CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 May 1897, p. 7

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, ï~ i*"ila tb falle « i bâbl ObonkeY tIathale art e that eOfaaiOd babo... A"d speaki.g 09 vîlukIes, more et libella asbt WrUgbî Out lu a fis, Yoting fac. by Illeuraigtisa wiii be found la that of an aged pRepu. constant lpta.wilii @brivrel, sud nenrilgia negfrcîcd wili 3110w ils furrows deep. lit Dot ouiy wrlnkiet, but lakes the bloom swsy sud givea the skin a duiliand yeiiow look. S. lacobi 011 la a pvonipt anld sMe cttre for ucurnligia, aud Il sboulit ie fîeol, a witIl gt ootiea sud curea, I i uth Outothle îracks of pain and leavea thte akln bcalhy and fair again; beuIldea tlrida te aufferer of nueit tonnent and retures at itpper diapo- altioti. 4,0d ooti otre onu witb goati Itealtit andmica h silt aound lu the ah- &pure of pill. Danuarea Iuom àa Murdoero. 'nu ;îltiikiti'atur ttte stnte of a nti.'r't4tuitnlit Soîttit i'irulia liA olitaýtié-'d a veric<tlitt Yorkviiie of 86. (40 ttt'fl!r.t litseoenvitei îuuttlerr.- (oelfiiklîî aitîa.ti .sbuud not lie poiialted %Vil Il igliti drmirang: It wili crack tita. Tipsae titat nîcli use là better. but lo 111ori tet Ii' iti iotiid fot lie lent ont. ort Il ti ot polit snoreudliy. besidea liittci Iîi, your lioe. Try <;raan.<>1 ?ry Gral.u.O! .xuI; vour grocer to day to show yotî a o (MA.1INO. ibe flcw food.- (I L 1v it tikt9 thepine of cofee. The tI n f ita>' drink fit lthzt iîîJury n> wl Ii as te aduit. Ail wio try il. E!;.- Il.(;ItAIN-O huliatntrlilt geai t, ii otf %wiiti or .Jalva, but Itl lamatie fîot,itre grains. andthe uc ot tlil- t:'w .ut tiiattit tfelives It wiiiîoîîtils. iii.m. ii' irice or coffe. an. u 2c l:t :rkntcp. fIbidl hy alhgrocera. '*1rt im alwaya boit- for temarsu n lit iine ta uglit whia t a foui bie bas lwi "t l'y ot. iittstake. LIFE ANO HEALTH i9laeu ansd uWffe. degied upc. pai bWlid. HBou Mdu ilaninsrimspure blond. Thiaj4.u letUmene ta isba Ioadu Ssapadikls. bW caW, c the blond . Ds« laded sittiIMpofins Whie nt a~b. pioipcly axpelled or hcith wllt balsa dangr. Be un e t aisy Hood"Sparllil Tein. le ac 11,usdPuriller $1. ditsfor $6. Fniretia -i. uy by C. 1. llood S& Ca.. si»t. Mais. Ilood's Pilis -- wilI be sold b y the CHI- CAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILW'Y, commencing May i. Ful information, tickets, etc, can be had on application to City Ticket Office, No. 95 Adams street, or Un- ion Passenger Station, Ca- nal Street. e M E .r0"M aise t»mm oi@* A" t" ai la suais l~e %ffIII & ti1-r.àWis ,midu. pmII 11 - 11 as tiSes beuhuat AMM .. . àQ I IL WibS as U Wuusu. uatdiei . P e m. M# ta e . i en. & N. 11- Ne 21-97 Imam" the Gte mit heelAbevé me pslua e e buCycle sbae, . !ie moa«ta, etad bicyclecxhib- fited tait inter et thNem York smd Brooklynt cycle shows mas the contsr et attraction. Theen it oom.d, uoiftryaen& majestic srnag the fowers asti palm- surirouimded bh the rglai milesia. mbfd look 1k. î tsl nu.raost mtb is.large mooti he noutapread t KIlse in deti une ut a gigsntlc monelu. s forent. Tbtmat-chmi-bne la buil ezacly upuilthIe grncefui ansuacentlfic lines ot th 0nolei "Cioeeant" atiect. Il mas ex- lblted et tie bicycle shows la Paris. Lon- don sud Vins,sad bas eouflenuly modetwa cesavoyaes. lla ciactîr four lime« the ase of ti i? ndel Cleve- lati wieri, biIag 15 feet bigb, wltt bn- di. bars 72 intbea ide, seddle 38IlSlches ion r andi 32 luche, mlde, sud tires 8 ,ne te% in diameer. The micele are 10 hiet it dismeter :m ius preset gent Je 308. That mecnu tel wêqh one revolu- tlî, tf the. pedal thie machine moiiid bc prorled 80 feet 7 luchle.. If il a tue on the. linen ofthti old style ardil- nry,. il mouIlmeunt Iat IL Mans lega mutub ave a 141afoot uinsd. icg meanure- nîî'îîl, milci ouit irek.hlm a tieut about 20 frt inla egt. It tanIImpossible te incluse tlis mnter lui au oriuery freight or express car. A fiâtt car basnte b. caiffloyed. Iltot 01.