CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jun 1897, p. 3

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Der ber mother coit aujoee ved In 61>1>041410,the liitepersan bat i su iihnd rabalte vritb the mont coui-1 mi uplob of misebel mbhietae, asut lefa hlm ta bear tho brout, cf h. eider Indes cool recept§on &I l by bmacI.ine 1h droppat ber wo.k la ber lap. exzulet lim frem hea tat foottsievis- an"i ith a1 black seci san if ho bati bien a noterious1 rascal, anti then alt shruptiy. in a deep1 "Bit dovn. Yeqnocm@ trom u odeai "Yen, I-I cou. ftem Lenden-" "A bat pius., London" This w-sa s utistee much. 'Tâhcra are sons, vers- ice people In il. qnte masBina samY lu the country." i "I tare sas.' Thia vas saId vers-de-.- iautis-, andt se thére w-sa a panse h- for. she wet o. *"Loudenors are fend et aucerntu et us country people. au if we w-r. ut good enough te back their Arusatbw-ste dit net cotraditct ber. Rh. miglit be s veny estimable w-en- b. hat heardmine was; but be tii nt me" &ans aduquate rneo fer her presuning te ride rough-ahod over Iin. go bie looketi placitly et ber. "I have ne patience." ah. be-gan. "w-tb peupe Who thiuk, almpis- because thes- havelilved inluàsparticular spot of thc esth, tht thes- eught te h. bocal toce te hs- the iuhabjtants et evers- other spot.' "Neitier bave i," saiti Aruuthw-aite simpis. Anti eh gismeti tralgbbforvacdly t tqom ~ as if tbvs- tuouht %bl bat toilat t fround vfte satlafaotoefiy B& -forr.liner coniti begl &gain Milie came tiocostalceansd broutht a message' 09 pence. "Papa vilii hovers- plcuea esec s-eu et once, if s-eu ce't mnd resslg up- eairs te bis roomn,"schi said. An. clth s boy ta Mns. Peel@. Arma- tbcalte folew-ed bbc girl eut cf the reous. MiUii.toppet wheu ah.he at mutot mairaeeouch for ber face te h. on a levai vlth ber vlate'a, anti turunirond, ah. sadinl a lac vola.: "Yenouuuat thlnk ansthini et main- suas oddtimsnuer of receivlugse. libe alcas lk tisat te strangers. but shes perfectiys- e5j 10manage chen seu knoc ber. I îhiuk she mut have reand toc much about Napoleon tie Great chen she w-sa a hild." This ils- spolois- cas rendencti se tunes- bs- the tw-lîsle lu here yca that Arma- îhwalte cith tilficuits-tifiesi bis laughter as be tolioeetibis conductreme mIe the doroa ruon. CHAPTER IX. The veak dulgbt stili ahoivet faintiy tbrongh the trace blinda, anti helpedt b ,gîte a mourutul look te a roou chicsà dark msbotany tuitore anti a funereai teur-post betiteuti reudereti aireatis-suoli- ietly Sianta. B>' the Or@est the doc- toc i lrg bmng cchaïr, srtini PaPers bs- the llgt of s couple ot candies osaarnail tlsi. aIt bis ide. Arntatsw-aite vas star- til-I bs-the lok en bis face se he calises is headand setibetiout a bisi handiiu wel- roue. Havint heard ou al aides that the alilment vhlcbkcpt the docter at heme vas nothini but a coldti. is.youug matn has t tbeee prepareti for the suoketi esc anti ssiy pilene.e w-ich. te bis observant vision, seemeti the unmistakable isralde ot deatis;he cas snotmch cbanged Ibat but fer tise kee aud kiaidîs-eses. the ceai anti vacilsatiig mouti. Frank couisi ararcels- have kuccn hlm. 1I have cose ber. bY tis etsrmegest ne- <ident," anscereti Armaîbvaite. "Or raîben hy an iieutwhics bas airesti> led te se maus- extraerdinary stivetures shgt t1ieilabe te ral it an accident at ai." Dr. Peele puabet bas-b bis gras- bais with s gesture peasliar te hlm chen hi vas interesteti; sud ltb a tocb eft ut fe-ionate dismisa a ehi* tisogiter. cisc was standing levingis- be-ide bis chair. he ravly boceti bis bendt t inlimabe that he w-si reata t listen. As noa as tisey were aioe, Ansuthvalte, as much iu- presseti bs-tise meaner oethbe docter'a e eptien as bs auj of tise previotia eveuts Io chich hlm sinuels- lnterrupted jouruey 'hast given rise. reluleti verys impstise cir- s-umatances; thint he bat met Amas Cross met. pasact the elgit. by ber huaband'a invitation. in their bouse, anti that Lady Kildonan bsd taken im te luchece ai Tise Crag%. -It is vers- strange," ssiti Dr. Petle at asat. -Anti perhapa the strangest part of ilbail is tbst net maey ceeka go 1 mess tioneti s-u te AIma Crosment as a mas who, in certain circunttanrea we ere thon umagini. voukdI h. likeis te have the skill anti the courage te de ber a difi- cuit sud perbapa tangerous service" ,Wbst vcas that service? Mas- i ne knocf" asketi Armathw-aitc iu s vers- les voire. "llartly-yet." answeredth ie olti toctor siocîs.