CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 May 1897, p. 7

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ueism Mle m am ue&MW uhefmhm.- s e »Me.Pm ya" im i.k see- MM Oce sesilcine llwis'fe. Aiar kMna afew bo' xms. HUmA PUAUUgN.x. se', lNew Xseh. Gel "Yl'mooda. lioous Hood's parmin le ahe Ee-lt Ia eOMs TMueBlftle ilooda PlUS gvg.Titi blool lPr"ovnI.thes loocthed.the. stomacis b stad byt bis del Rootbeer Queuches the. tiit, tiekke the pelaI.; mli cf mmsep kie mmdeffrvecene.A lamper- su feveenece drink for eveybcdy. Ilta .tr h 1 . .s .m. ' . -P5r tg i P~ §t s.. fa. 1 T'ils label o e',By aud Cilidre's Cotis 1%a Warrant ot wiUly. Wwkma.. sup Audm Is. t specualiy #Partlctlarzs h brand taI Never Disqmoists aie Wearer m-.sse1. Daé m-s ta. . v ic n'... easeu ha mi ha a ALABASTIN E N ATI FOR $aUsimy PAIUT DIALUsI veaywNtet A itCoard ah o IqA mbs15 estral a.. BUY A . .Dtret trou LdmeFsetry ai U .... $5 .00.. DICYCLE.. jse. hm UENMS, B.PATENTS.CLAIM- c.,b..a'dfer O». Uewusa Eiebo. end DIMRnSgE .. Yslkee. -notioma of convellence mare mot no comfin.d tu Yankee-land thaq:a description of a householti contrivanco frem far-iway Aines would tait tu prove iutcreuttng to houiewtvei. ln s Morue(,"liotel, wboie isone walla are veryr thlek. tere Ita along dlung-ronm aud a kitcheu mdjotîing. Wlth a direct cotmmunication twtween the, tun rmorne,. otii odora and anunda nalgii posa diagreeaiily between tho two; tua tle. however. obviated by a re- vola-tmg rupbomrd on dumb usiter plac- cd het*een thtii wnrooms. Thè walitSi about 18 Iluches hhick. By iertttung tie cuphoard la projeci mliglgtiy lt the ronit, s cIrcle of two teet aud a haIt or titres feetlnla ecured. Thais la orcopled by s rpeving druti or eyflder four test hîgi sud dia'lded imt two ohela'.,. There a mn ope2ilng doua une aide oui>. Wiien Ibis la-Io- wa rd the kitcelintite cioaed back ot the cylluder tai-en the dlnlug-nooan. sud. mi uîj la ae of htgily polshed mabog- su>. and thte cuphoard openlug ut fin- ished at top and botoin ultb wludow etailg. the sppeirauce la Dot naI mil bsul. Wheî the cook bas plttced the diahos for onue courge upo th îe two ibelves of the druim s Iouch ofthefiu- ger tahirl lut unlslîy about, and te welter ounteé other aide bas êslg Iita tai, thb idlales off. Currem 1 Cotdad lu New York the. average nuîtber nf Persato s dweltIng lu elghtecu snd nie-hait. Man>' nf the' inetilsevni cuAtîire were orlglnally conatrtîcteel to serve alan, wbeu occasion requlred, ai tort- regsue,. The Pasteur lnstttlu In1[arts la et 11i as ropubtr a rimort for hydarophoieal s tugýtaeis Ilasa a-i etî itt nîe of lis- meutlg a'nures b> Ioculation waa ai the' lood-tlale. Tii. Chînese bav-e I)rM rl tit' roi- nîy of goudfush. ech hb l two wbu eil- dî'veioped taslse aud tan sets ot anal lins. Bilîoglit aîuey itwould be equrît iy easy tu breed quadrupeds wih elsgit lega. tu Wyoming is a miouud tofrra-i anti farti a tan.Slug nione lu the uldlt'"faa pailt],.a e'd t'ittrc-lButte. Il IR <t! mo ain atstiea- siiieand tiin t1wta dtstance ic the ruilne ofnme grnit nld catiedrai. À A Dautsh anîhor toud Dr. Flex COs- ivuld, utofrt1 -aie tota relativ-e whn wnild tî'afi rtîtulaîîsitlit' îsed to tîptuta uta bis t saouiry and bak- Off wtlliuncîî.ted tprunes,. rim-ounion.