ean scod-c" ma ar. ZaT.. mAi>. xovV On xv,. CÂTiox. ýkIbdr va.u quted t Ibo on the Wu »mord ut Trade, tionday I1 th.e republican and demncrattc Uso.lve up te theAr cancfan ~qe t he country vil be apared 1E~tue apeeches inte ctar vei h vas opencd to-day By, WSe, AldrAch. The repubUicana did k%- têmpt to have their camn Àmthie amendmente te Uic' tarAS because AL wuuld have been MhwO, oving tu outepoken opposition ulue a01 the chedulea On Ic epart 1 epublican Senatura. Ibe demo- %à iiecidee Au start u by making an 404t te sitrike ont ail the internal mrmue taxes mposed By the bil, OMS agtheifuture action» te be »rmined by the dimecnaiomea Uic! We:et tu eesoc-dveiupcd among te publictea. The' popuilt Senators e »et talkling mach about ther beticns, but At as sae te gay that eW fflInit&ailthe preliminary votteg Mdl for or againatthAoeitemu AhUi jwhAcB they tbuk are for or againat a bterealaou their statea, remrvteg a xigl te vote for or agâant the BM»b BA hen At a put upon t. aM Pasge. lA ia now thoaght gtAt 0 btU vill Be pased bp Athe Senate1 Me «f four veeka,uile". At hai ,401ayed by nome complications Vw Uan4cted. 4patkerSBa .the Mun ho cou- gs he fate oftbUc Senate rean-li gbilngtor thi. icceRnAti on 01'Cuht SM here ta no reaeu igbody entortaiuiug cap doubt ant Me attitude tevarda Aat realution. ai9@deMcKinley ahould con- QuNBe preferabýle toe .poucy lBe Re plai ont fôr himaeif and abould limbete have that resolution adopted' r UelBoume, be han oly tu myagis idOpeake Bed vili proanpaty pu' là teàuuiothrough, but tao longmais obl#gadct remnéacf01h. opinion dé *eoouAtion cf beiiigereney Wiin atleittacborily ment the exigencies Betene tateao1ution vit] reinain : = v li t in, on the Speaker', Mae Th«eete much talli about a Onftmh. par thflA. ouse, and ka edqmaoiàof that resolutton n mm Cà the Speaker, but t ia uniy AL Lstonggh repubîitaelanthe OW WIii %tend by the Speaker and ib'PreeAdt te control that body, uuoa, toc. n the face uf the tact ~P*eObblY neeutentha of Uic. are 1,0WtOe o the belligereney resolutlon. 0ch Il$WugASa -a-vote oft euniidenou" isv n Americau legslative ielg.but PresAdent MeXAniey l,*071111 th"athte adoption cf that; ~IiiSàtiiatimevuud ebarrau V*VMloeil sentidhia party n the 0,1111 fier a vote cf confidence, and inbr.l Do Politien In thia J4A ,balftsyla likely tedo anhe Z2 e lat long enongh fur li. heàVè the chance tu maire his poilly The Lest lng Time for Me. leO tOatmaarund ai" taIt whn n,lghlors cet" lua nmtdowv n oaa tnmita"t' fb"ar the, TowUst cheern lSonag; te u lIY down enlteImsitA,'thewind,'r lit *the lot, e*'toff eon the ,rier. wen he iwnd ih Wluin' Sot. 1:00lat a vi8tiî' 'onu Hnal,, " àm Peot i~îurty way th"n, wepi' vulfSdroop- MAlte one -stanlu theon neltlier > , elle the gain. bobt1e tender gaingtlet lte , u, ahy to, look *Ban.ah&lie va fi v1W r.un. . vtit brumh aWnlibitcitan' Pan. fat,.. 