CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 May 1897, p. 3

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- 1 . , ! t r a u i w 7,p uY 5l la d d ow ,i l i ad I rte' a s0t f a lt 5 b r . A b 1Im u h r n C n c - . -1 lli IQd. OFFERE-Mde nel0.. 111w 1 , WA Ri 1". I II.mj m st j f r k nh f t a t a 1h 0 h gO D . be t i d e t ha A E O t P L A I N o î - * i un a c a ioaux y O e o u p o i UopU P W T 1 0 W O N YSI U C L A S S SM0 F P E N D T_';T S lngsbutnI pDowdfor Oilat an et s i. moJaennéeo R om an*- I koo w l. I.-e I F -1, . jathn 1 t laeandI 4 h oiit. 114 8 NL S.Dr.JIon. arowa ofCh'ah e gaiou low Wk» eny. go ont of fte parler, Liain, te inebriate sufera througb the cepted an invitation to'deliver a lecture ,1ý1 ., , Thr apologie for the plein nasal If Y7U for .tronc drink bas matre bim, lie ,,ca oestiltted lle benetit of the ltudenta' Ad i 0Sroc.îis eaGOlrl lisfu iofHi anflieeUu,. 1 tUI sect les.46A Boau wtb Noie"- A surpris,, tbn, et thetable. Wel. it ha ifill do the muet outîhageoua <unit. and -,ive Little Dola irowosd White Itoekford CuIge. epuý -Sro.'aPnfr ti-aIunsuomsmietI11 1 thultrd'a Gravi. menu If I la Oei la U'P ISIbfl0if i coula fnt gtredrink in stlYoalWlerarPlsulngon s Raft. Fure in the.Siceregor building nt îîîootn PecifIia tie Islad le Dlsclosed. Scrptue-4INoel 99«119. 11, .1 board, but if I h. te qdU-*W e îur ebl- ho ould oeil i tamilly looétrel1 boud- - ington gutte i the builing and duetruyed Our Wsmli ton Pulpît. tires, if It hbrote lîsfot, t'0 O ur ele.How rnany borne@tbave been brokdit m vicoriaFebillCr Deud. t he stock of .John R. Nelson. ThP tues llic Out tu luecret. L.eaafoi ier ayiam. 1h i in n c lwial a s la a e t . w h e n tb e d o ms eD M o lfd * 0 0 , l il o p h n th a t w a l n o o n e b u t Go d k n o w . -r. V o i t c u l r i lu , n o I r u i un to c k t $ 1 , 9 0 ) & d n i e , ilu li g $ 4 0 0 0 . e n a t o lt l d ,e o m fo rmrk d t i.G l e n T1 1, t l b W th s u Feig naent of impro ,v eidn haall dt s$,aa keep îour fun ai dal fro nt beins Oh. la there nythins that w lll o detroy d enM t 0fFort D earborn, dtort ,ul ber b rnife 'h ef pi the l'ire I>ep rtue t i yer% fell ub n eb te l i e Senate W edned a. fith t'y my work &. -Jims2 1.. @"d of @d tl o nsm ses th. gratet ene mz o d î en u nc b ca i l a n n for tItis lite ,a dda in hlm for the bn Egin Fridtty loring.. $lu" %N î tti lI intu the bsul.'uent ndti nan exerely bort. I l a da l .1.a P e ie t eKnli T t lein l t u ilu J m s2:l- i e ti. or i g p o le. T he tot in lBa - la 10ta li the diruption sund annihlatinon life iat ha tecomel D o flt tell m e Ihat D 'o. 13 , 1817, ai H eilfinger. W u trur!O , i. D r. .Joh n htetury arr ,,,,. uo Chic ao nd Secrtary of Sta rs Sherm ain bha d n l houvs bow Ch ris1tin lhl i d 4M J., 6, "Heirtaearneth ulea. arneth o i tmtl cl.i tiifrIat.mtnloin tlieuhappy Wibtn hlkno , tAt nd cnî'nu this countrNy n 1'%2s. joinutt leunou lbefureiautuiltce, oft'40peopl. ea eUeCmte nFoeg .goyok.iuieatemnOst 1 IthIbos ltLa magnifieent. lbe labreakini bim wife's beart anditcloth- ie1ier tFr >eîlu* i h eon oîeutunu hrcie aln eti normation furnushed t'y mnt rouîent perm la tb.,eoDualis agn ap et ooaraiscunter b. r leD s oure consuls lu ortoba. ali'd ren<1oe.itcditthetSeond JerusgalemalwCurtJl ntel Ibms crtaihiui e In Peis. u il ltea bas wtDris reode Poval'li. lngiebischîidren witb rag%. Vby, ther Tihis wax lefor, there "$0 uaitOtri.ort tuukford. H-e wtaxlttruoueu Iby bis oh. Cnsmel@f taCba, il etslem aer of ti. the* It thetas Byntaapate te people ditdont proaper. Theri are-ti.. Who art kePt lu puverty are on the rmats Da streets of ibis ;and ethtoUsiueorovillegeoutulsuu uuu'usecretlr luruutlerderlo. theslter M. Birrone. Vstu, 'Ebui made moer,. b t dit n t keap i. hectos of their o wa fa ut. ThieY miglt toilai ittle chittr ar ef oe , o utSi-aeit a lnto . u1 luute'n uiec o t ttie hurut'.and takeit for tsvui ouri becanai ot fear that ttey would m ot His letter liqs eaof lb er gilet boolm et , -' inhhaheveea wioffbt Iller moked or"rit and unkempt-wat onevery paîeh of lt1>1t3ir >4 -:oonu lueh 'nrt h tiovoenelniaeIl dett h-te e srne t met;ou îîuaiave bn hé- wbth Ite' utmirer,. Dot kaowigg tht chwid .op their erhi.o bylvttti aetdcimto vr rni f.07 h~seIAde ' Sulier. wbý1;, l,n nd orl cnitin f hIbmokosuOrieentahad *0usaclà araomor eton of millie, or ia beyoUd teir meana. ubUla othera Oun theirpcnauei l outunc-h lImo odiuno elrn t Seviral Snatora complained hcalIse tenuif ier torneeto Pgede »e mam W, mdiIncpale t oldngvol.,»mereirages and on titi same sala,,e. Wuuld bave hein in citorches t-day and hbutbbenia soldier li thu . Itiklias' tn1tI)lroenut statue taud fuitnnhuu iirehî Reatna of.nutn' hliîl ipe. ateiffmai 4e e «L - U " e fa it m e th e co in W la p u t hn w e tt o n t e c o mlp ttin c y . 