-. But if yeuwclii stas- hcre a tes tas, 1 w-llU tak toseu agalu on tula suis pet. Canyjeu &pare thc ite!"' 1 I yl dose. if sou bave suls trouj reamon for cishîni me le saus. Bt if1 Mas- go up te laov te-eiu-ht anti returr toas-u, i ahouit preter it, as 1 hurea chance et an appontmeut at the Inirmary thee, anti the candidates wiii b. aceu teý morrow." "Lt 'cm h. seen; 1 can give sou nmre- thîng b.tter. Ms- vIte anti tisoîter tunk 1 shahl be about again lu a tev tas-s; but Yeu aud 1 kmev therwise. 1 beiee vith Aima anti w-lUiYen, that t vas ne chance brougbIt Yeu te thba pace. Wthio a tew heure ot leur arrivai leu bave conte tace te* face vlth the tvo cafss hieb have been gavîn et my ver>' lite; fer 1 wan Yen, lsen ill have no eusy pet here; thon. are secretsich 1i w-licolfde ta seu, if yen cacas'te take my place bers, cemuectoi w-lUi certain etfns- patients, the bnevbedge et whlcb w-luimabe yeur lite su everatini tdance uoen the edge of a voirano chbcb muet break eut sou., day. Ttiu are joung, eueretcie, honest, Dot eter-emotbonai, w-th s heat vers- w-c areii n, thoog Ita enis-on yuanu ahoulders. Yon mai pecisapa ied as vs te grappi. aucceustuls- vlth tifficoities whidi te se oid man. celgisoidocn bh -oitreclectlonsansd setiments boued tp viltisthedesi, huve heen like seeping dois showe tatelie. Stas- ber. s tew daim; lS"rute buow n; 1I clii Itroduce sud have ts vitI jeur Dev 515er?' He tonchet s bll bybsi.aide furies,ad lu s tec momenta Mrs Peds appeareti, ber approuch heridet bs- e tread bîbe that et a mss. "Mgargaret." saiti ber buabMt Iis la tise youmg folloes, ichou 1 once telti seu tbst Ifi1tbat âdaamson1I ouît have bsd that son lir iis. e s viiars'wbithuns for thc next toc daye, sat yen vii itab Armthatite foit ratior uneaus-,atter Udor enceuter devatairs, st boy thls exhumon tluw-suiht o tubi. To bis ur- pris snd enstuination ah@ marche! uopte hlm, a" uM itas ho matesu »latoleutars- stop bock, hit .xpectiag tist her inten- tons eretopugbate, asdre hlm deo by tise aioulder w-lUi a poverful baud, sud printeti on i. co choci a martial Mes. ltscoverlng quickls- trout him antoulah- ment, b.e reopectelly retucaet the sabote, sud having this aslgnati articles et'pesce. ho bastesetute bes- ber deep-otelcom cr- mandtatogo tovu at. in luthe biftins roumi b. lout iMllie, nov huas- vils the tes thlugs. Armthwaite otaccuftoait hîmaif tellni ber o e bIsmevifomnte ar- quaintuncèa wItd.the.ttrriakeide beau- tics. "Tisen s-enlitre Aima Crosmont bent?*' soir! Miss Peei.. "l'm se gad. Its a feood aigu ln a man tu do trat, 1 feel sure. I bsec." @hs continuet, baartlly, "that 1Lady ilidonau la veny heibt sud cbarm- Iug, snd vers- goet-tempcrud, ton, 1 thisik. for sncb a beauty. But thencus more lu Aima than that a great deul moe;adi t Otofraei Mr bande is lguabisbox the eý rt atbhuand ot hors, chen I1sc0 Bbc stoppe lt confusion sud hat.uct te put sen scas on tise ore; but ln the midat o tais oecupatien @ho turnedt e Acmathvlte wilS a gaulai laus'h. "ltet s. » u;cl've done l, sud ne artifice cill- coter lîrthcricne. 'i'm alvasgetting msself loto trouble hs- blurtlng ont thinga that are better loft nuuit. Ihave't tise lessI ou ettact or diaretion. Bo 1 meu as cinlish chut I1was saying, aud releve my fiel- "ilaFpecils- es 1 kuov chat yoo ver. gelug t au.' "Do jou?"' Thon ber kinti, plain face grec grave. "Y«oifu nectis no conjurer to oses flintbise pour lbtie comas fis ro 8w-as-oai tiat ret, empts- beateti tsllow-, Who dooi't knc the diffeenee belveen gldansd gildisg. Papa matie thsat matois. s-o know-; 1 think lie'& sers-s-for it nec.'" Andthie looketi loto thé. Dcc again'" -Yen know Kmn.Cessaiont ltimatels-"" ".i tlet te; but h.ecoer contes bore nov, 1 bllet. if's ber hoshanti preventu ber; be'i afrali papa viii srecant ieh.any about the alteration a uber, t met ber n l Mereide about tesdotuss age, anti 1 ses-rce- is- keceber; @lie "seinie begrecini quit.e lti tnd-sand ihost-libe. oh, it'ssa shaine. i'&a a iamer IIArmthcalte carmedt 10 Iis girl cils i ber open heat and tisrsigttorvsrd '*ol inotein h. I.Ing ber ieals soi] grow- han hu tie ne," besasid cannesîls-. eMillie leobeti op nt bita sharpîs-. He vas itior le a chair befor. tbe lire. citt bis arme resting on bis kneeca; andthes c as cnonnbisng, w-isaà round back aud aprotrudîns face, upon the beartbrug. t Ai, 1 thoght no. yeu're goieg te stap ILbere." ah. sai, citb a neti et intelligence. "it.Fer a fev dss-s, ses," saiti Arma- tvasite, taken sbscb. " oh, tocrEnre than tisa! 1 kuow- 1 You'ne geiste h.e papa'. parîner. l',s etf nue to trs- anti bide if trou, me, h.e e ao" 'rnpereenalis- bterntei, sou knov; suad in anshibng w-ic-b concerna eneseli eue gets o h.esisuorntsiiy ciever. Oh. I knecuw-ba you'd cerne about the mument I 1sacs, or' o .But nthing la setllcd set." salul Ar- î.maîbvaite. "It se quiae truc that Dr. 0Proie bas matienmne suggestion ut the esurI te[nie.. lety CHAITR X. "I ntstcse ire shulti bave le fort os -alliance. defensive anti, if necessasry.oet sfensive, against my moîber anti ber cvii y machinatien."