CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 4 Jun 1897, p. 8

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Aond the.. Çunty. A* _________________ M. . .Gantoe 18reporter[ on the. ..ý" zd RO KFLLR ick UI Mn t.O10-0tIr ROKEELE.mi".An Liu andi brother Lyle are centper'wordÉMIssut ie. irr Mm0.Myr*0vwatt a Chilcago vistor Trampsare qîite nîmmeroun an ud FRANKtr.L "-umhO o u il4 ilp43fl flg r 1pca Tueliay. bout and w iicaiity.sud wi thentfm cbass s Boe. Kntges ai autler columir. Mima Mattie LiI W&@a aChicago tun i msdmew i 1h pondpocesoritor gatnrday andi Bonday. Ir YOUB HOUlES TERTH1S I "rn Of a Dowv vle. The Boit officers piasedth irougli bore who undmtandafhebmlflOc5.Cuy vy H rd a eTae,. notice that MoBrides ad if ffull Sunday taking an Observation tof the F SAL F-.W mli. . IL Y.Pr<m ofvysatltaHutrdw»WMil.real AnIrsn, M1r. Geo. LiuI andi sous, <of Citicagfl, 22 t Lai adDr. Adesnt CiagvisitetiaW rtitSALE-le. 2o,.do,7à or 117 acreaof gocti losa Mir. Hoorsiw Sma.ere the gueste of the former'& brother, Fîimproved land. oeelmle West of lirement Aile 1'icoSba Sudsy..u Rob't. Liu lst Bundy. Cnte. erms ad a<j utrgadoires or Mr. andi Unr. Firgo droite over t0 Decoration Day wu@ qjietiy observei "Il on C. Lormu a. mt long th Arlington Beighot ant Monday. ut the cemetery tet SontdaI' and Mon- EOR SALE-Lot loxU lun Libertyville 10 o lrs. lange, or <Chicago, i&Biltlt Of day. Quite a cribwd aacemtbid tu pay Fvillaae. Ve' desirabie location. goooilLake. W.Litohffold, decmaad, apenit the pt trîbbu50the mernory of theh dbae rfao.Cnh oaa h attit-sl1 ~ *Shng MachWines veek bore. leuone» b' ,.. !IretiasIxnUpUM fioce,.yta ..... .......$2.50 Wr a encmmneio ie At 1the regubar meeting of the des CSASE-Chol PPeotaiti chisa fiertfil.eub.t ch and' Wrlngerfontistion of th bolet building whicii Cemetery Associatiomn tant T 015a tCont H mdBFgyb ch ncfWrnîrr eo. Mrtiel angcn stutid he lcuuwofimortcriat-F hltcloi' Wu. mixom. Libeityv lile. *.................. 2.50 Mr. anti lWi.fline etre ng year. <ýO e urestrouai .whoi oneymoon Saturday and i)iamond Lake grmrws more lîcautiful àbr ir1lhmel 1. Saiis with eacb îm m'alm prlng and ui - W@ now have on sale il the station se cômplete ...17.00 Comnmuion service wiii lie beli mer, nunit laoftat I)t'emiug an attraeti ve bore Ten Ride Bearer Commutation *2 Burners .... 7.00 Suntiay mroming. In the evening 1the Nommer resoyt for Ilegnre seekera. Tickets, for hetweeu LiberlyvUe ad ola olln& tovesin salent ill b --Th'Powe of aConse- Quite a travaiber ofounr young taile Chicago, rate $470.Ip olitie SOVOS incrated Lite." Ailire OOrdlalli nviteti. attendeti a qill party aiMime Rnth E L. DuBoîs, Agent. a<U'l riw rc.The cougregitional ingng at thc bay'si reur Dianund Lake last Batur- M084 r .. ....... . . i nunal meeting of the Lake connty day. ltefreehmeiita vmre aerved to,-- ro Asocaton of! ongrgional chmrches vwhich ample jtustce as done. TeGetPoulgSalo ou vie 011 per gai .07 Deit Tuestia>' iii be trom Gospel Mr. T. J. Dockery. oitr pieaaauit nlgbt TeGetPouigSal @ iau4 uo drink of Ginger Ale, Soda, Hyus . 6 hita Edao priraccompomieti by is brother G O G .22, W Edto.John Who ta agent ut iarringtoii, vent G O G .22' A W z rdto serve Four wift. Jowett B.lrslov, of Wîukegan. vas tu Elgin ltat vm',k lu itncua the Adop- No. 970 1.80a hore Wetinday. lMr. Bimrtow tion Cereuîony rof the Masonie Fra- Wittl @o ieIalleraW. reprementse h. J Dirto monument ternlty. Staundardi ntier b01h trotting and paclng Palotthie UyOUh015. ile.l. it b y 1.ak.'ianiAbdailahmai (fuI anti marie oumpai»'anti ba doue a isg a rah Eb-kten, tr!Ch'icago, wii o trr maroh red cîm au md B.) ha, great demi of work iluishinohuehere thiia haa been the gue8t Of Mr. amui Mr8 jay lk.ia,ia Io:idi e an.,Fanu .afa IYiP~~5.DIII5~,sping. Alanau)n a fewndayc tact week, loft' fol raeîemr yacnS in .Pli Wedneatiay Jonc i, occurredth Ie Chlicagoilaat Monmluy. Fromt there me (l.rwi0 a chminâit horne. a sirs fosi funeral of W. LIlchfiod.ison ot.1 Mr. and i viiigotou Englumîmi) t lie4r mnîomr tr andllam ei ar lute (borleWilkea cIreinfots.tfrcracIl ramaibi l - MIE*6*lra. reler lohflelti o! ibis place. Who incaeriouhiy Ml. tge.b'Utsie ma trttr%.a va. youg ai>who The 1. 