1 k n ew a m an uas w ell rIa it a i ,y e n a r e b u t f r th e fa rt nie nr g avsu d fo r w h o âe ers u ,A ot Ii . , n ý,ln dni . i . thenu a u n u si , e m r ol n jFîo ign l tions tt o m mbad een guv n ae & s i m pl egoi t. 1ula ie m 4 ta fl - men0li@di tdopdout of the Who le aillite time complaholai of i that rom dcttroyed their parentesud ru aehm111 ce ti, tuIbetou. lii.ifwas wtbbild from the ienate os a vor Rn early date. Te book la osde o , sther. lt mate ne diffrenchb usrchpoverti and Cryigot agaLn5st climou, arrove Iitbe hie grave. Oh. ro., thon The fantnhy wthl pointes« 1-r1-1t thR 1ev. A. N. Alcut. 1pestr utthe Elgin whole. Then Senilor Foraker snnlnitted the llont attratve lu tiiNew Tate - W a a i tI e y g o . o r tb î l i b H e w i le h ae b h m e lf k e e p e t u e d o g e. au d f c ' t ' t, t o u d e p o ile r o f b orn ét. th o n d e e d e d bly th e 're i eit u i tlu n i n ' >* n iv e rs s lis t 4'h u r'uh fu r Pe v e n Y e a rs . h ab a th e a u t éc o p ie s u o f c o rre p o t e n c e b é nen t , o u u t s d e o f t e g« #e l5 . il b ria tb eu wm a r n eti ge , te enMnm f ncrlr. ScIlurhait madt gii l iuuu' l n t "ic 1uaced his re.ignuationu uni île hiha of t eto e ertr le n h Lius r'liýtteofrtI ýi aà - ' esc et t w pe ut001 c ie r n d et m o ke , a d ail 1 011 t th ech in 1 r ecr uiin g d o off t hie pt e 1~ 7 h < e ' t e ' n ' h i e ' I u o e t a d t k ito ne tite sCbaiei te o t rel iaf ai as-es-a uu -ien'l a.'oftth en9m aeubIr l bs e *et net agontamlliewgonte wlîh w'hsky and heur. Wilkins àMicawbr eee Ls. rttte n ssisimeit cet teSor try ey s af îid taer ai)n.icth inhr,ungof'anmaalb. si t vhihti em- W I t t b a s heco rne ot th e b llio n s a d n id t e D a v i d C opp e re teld - Ceo Vp p er iei d , B u t M y s ilject ta kes a d 'eep er toe .rea n d tic . I e r e y ý W i u u - w Ibi s o f o u r r i n r g u d o cu o sei lu in p i u hîn 0 4 9 l a i erîf l tIt y «ca iit t ea l th e d ée t billons of dollars in nis country p hi Dur boy , £1 i harem.;expense. 20 s tillnit llial itirtat the u îfortu tate of uo i 1 Fin s t in lu I'Y. eltt dfor o ue y trr from ello nvbitu in t e u e o u o ( tl-, n b i g n e o h ls l o t e e o t , w tm e te the workiug casesa? Borne of tbeme 1 and d 6 enc; e su11 mier. B t. Cep' afpiak sufers from lie lona ut the i u. A rude ratt of bnaruîo 'u ul uuu lu ols; îtie stoe- tuciety becaisi t.'vuus orîlant- about mit ,e in Cutu. nui utnit('nd nln t. h h. e le Uàaa poed t mener* have gene for bouta rcntor the P ofu . wxby, 1licile ulPlta, sT, Bbleintmats tattu Ue utnrîeu atteuuntieonnvhaniditi. iuug lnke uniîl nnueluruenu nIntrhue. lte asett b oaeeigty.e îruufer ssiieh il tInrsnneaeinsu nomeO eimels1 uecite fbomtesteada. or seicdrobe, or eshilngs Andt6 Pence; tenait, hspplfeis. worlt. If Iwe are unforgiveit bore, our bilad asaue PcoplonIseSnninsatin i un lu, oriutet truînteit winie ettenullntl enutenuosur~rtuéiht Spau famil>'.izpengeo, or the necessitiei of lire, But, O workinglon t, takle our mornitlpumionsanan ppetitca, unretrainet, wuiI iranho lit > lte lio-age ruurj1u.i us cofuthîtore the genî'raî convenonu blulin t'le Sp.nreected. wyt e plyeIn Iha "ne rla anueon fii t ceah moau the Mtxe ;, - . e xe p t u p e n t h c n n iti o nuu u l a I t iue y tir e t r a n ', p r e ncrh ti g . B t~ b U g hle t do me s u S h a * b ic o rn e e f o lie r b illio n s ? W i t e t lan lin g tr a m , n d ip e n t e v e c ihth i n g 7y e 1 1h a v i th e r e . S u h î t ' I s ulp p o ste , w h e u a s- i w a x t h e 'a n e ut f a f e t all U I' l ,IisIl e l u uk a y e a r 's v a c tio n , r e s uo n î t i e p a u t it nu th e n u nh er oun tu ry . - p h a i e t h c e o i pi* tU rtr u ll i . fah hi fool ih outla . W ast d e t th e gam ins over for tobacco a d e c ui o ,a ndl m ut n0 brate w akes up i i ai w orl , lie w lll r eéel oft itre litt ît' tu-îus l utitt nI l ui no Sau r-t r tm e l u 181. T e p e s r f t e j a tr ie 'i n o i p r g d o u r a e la . W table amt od l Itoxiants. Puoto lunesaarpoves'ly