* r-Armatiscaite looketi puzzîed anti raîbe. q_ alarmeti. anti -sillie harst out iugbsng. a -1 wili h.laie witb s-is" she saiti ystili strugging vitis bermeriment. "I Lt ron'a h.e nstbng but plain vils ous- body,s-eu knew,' ste addeti, putting ber Lt banda up te ber fsc te empbasize luer >f ittmc jokre. vitis a cenical grimace. "'N i-emner cilii us-moaber kueir tisaIlisre im n a chanccetf-or settIing bore, biouns -e clbeglu bbc sttackb bs- lformicg s-ci eo Ibat the tnterhltog necessars- te a roussIry l. otiore-hetore talent, betore caperierie before sejtbiug. lu tact-lsa s ite. Nexi )t she ili enlarge upon tise fart tlisaI shai w s-eu caut le a clfc la gooduecas.anti a Ce Pscits- fer maini bise test exc'elent pat >r tr-; tireat accomplisbmnst are a disait. Wvantage, anti gond look&as positive diw qualificatio. Then %lie w-il go on-Ha ha! sou gncas w-at lu oming!-she will go ou te sas tht the vers- ausm sud subt stance et al thc ueetitul perfections be ai bandtinjetbe penson et m," ant iMlliicoci. bruceti herseit jubîlantis-. "CgIy fart, complet. ignrance et sus- art hut damw c lo anti nookint, anti al." "But eals-, Mis@ Pecie, s-es arc doing e_ sourslf tise grestest injustice," begau kc Armathw-sle, athen embarrassetiss- bel tf trankeesa, thogis ber iouesîs-anti tren, senteet ofun amoseti aud luerestet i bsa. Se I theugt tisat Vid botter put s-eî c on yeur guard," the ceutinueti, brigstis- S"anti Ilsou den't vairt te bave me fBots et at s-iend ft rou mornîni tili nght,s-ot .n 1 -ll le ven't gel on. airestis, in ve nt wa .nes te chou you une matils-ai in tachet, vitis hou s-eu correspond reia o. iarly, nt whou s-euarc ouls- vaitlmsg foi tevu te hlm, *Have yen reed ut?' b.esked. "ye.. Papa cvu.d it te me." Il "And w-at ditilb. sas- vA "lIe sadltibe supped tjets muet go." *'Antiw-at did y700 auj?' "I didn't sus- anythini. but 1 thoght-" "Wbt?' "That*sise was beglnung pretts- soon."1 Armaibvalte horst eut luughlng. "Oh. jeu il-natured lutIle thlng. 1 should't have abought t et you."' "Dr. Armatbw-aite, it in not ln nature for a plain cousen Dt te sec the tanita lu a hautiseme eue. fitreileves ms- feel- Intel. sud ntkes ne dîfference te youra. Lads- Kildonao in a bore coquette, tend ofet exeltemeot. djbug et ennui because bepit husband malles ber lilvclu the country. l $ho lok* opon every stranger that come. l te 'the neghborbood at ber legitimate pre; @sie etencendeacended te tutu h. bondi et papasunfertooste assistant. Who B cold't heur ber usine metloned vithout f aluna a-tremhlaug. Fromt gentleman te pasant, ah. w-e't lhe content tili@yvti man voraipu ber, sud sou mas-,hie ure shie von't let yeouf."w Mliii gave hlm a zaicions neti, chiolo Armthwslte buttaui& op hia ceat grave-, ..1 dont think 1 am oeeoe the vorahip»-' lui mort," lhe sald. "Lady Klldonau hua] my heurticat admiration, but I1fatter my- self its ut sae«y aut bnsthe hesd of a truc-bore Yerkbiceman." "*Weil, I hope nt," suiti billis detibt- fully. .Armabvalte got lto the dog csrt and sroesoff cis a silgisI fs-lissg et irrita- d tien tocards Millile fer lber ebtinate par- i istence le so Injurions doubis. fi wax, another beuutifcl and righit morning, but the sosng man acarcciy ns- t ticcd how- the snev sîarkled in the vone andi lay lu patelhes et tataîtir shapesnp- i ou tbc bill. He cas quibe bristing vith P dots- by the time bie arriveti at The Craie, I dasubés] up the drive, jumped deve fronm the dogceci, rang the bli. anti sked te lie takten stnasît te tbc injureti mali,f as if ech moment et bist iMelidbeeun a golenicu ines. The burbtîsurned eut taoL b.e a tinfing ene, ass ndect ibe bati expeot- ed. Heving bouildît i bbe coondetibaud and gven the simple directiousnsesary,t hie cas hurrsing eut ofthie boge whend a foatman rau atter hlm sud'requestetib hlm te stop, au ber lads-ship desîredtato speak te hlm. Armathwaite beitated. chen Lady Kildons's maiti futtered steve the hall ant ias haît becun sentà te show- hlm ep taolber mistres'room. h ls Lady Kilticnan ilii' usked Arma-c tbcsste.f "'Not vers- il], bot the thoughb the ceultia hâte te sale jeu, air."d There was ne choire left fer him. H. foUloe e traw-mailuni thi vide staircase,t along an osk-paucleti gallerj lange enough1 sud bautiiome enugh for s baIl rouem, te s doon etvbch *lie koeckcd sftbi. t ý"Cerne l," cieti