CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 May 1897, p. 8

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I la rn I p * k M Arouncsthé Ôounty. io A sa1*c. J. o Jbu 55gofflletoe1511kake A tenue Dot.Âr~ ~S5 Mr.JGlspCltfitY5"Chi- uettoaan.:: 0 apeiita te[r wordinli Dentsste. afenleond RO;CKEF1CLLER. cent.orwwcon Dr . Liat your proiert Cion oîieor unrln Mr». Welmer and dangter, if Chf- eac r,.is6e -M Y -.Mmvomllmu Cau~~mchin onforefo uglim .rSn AP LiEY- pnit r to S a s md. «a9o, caled on relatives hcru av FaSnFAAewN Pbiefo-hRing met i caeesl'mad-a& veritable bergain <iay. sd yul EIsa sote oi n eCas o tr.MtWit3kertsim lansd childxefln k bn sgo snv bulle". ntceKslg' a wu u ent te Chicago lat Salurday tb apend l TOUR H0E81tg TEETR-Xeedgling ArU L I cOilstfa a oic ng!' a nvn hole un d lmie bsinhes.Com im Aognmr entetalilia hlm aweek vllh relatives Ihere. ihthuerMaDsnothclits inte CutiFi Âognueo L u 0.0 um. -e afah ? ilgDidn T isd e t«mQ ve ID AF0gt SALE-FiO5h hard-wood ,avdu La te Co ntiairm Go. re gcnl n tinn b f Ter ia caTborasgveit rsied Hiait Der aw .uill. W. D. lrm ira lrg slcdi enals an oor br" wlt oîd R SALE-1e. 29.4t0 7ô oInalserres Of ood ice amieimproved faim on IN LyanLd uds annht friende Flmproved lsnd. oué mile 'wO5 t~imu ~ ~ s~~ allieeivd I1 ofChicagotntVlasite. urprised M"r. P. Buachi lbelng berCener. Trnie andA particulae- 5d"lO t lse t foiraie ot1Intere 'IV ar an elhng at prie lower thaa DOIÎt fat t attend tise Dougbnutl birthsaay. The evening va plenasntly li on C. Lorrus. Ipoe amsl yq eyer heard of. social aetlise clapel lo-nîgist. speul lu instrumentall snd vocal nmusic F?1 e Vcry deLiety l a mpoedfimaU un. Barbtt, of zBvsson, la vlltlug ad charades.. lsig. eydnrb lcto.= Lk.ieatris lEFOLLOWING 1SARQ INS. ai ber broberse, J. H. Coihites. LatMdondayoccurred lthefoulerai o! drainit"e. Cati lie bl'oaAt car Ç iy cash:10. awm 00 on Euîvaum um. WIU nlgge sud Coris Herh-cis- 11e Cloeus SmithI, aged 4 yearsi, v 1". li il amid f Wes. pont Washlng Machines berger vire Chilcago visitoera fat viteo died Saturdai', May 2,1 1? ff f ORALE-A ound ertgt Yserold aris l crs"W ..o.............$2 .50 Thursolidlay.beria. Ho vasltise,,ojghtNl,,Ucôsib8. Drvesliuloior cs. oueodists and sud ouinsuof lirs. Smith, vso fens on N.Hia20llDay, i Wmacres hl aitvr letue Ing ë Bnc*hand 'Wrlnger lrviug Payne, vbo 'a vorklng IuCh'--lier boss the nmore keenly fr t _ F N-rmadBm,10a re: G nl tu .0 .. .. .. . .. .. .. .cago, spent llunday at iis place vhs ]ot ler isuabal d a oladent daîîghtr F Lîie le. W u.. O(iiaoB.LibettIile. l i« lll. W~ all turv ne l 01Stove 2 .Burners Thon. MeBride il&e elilng s buggy for iaken yBual mo.Grave fr irnitWbae nval'iteaatonstao c orculavorso. o vefat 17.00 10Mo, vblis ueitsclose iuspectiona. Saveral auctbere tif thie faily are titi]] We novbv nslItesail soko ar atnyrf and Oven Complote ....1.0 Cli sud mue il. cuffcriug vltb the dread dsuses. beie Ten Ride Beamni Comumutation oine vas. Terme Allera. Tickets, fiar bteeu Litaurtyville sud ihsproved Farts.ChoisesB I"011 Stove 2 Burners .... 