- 2X)( 1 ta nke. and ta tsite entelle larga exjtcndturex for trmualturtstioa. Hesdlnic a Lîbraryte Write a NoveL. Tii. anount of labor tint guca 10 tie makittg of o god bltorleai novel la rater deterreut to te wrlter of fiction mto hainiaed te turang out regulariy two nov tii n year. It Iluo auucht euier tu makretirer again. mitit a littie liat. luallun. bbe charactersanud incidents ltaât une bas pikcai up lu tbe ordlnary course of lite andi travel. Thackeray auontewbere tells ofthlie treendouu amount ot readlug tiat ment Into the cidroa beforu, "Hamowud" wa bren et. Anti a littie mille sgo au age I libtarlan related i is surprise iltte researcik the great noreli.t carried un. moutalter monthin lutus aceumulalion of hialori- t-ai ditals. A whloe chapber could bc wrIttlIn th le tîme devoteti to the yert- fylng a detai of costume or the turn of au antique pirate. Moreover. thc hittoriesl uoveliît retItlszea tint i la takinx tuairtitncntltus ailtofut of palua for a ver>' 1cm peupîle; tuait bard- iy une lu a tiouanti of bis rentiers tares for more tatithe ukili mti muticlibc elle lie story. Btnt litone la lie MatinîtIo lii ell te uest gen- eratlon, milt auîtorlty. that t'e book lu Worbh îregervlu.-Ladlen' Home Josurnal. The. tinger ad iae Oille. "Horrible! sbintîabier' exciîtet lte musical eritlc of lie Dali>' Breadl. 'A singer wbo doeotut ktiow any bet- ter thonotoesntier a love sont as If il were the howi of a lont spirit deserves Anti ie goI ouI t fbcd.raiseo tiie mlndom. peered o atrt ttulicedarints", und tlrcw a ieavy papermelgitt mlii ail his migitt a a mîserabie cul tial mai ponring outnt is ounl soug onit re bsckysrti fence. Bbake Iutu Tour Shoes Allen'& Icoo-ase, a spomder for fSi feet. ltcnt-us palnutî, amolien. amert lug teel. and ti nunti>takea lie glng gresteut comtorît ilacurer> ofthtei.age. Aiien'a Foot-rase tuakes thi-flttllug or nem shoes feel easy. Iltanaàcertain cure for sweatlug, calions sud bot. tîreti, aelilng teet. Try It to-day. Sold b>' a&l drngglsts anti abus stores. By mail for 25 cents, lua tamps. Triai packtage FIIEE. Atitre... Alen I. Olmeteti, Le Rov. N. Y. A very rici Pt-enciitan calleti ,Pere' -Chapeiler madte bis fortune by utils- lug lb. Ms.breati of Ptart-l. not oly tbthu ilci came dlretcly frotît bouse- holdo, but asmo taItîti ndatonth le garbage of te city. Citapailer nu, a manufacturer of btt-ad rntibs. 11e pulverize theliteamie breati collectled b>, a multitude of ageuta anti eltien soiti the crunbti retutrants for kitliac tuse or rentoitietiantibakedtheninîm te form ot loavea tt-rte poor. MaliV a CterniiCure. Thte er capito circuîlaîtionîtf cor. Ment-y lu lhe United Stiates i-4nom M2.515, as agahuat $27i,7 tauoutit ago. sud $24.32 a lieur agt>. Mo net mear Iniprmiesîle saéi liti fitiing bats tint cosiettriti-wbtu,ol veaupia ufth si calp. l'se Ilîttîs lt tnetuer oecasioualty. anti you atli ot bc bld. The.Qucen ttegeut of Spiain uzîokea muore Ilian a uozen cigattes a nday. lier cigarettc-liolde r I ta octhtlda- iuonida. CMC& a tlmeIi.atieu u ass M AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE AIlEASSERTUIN 1TilECOURITS OUR RIGHT TO T17 EXCLUSIVE lUSE OIP ltHZWOttt) CABTORIA" AND) -PITOHERS8 CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE 'MARK. 1, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis. .Massachusetts, tvas thte otflinator of "PITOHER'S CASTORIA," t/te aamo t/tai ha* borne and does nowii ç- ~on everg bear tie fa*-#iml4 i.eaz nture of wrapper. n7i ia thte orifgino2" PITCHER'S CASTOR lA," whic/î, ha# been, uaed i,mite hobe, of ite mothers cf dmerica for over thîrty geara. LOOK CAREFULLY aiite irapper andZseettai ifi i te kind gor& have elwoegg borquwonghi /e an. hag ite s*natnsre of44 .9 ,wrap- per. Xo o»e Am autority from me io use my name excepi TMe eaiar Compmny of Wha"eAC/ta. H. >Zeie/ter id Marck 8, 1897:! Do Not Be Deceived. Do nol endanger thie lite of your child by acccpting a cheap snbstilnîe vhich soms dnnggias may cicer yen (because be makem a fem more pennies on it), the tugi&denti of iuich .vem ho does mot know. "The Kind You Have Alwâys Bought' StARS THE FAC-MSIiLE IIGNATURE 0F SUNDY SHOO CO VENION The Senat. Wednesay ameudedth le U OAT B LONETO ouse joint resolullon pruvlding for fosai ATBELLEVILLE. adjourumneut hy aubntiliting Jane, 4 for _______May 14. Scustor Crawford'. gaz front- ago bill and bistgaz consuolidation bll Over Fivo IDuadred fllelegt.Attend merc advauced ta tiiird reaudiig. Senitor tLb blsl-ulib hAnnunsi leelîma- Hamiltîon'@ motlm a 0reconsiderîthe voteby Thlit 111,BoMssNeuri 8,000 iboiwhieh lhe ivarebouse hi!! Isacti mu* laid onl the table. Snantor <'ramfond reporbed wilh. Ucasirahig i ot ,*Sa favorabiy fron the Cummitîce on Elsc- - tiana bils bil tagive caci polîdecal vsrly f soda>' ehool Worker. Meet. Ils sbire ut Iudgen snd elerkeuat primary Th@ slxly-nîh aitunal i -otlutof uteiectiouu. Sutorlitogardtm bill, an- lieIlîlinois &&te Suuday St-bol Aiue-ia- li5rizing lie establishmuent out«s n to onu Ieit ell'ieville Titeuda>,. W thdelicPublii chools for îhe it.uoction ugothti uesdsy andi Tliuraday. (hter fio iîiî'dent filltet ta pis@. Thfltouise' hy a gales were in atlendaîtce. iiic-lulin; a hiulvale ut 100 ta 7. pauseti 'tr. bt.ahau'a of Sundoy sciuol wot-bers. Setrclary Ja- 1bilu prevcsl long coulanueti aud brutal rob' aunuai report éohow cd 74VY291 sciooa ibicc racing. lMr. i'ttllerubill to pire- la the1Itiate, an luttecase ot t iiut-.'vent lie coloriaig yeitum of siîbaiites Thie total lircuant memti-rubiip tl -Isi.for builer mas sdvauced ta tird read!ug. sgain uf 15.132 avec ta*ti >ar. Sec-te 'i upryarelrus> ul.Over tory Jautubasid; wmilci here hantien sa u mljidiscnssion. Tie number ut officcra antidt]itin w er. killed ilu hp I[fane. n-bei, b> ilvole lxii.Fdml<of scboiar.. tî<i,1XJ.1. itala>futr of 123 lu 291 thc enactiig clatuse mai coutîtic, ablouta gaintout im7, lt-etic- autricien out. seven cousîtîle a loés of tiuZ.Tut-ive Tic Scale paased Senalor Crawford'. cotittîs report a gain of over 5M euil. primary bill 'rhrsday, lifter aueudiug Il ns fuît:omu: Cook, 0749l; Floin, 1.773; au titlth. polillesI paries uhell have Clayt , 1190; Jackson. 1.1511: Sauguiuuii.te rigbt lu appoint jidurco sud ceris. 1,illl; I.ivinguîtoît. 1.112; l'e-ris. IgiJ- Li,_ Thc Houue bill(eCuriuîluenaile kallu, 51#2: Tazeneit. 586:,W'ayne, w5>2: lie drainage Imuieca au o iplêee lie Lake. 7j56. andtllie, 521J. Saxs tttticu, drainage cani by exlenuiung the lita. for àlto onmtusfut uer élis) ent . vix. L'Uaiuot, evyiig the 1%4 per ceaI. tax for lic yearu 1L177-<1tù'hington, 1.2i: lt-autt. <r fl18 sud 18W w as a paauct Seusuor Cur- Hlamilton, u(M;8,Iroquois, (134, sud >i(ýttuliey ' abill exempliug tram ivil service es- 579. amination cauhliers in puublic office ilu t-l Tefigures iven d oIo a vn, h. eu waxva s ute Ilotîte !ir, Avery, Inuflate te ot-ra isud lmltroveuricîat uf asked unaulmous ceutuhave Iis bill our utori. (Our atvae han becîtatong pct-mitling friternai insiutance gueletiea lin-%%'lii- donot pper laa atigoi-lu ochtange Ibeir article. tf aîociallOU up- relui. t-r lctir taaeiuî a largur 'nteappruval outhelii aturiitce super- nuiner f nrma intittesandgreterintetîdeut lia. made a olao.,aai orier lin interetsinauthein. tmore-intelligent andtio- secondreadiîîg.lit . . ltasuaof White- work y outy an towshi ide oîîjerled. H a sit1i t W18as move sniýeri ireat-kb>ioti ngt lt ahip permuit the iteSt itu lîtth îe 3Modern doirs.tnitui-tloyîal adom(pantIc utiti, Wuttmeii tut ie timut,t-utfrnt i"Fulton lu d.