UNION TRUSTS. *S OWlFUJL 0F AU.. TH1'w GREAÀT COMBINES. f th le Vernit of si-ilms.' ani CatesafUl DRoit eed aDmude os Trete. d Stbe diniier in Phîladelphiai givec la i of &e formerambaeador te Iai>.," Smacesfnh, et-»-eator George P. il ~ans rceiît a ordi eleolme. Rem à ui atspousive chord vita lie «poile et = -tic bouetllî tht la nov prevait tlu He declacci 11,sf tise lioltital *U ome'ded. nasMuci sMil iguores Ik Il. labor truelMTe'I"e te viat le 81 mallâte 'liomebod>.à". e*&i omàiU lu iH ase co»ueof Lile eveing ountise -b>« * et iéer «eoa>, oethtIe Iint"ties et tie t Mg*tloaof vamoc trusttaq, sar.oil, i laies.. and tp@- truaI.We àlautise Il DS4iî»eii<Iwhic eint iim a; r ai c- IL stYUlian iyhody vanta t "Ymes mn>. v. edou't maF, iota e1t ti"e sabout ki Raetrss.Bt have hie>.got tien, ai? l UWbma eyur ilumberal trust? Wbr lu lIeqt pisateer. trust? Wbere Je your * uaisu~tratWbere Je your tvery e ,Wtet gabir ani organisation la ee- %mm wntstz> iaI eitein tU Uilc »Wèe? Thiarselesunier un> observa- v 4g your lt>. of Wauliugton a touchb-I 11111#ulematio & ew eycu go Ihbad K ,tMlenta emîtto> a plumber (0 do àai 4g"l ee. o vomi for me. and, dumng d uiiqgilor tise vom, b. aisi meeIf IA 8"Ulu a place for bis ece lu ou, N ~S.degmtsae. I eiseti" vii>th 44mt tie isWusoluthme *vu ealab- th 'i tises'.teac ie u «S"<rut. h*s- le arl>. moitei twîtbout 9 ~hs m Sf'euatcT, 1 caunot do it.'et 'W>1 Wby,* les auM, ic ta <h l &eutrot &ettedietuiiet bI 87 due cameIcet in., ni", «ioy i LiMg, toaibu jour ova l* in 00*, o u ie: WIyI, Seao.; if 1 m 1,6»w e8:motcet ajob la Ibis hoi l <be.t ruas lrouisever>. tradie" 1111[ss« iots Blesaitf amdi1 vul l imima CislOIu i Pd W . iltitmanor Chicago abot I b c" a e b aim anof tissutime hl ma ltor, uber l moid in*4OV vW»pleketi uplbir tise polic gêe$*b"iser. Be htt an exl- i( *mh doilalue mt big.lite sas iisab l. bythse estaavagant Len- qgaiveloutme nature of bis vas 39 pea or agit andl 81 e ceanti -yea-od danas- l 8 ortwlrk aouest. He vaI egb>. profession, but owlng s led laibemo @oatpeidte fr' 4442 m smi>nct e auin *a mpport- I Sei>.H. Oiaeidaàdaninlga t iNomb e*rktreet, gave1 et b.aIil hcome &mi surins t #ivteas a leetotr for Bauge I J~ ~ ~~Ws Lbu tcs M~ake mêlâto r tt eimanli ites.ho opueti a large bail one M&li.Tis ventne rteulted ia - oibi lorti CWlarmee, uniliat w àetlher huebuMaeactione lemora taler. Me deulesi thât ge qarreflm idb blIvuaband. ïIesaW cfnaalit he vas tired ti&aille <houait aothbunsof «l enet dcl of worry andi ed ' iLkbet0 Cth ameul. IUVb tilvu atie standing outhe c'labo ntlis Batiemutasebail Loant: W.IL W. L. _A4ee .21) OBrioityn ....13 14 1.9 10 New Ton.. .11112 .e1 0 Wasbugo P17 @ ad..15 il Ohleago . 19e À!mdghaIS14St. Lous..,6 22 Wu4i aioviag of thc membhers ot thet 191utcu LAfeege lasummaisesi beov: W. U W. L $L .Pi...22 8bDetrot....13 l13 Wske.17 Il Mnneap.i4 12 IN1 W iempls15 10tKaneas City. 10 i ~igu....13 11'ad Bapie. 7 19 AmutieViclu ef Criarsee. -- b U'Da. fRoua, the 15-yeir-oid son it lir. am" lire. Willam RRoe.sof Stock- -i$ J%,'N J.. eommltled suicide lunde>. b>1 bugle.bimoeit. lie boy wv a iigond jaotavet. ilspaentsetartci t OIbeir retors lb.>. foiai biun -~glitelee. HeBea dirctiluelIse cqsaeiaretIeom rvheh le vas chdté !tlM fahiserIt ia belleti liaI b. ., IaMet break off lb. babil am n tomeik lopisus lut.. Mode Bies iortare GOeod * bl «»ecaetcfIL.B. Armnur, formeri>. Vdbue.r ai Memphis, Tenu., ularged orlle Obesehsmnt o! Qovernment funde. bU be eolle prossesib>. èUs. Utlc 14&Disrict Attorney., for the reseon tarenie soctage, amoqtMr lui etimi Iani doltars, bas been mae $boht b MerBoen, Mia, DiaWundling, De"r Pomeroy qde te edmauffeiof lm a ka ehuln il Sbotroveti of bes. del tveuty-four =m ýfTler bI.murder, vis la ia Joli. j ~ tSt .is molier'c èathb.remani- t'«~MvWei, 8e ougt