7.00 M. sud lira. Jonsle Porteons vee tlu î1.wo. taoid,'ar one, .(bicigo mrae $4.70.ajletteaW&C* 1 and Gasoline StQves in mad hsppy Frlday by lise arrivâfai ! s Whe ieg o19.l i---i:E.L.DBogAen. aijent tomWa. etral * tyu w rc.bonclug by bmW'. Thou n rîed fron tpain eml c.rai,. P .DîOhAet outrfuessn eerma.Tow .08 yu ow pic.Dr. Travis vas olled oMadslon. While we ici t oiata b vî aoesfsI .....gai.... Wiai., Mondai' by tbe eoslo et olbis TAii seaven wAtt olen'listeporta p1er gaifl 1...... .08 tailer, returning Wedfleaday. ,Ad it gliwia nllnt ýsi. The Great ProduilflStalllof l ua0amisAa" Krsn 01........Tise Jane meeting of tise Coasrg' ~WsNTOTs.aus-Choinuai ow ndwntame S aik fGngrAlSWtouaI ohurcises of Lake oomay viii haGILMER GEORGE 0. 2:211 lertvllhfor astamUAttaAii mu ndwat aalsecoo din ofGigebMe eSda iet IRockefeller Wedntesday, June I9. Non97a1.temt)neasrUbertîvle oe ige that we are prepared to serve jour wants. ÀA umbe of lthe membîs of tise 1. 0, A. G. Sebverman vas lu ehiafigO On O 71 AI~,ahaAt.,n" MMwj -etr Pith" m e emes»in town.0. T. loalge bore veut ta Autio<¶b 1lut busluemslasitWedaesdsi'. Standdi,îr in.A.-r Aa'tlitrttlngs ad pan ea aJ>te ...t S aturday t tedte o ycue l artin Morsestrasacted buinei'n ri.1 l ,yLak-laind AAuil" li (i fut ti atenetsn.uni'cov is'Lertyvllle luaI Balurdai'. Arilîî'r tu asl sre ocr. f liualtg.i)tai 'r ~s a lion.HmlîA.UtaluI o:c f>na Fanny M l.ef t Âauog Ie Chcag vîstoi frn uson Wbeeler snd family visclted Jaciuur., hy a ion of <jîo. M. PataîbenF Ibis place laiThurw3ay vere lBev. Mita. Whetlei'sparenîts t etGagesa Laike (iiar. .l s lrttthrsasr H O .e - - - - IllinoiS Gao. . Buek.Meusre.J.H. Coukite Saudai'y.r uI ho,1ci1,rse <. arsgeAAoet -- su~~~ad Chas. M. C*riaa.Win. Bîsekenlmuri' sud iamily atýil, ' gasire .1i, ftrotts il . aiA A saRbe tu _______________________________________ Mi. Geo. Besley sud ianily visitoal tendat cisircis at AlamotiaiLake lait 'o'tgmjý. 1 l--b.sir.. of --iatin (the Ist. a relatives and frienda at Trevor sud Sabiasts. .graend son liait 151 ad a cuiner of oihaire ,er ar yo gongBurliugton, Wln., tise pei veak, re- Mina Lens Schwermaan mals lnbiliîîeu l i wîAltgtaliA (lîrorr.u t>.aSMy plan" iAn iere ae you oungtunang Tueaday evenisg. visit toalisrrluigtoti via E. J. E. lfaitMli 11.A1. at $U lier mrivîaabl lan F. L. Cari. ofthtie Wanconda Leader, Monday. -raal oar U.,, îIlîîati An of carvlo. am Da ot nunov represseullug tise Burlilgton Lîgisi- Frauk Thonmas made a trip toaeChicago 1roslig IAil focAvil la toi ttlcal teas reilui ,JO nng Ril C.vasAi,' ot- ti,,'A ins. iresi tu Rock feler.h- Odu-I», e- let ridy, aklig ithIli a Air., .thai, at raî'ru flmsif lioth àS eot eBrlgoWn u 1ari taltbor Ilantet. trouti"r Rital ptri îAr. Wm Rockefellofehicago Chief bDan H ng oisi, oui cotnt' super. 