- er anytLiag ut the' kattî. The t' Ilaîraif uîrana sicthcietrt Sea'rat'lonfllig s-as lolted lu Souti ('ari'ollums'lenute >tâttt'eceded ln 18W IR lWIattilanding. Il la Iastened wlth troun i-ts tu the gable end utfian nid îbtkre-ioua aint iuiliSioats poat- office'. An lugeai of goid wallilng 2# nunceri auri wnrtlt about ")4 la matdte hy- tie guId hetters lîto sheeatis soiai. Iliat t wnuld te.48,00o to , nîcunr 90a Inch un beiglet. By the labtar ot beslng t'. gold acqufrea a value ot #,iOO nakiîg over'260X) âb'Lr. ait gctd ftnl or gold lest, a ihla nouutally Seled. * Pages 5.1 tbe English court, appoint- id &tthe itesaof 13 or 14. une niatiy- the aonus ot dlatlnguillttd otilcers lu the army or o! high dignautmte ln the roy- al boutehnid, serve usuaUly tour yeurg, aI about $1.000 a yeer, and are lieu praseuabed wltb commistaionusn te *My, unies% turnud dnwn for aume causé. l le poltated out thal tbe ouly mea- chanté burt ,ed ln Wetmnster Ahbey le Geonge Iiralaatn. a native ni Cuit- berland, tIie ltcaton ut the deudbeuui esaement, the cylLoder tescupemnt snd tie mercttrili îndulutît, besîdet sevt'ai other lmprov'sments lu appars. tus uetul luanatronoîtticul aunk. lie was lturled lu 1751 a aIe11« uerai waa steuded b>-ail tie niextbers ni the Royal Society. No titeory or ItypotheRis wo-blhhas eontuinîdeul general acceptation lins yet betnmttuggcted ion Lie explanatona ofth ab urora horealli or northern llght. W~hat te kuown la thtis: TIhe direction ot auroral jeta or raya audJthicpoitilîon of the crowns lhave a conecttnn wltua the' maguetlc tucridian. anidtht' aurons produtes grent maguetie lsrrturhatIou. Therefore il seemn et-ident lia the tie- nIer ni Lis action tIR t tthe innapiiere. and tbat tht' agent to wblci ils devel. oypmeut ta dut- la rleclnit-lly, ifiuenc.d ln saine tînaKertaliied tuontner b>' ten. retrial uîngnetlsita. ba"e becsn stag Ayer's Pilla tourthur. leemn years. and Sud fltai ahbtg quaIs thon for Indt ton. Tien sre tleen01y17roetef imave rousd ia aIl tiie n'aifr t e atflriag ut dypepaansd Iadilgesttss. I ha e lee m sî w ye' Puis for yeurs fan btli- ne» Md canstipaîioti i im tuei vr' effeetive. anal midlul sotOie..Tien'mlsu ' y tema tIn mviii' respect.", -sloS>< F. Asa-l LBT. Ps-lia, a, J51n' 19 lUi. ~.nsI~ "0p1-d PRE8IDENTS SUSY LIFE IN THE WHITE MOUSE. One Dan' Would Maule manya btin Craan' lvee' homent 0f Hlittse Ocîupled-.msLee& TIme He Who Dligase ere Leude a DlyMeLite. Wasgta onSr-.sponaieseet The office ofthlm raildent ut thetUnited Statems nuneatnecury. It i. une ofthue hardestithet .gift aifthe nation Iotiii. as asample day lived by Presidett tKi a- ley wili suffie to show. PresidentI McKlley riaesait 7oclock aid braeakatsswiîh ie hlm nly etaISrJK For hait nsu ar atter lbreakfastlite ]nauge.s rnuad wluh tth anily, s haIt hour whiarb is probabi> tiie' lplamautet of lil the dey. lis-1i0> 'clou-k fie Présidle D ges loinis office. Illseti-îimail l &Il laid ouItfor lon Ioglaia-s-ratar. lire la ahere theac-retar>- of tht l'ný;entcu, Mrn. Porte-r, sers lia bisa itre cork. lH. sels tlui@ lraaIssint leaul un bouir betore the. Presideut, ari. wit the te aî.ugrnlnher. goes thiroigi lttres- or tour buidred letters ilasi are the' admnire guaralofuthei avalanc he taiut es daang tie day. i'iie Pnedident ducs nultsee mauch outhIat mail, Itowes-r. Ih la erreully ralls-d, applia-a tiou. for office taaig iîaîu the larppr but- reau. politia-al tirade, ato the wantis las- ici: hexiug letters. a ratidi ltiera ana let- tera ofu uliîiîed advare are al colnitti- rd In the Ksiu cr-rlustaw. abici y-ansafotur ii,', bndai;-. It aould aiubt- autaîuihliaé' onera afi iilaclana ut leitera to inow tîhsîthe Prénident ietî' secs oue out iem.In. ltle nature uft tîitîgr lie coulai nut, becaîîso. lite in shorrt airai tane la lleectaag. The Rid i s i tr. Fruit smong the bundreda. yes. thon- sîtîds. ot letteri that coite ltic~thehtle Hoaie hearlng the înnîe outhtic- retident, ,..,-tGoVEna Iis si A1t perhape s dozen o r to are foun a rb or lias sLerielat atentionr. and these are taa bas dliea for hua penaîna. He aisafhurla aloi ut documenta ready -for ha. siganaatre. 'ble.distuiaed o.ut, e orratna tean rr- ms-nts siib the prînat.s- seretar>- abut ,le baîines otthre da> ad b1,> liItinue thi egreat Aueriaaî publice t iseanioni to l;e ttared an ounlina At 10 u litn raialbégus. Tlhe saititîg mot is a atudy et this tins. There are legleas and srur lest reterns a, 't"aieit blouse utfblas,'* aid lu the nattis-t t faprilanatairs-. hat the bt of bronuze luttouaou the laps-I ar eacla i. atten nawa.,catcd ahi a tin mot uf niboia, wibch nusans a 'tiedal of hon- or" min. Tiere are cmania Who bave anraiutngtlaa tîre> saut the l'residena' tu sec aud reciouaansnd. There are tici ersatitis-ho liane preseuta for thceI'resi- dent. whiîc ths-y deaire Io present la per- son. Tiiere are my>riade ot cartonsps- pie s-ho at llsaie bandaes allathe Presids-ut ia his oavn office. in#teatl of petrrming that ceremoni>dosnaitr&inli the East rom. us ihes sould hans- an op- lartuait> lu dui sai-b atternoon 'lre wourc n .'bav cis-ies ail their orallIa l sn urt oftti-th tlathe>- are lafter raia-r- tboaîg Boaunai' omen Who tarsit pistoliies pîrituaice ilieïr chance. b> coîng t.a nirake a ni criai Iresaof the Presadent, -rni1 theji are coan.' han>- of theinavue suRo i). huatii>- airma, tlrr.itM lu cadet- shias at %N'est l'oint or Annspoii. Itou- cas ut thetu have ans-mes for naaing moaimy-, shah lbey are sure wiii go lîke hoat cakes if the l'masidlent twi juat in- dorme theur. (Illers atork tic chant>- racket. The> hans- concerta, or tam, or pay@, on sirniething etanal> as trivulous, alaicli li e>-isire the Presîdeut and birs site tu "patron" witi tiei' Dains. Leainsm tf OMfceBeekero. Ataaing the utaitersilli b. foutri un pirnts uror taeigu aoasuahips andaitire nutter oflices, thote n ho are sseiiig Ire- termnct i lu IIscountry,. sud ttome sho couts- 10 gine tituely pnutsst agaluat ce-- tala appointinenis. Each anal ever>- one et tîeim bas au &x tu griid and lis-y use lhe Presadeta nuervea for m grindtote. This Senator lias a candidate for a herîh abr.aad. aaîd he rings the chsntes un hi, rigit t in ane Ibia appolntiteut, day an anrd dny out, day astsr dey-, while bit coi- leagaîe, s'ho i inthi heeia lrges suite other matnaiti mtas mumch persistena>- ion the ver sainme pace. lîere in a pa- litical "bott"*'t-ho mania lu "'place"' une of bis lieuts-nants lu polltileal suri. lle talis aud argusanuid ail but tries lu broie beat the l'rsslds-ot ita appiuîingthic ward heeler. There is an al-aruund g-1rr feliow, anho bus tris-udts-ery-ahers-, 1 aIl utfs-huit he fecîs atader obligatiotn, and h. coites In aith pucketa anal bondsa fileil îtIa recoaometidatiras for haIt a dozen or more. Ha targes thie daims uf ,acb. aand lu