Lady Kildeuan'ss veic,1 whch was as brlist as leer.1 The next moment lhe foonti himselt lu s reom the clering snd des-ration et which suggested te imthbbc luide of a sesa sbeli, adorneti vithbobngingsetfpale sat-t in. sud carpcted vltb tbick, aott velvetc which looketi like sea mess. The laceà cutaina, dranculoIe, verile i vithg pale rose-colereti ilk, tbrongh which theo bright sunlight carne pleasantly aubtioct;( n à tins- fireplace. tiieti viti pal 1 et flowers, horot s small Orne. Cloae te it,j ising bock in a large easy chair, bier hcad1 rcsing on a satin cushion, iras Lady Kil. dense. Tise ilinesa concerning vhie lcheah lidte consuit the tiotor was lucklly not1 berioua cumeugis te dimo the brigtueaa eft *ber eyle, erte reuder les. dszalng the luster et bier brilliant complexion. On the the nbnad. il was gravceeough te permît bt-r te appeur in a e-ite sashntere crap- pen. wiuh ber bair loosels-kuettedtiat- gether anit a blas-k lace ,osoillia round bier bondi, a coaboume besolifulîs- suitedtat1 -au ilsi lu perfect healtb, such as Ar-1 rnsthw-aite at ence decideti her te bi.. Standing aithte t1sresbeld of the dot àas tbe lads- isoguitils-bcckoned imin l, the soung doctor, ssibh sia.aetfmaim- ores anti resoluiens beltie isee-ca, uishetidh -ebati adnet caose. (To lie continucti.) M-E TRIEO TO "SHOW OFF."' sAntias aasoiut the Kugageuseut ai Beaumerlleu. yD4sou nootice thse vay Aligne Mac- Il donald andI uts- Ciemtena acted lesit nbght'" kedth ie iret girl, engerîs.-.1" Ifnce Lhern ier. was a *U.gbt coltinesa be- tween bem" "Celtineut" caclainsedthetise coindst egirl, laugisng; "'coltine«s! I aiout thsbtk then. vaz; tise cortis pole vea nothbLng ta Il. Hev 414 It bappen? Oh, l'Il telils-eu. Kitts- told me La coud- - tence yseterdiss-.aM l 'vc iseen jtst ilds-lngta tel u somebods ie; t's suris a goot Jolie. r "Yt>uioard about tUictrip tises- vte te take teaUtceM'est Bilde, dldt s ou? -Weil, evens-bodtis Uotgit tisatMeot ilt vxa al ettlcd, selng tsat tses- voe tlses'd unIs- gone on tise mret cas l sn -ould bave beffllbo-ls-. But s-ou se, ie Angusitrides veli. and bes'uvers- prend lu ot It. sae he oW ui sat peaigolng cen t' tisir vhsui, ati whIle tises- veu el crossing town lhe coulnt resletUice is- 'tclination te show- off, andi mare Ktty, -t sereuns. Bse canri emai reel culte, s-eu koow, anti aise ceipia.y usai botte - thannais- girl I knkow. 0- "Se, jeut as thes- get te Waahlasgton R.and Laeetreets Ausgus w-euld take Stise bualct vas- iecauicelie vantedt t -shsow off se badiy--tscs sau, a waltcn ft rein oeeofttue restaurants cruealg e, tise treet aiseati of thora w-lUi a bg 2.trias et diables on bisalaiE. 'JoUet sec me Boneau-c bmwhbite,' amud g9 AUg-ua, d.o cesrse, Ktty screameti an amind b lasa nct te go mucis tise ,r lie W«as3ut compeiledt tede it. gSele 'g rode areune thtiaat twice, juet asu ,U the pour feslow- gel as ic hemkkde or y, te MrentandIllalois of tue. Bit goun ith t reoutlid a big dti ra p oe au over pour Aligne, ami keocked liba M-ricglotlitetisat tanks'vitistise ras, WINDS THÂT NINDER. 1EV. DR. TALMAGE TO THE WEARY AND DISCOURAGEO. go Gîte, vootsof Coudent te Ail Who Latie, bluer Ativerne Clrcuam- sansuc, floti Physîcal anti Meutl- Thbe tverbuedeseend Ot 'verwerkeL Ouar wapbiurten Pulpil. Dr. Talmage's sermon itis iveek Ia on. 5f gooti cieer. If ciii give encouragement ta manys- trutggling souis. Tise subjert la "Contrary Wlnds." andtihie tellt Mat- lbew xiv., 24, -nie vinti ias coutrars-" As 1 Weil bnow hs-expérience on Laibe Gaslilee, one heur ail nias- linensd tise seat hoor the vieti eud w-ave, vill i he beisteroos filet yen are in doubt as te chether s-eu ciii land ou tise ser.eor en lie bottmefthe deep. The disciples in lb. test w-en. caught iu suris a stress of ;eother sud the mails lis-tIasd tise sailli pingeti, for "tise w-lit eus contrars-." 1'here lu eu oe o! tise Esropean aIrait. a place chere, chichever cas- s- esl, the cluta are epposing. There are people w-be ail their lits emm ailiniuutise teetb of Uie w-lid, Ail thieus set-t agkiust them. lb mss-h.e aidt! ftheir condition as et that o! thc disciples luaus- test, 'the vntiw-as euntrars-." Thbe Divin. Physicien. A great mulitude of people are mollet seemlugtimativuntage. andsi1t ilI te-dy, la tise sw-srtbiest Ançio-SaoutisaI 1Icn manage, treaî their csss-;, net as a nurse couts eut eigist or tee drisae a prencrip- tiend ni$tire aise-m lea ihsll glass et w-at- er, bot as st-eu a mon bas bs- s mistabe taben a large ameun ef strychnine or paris green or be-lustiennu. ansi ibe patient la valket rupidîs- rosundîltie root anti sbaken up util lie