fr yourself and yu *uil n Influtéthi ssorlanouxîh h i m Nobavey.uT hne btauoIs il,ul . il li, fuýtîlnî hil dna tîecîruer ut Tnroef thset idmyaa W'ashii:iu)n crrepotutent. in t' mueo nut odpmetV509 etIr, cea:" ' b a w ith a iu u tr e d Ith e . d r e n f o r a -tic ! Il las , - n -ý t - ] ! i . i f t l it lici s e g t in vu e o n s do rne c tio n s o n h it e o t h i cJa m b e s ', ia b v m (Imlier up lbe mener thsi the workhrtg If b oselegeuérounsliutite capital- be,'n vcry pour, lie rouît be or lbu cou d cdit iimîe. ,uuîd love -uuu-1ii iteI uu-l ud ntWashington avenue, Cairun, Ir waxi. t in ifsulgren tlicerous dorectionna iceur bicl Jmtho«, mefllb. i ',oký daa es ave spe t f r rIn tu ing lIe Isi e tia c nfl -s or by a uew lew ot itel f5centm witt i u h tu e letth t ubidli wes tie uiii une o is o il,,,lr,uu uîung. to,îr sîury brick srnu tutr, b utitorigitîmllY h e part e o ts G oernunenl c n ibe mucth puplli uring thee lw .W u lM 1lagI5W . ý lait thitlgs'ean i Iwilllbaildifor av- the Geeranlint ofthtecUnied Stars'@ M wuult t&e hieithirt for a littli whilc. ilu ..uuhîuohnunu:. Il., uonger'lun unlu'r forlintelle tndnîrlo the ur saamoecns rr ocignna huestla'et(rper ceut or f0 pec cent or 100 pen cent But in eerity ubere lasrthe rum te cula, fi-u'ltuys Iecuetie jununu .ieu',k,îu ufer pinedlas a nnlinry bogpital. Iater .Ibu logerdeaynt crm a grtnmant lhe"a an a rofer t' ' Itîtnthei f o teu" îîucrut, . -feuil t uiîft~t l . - e'îuie'uit wi theBulletin (rowth ofthne feel:ng in laerof direct as ita praclical Obi'Wtaàftl, Wul= dSoti and bIilugher inumilike, aod place caa.o ncia i ol en da- Oh, thse tee-p. eximustitui. eiapemaitgl ma lit il uulnutuîunuiununn ln rttibsetîniieuann it am auhtcvaueortuuu nsig oetht I ec hama t.dig& a aies et bia front ctour a praini span o o a iet nrI»sàet ho6uni Ofetthe-in« eerîI.tini thirat ofthUe trunkardin lu ell1 iku e.a.t by ni ndu utînnu I "'" tînu' uîntuag t il eer a aitcatet is' two powerful ppealu taver zzpm"twyi. , roia orhbasatd seura im a apolicy f "tes hy stoppet strotti tcihk Are, or,, Whit'f a ieut came up tlu rmi for seme rrier vslnre tîn,'chatrmue!i u-1-In;'luiutl%%surn', ofnlOOn tt> tutoe isi m Intréec yt! oenotf TeEiteo aor 'mel en'ýe lire Inturance e, otiaIttieprésent hometItr'qi iI n mst i oeinternaI 'ork lu a xîrogsiop uî%itabouti i lenvcl.Alr't"n-uî,r uululn enmn our tennre the tut i sl-t h uteferîcetytilt nCntueuhentKfr iwl roitlest .8mi,4mofPiIU Mybu Weil maîntainet attier lbe a deuit. coner ticmore tain, the inore wgis, tie go back takiug ou lisns-ingjurto ne trop te lnusnersinl Enuttlsîl , un 'uuut.,unul .1in-.' wlure oo nre * 2rrdttr dîigtt trut o utfia u oti a.veh rletaauteaae mas' et iKtecas "rir skt. fc 1y,,tmiotliIFormker it w etl cvluibs lgoroatl Tes seehelIaemae y mitae or 'nddecrptfnib*au 4r Ts mont persitent, mut ovecpoeWeitimuet0 ofuîl aa * tthat for wii the inebiete i elu tcbtrsiî tkLitnednnn u ,~tu srnl ecl bautlaimi. Tespo eetuvckye ate- b' Saero i mor antarptide estl uéeI î ' ene' tli omhg lssa s loi' Ilspis intelthoîie orkini eoléw o wohit log*. wst texcitemet woululri.1-îAtuusiîulc fuir tue villauge onlthe' n i r-ohAtoiandabn. the sullag on tac,1j., 11 h î ef taechwt ofnthclaraese inhild antpothswere forotialt-ifaillir.r. ;ans'-otlt tmsnadulu tai Il c a tins îq u r l l h e a lis f t e a n a tncip les i P ut c th e w i ky hbut- m a ke t te re ? l'u t tra t o e ued ro p r m off ule o ft hne li nl u ictil . " ' ll u's uI c .te' nie s and h M ich ig an C a n a , t e mIiesf otre th r oio ü m ý cetre n oboycotte-t, anin hi ourie, the beerw n n ie me ia.Andt h le ri'@tswiug ou eti ltp of thctngue the Dametns ouu i.h.Itnîcîl lun ov - Franik 'nuh t nie, s.Eizar Sage mtlilOpt- T mte oenqesio i rdul h ert sft a l-tite Wdi ân b e a .âu1u ý centunia aut lai ,âssTins a euefratutm aitl e v#ul t .lat0a« al w e to'ctinthi.îbodi "mt uhuat seul ut W tat 1I niut tem wiil flotlbu more 'op e of it e troyet ineuriate; lt tic IquiolitQinn, lit ets ,'l uuuîC u u'-,,-o. Il cul tun--commi cid. Sic l i e w te ut t lb ofpolio haIhe lite 1i , lae ghmtII 1 - rimAThere la ot m ch dîffereuce ut opinlion es tiou(1: 12-1l8). 1. li nm m n p o li a d t o r a eth o n a m o a t d t hîe b u li e s aC l as e s , e n d t h ie r ali-rs t a l. if l y . b a v e lu il lh e m ik C h a r le s S v e . le 1 c r. luI. . 