'Why dont you go to wlk.? leure éimtna, ". Dan! lo vhena lt.MY ork ail done. vitA, lotë 0o Sligne go siure aa aIa iiked the kteien up. an';aete &-sevtn' tere. Ntaielar,,tlen-ltn.a-bankerin' for U St a ul a-'tirrinan' as cdU adeatA, tUa»awà'l Say. "ly Saite alla.! Why dOWt ioU stop and rest?.' *eeettinga'umnlemnt ht i eaun.t if le 1ý blac hi~ ~ee umier ,o.1n'", When the work 'l =W d oughtèr taejkle Il witil ws'ytbc or hue or axe. Mws h" fkat@el ke 1main', an lite blle aromna aSpeli, lma là 'momiem ar -ol,'nin'. &a*'themres MI a ea*nin' arneIL 04-»6e "Y aIe-drowbY, or the brda rue ,1 out et OMO. ~sepIgla ively-tbar. thi, bal, mel-Emia <J. e oiceJe C8I~herbarjvenhatthe etet o opln t . Ca emog the@m tlsbo èe baei"émibe -ve jeto PP6wur bs mmIy enffl am Md liai lih.* à»ebcmteg au l aing the lim& e,.ove mach te Dunan c(o. WIWe t aci for the. v. neyer shouid Bave known s. 'à paper lanLarned, Kana., lu apeaking et a reent mrgical operation, retusko that f"Atwva uccesaful n eyery partt- culas, and t recuits vould Baye been AiU liM could poeelbly have boeenBoped for, except for thc unfortenate tact ébat the patient failed te rally aud died in a f.w minutes." Our aupremne court hoa revermed the decialon unfaévurable Au Fulton tn the Wccdna content botween Aat cty and RBock Island, and bon remanded the cma, meking Uic InjunetAun magant remcval of bead court from Flton te lBcck Island perpetual. The decilAon vi be plemaeng Au Woodmen everyvhere, as Fulton han spent fne and money lavAahly te maite h. orden wbat t An. TBe bioodbounda at Princeton voe given a filid trial recently and an etchange cays une ut the duge '*au thon trled and gîven an upprtunlty tu trace a puodie dog lut Bp Jue Lukan nome time agu. The dug got the mcent front a coller once wurn by tic poodie and etarted off. lHe ut once vent tu Ladd and cntered a Mnt market. Hore lie scented around the .hop avhie and audclediy selzlng a1 large @&usage, boltcd out ut the door and brotught up at hie matr', feet vit à a ag1utsatsfation. A bUleapouding before Leglalture uf Penusylv&aifotr an appropriation 0f $1,000,000 for tie impruvement outhAe public ruade. It le ging to be one of 0i lcadipg questions cf future egAei. tion, hat-ot i va w nAr ron.. ie tint tale. Jai 'bound thewviole led togeUier Bp steel rail as an inmense outiay ut muney, vble Uic people Baye gone ou nilrring one-haji .1ut@%eh year. We' are fur bahind other nations in ounr commun rond building. RO LL.INS. XM AssAbie Darbp basntnrued hotu".. Mies Katie (1rer lasentertaiuing ber mster trotthoeCity. The daMe ut Mc(redie'a hotel 'Tues- day evening van Weil tad. tir, and Jars. tuyaton tieconzie, of Chicago, are viutiîtîg relatives ut tir. G... Vau Luan, ut ilacAne, Wl,., spenA severai lapYu ttvek Vlasitiog Oid irienila lents and a (iraslke *The LadiesAi Alà sotety viii muet vAlu tira. Casins iuittio "hursdapy lune 3. Alaerqetds ted Notice. Un Baturday ma! til there vAli be e meeting Of the AVînU dter COMeterY AMUClatln ut the AVOi, (Jenter sehool bonne cummebucing a& à 'cioek sharp. Let ail attend as nev olleras are zo Be sppointed andi mach uther Business vilà Cone.,efure the meeting. là. 0. DituaR, Pie. UmmDr 'at i w sue~. m IL MtURRAY, englneer for Keet à itouaktres Mercantile CD.,.Bpring. field. Mo.. vrltess:111 .uifered f rom dp.pepuia, vaa minable te estaultBing vithi ouA mevers distrem .Trested Bp ev..a phyulclana vithont benefit 1 beam simca a physical wreck sud unabie te attend te My vcOek 1 tocim Dr. Miles'Reetomatve Uifs had a sevem t-i Wmbt..lm Sculiar te ber. We both p ou vii as.thts Au avas neae bave heen"* Dr. Mite.' emedJc