CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jun 1897, p. 7

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it abd tom it ont et ceraiteWe -tbe tldiluanay miii mcm orUGO.M, t& au a Pdetlcli esuit, Gra'O 0la la eatet dod.m illtu ever. The il ev plat oit Sut competed Ia te be dspllcmted, se tket, met cOBiYthe oid friadieofthe dolieeui fond drimi vhicelsSpitsly tlait te glace et coR., bolthceDow frllae Ia c SaUkns "7cer, dau mb. suppied. 'Ile « beverage ubiei the. chidrem, ne wei ai the. adut. mr drink villa benit vii le furclahcd ln onimied quantitli. 1 fflta may eorn. sud suit miy go. butt Grain-O go.. cen forerer.-N'. Y. Mail sudt ]Expre.a Il la rather au odd facet teai n- mluai eailla Of bots"a lu maacumet incresse durtog ait >ear ut Hall'* Catarr Cure.. 18 à wouttUtl e ura. Prics@X75ceuta. North 'a rolina la sand te have a &nc- esifut moonhîner who l in but15 jenrs old. Tlaey taile ta1Ilaaturllîy lu the~ 'Old Nrth State."1 Baaaêkiiam'a Dye fr the %Wbimkpra in Il pula'prepration in one bottie. aîad àoar ,.,i bruan or beek. Anu),r -uaea aily .apply h t ihoule. 'rite Introduc'tionuorone n-w rculture i la worthi norî- t., a nation titanail tliao Vietorlea of theate nt apleauhl batties of tut-jr Ilitory. R0u11'.Dtý. ad alis.biefor .- Theto tai duratiou of! lgit aunsiine1 for a lveck In Abierdleen. Keotlatid. re- ceently aitaoutnteal te. nina houri, lu an Enrlglia ottal xt*U ionra. antd ln Lonrdotnlbut a lttle uuer a quarter otau beur Can't Sleep, lb. nrue WrcUAhy? nidie lady ia iu a- felert-Il ond unheaeitby a'eonitioni. Nerve4 are te.î ai nounîsitetiby pur. riait b!ood. local'â..a,parilla rive. aaeet, refrash. lut liet. lacause il;.uriflet sud enrin lhe liol ad üuliix up the b.%stem. H ood 's, parila ea M, Iat-laIst file OneTriag.' ltluPrtier. mli4wu 01. jcas. I ix for $5. 4,9.17 uiylowds. mo-l'a PiI perme. bk. Lf IRE pu am aufuun - 5 U COA*1~<6., fiasse lAp" meMcs PATIUT 3 ~ *8 Sft55 î.tv _!l APPIcs- âOUDà PXB hasse b.. b ce,55 ihww U* uem wl tais. cueiwue et*» euema bec... li e tbe am;tbut seo rdlharU san s . v'iii romaned tuat the ecometles cf on.' mgo abeiaid iceeme lie lneveeînccs etftthe acx. Wiee biudiug vw» dens iy bond the lfit bond et larvciler vas a m»c«- S lty. Tic graiu tplilon tic plattoru of e i.irvester and vas ieiivercd lots Ci. eeller ît Il@tibeade towards the.réer urt lb.mecis.. Tu. me, te.d lathoe r. euver, feraigthé gral. Wti the lait bond nmachinme lhebeds ot tbe grain re at the iett band et the mon doiag the, blndiug. no lu tablint othIe bundi. iti lb. baud îroumd Il, viiether the mam lurued te te front table or ta tbe bck table i. bis position toward thie bon- die ltef-tiat le, ill lb. heads tosards bis lct band. boue, lu maiing lbé toci be aliowetitic nduti oder otarda tibneds. Grain a inaded bytie siiocker by maplng ie othe boa&. as chootu iu tieilliustration, sud tic Incik oîatid tiierefere b, toward tic beada, so tial h Fwilnt pullonu. Tiie baud blading barvesher witb men lu do ilie bludiug i. out ot dta nd no la the, leit band mahine, vhua'h lis. eeta aaaensded b the hlcCormick tigbt Head OpeiElevatar. theiturncceas et wuibimake. la seeai h1gbiy probable cat tiiere oili be nu progresgive manuftac- turer building ieftcbad machitaas in