CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 May 1897, p. 5

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0f jA-Dollar Buys a lot Of Groceries, if you know where to take the quarter. The prices below wIII tell you where to go: I 5 Ibm. Evaporated Apples 5 Prunes 3 "Apricots 2 Cans Salmon 2 Apricots 3 Baked Beans 4 Cans Peas 4 IlCorn j7cts. Cranberries Everything at Lowest Prices at Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, 111.1 G~LIA6S Bring out the Wheels. COrne in and SeMy LUne of -- IftIJeFiIS. >Crescenis Repairing a Specialty. Bicycle Sundries. LibrtvileC. R. Sherman pring uits. D-- overcoats. Wandi up $andi up Neoable ho show Semplea. 'FRED CROKER, Ovgr Bank. - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOiS.j m ~ For ;slea Delicious Ice Cream soda .. .. Go to P. B. Lovell's, LIBERTYVILLE IIRQCF ~u- s s~.J a 3 d Pa AÉ Te mi rm art Fig bu, lt lat fav be Ir Ul vu ea r lc hih 5abZut. lftzm nuas Ol ' about iveive rem sold and velWhs about Die ou]an E:n he lth day of June velha bou mopondaammtheoth00 68MIL AU a a'i appiy tou W. ve Prgarsi by C. L Rosi à Oc., li& SD& Y IdU5,siL m1> t0s"' TlUIEwSIcotanM.Oittoa" la 2ndday 0f May lac. MicgAEL JuM Rçoivçd ~IT~ & ~O2~'~m A NEW UINE OF Summer Underwear, L ate Styles in Neckwear, New Patterne ini Gents' Shirts, Stylish Straw and Derbe Mats, Dress Ooods, Lawns, Chales Etc. Decoratlon uay. ServWnes ilii hahelit tihe Union churcit, Lîharlyvîlle, nazi unuy aI 2 p. m. untiai lte uspies o John 0. R-98n Poait No. 742, (J. A. Rl. au aanntet ilutI eeits I»ipa». xxT. Beys. John Le suanti. D. Reuvoi vili dellver atitresses. The folicving itave beau saocd o ceunite on floyers anti tisora&ono Mis. NolSe Smtb viihave charge ci the floral vert, anssaeti by plan Oolby, Mary Davis, Mary lion, Mahaol Achen, Mrs. Bobt. Lyon, Laura Dusaberry. Jennie Les, Clama Avern Bilanchc Vuilie, NaaotWiteoer, Uma Blr, Mmlle Lyon, Pearl Fulla'r andi lira. Vcvior viii bave <tiaigeocf 4 churcit tioeration, asausteti by Mis. MeGregen, JaUnie Nein, Eumma D*eh. Metelu@s, May Ecyt, lir. roter, Lîllie Moise, Jamnes Clark, liella Churchtill, Ueo. Bond, Huama Bond,. Bon Milfler.Altur Bnlitley_ Fienk Jusl, Etivard gubitard, Ada Goeingo, Mis. Loring ant irei. Levis. It in suggcstlth iai tescitool chîltiren, anti any Cta vito catu, go to lte wvotiilte foreDoon Satur- day anti gel ail flovaîs pomaîbie, tait- Ing thon t ctheeuich t a1iocloct, andta taihe members cf ltes. coun- mittees neet lter. a et ein.@time, viit ami cubera vit ccorne adu- cst la titis %% oit. Ttc graves ai the oemelery viii lie tioatedtia er theu serytesa untiay. Woodgful «arte .Oumseby foo&. Iflpin "Y it 0817 L leB. Cýolby&C, THE Lida Lsw a visiter lut Frilday PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. arternoon. *~~ A umber of the boys are Waklng of' *Localistems of Interest to Libertyville Readers.* goingl Wboellng tosace the rond race 00 nexiMonday. * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4~ Lon CaOrSeaompanetiby hercousIn Mie Luu eunma lasuferngmia Pliton cme aroundi andi caiedio Hlm.LoinPonuman a muferig Mn. T. E. B. bMaaon tort for ber par. un liaIMontiy. Wilt lonaiifti. enta' home la Shenondoub, la., Thurs- Bni adc lie ieaho *Don't forget lb. limonaI services <dey. laa Mo d orilted pheachoelgt 1ot M-b. Fbai heena edug t ght a"Union churchB uada aftemnoon. Mr. anti Mr§. E. C. Tupper, o!f(Gien scitobbCata, Iii. gbi monre novdreu ~aand nuommer Vit'w, visidt0vîit C. B. Siterniqu and ti <iàc Ltai brlu.iiaIubn milliadery ai Mia. I ae'. 