9--97 L. H .,. liI. Eugiaseer for Morgan & Wright lg. visor, att'ndeditihe supervleorc tasaet- atfo? o ,ausompanied Wiu. Lilchiteld triion ut ai skegan lait Fridai'. Prairie Clty! i3tkmot for? e w VI- I ""' tgg,!1gggsl Eggsl eso ro~ vii a l S Store, lng ei Morgan A Wrigit's and obligeai coin last veek, and are nov pioering The F loast a it relurn bomne. lise ronîwd for tise lis or fodder coin. 1 a doaewhere 1 cau find Bargarna. Tvo vagon jasais of îbe'i. .O. 0. T. Hà. C. Meyer veutta10Chicmgo lent 14 seuheis visiaitd tise odge et Libierty, Mondai' sud purcbased a cutrry, lu Susur $100ville Mondai' evcnlng. Ble r mmv- viican osd bis famil ull ide Inoaci M CoUfee ........... .. .15 lug aI bei deaýinalion tlisebies 01) th prosapelilve graveA roaii of Lake tbe ruai wagon declded i lb v oui a ~Co.tgo tise grelot deleetabiaîtof iftelt)"t- John DeerF *an* pueib...............god ides.btasakoe iblgs up a lîttie, ceifed. Kytn Dbaxlng Povde!lper e. os.a .........15 sud lise driver mgrelung, tis e loest etHall aiaflllege .W I>sU Beking Povder per eau ............ ...1 tempied b Impesa ietraibd but mis-:.Bort Hall is nov ful lenilgal' . ytrd .. .. .15 Jadgiug lise distance tb tise .itcia, sue-A. bvet sucam 25,eanuAy ie nIe e giBa ...... ..ceeded lu caselzng lise Occupants hi'ut ata 2n.ivt Boertimeovrts St .15 therond aide. Thse boises trend bbea.aî- aturdabicycl. orit tAso spr ies Coe.s fece ................. ..OS s*06elves sud rautbinLibetYville, v bore sbis ev biecyce Witpresgaleiariu ftei an suiv SO.......... .................2u tbey veesuagii. texrierbileoca v tisemgut larn fStaver an 1 xmoIer00000 Ump ... . .5deed. Flsohy ~I1ouir' oa...............2 WAUCONDA. Ber Snail bac increaseai bis colle.c-TlT th prga...................07 tion of Indien srrov lingads ta twetY. ............. .0 R. C. Ket veutîbothse di' Sstnrda'. Ho in bise great Indian rolie bhut-ai oSo »m Lu)V M ... .... B. C. Ken vent ta HualeyTuendai'. ibis regioli. He can point ouit10thse .o.o~ewzasm em ..................A.. .6L. Mulen veuttab Chicago Tisuis- traveicis visere A great initie ob .. ýao lb day place viti tise Indianuao naty Birini fnetflueHckel, Lobe sud Comis G Uie, Wngia l miiaan bos v.terl 0ela 1.0.Tiey W. D. Weuivorth vent btiste city dg ng mbasd obisoineda tone relies. s Speclalti'. buuo i n m oW@a newd o mple«te a fme ns $1.00. o theIs ots. 1baeno more bîrds for sale, but L IB E R T kêjt n .Aooalàra onige n 0 eueaMrrai'wvia s (rayalake vis- PALATINE. <wi .i 1 lvestlha-igal15bfor e .,t e<"d pria"o. Whnie yoM atgaifi aimu" mb. abirda4fl t lir Tneesdai. 