tiiree years. The application o! roler hearigsa t grain c-ttlnm marbiiery vaasamade hi J. tQ. Perry la 1501'. ad is patenut. No. gdI..184. for su lmproved reaper. aboseti ad deirrîbeti varions ways ofu ngitroruler end bal bearngu lu harvealera. , t'nqnestiaibl>- the muaI practia-s end mulisfactary application of ruler baringa lu iindesend naiverabas been mamde by the MeCrmick Harvasting; Machine Coi. pan>. Tii. prticîlsr torm uset by thein sapinted in 152and la now ta b. Iro*nti lu al )4cCramick machines. Tiie ebpeiaily valuable tatntj.,thetii. Mc Coraaark rouelieilg lo en in tue bru -or cage as it ia tallea-wis iibhboldo ithe ralrs troua ruuning logother. andi if for ai.>- ians.'the.cage il.. hum froua thei4 mihaft: le rouepras au nu:ut fuloui snd et 'The mtioduotfthe MNiCornick Coin- pany r-îiit in un aniamal saenir of mauy tljona.and% of dolera tu the f arming pub. lai. N- ,de,,. e.' are nul eaubodied ln hbeirmailinea îoutil longrad ofitrepeated traits bacc aen hhenatu b. practicai. l um hu bt-estelaine eaurafler earîaags a, mit h enrytbint ietii'rî.kex- îu'rua.i-raiiq i doue ai t e rnikex- 3 na."'.tanati: uth ieanme ufthte faim- r. tho are 0o o ften alopeal b>-manutar- eurarn ebo rusialto print for uotor. et y andalhulbhemarket seau impractical forme. tieaucty or Nwouadind Font. A Newf"un4llauad tog lafrequentiye tlîlak that for the' boweplrlt of a v~1ae ta lie apen eiîerglng fronta X i.'mlt whtue nu: e trac ufthUic aasta or bull la na. aotaînaou a etthe ofa(liteu a va-sa-ltue loptnjiti et wbicb are liaklng ia the aucine w ile the rese belose cîtaut sec froua aidai to eterm. Drank ibm' Iweaty BWears. A coréespoudent vrites: "I vas drUli on and o0, fer ever twenty yeurs. drunk seben IbL mooey, lober ories 1 iad moue. Manp deur t rieuds 1 let. and nom- bers gaove me gond advice te mo purps. bal. tiai Qed. an autel band crame nt hala Ibo tfotrutsmy pour vite. vho ad- ulaistevcd yourmarveloos remeti,. 'Anti- Jag., te mec vitbout my kuoseledge or cou- seat. 1 nnov savedan sd coaupleteiy transforucai frocs a vorihiensafeltoot tuaa tacier aud rcipeeted citizen." If *"Anti-aJsg"cnnat b litd ii jour viliib. asaileti in pliwsrapper wiii tull directions boy ta gie serretiy, on r*Mept of one Dollar, b, the, Renova Ciemicil Co.. 66 aroadvay, New York, or they avili gladly mail fuit particilars fron. Ac"rdng Iothe mot delcante ex- pertinents of telia, muanifuons scien- tiata, the beat or the luer raya hilci aeaciithe carîb linsaareely the twelve- mlllonth part of a aleree. No-te-flacfor. lif iy Cets. Ovr 400.00e red. whv taut lot No-T-fl repuaitsor reaiea our desira ýrt'î cbacco? tsvea mue. maie f.tii sdM.lanood. (are i'mr&m.aed. bo sud si. »Uail eot.. The bonut fcari ag.-d îeaon hbave a grenier proportiounoutliane titan thone of Younngpeple. Plan'@ Cure for Consomption ha been, a gutiacnd ta me.-Wmu. B. blcClellau, Chester. Fia., Sept. 17. 1895. frIh.. Sn.. caasua.a. eeaans tuaacml,01 alasc.o=a is Mi.. e -a.t.eaca. Jcv islu ms cf u sav . a, mssa.' AN OPEN LETTER Tro MOTHERS. Wl ARE ASETINfO IN TH£ COURTS OUR ItIGIIT TO T117 EXCLUSIVE tUSE UV THiE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHEUS CASTORIA, AS OURtis.tADE'MARK, 1, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannds, Mlassachusetis, was the. orijinator of Z»TCHERS CASTORIA," te sama ghat .