are aoid Bp a&l drag. gie under a powitive guarantee. bant bottle beendt. or moner refanded. Bock on Heurt and Nervc.aentfleetoailU eppikt&t DRi. NILUMMIIOL CO, *lkiM lad. A Good Newspaper. Absolutely Independent. ONHICAG"-O JOURNAL The best news facilities in the world. BDeIiveredý,à,by *our~iocal agent '6 cents a week. IBylmaiI' _direct, i LS$3.O:ayear il 1 - -. - !i1 1mel M tra Sherman lsanthorize t. A recelve subscrlptlo isand advert aueto' Sfor h. INX>PENDENT al00 orders for Job priutlng. Cail on bar for rates. *~aAAaaaaaaann ~ eventau on or lefore full mnD J. . LivdnàuitSec, l.Irvwna'a. W.M. SOORoss haeer %.D.Order Eastern tasd . . 4 la.A. M. Warru Sec>. G"rAYLÀ92CampNo. il. W. A. niat EVEeMT NOVILLE, V. t0. a(inBROOSc. rk. M iZtH &ÉNoi. M IL .A. weet iveond Bu.. nuaxt' Masn . W. Afiavay, Ora,,e.' Ç<)NGIAEGATIONAL Chtireh uda>' er- vrni. and vanje. m. Pray',r m.ot. tugw.dn a a v'inga. Y.IP.AS. C. E. m-e't Bundar evenlnsMt g&dogP.m. Grayalakte Villaire Offbcra. Prnien t ........... .......E. il. Ahruan F. C'. W 4)îî. iBarron. TruKte', 'PF D. iiatt',hahItèl,. .Wiàk. 0. lmhrdbnn. tC. il. er,y. Tn'aimr .......................la. Nev'ilb., Poil*)i Mglttrat.t................ C. Morm, Marshial.................... A. MeAil,,n Clort ............... ..... Dr E. sialTeàr. The Giraya1ake hotel visitera the paat veek or tva vere: a. 1. PAge. W. J. Noble, Bey. E. S. Ohap eU. Joe Frankhauser, Chicago; lt.W.e 1Fredriok Pabst, Miwaukee;E.. Peter.. J. Balrstow, Wauxegmn; W. B. Latuphere, Nurnan Lait, R. (J. HAip, Wauiconda. ý8Soro«i; Chaptor will prosent "PFemale aeOnry" An Mason Midl tits<PFriday> evenlng and cordially invite ail Mueons and their vivete t attend, even thcugh thay May Dlot bie ulamboe of Elatug SituLodge. Ail Kia star memi>.rff and huglsfinds are altitet. vIted. No admission tee vlU be charged sud a guuod tine ill aai&t t Mr. and iMrs. Fair aire holding Gompel lent Meetings An theltee grove J'lot south of Mr. Bollin on tas batik o1 the laits. Mr. Fuir la an eurcest ebrigitian worker and hAs wile a n errellent mitiger, and as chers la muach roint for Improveient tu Grays. laite we trust that -ehb gond Viii be 500(iflI)mbed during tlietr etay, which wvi be s week or perhapase»verai weeks. J tit am seems tient. They are boarding with Mir@. Bldredge Buyd. tir J.J.Lonahng nid itenieti a eat ediAtu othe eblîdren vhc .0 lTuends An Ruanmeil. Participated ait vel se those vho Il tir. Wood, ut Onaki'arklas vlstiig ingiîucted the' chAîdren. The only bis danghter Mr*. J. Waaihbnnu. unplensant teature ufthAe dap va. the The rysiate temetery AnuiatAîîn itbtwei'it (,tramin luthe mornlng that >met vtb is Wc' lant Thuraday. e ut short oune fthtii pressiont ozerclae, MissAunaDarB basrutnned u the Operptta; hut I t l Be given neme Miso Ana Drbybasretrno toeveming lnabhecbnrch when aIl i ii be Chicago alter a lengthy visit ut boule. gvna potîlyA erl.lm tiMrs. Golding aud "veal uther Queen of the Miay, Who un thAs trienda trou> Watîeoucda pent Ttiesday occasion vas Mise Emma Wilson vu -with ber Bster tirs. Aarley Hendee. duiy crovned and the May pole dance tir@. Llrton. who la making ber as glven verY nicely, atter vhlch houle wlth ber brother tIr. Wood for dinner va. served tu oid aud yonang Alec prenons ha. been quise 111 the puât alAke with merrp cheer. In the alter. veek qr Avo. nouan the Ivauh u e .h allilDie and. -Beginniog- Sunday May 3îth the the ra3'siake's Baabl]g es Sutîday train reachiutg bore at about wAf the latter w"ahev lsprsed 10 o'Voiuck vii liegin tn.