-îurîteut lte oyl ai> pln.norîti tuckIletind. bitr At-rythtiitnotetia attul i. sud other intitroveul melbodu. niai. suspension ofthbi t-ile ortut-hle purpoue oua Lobng igit ut the auttreme htjtecît o Oftmaiing lie bill a uuttorîter, anti our sot-k lie bringiîîg of Chrtin btle te motioun revailed. Ntar!,lte enihre heurta andtliveti u of raout eoara. Tiee orcoun ma eoauriintahe ctjnidera- îafford a euuvantiag evatiîtie tintt'lite Suit- lion of tictbill intrutlu'-ui b>, ite n- day st-huaitat-m>,in Iltiatis is ta t icfronit mitîce on u jitial u ltaraioumî-at fixing sud ntartiting fonnat-t. Yet id i nllit-se tetime tur ihoding Circatit (foutinluthe encouragements, titesi tukens af gtodthic uew jttticinl tiartll. PIoe billwusa eau- pralue nul ouruelces. uur maie cii at uI dered ti-ion bY-sacliit. antnnerons Illinois l amotiel Stale la >"iWlay s4', aueîimei mnt re adoptl-. l ic M1a-l îs~ nonk; our iveikuen le 100 apparent for ailiauce tl third restiut.. MIe. Site?- tai. But mîithtisuktni soud joyful bheurta man'@ bill providiug for au inereonse ut me Prala. Ont- graclOuuCoul, s-ho traugit te galay utfte arden (if lie Jouiet peu- anotier icar ha.nledun on. kept lttan luleiteIenîlur>, tramn$2.5fltOO5,000((t)per au. may,, ucerraleti our mitakes sud abunti. nom md, orderedt 0thit-ilreadiug. î unl>,bicnnd our efforts. Hi. guidance Tic Itotîse Thursday isie»edlit- itchîu sud love sud faitittuinca have piitl> beria ilal aaueîiig te fîcu attu salaries uitumn liI He coîtiideru un-t-k lrk11ias - t affitltg Co-ok Cottaty. Mr. l'îutp- owu, aud tlie. otkern HiasaerVanuts. ions ibilu! jrovtdlsg liat the satariea ut "separuteiaulo Ili@i work." guitieti a>,Illetejuuhge utftilt- ont-t»ai!l e paitituot sprit. scetmp-iabiugg rpt-clgood I ai-ause ofthlii-Stati Ircuatir>, nues lautseti ut lie mut-ka lu. sud ibrougît. anti fot- lis.sAume teugi. Mc. Avry'î 1bill îmendlug Anti mut ofthle fuure? À cottinually rite Ian la relationîtla fraîcrual I)eneficiur>, hrgiteiug pat. uîîarcnaue ut grâce ant i .tut-ie nau tienu u 'lt- ve>,ol potonet-.more toki-usut Ii*ialot ig lut--o cl ai an amettimeut att citire nut-sllt eut-e, &ueit-er sut-teiu an tillaingtliIlîm n iaftatt-ribttf delate. wua pototponetd anti tratiningfor îlEtlte rlut-ccitvte@noutil'l',ugay-.'Te Silt lîlu itireatîiiig couimitteul lu outrinul. tOur <lotiasnaîut- te nunîitr outhticLinctutn Park comitulu- itR. Uc ilnultai ,is. Iut asne andtti aaera grouu in i- leto ea Os a avatne Posgatis slanud for Ilima u!e utuP-eda.lrouliu-aliy no ,uui- 'The reput-t of Tresutrer il. W' 1lia;! ucu. t ranuattei i îhe Sit ue. Tbere alatît d ret-caps it wNi.5 i a-h a aaeatu lhanua quiorttut-cuculn. IBotit $MtIlsa tounte duburscumente. boit.-a adtiuîed lt 5 pi.Mt.ndt>. Au inleresliitg tealare of tIheusataýn Tic Huue met ati-'i vo' uk Monda>- na su atitresby B. '.Jat-ohe os licanti n tsioît a litle utore ihan au ont-d. thirdtiBunuha>, seool convention, itotîr. Tie lime nusxutu-upieti chiedfin a n b aiî nil!l lebelti in Lotidatu titait-an"r. aîing upbilla«t,- ti i iimotu t taui.i-îlor Mit. .luaolasinot ou,- 'alaiumaîtofuthîe îtder a %uspli.ion (ifthîe rutîe. sîttisoid ilinuais exýietilve cuiniille. batl als f o ,uitnig lt-m na lithecalcîttiaundl in tic Internatiaonal .'tatday Sa-boul Atua.mteases males apeciai ut-ters of tieni ciati lAtI dii tonvention laul i-car IL tftr uone dtyi>,uf lic carrent neci. lu n-u revenle tItainauAmeràiat here auet-e I t 0 uies a rasco 11,5ti1.237 aubutara u inte 142.147 Suai- Oigt h b-neo urm day at-tui., nat 1,474,491 teaciets. Tiche rl tcoîec u urm National sud Wor!ti' s aauciatiun u,, ve 're Senate Tti-sdi>, fatli tisseîa te simiar t- pose b1i te Stale urganana- primat->, cttion ilt. Ttc $1,1)<Chicagao Lionsmiltictheexceptiaon liat tl iel i-na.Aldyt-muaît- salat-y IlIi]taceu36 to lu4. ut course, mat-b ian-r. Tic mcmberalttp Si-nator Baurrnhîî' bill