ýas borne. and dlls now ont cvery b=itr the. fac-aimile sif1natnure of 4 0 zeii wrapper. lALs ta the origictal "aPITHERtS CASTORIA,t' w/ic/t ho, ben uu-sd in,.th homes of ite moher, of .ufnerica for' ove,' icity p~ars. LOOK CAREFULLY ai ithe wrapper and ses t/taiti, the lind gote have awayg bouh ,.' ~on iti a*&4,,as ite aigrature of4<nd eýI4a<4<wrap- p... Mo eo» kas arâilwrity from me in, m my Tame e.ccept rh. Ceniur Comnepany of w/tic/t Chas. H. ifrletcher i4 Pwidni. Mtent/ 8, 1897: Do Not Bo.--Deceived. Do not endaug et. lifeofe your chld ky acceptang a cheap aubtitt 'w7hkb tmsn druggit may offet yen (becaus e a kes a few more pennaie en it), the ingredients of shicla even ho docm fot knov. "mThe Kind You Have Always BpoughtM BEARS TH-E FAC-UtIJLE IGNATURE OF- - - w- lti 'U0 jus à ca* tl» am.Who.bave iII _____ ___ é ispailmtsct ommander la dm aft te1 Otolu& ris.are James K. Tg£! ORGANIZAT#ON la THItrTy. PrtefdttThom&i*$. Allme d-yard Per- ONE YgAUS* OLO. game. George A. Hanaiford, ilecry G. Rogeg, B. V. ERammced, 0. 3. Thomas, ]EL L . E U s FAIOeei, Henry P. Piaci. VietiC..a *oev.4la flSmte t Order O, MiéaelGriffe., A. G. Welasert. I, Es. R S.@O pest viiia Na a Foeuioe. easuF. Bryant, W. H. Une &d #M ose w"I & omb UDaim, C. BAWeiton, E. A. Shorec. J. bossue etOf ., Hait a Millos- A. Watrouu, W. D. Huard anid D. I[oyd Dathmi naM.IOves" .Joues. Meurs. Wefton, Upiiam.Bryant, U. Forgusou, Watrous, Wetssert, jUriffea. A rmen aelay.Obieiisud Rogers areche la.osaiymac.vii A lameus edsta'. er. ,reeeut. The.depietament lia -bid sbigl asa 14,000Ommbrs. lis presant membermhilp in ietvaen .ight anud ulu. lit vas the deprtucat Of Wisconsin thal firot moved toeotibLilsh a State boune for the retersai sediersa,their vlve s ad * the. vidova of soidliers. It bas been Iu operation OseirWaupaea for te.tus,. asud bai proicd a grect mmcess. 'Iii.exaiupie - set by Wleitn bas been imtatei by a th number of State. and several others are ecoutemplaiath etii si Grand Arun, ut HEI.D FOR SMUQOLING. ti.hoe a t fthe . XliOilre ni, Ga"da Marchant et ttporl erganir.- OM. Lonis ILa Accusai. ëdarom luJ tiA. Richard M. Bcrogga, file millionare dry Chiicgo TIes.goouamerew:ant vue as arrested lis New Herald. but Ws- York Baturday for smuggling jev.iry aud ,-onaiD beirs an fiuelaea, la eue ofthti moi: eminent and honor cquai ta it iu reepected citimeca cf St. Louié. H. aud tie fart thât tiirty oue yenre smo the. firt- EduIvrd G. La.ugboria. generai manager Bitate or depiartnaet encaupment of the ai the American Aritbuaomeler Company, Order aemabied witblu ber bordera. et wbu vere passeugcra on the. Amerloan Madison. But tew poste Fer. reprecent- Une steamer St. Paul, were tak i m ed. One ecriea Wlwaukree. Madisun and cuetody by the Unitedi States ciatomg Berlin aud les* tien a hait doe. others. offiiais arben iiiey lauded. Jeweiry val- It was a sma11 bodly of youug aen Who ,d eti about $2.000 wan eized aud a compomedth&Ibis rt deprtnent escsmp- diartit of attemvting te defraud the t'nit. meut. Among theta ver. the ljes eua. ed State. revenues vas matie against Lurina Faireiud, Col. Tom Reynolds, tiit'hemn. Inim8n she retuscd ta bave islet hMr. Scruggs la the. senior pater otane mmPuialed because It was impoftcd: th of the. large.: dry goouda honse@ luth. lite Gen. Jarry Rak. Gen. James K. weta. He la 76 yeara aid; and la the, pre.