CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jun 1897, p. 1

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GRAYSL AKE INDEPENDENT t ~. - vhJ'Ji A i.V- . ..R4 Grayelake, Lake County, Illinois. Frday. June 4. 1897, Dr. Charles Calloway. Officeover LoveI'bruglitore nogii iZNx1 2083Aà,» i TO 5P. IL LibertyvIlle. - Illinoisi Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over TrIggm &£ Taylor's. -nouai-- 7 ta lea6. M. i tu 6 aud . tu 8 P. M. t a«Idance on Broadvay opposite Parki Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, OfieDKNTI3T. Ofieover J. W. Iiutler's bldg Hoursi tu>12 a. M. andi1 to à . m. hAlLY.E Libertyville, 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST.9 -OFFICE HIJUIISI @t1 2 . M. itoi&nd7t>tP.ML Grayslake - Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physcian and surgeoni. Gurnee,------- - - - Iinois. .0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. yXTERINARY SURIGEON ANI) DENTIS?. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. iODa M . LM. 120 53TO I TO 1 0 & k. spaeci attention pilA t4) lia trmeuat 01Cironine beumrnaul. Rockefeller. -Illinois. pAUL MacCUFFIN, Atorney aMd Counnieor ai Law. NOTrARY PuBILIC special attention given collec'tians - sMd Canuvoeyinuf. oirien WîTa LAKE COVNT BAN%, Libertyville, Illinois. W. H. MILLER. TONSORIAL ABTIST, When YOD vînt a dlean abhave or a gond bâtircul CRUi an --Bll. Hcnin mmMD or ClasAla. Net door lu W. C. 'i'rtim shuStore on lt B oiepn ev-ry day eve= mudgymorllig. APissent For You! 1 amn Agent for te ROC KFOsa, MAie- cXavua, 114NanTH AsSEESCANo19ra BiT- jian sud MURCHAla2ILE lrsAUt&uCe COQ., aima sieril other gond campinlel, and for eScla $10O polini vrlll.n by me for '..sayone lu Lake Cnuvi 1iniiigve $i. Slu Inade il thaeBrbSture,,and i .10IbmtesMin@rata. I.rit.,r r ansinalor pal- SieAs. Wili give ls et reaponsible L rate, sd date y. in îoev poilai aiex- piruti;ofi ai-ail.,.-,r reljid premiun Latis belp a.1maib-,Cher. Write oneauI. John J. Longabaugh, Curiahston.Grayslake Illinois. -GRASS SEEDS FORs BXEAT WIIOLF.,A.E A .) REitrL ALL X1N1,% or Pure Clover Seed, Tim- Sothy and Red Top also Afalfa. Aisyke, Millet and Hungariafl Seeds in~ season. Try my Seed Coi rn. CHAS. STEMi-'EL, LongGrove, Lake Co., Illinois. OrApplAnatioiis .y Mail prolupthy atteudeai ta '"When__ý or wlîere have you sees such bargans in Harîss No. 3 single ilarneas $6.00 Na. 6 d3ilgIc, lImitation u tier Trimused idunu 8.00 No. 6 ud-made, Imitation iltil. ber trîimed SiîngîasHaruea 10.004 No. 7 Singe, Band-masde Nickel Trimmeid baruesa 11.00 No. 10 Fsstcj Single Harnes15.00 Filin ifunnesa iiAnh tracee18.00 Extara Fsrm Bannais1 è lu. trac 24.00 CHAS. KAISER, Libertyvilie, - Illinois. W. E. SCHAEFFERIS NURSERY. wu i. ,st oa i Ln G re'- i' .u. HOTEL IRVING BURNS structure Deitroyafi Eariy TuadaY Moifia. P Iving hotel nt tbe Lake Bluff camp grounds, la ln imbus. The ituge voan sructure, vllh ilaà contant@ andi eleolric ligitt pla%, vas deatroyefi by ire early Tueeday morning, to- getber vilb tbe mignificeul grave of treou vblcb surruuudel sud beaullllefi te. Shoilly befare midiighl Modai lire broke ontia hebmlnen rom àau the second Iloor. l ipread rapldly and woon enveloped tbe structure, for the're vas Dol Do much sai a bnckei brigade 10 îlay lise fi"«le. Bot an mlarm vwu oudefi, and lb. good folk of the iovD af Lake Bluff, a utile distance aval, lnclnding lb. police- min, siepi throngb tbe conflagration. The ira ta behged to bc 01iioandiaiy arigin. Irving Hutl e vasfaur-stary frime structure, buile about iteen yean a&go and f urnished ai a cosi of about S900O. l coniaineid 190 rouasi. il* value, vii content, lu<luding lie #leclic lîglal plant, an tie day of lira vas about $76,000. 