toie à-* blMyhoua.. *u tt s v.lSeu.Bc s"dWUelIr. assineS Bibi ,0.Tam & Co. aise as- et 800,00 Th f" s in th Rtatel l. laInreceet ibn theOQraatins. fete adattcnted brand X=raucs laockude wvilie 1 rjMr hougit h. ha'! ffsla le ito lie veil on 60 muecotinent. ge" te epper levai ofthelIcOl eenm -a'wburgW. Va., are tbmeal e hexistene o! the kîinbeo vcr the mines. lte* ears &ur go b>.ml4iu t.s iceormul igrovu s.large idat aebetome starinsi. t9iii! P alle aihi. l'ijr De lins, bound frous Cll ote BuMai cdi grainAnmd genoral mbadlse. W&& m"utta e *bottela of la"e Ruina ly *1- laies *11h the steamer Geceg W. Robu et 9 O'eiociThureday tnorning. lietween Midle Island and Pretque laie. Il wl. rcry ltgy lithe lin,. of lhe collision. flic Eoliy sOucilb.heiorida on the star- .oa88 aide about midahipm. A bols iweive test long vas eut lu that steamers@ wood- ten Aide. It vas uustantiy&ceea that it vrai >nIF a question oit minutes liefore the 1flotida vould go down. T'fi 11b>. aeaut- ei Alonoede of lhe doomed boat And took Off her crew. lIn about twelve minutes &ier the creaih the Florda vent te the iettO. sulmig stars lest and breaktg la two about midships. Ausah. vent dovu the impriaoned air lu her hufi biev 08 lhé cabine and upper voria. The Cargo of the Florida couaisted of 56,000 bunseis ut vhcat and about 540 toua of marchandiae. Mont ut the latter wsfleur, bhiPped b>. Chicago and Western ailleora. The loeu on the cargo la cstlmaled at about 1111,000. The F'loride vas built ini 880, and b.d à gros. tonnage of 2,103. $bc waa 270 feet long by 40 teet beau'. Hcr valuation vas about $100,000. She sas iuaured for ff0.000 wiîh the mecur- iî syndicats of Chicago. Captain Idurphy ties bigb Presse lt Captaun Smuith o! the .tobY for bis course atter the collision. Insteed of blcktag swsy and icaving the steamuer, b. lapped uver the. breaki and tept ber boy laPped Ibere outil ever>. man bad! Ju'Ped trou' the sinking vessel. BAPT18T RuS? OF HANU. etacty-fltth AnuelaiMeeting oftheb Hoe mission @SIlty. The mont impotant o! the May &uni- versarles of the nortbern Baptiste bague Weduesdal tuorniez, when 1'reaident H. K. Porter, ini Pitteburg, ceiled the Ameni- ean BaPtiat. Home Mission Society teoOr- der for Its bixty-lfth annuel meeting. About 1,000 delegates trom ail parta of N~orth America ver. lni hheir seats wheu th. convention opeaed. ..Atter biddiug lie delegates welcpmue, brilly réfcrting te the ofer ot John D. Rockefeller te give $= ».00 te cicar the somet>. of debt, if a elmr alunt vas rassd belote July 1. -M. ,Mr. Porter said tit. whie the ametaI as Dot yet in baud, Il a*0818 b. halète the date mued. TIse repârt 04. Uic «mctire hoard vas read b>. Obairman Hlamrison, vhe stated that thé.fiscal leur 034111 Match 81, 1097, had beathé men1 Perpicxung La the hialor> oft hq Bu- ciftt. be leat begau vltli a debt of 8111,M-341, aud viii a scaLle-et expendi- turs considcmabiy ini advance of thcsa- licipated receipta. No new vor o!flu'- Portance vas undertaken snd retrencb- Meut aras made whers adylsable. The new plan of ro-operation wlth the white and colored Baptiste or the South, vbih 'vent into eifect iu 1895-M6.in North Car- olia snd Alabama, had heen extended lu Southi Caroluua sud Virgiuia vitb -mont happy sud lieneicial results. Tbe nom-u ber ot churches aided by gifts and loans during the îesr was 91. gars JURIItS ARE iBRID. Indue Woffoed of Ka&s"* City Mais tenn.tioual Charaes. "tabegtnnîng te look as if any man willi moncy eau kili aouother ini this con- tl and Cet clear." This vas the tartliug statement made by Judge Wofford trou' the henci ofthte criminel court at Kan- Ma CitY. Mo. The judge seemed lu b. &DMry heu lie spoke. He said mlter- yard that bc vas anuoyed by the tact that severai persons charged ritb murdier aud other serions