gels stide awtabe. Manyof s-eu bas-e laIt-s a large draft of tise poisou et diiressragi-iîi, nr.d I corne eut by tiseentier eftahe divine t'hysicien te cuses-ou eut of thor iethurgs-. First. tans- peopile are înder thc tilsat- vaulage et ain onfutuate munie given thlera bs-purentss wo :issugist thes- uere dmigsagoodtinig. SIsuitmes ut tise hmptst tuf riilulrenluis- ie1have belli up one band in. pt-ee1 busve selil sptise otis- or band its arazemetot thîl parents shoulti bave w-ighted the libh. itsiscb a dix- mensant anti repulsîve nomenclature. i have mt netsemsscivsitdcred tisaI tome cidren sheulsicrs- out ai lise chrisit-ning font us Ihut otbe-r.ibu suis-h ssnilitgfus-t ssoiti folle a titie tisat ssiii e bise borde, et thein lifetinse. Il is osutraonuîs to of- filect ciudren stitis su irt-srahle morne bectuse it bapîsucl ed lue tin-osseil lis- a parent or a rich urle fronît ebsînfaveriq are expcaed or mole lretinent man of Uic dsyvise mis-es-titiSilite iu disgrace. Ifla sne excuse. beratis.- tises-lsre Scripttîra nain@«, te rail]su bilul Ju-ioiakint on Tig- istu-Piieser. I baîstizesi one bs- tise mnie et Batiihae! Wly, unîler ail the rirrons amblent bs-aven, sus-Isorarntshld w at tn give toe chutthc manie ofthIbt loe creatore ot Scriptîsrciiissusa Iconut isu agine.1bavhors-oten feitnsuthlie baptismal ifitsr, ciscu manies Ser- usutusuincesi 1 nie, Ilbe sas-use. as diii lise sv.Dr. Iticisars of ilerriâtouse N. NJ., vihen a chut irai banied i bitfer liaptiat and tise name givra. "Hatiu't sou bettt-n raIl iftsome. tbing ecisc?" Impose net ttusumtuIbatie amunie suit geatire oet tippones- or mnt-anness. Tiscre il no excuse for suri assnutsitasd baîters- os thec rsie chêouoîr lonstiage i. opulent vus naimes musical andi suggestive is meaning. sis .- T.Isii.nnicg "tis gracs-jt.giftoft tî.l," orc heurs-. meonil "tise ehief so aisîs.1 ssso"ricA!rs meaninr 'rgossicouinac-lsr." or Joshu me-susu "thot, i-ursc nlsoiiin." ne Arn broe. ning 'ssunirra!)" or Ansircu me-suint "uanîs-" or Esthser. nseusninî "star." or Ab'igail. sns-auing "*gras-c," Victoria. nscsuning 's uisî,rs,' orn tilie mesunior "beasutifîsis. a rose." or Mon gsret. mesning "A tus-sur," or Ida. meant lirg "gotiuike," or Clarai, mcaîsiag "illus trions." or Asit-lis. tueit-sutg "isuss- oi Bertaa. cessnitsg 'i-uttfl ansi hits tirets of ebiser catura jîsi as gooî tisaI art al blp rnolier aan o hitusrance. Thbe wamiEs- Name. Bot seusetimes tise great imiranis- r ite in.Dotliu tise given mnie, hutit ei famil-mnie. IViuis-egisiaîoccs sci-t-seul ing ao lift auch iürubuat-,. tht-ne arr fuînii lis-s that kt-cp a naine e bics nsortqgitg-sa] tise gencrutiens eiîh a great disativont tige. Yom sas,-,l" iotider if ise s ans- ce Iniion te Se sud-Se." meaîuing norts- fon ils- celebrateti tor crime or ds-ceptiuiu. i la a st-eder tente tisutin ail sutr isatiliei &mine spirited s-oung mon tiues mot rie sas-lEstItefils brabisaandsi ster,-If s-e outlto eep ibis nuisance or scandslaî tien et a norme. I1ciii ht-cii il no lîsngel tison antil bs- quiiesirîtst-ne f hie I1s-as siougisofft Ibis gasgrî-ne" Tise cils-i rectors- bus susdtis of etuies th isei proouncissin et sbis b bas blit-- tlita long obstoe e.If Asis is-ves- urt ds1lit under a mnme -hics, riliser tisrsugis idis iounsortbegrasissor svicionss Siggteitiet ibuis heen on incisîibrînce, n-suivethuai th, tiext gs-astion shahl l tb i) wceigitt- lb Itint ltt mn-tiuiisgto chansge a a ines Saof t'arasebe- ii- l'uni tise Aliue Hadassais. "tise mture," lit-inus Esthes- "tise star." 'aVe hase in Anus-ris-a, andi supîpose tt la leitii ail coutintris-, cvhicsuifit te lie sboliseds, oeil can 1) stind ciilie be ulshed for thie reasîsu ili,- tiss-s are a liliel anti aîslae. tints if fo sos- tenson s-ou are sisîsiergesi eitiscr lis1 gsseu issis- orlis-il faîssils- tDame rhusî pis mustsîbear, îlot seul Scip s-sste ni-oerrons, tise outrage lis- utlîfe uiuisu toilteh, gosît ansi usetul. You usas crase tise curs, fron thtie name. Again. mans- peoptle lbisr under lh, nsisforttsnc of inconul)ts- lilsicai s-qssl nient. iW's-are lis- un rat r a5itesussu rails- but tisat ise- ri îsot usibrd tise i1, liienstion oet eus- ii-ai fiutos-W iront our tivo s--s-. <sur tlui) carSs (tr tut bauds. <sur tu-o fKei r. îcigist titgers on, te-o tisumba. Yet <sisalut oîtitodeg orete ie have butoent-t-ei or lutaileutsfoot! 