effect telîs the President tiat hus place lu tute Hous- u gntne, ;a the case mu> Lie, depépldu upon lus- getjiarg just îhese particular offices. For lwo long haim thuas srI of lhing keepg up, the President istcig, alsays lisîeuiîg. me, er talkiug ntuch. except tu sas a tes pint- ed questiona, and tien et nou hlinu- mainIterd lah nu uhrngb lao the secre- tory'@ mont, sud iront thers là eut oat in ltuîn&ts aud troraied la the Presidetsa rotaw, ahere i. giveis a fews-momentsa o sa. Thais.l penbmps the mon tnyiag houar ut ail. Amant th.ensuis a-Whosliîp lu at mch tins are women s-ho are "elaviug lient- seves to deàýh topay- off lte torlgage on the iicmestead," su thyii,> ttnth le Preral- tdent, and t le> have coin. ba hlm, aubels. rlcb. iccaise h. drami suri an enriuous gamar>. and asaIthlm lu ive thema abhn- itned dolars, or fifty, ornlire, asute case nia- be. ts-ardthlia desiraile euit. Otiens %-autI hlm 10 ludors- notes for thena. Tic sitograph fis-id e als'aym tieen uforce. and the bnl-a-brsn huniler lm omulpreseaaî. On. hour le gîvniup to, thîs came ut t'all- es na, snd I1io'n'iuci tie Prellideat goea tu lunch aiti hia site. Oaa mur la glv- s-n lu lunch and ho tamiy- gosiip, lien be gaies back to bis desk. AI 4 o'cloci prumpîlieh. dingo cane saral Itttsineasel&ode sud-goes ouItfon mn hour. Somotint.ite w*ilka. snnaeliîes he rides shors@. sonietîmea gossil a csrrimge. Ont rettraag the Presîdeut glaires over tbe rdally paperaaand resauntii dinner ine. Dinner ls served t Bt1TO'cluck prompil>. sud lIe Presdent dons evealsug dresa ifor il. ne oitea Inites fit'lede Io0 le, uaI i. tuuaulb, Md Siltg ve?7 m$dwM taud dtitt MM l 5'Ttbelvee. Alter duw, a ltere ire tmen te enterlain, the, Preelduut laItes lteo ntto thé litte roont off tihalW4 where 1hbey seite and tell *tories. Theries No Leiîup. XIthé venimg ter., la s-.ry utten music et Ile White Hlou%-, and mutsic oft he bi-et character, and tht-te are iiways rail- ers. It vioîld seecîn a lhongh publie men miglt repect the (.vi.îa rarg of the. premi- dent and leuve hlmtu tolisra mlly, une&$ siteeially invited. brll they dont. Tiiey itutade his home Illte. anad tal conaulahîpa acarearles, minitero. revenue colectore, AIPpralsers.. commiaearra-rs, snd so un thrraîgb the flit, liiili 1)o'elck or mter. wheu they go and Icame the President le go te hit office ltemark lt the buahal uf tîleg;ratu.. i.thIWO huglels utletteni, the hall a ton of documnct% to aigri. ali of wblch muet bc clenned ap fr etaSego& Io bed, eise one dey'. amon would Boom eoiaer ilter. and bar would never Set tlrough. By tiie lime th, iast piper la mi. teuded te the. Piesirlett la e lred sa thougbh ibild becia rarrkrug ln the. bar. ventt ieid ail dey. Three dayi ln the wor-ai e givenasu bour to îiisking hinde Wiila the gî'uera.i publie iu the Emit roum. 'Thh tlime-in 3 oclock, aud ît la à motiey saîzaaiiily >that geet aibs eyem. There are aol] U-jnd Yrta oung ones, old nuomen and youurg oncx, ail coloirs, clasmes and cundlîîin utfbrmanlty,.and litile c bidren maLt- a large aojigent. Twço dey@ a weektara..ien uns-r te celle nlet mneetings, froin Il tra 1, and it la tiien that affaira of national importance are îoaîed.Tii. i sutare particularly baril tipon the Presidarra. laaebc inuet -oud;(er aonîtlltluig ini!rCt. sud barman- ize ihentlie mutst ker lias inger ounlthe 11111-eofrthtle tieoffli rr rgbalie scaii- illect otlrial. andidlI'. le tI rinlvanad Wise- l>- the qIlenairîns that an- lrrought te hlm. All ttins iarrk la errai ed uîaou the Pres- ident. anirire bas one s itate alaner a week, ta, gay aotlintg of tlu.