CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 4

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àgAz ON ON_____ ~8a fo ibs eek, altbougb u"*J go ings loobauian uq7t ha Thorn Viii h MllGu pea imares it by .oui urcariliugfor Our Who ame suffotn t a Caba la,18 stremel! dodbif n 'Ïmiblagleu. liasudrivinga ont of Cuba voui Jwé àbt of the pecpb Wo - Y*if aiU ibe offciai doas- v@MXlY recelved by tMu hiO, v mueo mde public. viiiw» the trt4g ofI s.mag â$ natieve uatwauiaad1 l*bW of bor ansd barbaime [W equâl the Turi aleoti aoit4 i, vlicaused asnhba vive1 Nuualotic10 we8e>over 1hs15 17 *lliugb accompliihcd lna 1 W ma. The Turks butcherod iusulaus outright. Gos. Weylri ~~higAmerican olîlians àla the counry districts of I.t tooce beween remaiugI igwy vers peaesbly pursuinsg Ivuaiiouu sud biig &bot dovu *bi by pan" bmradig %cý or o! givlug Il Ihir live u1 m a moving îbemselvesansdI 1891a5 te the neareit tovn, ly se* a alovermthodot ifllug. ~i uoimaploymefl tu the tovu Spa vithout meaus, sud nô lp IbSpeniarda. Co»nieuy,. ~Ida cstatigt«d . As SAimlintaétouhme Ouly iýooeuà te appropriai" moe! bIS fq thé immedimeateusi- dam i w g eitealt u cub. 4owe do aut"aul rlgbt sud at 'I ~bt i more aither h or the O80al18.vii do ramaie ta ba ý*"*POinitarenu elu Amerlos, r oetsSfiud à more serions ciits in »OW pon ihem.. h vonld "I but a sAINb 10t ml«Sertan cf otAUI.DIO*B angor thai ne ýowui eoid iop anili every ~do vus drive. off"iiscontinent. HIGIIWOODc. L, Je«uisla avisiior lu m hm myde h p ffe 051 aynt inuday viih t'* aompad, ci Dunth. miln., ~UuoIbhW puarnImlia voo. ý ereouvernq frain a etuk ci mennaie and ~d uluTuruley, et Heleua, =~stigbe beoher Col. P. ~ihau Book sud fimily vili h~V.skto Vineiba, viera bie abarmushop. Mlemmson, of.Lab Feoat, E f Mr. aud Mis. T. J. ai Mondai cf"ibs ee. W thuM. E. curcb in out oai f pint vbicbh i -_MdI i h iiihaqute anulut. Middiatcn, of Highland rew.uvelovu ba hr. la uickau vihpaabM&tin.Illahoped. à bo m ractar. 18. ulsacirovu formerly 0ut hlm s e m uiod luti veab 1lMr. & Iè QLIOChicago. fibe boasthe âpt@bm 01a boat otfrtenda bora. XQUhaISI.of c!Highland Park, i=1 of R. G. arsed a granite t St 10hae rscted et the grave m= leead daughter at tbe posl 0bM. M. and Mis. T. J. Canning r<own bsudsd th ru. Miiof lat vesia Patricka Curiey e iomicated sllempteid suicida. Ociug crbollo scid. Re piaced Wi té bis lips lu the prenoncaet % aid il vas quioly dased froin Mlliut not beora ha bad draamb et Mm. deediy poisen. A doctor afliai once.Hes vas tabou 10 Wm sud ie novsaloviy reovering. HON DOUT. r viola lassouis spply t0 F. M"7. Udr., transacied business lu WM 10 Mcnday. Is aibvay vie s Chicagfo viitor Mry a»dTueeday. el vuaiber and roada gives gravai wm moppctuaity 10 vork on the V ard Bombher, botter kuovu 0Oim, hlavîstng bis parante p. KWi. a uoceeded as iamu *8.X.Duffy. Te.maismaill bU@tilai boumcaouiyouug mon Nimod If ibcj hahold Uic M to lite 10me e Mâtsaiof W^qlRENTON GROVE. ~1ulkao etchicago, visild etpu d.fLhertyTlle Irans- kll=IMescuin Vi luty IMon- ~ NBldiager and Nichosas XI wbegau, aponi Bundai Iffeemmencad voiS oubils UsUmy. Michael sindo,' la og ii natlm, pue iaê. th sme mdl tme. L0e AW~SSNI 