crimes had receutly be@U scqullted or their trial brut resutted in hung uoncs. He lad particularly in mimd the case ot Benjamin Cales, iudiet- cd for the murder of Monroe Balesat. vho liad been trled tiîce and each trial had reeulted lu a dîsagreement of the jury. Thli Judge believed, lie ssid. that iu eacb case Jurymeni were brlbed. TOTTERS 114 ePI7iIUtOFPROPJ.L BncI Fuurarndmotr> ain rope la Facins a Criais. Again tie heet sugar induatry lu Europe la facings criais ln @Pite of varions in- renions sud comPlex legislative remedies that have bt-en applied. Prom several ut the United Slates consoler olicers. Mainn et Frankfort, Mtl et MaIgdeburg and Morris at Client, reports have come tel the State Department descriptive oi the cvii conditions that eliltiin the sugar iudustry. Consul Minîl sais the lest sugar law of MAY 15. 18W,. has been disappoint- iug lu ils affecte. Price.have dctuucd cran ta the face of s target, uncressed de- mand trou' the United States. Consul iMa b. helias setusît>. hucmcased the beet serrage. wbicb vas alrendy at Ils catreme point of!utsex«pansion. Houe for Cubae Frieds. A semi-officiaI deelarnîlon la issucd lu Madrid to Uic effeet that Spain wiii neyer àgrse e thUc e cf01Cuba nor te toreigu mcdiation lu -a question vhieh ah, re- gardé as sxclusiveiZ concerniug herself." A correspondeut seuds this trou' Wash- unttom '"Arrangement@ for distrlbuting Provisions sud clothuma te the suffering Americaus lu Cuba have practicatly been completed. A Portion of tbe appropria. lion vill b. sent teo(Jounul enerai tee ;for distribution among the American con- îsels lu Cuba, thal th">.ma, bu>.vhat tlycnie s eeded to relieve lie dis- trens h Nav>. Deparîmeut wyul bc akcd te buy @tores, Ibroug lta purchas- titg egeats. aud tbias upp.ly i e slip- .ped trou' INew York tei Temps, Fia. Ticý litaa sDePartu'cnt 4ote nt believe that 1ver>. man>. Ameriensa il asi for trans- 1portation le Ithe United States. Presideut JMcKinley. la nol satialied villithe reporta whicb vwer. mode hy or conulssi Cuba .under Olney's Instruction*, and i hie >dosDot desire au>. exaggcralon of tacts, b e lafaler the îrjuth outhicituation. H. la siovlY but aurety preparlng a casa for Cuba vhlch vill suthorize hlm t10 cul a .haît On the Spaulards." A Spaniali force . as defcsted lu thc vicinit>. cf Tagua-ik eboa.oner lSata Clara, bit a detacliment rOf 400OftGien. <>oimets ara>-. An epe- 1dition was lsoded tht-ce, preaumabîr trom -tht Bermuda, Ibat bas brou off lb. Flot- tIda coat for 1he.letait ew wve. Tht Panîarda beard ot the projected tandiug. sud sent a larg force te seize 1h. men aud cargo. Tiht. sec,,td themeselves oser lb. coait, but vere axnbumhed b>. the W" 49 ~ v à = 4hfflet ocei érode te N*.lilo*. The train et os te Joet,004sesbels- foaiesonen sdlet off t«btnudit&I- lions. Whou Mr Brio@s arrivesi etbis reidence lie diaSevrtd it biead ]et 012.0OO lu currene!. Ho hsstouncd ta nu-1 titi the police. Tht train reaehed Joliet sud wasnrun lutoîb.e7yrds. Thec men endier Chattsa L. Ptaa West te von bt cloe the cees. That ln wklch Brigue bi ridden vau takeu rare of b>. Justs. ol- lard. He founsi tbe $12.000. sud afler counting il îoik it ta Optralor M. J. tiery. vho piaced It lu the &&te. Later fIer>.gel a teiegrau' trou' Brigges&@ing If the Maney. bcd hee faund. Af ter guard- ing l villia revolver mit Saturda>. ulgbt Qer>. on Suane>.giva il ta "Hument John" servis. Who tcok il le clikiago and de- Ilvered il tau Rr. Brigea. Brigua revard- cd Plolard for lb. retunm of bts moncy. WA"- OuR GRAIN. BritlishMoaPurchasa of Ainericau ViaI for ces ouy. Il la sai that tht rush ut grain lu Bouoth Atrira la about tabcitresumed. fIs Brit- ishi steamsthlp Kurdistan touai 50,0010 bogh- cia ot wheal and the Britih stesmnship Mount Pephar bas commtnced ta Joad 