- liarrrslire mueut at- tend. the stlpretif-toa-ta-a and tler ai. ras-ty fitnilu whui, îleinand ithe tlme aud presez.i-. ut the I'residut; witi bills ut ( ongreria to rendad aI ugu, aud men- sugm ea triie, itav i le. eeu thati the mai whobi dgaceIlara uc,-bthe tientof il as to time. hie ioria eagbt. aud the Preardeiit uesrpir eglaracu h.urs ofthte tuent> -tour. WRECKED 8DYBANK PRESIDENT. ReportaeStccelved nt Washington on 4e Lommmport Futlure. * Rîports recpived et the Tresatiry De. partîleut tend tb show tuallthe tailur, of the SIgle National Bai1k at Iogas.f Ilort. Iîad.. wanacaiîaed l the disions-ty ut John t'. Johiauma. the ire.ArLetfutheb inatitataan, wo.i,.t r raiîad.apprupri. ail i naît oit] ythe raiçaal atoeL of thie bailli. $*2tNiWNO. liat ;i.,, the îadivided taratit n a tI-u,iii t iigt to l iamiore-. and the recoirtcrd.-tîat the s-aIent uf Iliratt--a Cia alaot b.' determlued lit liresî.lat. "lie linrk ixain iler lit charge tiiLav- utIrit ,t taî ai lie rpsiizfd fur the liirel ir -il t .trrront the aie of tirolaîrty wo bul l iiî-rrîhas aurrenders-d. rîîî- aire-tra artthe a lrark do ltrtseci tel bil f. tailezau'vira irt-a-'t iithe mariage- ii'nt. hait .-rîiîttes-Il le r-iradsnt tecou. Iitthile Irtjirail au rasuit lirmgeli. Tlh. i; ili r ia letnai., rirîirted met $300.,- teat1, but al exaîuilîatan iu uecesaary te mîadeî-oaa the earliatal trr tarir a al aîkei tr Indaapolilsaud ai-, )i,,j v acI.ll it tîhe jail. lie went .n the iistaady out Fata-rttatî'sorl2unia, .aroîer l'uain aad DItity Un ited S ztales MNargbal ('!ank..Ili tIre atterniron Mr. anad Mr.. (toreW. Preaertt of Terre Hlaute. tather- la aw anad nather-in-law art the tisuner. arrava-i. Tlîey were sc- crrmpaied b>- >Mr. Jarniîiss 9-year-old datîglter. n I-oan ilau atitig trthmwben the crashcamaae. andl wla o ilcanet yet Jotîti nY. JotisON. i.uow ut hem ta(bera dsgraee. Johnsion was tais-n tu jail nti l oîkinluthe' s-nu- iiag. and there parteri th iair wits-. Both ocere p.'rtectly s-tporseaaed, s-en lu the toint ut exitiag cuommaent. Jlohnsaon mili plaid guilt>- te suaae out he'charges againat hant. bt tîl rie e all Ilgit. Coit- mîssionen Fusk ai .a>tiraI if tic Loana- port bai la prourptly reorganias-d itdi lis able 10 puy oui. AN EPUOEMIC 0F ECONOMY la the Cauue of the Present Depre.' *ion fi th. Uiied States. Secretar>- tof 'a iarusael A. Alger. la daacuaaing the gens-rai depressiratithrnîgh- ,nul lie counrtry. bas mrade nome Inters- iîîg stateonents. litani>-opinion,,lhe sait. the hard times are larger due lu tic uni- nesani prmticeeut a mone igid ecuon> thîa bishiltierto pncwailcd. Peuple be- cramp airprebenaive ftlit fiauial nit hua. itacai troubles voald growraponsansd et a conseitaence rerlein aever>- atheiu dall>-expeîditur-s .Eeth ie rieb adopt- cd thi bahut, and jarrtifle eir eat.conomy on lie grouîsd that tîre>- migit be rednced tu %% Sat. The troncrrlraaaled tIbeir efforts lu lire aithin ilili aaeaua Tîre resait hiubas(eta tiarneluua. Il la t> ing trp enurmlarra araîta «<moitey, sud ct-s-y- hanch out liracaîr ainbeeu affect- ad b>- Ibis epidnnac arteoainoaaY-. Tiers-ans-, continures Serear> Alger, 15,000.