-IlAretinrus Ate ptmiAerT a'Sowrt noice lad An Ae evniag ai boutsc'teu. tbey wvegeneraily reaeip Au go &tier A large nuiniber tf gunnens froin, a day weilI fe'nt. ,Chicago vere ontI tu attend the pigeoîn about at (irahauî, ofut Long Lake iasit It la the But oM Eaeh. week. TlleY .tî,rncd Sîltîday even Tiui.îws hai £_dw*tdn & Parker, Ing. illéTr'halitn of,ît lumn, au, amp of Mr.andMr#. can.W)ttljad t*-jet(*lla,,,hs'rlain's lPaineBalan, fo rhre.ma- Wauktegati the gîtet,utir. andcl Mrs. tnnoul pas. Sdeep FB. LOUand Jusa',lmer. "b eyp pent part tif thia î.iieilrtyvinx, . hil. BEAUSEIGurne, week lauLake Illuif viiitho fanîily if L. eri~.lîTrahlUi. BaocimefeJler e tir.lilenhen tiller. L .LT!FIt.Rceelr The Ladies' Aid Sorlety ili tueet ------- with tirs. Wayne ll.îrvey iet ît en.-' day, June 211dl. Th,'eeire sbount twenty-iive Ain attetdarîee ut lits. Engoue ie(Ituw'i lait s wik. Dr. and tirs. Swluîley, tfltîîi-ll, nmalle a lying vimit to l.rayslake latA lundsy evening. TIey retnriied tionday a. m. taklng Mn. Wumllînru anîd Auns vblth soth Auininb Ab-r ol tuie @lC<**Si L e vbiehbhas jasA itbeg',iat'nd. j.mtf, v iI1~ tiunday, hMay ;li8t, nenmîriai, o2:w.re c e-xencees ilii Ie ht'lîl Intîe shî, >11. ~ilm rim.e li4-nne hetginuing ut i1) a. M. ltt'v. U.»&M & H arris w yl i a e the pe .ii g a llre ssm, 1 " m klim.011001M M r. D ee k e r s u d i M iss M in t o k iu d lpy f IInvite the lireselle 'if ail thosI U B U vv w intretd. I ILPvavemaIL.e milles, Mmv PsAiMMaCurea CIBESP<)NDF.NTS VAYTEi,: We are demiroun ut seeuring eorresposidonta in ev.'ry tovu In the eounnty. Il your vîit.îiity la not rcpresentud write fur ternus, ur aNk nome frieud te do go. ' J JUT & WOOI)Màq. F. BAIRSTrOW.1 tlmantiacturer of VManiIe 0. B. H OW E, M. D., SPECIALIET IN CHRONIC DISEASES. Until further notlçe ah visitALb- ertyvilie. every alternate Sunday, SUIT or OVE RCOAT Sna a 0h AN BORN & CO., TAILOAS ais. CENT$ FURNISHERS KaeebS Ie., Libertyville, Illinois. Compiete Line of Fancy Silk Vesti ng on Ha nd. 11MWRIGiHT& SON, 4 .E5VIL.IL When the Question of Buggies is taken inta con- sideration, wouldn't it boewiseta think the mnatterý over, and figure out th:, real value of ai good Buggy? We mean, when we say 6"a good Buggy"a veichie that wiiI flot after a years work look as thaugh it was a fit subject for the Backïm 's aid-iranPlile. Yau wlilfind, If you Investigate, thatthere is a difference ln Buggies. Corne in and let us explain it ta yau. «E SELLée Office: Trlgge & Taylor Sulldinig. HOUIl$S- i t', 3 ji. S"la Loecal(.olunun for date out nit vJirt Atidres- Woodetock.Ilîlinois. Strong Recam'mendatlons. *Alter aultering severely for neveu years with dympepein, and having Bcen, treated Bp caverai other able physi. clans vithout belugnateriaiip be-e fltted, 1 eniploycd Dr. 0. B. Hove, for- ineîiY of Chicago but nov iucated ut Wooiimbek, Ill., tbe reault ot bis tient- tent belng a comnplete cure. I eau nov est anytblng attd enjop îMy nies