6OUtOJbogsi. Il la thee heit N. 1 apring wet ansd Is worth ber. about $1 a bushel. Freigit #-osts 25 ceule, bageanad newing 13 cents. go that it will cest about0 $1.40 ptr bushel by the lime Il reaches lia destination. It la snid thal for the1 uetiltbree mentbe tht shipaetutaluthet cape sud'lu the East Atrican ports vîiI1 bt as great as tbuat- utlesat yesr, lahicb were uuparaiicled lunthe blatory ot South Atrlca. At thecasme ime enormous quanlîllea ut ainiug andi agrlcultural ma- chinery and ther American producla viii coatîlete the cargues. MICHIGAN PRICACiIIEKILLIC. Colues ith a ai veut Car White.Rid- tags aicyclie. Rev. Jabta Puashaîl. pisteoftCsivsry Baptiat Churcli, Grand Raîpide, îllcb.,1 died Friday la a collision. *Ht was rldins a bicycle helveen the sretl car tracks sud seeing a%,ar coiug îricd ta tom onut. He steuc a tome and vas thrown heasi torsunot aaluet lb. front end oft1he car. His caui vos frctured and other inJuries vert- sustsiued. Hic wldow aud a sua survivehaL .Ht vas 55 yara ci. FoeiBoteter Servie. Vourîli Assistant Potmaster Centrai Brlslov lias iniugurated, a uew polies as ta tht establishment ut poelnfficea.'Tli )est admin.istration tîercisid a ver>. cou- servalive policy lu deaing with this ques- tion, holding Ihat there vert aiready tue mini offices la operalion ant& that It voutd b. beller, as a rentrai proposition. mot ta have the offices too close togethcr. Tht present regime lias delermined ta estîbtiab offices wberever sny reasonable am..at ot businessecau b ecnredt. il tht Ides of aeîommodting as mciii peu- pie as 'possible. WVile nome attention la being psid ta th, rote that offices gen- crat>- shonid not b. cloner logether tIbm tbree miles, Ibis la nul a ied lirait. soi! mati>- exceptions have hecu made. Tht scheme la tu provide mail facilitiez vher- t-ver Ibere la a sufficient number of peu- ple or amount ut business taI vouli niake il psy, snch questions sailocation ut-ar a star or other route. boweven. of course. igurng inlutht malter. Business la Relier. IL. G. Dun & (l.'s Weekiy Review of Trtdesoa>-- "FUmialakable evidence ut improvement tomes lu tht general lu- crease utfcommercial lons, mostI>. for Easteru mi-rehanla or companie, thougli soute wel-kuosvu bouses lu thtetmiddle West appt-ar willi coniderabie pedi*- canuts trou' the South,. Tht distinct change rives lroof thal ut-w businessI haa bt-tn trrer than min>- bave suppoaed. Iteceipts of moue>. trou' the inlerior ex- ceed 8ipietnts S1,30,Wl0.motlytino tht Middle West" Kilied Through lis Tickery. Itt lanov belicycd i aI ockton, Cal.. that Chant-s Cmviii. the champion Ans- tratian swiu'mer. vas asphyxiat-i and flt drowuci. Cavili bai an invert tub lu the waler whichbhe îsed tai deceive the public wllb doruz hillexhibitions of remaining unit-r watt-r sevurai minutes. Tht- vater iu the Plor-kton bbath&contes trou' natural gns velleanmoi l lanbeievt-d ras bad aceumultld lu thetlub, cauehug bte icuîh. Exumination shows bia longs ta be fret trou' watt-r. lirope franc Mîdair. Mous Lt-eiatrout cmployed villi lbe Silver Piste shows. vhicb exibitti, et Mleeeport, Pa.. Tbursday, feu tfrou' bis baluon white makilur an ascension and iva@ tataiiy injurd. Oestral Horstio King Deac. Gen. Horaliu King, vbo was Postmas.- ter Gent-rai durngu a portion o! Buchan- an'@sadi'nistration. id inluWashington Thuesisi mrluf. He was ini bié eighty. Plas:.Iuober la Puot Deed. A robbt-r attemptcd tlu hou up a Sleit- acocu' eectrlc car ai Tacoma, Waab. He abat threetpasseugers sud swos.@hot sud klîti b>. the supernljeîîent o! the road. Palier Kntipp Demi. A dispalch frou'Paris ssyi that Faîber Acastisu Kne-ipp, tsmed throughout lb. vorid beause of bis valer cure, in iead. Chlcago-Cattie, commun ta prime. 