1 t i v , t n o e le, Il i e l S a g e u t N ew Y r k . it t a t e p o s i o n t t t h U i e d S ta d p l c , - 8 . B *: classes, a"i teputeàail classsend att 7 . drin'lk ffît jrus ouh untboîer - alenFeiruary._ Eliaîîr,age batil a s al 0pefr u ue attl ha a capital. yswldl- Inus.y ot o a IIrlaseshtiug>of thehim merigi Is tee upuuÀd . a h _ _Tow d iftngsheluttago- -' -____ iteè ,illa-- -rtî tet a f aI& o e Tk* oeue would pri uî te bis f e l ma d cry: "Tha i Matt bew Lg§. i - Ie. touef ée. asui b i le hâti$5 . W orry- l i r b b k h - l oo q '6 t ent Il bîsitg olclatota e he e- ge t qU le loh t hé asifring oft hle harum, mal! TIt la cin!" A ud it wolt Sitig inhieartocimir. Miaîbu'v Lahin uni Over tim ffale can eil M ro.Sage te probem slaIntervention on ei e a whhIt htIc w ritrd '*, ' large perefflae iet asa. Iltboita OO O-1"aie otiegeren orttepOcnotroteetsta ane inaI l. - .mA-hc et.olucive on h% a te work, uman wbefl trong drink bas stîrallut, seake up the ecloua of tIc tamueit: "(iii utf('hicago ps.i teI uliuil eîetî Andnlome te r mmd, tîîtaîlesvm& tounud luglug ullI gava Bpmlsh pria matie Cuba i place ut obédeilnce (te.1 a nd i t e n on s eil a n on ie ay n t nm em b sc lIaI tow a rtd th t g eai mo ia- m e r o mra l i e m e r m ! li e m e r uto!" n u t t 4:30 1 o'clo ck T litirs.toY e ciî' ît n ro nu a r fle r lu the hant s' u on i u hc I s f over nen t att er th P o te wrction 01p tu te b--ise him1,a mut attic nua splI. ma on hm wae tes ira. maniae.i 0 thisin Sprm wat orconru ho».lsveea.m i ~ii heome et eventide; on Satuttis',len thebultiau 's helg fte dIsie ut aCo-btcftueiutI (Iunet iclueve tIli He vas n hiepasauamo.'.ur countcryaThbe Neg Yrk milîluairedibasleVmort wagon are gmatches a large part blm ufeilt ue tmt'ieti will bu Ue absence of God tioti eil avenue. sati ficnta mu'1 rcvelilsn 4qr. 1gage. She nos cnttoov.o 1innme t-o Am ethmotrJumtas oensaa mau vraes op ndmuth endwamnatu' xelite tir,,c Fou1 ey a.seul e v- difer«nce l'btween those Who wlsi ta geoetfrrch ant-pt.goum s* lol mgtcaeito the me mok ite tmnokacdm asorrow. I do net b-bi&eutsesnutnlelettîn,.leniNie.Iltjadelatnds h a rdts' cU mttr o 701l ; tli> f a m i l u t o i t m cri fi c e a i l; a m o n t h a a mi s o n t l a h a t s cp t I v e o f t r o u i d r i n k , i I l e v e i t l lh o h e î ea b s e n c e o t l g ît . I d o w u n w ek e 1 ss t i n b a l l i c n l u I k e u î f o r . a e.k t i s d é c a e a n l n m n o e r y m . t e s o f h e a C * i - ui k e p r , S a d t e a b e a o I l a - f e u s d é nt . I 1 d o ne t a r e ow ro c k - ne l be li cv re l t i w il I b u th e a s e c eciof M . fi 1 4 13nrn u l a t n n n,,nmva .m o n r C . E . S iv e ly n e n f o s e m n b e w y c i ge'r t i g t e l s o , a p o r n g l « s site t'y utsan th ti la mof hi eaU- ho cteelonmaald. otdo'tIcit omrt1thut i caumleîte amencis- Lpinsmhhienei tee micrsO seth brrd f cnalhei, tssile op&ertaihu iltatltPrssinhatth rien s"nitatulu se è tr i y a d n r llcr fâ i e a j l c a i a' m s. ~ e t l l n s î a t w ulita s n e arly 04 i e r o I. Ii' haitlotng in ue l voît.~cme" . ee ar. a aoo bukautta. i. ~Wokul pu îewie i, itelia~ i astu ire oncra met an Pe-ris. They appeacet tuW-001te tle main Pointtulavew, aud thoe» la teat (2: 142M. lin. ai mc ati t"ll ieIdt@c c o t e . lte ms - f oT anea ie llo o u n - h o W e al d r u sh h t e w a r a t t h e tr o fe t t e s t s l u t h e r m l d t g York 1te(Chicago. mmccl. iLrb" Pri matnlt the eye unies@ '"hi wt Pua& ritet it ls ut.wheu if more-l itseît mut bisi lite îsrk wue ,.ied". Ili. bailfr h ici ot f âeelCut t- Fowr~~~ iire fonce ot résolutiont. Itceefoui'lhs -i- f nude îled C pirctiootI au inontin hat or lte rigetfa pitel. s tht agsisi m ya tise driu tpo wer , " en t odlléi,; hl s ioesetes .aight t i t ie cup. fr at the lt it ilbite-Oh ,U a lfu' ut un rveinuo hloane l m , nu t it tt fl t a î îl a i'fr a l it ltti T h iri a mte surprse titat lt .eadm îia. , C hritîsu h e ca ,aet. Aehutfntî.b tisthaurlta dsryd1bs1l-rfltlk. a serpent mand it stingeth ilk i ettnue rauonouni useetîiianîlto restrîinî the village oft>estI Péicha ieaouabi ienteelcai agnqi S sntheoAmtrnanmnatio.pjetensg otger tamms lreweultrain-der.nCent.andsle ou utuhavel * tiriarlb.ompltina helongueCrek drin--C .1.1). at 1e - t ut tite aink.oe»; eoadoa Ihisl woul ne ate1 rdnoetieoo htloved. -musercual. The canal Is%îsau milesmin Pisopl thelcorreffaonee whitlî loch@»fesa0bellave l isn . I ý Ah diikbiuelafor Dring !te brwhaeni; a tes