and have gained Aiîirty potidsAn velglit. I. F. CAMET. txhtoct Ill., May 8, 1107. WOODIS'TOC, It,î., MAY 1, '97. Féven dlfieréeut toctois ealieti loy iseuse ecuntinptlott, and une pear mgo. ftilerbeing under the. constant car. of adoctor for iliree poars, I va@ given tAS as hopeless. Iben mp father Inaleted ' agalîtat nîy vlmbem, ou calllng .IDr. litîe, the great apxeeallstltironlc dînteuse,and inov i rjç« iAu leitîg abI, Au teutity iChat unu(d lmBs.i havti eeit'tcolîplotelp cureti, have gaàiifefll lAis.m, ain utiong anti' vork eveny day and i ee porfectly veli. LAKE , ,>-î COUNTY IlAN K...... Wright, Parkhurst & Ca. LibutyviI, fMinois. Issues Interest-eearing qertfIqtes Pay4ble ;-nter.. N o nI e t Bt. CPEXrETE1U' %WOIK EVERY DESCRIPTION I Bî~i. mcd anîrAca or anyti George aI Arbuckle's Coffee per lb. Corn Meal per lb. Best Cinger Snaps Kenosha Butter Crackers Oatmeai Crackers Molasses Cakes Whlte-Back Wali .aper per roll Ladies' Calico Wrappers White Carpet Warp per lb. ÀAmerican A Arain Baga lac Oc Oc oc Oc 21c 49c lac 1 2c TERMS ÇCASH. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Careful Thought selli 'J'ust toit you that-wé are seIng you desi rabié goods at the right prices. The foIlowing pricesare for Your beneft..take advantage of them;i. One Week coimmencing May 319t. Ladies' Fancy Shirt WaistesS.5o "Leather Bite......... io 300 yde Remnants of Prints per yd . ................... .02J Mens AiI-leather Bicycle Shoes per pair ........... .95 Men's 01.75 Congress .98 Brooks Bro's. Ladies 2.25 1.69 Pheipa, Dodge & Palmer Ladies 2.50 Shoes ........ 1.49 Brooks Bro's. Ladies 2.00 Shoes..................... 157 Brooks Bro'.. Mens & boys 1.50 Shoes ...............9go Ladies OX Biood Slippers .98 No shrewd buyer can afford F. H. Kuebker, Brick Store. GRAYSLAKEI ILLINOIS. ISel WI-13!LS Corne in and ses the Monarch for $38.00 Bicycle Repai ring a Specialty. Camplete Lino of Sundries always on Hand:et' TOOI E. B. Sherman, IUINAY~geLAKEILINIS We canumot refrain tic. callung pour attenti« onte f0 act Ahag ve MeOI surlimaiugva have Ahe presthtta loolg, Mont durab>le andcdOMc. iOW BLiJI LAME (IL 000K MTOVE» ouithelime rkAsl snoBa. ýilddPuri MdNtionlandet &gre tu furuli. Whit ep lait, ai cible- LibcoYvile ore WauSuda tir ahip po0u direct on cadée, 1 ootnplata BIne pIsme alove Mmd oo.rmaipSt. get dinner wisb,,lier 'îuîy iss. Thep a&D' poduce a miteie ble Sanie vigi the Mame cil pou lmelan pour lapa ad dou*t smoko tir smuil oDe bit more 'Coai.oiiis lut"P, bomuy, and li t the rAgut leagi l u bhun. Yoer local dernIer viii ap lthag Abe 'UrnateUMa Socue.' can% doiAt and love the oveu off. Lanih at hine. W. cnlpcharge 02U8it Ah,ne' or«n. We bup cer stev. Anlimeh «me tevn vheve l.vatami Our BLAuJA and TAN 510015 ad SilOliwielh are cbattmall ar- rivluàg as Lbealyvîie eMdWan conde. W.el d U Y" ease mot Sot, An qualiby andpyc,[iie blime and tans trU Ç?sOIZ.75. large Une of nmms boye I commonmia" i uie liss EBit rveVie*.' r wa*em »w ~bml.e, u u , mswe m.sg » ton£u ioSn l*e humre. MuilA e Uet AN Losing Prices advance. See Here! Ali Youl Ladies and Gentlemnen. ý 1 ý 1 éàrottih mod hub d-", ma i M - - GRAI tO Pass the Granite j.J LOcAL NEwâ. Graysiake Illinois. . Fowl%4or 40.00 lt-.PAVOI AVL- 1 %