8.80Io $5.15Q; boue. abîppor grade.. $3.100 $400*; sbccp, fair lu choir.. $2.111 ta $5.00. vissa, No. '2 md, 71e ta 73c; corn, No. 2, 24e ta 25c. mats, No. 2, 17e te l9e; rye, No. 2 34e ta 35c; butter, olbolce.'creainer., Ille tlu 15e cri, freil, Ilic ta9c; potétoee. per buabel, 20e te 30c; broome corn, common grovîli lu chics green bonI, $25 ho $70 per ton. lad"smpoil-Catie, aiippiug. $300 ta $5.. ;hosga, choie lighl, $8.001 te $4.00; obeep. commun ta ehoece, $3.10 lu $4.50; wheat, No. 2, 88e ta 90e. corn. No. 2 white, 27e te 28e; eta, No. 2 white, 21c ta 28e. st. LouIs-CaIlle, $8.00 t0 $5.510; hoile, $3.90 te $400; oieep, *.00 lu $4-511; wbeat. No. 2Z 92e ta 94e; con, No. 2 5.110vw, 22e ta M. ;cote. No. 2 white, 19e toaRie;;m>., Ne. 2, 12t $c Cinclnnti-CaltIe,*.51 b3.0 oue. ne; *elti t-d SEMIS p*AbS1Tue WMOAN 99LuGaIIo NISOLUTION. poff72» e miers Voteea end but Uée p4affCham.er fr tie Gallerîsa -PggsMuw s awle, De*"&i Deomii s e eVote. TU* jor a"i excigtdebate ou the J"VMUWrsaolutie ognielns the existence of a state of iý pr in OThba and éeclarint tbat atriet nentsailiti @hall lie maintained b>. tise Unit@« State.pasaui tb. Seat b>. a doe vo rte of 41 lu 14 et a laIs heur Ttturday attermoon. IMe amnounce- meuteth le vote vas reciveil th lu- mulinous appanse. Tht realullon as Bseei ila etfollova: "Resoved, ete-, 'fiat a condition o! public vag exista hetytea thie t3oen- ment.et Spain and thse geverusacut Pro- claimed aud for sou'. lIme manlued by force of aimabi, the peuple o! Cuba. and tht lihe United Biaiscf America ablit uiaintalu a> strict neutrliily betyenf the conlcnding parties. aceorihus fteaImli th. rlrbia ef beligernts lu Uic Porta Snd lermiter>. of tht Unitd States."' Pollovhns la h. vota on the fnalpas. sagoeo!t the reeolutiun: yBAs. Bacon Kenne>. Baker Linday Bals MeBride BM"v - Mande Butler Magon Carter Milla Ohendfier Motrau OitounNelson Clarke Pasco Cly Pettigi-ew Oockeil Pettns OblIomn Pritchardi Dallis Ravlua Deboë, Shoup> Foraker Stewart Celllnger Tburesun Germat'Ihuan 1mu H3alabrough Tarner Harris (Itanse.s) Turpi. He*ilftli Waltbat-41 Zeose uAiauaaa> KAYs8 - AllisonHavie>. Damroe -Hoar ffler>. Spooner Ujirliake Wellungton Geéai Wetmore Hale White Banna Wilson-14 lie*tollovint paire vere auuuuuced, the lirsI-namedSi enator beur lu tavor ot tie rtectutîcu and lb. second ePPOeed te t: Faulkner villi Eikine. Harris (Tennesee) vith Morrili. Mcetr>. vllb Plait. Daniel*a lhh Cray. Allu t i Plaît o! Connecticut. Vent vulh Nelson. Beach vith ekns. Amalyss eof the Vote. An analysis cf lb. votae owe that the affirmative vas caielb>. eighteeu Repub- licous, nlucteen Democnats andi tour Pop- iiot, anid tht negative b>. Ivelve ltepub- licana ani tvo Demecrats. Prior te, the final vota the motion o! Bonatur Hale ho reter the reelution to Ing &It thte55mi» but reacbed a culimi- nation pointm viE lMr. Novak. vhn bei beau ahoutimg.fom recognition for au lionr,1 loftit leat sud proceedeil up tbe.aile t. lteSpeekers deci. lie Repuhlirsus. Ihinkina il vas hie purpose lu drar Ppeîk- #m.Curtia trom bis chair, maie a rusi tii detendtheUitSpeaker. Mr. Novali reacheil lb. Speakeem'a patter..end, lu tht- muet of a vab of vonds vitb tht prtslding ulli- rer, b.vaneseaised b>. the coal coller b>. Mr. Needie. end drargeti trou'tht plat- orm..This vvsa tht signai ton a rush trou' ami lunIlie acraulble thst t-nti ttei- vas a gentral "mu-ip." Mr. (Jalligan atîcuspîet 0u osa vooden mosllet vhiclh e liiprocure'!. Cailirai. viti mollet lu baud, maie à leîp for tht- Speaker. Ht- vas angry at bt-lot inter- ceplesi, snd trlrd to tise lis mollet ou tht- heade of those about him. but vastînte- vsnted. He vas icargeul dowu. vith a Wal-domen at-abers on top o! hlm un tht- aiele. Il vas ler. that tht- coc-iptteeî meahers soeceded inlupertl>. realoring or- ier b>. separatung thiecomnhuiants suit cetting thse mtu'bees tu taie Ibeir tests. THE TURKISI4,PLENIPall suitalau'm ?iulslsv etWaslugnton la s - Notabtle Plgure lilot*tlow. Moustaplia Bey la tht man wlio will t-ll Sécrelani IShermun auilie le entiied te bmow about the van belveen Creece andi BARNARD. 