- Proudfit, Ge. George E. Bryant, Privai, l!dent of one of tieleadlaag charitable or- Henry Santord, Priva:, George Baker. ganizations ot St. Louas. Wlacn there Private Nelson Bowertuan, Co. Henry wax great sufféritag amont the poor uf A. Stîrr. Cîpa. Edward Fergiamon sud a that eity lant vinter $00.000 was raiseti f.v othera. Gen. Jammes K. Proudfil. and dietribuleti nia.iniy îrough hie efforts. Who htd served as adjutant ofthtei He had been lu businesin li t. Louis tor Tveflthasd Iter as Ilu colonel,, anismanearly hait a reury. He bad neyer I.EAOING ASPIRANTS FOR THE OHIO0 GOVtUNQftSHIP. jon, . N'LA!i.PAUL. J. sono. brev.tted a brigadier, woa nade depart- heeii abrosti until b, took the.ttip vhiah ment commnandear. Tiie vork of organiz- endetise uufortunateiy. ing lu 1867 anti 1868 vent toferantsîihhFron insuaosen explanation, Scruggs greal euthuiaasu. By the endti t186 bruugiil aver preeta for relatives and tiiere otere &bout 100 posta in tie Scate. ta'enda end neglectedtet declare tien. It Tie tume ut the, ncu orter la Illinois anti aeins a case of inexperieuce and liad Wisconsana aurae:eul ch.e-attentiom ut cunuseiors.,anal ch. oltigentleman said Penasylvanla. NaeYurk sud everal oahilie uouiti glaulir sente bis check for $10.- e, Easuer a Ise..and it woeeinded te 000 if lbe cound vipe the seble affair off tileir border@, charters beinm given b>- the eii slte. departunut ut t i a Th 'le chiet pumu tScmluggàanti Laugb,,rn uent te Lontion lu PhilldPchiha nanin . uîder a char- te diapose of lie Eurapean rigies for te ter sicneti b> Departutent Conmmanider manufacture ut tiie aithinaieter, a cii- James K. Prouaiit. Tua asntroc ot poste ruietiug matnle. 'Tliemate vamde ta ln other eStates.I Engliai cspitaliiste.ansd Serugma, as pree- Tuer. are nuse ever tort, randi Armyi> dent sud Iresurer of the compeuy,aga- departimetts. sunt ler. ihave been as uhPdthe îontrarls aa1d receiveti $230000. as 8,000 ponsta. b-t a uemberahip utfine5- lhavung couapletet i bl buinesa, lie ly hait a milan. 'l'h. birIli of tuat order bitafesmaca.rnsalpnsu reculted lunlringingit.existence tube present au relatives al employez. He 'l'nm'a Rliaet Corpauîbacli bas a mnu- matolti tiat it is cutomary for Ameni- bcr.'ip ot nearly- 5i<T5. h totoor-ruas lu rang lu articles, tor their ouni- ders tu ,e xpendetifor ibîrit>- min> Mill- __________________ ions o'dolare. The, bave led in patin elle emlcatian anti tiemanstrattun: thei bane led in snggretiîg sud lu agilatang for lb.e estblashmenit ut eserai ufthtei national brns and the establishmnent ut il ufthre SaI. bomne: lie>- bine exer- ci..,! muci100- ~ i peniolaegiela- tien. sometinaes unwately. btaian tie man wiset>-anal jutl-. ami leUi>-hase gi.en us ieniorial Usy.. miuh as beantîful anal luapiraag ceremitoaa-. Wisconsin laelthe aaa.ncaor outhe post that bas beera lu existence inter- ruption the. grealesu kaýgut ftin,. Wil- liam.'