1 obrtfflile Lbeais. la"@ et hcgs 1115 veab. D l c hé"oveat or mon vie lm-bl ovosIt m 5 Nev avainga adorn tiewfonha ot F.B. I.goalre ding store and The. Fair. The date et Dr. e. B.1floues naît appointienh besla ud&Y, May 30. Bcy. Heuvar viii preseh Bunday moruing ou "-Christu EsAtimaietf gn." à Chieago divina says that over s tbcuisaad minisiers lu Chicage are wltbtOt pulpita. Peuple muai eves du vithout gopelthesabard limes. lcuury Simpson imye ibai Congrees- mmn Levis. of Washington, dresses lac. a ipublican old bug, taisci libe & Seffl democrat, sud votes like a populiat. Thats aa nc.iiatoulà at oagbi tu gîTe geêral satisfaction. Nov if be diubs bbc, aprohibltloniat bos &Ulrigbt. l'huislasa Rstold 041of a Elgin vwoma ve ocame 10 the conclusions ual shle Wsked ton mucb and tried tu cure beusIl f the habit by tbe faith cure rouie. Bbc lmiinad elba d succeeded but nov she I"bmore than ever tellag poople boy sbe îucceeded lu breaki»Uqup the habit. MUa. Neyera- of Dîamoiud Lake, iad Ivo ribs begoben Sunday lu s runavay. Bbc, in comsparti vth her son-in-iav, Charlas Endolph, sud tamily, vers re- turaing tram churob viien their tesa bacomie uumsgaaiie, overturang ithe convayance, uhrovlng the occupants out. MUs. Meyeru suiained mure seioUs injuries than lie others. ai- ihough Mr. Esdolph bail bisgsiionîder iev-ray îprained. -M-he iii day et J uly the iav per- miting ihe prlutiug aud use ut private jugllageaids, vêtit oeeneutlamp affli- ad, viii go tutu effect. Progresslive business men vill have thiar evu aieuiiameit oonspieunuly displsyed and the piing cf milionsiii0o carda wSi mabe voîb for tbe prisier. The bal te appuovad - by the post office depaftment. 14 tends tu pàpularIze .postal osidi, beaides effecting a iaving tu the government o! the dillerence, beiveen the cout of tile card ansd lth stamps. Wonderful ame the cures by Hood'u Sursparlla and et iL la only hecause a th pue lima blood purifier, iinakes purc, rlch, healfhiy, ife-gîving blood. Hood'S PllS for lie liver and bowela, ilt e O5Iyc et proinptly. 25c. Exfflutora Notice. PUBiJC NOTCE la bereby given that the. EsbOfe M x of lEcithe Iss vii snd esimhoslia i eteea.Medvl>tend t ImCtenl:ïu!of! lase ciunt?. uta tarin irati.b.Imian ate Court fBouse ln Wu 0in s"Ad Cunt,. on the oral cndsyoQ1>ni, ne=t. l. w6?. vensd viere &SI Of 1, inseweà:e u=sd estate sne'Fl5preQUd i5tc ursent lia sine ir-st If udic o. khls vIll. titaiielt aedeeased. Waukaan.lia, Snd=lU?. 30.3 Adminaitrtor'a Notice. fUflC NOTICE la hereby giveia that th4 au ber dmlisbtnatuo the Estâe.ol co"deesmec, i. vliattend th( 0 Ae Ceunti. ai a lerm theealia <ouit fBouse ih da, cf ir ne11. lm,. vhen sud vhere ad o Cec roqestodtr mtate mm% It li J.OTT. Àdmisirator. W..