19 vas lusuîad for about $17,000. l'bc bote) viln fot b. rebuill. Appont Com.,ttees. Thie exaculîve couittee ai lbe Lake vuunly ChriAlan Luleavor UnDion mal a& th home aute @tresiurer lils CelalaStafford aI Gurasee, Salurday, May 29. ieremidaiul Henr7 Wùte prelded and the foîlawing afficera and commitlees v- re appainted. ituperintendet Junior %%i .k, Mise orac. Taylor, Lake F,re.l; Christian Ciizenip ComsiAt' , Dr. J. P. Moame. Waukegan, 11.v. Ceo. lBuck. lackfller. lMr. J. F. it etrail, Mr. Beese Moody, Waukegsn. Judge V. V. biornei, lAite Bluff; Ui-d Literature Coanmiteeo, Minnes Alie Davidan, iglaudPark, Lindie, Moore, Forait. Aay AiCUUgigla, t.rnee, Mary Pierce, Waukngan, Mary Nrton, fLockeflai, liaymi Veller, Deerftl1d; Flover Commutee, Mimaeliabel Part- ridge, Waukegau, lMra. Cannai', Antiacis, Mise Aile.lMorris, Higland Park, lira. -Aias . iiop, Lake Bluff, Mima Aie Arber. Lbertyville. Tiie naz& convention vin b. bald ai lvanhae Ln October. The Loamai at CihkaLM&ua. lualise baIla ie fCitînkaiuaugliai. vueMore kWOleAfront Lak0 Canal! tais lu any bullie dunlug the van, lu Comipany ( o a5ImllII., Mee vere but severs mon catapea unisuit or ueug captureai. More live. ver. l and mare blond shaieA laCiciamauga u proportion la number ai troape engaedai liais ii ujbaue ln tau iauco-Prumiau var. There la gond autuliti far tie opIimgîtt IClsnki- mnag vas the mnat atubbornly con- toueeuffngaeneu o1Sthi. van. oy hot vu. thecontentinmIlaboat ahovu lu lia emilmates ofaibilledan d ljured. Tise Ligiti brigade, wvicls asi eb famaus charge ahut lidva, van îleg Immoruilil aitisehe S of136.7 Pm »et i the vitale brigade. AI Chie-. inugn tisaI vers many regiset an botta idai vhlch uuffered frani lleeOn lo tveuiy per cenl greter loua. The mont eadly battit o1 thse Franco- Pruisiis a wr nluvsidtuelomuait49.4 per cent of thse formée eugaged. but a iiiilacore of reglmensuttt.icubàui5E met vith Severn susses. Aarçadig tus a Lawe 'rîier uvan hisiay lise beavlet fume»a au the union aide, inludlng illed, i, sieig .mdAiabled, ver. as oUave. Beiena nt i.r. FfIr-Firat iîuoo61-2 ,Iventy-asztk Ulisio................... ý Niny-DXW lîlnut,. .......... . Tv'enty-Fiihb Liinos........ ....s >FoUteentii OSl........... .........6.5 ,""tsu Kano"as....................... 64.1 lt t y if inois .... ............ . . 6 on t5 h canfeaerate aide, hisavear. hse tomues Anusnime regimenti ver. oven g?..t.1, tl 11h Teunemisie leadiug the lit vitis lia appalliig parcenlaga ai slxty-elghl men lost ou& aS every ioo. Togoher tIse forces engigeli gave up 33,150 mien, the lasses bting about avenly divîdeai. Wthoui beiug as n omannus a baille as souse ai tise oIon of tae 1Car lu th initter of deciive affecta, t3llkilauga via one of lthe deadlest. l -Foirtre. yaars va have uevor botu vîitaut chaubrlainfl8Colin Choiera and Diarrboeaa