32-34 famlly Toeaday. caplega Tuenay and eziîbilet i it u Ethel Taylor aaone b ovoa, Meure. WIl BHigley antd Mr. Maddon, andi Ueo. vas as nervous né a chîchen. vitere ah. viii 'pend lte aumm@r viit Of 0 Oait., voie Lbertyvllo riit- .lrmodia Hi Tgayl relative@ ora Wetineaday. 1 atar oreoith$su£&lMee Ti e iti misa. WbSa Cooper. of Laite Bluff, il Yoe vau t engt lobh and 90 attd Qen Victorias Diamonti apetul at Snnday viit Mr. anti Mia. Pretty lt ul.* an. d ci.iar abas, goJubilee, where &ho viliilare sumptionh Rues Omborne. 10 Mrs. B. B. Bf nIbutt'4thom. ly on taille &ap. Mrs.B. . hrl tt_»â ustitcived M.nB.EOT lc w âeb» ue Theother day a taber:rm ite to. >rTaylor'@ realdences Ibis veok. t soiolara. Deforelesvlng hepresenieti Ui. anti Mi. H. Benry,of Chicago, P. J. Wleh la veîy loy vith à Dm.Mr. Davis with a nov glis paper spesbnnday lait vitb Mr. andi lire. plication of <hoa trou vhlit ho w TJtepiogra ntaiFrlday conalatat Bolomon Kelsey. hm. beau a ioVeîe suferai for bany enilfey tof readiaga. lBoy Wright, Dr. Taylor atiended te g dti Monthe. Little bopes a enlertained Eibol Gîboon, Cleve Price.,Ethel eberci ai Buait MedioeJ colage, for hie reoavery. Wiuei and Jiu <tse alKadfn Chicago, Wetinoiay. ilia'y 1iier ar lt eeona. At t. cnclusion ofcite lagei iwepont stock of lignnthe monthly leclion vwu Fui a beautîfuli 1- IMa.Pt> iinrybn, hel. t. oacars viti tihe ezcep- tlle candi yon viii Do , H f. UE1U . tic.n 01the Vice Prtient ve Ml... Lui32UU alaBundayrseefl, Pairi ro iîDymon'l being electei Peunlinanay erviocsas thePrsee i Han rtColsit. Wtile lte en in he nr atoex vbane0 £0bybetcniacrcit Doit Bunttay. Rev. hallcts «veto ing countodtheUi .h~ a~ envos fOslig abjee vii li "le i hritaving nothlng te do. onloyeti been enfggo tieacb a claoaeItu vOcae v B&TitenToling and Eovlnig." la iheMuelves lMenaely. Prof. lDavis and nstrmenal mnie.theevenaff--Chist' Dot tels01 fineand i pletia number of lotos antih« initinenia an rupntle. biereeig otrn on t.ena*1p«cng. 0f cours» ho Dr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w Cia.Oloa at i.aei3'ae. i nocent andi ho lookeatilt-ci Promeut veek in Chicago vitere Due Information an go viat kiwi cf à de- Inooent a lont yir ol hmn. One tDnS bean ln ationdence aitte nDliiPot lte ralJt<ad Company propose gayouinttiUi soain n bar biga.otfeutter asuer iheoibai graduating exercio s ai n@ eical ereciatti" place in au nntnovn axbaUaiud ber Wb"" ryaia ld For summer f1 v go to Mr@. sveet ime, and wbaiare yon going te gSMIla the 60 ai, te thcboy aoems l'rollue's. Yeu . th ie 3latent do about it the alae, "]Risl- Wiat titineat tou ely lmi ai lovant 32-34 la Ui Maning of the» subterran btuartaddock whohnbeen . Bradvay, 0f Chicago, roda a soandi " -Ab" va. Uic reply, "lie- Benina i Paddcvho bai eentr ,I-.,bicycle 10 LIbeityvlîle, enronlet.e tiate a lnuatiicsalvesn ba saci the pongt ighstol a Cretrald e ig, GrayOlI&eWetinestay, coverlng the turnetiIcone andtieibm i m ama thepua olitiinctha îeurld 1 bi dutan. tou hicgo aielu ~boving vigb fienduait ie.." "-Nsy, homein tîs pace hisweek disancefro, Chcagohorsin naDY, Dot osy, -Dot no" chiined la -Ithe L,,nue ~ ~ ~ ~ ou iaindpaeii.vck rnln, l " his rti e dbadeti boy, *'Mtinîae 4W ia. 9. W isuea andi Mis. A. Milliton, A Bureau ccnniy min bas been errent. Uaol aIbt~ *o ed roon iare seiniy 01 LoM A ugeles, Cal., itavbbeaunvisitang ci for stealing anti carryîng off a ivo thoing lt sr ouai"pera.i, hinet bauk nebef A « .lilplos, the 1aI storY ibonie. Iflteart of iturglary thon Indgeth aightliy" returiiedth e roc. ite ltIMonday for Maine, keepa advancing aItti, raie vo vilyI~ I&Zan halietigi. Oh thon trio" Mir". lilplas accompanylng tem 10 bave to loct up th#- trees and chain broite ln the gruef voic<0f Prof. Dvis, Cicago. dw h"Wi.