0F AIRSHIP FAML. Thei Men Wbo Mlis bepkuccessfut Tri p a et hPtsb&*leFuir. Prof. Arhur Wsilare Bernard, physi- eia dînecluir outheii. M. C. A. et Nasb- t-il. Tenu.,ha6dravn tlu himsei! tise aI. en tnueo!ftht seipt-n ic at-n o!fsaihe nonl Iy bish auceasftrip bnp uan aîrzhip mt the Nisshv le expositionu. itmual W THE SULTAN 88 SOMETHIN O0F A CARVER HIMSELF. th. Comailtee on'ForeitnnRelationes&' taMmid-yet», 34.;nm, 19. Mr. Fuir-1 eamia PtfIndilana proposeti a subtituts. previdlng tiat lb. Président ,cxtcnd tIse, gôo4 offies o! tiseUnied Slatese teSpainu lovari secaingamauend lu the conliet and, tie ultpmate Iniependitce ofthelItandi.1 This. 10, vas tabîei-yeas, 35; usys, 15.l Tien foliove thetA adoption uftheA original reseouioa. Thse voting oeurred afler an exillur sibate partîcipateti la b>.Semaleva Thurs- tou of Nebr~aska, Elkiluaof West Virginla, Wlteof Califernia, Vriania et Ini- dilana, Baie.!f Xaina, liooner of Wiscot- clu anti (ormmanof Marylaud. -Mm, "main opoe of lthe bood>. couleel vhJeh hai mmWdiurimg thc Isat tvo yoa. - fliTe »vas ample Information as ta Its exteul, treu Ameicaeorapoud- et. vioeliai "ien theiriapaebes ou lhe MUclie! bailla, trou, bmeIporte wvicb Ci5llat.herecorde of tis em.st.and lut archiuves ofthle lIaIs Departusaut. Uver>. Mala thIe Vaflsi tatée mugit telie reai>. for acticon Itb squetion aI IbIs lime, amd t! an>. Senalwn@vastmot fi- elenlinflaormesi Mr. 'fhuesthucommenut- .8 hi. te thse consideraton of bIs cola- stituents. RIOT IN A-LEGISLATURE. Vi d cent ot Diofls.icla the Iliselts Bloodaeedandi riotlag occurrei Thura-.- day la tbe. IlInols Rouie. An attempt vas;aSe te pull Spesber Curtis trois the chair. . J. Mauel.vos bit on tise C"smiboue vwili anuImival lchie vasu- inriedi dlrectir et the Speaker, eud vlileh vould have autrueMr. Curtis but for fi. tactet issaeyvas ta the va>. andi e. eivei théc m"Isse as. Au uglygasà vas cul ilu Meancys faceframis iscithe bloosi lovai freet>.. It vas the stormlest Me .vitucesosila tise' LAgWttume ton Tic trouble etaid iealr Speaker Curtis cesé,th e Hoas. te ondes" ut 3 o'lok a"i Izilesifor an bourmeadi'a emIer. Su grai te i turliaue vl*' u@ isard igalut **Bt i and ý«ft xbdm sala. Dort« *lietam' 'fure>.. Monstapha la tht- Turkicli "pIeu- lpo" ai Washington, and lie la a notable figure lu tic capital. No matt-n vhat oficiai sociery ma>.tbiuk about tht un- effkâable Turi at Constantinople, It talit-i yery kindl>. lu bis sumve sud poiabai rt-h- nesentative in Amentea. Thte'nnklah ministen hai a gnetalrua vils tht- ladies vbcn ht frst came 10 Washington. Aux- loue nquiries vent maie at once as lu the nuaber ut bis vives, sud the relit-f vas great vbcn be avure b>- tht- bcard ut thie prophet liaI be bai but une. Iiit aIl the Turiisli epreeqtatives lu Amer. ksa. Montapha bas lett ils vite, onrh h-es, and bis tamit>. ai bis hume, aL meut palace on a igh bill uvemboihurthet ît.futCon- tantinople, surrounci b>. tropical gin- siens aud vneyards. W-btn et hat bc la a praetieal, bus>. man, anti devotea mucli cf bis lime ho affaire of tate. lu which h. leau a ept, ansi lu the eduenlion o! bis 'Chulen of vlicu'arc nov rovu to vo anosa sud auboci. Moualapba i. -ieacened frousatlonUln. oftble un- eastomu, sud bie taiml>. bas been promut-ut in tisé affaiesof lb. Tueiiab <Jverument for nan>. remeaiious. Be la vealîli>, ahIé. diplommatie, andi ducs bt c"rmble lie of smoslth 2tradition. ' z t la e t lat thbdBrill i user titîbehaba a sat soit-t-ithe terat-y ut bide oif tie Dîngiey bill bas etent-ilthings neronetitica. In a slip ot bis octett- up h; puttior bide.