iemedY lu th, hanse," Baye: A. H. PalIer, iii E. C Aifîns &5 Co.,Indiaapolis, lad., and niy vii, D vould astoun tink ai being vithaui fonr as a batie ai thbia R.m.dY lu tae (laummer seamon. We hava ued Il vilI ail trs. a! aur childran anA Il bus 0 never faiied le cure-no t Mmply aloi 0pain, but cure abluleli. Il la al) rigit, madany one vito lilas i ill iflu 0 il so." For sale bj . B. LOVELL, Lit~lyyviUe, J. B. BuAcRUI, Guruee. L..LIrCHPmDu, Itonkîfollar- C.. eim o lat fflnth.jh.ani orsamantai Te. iW5 Now ta the ieto 1a~ and al Fraîtc.. Cucumbers for pIcki*pl. .net-r priueon aceimatd sock. Plant now and pick crep in six weeks. Cet con*% I.~êtoîtî m ion. s ýtratsat M. B. Coiby ~E tul Se eueneceaICoe F . Smith & Son', J»6 Mi nn u-i and 17*ggu& Taylor's. Comhsg Sure. Juil a« va go tb proe*i vaare In. lormed snd autorilvely tisai the. Thoma Manufacurlag Compny, of WilmhNgton, Del., viii locate lu Lib- rlyville lu the Iyndicale fictary in tbe very near Sture. Whie ve o@are able ta obtain bul meagar lunfor-t mation, It la aultentie. Tite Tbomas people have a coaaract vllb tha Gavern- ment la furnlsb tva million postal carde per day. Tbey aim manufacturm lablem, laes, piper boxai and piper noveliesi n greut varlaty and yl mam-1 ploy 150 hinde. 19 is Ibir intentian to bave lhe Libertyville faciory in aperalion J DyiI. evaral rusidance loi, hava beau sold la partie*i nunect- od ii lb. ficlary vba yl dent rai- Ideucea in Llbertyville. Wa baya niaitveek la publiah ful particulara. LàIEs. The Tbamai couceru bai plâced ih the Labe Couaty Bitan 150 as ey)Jence ai gond faitb, vhieb amounitbey forfeit la oyant oi thoil liai locatlDg baie and baving tiebm ac tory lu operallon vitis 50 hindi by Jnly lot, and Ihay yul emploi more hlp ns acon ns mkcinery nov belng conairucimd la dlivered. À Gaver,- ment Inspectorvus iere Tlauraday and formaily approved aiflbhelen orbuild- ing.- he contrant vlth the (loveru- ment for pomti cardi la lu vogue on and alter Jniy let. Gone 10 145. Roward. The utimely demse ai WillIm Deiotf redrick LîtebilelA at the home af il sparenteslu iRockefeller lait on- day morning, May 31, vwu a Mid bîuv ta bis immnediate relatives aiid nuueb.rtee fii ends. Deceaed Vas a Young inoet oeeplional vortb. In bie aemisolain vit theitaYoung people beovws an axamplari companlan, cbharflaila d&%poiton,obhate la couverualon, pure inlule and caniderate of ail. Titome vito knev hlm buese emtmed hlm mot. Bisi love for broheras d aitera vs uatsiah, ail reidy t10 do go lb. tmait of hiea asity very tiing lunbhipover for Ibheitapplueus oi bia lovefioe&a. He lasvai aurvlving hlm a fatier, niaIser, foui brothersansw taaltue.. mil of visom vera vill hlm vien teé end came. Deceased vas boru t aUdilfeif tii1 counly Jlame 18, 187à, belag butaigiee1 yeana ai sge aI; htissie a!ihi doati. Ha vas recelved imb ltaeGermon1 Lutheran citarcit Mugis18,118ý. Lai"y 19, 189Mlehomain Lodg No. 796, . . 0i. T, oaiRocefeller and lI" Apil hbu amted vltb Mie Y. P. 8. C. . of lie1 Congregatianil curoit tBockefelier. Hie laidbeen amployefi vilà thlb Wetern Electric Camp.ay, of Ohicago but tva veeko Wvhou he vasobUligu ta giva np hiei Position on accotuai 0f icbuzas, relurning la bis home Mlny 26, visais bc grev rapialli vorseountil tise and came. lamerai services wae eheld ai lie Union chancib, Liberlyvlae, Wednaiday ailernuon, Beva. sanair, ai Waukegin and uch, oSflRockefeller, aflcIi&ug. lutennieut helng lu Lakeelde Ccmtery. Bth tie Libertyville sud ARockeeler 1. 