alitorînîng lic af the Sanda>, acitoota han gruau vautl>,. eaîiabna,-ut t fcî,ou lun the publie anti Mr. Jao-obs Laid tic convention liaI aî-ioota tait-tice dtitîcl otf thle ef wana te gain luninemhcruip tirougiothe ~Past@i 'efoiioa-iug bittlsmere aise coninenlt uring lie îasî t-e yeare naasuaeaed: I'rtvidiîi in ht apecimen bal. iota b. prinled ilu lîo nemupapera repre- rTe aasociaioniuhan beeti in existena e entiîgtghle tWa teadiiig Poliliesi parties: %iac" i959 anti uaw icuîtîtil so!thîe amenduug the lectioît law su au to prot- cuangelicail Sonda>, oots hanlitelit-aIe. ide thal aben pet-aune negister the>, uhatt ils lesaders are tmtu eminent MiSuday- ulo regiter It- sr gt-anti occupatioun for at-hui mot-k, mati>- tf whmitth acc s more lic put-posaetf ielcrmiuiug tudr quali- liai national rn'iutatian int udr lfi-ld of fications for petit jurora. Inthle Hui atoot- Avr'a fralernal benefhciary inaîtrauce Tbe assocation is sîso tîcugned la t- I i, ill n-su diacusseui. Ameudmeulu bad tord au opporunit>, for tile cit-Itiig,')f, been offet-cd pat-s-it-ally a suibtitiiic for iAt-au amont- Sanda>- actoul ituutî-t'aamili te original ill. Thcepameadmnenla, lu tut train teaclera t-u t lierko. ILtri-biie f.plat-cii al fraterîtal benelar>, sa- utaalc atiltProaestant r(lnt-haoata s andîtietles untiert-he autrvtatou uftheuicnl staclotitlt ,1to eeu,'Iaa prt t-ua'f ,tue oaurnt-e aipcri iltendent; orte amendaient buta,!-,lat ir,-la-ruaiti inthliii- t ire, 1 prohibiîti ayue froiniobtaninug mu in- :fiti,. Itinction agalîtul uany suit-lt ocey, exceetl 'itat t-t-atI tîtrkina, arrieui on ut> ina?.1upon applicatioîn of te Attorney, Generat tf il îetf-ft I som of organituatn - la ins'lt tc I-uuest ofthîe instut-Sce supier- tac ut-ut t ilaue lit-c eis tîle Stte asuutc'-aintendeuln. TIebil. n iii lie Avery, t-'- ai ii, hilîîainanîu îaduarîcr . stueutienta. oraginuteai iiti tic Modiernt Chýat-o titi, e da- irttioniof thi ecai I Wodnut-:u ifAn-iia andl bia beiciton- la,,o- coîtnaîlt-. utof iit-itB. P.Jacobast et lu)ren te thî r uctlifitheuut le lairtana "Iltere ire atua district. ct-iad r un ittataist-(offieroftht, t> ana-Ito n neiip asociations.wnitti ,ltier a lung i ututatabu ton titel ite. auaattiiy. ,tuat-It-rly and aunuua ita InjunAlteiong ..... . n utricin ut-l. ic fiotittItNbe orket-s utever>, 'hr;slalainjloIn-suo ctinueti t, tIt-h reiotnghe di-nomialuitt-an, mcc an a cottuton .plts. billcax ag n-a tedt-ci ehitreaîle .îA tons atl]conter tugtier farthde etange- j nisaltt-ing li aahltuta theein te litation at ticuoinmuail>, repreenleti. auulllotfo inte adopîtionurfîtheljoint tau 'Plir, at-e iflîcu utcmbcrtt ut tic State I ametimfr eutia lite dae I Jîtu 4. extilie conimllîce, represeatiig th iti- e tht-ixn tedaeutJne4 fer-ai Prolealatt deuaominatiuna. IltaiWoldtug Colti Metals. geographirally t-pt-i-utiiîg ail portions utf lrofeaiot- Ruberts-Austtn bas made tc Stue. Titis caîîtitce mccl.t t-e ie reakbeisoet>titmas tauis ac h tyear sudîthrauscthetic a] taI rmrol ieoeyta nti busaneafis oethîe asociation. Tic pt-et Iare nulotnIY Capaibletof tilffis&loto i'xeculiue eoumtutee clinuilosuof tbe toi- caci t oer mien île>, are molten, but lumwint- meniber*: B. 1. Jaccuhx, n'iinian. aluo miente>,arc Cuilt. Behaba sow ('lieRat-; J. W. Hint-I Iloclafor-I lb.IN'. tintai:f cieun surfaces of lt-ad antt gold Unare . "p C R Shwln, 7ana; are iteld togiter Ilit vacuo nt aterrifer- R. R (ý2K;lilxvill; G W.Bart- , ature ofouI>, eresfrfordy C'iciatgo; Il. T. L.ay. K'wtaiie; Prof.?J ithe>, ivii te firmi> sud t-an hie sep- R. ttarier. Jacsionville; .' M. Butchian, aralei oui> b>, a force equisi tuntoe- Chiicago; il. C. Wlllitt. Toledo: A. E. -JoI'-tiird urthle breaklug tain ot leat it- Donal. 