'Th 9ortious-ry auîsties uit lits- bite beec qtîatrupuied. qutintisîsci, sextliet. as- ettoîis-t. lu sur tunie lis-tise uitil st-o sud outhtie Nosrbl thuaSentis a great moi titutie are ftgiig the batis-letfifs-e-lt hait. oniîs tisanisoif. rise Ces-des pisysici armamnsets. .I do suit sooter euthlie ps tulîng ciel Good chier. My b1= 1er esdf v e.y eotrbu ag& Zbb' viii make lit op to en usoneev.Tb*I e&froid Mat tdo. w1u @"»hilnd It e -f grecs, the îyinpatby ot Gosviiihb.mmreWhat a withering curise snch a s es t. Ionothon anythingIoyn have lent. If Imuec.t god snimasi God ellows part ot your resources -te b. Ibeu there are ettbexauneder the gout eut off in one place, h. viii add it ounmre- dlsadvantage of pov.rty. Wh.o oUgt t. ,shore sise. As Augusao, the empaer.r get things cheapet? Yeu ay finise vins is took off a day trein Februsry, muakng It have littie enan. Bot they puy mor&e.n the shertest month ln the year, and added Yen boy ceai by thi. ton, *obey a it by t lit te Assgnât, the mouth natecsl afltr lm- thse bucket. Yeu boy ilonc h y the barrel; self, no advantagea taken frossa one part of they boy It by the peunsd. Yen get aPa i your nature wiii bc added onute auotiler. paroi chenil, bocanse yon psy cah. they i But it i.n aalni beysmach of the venid'. puy deax, hecanse they have te set trust. ti work ha.nheon done by men of osebtracted cd. And the Bible was rlghtsillen it @id, ii physical organisation. s. a. Presten, the *'T'he destruction of the poor la thefr ;;o--- o great ortor of the southycat. veut limP- erty." t i aIl his lite, but there was no foot Pot Then tier. are these whe made a mis- ie dovn open any piatferm ef bi* day thut taire In arly lIte, andi tht everdews ti reaeueddnsefta as bit club foot. Bec- ail theïr days. "Do I00 net limaisthut A thoven was se deat that ho could nct hear that man vras once la prison? lé teia- i th~e crash ot the orchestra rendering bia pcred. Or, "DeoIssu knov tbat that us« *calories. Theonas Caryle, the dYPeptlc onee at*cu.pted suicide?" Or, "De yoesul martyr, va& given the commissionl te drive know that tbat mue one abfoafor t cet eut ot the wvendaliterature. Thse Or. -"Do you haovlisat thot m& ua va Rev. Thomas Steckton of Phlladeiphia once dlacharged for dishonoit Ce f wlth eue long raised i&bI audience nouter hasethsea niy onevwron deed laUsbeW heaven thon mont mîlters eau ralas man's lit@, and tt±one sot hacUnàth e thorm vlth lave longs. In the haoks, the subsequent hit century of hls existe e insorance cempenie.. the commercias- i~ Othon , Bluîanes. I tubilhmsents. the retermatory a»cà Others have a mlghty obstacle la tuista tien.the churches. there arc tenu of thon- pereoss ppearance, for arvilistsey r r C oanda of men and vomen te-day. douhied not rueponle. Tb.y forget tsat od op wltb rhczmatiosm. or cubject te the taslsloned ibseir ndglair cou- nuraiglas. or wth oly fragments et pleillon suad thielr atnre, *0 due t tboir limbs, the test of vhlch thcy left ut Chat- noie, and montAs. and banda, a" it t toneaga, or Soth Moontaîn, or the Wi- and gave theus thodr soit and their ge» a. derues. and they are worth more te the oral appeasace. amd th.y fg tt ai worid and moe te thie church and more te ranch et the worid's bot vok sud ldsi l Goti than thos et us vhe have neyer se ehurcWs bout vork bas heau don. bytI milets ahadlu iger joint stiffeneti by a hesly people, sud that Paule.t&. Poge Y falon. in saidi te have heen humpbead a" Wuai Put, te fulose ail the taculties that te- eyeight veakened by opbthal lisllel in s nd charge on aIl opposin icla- cmnuli et the finest ln appeursue baV4 la tances with thc deteruation of John et panaerd their time beforu fiatternt 1"8« 41 Bohemia, whe w-sa totaily blind snd s-et gaseses, or in studying killng atiftude...Pl et a baotle cried out, "I pray and beeeanh su d idlai-ng the richneuaoet vM4 L41 s-eu te leati me no af orIto, the fight that I rehes-neot ene ribbon, or veut, or esab, or 9 may strike one good hlew w-ih thia averd ilove, er button. err sboe.trbng of chichin et mine." Do net think se ranch et wbat they have hadl brama te caru for thn. - facultîi s-ou have leat as of w-bat facol- aelves. e fties rominsn. Yeu have enoogh iert te Otisers bus! vreng proclivitie. trusilase maile s-orself telt in three venlds. vhilc @tort. They cure hers wrong, snd tht yo bep the earth and balk heil and w-le sticks te one @Yen atter hIol bora ago,16 t heavcu. Arise trous yoor discourage- Oh, Ma wriven aua overbnrdeaed venld, mne nta,, mec ndMvemen et depletestior an everwerked vorld! lIt la a0 avrW-fnl cripplest physicai tacuities. and tse w-at, tired vend. It la a drcadtiy -untortg- t by the special belpiet God, youeau cenc- naot end. Scîca-tt are trylng ta "db compliah! ont tse caoae e tises. crtquakesila ail A Neww out. lansud, cstlantlc and trtualaulo.Duta 1 And then remember that aIl physîcal what about tise moral voeOf té tise ail dlaadvautugea viii atter awhilie vanah. tbat bave racked aIl nations,.sa" for %MO0 1Let these w-ho have been rheomLtlamsd jeast acence propose.ntothiai bst isow&i- te t fa tbet, or catractedot et an ese, etige, &Bd M".7 P 0e9110w-be us" Id Iror bs- the perpetual ror of our citîca thaï-. mot are thé. moet uncomfoed? *dered out et au csr. loek terward te the AChenrng-Veine.