(«0 wage.eurtacrs la lie Unted States. Suppoeliant eucb bars lnceaaed hie cenont>- lu th,- txietit of 10 cents a day. Tarnaessis s hosrding nif$"50,. 000000 fl uenat'y-sr. Extea thlie*asti. proposition tu failles. There are &bout 10000),000 familles. ut sevcu memiters eenii. Et-s-y-fanai>- haprahably redits et lis daily esxpeîditures bY Kt Iasî 20 cents. This Indicatesanauabsorption li s year af $730,MO,00(0. Frmintieîe tue courcesof econni> aloîre tiee.bas been saved ase tihe neuli ut ecoaomy $1,180,. 000000 luim asingle y-car. Wieu alftsd lu the bottin 1he taner muet bear he brantotftilses-renom>y. W-bs-t sil pnîcîlce econutny te momey liaI bas liîsretufore beeta altibuled for Weter ciothing, mure lutuitnis living ands anger abare rot pisare la savcd. lu thla tao> iachine shupa have bs-en cioeal ani teonies stoppeit. Telegraphic Bs'evlie«. The president of lb. Brillis lion and Steel luntitutte, lu bis aanai addreas, ral'. ed atention lintth. remariahie gros-ti cf Antenlcan contpetitiou. PnemdenLt Errasurlu nf Chili ansudt Chtian auisîer lu 1Wo Janeiro declare liaI tkoh i wdChlltan populace usslite uar ulit Argtista. teé bettoir cloaca le A se» Deiveaei.. Nt st .lntaneessl, Il la e, » butla a ihort Wace. oi tine.' a bilioue habit ire savel tien lh. terturem whleh a toisordered 11,cr ta capabl1e orInfilt'lng iay itisaietters S8tomacta a-tj.ue Medicineanàma ient ofitihe firat rank. Th. ps.. tathe Mrt BIde -saI 1thraaa g tii rMali ehodrblotde, thi e aIts-darieu-ia, entr,ati..nd setron taie outh11e skia, are euîre re eîu%-ored by Ibis e.timlahe rau i,, at tome ta the arga, uofseeretinu sud digestion. Englet Cycle Trade. England imporled $7700M wortlî ut bicycles and exportod$2Zi0a wortlî tlîrlig the finI tî ,ree ntllnt liaiofti la y-l'r. the liri:I y-ar Ilu atlîltavucioll lins ieen takf-u inontti brioiîth lto u trsîle lu wiieelm St the' cîîstaîîîbouîse. Pinyin, Possist. 'PlaY-ln peasumt" Coines troni tii far't ltaIth@ poaanna lwill felgualeeta tir denlh o-hen ubused laie audden djiaigri of helng captnred. But pains andI ai-lia- neyer pliay Ibat klnd of s gaule. Tlîcyv never lry lu fool auybotly. ititiga,)Ir atonk to wnke Up people, lefislug liai- chaan-e 10teeigu leCîl. on lte Onulter band.,Ilacre la a reuaedy kmownoas st. - o'acobm Oi t laI wil luitlt pin or nu ache so that It wun'î wake up agîîlîili1 the cure thaI followa lis use. pîlu-i und achîea are great or Ila luluin rl 1 Juat lu dcgrce as we treat tein. 'rottîit1 treallruent wlthth le itlrncy t .lmcobî it 1prêt-enta uheir Increnandr b> curlng preventa tteïr returu. PEt- îlîlng la galued by taklng paIus andr neliîeî laUine for a prompt~t Sfandperia tient cure, and tltere lt uoilg b-t- titan thea nse of Si. Jacobs 011. February conisnong Itsa snia-er- sarleu ot birthdaya Melautiioi'a, Abra- bait liticolu'a, George Washngtou'a. SatitaIB. Antbouy'a Thomas A Edi- sons, sud othera. ditlugutshed anda ni herwlee. - Then fleep Bomadly. Yeu cml miaford toele awake 0n uilbts. Nothlng cnntpensstes for loua1 of sleep. lt hours of gond aieep1 every ulghtleh uhat yeun ned If y-nu1 beole ta keep heallty uera'es lu youn body aud s clear bead ou your tilluI- tiers. yeI Yeu Cannet gel reat enough wble yenu pensist lu drluklng coffe.. NO fil r offe. drinker clan depeed Oit hTXilep. Wiiy not break off theie eoffee habit sud drink Grain-O