- 'àqeaýwbk deeboedInto servoUs prns- traton,1 va neveab I could fset iup. 1 Smt nosaegfor days except en Undez lias iniuie OfopIMa.Vom four mnth I su- mi lImai I ightda osmptc..fonIiaad 5~phYzicisan vbo iao bai talied. vied me to use Dr. UasWie al 1*1kocd ihai h bas brigit- aqna donsys Iugteed my liteudiaved me tro. lthe bOurchot nflà VOPCtt5 Dr. Miles flmedimi ai. s"d by ail dug- gius Under a Positive guarantise. trot initi boelliei or moente nieMAd. Bock cOn ss and Neries set t tu&Ua ail pilcani DI. MILE MEICAL 00., DhtauI" ad A Good NewsPaper. Absol utel y Indépendent. JOURNAL The best news facilities in the world. Delivered by t our local agent 6 cents a week. By mail direct, il $3.00 a year in .advance., BUYS A NICE SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT SAN BORN & GO., TAILORS %woUe gEtS *FURNISHIERS Kaus oldu Libertyville, Illinois. t'nnlaa ino ,of Cana'cvgikVetiniz on<and.lur r GRAYSLAKE'LOCAL NEWS. :Mrs. Sherman la authortzed to recpaîT ubcriptions and adveriiaisnu for the Iu»ZPNaXNuT is0oorderS foi Job Prlutinlg. Cali on ber fur raies. GAAYSLAKE SOCIETI ES. Druce Lake and viii huila a cottage RIBIG ax Ld" N. i& A F. A.M tereon. R ol reua omnctosStrâj The.Easern Star Obapter of Grays- evenoug on or belore fuil Inol. Misa v il present Female Masonry la J. . LNosÀ7ëi. ScyS.LITwtLEE. -W Mlasul all, Friday May 28th. Al J.~~~~ R.eiOEUO.Bc.Mster Msons iund uhoir w e o SONOSIS Charter. U. D. Oruier atern sveetheauviilb. eeouned ai vali sStar meet tirsa ad tkird Tcemay even i as Eastern Star ladies and their MR@- A. L MRIE;Se. EbBuaEMN.W* losnda or sveetbearts. Thora viii (tRAYSLAILE Camp No.n4 . . A. me be other good things on the program. L.first sud third Saturday evenla«s of eac No admission fee viii be charged. month.EvnaETNPVILLE. V. C. Riing Sun Lodge No. iiiI, bail 0.coulor ooza. Clerk. Visitors iroie Wankegan at uheir list IZIIH Cn1meeting 1mai Saturdsy iii tbe number aud ort afitteen. The. occasion vas the 0=ceInitiation utftir. Carildln iD t h. lias.ASaMMAs. Poes. mysieresu of the tirâi degree, alier nON OREGATIONAL Cbnrcih Sundayy er- wbich theY Il enjoyed a supper ai Ci lS.39 a. m. and 7:rau. '. Jrsyer met. rayBlake botel. Monday night a lus dnesd e venlois. Y.:46 P . . E- cuct number trocu bere veut le Wanbegan Suudycivulnssti4Ji'lu.tu tabe thelr tirât degree in Odd GraYalaka Vllage Offloors. ROLLINS.ip pms*adeoct.................... E. B. éhiwrcc au R LIS Trsos F. C. Wilbur. 0. larron. Dorr Cremn la euiertsining the. T e. FD. Battershsl, J. Wiiks. mesis 0. lolbrdaocc. C. 13. H& maes Treasurer.....................!. H. N"iylk, Mise Elvis lHamilton,. of Chicago la Police Magintrat.................. C. liorao vistitiug relatives hiers. Ilarahial ....................... A. liMlcn lrs. A. Witaitt and sou Camerou, .......................... i)r E' ltiaiter. of Chicago, are vibitilg ai Ituillis. liaster Irsubie Stickles. ofHSnd Maple Ave. vus grsded LiuS Week Lake, la visiting bis grsudpareuts bore. preparaiory to graveling. lilas Ada VauDcmsjen hvb as been Ail ye vhu Lave dugm get your lîceuse vimiting relatives here bans retcrned t0 tagki and bave gnupowder. Autiocb. Mir@. Thayer aud dsughter aud Misas Miss Minule Crccpley, 0f Sandi Lake, Litwiler veut tu Chicago Tuesasy. apent Snudsy viciting ber f riend Miss Baiiwunkie sud daugbter Aggle l)sisy Taylor. druve ont to Drisee Lake Tuesday. Miss Icruice (illîmore, of G'ages bissn Lois tiec, of liainetiilile,', visited Miss Aviw Doolile speut pari of lasi w.ek iu Chicago. sud tlnr tricîcin bere laut eek. lirs. Leouaàrd speut several days liro. J. Hob sd moihei, lira viii ber parent. in