mnga ine ut h»lolrt te Nemta Brila. leuitb andtruse tlrough the Feaim Creek place betweia <hMGornninat and tb. themmîrs (4-.1-M2, a elle at damnabl iud oatetentb anssibtolr »og .Dvs gd1,o ain troasof Iurets et tliomads ot la- thîng horomwswta0de le te persuade yeu Co Id net stcp, I watt lu tell yon that (iî'orge T.Iav it. ageilaît.mnfîeinnt, lenrs i tiheIennuolivl cer tnde-loemé c aaatino teue or agu coolcnsrldl plget anraiche(d Itoes. mot whle the ordni tTiskes aelbrh uwhihîe a micannet top haln ia se. wn aa auear inhe fint Iheofnatheulcuer im it lnieT'hato oradminta t cnar pur- o Iwtlhy Paréid 1i tHCantTePiitinmeblee baundhetaeî - d»nuerois to envgaion, andsltoiîp Poa. in Permlttltg tbis correspotndance te kindly apiti, d 1 ta ruinen buta e emplyer@ A dteh.lycen.stop s 'm le a t t' re g ,th LodG abauf _ m1 Ilpoai illa empler stelies. i ant TcPbîehIe ae elpitlan te stop i ns'o ut. I wat lu a Aldrich Prikker, a farier un! llarkera wurk if possible, The lpeople uof East l'e- bicorne public jus Dow Ie genecly 'sOe- mia o01thtt e . minoh btrarersluranfuedtua-re alhirsliro nfrnî hislsitnreIn otîa oue thescietl. Iothoisn of uet Snth uri. tslu cwthe 91mest" mn itrmtthto virons drink, whhl. if kîPt up. uillho blsb. andt ut dou fhi. t-s'es ast r m b il e s. rue aNew Yonk w eeteeweeuicC rer.w *fui d db h od9d. 1 . t relief of the workin closm"a the grnt n seuttm îl ot a gé. e aie fon coi- ebalatn how fiti ono M stnorost sowtaie- - mlvtio etlitanaton. I nl undecaki n t't-Ml o râtbreHe entieas. I1lboart Ieir Ictimots'. mut fr runway orms e n illn']. d Tiea s temr oh.Pcnra ltn tti tt Gvrthenl adnal.ady a d rthce at lé allis saiaino h ain . ot <to. 1 I ui prove-in. Heknowa tIcsteaerrEs3,in my eut llarept tIti Oeb4Ut oa t elLemeI cl-b tl anrt ni ' Préas tt le-neDostiàa althts'laborer ta i erssinniinI pn hin tie- time mc life Ilirinombed ot Verînatina reports outIlue Illinois lî'i'ula- trout Erie lueChicagoie. seulbart iîrouudtid gooltheoffi eorrmedo ilaentt. e m a o btel. mus . a MlitUira tt htit hlîleDet tlbiors. lhbiescî.If n pheit S trutl Iueer asterstout. Tirys aa: tre 1 tend offices.soatyorre nuu-unu'leil>bnuttteePrk nefMoils' forrs__ e.nw l cfUrfs l noiaisW wmvcieo togdii.W poe ccept ofrktyh atlonliunîntueîdîoueofI, of.ntlvsahîl. fle ol . t e o e , i as o , h o l . H w a b s c o u r e li n e w e e v i l lBou tr e n n kia ' m i l e t e , u s i n u ut " t e l a & k ' f u t s u i I m r n i o . T h i s e w u @ a i b o w i g t u prpus O . c c e n t t . u w l l g i a e e i e s t ,I h e e sIl lieme tldedHt o Cir. h nop, but l a sfie .fS an t ce tO r idylnm o & g i tau at, ei hlenerrseand b.m»vius, mai l e e roîisaa pon bis tamll. Hi loves smîe iciscgv urhat .i"trnierly Iýi opntâ,thmtesuhet n h aieoftect h ueene1 htt@&mMtt a 1pi ai e0on a u 0 0 00cl e O rf o nry fletse . H i w o u l t sto p Ifht le c u l at. H e . < î e-w a s ecov e n er e i lith e n s te oiru e . T ih e h a I n w u t a n l s e l I e m i t u s y t en et lu ft la àiprn aents $15, ,Mf casnt. Perhapt hie couathtrce mntit lieu lIaI tW. Broen. l scen coate ofbtheTite luuiuby intchargenof W.hBrunsenIaIWrt1 mateéunt nIetsteamerhsais lubcierge' et lbc 0 f course tic w orki g c a ssea do ia gsem i n saie o O . J a î l l e ra e t irao t , seU l gues oi npse e 'T hio etu bo dy outf rn e ts u u tii iit e k s i i r t î e l ib l g l a l er w ih tii U n te d t t uie m a l ft ie pe rsa saivew ord s f t e a d"l et Ibis cape-sittire. Creful stIatih- .for ahe"aontb. lie casuel. Ite -l litc- river nrauce, but auppoi ta beite w ta proper regard tea1. ts dgnittila scsnrincueed lives oirt n tis hw ha hewaeeanigclsss10 stoup framn lern"eonly ta sae cri'sseul, but lia bots', and lil idc-ault usruî>ircintervention. a1cel1 G cethoseihati xr s-i- eiquori£100Iiciteustlhe conntnoele dteep nt tri reconstruct. punts'. elevane tnt rideaez hâti brouabsent frointuis home,' al Grosunse Peint ligtât ai Evausten, T'ic tue cloorr rtetraymgIIm iety. .hte er, 0 lor fl0,a s'ear, MIi lw udn tos-ni. ýdty., amut i ll oii,scui tat bpnnýtullitted l.utz fnom South Chicago and C. N. .Antto rapoetrc ih àw70fk *eý 1<G i e mbri a iaip n t l a i l u r a £ 1 0 , e - h o u o V l c l he v w r C a n e f o r ( h ins . u t .o c o a l f l o n e r e t o , o f s p t a and l* î lad a rient sehu sem for fimttuhtd Ti erls' hlipve- tht, alibougi yeu feP suicide.Ili% satmli' anduituoie Muuuys-ct 'erIs ro 'lmi isaoc fndbery