lit placre of Il? Graln-4) ta made frei pure grains, ban te nlch seai brownMcolofo Mîoclîs or Java, lu nouriahlug sud pal- stable-aftond drink -illoul sny of tbe nozloust propertlea of coltee. Mmv- Ing naed Il a short lime y-ou will pnt-te It te the beat collet' thâl wasever net e our tannbsle. Tw*o pointa galned- iieaith pronat.d, money- aaved. Ait trrocens. ln packagea nt i15c. and 25c. Euglamd bas lurned againt unI owu gaurrow. The idi are belng slaugh- lered whoiesale by- the faraners. espe. clali>- lu Yorkshilre, and greil dinguai Is i, zresaed at the mralter nf their tak- lug off. The Bloard ot Agrculture re- ftls"ae 0prolect the birds. Dc-unk tir Tuenty Yeasu. A correspondent wrilea: "I wss drmnk on and off fur over tweuiy y-cmrm. drink wiien i iad money, a»ber when i1iiad nouie. lIai> dear frieuda i leat, aid nim- bers gare me gont] adlce lten purpse; but. thînk Ood. an angel bmnd came at iist lu te ton. utfny poor wite, whn ad-l minlalered yomr mamvelons remedy, 'Anti. JaC,' to me without ni> iiowiedge or con- seul. i am now saied and contpletly Ira nsturmesd iroin a wortblesa ieilow lu a suber aid nespectd citizen." If "Ânti-Jag" canant b. had t a your druggl.t. it wil b. maiied lu plain wnmpper with tull directions ltow lu giv. secretly, au recept ut One Dollar. by the Reaonm Chemicai Co.. 66 1 iioslway. Ns-w ork, or tic> ahIlgiadiy mail full partlculars iee. Equal hurta nf lime water sud aweet oil weil mlxed wili terraisakiud of aoap wbich ltiaen>efficaclotîs la lakuug out or remonlInlfammatioti, as weli as for hcallng wounda causs-d by hua orn scalde. Allenas Focl-Ease. a puwder for Lie fs-ct. Il cures pahnuul swols-t. amant- lui; feet, sud instantly takes the stlug out ut conas and bttuioua. I'. the greâtesl couitont discoven> ot the uge. Alleni Foot-Rase makes tiib-fittg or new sbnes tes-I easy. Il i. a certain cure- for seaeting, calionsa andtbot, llned. sching teet. Try Il ods>. Soid hy allnuggltte sud mine alunes. B>' mail for 25 ceuta. lu atampe. Trîi package FREtE. Addnesa. AllenuS Olmsled, Le Ru>. N. Y. People ni-aen tltlnk of wlililg lu lcetund. Its s violation of the dît-lue hnw. Pondes- Oser fI- A promnenl building oaa-or, wviih yeurs ot experlence, gave the- followiug anatrut-- taons to hua architect: "1 have hird in> e- teien-ae with Lalaumine aid nîber guoda -lainaid to he juat ms good as Alahaatlac. I %aI >ou t 10 esrif>- lie durable Aiahaâ- titre oan ait my walals:do nut lut ou mn> ratier rmanuatcarers' dupe, 1 ie> innfo- iltilfor notbung. Alahastine la rîgit. aud s-bsn I i-case IluseacIl 1I mill "ose Io have confidence lun myseit or in>-os-a judgms-t.' A descendant utflRob Riéy, tIhe timons Highlandl outlaw, dled lu a Scottlh poonhos. Tics'. la s Canaus nirPeopie Who are lnjured by- the use or coffre. Ibecenti> tien. ha been placed lu ail tie gnncery store» a uew prefiarallon calleti GRAIN-O, amode of Pure graine, tiist takea lte Placre of euffs-e. The tmost delîcale stomuch recelves il wlîhout dis- bremsansd but tea- rau tel Il fruin cor. te.. Il do" nt coul aven ous-oouti as muni. ChUldren me>y drink Il wlIh greâl beitefit. Vie. and 25c. per package. Tny l. Ask fon GRAIN-o. The greatest obligation ut tht' pament tn tht' rtld. la lu gît-e Ia ale exampis-. liit Catarrb Cure, la taies tularnali. PrIS.