. No. 4. ut Berlimn. Froua 1868 lu 1875 neari, ail ofthei Grand Arlai>- maants luthe ecoutry- aimIof an uverdosae--aipalataa-s. lu usas aluneit 187V) îbaîtii-earder ieg.n !ta rémucrrectalui ana si et,,uitiaaa ragidu>- excioding Pol- ltlea anal dPandiutîtitrrnon-lterfer- ece wtii rlicaitiîaliPea..Othatt foun- dation iut gres talue rapialy thonit lied et tira:. It spatast fcru iLe a frit Pnet tusen unater lotadr-ncif l Majar aIerrli ,îf Nlîuîoahu-ert. l'Uoi aucufARDunm. seaicoos. mN'auervuort ot Nebraska, Cl. B. B. Beauh of Pennsylaonia. the onelegge,! il.' or intendeti for prêesi u-uott de' drummer boy. lubtn>- Kounîz ut Ohmo.larng tein cntdîaying dot>- ason arti- Gen. S. S. Burteti t f siingtun. tien. clos intended forsale. 'Ple penialty-tar Fairchild o! Wisonsin. Capi. Itea o uit iîagling may bîu-sîa>-riang fruon a ligitî Minneatpolis,'Miaor William W'srner oaf fine tu a fine ut $5.I5X> mud imprioniuient KanasaCity. lien. Il. %. Aimer of Miechi-I tur tao y.ira. gan, Judge t'eazPY oaitVuermont. Adjutartt_____ John l'aimner ut New. York antiCol A. G. HEAD OF THE SUGAR TRUST. Weiaaert ut Wiscons'in. Since then the order. front naturel 0. 0. Buvemeier Telie. orCetempt caues, bas ecasel Io inerone. It bas of te United autbne. t'ointe. been gruuing amaler ratajali: it sel cou- Henry 0. Hascum-er. îuhu ha.' heen an tiune te specalil>- grow otnller. A fair tial for being Uinetntetialt ut the Unitedi imet army corp-14,0»- w il bave died îtes Senate. la tht' lLing of the iugar by Sep. 1 nexi. 'len yeers froua nov. lotîtar, uAala le la the, lait re- tere wiii net lie an-chird au mauy pote uaaig prominent mian of tbe t.mily tht and nembers as lier, are to-d5>-. Flif îas' aeîmulaied untoit uealtiaby the te' tienu ears frouannu.,- tiere aili arirei>-finitig anal sie ut nogar lte theAmealcan b.s mare titon une post in a uony. Taiu t>- years ftin nseone or tuso ponts int -i tat heae e ehaue birt h. fmilyi tate us-hi ansuser. Tseenty-ive yeasain hthv eneiacib i a.i trounase li te Grand Army ufthle ltepub- o f Havemeyers, wbich shtadit1cmoonder- lic wiii lie uni>-a, career lu Newt York City- in 1802 inaa Sîne Wei.aet. ia189i, av bel.dingy bouse la Vendaîn treet. 'hbere Sirce eiport inlsw,, ber hae b u er. loto pour imigranitsaouth<ename et the heati o! the national ognst o hu baiet auget lu the hasemnt and Cap:. ,Jack Adautf Mam.acbhuette, Col. luvel ou thhground fluor. Thlesgar vas Toua Lavieet Rockforti. Ill., Col. Walk- oiti at amrali profita. Tuse toeto ml- or et Indianapolis anti Major Clarkson. gatbohr eefua n outl Illinos bas lthe banon et baving bild at ogranT bhermbusies rewugl antimdutly- the. laedGen. John A. Logan tve or te n foe Telagbui.e'%-lreut ctheibrtdioys jeans; Gen. Sleuîhen A. Hunibat, tat idtiey elaged lu. Whe busirnessets years; Laotien. une. Wile Carksun fa thed nouey.lFt . a aofrtaJr., uaeso nes a reideut ut Nebraska, lie vas anlb os FCHaeeerJ.,uet Illinois .oldier. thon ivlng tha Blte tour the, amui. net oulf' anteretood the, sugar commnders-in-chief. business, but usas a graduate et Columnbia Peonnsylvaniebus bati tbree-Wagner <ulgta hnbtateihcaa Beatb. Hsrtrantt. Amana tiiose wo tai.