foleon< o eairat fordIf SAnd Telanee ye ai cmirie Oworlgintreurhodiachns gondw jenIi vlhai.Hhfun nbslkete. IBron ai tî,i,- tinte fnuty men tet nori verlsatIu na2aae utb ecrti1oe aii ie tfi11 eb q s'e hverîeneu l <is diecinîlgouldeeunoe u evl aîldicldgrappigai atheIroute et s'our longues a un ua -sltboron -u e h pahos iin.ut déser* olons' he .lder ibt heigtîaslttt lauU targe mens. girn thirat If .aneage*hmut.hb tebeedmet ommemennrlt:ne A t il ai >.p'Att op wst sour nitb- barge moauipotent thiaIme.If you nîli guve wuas Eut a bttshîrentebmiefotune. respoomhbhllthi. egîlsi ai It b.dof thee I b e , b a v e e x p e tte t. s u d re a lîz e t ha i nlu - oe t d o lla rs le B ib le m o cie s a td r ef er m a - . s 'o u r e r t tu a ( lo t, h ei e w l lh e lp s'e u b > lia y e ir t u ns . T itis > e r l eu t 4)ni lu u e i i e .. C . T r u s e ir id ie su cr e l nteo hn ient t u re -t o s s e d n - c p a e i t eb lt e L tos'intluiet e a erla.li10, Toyiri ineete conque-c, Try c u bImII.puultt btbentknoumaiu ehcolit ela ta suoppresa à ameles and ap. comparlwaiofetP*su' mte sit et usweingtieheuok oft etr eo - or ni t ueuti ns alm t ers'ILFéérlorvîat aiîr. ____________lesigteoa._boit:M____ocol_ pe@s'eunight havi béeu er own capi- gna eygénrnedY abe dandeuleürae scnist'u I hi ui eaien alionot,Aient 31 oua et rubaitlIteunîe tlel asrn1a n n lu at 1 retllai-b~itenyen epleti workinsgmmu'and hoevet bhé taketabout iis evIl -eISslfa A nrselhnern'u@ saeobuussuu i beef hmonnnloto tic jole. TIrelec il ~Patiittlerminable tr and it h. f James, unoeu t. hi, seohortsas'.ns"IAratnmtep at intemt" c f es'isate Ian tuing mtie.on tatribe ltdit et haebit lie leuld say'C"I centestoplsol piseer the eork othe i eto tit EIi,uutInsmanagea ms L. C. WildeofetDetroit, and n &teniWaertg s le r iai othv& de i tr Do l bu dose M i p iy s ic a i n e K y y o un te p le te is c a p ita l. CBu t l e k e p I l n c te a o wu o bi e t. lefge leau ei, t eo. . d o w fThlst. îl ntntSe erm n l a B ut lie CItunons on.suli ootihr.rnt"aI arvuo. ('ns- brcreutfrtcusU!Seo.S îe- h gttinthute h1ag e tousl * oit iso e m lii ti . T tim ulate si orkm a giv a o mn t before u r h s t c n . t M. ,l th-lnu-ltdwrka.M alirdwn tr.H îiisol a smrbjdguml mi ucphhly1 ierable time vst-l uevuteto th ,'Iu't truloChiaerunpanltasaimentha. the Peater, a two zIb6 @&id: I 'e-ansia tem prnce man 1,ur sih e n 00oli tp."" W h'." hi 'oult moral enoln. A raii'mjudgmeal M aigaud iatruciui of n.nîmoitlecs ni!tnie Thirt-one fre e, nini- het,__________ sarly lite heunoe 1 noicet in lie larvest rpIs'111 CRn §top mus' <le. if Iwatt la"no.' tai foit, but a guet consiecleiorganisation. lIer. RobertI ltuweili nf Siroe aud suverai asiîsantasee rs n- KENTUCKY MAÎY BRAND TItIEVES Botthîe cin il tet - fildthtttouhw a pisilcaily weaker AterawItblele Itbhuitdelirium tr'emens. meon mul, nel.tiotOord- No man ecr i îrpis'sbôoupruidet uvertheiI.- unliIsrs - enfocatet or inuredthebîother nigbt --- ina mp:e Onogh tor - 1 lt timith ogh H1colaqod ut bat i twiee, and Yettienftlet le lîstenid lte e tinony Ot a gend coin- <tien. e. iR. ('artleuter tof îbalania uîui lutseo tires il Chicago, sud htoltran- ]Emflvenryir illatroetaget ta ofthbenlieit Irhd.10 lIm ohe surben Iroît.uiot l"I could stop ai soi lIme- if I wmn-incewtOIrjilu.Rn.D.deaellccse,'t bnt lstelves entaibesi ne great motalry tam- lh. Statue Leglalatura. lIait aset.te b.ecopa ' longer thbn t ir'. T Ics' t o tim lants, . c e c I a e O CI 9 - e . D - d e te h ,. f ý ,e T u . a t soue. ', A briek taker in Eng'and t e-î."Hein d e-ad ow. W at killet ullette. Methistit n ati, oho. J. aynnes uit lurieh'isro sitekun mml a r. O ue eome as -aise lgtly bua- T use waa recstis' Iro uced tbla thetrainigiofet h . I o ki t u t ' r i n k , d r i n k ! A n d t s a la o n s i s e l d b î l ee i i n o u s e o a d tvsbseprecinrgrteii a Obttares-Once- tiero woas a an th i ghltserrines scrwent.loy Ins . eu, shibe morne ofthîe iremeruai a jette Kentucky Legilaturea a111pill niti usa , .i odo0 tr&esM.lait uttermncems-a. "I cousstop ai ans'. ronbonîqoi. er ioire consialeret lai serionescoditien- the. brandiai oftaili hurlars tle «' tords do atoit brishein eraoimtlu ia emploi, tleaaga" "BiediBDtotosien, selif Duoapugm henili.toWoe The aarme of tle tire conlagrations ure colmited tte apénalinistitutiona of lte are tew sibta se wmasu , afler Investigation:i "The hier drinker tme*>t." o le.t Ot.stoph enupit i-ns-buhs it pon yliehst' o sutad Teadtro ulcaie.ijnbsc-sumelwti e oet fec rt h oer drceta ilsd ilwotil tbyl who mate tle feyrrst bricks ate 659,- Cen oc uot tîupiO.