'hicago; W. S. i-at-at-i Asi-8 lantd; I-eu'ra' Augustine, Norarlt; 'T. Ml'self. Goiti placeti ut tie bottom outma n-iley,. llLu'aiibot-o; Pt-at. H.. w'iitidcylinder ut leati seventy pihilmetera Gatpftburg ' lon suana utcd n-it Itwiîli have dit- Tie ti-tehtin dîvideti hulo twenîy ,io ýfutedt lutle top lu notable qîtantîtjen Iritita, est-h lu charge ut a îresidcnî. wnia t tueendutiof t-e ltaye. Bnci acts sa ex-Ollicio vice-preiden t ite BlaIr au- as t Ilse mlii tenîd lui Itodif>,. If non auctation. Disriet conventions are itot to nevointlouze. or otiruIons Oft souda heiti. but a urat-anPossible normal inatu mtd ont- Iteasaotflte relations lu the tutes are hell I- at-tiidistt-ictunuder lbhe ltînîti andtid Sltiaatea Of miltier anti direction ofthie Siate surterintendent ot alle'u tp a mide at-ca of ahplicaton.- ntormal mut-k aud Uic district preaiticut. ~ ~ Idîeîcl 'nii. district Prcidcnlsae: 1. R. Jeffers, Ne ok-dlecpt <'lhiago; Dr. C. C. Miler. Marengo; Ceo.ARîluHoa. P. Perr>-, Sterling: Dr. W. E. simmuitis, tialeàiburg; J. S. Titompaun. Lacan: li-n. _A womn. u tdetftheticS. peters. YouiL pre.mam a U.uueb, et 11huaàtstulecol. -#uusurvivesa Serts. ilsnom Tbregb l. A oretDr. Wiliais Pink Plafer' Pose people. pro,,.1W. Aapqs&Ues. Col.»asu .hat The Hartavilie Coilege. iîuatcd at Ilairville. lad., waî tounîied years saf lu the interen ot the. United Brethreu Clitrvii. Whu nthe ite lysa must.l7 wiideriifeansd coliegcs were acarce. '.i collîge is Weili kowu thruugbout lhe couitr,'furmier atudents itavlng gone luto ai iParts uft h. worid. A reporter reccialy caiied aititsin - mou. seat af lcuaing and waa shawu iutu the muontaf the presideut. Prof. Al- vin 1'. Barn4. Wbu. tanitseuhybtiie repowrter Prof. Bsmnaby was in derlesi mci th. To-day lic sus apparenîiy ia the ho. aof heuith. lu reaponse to an iu- qîtiry the Profensuid: ..Oh, yen 1 arn mach better titan for aome ine. 1 am nuo in luperfect beslth: but tuy inovac mibrought &bouttla rather a pecular '5. "Tell me about il." nid the. reporter. "Weii. tu hegin aithe b bcnulug," @nid the Profesaor, 1' atudlcd too bard whea nt uthuai, eudea.orlug tu educuate myueif for the professions. Aller comple'tta the commlun course 1 cime here. sud grasdusted trom the theologleai courue. i entereti themiiuiatry. sud acceptedlté char ge c Un lited Bretitren Church ai a nalatipi" in Kent Couty. Michigan. Bi'in futau ambiions nature. 1 appiieti uviei f diigentiy tu my work 9,nd attidi'.. lu lime 1i uotired thst tMy heath waxfi t- bll. My trouble _w., Indigestion, anti PROF. ALVIN P. BARNAUT. titis with otier troublcs brougit on uier- **My physicieu prescriheol for ume tut unme lime, &ad adviscd me te take & change ot llîiate. 1 did an hie ré6uested and matia stnsluprov.d. SBon liter, 1 caine bore as profetsor in phyalca and tltimittry, aud isier mat anaul a gent oft Iisliee The.change agreed ii me. ndf.r hile Dii hWath msn botter. butî toidutlies ivere eavy. sud sgalu 1 ttaand ta> troubie returalug. This lime. il waa more severe. and lu the minter 1 btv-tme eototiietely proatiý. I. trieti varionst uediies sant ifilereut pitysii- toas. Fiaalliy. 1 ouabie ta rettrint iny dities. ant ,riag i %%ai eiecteth prt'uidettt of the coliege. Agnlît I hsdi îî,asidt-rable work. aud the troubtlewhiit-h bau tatI becu sutirelietireti. bega-%t t, a ffet true, sud tetiat fleiiapued. -I lad ditereiîî dwotro. but moue att> gto.Prof. Bominan. wha lantrof"utor ot natural science. tld me ut hi.lasxle rt-bn,-, itb Dr. Willias' Pink Pille for i'aie Peouple sud arget! me to gîve thtqn a t rial. iiiîatiac they hmd beneil ted.hiat la- a 'itular cassuad 1 coueluded intatry tht-at. "'tuelrai: box eiped nie. sud the Roc- miîd gave &touet reli. suuh au 1 hati tio-ver experteucetifron thebctcentmeut of sut pbYaici&n. After uing six boxe.«îif bbletmetilcine t1maentlreiyetreti.To day 1 amn perfet'tly mt Ite bblr snd atoager hhati for yesl'.. 