î jotity li. took ha bts cousin. Henry O. th. high stationn-heu lie ordea'ovas firet Havemeyer haetth. son of F. C. Hase- ou sortt are Gens. Logan, Huinîbot, Sur- meyer, Jr., sud lb, bui-nress has tins geoni Grimsase Gen. Cal Wagner anti been circleal dowuuftu tht.. genterationa. tien. Hartrunfi. Gen. Devene of Massa- Eacit geunatian haî elarget I t and cioseites sinluat ibe nese btrb. brouglit il nearer anti nearer Iu pettec- Netional enranmieusbave been held i ton. Henr>- O. Hmvemea-er'a otiule lite ttwie o'nhnaîls ne ecrilna ria- bas beeu gisen t up luthe busines ut logic deiphiui. New- York, Wat'nhingunn, Boutai.. refining. Hia brothier. tic lut.. secretary, Providence, Portland,. Me.: San Era iut ncanbaîa.Hi> O lell h cisco, Si. luis. C'oluîmbua. .: l'ittihîîtg, factories anti iii tuh rde. He mo liten Miwuakee, Laiîisille, st. Petil. nite te rulinîg anti gaîrrning spirit ut thte bus- net seeion ssli be belt at Buffalo mthe. int-and iluin'tafilus genlig antalurc- latt ei in Angual.. agbi nhst tbe existence ufthue trust. uitia At h. thrty-Otaet departnent eoceamp- lis tait trade ant ieils tapentitan ticien- mnt o e coder la Wisconsin,. at Eau denceem la due. Tho51er>-ofthIe augr Chire ceecty, prolaabuy net leuecs.d aIlndustrY lu tua conlntryla .tie $tory ut. - t~qas 1~o eiae'tlac" uc. Rsv"neM«.fIlla perqoaliirte jsabic ret. a. &. D.mau. Imtractea' et Naiami scie.ei.ta atevilllc Ces- linge, Cmre4et a 1levoes fr ia.Wlliass Pink plilla fer PMa PsePla At., Pbilaiis Faite& 1From thé Kepableas, Cetatabu». lad. Prof. R. 8. Bevuasu, tbe ahi. instructor et amotrai aiene ln the lamons Harts- vie lad.) college, la wei sud favrabi, inovu Dot ealy as an educator, but aise as a minster ofthte gospel, au for a nom- ber ot jearc ho vas pester ofthteiUnited Brethreu Chrci at Charlotte, Micb.. be- for ceamlng ta Hartiville. Sone ime age b. bmd a serere iMures,. wseicb as cured aimüat mlrarulouzly. A reporler, beariaag oet hus. itterviewed hin regarding bis experi.nce. Prof. Bosemmu nas lu the, midat of bis sork vien the. re- porter calied, but b. clicerfuliy gave hlm i e aig. "A Year &ga lait tait"* aid the Ptrofe*- sot, *"I bruke dlowns vth nervoaaa cabans- tion. and sees unable ta properiy attend ta miy doutes. 1 tried different pby*icians, but witii no reiel. and aise tiseti mata, différent proprieiary medicines, spend ingi aimait fftîy dollars for îii,,. mdicluaca aleune.1 then snccumbed ta a siege eftche grip lu the mdde et vinter, and vas left ln a mnela orse condition. My iidneys were feartoilly diserdered. sud my dîges- lion becascevery poom, 1 vae indeed lu a bsd condition. "A mialater le conieresace Iearantg o! My condition adnlaeti me t« try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pilla for Pale People. 1 hati beard musia about the vooderful curative poiera of thilamedjicne. but ilh s a in relocleuce tba-tl wasa inally perauaded to try il, as il seeined thal nothiig coulti do me any oud. Hootever, 1 proured three boxea ut pille anti toolc thein atrictly se- cording lu directions. By the lime lhe tant dose vas taken 1 vas aimnt cureti. aud lu betier bealth lia i haibeen for years. 1 continueti using lbe pilla îvbile longer sud sas entirely cnred. 1 can c-berfnlly recotaimenti Dr. WIia&ms' Pinki Pilla for Paie People." SonFiwa. Prof. Bovuana s onderful siaory, nbicb irs. furtiier iudormed iy thc fllotaig affidavit: Hsrriile. lud., Mirri 16, 1897. 