îe hi an pesu n'îeltfs lt'iegoeut u i Tesateit fontl[ ,uiuutato r uuietselh e oeume ilSat,'i.mmui iet Ia mimc ilsb ak hbyl 00.adteasour b aetefw nbrimîeniuontdwbc I amu o il w s-asixtiimoulisa biegre, I i c t1 nensfunuslSutî nmueothen. ilioug tirir causes seere separatet uonrhtailuai bave the letter "B" bramé. junior meetng ofet . ' 41ntstop! gonl tu- o-imatch. Dont shuselut t' uondlitino! Illue lita1in'slieb>'several utile-. Ose cesultelrvit eue eton lotitcheeka digtiinclarcéra, whihlbéamrno fruit j18 a Pet0briast74t ,000.uT es-hofmec n O e.,teethem tates--ita lo ,le tu ka oho f u iesNa 1 sui h a, dsoy r ffa e n te o sld td te . h up c fte fah ro h , ý hâtiunof closelutaiser tve' thellatil.ser "Sir, if 1niluetreciaîil et t mmebalu tle Cousellitatitathon. 'ilsgpRr'omeletrlie tat&ne etsha ur, titrâa ttranna tf.(M. mn:ra 1cold'tfrm kndwodsno wil or ovdItîtet iteti-unent .us Ouiureo tStock tnt Protuce Exchange at 134 'Vau ilbl la te forever suparatebmriinel@lapeopie te &Peak tsgulltllla es rcs7600 1bedfeeenb- eut ie utilltimalt to <itrietum$0u5i51, rs.2pItcnt <o havi li Bre Aret n ee obr baz uate rotehoes mnrndpnvett-- t W ien un armytii uiseout Ita îte- batlrlé rnutlt-mro uli uneeIone« uhîe.-Rev. tleorige R.Stuiart. NMut-i ver tbe llentreirt. isoeî-i Feb,1. l 'ý.7 tur tS. t ane' 12 nt-tld iliihItpi The bI i n poli e sic se torialé ý tIsolie s-bu a s a eor c ie .iisLusvla K . itiiltshs lë rv dsali o tea ýý enenmarches caier mut Igta bulle-c BrigIbhehatchet mot cul tien, offutit Thee-Ile u.tabulatet tteuiitnuuoolt'îrert t, nde-tri saroi'ret sithintimetettai lrllf.WI canennus.' " 1 haie à te-attrientino Pbiîadu'o teil.M ts gulIimpru s-us tuircee. $Ct'lilp1!-. .lninus n'1i', ew tfoi iutes ot 1. O'etock. 111 lanle,'a eto hi brk-r . ha te Ime bohatwhisky in hlit The'%In ra nsIe ok - nta.Ilds ais aili 1 ln tusite eopia lbl e phwés c it imone îles'.oftart are chiis' pr~o<uct of ntIrintg couti t, 1it'n.>1utl lu 1uus.,ýlt.$)7,7;14 ): s. ttre ni great tauk of uatiolinue exiloulci, . utropeldyc M 1 laiea n Dr otsantatt toligts-eut sle i aichr iiutn u ilolbr. jul as Oten asanet Il la nult-o pmttt nl tid uulîliieut ts. $11,emuulingtelilrmen in the bntrunugadn gmîbter nnotuyet , ý etiemnetcrir.utshnl De I îr hawe stontemasen at il a sbo tt ybtdflrnl imkuthettn his'l.Ot)h8:f a tituuuruîil- 21t4ttîv lu or utin t t entu'lr e f> nz ,-ns.sroting rî s i t , a i ie . ueton e lit. atisfbtI abil maa: "Ucre, I reu't ite itup. IfMant . 55,0;lcast'tii ull n. uu f Qiuiiu. u in i ornurit tEeb h e in ihe mIs- peIlt esIlFu l te ust on ma tl o o d îa fsn ar nîet meIftll A tiniafel niant nyats-arymuî thettn mr i c nnu îîînu îu ci!nO du ' hue-lazeutheistion utephni l t N enli o n r yi a t ' o r n b u 1 à l s f w n w r e n t e o t i t n i ni le u îr u " h e liea nv i nac l h il c ielu-R d o ce a nsa c u m' t o n u t.i a i a c o sinth e u s un a d a ri k a o u t u t t h t c a n n n t i 1 k n e t h t y e n n r i e t r e t t a i c î f o r lh e c o m b t i n u , I l w a x d r e n , b a s 4 n l v l i r I rl i t . n i e m i l , n us t oi e e t r e v e n ut i l a t i o n c o u la b e i r -u r e . e l e i t n m f r - lm Wiuîe-Iutasg lu ara eUlit ire it off Jut as I came-p ant took te sueerofthUe pople tit urgean - ret tuilîuenui lî Fursokmntgigorecitlit .b PintuufI r î delmtetor "litet i t uil coprlvmciau i ie u eltth lsIsoul trtn, fr 1 muât avesiton on te bilsgreal rlctortes.-Rabi hotier demy it o...s loi i i- ti nl tt-ernr'ae Gue ue ant 36th bAtrieel ChilRps % 0t' hn is breali a teint ot intoxicailli liquoir, smt u Dtislite mut ted Ithat h .I rilo vehoote.I inbui, 1 ll s tmu e s uM'e .Iin e tOft',Cl tsavtio.Tu ut u' m>tnm'niatetetys-e tjrt u'trc-i eprenliapitwGn ' a ssn a- efehrah.cPîîe i' a' : "I coInt bave gul it ul 'mai.Tire are umen poom anuldu in Aiesandmu,t nn uuu 1 lion.utun ilulun;;moiujta uike u giiituis W hy? M e cannols !e.tuniefatItue. AIlt so w u. nîu , m pcîin uuwItullî,ît l ii- s'IFoa aiu eectrie iht nIre. T ics'1 lu te îoaaiit cam s t»*- r y? e n uten u re fati guW e . lsl t t s ise ut I r ut I m t stnt toiles' becohtti ut oppression a d nn 'uî o în ip t liuu l i ofnt hilenIll s i t- scr: l t i d H r , b ek m 'r, 8 have Youvgimemu honorable litemttntalsttce