1 ccrtaiuiy roc-- omtnend tiis edicine" To aiiay nit doubit Prof. Bsrnby citeer- faiiv mode et alidavit befître LYIA\" J. SCUO('DEIt. Nttrv Pubhie. Dr. Williamn' Pink Pilla tor sPale Peu- pie are subid y ail deniers, or milieb.sunt M tpaid on reMept nofprice. 50 cents a .sor six boxe, f or $2.50 tO e c pe -ld n buk. o hythe 100). by addreaa- lac Dr Williams' >Medicine Co..,Bo'hetiec- lady. N. Y. roolgear lunJapan. One of the mont atrikiug algita îbat tîkea the attention ofthlie travoier-th Japan la ltat ofte wooden sandala wot-n 1, lte 35.000,000 people. Tics.' sandala have a separate compartmnt for tîte grat tue sud make a cianklng noiae ou thetictreet. Stra ilîtIeru are nîsio momu. and a traveler ilartlug olit on a journey wili trap a iuppiy of thietuou bIsbat-k, titat he mny put oua. new pair when lbe old la woru out. Tiiei cost btut a cent sud a baif a pair. Titey are rlgitsansd leftsansd ienve the foot free to the air. We never @cec t bse deformlties oft litefont lu lapait miici are ao frequent IluItislcotuntry. Tiey are neyer woru lu tie bouse. but left oulaide te door. Pasuiug dowu the .treet you îîîay seceloug rons oft tbitî uith lb'douo, old sud uewlarge anti Do You Favor Couptltboa? Sitite mitenbau thte Ohicagt Board ut Trade beconte a champion ofthle fariner? Tii. lathe qtieatiou mhileit ili naturally l'e rulueti by tie appearauce of a number ot nieniberu ofthticBoard af Trade ut .SprinOded iluctieli copposition ta tie wari-boue bill, wbich i. ciescty tivgra- ble t,, tbe producer ut grain. The Board of Trade contingent la raiuing tiec ry of monotîl,- and iulituatiug thaI the mare- botue bill, if parneti will retiep c oîîîîe- tiltun for the grain businesn of thee Blale. Thc exact oppouite of thilal truc. The bill nom in lb.e1.egiaatiire pate the w are- botitenian on an ecuai tooting wâhb graun inertîtanl ln ulathI, Minueapois, Kan- gusa City. Toledlo andtihtiler arkelu mitit are ettlupeliîig toc tue W'cten grain luiait neota. Every Item buYi'r ilh facililîlea for bantiling btuiness aI ail time. la a dia- tinct gain ta lteliarit who bau grain lu seli. For a aunîlter of yeurs the w are- liî,îîeren bave liceu active comintiora fur te graint buiaieseaorIllitnis and tibeur t-oinpelltioit lino direetly reuitited inlute- during the tlt betivees prodacer sud co- ouater lu a miimumott.fil luof t ai inter- eut to bbe fariner outIlinloisa libe re- ceive ti* greateut touibie retatratrain his ct-opa. Thit roposto legisataiou doe. note oitenipIale aay violenttbiangp iuex- itiîîg eoîditiotî, u.btt tnrely a continu- suceuof auysieuti titichi bas hicu eniirely saaisfatlory ta lAie gratin liroducers sud nauinut wmuehthle counitriy grain ineteiant bhunu reason <o make objection. 'rte bih! lu r'ear eut sud concise. The oniy objece t --- b -----u-r--onIl- - r - .d b The forerons..etsàttranof «s, a.whil 10 Oltten cuimint. latatty. la iattyity or of .ry tthe kldacys. Neit S a ri rght@ dines..diabctcs. gerae. or nne atb.r des- gerons Intestat difes,. of the. organe thein- selves to li a pprobended. but drapeient dif- fusions trainthe blood. nbeuutatlantsud ' ont gr. $Il traceabte to lhe non remoyat ro heii bloond by the kldneye of certain lot- puritica Ilostetters StoluarcuBitter@ depa- - rate- te btood. tender. tii. kidneys actie and preact their dise.,.. Tbietrea t furban poputlations la one of lhe most Important sooiai con- ditions brought out by successive cen- ms, Engitnd 71.7 per cent. of the population were lu urban îdistricts In 1801, an inereasé of 15.3 lx1, en 't, ln trtral population. The balani e of civil power bas gone to the borougitu. Drunk for Twecty Years A correapondent virites: "I was drunk on sud off for o0,cr twesty yetre, druuk vibra 1 bailmortel, sober when 1 had noue. Many dear trienda I bat, aud nain- bers gale nme good adelce ta no purpoae; but. thank God, au autel band caune at lait