tire- full etJeruss- Ie-r andtIhIe drape-raioun ! tire Je-o or. et auy rate-, mii nd ne-Frr have pce-ad murti beyoud tire-Medite-ranean coantz. ln etuiIna tIre le4snarn.Ac'te15: 1 i 35 stould be reail, andl alsa Calatiana 2: 1-10. tire laIte-r Iring lire-passage-inla aibicrPault spe-aka a! hIris-ita ta Jecusale- i aithie- porpose o! prorirrg tirat Ire did nul ce' ceire lii gope-l tront tIre-apnale- tIrer ner iode-rd frettn any me-n. btt frein Christ. Thé-motter oe! ircmouiinogthe mcounts lu Ai-ta anntluGalatlanus-n.reterre t t Maplansters'. "Certain me-n rhlch cime- deantros Judem": aevcralI bingu are- te b. interre-d trointhIis phrcase. Judes, andI especislly Jecuasie-o, auas mil the-ce-nIer of thme Chiristian e-bort-Ies, antI taise teachers tront tIre. suouhlIre- epecally inlluen. liaI. It v'a aisetire ce-trer ofthtie strict- e-t tee-muo! Judanstie Cbriatisaily. Net- aihtumnding tb, ye-r a.tmebitaucspecul ince- tbe dm-t preaehirg o!tIre- gospel te GeUtiles, the-me-otitent atJérusamlemt ce' otabueul sroogly againltIrhe- admission of Gentleicconverti lu equrirghts anti Jew- lb couvrtte unIese tIrey sumitteu ta tlite re-riire-ments ot Jusm, tliat lu, hersmet proselytes. Paul pe-sks strugly o! Ibe persans, arbu arentot coate-ant te ioid these vie-ai themuosla-es. but attempte- ta terce tireur unrs e-bure-h situmbeulin.entice- y ulule-ce-at urroumndiiigsuldvltb dîfer- e-nb needs; hircaastiein"folie bretbren, miro cote- uinivil7 tu opy oInt our lib- erty arbicir i e-barri in Chisit Je-aras, thal the-y migbî Iring u nt bohodage." (CaL 2: -1). Tirer.setm ta have beeo tao classes, if ualtare pacties, thbe-Jeruses chur-ii itaeît, orne e-lIre-me-, the othhr rted- crate-Jamee, teter andI John bebonlglng te the latte-s',il waaprobably the toc- mer tiraI busicd Ieitfl ihbuntiog Ont beresy lu neigbborlng ctifs sud ment me-n ho Antiocirtalu nrermine Paul's mon un- de-v pre-teume-o! hou- se-ai. Il canue-sily be imaginrd hIr uarmi p îreacblua aI Anti- ocr arould cause inité trouble for Paul andI Barnaban. EvitIenria-nul only tIre- Atiocli hcimc, brut thone- furîhe-r anutb, beta-rau Antboci aud Jue-a,a-e-ce altîmge-lein u ympathy altIr tub-he-cbéal Ct'bciaaumy for waie-h Paul tood. "Tirey- are- e-cýe-d ut the churccl, sud ufthfe sîiomtlcu antI elders": brin la an g.uuud a placée-as sny luaiiquire justnotarem ni, a-ittaleJérusalem occur- ced and hua' itlaimta be- connecteml a-mbthe accorul tin liaI.-1. 1-10. Thaiainuinta simple queo n.biunrsd m ita détnilm t aili tôt b. profitable- ho curer li cIao, but tire- te-acher iroutld b. familiar bi thre ground. lu erder nul ta beî'aught napping hy soin. quicir-aritnetI poil, b! for ne ut- erte-amen. Fisc a ful lasussion se-e Cooy- lieare and Hoasuan'aulule-, Ramnssay ud alltern boorks o Pauml. ThIe le-acirer may strndy thii.ointtfoc r imoe-It hi- copacint accounts. But it in tailli-aufe-tlugamy tisî lb. accouri n u(reltionrrtfers te îbis le-mon, audlIraItIrhe apptacrent differece are net reslly contradictiouns. If su, tIre- date la ftty. Il sppeara tront Clatraus tirat Paul couterredrI icot irivatdy i- lirtIre apoe- fle aimd leaders ut tire clirch ("rie-m avineh ne-re of rpprrtanton," Cal. 2; 2), ho order ta moke- sure- tiatIre accidenta o! pubic de-Irse inigit nut de-testhii cause. The- acci-inut innAi-ni due nul cntradiet ti tra taerrm-rt; il refera iuply lu the publicenme-ting. Tire speechres of Pet-er andl James, or ratlier th be-alnrai-tsofr! mdc spe-ecese, should bire nail.eaju-iaulv Iry fie eider