*Ohtou trio, roturaetaiOnce 10 Uiy Teewlbcasrwerfe tival ltevel.atfflas or ml roti @hall cha» hm. s. Ther vi ha aiavbiry eolval Thora là one ti nd co! sUife ltai la ai- Tite trio rneekly venste10 oit igain t thte Preabyterian ciurcit naît Tues- wuacmetalat ia alt at ucsein oebt iaun lay aeolng, Jnne 1. untier lte anipi s CMedbe ndta atean iln o! 11enocmorthc r cs suife on the part oflte reeldonla of a igg01tescn o . f lte Gbcd Tempiars. Strawberiies lovu 10 tri la oui do oaCihotitai ln lte- ad creia vIll ho servati viti> cake, malter cf keeping Dp prcperty, itavlng Want a Chanae. ~veyboiy 0ituily ivilti. hantiiome iavna. and ti oboîattractive A rumor 10 lte effect Oui sehool The lbertyrulle Eleetrie Ligiti fetures tai greatly anîtance îte directora voie OoDiomplating hiring Company pu&tilfty 32 c. P. lampa lat appearauc f a t0vn. nov teachers a Alte Libertyville scioci rill)ot>n a Fnrney'sietai tis veek, Foresl fiea are nov reanming bitai- nazI yeur, or ln otite>'vortis -making men have &Ibo beta buaY puillttg up no-«I te.Id stand in lte Wisconsin a deanîveP," va curont on the te crocs arma 10 vbich soCkete fer lt, foieste. Wlth ire, flood, vers, slreebitis veoitanti canaeiDholittho ïtreet lampa are aliacheti, ltepregent epidomîcs, tîroults, cyclones ant inl.-adverse critlcliag rom many, vitile week. numerable Induatrioua pools, provi- ecue upitoldth ie tiheciora lun thoir A uum ber of Lîbertyville people are deueeglvea mankmndao0 uci> ti oltat actioin. From à conversation vith &ite ln receipt o! invitations$10 lthe grain- ho goto ntlime k> accumulai. voalh, dietors vu gican liataheirurnor la àiug 8eorcises Of lte ais o! '97 of fosler bie iteait, orlameo a liltle anîbentie. Titep assot Il la titeir be Hiahnemann Trining schooi for trantaient andi deinaive itappineas. intention 10 coualder applihents for Nuréso Of wvi cfilaie M&liiEva Triggs, Oui liberai a.lverlhIingpatronage. teroun tournTey ra uanîmons i laugiter of James Triggs, of titis place, lte largetinthlstory of a Lberty- thei commenitatuon or lte vont o1 [ a meuber. ville paper, attent te setictaht mêr-liepantncmesayn ila A swltch la being put ln by te si chantaeitereabouts realise te menit o h reat0fmbné ayn sJ Pau Copan etJieody8t ion te INDEKPENDNT mai a mediluma tirougb eitliely itlsfactory and above cr111- 'unicompltyaI Mlod SaIon viicigo10reacihlte people. Ouîr reb. dm, but iholdiing vîi"tata.achange d vantage wvi bha taaen 01 titby lte clîo i soe isectonaititogitoutIlu lnthoîr opinion, fur ate County Graver Company ininetl- stite beilHotlereopen 0! liteectionl. ail limes, ve're prouti o!filandi stoltet iteraaidte coulya "Ioy ai lbey propose 10 ahip graver a rese xpai 0Melotiy for dellvery ln Lakte Forat. eiedy I IN"ep is by lte IN.lare tetuheact mn uletA reains vîi l i ed 10 bani ýIl rom DPnETii it ueiiie the ii.prenant scitool ylerexPi inn Ielotiy to Lakte Pn , in feiIang gpatronage ef any pape>' ln the ircosaeenlirn oâdImpoveentlatba loaliy coyUniy. Compare l it it cuberaanti lîtt, it tedlurovmei l tal ociit vryjutgo; thon uiaime "te large oolapplicaluna, 0e! vietct ey have a atertliy. cSnei 1 a ont a t I .very large nunhar. for lte orning Thte aisrtion