% on.-Piortlind atern struction lie jouînaeyeîl over tveuty muiAàrgus9. tbrourlispart- and fil>. lanici ut as lion tHarrison us modiiying Chicago@ polnt-tél-iimiles trou' vitre ie startid. civil service.rulations,. Tht- modifies- Durior Ibis lime, bc sayi. bcu. lia btiition is t-at-uted îîtb anm. Vsi- lut@ cmoo ie bsmacbine nd ist"ecl ton pont. il at st-l. Tht-shlp lias an air ebsuubcr Th alodwichve "nfre mbap)eil 11e a clgsàndula 46 teet îlong l'y Th cet blîr ss lch hae bt-en fetil 18 tpee!ludilamete. Il is maie if sihk acetb>eussbaag err-îi and cohe ndoi lue it-ivh hydroirga . even b>. Irestîng tht-m luke barrage.- Th!a ehamber la coufinci lu a untiorliof Ban Francisco Clironicle. stual nope wlilcb houas tht- attalle trime Chicrago pride. lsaeit on its originalit>.. won saidatropianea unuerneali. 'The For insanace. W vbot-tr beard betome of setstn maie ou tht ont-r ut a bityceit beut clublinl tht- League beiur ai Uic trante. andfrtta this tht operatur cou- tait eni'i-t4'hic-ago Record. trois tht- sings, or aenoplanes, ou eic't - Il ie somethilng et a ut>- Ibai tbe orig- aide. Thet tv propettees, or srt-is, es- Ihatons ut Arber Day did't bht-e the- tend lu front ot the uperutor, acting ton plain Amerlean commuon st-ose lu cml it tht- principal eo.n auger. lu guidlug the Ta'ee Dsy.-Providen-e .Journsl. airship tht oporator mota the s.rcv frntA t - st-cvebave îeught tht- Ciiot-a tht- rigit t e ltflnlutht diretion lie viabes t i.Te hv*tY camdht to oîlgthendaiodescns b>-rof. Bar-tht-y tîscitht- aînship 2.0001 yenrs ago.- nard ddots net claim ail lhe cnt-tilt for bis Cnint omrilTiue Imnvention. sealie le usior, by permissiun, Mc. Lantgry unueunes thst blietm sOverai teatunes caployei by nîier eîsu enAmericndivorce vith contcmpî. Su pt-imentera lu Senonantics. do a great man>- othen peuple, but t bolis Barnard la a native of Mamaubusettâ Jmat tht saae.-ltatiinore Americon. and le 320 îears od, SucebIs 23d1 yet-u Tht suduten clîuing up ut tht Oreco- lic lias becu t-irage'! lu gymnastie vorli Tunkiali var vas lien!; dconrteutîs bu Cen. for tbe Y. M. C. A. H. vas tinal director Mliles, vite si on bis wey 10 rive the at Albany, N. Y., and inoe thcu bas bt-tn coahatanîs seate pointe.-Buffalo Cou'- locatti ln Tonavania, 1N. Y., Aubuirtn,nmercial. M1e., Passtucket, R. I., sud Naebvhie. liIc Ilas te b. liopri ihat tht- prospective la a note'îi thlete, ns vel as a mechanicai -incresat- ut thet liinutbten vili olt m- renins. _________ suit lu au; sud, rush tluJoai up a bas NoIseu of Current Evouls. been seet inlu ther direttios-Iouetou Oscar Wilde says that b. viii lit-e !n Dm11> Voit. seclusion sud cuntinume bis litemar>. vîrk. It la euey te capucin why w e hnven'î TIse Catholie Kniglila ot Amerîca bave -bei a anbows-for e tour lime. 'Thtuait- eeteti Rulani 1eeney ot Brooklytn as liers havet't letf ny colon ton the beav-- supreme lresideul. euiy arches tu cotie out wituh.-Clilcago. ('ut. H. C. Iletor, conaserciat ugentl ut Journal. the Cotton Doit Raliruad. dit-i aI bis home Ir Turkt->- au exîrset a van Indeanil>.- in Memphis, Tenu., sged fil, front Greece il yIl bc reater teslt tan ThCtuvu ut ofWiudi"imatreI lu tht- T>--Herrmaunni tnrick out 'ing old piae&. roi. a velI-knovu lonniat resont, lias been oni ot hari-boilci eggs.-ClucinuatI Cou- iestro>-ei by fine. A vensan vas burntd merciai Tribune. 10 deatb. It Jes sali lu bave rosI Kentuncky 10 Broker Chapui, vho vas toun uilt>. 