0. 0. T. lodges etteDded lhe funeri lu a bsody and thaenany beaulifani liovaîs laid o unad about the colin by loviîsg ssai srruving GuoalsTeniplara atteiteti tihashigis esteausti vbicis Uey regard- ad tisir deparlaît brother. Fortoth Anniversery, Tise Illinoilit Bte Normal Sehool eit Normal, Ili., vlIalebtateItia fortleila aunuversury unl June 22amd 23. Il la expeeteaibtisa large number af grid- uatenansd under graduatea viii bc pr.,- et. GaneraI Hovey, Perklni Basa, Dr. 0Edvlards and Dr. liovoît, former presi- 1douta ai the instituioln, vili bc presaut. 5Aany ai 1h, former leachers bâve also alguilei Ibeir purpose tu b. tiser.. Tneaday eveuag viii b. givenu p t.. idroes of i 1boue of tIffle arly gradin- 5aie&. On Wedneiday lonenoon tIer. large number af adaressai viii be gven by pramînent men, and on Wed&Y afternoon st 5 o'clacb litea iiib. s large ban ual. Isla hoped liatI 100 wlh b. pramat a% thie banquet. Blute èMetals ad membera ai the Board ai Educilian. eminent itlîlea i o hava beau Idautilleai vib lise initution Ai ana vay oi inolier, are axpected. Ti inlanolconlibeaiCote ograduates ai te insituiois but Il vito bave evaz been auinouias Normal aie irged go b. tisere. Weekîy Crop Bulletin. Th UnIseA Bti Depoilment oa agriculure edi oui Mie foliini repent fonveeak ending May SI: Tiraugiutaultise Donternsectionu0o A1unais the tempearle iveregus trami 5 se, ôdeg- ma m117baby noerma and raildali roasnoltiqg lunorlli etal" tanabout- McrMiii ý puuthWtyu caumi. FARau te geqia4l ded ave n iaotcion &aitliapoqundti w 1 .vgylard andi loddy. Corn l4 =aAii, b4gp"ted on lite Slds aMd snme ý*uiug la beiug doue, ovluî Io poisemA »danA cul vorme; cDlivaw itou of .arly filids bai begun. The dryneuan sd adA have enaudidaow f ravt 10 gaidenié, potaboee, meala psslunea,,aile suai oinl. fise 11gb ite ou severil mornlu$ q mns Utile'ci no damnas,; fruil Iwoa CHICAGO ROAD RACES Whoellna the Uoefleof TwaoGreat *venti. Hundreda of Leka Counly people vllumeuaed thbmartni0o!tlb. Io gPlat roaid risses à*Wb.eng Mouday asud tb. acenevaisan xciing oue. la the Cook Connty romeIhere ver. 135 Starters.d anth ie A. C. (C. eveni d44 coniteatanhi gol; vay. The. veaiber wai aIl Ibai could hi deairmd anfi DO seriona accidenta ooiurred ta max tbe pleasuré of thm day. W. D. Sadfley of thse Calument clnb von lb. A. . .iraeansuliery OBrien tbe limse priae. The pria. capturefi by Srmdleyconsiste o01$100 vorila of marchandise and the lime prise vas a $M ympino. Bsdieyo record von 1:07-U 11-6and O'Blrien& time 1:03:08. The ýdIstance cuverait vas clos teo tuy-ve rmilus. In lbe Cook Couiy event John Hudson von boih the race andUfime prise. The prisai vbicb Hudsont von are of vaine. Ai vinner oa i t.eracsha recoivefi au iiprigbi piano vainefi ai SM0, andas lime mmIL aricb silver cup vhicb "aluas nearly tvo Set bgh. Hudson@ lime for lte 18è smlles vaq 47 minutes and i second. Clareryce A. Murray P. M. Clarence Muiray bai been appolutefi postinailer oS Waukegan. The figbi foi lise Wankogan office bas bm ua biller one Md M a s ionda feul jubilons. Ur. a vii Ciairmau