la a veiy mie one te p1»zwr. We tvite OOparsOg* iacirs v wio ea rocmatiisoe aiets itiIllinolais al ter Ibi8 The itonge bsloaglmg h$0lira. HB"y varantconadonlng ltaei>'application, taaon thte ]argent crop o! fruit ever Caler, Iccateiheopst.Rnyat it r Ipeen oaeih :ovu lu berhitaory. The orehrds C&te,'s.reaitioes, ceMUIdulunee Ave. and h r uemà. rnn lctdi 'o ail in a mnoca iong conition. buincdte kte grond "litTunday W. E. Davilte pieciprncpa ou tite facit Mat February and Mach ngLTebo.babonvcat iiî>baiipclyf iteput *sOed viltonia"y 'va PeUl,'.the for a yeur anti boylte ire orlginateg %selve . Yeu% ,Mi"«esSit ani uda bave Dol svolien Do sa 10 rentier la a myslery. Mn. Caler vai arouseti h. aitsrwy iaviu lanui Byrie at e blonsons lubie to ha caugiti by a by some one callng, but by te lime ~yaarsesvivtl iasd tae front a vwu the case lu matîy ho reacitetithe bidi abuurnt r« ee as bo conetetWhit âlite calities lant apring. Titis la a mont 10 lte gronuti. int HI u at sei rtol ba evea k ui aid liti te voraalocc'dllon~aidupo ileaunotcet lie lre anti rode ont te Catarsa vork bis giveti satisactioD n dtir ebasot lte pr'-dlcîlou o!faa tîeeseltîl place on biseviteel, lb belng hovWho ntlrltîgefforsts lu beiail O01lte scitou tilt gathorlng. <'estd M. Cae. There vwaan in- mtade it fai superlor 1tulite average, lit -«Branco 018S600 on te»6iu@e lunlte daonoth gauad. f jISlibunn ompanyltcacnu b aufe.I i b a v a n i i o r f a ti r t v a l e t a l aSh e x h a a p a i l u l r m o t v e f o r diheu ai raec, aa otai ng lte change va an unabe te dieap. M 18.p RO N . d term ne wvitalà%lte, the d rac ors vos by Roodi FIi. i'bsy s> eiek wS Estray Notice, in tia 'opinion "sinlebout," antiLMta ln Great Varieties. Eii. aa& ver WeJ . Every Week. £ ~ SHIRTS. iRe. IDRESSI NDu AT BOOTS & 8.1 Lateat Star P01tAT POPUUt Iw.~ New Arrivais! Exc Ladies ltlbbed Venta, Short aleevea. matie 0f a»et Cotton, bMaîtfUlly rimmoti ant i fniaited, 9me. goo40 nt Extra Large Ladies' Sleovelesa Vet, Extra long &anti vide. anti Ampis trirnueti vit fancy lace and wviiitenbhc% gant gaîment, only Anotitar aitipieni of ihome Ladies' fait blacit, sbm s, "t long, fully sitapoti Bosea a 96~ ~ ~ F do.mi<l ocoulti get at te priee>lis**test g leaieas rlbbed Alose, double kune anti foot ai 10 dlon.lMeus Rermedorifft ntid lalusablacktlggs dioubleasoles, ktittroin fineai combed unio yanr«fe qsi Wear citoop ai 250. Ou>' puce 170. or 3 pMis ter Extra fine gauge antidclosee t d tomoall2gouda, 29 ai 444 Rave yen bonghtl yonr Sprlng Untiervear? Boaaee ~ I Tht F roehllalbriggan Untiervear ai 85c.aauent t ais ant oed enougit anti eeonougit for anybo* se WoW Our eheapor underoar ai 2 0, 36 andti35c. apioco e~ flore. For big mne h ave recaîveti Extra ase Undsrwemaj. <Lp tu082 incites), vorking anti k4gigee Obirte (1~9e lieaauioî anti Uveralle up tu 46 Incites. By lte lime you rnd titis va viii have anohitet a-pe u beautiful Fadera hatéie iîctreato sncb a eorn.oalhmlme $1.25, mai veiybody itatibeen puying $1.73 - %«M f«gt» à% To ibome vite couiti Dol gai eme, or colon my WM V. wlm ~ebongiti ivo caaea titis lime, moslly blaniae. tk bêo*ffam dait aleels; itovever, donti«ailto tue gu; tkoyq IM p cokes. We Invite comparison it îlt cibr stores noson ee u ouly but on evsry article tn Oui extensive lino. 1:3ElJElEl Groceries FULL LINor OF FRESH 000D ' at Right Prices. 000El 0 Dry cmi AND 1 Li bertyville, We alun bave a full Une st 6. 9ý 7à, si à Nptqv (7nndc

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