liarringtuu asat Doolttie, of (irsysiake, vimited rois- week. tives here Snnday, aiscu attended our Tii. chol ebuildreu viii celebrate Bunday sebocil. May day lu sînssrs grcive neit Satur. Lasi Tburéslsy eveing the many day.. Ail coame. I rieud»i ofMisw Daji W, Thr sud lUr. ur-.John Le, 1of L ï.t'k5AuurCausU~I Mtieir tome just compieeds. lob ut caîimIuIug ad av a nàgencline surprise for J. J. Longabaugb. ptwiThedancing u gaie. tj ihe f ..ndation of F. H. Kuebkersarpn ihdnigadgms newsutore'is iilbed sud the carpeuters h a heB .tonarh viii beglu tunir vorb uext Monday. Thüt la it alEdvarda .& Parker, Bey. E. A. Harris îreaced 111h, curebautK of Pilin, (oa., f4ay ot Mliburu llut Suuday sud procuired . a I 1rlaiu5s Pain Bialte, furr nimma- studelut irocu 1,1011tu l Iibis icuipit.] ileni, lame=cîack. deep msaeildd The. anbool directors bave eugaged, ucsear pinls. Sccid by F. B. LovELL, lhe services of Mir. Abbtt, of Ivaulmne, Libertyville. J. IL. liAumi, (ue»... aud re.eugaged Miss Miluto lu tesebi L. Hl. LITCHiF.LUA, Rockefeler. unr achocl the cumIng yeur. Mrs. Li, of Wadvortb, s the gîtait of ber daugbter lira. W. B. Higiey. Mrs. lDoyle, ut Waubegsu, alto vlcited vihb ber several days last weeb. The Cbapi car ibat wss aide irack.,d boe. 1maifal veut lirough ber. guing South héât Munday. Mev. Harris gel abeard aud accompanied the lumales San far as Chicago. ca" Th. towa bouse la fnrulsbed iiU.I 1elecîrie lighta uuw sd tbe village M». ft",iW i do business. Tbe baud boys@adI i&aoc g. o.sedmil usa. ibe able lu se. ubeirnotes cleurer. . .. Mir. Cornus, ut Gages Lake sud tir. ~hu i~ Birown, ut Druce Lake, wcre in Grai a luire Tuesdsy. A trien ud aiv:dLh A 9 o a o tbem vh<î bue aiu pnrchased a lot ai t aU ifE 055 .e TISE. WE&IK BACES A& d.uggiss. aly.C CeBatjESP0NDENTS cAANT7.D: We are desirous ut sncuring crrespopdients rh lu every tuwn in »e couniy. If yuur vicinity la ucît rep'reeuted vriii ft mc, or aauDoafrieud 10 do se. JrsT & WOOUMAI5. F. BAIRSTOW.ý manuifacturer of Granite M on u me rits. CENMETERY WORK of EVERY DESCRIPTION lu i.OnceStfreet WAVKEGAN, ILL The people are appreclating the ex- ceptionally good values wearegivin.g in general merchandise. and w. are now going after your trade 'wlth more vim than ever, In the way of àlv- ing you. reliable goods at extrenlely low prices. 14OTE THE FOLLOWING: 21 Iba Oranulated Sugar............$100 Iao ~C si........... 1.00 8" Roasted Coffee.............. 1.00 3 Standard YeIlow Peaches ..... .10 Extra Cholce PicNbc Harnuper 1b. OS.0 a a.Breakfast Bacon per lb. .08' aauPur*eLeaf Lard 6c Sait Pork per lb ......... .06 Bring in your Eggs. We want 10000 Dozen thîs rnonth, at hlghest mnarket price Iytrade. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Graysiake - - - Ilîlinois. Why Does it Pay To Trade With Us Yon get the Beat Grades of Goods Bçlca use at the Loweit Prunes. Our Goodu arc alwaysa as W. represent thein. Seiig in be- lieving-call aund examine-for we vili seli for One Week commencing Monday 24th. AT THIE FOLILOWING PRICES: 8jIlbn Kcaated Cciie............ ..... i.1 31 IboC Suger ... ...................... ionI 14b Ca» B"Iing i'ovder Ami Yeant Wateirs.... .... t(i Il Bars Oood Lanndry Hcep ... . M 3.fl> Oaa Table Pasches ...... - fr 2 -1 Biactiierriea ........ .............0? Ammonia parboUle, 03 3-lb Cao Gooseerries.................... .#7 1lb Pachage Datea ... s-1ý..... 0 Perfection Eolled Osti per pelage.... . .0 We also have the most complote line of crockery and dishes ever carried in this city. Plain and dec- orated. handsomne, stylish and up to date. F. H. Kuebker, aBrick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. 1 Seil WHJ3ILS TOOI Corne ln and see the Monarch for $38.00 Fowler for 40.00 Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. Complote Lino of Sundries always on Hand. GRAYSLAKE, - m - 1 Strong Recomildations. - Ater sufferiug severcly for acven years a ith dyispepuda sud hsviug ieen smcI.l treated by seversi ctber sbie ibysi- e H r l titlcd, I empiojeci Dr.i0. iB. Ho a for- Tu Nsw îaeriy uf Cbicagoc but nov loestet i My wo ~~~~~~~Woudstoek, Ill., tie resuit cf bis treal-AlY uL desadG nlm n ioa est snythieag and enjoy iny ineaisW cmtreri sud ]lave galîîctl tlirtylpi u is u . au inera aniglit. 1. F. tAFuEy. jour attention se al jWocsictcack, III., May M, 1897. feel sueithi va lu leoking, mont dorài W RyGI-IT&L., MAY 1,W OiomTO BTlut.,ouv ihe a LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Sevcu <illiereut dicclcra callici uy leiPotaan iseueouilulccltn an d oui ycir &opuce. sui»rs.aeh When theQuestio of Bugies îs aken mno con-life eiaag îaidcr the ccnstcane u aresefrofl.v Sdoettcr fcr thner yearm. 1 wss given uap eithei Liberyvlile c, sdrtowud t tbe wlse to thlnk the matter i§e opeleosa. Thinîy tatiier iiuccislcd, aiilp jeu direus ou c over andfigureou the real value of a againsti uy Aileg, <on c.sliiug Dr.BileFa tirat out cap, thue great spýecialiait lia chrcciii got dinuer wtia chd*Bgy emen hnw a isesses, sad ucca 1 njoice in leing TviiHidue good Bugy? e , men, henwe ablhe 10 testify tht lnicdcr lis cane Ivîi th silMe cii ju 'la good Buggy" a veichie that wlll not 'lasve heeii . ccciullletely'cured, 'lave lampe a d doaî n FsRi 21 loicEI., uni troug sincd acrk bit more' Cual.udil1 after a year's work look as though tt was every day snd tede perfectly wadI. adjittertl fit sub'ect for the ac Sm 's old-iron pile. u __________ orlclcel wilfInd, If you investigate, that there Is a diff and leave the. ove, Buggies. L.AKE hlm. We ouij chai Bugis Cornein and let us expiai n t yo.ven. We buy our COUNTY Mmie toS.whr -kN W .. 8110liti hici are r eksg lLibertv 'yWright, Parkhurst1& Go. coûtta.We ead sui C iert ii a es Pateyable --* Sur NE ELLD ~,\Issues înterest-Bearing tr 6PlseA-3meu . on bemand. bicycles antruasor an ple*Md unee e Mm vofaimeu ils dzmiss CE'. -....______________J.11 n frnm ealing he fact &bat vs gave lths pratiaut Ible sMd coom- NE OIL 00OK iarkel salait ai f4agi§mi, sMd ai tu&ait i, as se vili rlci &bay liai, ai r Watmooi, or «Pr. or, 1 complots iciVltle. uily &0 laie bimai lm oai mise, tn jour Doke ar or 5.5 Ou. th eaop, hauady, cingla 1tu ber. ryil us! titba iim osai doit9 Doff. Lm b na, 0 ge met Our AN BOUTS sud e %autanirlyau- ville sud Wii- mal pis. oi' E.B. Sherman, ILLINOIS.

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