sud robbecy andi orng. cnell an on ttbouitrt n i en It .ilga 162Elu iîut ho i frate ibagallw ah .P.' or ran athletir wresioî, ties' ab. _for mie s.'lhomi orcaefrDr h ern oa oboaIOu toi i nulue 1an r eM Ispîlgh a bUd aboutîndanla". Ilasen brck-the story bo abea out» , e , yppanifrargfaofrsimlcrtan uj ere laBo ieae oîme tIeteronIiluor a, -bld attu trof0sooma e ia imainy fin cuIto ai-bnrel hoota hael mut face. rck-rî luhan ara w ma. Our seurilutpeuple s-ilhohi siser ,.e nnmegnu.have set îîemseîveî lu tresse ot o nustic ineOurtnntsnos aye . -45 bIh fandh aad tubs. aft hi ol iturintdItmut troukrn muret. nsyer. p.s'e1 ..0. utîretandmutaitin 1 f thcovsrql lIttauqis Ir , co e mp t ul i ndugIf nt e s ekîngea put drcin e a pp rti n ofni 1 orsA. ho e wh re . ecî in. S aiint 1 »ve3idntl meelinne uuututmuitaboulus' for Etinon.burnet dwoals-ta stte îehme- lc lo uIed immoratelbbe uu- Tt Bekn.- fo cleahAetrnofut i't iiois ( ln Wiladaoîitaes. aît.tae l ie1, us pns c es a tie ass1cia eti s n es i m u.Jnnet aoeite.geleut-ohietnoi- u sn l m e sln uu tye nioyite. t lu S oî o hiaî.as ufacc t ean ba ndsO'B italien tener 3 c ere om itl lucame cptath e . na haewret iget uti1 g.o a t.- ta irlt Ies fit Cmi n f o ie. Ilbîeuis't'l lesu t . s e tsamalue ut n mîý%tuur, edW.A uith a huwa othace . eesi er omsl im. ek ecu ai er ai httm easau î a mnnel Dol e aicraî-o Dor Sabteai H . r s utgl'fn' gnatts . a buu.t a t a hd antnte Me rctis o uh- am n lslatra'Isehm t h T a 'y su uî. R e e r e t o e r t e a A s ' i mIn w M y l s o u i l e. .l e .i o te o b i s e t n c m nIi l uk u d a n o n e n np l i J ' r e , i t r r O e r l , 1 > t ý MaruA e ace . t iibIeldl- o iele uso i iat eeCoeWnt.dl Eerpllal. Ptlihll iFee uinu lîo uarnnts't It.The muleseur v a xloin.flo---mca. l -dilaae, ,t ' % dm15,- wlI. peséeand $prentrou lcgoudnmlhe ia' u Bnel eie'rha-airt c o trt t aea.scaibgh alt-ieIrntu th, .anelmi.h ls'sa'h.u1aieuê r spant svsryhI on tîs ythp r onom mg seung e n li m 8it grs, o "racn onît tuf u, le W".m'A.mCut rictbni nt ce3p0 cteis' cavenu bpîn lb . ud prven île c lIing te eatIon-5. - usinaie vih a ein a n pojuent; alme ul c 1- go in And m lt ai tennadi sci l fr gi i n aten clb. d uvlnthe'm k i n wclia sise ,uuta n un ist aispic o ut b fuae, dry g o ame rclneifs, ilIm d.b a dt aiTuhearh n e iJIa-t m s 8: If&,1 men Iti'atylelitmhmy. en tirapitte luaoreneberet ie oca apetie h Mers seAtrutesloet fchancit s-hI ores ahnd arnmlee.d mpmtem gu ltloins c tacs'eIcameîtl G toy Dcunthe ra k rts t le ueytit dli. teatic tii mprpebtht Sud Srlen' 1euaan'srhani ssu iin.lbeuet 1, 1 - Dr. e ibis stntre an t~~muiNFo4a7>I~~~~~~~~~~ sud - lina d th svaré y blae tt ei.lniis «kid bor lc.te?.elauk nine, Mir(rni l tee.apanettad.Daihispnmttolv eul e titbard a o b t latt.oad Itees pIsn.mdbaiasi ia ht MehoItorcao.c tiznetDasmr nlt tis moIei e fIn rk satnet lu fren coIa- tn ne l'h. t pit aI ln2u PPad i cm idl ves, à*%p-bt X S met b. a dey emi . The c. id. p t ln-oextra e h tua tWh.steailcisoye rW r nla-Ialb. Oas-n, taillmen tis' oriu i ai-t iar Soey. îles-u tet aSt. Louis las aueposio, îogcîI- te-netI c isaes e dltWi. -; tmlu r dla fito h edigi dik pn h h-on ieig fu To lu-n McHi-crse ntpeulu eua ulhî' uoristhé banfuse ne ho u otrag.wbié "' evitm e elets'wr ia e Iieva tin ofstc ig rete.lCiartths okngIBaudscios nd Cortantlp byhe wopoiatnt M sir iing ah.cnt uso drmii g i $ 1t e etaIs it a I ssîlskin a hlm uldOhit ph eretl w irt rus tmr tre te t ve iiofT ti -a ler Inieru ut ingfrml iraieble aîî,yser e1 ac nîl eîi a piai o r n o îo îaae, e e la b o ec l v r.lve ceaiir y. Ths te You Ingdemard tel 51 fitrmoreras ht rUglm-lmo ngerofies-ee boysut ni.F. bt7 esesaIlltt u icssrr rntTu1tyateann et lre necncI tedit 1v *' laidlBer ot i.taeeahse, mM 1h10 chheemeft, st.wa u-t--b.-euIlTa.k-t.i § nu . îl tlic lau-vti Ots atiac tru otimNumont Youn. h. nhîdisal'ei..t.ï r-tI dutet biayycsofmutervpiîllythe u-B0I aiseier ar, dive mn e ere en? ver' ee. Whab mIsto îl te uenaopkt, î} ttt etipitto i antly nlcaI lie-re urs. oneft$5bls-- ap to kli em ls al It ngllfo a crabta Jig rm ulIt eci iru il itatagls bt-e rgi m t -coug G- eo ir lneeînyInio e ts n t hene M yosfTite V ,100 itt C--,Chiag, desp.'m- ihe crimasihp fi e 'h . M r lma ,fo B tafll Y Qhbausa e, v.i.r. e T _ . minaT - -u -1notul a -t ----ii.0-1 _ r-appt'..,4.afa pI l AuMteot , fldie Un .Ile ,

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