of the conpty Couiuitea for yeurs and for tvo terjus b. Wei&member of the state ofl12ittee. ai vas posinimter ai Waukegan eider ârrizon, and -ma a Most efficient one«ca. LONG GROVE. Quise a nuri c <iaur formera bid tSn plant titeir coin ove,. if you vint 10 bey, sel or raDI a fim. , eal ou H. . Paddock, 8m Eiate Agmnt, Libeitvffle. Oui citiseni aprwecialegond vraid MWd-are nov enmgintlardng sMd scroplng p. 1 ta gogravelins ail titi bigiwaya aof letn tovniitip 3194 Proenut elb.asertovua vozd do viiU te iofolm a.exmpla ef Veru nd lb«tvllle. Thte IioeziunEiventa te publiai aiu tbm nevi euW7 -, Wben on kaow cfaisuitem lalaruat lbé publie ville iop, aigu joui»maai drap lu ouri mmvi box et the posloOkmc. yoD Bndefinos asaugs it a" veaviliDoa publiaityoui name aim syon visit I. Th Long Ore" ue oel la nov pimpaediaenterlaîn ail vio casse, vWtigaod c[ eao M m fr otit msl- bema, gond tatbenUd Mmd ruaiumffle prie«. Everyig lowe andi nemi sud tbe goulu Zlrm.r'a vill moite yoD feeil ai home. Protaction in a vital republîsan pieilli. Nov vheu ve bave a homo batcbir t tiour duy tolonA binioui patronage ao long as bie luinriitgond miat et ireaiouable pria... Lui os sand by lte borne rarcet and encourage thbmomn vita belp pay aur Our reporter wicdenlly rau acralem W. B. gcbieffera BNursery lait flu- day. R. bai a choie. thiblty stock 01 fruit, ailade and OnnamentalI re«, grapai, berrmiae. Oly one mile anutit ai Long Grave yi au ciiboy icaltisy, aclimatýed stock guvaateed &rue te uime, as lalte prices citarged hi traveling alesmen. Bei Ar. gcbisaa d. cird limyhere Iu thii ppal. DIAMOND LAKE. iProm &oact- uruodealj lira. Hunt and Aidruva vialteai at Ara. Wlcoxs lai Frid&Y. Ara. Oit ud daugittir LIga vere oui f rom lte aily Wednday. The quiltîng parti aitlin, Mitcahell'& vii a &coces@,,and a gond tiensa As re. ported. Wo hid a ine raiu Wdnesdy main. lîag wvich it ii elp lbrng up lte gar- den vhlch la so eibvard Ibis apring. Mr. Giambo, aur popluaz butter maker tok a srip lo a ingion Frldai. Ha expica Isvihifranihils piants tii week. Lent Bunday aur litbie tavi preentefi a livaly apperraisce. ADI amouni ai cyclisifont ha cty vare oui, but mail ai them vere lok lng far the Lake, beni on fliiing andl bout-ridiap. Ar. Barlett and athirs acomacdatted a large number Salur- day nlgbî and Biunday. Mr. Limber ials upplled lte vat. of a large aumber. motel Petercart bas beau treated tu bey cosl ai paitsigne painted and put up by local paintera, lu fiel lise vhole place planante a pleaging appearance and las caul lne ailepleasanleai and mont quiet places for pleainre seakersaraoua har. ie.Bya Boandlng flouse,. vietect là iuated a ahot distaince fronithl.ité, -la aise anaeaifte imaI boarallul *places lu lovn sud la alvays prepsid for lte accomimodation, af travelers. r Plenty ai boiteaaealvaj a AnresAlu 0 and bail fuinisbed an sbolI noieO. Cita i. lllskl, praprimior a! Dlluïi Rotei, vilI furnieaileiaaln d loAgin et resaonable pricea. Aima &ove% l teri, alîhougla Dol qulle ànusai thb lice, ia mil a e i nîceli tateab and g vbeue people eau ind pleasaul, qui.t L. 96»146places. d Mr. lue Roiner. proprietog ai the Manin oue, Burton, W. Va.,,and que is ostemail idaly buovu muim lb.thétate vas curefi ai rheuiAulSI It stwrblireayenaienuflrîug. H. n «-j havenDt