À *day wbeu ibis eld leent houseoet lteeh le the vay et practical relief for Ail dW a . wilI etie dowu and àahésiter one shadihobe dvantagesansd aIl woea. the ou> *wte b ebuiided. The resurrection morniug will that le w-eth listening to on thl i eubJ.or a provide 700 vitis a beter outfit. Fisîer ia the volce et Chriatianlty, uMé " P athe untrussi. wornout, biunted and crlp- vome etfAlmlghtyGoed. Whe I boi» fpied organe viii be se reconotrisctet that mcntioned tise partieular dImaaàmoaa~ s-ou wili net know tilleul or an entîre nev entier whlch yen labor or netlidhetg eetfese.and cars and feet vilI hc given declare, lu th@ nome ot mi <Ged. a * ou, luit chat t menus by corruption there la a w-sy eut sod a way BU ' l a v e putting on lnercuption we do net know-, Ion. Yeu cannut h. 8sny v" .oR<. s-omae that it w-IIl be glory ineffable. No disat Christian yonuua vousu w-b. b it Impisin bu eaven, ne traiuing et the es-e- thse Peinhorten mli.wheu th.y telaeu esigist to sec things L ilbe vas- off, ne put- jear ie, sud freux onder the. tai I iting ot the hand behind the esn te double bers @he w-sa heard singlng. "I am gois LI tihe rapacits- of the tympanum. but facial. home te die ne more." lies perfect, ail the keys,oe the Instrument Tolie goed courage trus at Bilo le, s I a attunset for the zw-ccp et the finicrs et et whose promdis are for thsant la beli %ecstass-. But otil that day et resemption pretilcamesst. There are btter dane fse ecernes set us bear eatih other'a bordons and Is-eu. ither en eartb or la hmem., -1 » se fuldhll the lac ef Christ. ms- band under yeur chica sud Ilft jeu Another fotin et disadrvantage under face inte thse llt±t fthse daocinglava. r- which muns- Ilor la iack et early etocs- Have God en yenr aide, aud Mo Ye" is tien. Tiscre wiii b. ne excuse. fpr igno- have fer resere troepe ail tia amillese. 'n rance in the next generation. Free acheela heaven, the &inatalent compsay ce wu*i it asnd illimitable oppertueits- et educatioe i20,00chriotand the maiiot bt'sidél s ill traite ignorance a crime. I believe in 144,000, the lightulngset f tes thid te comspulsors- eduscation. and those parents dravu sword. 'l'a. volces t ofser adver- ig s: ho neg:ect le put their childreu under narion, human andi salalo, 51*11hb. ot-, 3, edsuat.-înal advstaies have but eue rigbt ereti vith confusion. while jon sisal!h. a, lef:. ard that i. bbc pensiteutiars-. But no t enîs conquerer, but more th» coua-t a ilsce are multitude% et men avon e-onsqueror. threugh that gre Wbch ha s e v. ini mislife who have bâtd ne epportunits-. often made the fall1en helmet of su ever- j;Fr" sachuels bad net s-et been establihed. threcu setugonlisi thse ootutool et a ,r and rost multitudes bad little or ne achool Christian victjry. eat ail. Tises teed it wben as Christian r- men ibes- ceinete ipeais or pros-ilerail- Short sons. i-gieus assemblies or public eccasiona, pa- ObsbJd Labor.-We bavre acioy s- tiotie. or political. or edpicabionni. They .i iua aw.btl osStcu ,r are suenat tiecuse thes- do net teel Coin- e.ltha« ofumnylaib 1- etent. 11sey owe notbing te Englisb pl i is sn tiumutl s re t'ramnsir, on geograpbs-, or belles lettres. --a.meoftOhrit, vhe rameéau a IMl TIley- euuld ot know a participle frous a chbldta thSe 55itii and eomm ted l pronount if tises- met is msns times a day. eOhdliod, Wotunaove thee doir$ml. te0 jjMasy of the meut iucceeful merchants ot future mmu snd w-mm, a aOie tu, eAmerîîa and men in higb plitical places Lve.-Blahop p7,8ev, .phMbieighia, Ps caibnt twrite on accilcate lettereun ans-t j. tht-me. Thes- are caxuplebeis- e edent aweme-Baitha greatoit <rage uipon îierka andi deputiea andi stenegru- dy la the txugedyofet tome vho bave1 -phera ta msake Iings right. I1 kew a fafleafrenn lnteglty A"t vrtue, s e- literars- man whe [n ether s-cars lu this stars failt oth ie .ky. AÀahlp rmay i-City made bi& fortune hy vritiug speeches lune Its oilanisd rssdder, but If li retals , for Coisgrcgasmn or fixing tht-m up fer its compas. li yet May reach tise has> the ('ongresalial iIterord aiter tiseys ex-ebor. But la lte ail Il a ot w-hou a- deliverei. Th'le millisnaire illiteracy of los" bis connel'hec.