1 aiffirin ha! itheabat, accordasith tiie faî-si n my case, IL. S. BOWMAN. Suihocrubed suddgotoru to before mee daim 16tI ay> of Match. 1811. LYMAN J. SCUDDER. Nolary Public. State et Indiaa. se.. Dr. Williams' Pnk Pilla for Pale Peu. pe coulain .11 the, eleua.'ts neceesan tal ise nese lite ant richneso tu the, iiood and restoe, aalered nerves. Tbey are sol inluhboe.smneer ina loua, forun. iy tie dozen or hundret) i fiSt cents a box. or six boxes for $250. and ana>- be bd o! su druggi*ls or directi>- hy mail frean Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca.. itcbeuectudy.N.Y. A Paliuire. A certain proteicor lu une ofthei leatling oarhulas ot Nashiville was fot long alne tieironautoflncorporating "ouanegro dialect lu a atory- b. vas prcparing, aya the, Americai o«t tat cil>-. Not belng vcry useil verseti lu Iheir nanner ut sp5-ech, he betheurit bit ta eIl otould ci a gooti Idea lu etual>-tih..languaige lu lin purlty unde- filleti. 'lthbthicctiend nviev b, tetook llîtseitthe lavletnlty et the Union de- po, tiar wFietarepreseutatIvea ofthei. ebon racae are aiotaya lu lie founti. One effort was enongi. Meeing a ctili-blak'k negro drIi-ig a wagon ratb- Pr uieil loadeti, anti aeccamlng blina "t'nele John," lic foiiowIng brie! dia- logule Pettto: 'Pretty - livy loa uneale. enuyoîî get up tie bill wlth lt't" 'I do not know, sir, but 1 presumne Sucli an exarnîila'o!f Englihcomlng froin ,aîclî au n naxpeted isource aimofil tanralyza-althe. puofa-amor. wourptraeti liii, mtte stu hls upurtiaicuts. Bette, tien Ail of Thein. Moclîn coffe., front Yemela lu Araiu, la reputeal lu lite ietl butt.e princi- pal supplies' are nowob ttaitietif rani Ceyiun. Java, lhe West laIdie., irazil anti Central America. No malter wiet'e Il vaunie.' f otta, eerbetty uf It cou- tain.' caffeine. wlicb la a slow poison. Tia" ner, eoff,'e >'ua drink thte more your nete'. are disairdereti anti -unr digestion Injureti. Coffe maliém yon fialget>- anti wakefîîl. lien yan taee d- atîvestal quiet you. A liai business ail arounti. Break il îai) by unig irau-O inîteet ut toftm'.'Mde front u pat. graine,. ît u.' R trime tonal and body- builder au well a. a iellglitfaai ttvet-- age. Iloke Ibis changé anal 3oua -il soun cense t., tralize ual rui bave a nette lu yoair systPni. te comiug ta- letdrlik la. <rnin-0 Pac-kages 17,a. or 25e. eual-oie-fottrtli lthe cost of coffre. Waip analFl. W'let a a sp cilliaca h 11>-It janaedli atcly liiesim ffboth uu-tuut-. .oaîîalit-.a a ia'g or twio. aad oaeuinalail> thle bea. Mr. Barringtutawait uoie out1he- otal'. w-len adenta -liioue,' ai>- C aîci modte wvlliotat Il..ilg go thc irât. anaI ilen fi> away wlthlKitt. Tha're mvtn naoutant stretain uof uamus 'arr3laîg wayfiles. probably lu fi-ad tielarvac ln tbelr liesta. andt returtîlîg agitu luo the coots ta catcha lmore. Ilablout totent>-min- utes Mr. ltarriutagon etimatedt hut-ib' tu-cui3010 and 400<)diles uere nuglit on to o 'w.' lyliîg close . l uviete ie .