-9ôcents. viwo ls1 REASONS FOR USINO Walter Baker & frBreakfast Coo 1.B t. D a., s bsoiutey Pmr. 7- 8maS ft is lie "by 0* >.s Wb" ch imicals are uied. à3. Bcsbans of the Oest quafliy ari ss Oa s UDWcb~WS i. t m m ciii tau m ya mehhod whlcà prua'wW" tiu l"It.Bmaturai Iflavor suAM dos' e 5 ~ m Itàre O i theDohsim, NaSe. Dehioti Iloeclu a a-.Ï. As 504o -mmIshfaa b" i . U& VOu -WILL REALIZE TA> LIVE WELL WHO LIVE, 0Oj LY 'F',IF YOU USE SAPOL wiIl be sol It lasa"id thal Mme. Pompadour uscal1 & ST. PAU to apeard $100t,10Mt a y-een lu perfumais. commencinx Niscto-Bao lb. Fit îy Ceula. inf'ormation 0,cr 400.000 mureu. MWiy mnt lut Nu-T-Sa, a b l regulute or repmave our desîre frtir ca be'ha âave . men'. make4 t st1and m.mhaud. Cua, <j.Tc stî5ron eed. Soc and si. &a rumist ..toCiyTc h teé scalp lna nlnipbiedl. or sio>- 95 Adams al noreparation wlli matore the Itair; ion Passeng lua oter cases. halls lIair Reuessr .waîî tart a gros-ti. rnal Street. Londun tueuten eipluy- aWlit 12,C0(l peolel. 1 Lna' hast my lIta' arasaaved b>- Pisoat Cure for t'oustttuîitiora. Jraiiu A. mallIen. Au Sable, Mîci.. Amril 21. ISti. se ~ ~ ~ ~ i umSu e ?I% ut etm no 5 a U s5ue.- Ou m sa a MIs, a & RSION Tickets WisconsinLakes Ad by the CHI- MILWAUKEE JL RAILW'Y, 'àg May i. Full u, tickets, etc, don application PATENT :ket Office, No. ttc street, or Un- iger Station, Ca- Motherhood. A mother who la ln good physieal conditiont to her ei1dren the blemaiuga oi a gond cowuliLmLt&,. The child tairn7 drinks lu healtb t rom lia rout constitution 'beiore birth, sud iroux inothers, anil l mter. -a l8 not that au incentive tc, prepare for a Mtaternlty? Do you kuow tii meanlng of wiimt Is ippnar1y catled tas.-long- itig%."- or cravingi. which beset ao matay women during pregnawy? There la soincting lacking lu the mother'a blond. Nature cries out and %vill bc satiasfied at mil bazarda. îI One womau wants amur tlainga, musather w'xate iweeté, muolluer want. sait thingu, and an on. The real ueed al lthe titi t t eurici tte blond no mi la iupply noaarishtnent for anolluer Ile, audr to bulld up th. entlne generative syrateit. ao that the blrtu o ea Ipotasihind su cceulmL. If expcctant molluer woaid fort- iiy theiréeives ulith Lydia &E. nk,ý ; hatns Vegetable Coaasd. which for tweialy yesahbasiastained thousands of womem la tiis condition. there wonld 1W *IW at birtb. sud they would flot experience those saunoyng S46S lu the ioliowasg letter b lMr. Pinkhtant.Mm ra. Whir 4 power of the. Coipouind ia ucitcases.Slie maya: - - From, the time 1I us mxteen years nid Liii 1I use 0 trou bled 'vith weslcuens of te kiducys sud terrible jeIU* periods aeeon. Iade mp tir mid bu l'y Lydia &N. W Compound sud was mon relteved. Alter I ws»msarrie&.%. wouid never ho able 10 go mny mil l imanud bave a constitutionally uesk.I h btisdaitsbaby at neveu nmb uxt liane t cominced, .1 once and continued 10 take ydwO te period oi pregnaac. snd I said titen, if I weai my f MAt llved ho b honre. mostha old, 1 ihnuld aend a lettte 00,~ neveu montha old sud las» tealtby and hearty mas, orne*011 1 ran tlanlduiltaI tisetd your mediciste, loir 1* health ho trasmit te my ehlld. 1 cannot ezprece M74 neyer expected snc a blesslng. Prai@e md for Lydia]L P Compnund, aid may otheri ubo -are sufferlng do mas. d04w may many homes ho bnlghtened s mine huasbe.N eO.cwg St, E. Somer-VWLe, Mas

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