ln the foteof i ypour witc, who id- minlalered your marvelons renicdy, 'Autl- lia, teoma wlthout ni knowiedge or con- sent. 1 amnnow aaved aud completely trasfonsed frout à Worthicns fellow toas suber aud reipectcd citizen." If "Âuti-Jag" cannot b. habai tyour druggiat. It willlb. maied in plain wripper withhfull direction*abois ta give aecretly, ou receipt ot One Dollar, by the Renova Citenilal Co.. 66 Ârodway, New York, or they wili giadli mail full particulars front Tite British Goveruateut bas si<e Chief Justice Hannen ut Siangial ns; the arbitrator iu the Cheek cialsima se, lte cotuse of controveray between the U'nite'd States and Siamn. taimitint eradtoeig tW oint di-f. th-b oraM th ine . rled o Ia u. 4tl.. untith»&. Md w Slesiihlnha tiyu.b" Or Ine b. Piao'@ Cure for Conasomption liai beitii a fatuiiy nedicine wii un ince.hSWt.-J. IL. %Indian, 240D 42d iv.. Cbicago. 111. Jupon lmportedl about 30000,000 gai- ions. of kerosene oil froin America iast year. jew ut" o ,.aicevca.a«y 5eab s at a, sad issi"W :"ar.s voeuslliS mtdapco uor.if -~ -- up lie Beuy praettebe ol. tll drink Oa0 , e1I lur grabii. 1mmi f00utg by lie mie et poê* odurer C5i-, vary clover. The lsa, h aie oaut= a bloe ciDike a &#M « blonda, 50the pod mien nnmOUUd bOU e 1& ceva of thorns. Pree Pue~eVU a Iu Mauitoba, .AOWia a4" .011mbÉ1 Millions cf aeet G.111110t Ugb and fat-m Iaale. ÇW IRl bnif 'Tuxation iigbl.t a p9 ege frelgit rate.witl for waorus C. J. Brongbtefl. M u G*k 0414 cage. Mauy or lb.heut îthD ooo very lom prce& b« d ie mkfll et 5O cooka la Wort" ihi su an Sy tbiej souda of dllais a yeor veftqwwwâmp Indeeti. la the M&cUt tIa gpl 41 for a motier. -. Nio.<e-E.o m stp fmiè* 0,5C 400ffl' reStitUaor Henry Vin. woa itheIamimO king fote a àpuir orom !!sto ý' -WMY s80NMREGIJLAR PHiêýýi the ?Maur 7Docoa A woinan italstk, smm dines.. peeuliar lober @ex tafat dcvcioping lu her systent.8h. goes to her family physicien andi tels lebma &tory, but flot thi, whoie atory. Sic boldasomethingback. basherbeai,- becomes agltateti. torgets what ah. mants, to say, sud dusly concata minai ought tu have told, snd tisoOntpltely mystifies the doctor. lu it auy wouder, theretor., thui the doctor tala to cuis th is laiefu Stili, we canuot blame the mo- man, forit laveryemaraMag te, detail sonocf ths aymp.> toms of her nufferltag. een oia ber tamuiiy physicisu. It mas for tuai reason biat Ycars 5<0 lira.Lydia V- Pink- B barn, at Lynu. Mss., determianet tostcp laIn dblpb.rIlbW~ crable experieue lutreatingfeoais illit hlier Vegetai courageol tic mouten of Amerlos ho write teber for adaluet complaluts, aud. betug a woman. Il was.easy for ber ailq miont ber cars every detail o1 tier auferng. Iu tita wy ah. mas aile ho do for tieniminhai ithe phy4kismw'w to do, simply hecause ah. b.d tue proper itorm&Ug e te % groin the littie group of momen mino scagini bm adinse jua arnty of her tellow-b.ings amo to-day coustsntly Naplyfsg l. êi lef, aud the. tact tinat more tinan one bundved thons&"gul etâffl imucauly trcsted by Mis.Plikbam dnrlug the Isé otjw b Iio tuegraud results mAlch ame produoed hy ber unmomlaé jwE training. No physicienu ln tie morld hb abd amciia training, or bo*,g ef information atbud ho a"etsilai tic trealment of &Ul Itei,4 î# front the almpleut louai irrit.ation tte .mont ompllatdl.aeajtid Ti, tuerefore. in the ressos mny lMra.Pnkbw%1ý la W*49 Lynn. Maâs.. ta able ho do mois for th ii nlg wm e I j lamily physicisai. Any muman, tiefreti, 15respoaaal bl 'le wbo will flot take tic trouble ho write to Mis. Pth hff r 6wy Tic teatimonilaawiloine are eonstsantly psblicisbg ftwa gwaieft satabiahbebyond a donint the power of Lydia IL Pink".'s% geg pud ho .moquer ftaai esames TO SUPPLY U w w w wm usé sDY ~'EAST, WEST, HOME Iý IF KEPI OLEA WITH SAP 078,88

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