@tond. 1'erliauas lile tnarrativ-e ut gond dtiedil aieî-otuîillha'dlîl leati peuple to ihlnk maore leilentur Ofthte.'viiefflofthle Foui,. shako llu Tor S@ioa Alleu'@ i-oot-Ease'. a powdter tor tic teet. It c-ures platual, swolen. amert- lng feut,anda lustaatly takes the sllug ont1 o! cerna and bouloni. Ia lite graateil cotntuort diaaaaa'erjn a! tie nge. Allants Foot-Hase naîke tigbt-llttlng ut new saie,. eel easy. lîit.. a certain, cure for svsatiug. calions and bot. tlred. bchlaig teet.' Try It to-day. Saki b>- ail drugglsts and Lshe stores. Br mail for 25 t'enta, lua &temps. Trial package FL .Addrcai. Allen I. Olniatoti, Le oy.-N. Y. Eloctrio Itlvia.m Phîiladeipaa a sgreater mleage et electrW r rlipays thanthie wviieof Ger- usi.acelas to Lie Electri Wheu the stamciueb suen the drafts Te e v. Toun witlahetetr's ltisa.b Cal Bitter ia:aebgla te pap eout van, la el the orpe. par rleb bilcemtlasiuas the eleaienca.etfmusce, bois#E ai el. As s se' l uteceofthe es iger affeedcd c the 1m- a aâ.. che bovels pertoru their turelo»m t~~a ulsrly. and the liter varia lie clark ver - do malaria bas e efeect spcn a system, thus ta- «nterced. c A t>plcai miniug boom bas eein atarteda t Vuma, Ancz.. and the. towu la crazy uver neverul reported i dlcover- bu les ut gaiti are' ju vý biais..r assvena calo t. mailC& htie.a oas gmaem. 100. Msaue t'omis cestly tai~ takéea #lu* cte ete.aek Wi 'd but loir .'huldreà umq, 15e and S2c5e burn. but At 9 Yu menu Ma C z =n AN INCIDENT AT TUE CITY E« A. Wonmn'n lite Barely svby a OrioM" There was a hnrry emii for the ambulance ofitheI course of au hour a very sick youug vomait w atretcher. 8h. v w»l as death and evidentU. There vmaahaty exas lation and a consulti 'lucre wu a- prupartioln. thc peint et, ua -~ nved, it I -h brblcomre tenva I1:Y~. vould have died aJmauct Wa tautly! 'flsh yonng venin boad had varniaifs eneigh iu the. terrible M:;ns. ',- thc huruint sesation, the av.lling 1evd._ on ber leit aide. No eue sdviaed hsr, 0esi suffereti tortures sud nearly leet hor"li1s.1 vish 1 bcd met her nanthe beeore, su.I1c::,d j have told her of the itue 01LydieE.IL Pinkhama Vegetable Compound. Aa it la nov. abe la a wreck oi a vonan. Oh, my sitri. Il yeu vill not tell a docter yor troubles, do tell tien tea votm" vi standa ever ready ho relieve yeul WriZt ta s Pinkican ah Lynu. Mica., confide freely ho her &il yeur troubles, and oh ii.ljl advis yeu te, ef charge; aud' h you have auy of the abeve synp' toms take the advice ot Misé Agnes Tracy, vie apeaka irom expériemnce and msa: For three yemrs 1 had auleed vihilatsuna- tien of the lait 0 S,~Illcuasd dremdftl peina. 1Ivsagobadly mfe.tuEt aI iad te sloopwhb - pillova under ny aidc, é-h$bm hem bmpaxvuase great 1h vms lipossible te riL. IlEvry nanth 1I vinlubed for two or ithrae days 1 took acven botti.. of Lydia E.ILnk muVega. table Compound.sud as entiney.e.rcd. Ithlin thereslan nedicime te le compored vIllathe . ei pound for temale damsees. Ev"ry omu. ie o tis veakues a uould try it st once."IMm.osAinu Taàaii' l, leP&are net admiiîat a gi-cter degree titan de the. dolle bm~ up-t4e-dtedeawerahave tdm =atmul Shouid youra net have the we wid W y of housecleanmng nee4ý dceanijniç kaows nothhQ seaïy tvork, its qud - a-brac-and youlI cleaning jpb in the uhortest time, and wil and fuss. You don't need any other hé. ment to wash everythig tiat water won'tý - - hai lamenr p 10 -, à# sotl SEND for HA1osoM It Was Béfore the" They Used ta Say Work Is Neyer L ROOF 1, b1 N

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