-Rev. Dr. UUlsl, l hcounotry- is beyoisd rncaurcmnt. îndspendent. Chicage,.1111. Pr isidifr ijîitteducution. wb-at!a he t. Taxtion-The esoues oethtie peobl Lndo? Do ite hest b ecun. Tise mont effct- arecapabet Wber ueduoM ni ive:ayssisilit n former pasKtoral s-barge they have noue fer It. WiSt oiut- i ttsi-r cr i lapis(tuîsreligionss tien tises- need le elemete~R1, tis esdu- e-thesues isîstisi vithin ftee minutes uoft-x- <ationgivon lae the priamatys-achodi febortsîtiîslî Irî-îsk sii btebc baoa f Euglints Tise blher scoobos mfer the toureud grsîrstlsîr. andiif let anos- airtittrr- .not for tise masse. And yetthMosse tnred' he wotld conpete tbe e-ork et lin- aetidt upii h ee eoss Sgual devartti[nin the iruer tith whlcisaetit ealphtts iie csos he olltivd i. ut wold atêr ave FaterHenry A. Brenn, Catiie, d. im tiras- for tn(ue serre sirk or il) trou- New YuJk Oty. be xhlsts titis-Christiatn man 1 kuow ut. Olti usnd New.-However Roud <the snd ils :bat sisurcis ail the People preferredt pa..t mlsyhave becto, boter mué1h rbiai si isortationi andi pras-er te ail eth- v, asy love lte and intg tus la. et thse ers. Vhs-? itecause be wgos ethoreugis- Umew ueycne iisn elsn e lîlponts and liadt uri posver w-Ch tbosi eWh ucyeus se smu Oeas lrreaistiislc, sud as he vent oun i lssve belbsdth ie limItationa of eur r sssiers rebented andsinht>erl dsuidbletudgont ho ed or oyandtheberave ffet» f ot h..t'aablsr.BMoessidantley ate cet back theïr dessd in relestiss i en- vise revers tised, but vshe are ready luilniîshbip. Ansd ovien be hbid stoispeti aise te welceme thse ew.-Bev. B. J. c ismasitsa and ausocon au I cotilt wipc outIl. Shaw, C«IratitXonauIt, St. paul, e of aoseyp..s-c cough tesirs to sec rte logiug fII t- bs-mn 1 endei tise meeting. fearful î).at sce- long windeti lras-er meeting bore IMce's Priac-The te am e vudpull us dowss fromt the seventh net unmtiibRy talieut by thueetvise &»e tue P- lit-avens. indoletit or ImpoLtietia te train Ltlme. h eta oOppavînulî-. Tiscre votalti hofoyser ems t ist hisswod ae 1 te sus- arsiist accu- talion. in tise rae oflte sa" feois riscs- of speech or fine elocotion or bigb knkots Seul.tq'.boites If MM tte. lil mental Culture. Cet ail tises.sYeu can. esi thesee*tv fer tise stru1 se Mie 0.Bot i de sas- te thsue cho were brougbt Grcek ttu.lnodisimaet toi lise cont eco lu the day of poursebool bouses sud ~ts taw.Bs- .M ais n its-: Yoînsoay bave seosnuch o f goos in lis 't«U. POU~194 ,PI. s-aur sisouti se lunchboft beaven in jourGoectmeat.-Iftishe State eboià se 'r, esers-das- lite Ihat s-eu wiii be migitier corne poker" e roistina evadi t titi t for asiltissu ans- wio irent tisrosgh tis e nna tise oignt ould bes t « it vomi il c-riclu.e1.reir-o Yale o Ofo. .nieeio poa gaca ?Ar.mdi s- a vote- -uti roi thefmoIlW sas air vise the. laie uent au# bill te a hspitais iMr, tf fo biein seoate tha-e ien bill wo-s sud the big bail. chii sas been a hbeu passet. e" nere tb. tel -cois 1 ceaie- s-errants taS 1 iutherlalng *e oe appoint dpa unvetigate lais tablisis a bracil The Ue,. mt. é r.teosd te m front the Ailes- the measre i log. Morey's là naisis for Mo lets bill was rlstlugfor itu'w .-.erai..a j pied by IXIuI ithilos w-s t gle lunlb.he meut bill, foic :ts FrP A otf s drivevaszfi P'ark and 1fet bIugcom ou * tise Cotnty B« bbc judie ft « et thein Jsiyy <f h. oneetfbise than tw-e of t beleng t.eue p heueliclary sai bill); luce~l 0010 pet ssonoof scilla8 et »M«é the néme., '. Bs- s vote et' Ailen 'Street la the HousFrits bul te ceeste ïý sud roisulate #m Partos Mdt tom debste. Ms.- b put o mewb" big .aotilottl peo mPlel&51 bride iii t buOmptifflte cflai 10,a baracbwA*tla usula, #B.d% emeault ti mondai. SThc House'm tg thir raie fer Tuo% bat bees ég abe.billvo o! 1M 95 sd » ameudmet pOW .las. Ison sp0,ogdai& alnpeant e ar- snd tis e enatute cambel't h Tise Oilsa 4 alis, snd la w-hile oit vaU*, ý bridesmaids. ~ .iote Sîr it peit te th* ff Tise 0hin.5 o ati 0 lf at. Tb*henou ctW the Woina mm l Tise ChInee e is ie.Oiac.b »art. sud 0 eutvI»s Tise Ciieu o "*i Tisey exactis' r#VI ecyvislatiou. Thse speke lu w-ltteesut and cet spoka-l. Booka are rang bu ve rail foot baa- top «~ tisepage., Tise OislaeO ai boncd ofthtie bai greet. Terrible K Thoesc 1 eIM olout bail ONStoea bat, a vnetti ont. amunte t te- it - and w-emebinl ver, Uteraits' e #M-et chunkboti, otie malaepu Athe Piae smt trequnulii <vo r I or as ordiaatjr ww itery uSlb., and *»t tbreigisthse nafeafi buèciet deva &bd tallai s tee The telsýÎ paperis Pr," on.ff stoite or l'ut~40s late tbe fuel te priet a&aiu tifîs- Mlle 14 Tise juin0

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