6 o netgt eoebyn 4141 gWM pgai'you. W.bave titi S"ocm lne MU@es% Ladies sudrd lay nigist. of a uew viseel.J.P TLMB W* ie nov Con To. leadas. Ce-in anIan ivet- P. E. Green, o! Chiago, vas on oui Bait Seip rezuined borne to Lake J. P. risasaÂua. I treeta Bandai'. Zurich this veek. L1etvtb.Ii E. A. Golding sud son MiitUe veut tuChs seiepva in Lake Zurich on1 lise ci' Mondai. business Tuesday. g res UEO. F. CARIE9 M. W.nH sud J. Goldinug veut Mi. Oeus lai vîiitafied lWIIlii SeD behoN l Chicago tisa eek. " ,ým prG.Beatiler, of Chicago, la vlsuilng lire. I. L. Gibbas visntadreltvsl frlendalinthisvltlltt. IRichmnud recentA'. b12 Veare ExperlenCe. C'a amui ~ M. Boys, of Barriagn, vas ou Oui Peter Harbt vas ellltMYolautlefdi ate.a uai wd uods'.in Lako Zurich Stindai'. Sine aai; Malveilest mas a ssse. of BsBndyAn uaruntul lMude tcs lt r.dao mi re-actitag viselIl dig and mise Baie WellsAo a, ntnin Ms ilrHcs vîca. rind lr ba o euoscd veili.100 teet or tha evr bfoe, or hevsitlng relatives lu 1h1pislce. lu Etaglewo(ud Sundai'. cloein, ana llîf turnîs i.ade ua eri'- 0&tager Stock ttnee efrfrteMr. sud Mis. Gao. Wiagg, of Chicago, Bert L. Smthltansd Louie Koec viwre thiil utaeesaxi except pump a4 prices vere visitogu Fridai' sud Saturday.i' n Lake Zurich Tusadai. istail rprnise anyone Wvoin In l rnWIrmnoe Frank Wragg, 0f Chicago, la spin g Mis Leua Bilebuase levlogfead asgîod virl snd board ay'eslt lu é1 ntissvioluii et ;aIesut ritlug. tlnsl iiao t1îaet ad blaip or no puy. cleaning out oal Oiclth ae ilingtîeuelî iuaviint'. Mi. . . Biu Tiiaralui'.lsDtinhddi teau 9Mr.mand Kra. J.DeVili, ofAussltn,IAl.. Mis. Dîoaie, of Baînugto i îted vleuwucuccil ii loe w g and Wmdow BShaes snd a new fresh fuse of Mr. L. . Outilsand sonti arri', of E. E. schappe', a formier î'îeuî t . Pretla't ss r beit. ud aneitugool. al*tq »dAWall laper te select fron. Chicago, aie visting ai M. A. Frdsa. tii place was bore Thuradai'. fiiaals a aî rsa'oio o Miss Jenale Greena, of Litetiville, lira. Matt Ricehmnuaandl daugiteiWi.Alari aun ngo hp visiaitolier parents Satiirday sud Sun- Ethel retainea homo Frîdm'. mera uti-ifihi' cash or dune bilA, This day. s M.attllt a eoiit leAl i, e. on short notice, m vrHtinintgs place. vlatA ati'amS B eautifui eus art My 9 lib er i'oung JaiuOs lBaker uai vo oflis friendm o 1a iJAS. P. WILLIAMS. trieuds. visitstag itai, wheee a Cbliaago Hotu lXt41, beiyviAAa, 1b1. A number oi oui bicycliste are golng day. -Center b rido e elilsg Mondai' to sec the MrItalui Mia. lalaît i llîinond aal t rosi race. diingiî e is et tailmfl aalirii îiliil t EI~ lM êable Mise. G. W. Davis, Mrs. C. L. Pratt Sianda'. EAs FIN E U N E~ sulead Xlis Ida Ladai veut tta ie ciii ' ay Fa, f tviîg 1 ik, iît -i. ~let Weduesday. ffîlede l llilatasdLake ztiî'A 01 Solid Oak M~lre. J. Well1s adMises fieeWells, ussday.Hl c F7 a eshort vimil FrIdasi'Moisir placer sad viAi seuls tcki3 L <r4 i U< PolishedP. J. Glesoler ls movlug