auficleni ceo- 01l lmamug.10couvai any Idea ai et aufrd my pijuiciantldmeii l u uothing coulA b. done cm.I au su d friebda vr. fnlly 0covinemd bl gnotiting but Amtit vonl relieve me o My suffrlag. lu Joue, 1694.. Mr Ecvana Shen ualbemat for lbthe ali le Ding Co., reeomm«edd Chz ' e rPoluBaIni. At"bltime rnyfoot m ~,Itub er. avollen 10 more l$aitdeubq thkmnu i"e 0001104e, b MA A ~ ~ ~ ~ W paa l.PliI~ i neA b sndnov"~~bfIrtW M !eeTpM*h UeI7Li1 U a~ VU#. V. NU.M0" Wm Hl vsa aueanvmîo lain. Henalvsay.kgn i A. G. Bbveinln vswu niver,,lde lait Thureday on bain. Km"r sud WUi Bloom vialted in irnhnrat one day lit veek. lira, W. Hall vieiited relative«anmd friad*a uLaboForent a lev daelait" veek. Mr. Hmnmrfet'a people altendifi tbe mernorilalervicea ius iarringiou lait Sindi!. Jo. Dietzvwu a plemiant Coller ai thm orne ai Mli.mumaKiene lent tianday evening. Mime Sdilb Tovuer, of [iarnd Lake, ayant lait laatruay and sanday ai the bome. og.ADou Wheeler. 1OCarltoucer C. M. Knox tob a trip borne lit batrday on hi, bicycle and relDhied Sunday àfternoon, atpping ai thbmommorlal serviteai laLiberty- ville onbIda y back. Amans thos. troui ibis vlcinlly Who attmedfthebmemarlal aemas e Lîbrtyvîll. lait»unnday ver. lMra. Influa. A*%Mim a Mme. Âmes, ilibaurd Ames, Iliii.Cla Morse&au Wtbur Morse. ]Frank Uiliricla, GAImer. boss car- panier la pusting up a large bare for Andrew Tiium, uf iromoni.Jar. U lrleb i a AMsSohmi. orkma anad i0 you bave ai caip.nterti le hob.don. îYOu qwill ho vi ta constat hlm. The a aplleA colareîy ry lte pofl 0f Mie Uplmedr balyforte moulai May:thevmatb Gol raetheilpMore May; Sen. rad, iS; p Mor bis, 100; Belftee Urde, 99ohn Grousi, 10. Iiis Uiilu, J;hn Giml, 99. Frak marca, fouiMay grad, Cain Tia, lA arttUlrit,8grUde. (huale 3;iii 11;a LeuI. tibd5;gradeOc 3; beeleram 1. Wllllaradenbury 3 WMeier,8ma i i $meby3 Wa are very sory ltat i ib Mie change ai managemeut ai oui ereamaiy va are obligafitl lamaouigealJohn Wlilner. Mr. Williaer bai lved lu Gilmer for lte pustfoui ian snd dnring bis siay vit un bai maoda maay s-am rMndem vis a mch regres hie abpoprture. John la loo gond snd faMitfl aàbad for AMr. lBa vley Io part vith. Miefore bm roe ibianadi bm qi7vanhlm a position la Mie faetay ei j&e Zuish, wke.aner a short viail vi freud nda l Uugiad, ho rMay lte found byhi iimmni biendi If yosU lhuki hai deceicon borna made claies. is a Sitlg 0f Mie pas, coesa iatlt assbe.aeyoD may undeivm youremlf by calllng a% A. G. oebvernianà*Coi., and iaklns for norne oa'Gradmna Mailginema fuil cremu ebeese. lia. Hunilagio la eigbty-live yeaim ciige balsite"bai ho& foigotten b o 10make!ood chusse, fer a.carried off th e ftapresions litmitiAIttMe lakeconnu fai. Oeil aMiAbuy a fev paunnAi afOansi Mitblia's eememand 7you viii cerftaliy vaut mare viten titSla Ou ?mdoyayluele »nV managemuent af oui crmiy 1sok fual conirol of the faclory sud under yeny favorable auspices. Tbe f ac&oryvill lama very fmv oetle former paèreni baidie It viligaia m n evone«. Emmel Eiley anad Artur Gishme ef Vauoauda, lad boeenengaigo surua lhe faibli but aete lait momenft tbey vidrev froni Ibir agreement. rHowever HeuryGOitsanACbarloy Batllait, of Diamond L4ke vere 0mcred lu ibehir place and the factoh! -atariefi Dp ODnlUme. Nov gentlemen fil you vaut se Malte thie cu- opTative buase auaoema, stick r & il. No businessa viii'puy FunieusI làl sapported. Gai as umny n esPossible 10 jota Yeu. Tala. îour IFimu nov 6d ail Mie tue anud keep 1everiiiting eti ilUH on vint tbe 2 profité cf1lise Middle mman ad fluàài uccema.