pupils. Peter's attlîndu'lit libéral; he- ce' te-rs nu bin exapérienuce aI tIre- ime- o! the coversionu e! CorrnelIius, sud depreestea moi- cetiruta thre-oltI bignulco idesa. Jamea relié tes scrreniptural argument for the sslvatiur of tbe- (e-tiles. These taro Une-a of Incise, lurgetier ath lire living prou! affariletIhi-Panul's numoe-roescon- verte. sutbie-ulte courbure bbe mensis et lîre contée-cectbab Paul ras rlgbt. Tbe-y aecordlngly drnav rip a tenu et lot- te-r th ie iurc'be au-hioh b bau esnddi- turbeul by fie errone-ous teacliu-tbos. at Antioch and lu Syica sud Clilcia-cu- boding the-ir iean ut the matte,. Tii. lo cenasineulin verss M-29. Il mioulti b. cacetull>' notemlthal nie decisionwami nul a compromisn l bîte-ici aide con- cedeul somethmng. 'e-rsoe29 nigihee-m te, indicate that tire Judalse-rs reaily se- curcul part oft tieir purpoae lu reluinu Gle-tile- courerts îc observe certaiu pro- yisions o!f.IesFtab ce-remonoail Ia. ah- stainlng trot tir e alm-of et eatm offe-ceu ta idoem, frttam IlouI, andItromthte fie-nb e! aniomts*strrgedt, aar eil as frein the vin o! fornicatin.nBut as a matIe-r o! tsch there- re-quirermeta are. ndterctire imîlon vere butaapi usinnataton, aioalicg *01-1 moula have Bvci M 0 wesiter plais eCtbu1r tweeo lihe aunedolimtraIo bawn eof bêS~euhomd4tc sterie-s oetomte iala ltl phitheaher samê *ti l-m rnany pecuilar f0l t utwf rylueglinc<ta àeÉ et tireurbave du> im & .i appearsuce.On tien sumt et s ortlheacs iî ttc it cacuon uatwt0*cr tc muniand! oltia! bdo a qtl o venldu- dlussuf "aimk Tire Monaatory eMzuaIkate Ino"au as 4Imauh éiaa. - une- or, thse befl& ca cf tl ar'ge t t kiai airode. luau~ eb P 0 se1 jmggeul rocka ave heshi o0ir lerle-.. sncb ese *a t .M howu o hole l a ic Ing Ilustration, .li hq connaction aUt la theîr mimas esiIoL -e-lked ilice Il', rocks or by bobo le off a aflnh basl ,**l ut àarope. Tic la *- Iran the met - othersud 1lat 0# d largest. Wiat iidb» t Ire thanau sy 0" à-b VIS0 bouges! ropease.. t's, mw tery aremote« l » autue, but, liiu every lite yon 1Bâ frigbtfnly. 1! a a5è Rate-r 10 aecondila thé,SaUt hery off St, NIierdgà%aS vîcture, la lma ltlIju and deacclatadi, V t whicir ar.eigsU l -à* (roi àaaegieig.b tront lb. bar.sO~,A çenti¶i'of t VitI eomafftIk-g- off this peculsîar the l. ad mai ul wail at the bacet-Ie moe iOtpeculluas' m.dtoi.- ou e-lion ibtic ae . strange bobs, Vilil- 15 eentury wve olubaifftquirtt7' ot St. Anthouju. BIGGT 899440,9 Ton CRU « oe. b' the ?vF*rir4ýWW161,3i VImtr. toei UbV expom.iten atNaiII ln tire air anti trM ua catch as dealînsg gibpe. aroundthe= n a up s tealure wVilc*M Ferclriccil atruceulan Ituee useim Tamilar princlplo et tic - bee$ serona a pili et f maie e %4»bq drena have piayci un ie tous« The affaîr la et lt10s uuackua andI madefIer a e .M« IW id4id A be-arn 140 rex01fait £P.glupigtI eutI a carrnage Wb$*n~.hWi~ ieu persona lacepc i t* se-vent-ulfve tout bp.we 'u lm nt ts big~e!P" 'e are 150 fuet fr=ti 5e- . triclîy furulsies t », bupw« filgiht»tire struetàM g * IW. t be-lng eveaiy bh*40m ec~ lOhtti ptower. "0 aibefflte a" et the affair tiecheh»agt~ andl ne fe<a a"& !b coliapee. At ti1se eg su lncionrc gtvesl'w tiatim. piattorahs and floIumWes t ba Unahie teoOb" a avI ie tlodu by reasIRofaue à 1es ot the kta'* the nial. ei te i caul thetler. at Br** av* 5»V. f* protout, adoptedi tbe tgiiboI cuabions vit tice u vici, vian Plaeti o consldcmuble "uie eature mai $Me the. 11a1s,11 aeut a. e

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