hi& bouse. poss3esiota. ____________________ isolhed ol gouda iito tisebuilditng occupieal Milas Lîlîte CoItai' ro aîairrlusgtoafl ePicture Frames hy i'bsuMeattmarket. absepelal Sstuiday ad Sainday wivitilierai8vo$ Finish and Tielfuneral of Mr. Owen Courti. sîsilter Maille. Clock Shelvea, Boom monlding FASTEST viso died ai Cari', Ili., liai' 21, vas The Lako Zurlaj'l banud boys play at BrassbFeet isoaihre 1ai ,londai'. Chailani SeipSaaîuuîai opetalng Saillir- Wall pockets, Paints, Brass Feet ~~M. sud Mia. L. B. Hughes retunnca day eveiug. Pprbles is i 10 ~~teDlzou, Dl., Fridai', vilaene tiey ailA Henry houe isas iaka't up apr obill is Only $1.95 commence keeplug bouse. reidonce lun Chicago aud rentei lfis Book cases, Varniahbes, No. 414 in R. TiseAlgounn d Waueonda bail place liera 10 E. bnlgge. il riesonmygoos ora ee o iv a alie nd nines plsbyed s gan@ of bal Sundai'. Tise tireconspadi have alcitti a aiCenertables, Glass, Bred by F Tisefor ai long vontisebgnse.licaAd tseir poniw attiseeavrock-l hoiExtension tahas, Putty, speed anc 151Hfora log tme, ut lwaukee onwithheick. J. J. Jackson, cf Elin, viso vas Plain Griave Mods' J une 7tAi. Mos Quick sales and samail irofitif. formerli' emptoiod hi' Worblugton Tisere yull boa, meeting o! he lisllaA Dining chairs, Binîhes, got It. Ti "ER AKNO A S ECAL Y.Brou., in5camping ea I SOcama Lako. sebiiol Allumai lu thes chla liseue mares du IP RT KIG S ECAL B.BuggIes sai Mis. Nîcisoles Wednurdaoy vinMa26ut4occ Rockers, Minrois, willI be Ill Smihivisiteai relatives la Blvîdere Memteis are urgeuuli' requestea n oceMîrseted fora lentiwvo4. Mm. Buggiem etuineai attend.Cuhs atess W I L KN G EStrdai. Mr. Wliase rotii tise Owen'e PlaceLo. gs Cota, Springs $ir - - e Illinois. Tise lire Company' vusout on drillI bau rooveroal fions hiel seriouns lose Mlle ________________________________Lake ZurIich OeDepmiICnt cmme up buinui'atrip ta Wisconsin, eavltg AlleuT..: __________________________________ - o am thIe drl. B. Knaales In charge Isere.2:7. 'i . 1ey. IL V. Meig, vWho Is WOvolS uu Mie aPrelo alogine ad Mrs. ISAAC w£ 1 SO Si i ta tise fWPcoda,filîleai tis enori'Biebease, ot PlinuGrave,HE TH SOsuad Ont J peopie oAllenn h appointaient mittthe Baplistt oburcis visitati fiienal luElgin lut Thuitadai' Libertyvllle. Illinois. Alne So"%-% udai' la place 0f1 Bev. Obsu. sud Fridai'. Miss Bertha ostayed lu 7- IlElgin vIls ibr ister Mes. Lasber. A .1p-Tise comrittee on Decoration Day Exeaator'a Notice.M ATT E.MILL.BURN. met Tucadai' evenalug and completed (lamis. rN..Durlnd. Attorne~y. i3 AshtandMi houi'Poiok a lsilg isaranemnt fr -ioeroberane ! lloat. Clalago. bantde, j- Il i Y wlh mer &Bd 1wiliad YOU a eusiomer aI" reasonable rate. )us choie* bargains 1 have the following. aFor Bale. LIbertyville City' Proparti'. iaake Of Gses.MoHait e ot ila ilt rom modem bonse mt