000 te elect et boto theb. ente, o! contcmpt befores heekesaugarn.li- enbapea after ail lie wottd bhses bees vwftlgalina qonmltee, cutsrçd upon hie Ing lu take tise oece for blaIt1he pt-lin satese iloaday-Ban Francisco Cali. Lseapulieuçitise. Of li. Blute thé %vrtekuttg ot!4d< ~e~ e. o kesir 0 le Iot$hi eIl-àpim RELVIEW 09 TIR WOUNAT Ilmtaili theoonatieum ef Ssay.The mle NiCe, e feiosesierm adbf H Aenuonr theirrneaqton Cue ut-. mis im ehsof aptigdayhe resoae b> SeustueIzoraier. anuon. Limdscy anuSi ahould h. reporterd b>.tht comittee. Mn. Cannon %an bitter lubils dentînclatien ef Opaniali airoclty. MIr. Lindsay decloresi If thee Information turnlseeiby lJuibed Btettes consofla vas su stînckilg ur tuont>- jfft Ibem 10 danger ut assasinstion If their nam" wiere diseloscditIl vs îlme le sentd varahlps lu Cuba ani lu trainai. lil diploinatIe retiîons isititthat coun- Iry.. Il vas it-velopeil lu thet course uf a colioqu>. bt-et-en Seustors Poraker. Mur- tauan sd VesI thal the Plate- lepantmnu bmd vllhlîeii tht- nemps of United lStates consula rct.ortinlg tititht- serions condition of sbfire ini Cutais hu-iet miebi letil to their mîîrder. No action ou the reaiî- lion vs, taken. -Tht- Senatt Tbnrsiay passeil tht Mur- ganCiiaîîhi'iigrt-re tsolutions, b)>la votof 41 tii 14. a tter a mont exciting de- bale lun wun letsacs. IManon. Norin, Galibrer. Hall. F-airbnttks and Hoîr par- tieipated. litiUtheusone tht- reso.îîtiiin appropniaîîng 8.ifo îr relefto ut uI- tube Arneriati iîiitiîs ila ('ohm assed vithout s dlscnîlog vote. An atteapt lu lnecortî{ral ile h- nrgan rt-solution tsîled. but tht- detmte it-ashîip sud et- dilueè. Bîrli bouses adjourued outil 31bind t;. tteproeeittiue -1.ilcllinuNlonds>-lu- troduîted iiitue lioute a rtsolution pr- vliîîg for lit cumîsderarionuot a St-ual. resmolntiîo re-uanislni thte igtre; -U lb. Cubait insurrenta "trou' day to day ountil dliposcîl ut." Thie resoltîi>n Gvas rcterred .luthe ' onulît- ilt îles. The, resulution apîruprlattnr g 0t% for tht- reliet ut dlslnessed Amenîcan citlt.-tit ini Cuba rtai-lied th,- Whî,e floita ,, s2:1 O'rok. Junst au stu as i 'oult! lit - at uit alter £{inguîg setîîl i; 1-tli ho,,. vbîle thi-> n r,- h olien b sitiio lThe Presi'nt signe-iltht- ri-iouti(in iu- diatel>-. Tht- rotfuri-es o lie suaiy rît-il alpropriationu billh heu cgru.,il. Thet mont miireut a stiîdinuit-tuthtei1,11 m'as fiat rt-cokin1 lte ndcr utfPr.-sideîît Cevelandif eb î-î22,. 1807. settînni spart 21.000,(»lb nt-ares ut latndsas fî,rî-st ris envalions. Tht- approprituon for ti- 1min barbon, IHawaiiis ri-lu, c t titltM Tht- Senate autetidin,-t,îfor ,iniv imî Salmon bei. 'uashlîîgto. . ouîi-t.î Tht approiinufora t os iruuient -x ibit ai tht-eIitlm îaestin i-fl at 82W,0, %.tht- 875,111> îî-tcsîotf th.- Kenste i.-ng uni(-llnOur. Tht- iiuurn-tu ment for Ilit tain if tigar pnîdui- lion rt-lue îtî in tiet- (ni The,-appiiropria- lieu for tht-éîît ofsi.tti'flitelove-r 333. T'ti- i,-t r,-îi ti-onîti t t-enrt at, unii-ndi-uts .i 1PA1.0t. Thi,- Mobi- l'yis; itîlroi-î;î.'î in' l a îîîîe 8.,l1 in- ssl utf$dii,15111îns-rti-i ii-lte Si-tat. Thet-tatlutof ,-tfile jas agrc.-dtu iq Thte il-lîmt- îonîthî.tarif! biHlit-cen ini lie.ettiiîî-Tut-sdi.; oni-i rowilid î- ltrie. îîît a large îttiiei- if gStà- titrsansd tht- tarif 14-ai, ns 'if bue Ilitits,. venethie slwakers. t-rIin lii day Mr. Malo.ry. tht- ni-si linelir fronti F,îridu vas sworn l in n tîîîk bijas mu.it!. iatiir CuItent lniruducî'. i.>rt-qui t e till i li amenul the i Itirnte cii 19îwelas.Th.' biii premvirwe n.-elalunîus tr iî,li.r- iluiing tîtat Iîe.itig iiî>riîl. li>nut ex tend be. oîîîi il c lt-adpi in! t ia t itiPY chill i cneth- niaxinmni snd mîînuîuî rstetuluiei-î-hari. nî-iiiiringiii.- .uiipci,- bt-toret- tîn- eri-ct-elit ti îî--n îcfe- tpetîs e. Tht-bil!pnîtilca tir a.1 i plete revlaluiti outhe .-inte-ntatlie'iiti-î taw. The ilouse %vasn nt n ss tibln eu- Slra-ts-Sandard. Why not pline a lit-v>- taril! miiy on pul tcasi-4-2hiîagoTic-l-ri Mald ot Athun. t-rt- w,-part. bit tht- Turli beinu-tht- bt-rt-Chingo Times- Ht-raid. Tht- Penate -onimittt-e having taken tht- 1=1