-1 HIGHWOOD. kIss Grâce.Smith, of LaGrange, IL.', la vlsltiug fnienda boe,. lira. Wm. E. Saijaidaspont Frday *adA Sauray l hit ly Ara. lian, ai Chinago, la visillug ber sou H. Ularfit i isvillage. lira. Fox lied %peut lait veek la Chiaigo vnilting friands sud reatiives. Thore vAl b. a tesupanaise lecture et lte M. E. churci en Iunday eveniug, Jone 6. miss Mary movera, ai Evanatois vas Ibm gueat of! ber parent& ons auuday. IL. E. Winlers vent la Deerlield Saiurday for lt.e purposa o! orgamisulu an 1. . Ô. T. lodge. Qulcb vorb la bolus don@etalte Goff graoudsand Il la expecil t iat it vtili b. iD nueon the Bib. Baud concert@ are italA &l litaPost on Tuasdays, Thuridsaja&ad-Salur. day evmnllsgeasa 4 P. ni. lir. Malien Hob andf amily, ai Wlnetka, vere visAlors ai Mr. mandAirs. Win. Blel on gatuiday jand SBey. 'W. W. Bayingtoil#aiscl lé i orner reailde. tabCo.Champiv.l, ofJame- Villa. Wl. lna vini oelspy a in ,Jae. A dunce.vilii bcbelA it Mie M. Western ,Oroy« an the eveulug af April 61kilio veny $aurday ev*siug tbrougla cutilte aumhle., OU RN"E. lI»as Medeenlerlained lia ladiei ai lte W. C. T.A. Ttunidij. Mii Amoli WWtnld viaited lrie i luCiîçugoa#lii eeb. Arsud Mr%. C. M- ]rovn'vialleA franda lu Wilsconmla islowek. CAins, aId sudyonag, lsraed oui le aee lie cieui lu Waukm u lt saturday. 1Thea monl C. B. buinesau meeting ysi itoid il litahome of Dr. Young Iqt Tueadai evenlng. Dr. anAdMXi. Yongaiendmd Mia commenoement eecsio!fRath NO&di cCollega loi Weftemday.- Tliursdaî eeening ocoured tb. piar- niage a! Jo. Woadary sud lira. Mile Fine,, bth af titis place, ao4 te berne of Bd Lttle. rinda eveuing June Ill Mr.A-nia, of Waukogan, vili give ii fasnani mqaieop aiov ai Mie CUItlu cituicitbaie. linaicai eaurei *1 ho5 "dd dby 19.1ai tale , The entert.iinsueut givan gI-Gouma 1Ral1lilâm rblsgW mma &w..baift Special Whlte Goods Sale FANCY WHITE 0"< STRIPI3 and CHEC FANCY DIMITY LACE EM EVERY PIECE WO- WR HAVE ONLV a.. VARUS tuLL Ai Cor. Oenesoe amiW.h WAUK"N., The Lake Couitty Teachere' Trit Comptent in 4u» Collage o h ulienaaol ahmd Kum Rames of ?uidilc speciof cmai. P« Pmeuhtu av* o lmS, if a seffilat îm H. C. PADQ),j col Read these PriC*s îW in and inseCt the C Falrbank'm Sft Wind Mill and Tower< -ý.1,4 Champion Lawn .Môwer, not tbe cheuipj4 buut large 8 Iln hI- ---- GooQd Force Pwnfp and. Cyiner, Coqètê ready to pt itn wetil............. Solid-Steel -arden 14oe-, ...1........ Scresn1 Doors .................. , W ire.Cloth per sq. ft.. .. W ire -by fuli'-rolia.......... . .6, 20 Tooth Lawn Rake...... Spilng Ilnç«end Screws, per, bmt.-. Axe GreaseSboxés DIAMOND LAIK.. Ai, &eolbai olmda, ,e r "t Mis. Gloco la repor4ai'àqaila., Waa.. . !îia ite 2Boumse laviaiilsgla tué~., OO.O Mtim rusToyemibas celened Mthfe, aloyu, s uk iha ll.. 1 aS )dima rouiRospifi mvi ivisel lin - pw aanluÎppy qombInl". - g1. - t Pulité i*Wwkbli t i Meuke,!" mini lgeibea bolng rcp-Ud. __ lie =e on MiDai Prldsye 0ou.. isan Brookanirebma g- Umi. W. lotaman 1 9

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