cash. balance good viii. dstoer. "sand afruit tises. est, cap for cash, or on reaeonabls terma. I gent to Third loi s..Mv building 1h45 <ete hamp for eush. md& bous. largeChoilois 111W es tmif rom Use to gi Jalle, cood cia- ehl. r e n t . * ' e - 'men Wsmnton Subscriptofl News Agent ,r UW" anth Of ret b& d Glanerai Solicitor faii spisemnd B&rWmj.luc ALL PERIODICALS 1 AT Mon TwnahP Ptb1Ishers Lowest Prices oi corner lot in LIFE INSURÂNCE AGENT. prvdf-I -If ion vant to ýexIlvauke.C.t Huy, oeil. Ment or TrilleReni £"ste Il yul par yonto conguit >ADDOCKF- LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS pring Trade. * I îSeeders. e Disc Pulverizers. Ilummer Sulky Plow. 2L h. X-Rays Sulky Plqws. David Bradley Plows. Plows. ne Corn Plantera. lley Corn Planters. 3teel Lever Harrows. JAbbot's Carrnages and Buggies.t iBro's., Wagons and Trucks. 'Clover.and other Field Seeds. SchanLlck & Soni, 'YVILLEI ILLINOIS, STALLION IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. R. A. P. R. Faed November 12. 1885. R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ili. If you want d endurance breed to a horse that has ERMS: $1500 ta masure live colt. Ai lsposed of after belng bred. Breeder ,ld for service fee. Ail colts ta be set- soan as mare has foaled. dnlght wvwsisreai h i' Nle, Sectai'Plymocuth 2:30à. non 0o! hula Biackhawk 1:211, sire u1 t bu 2:25j. Mldalgbts dam vau bi Stailiglat <pacer> non 0f1MeEsi Homme 2-.316, smouai dam (poaner) lg Pisarmois, sire of Miobail 21B Daisi'2:18J. bora s boter Iisaa2:.16. Titraid.a h' tau non of nile aBlaekisstb. dnight la a fine coai.blaok borne, staudltag 161 sveigss 1140 pouinin sver' iseavi'boneai anal Smuscloal. gosla a s ual pacor, a fiue mover, has a binai, gntle disposition. Hie Sas pmced a in 2:0%,balula1«.03, Qurer lu :31. a 1:04 gale. [in culte a nMOHenri' coatt'are nearli' ail psareroi Mdta mcciii, aSaùsowgreat speced. W. SIsmvood, Mlioigisia former ovuor, ini a me- leiter aai': "Il*bas aired a 1ev colla lu Miassînil. iblok for mOrn of Mte og o in the 2:25list or ibtis year. 1 emOoI lidalgisi la 40 races lu alA. n g i à0lrireos seconda, 3 iîtaa, unpluo.d ravo mousklua wogdaertnl sbowing. andl ung a ni s Ma 01tMme'. Duaing bi% m s1 it bim agalo nat snOb aI horpssmsealaP" %I a 1:051, Jorda211j, Aimons Basbsv 21Ij __ Chsamoia 2:12t. tLuin eCud'111 iUlrj 1Iamn snrplrised ha basutgo r US or better. asnbeebaai spoed anald M1î rolce a#I ka vith the boises mimove mentioneai t1SIgave btq rcorai ai 2:17t, #ad could bave maibsal hlm 2112 bail lea. Hie neyer iisheai bock f tisird plse." bisee of Midaigats la 9 ook tirat prMm et a moienq Conuti' Isir laI fal. andsir imasu ad et Labo Counnu'Paim, in compeilou vitb s a elai of colts. Tbey veres slovn Amy . A. gmASh, 4ngvcoal,111. 3 idilightq -2:174

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