0. 0. F. ?aenorîai Day failliînc(i'errge t0, b 1h. ire of mght laulih, lia. a Th ooe arsetedecoaiteW ol [i .rin lm2.a sund a number ofor tlm.rr vachonrot ani rspetet b> ai ulmiTuecduy, Just1e M,. auial Imitgex,1b ly24 knw atn ndbi addn eshwatta .riaeEn2aîuîinemmnt andti ebekals'ik vwilii aant Or'orge . iutmi'place lut knev him nti his stiden tict ar'M o, .iiti. ino om. r v. am Dot l have u bee ? severe ahock tW i many fiandsanamd -in prn iuae t relatives. The romaina ver. intcrred arr nm'tee thegradmatr u 'li.r i, b111 heo cmie ae e In Lakeide cemebterI'. Libertyvilie obcervelthe mdate iy engaging lu apprO. îr,,ing ilit flal i li h ,'rtltled 10 a retluira vbrea are atorli n f jud p inileinurlsi cesrmi n tribute 1tum'mma, iave hi.o'e al~. Brecd tu Ill Wn ID lierr w atiassed the herng ! ri thlb e nory r,! lîmir dr*eamcud memberm.a. tr,,îit.uihani.r ov, bt RoR * kefe IIeunrl ___er Truffle on Ihe iBell lavery heavy4e-IctHenry. I. r MILLBURN. Quite a iiitumber tif gi-avei trains areb, for? imgpmt oatm wtpen Jolliet andi Watmke- Z Rev. B. Barrie viieumresnn'is ("'tien gan andth ie roa inla iming gravèlett ail neil ilabhath, aliter a short vacation. 'aiong. The companI' liast boîîghl £ gI gaus s M118 Àâ ba I)eýiiut-mt rtof landitrlImleem Chicago Hlligh g ý! E gs g s ~~t~ ar~ ' S or ,tendingsaclooi at rban,mlehmni:utm la an icamemgo vbir'h i ilire akcon îSt r ,Vacation. . e piote Cleago hue -and i viiienable itto, Whmeau m»find Barghxns. Elmer Polock la an eltcemm airm asugrtanblenalii mater ant iqlmpreparlng lime roalri rrliluMrs 4unils lin,. it vont be long tii fromMutiuru Hicmry u *"Îx~ we uitgotIn C('iiego via, hlie ell.anti .11.00gravel. wm me )h'IL wililYnmrove oîrittle bain- pu1 i..... ......ira. Henry Rose in receivimmg s tin,,utjmea-i xtmt ....... .03 mer bocarderasiready, Mrs. iligi lma aitr Dsking Povtier percin ... . .. .16 aono1 Oak Park, ielitg aim.tmt1w LAKh. ZURICH. .. . ........... .15number. ..........5C. B. Cummings bas FAmitil Ibm' rg. I. Lonfnir lixill. a mm m .. ...... . 16 traveiing depirtaient of bicl,,cim'c i Hlxlavisitiimg ti i catgo, ant i viii cnflne hiiseiltf îou 'mc'lye. lti i.rt, l tarm g ctîii Otase ..........Oô toMiiibnrn interests beeater. î.Thet. i ouei iern oifv gg ~~~e. .96 ~Dr. Fahrney, o! Chicago, ha pur-,Eeyr'i <.at)takr' lit Zuric ...............6chafie tiareestfrma nemi Miiibttrut. ti Mortday. e ........5isn making marketi ImprovemeutaUi.rrtt G. H.rtinig. mifPaluatime, waus býei .... .......................07al ut theom, eapecikily the Muratmfurnru. ~Tuemdab'. 44.............0 ugene (iuiiger viriteti ut Fox Lake 4 .. 211 ~~WAUCONDA. Mrnday. «oecu w aoflz pu lb...................................... :5Jas. Gainer isorecting a newli Zur'r h lias.N Ion i hefotw siaii ossadbXSéàèe Cti$.0 h i-M-.E od utwn uC ivg Frank Me'yemr wwm' a lt.îrriilgtotî caoller a SpeciaitI'. a11ial m.n's a ctiMd bo u S<eelin? ocofWMaris su0. The' Wr.E WoitucvettCitî. rMidy. I have nu more hirts for sale , but pdililltiWhil loi eniBiflarÔind taoiM a blrds-eye A. C.Stevena retuirneditronitlie city' tîtta in Z.urich i 14.i nvgsestlatehatmmnebli,'no.- Pmf ud mi Siru iour barpin couanter, iac Ihoseochildas aurdaI'. ti s we lt 60 foiet2t041. î'aitmîlt.e Sullelcevimere. VMP O.WehatIauss i Ue Misses Ladies anti Mr. G. F. Poivers, o! Elgîi, vitcllm* cbad j. wrli inPaatiea.înas.whre 09"1i$o. y:f wetta ees.Cis ,in lu Ive is. lceren.Have- vur pIAotlre4 takm'n ut lime Libertyville. 111.- Oeun' ie mv cin 0. eati. Cme u ati nveti. Mr. Chas. Dery, o!f aukegan. wun Zurich SÏtudio. onounr sreets Ineeda>'. lr.I.Kti msgn Perle Pratt, o! Chicago, la visitrng MIil. lier s lasrtmx.hiag t RD. F. CARLE9 ~~bis parents at prssent vrlllng. ij irml (~~I~A).F. CARLE, Illi.£.G 3oiniig and Mia. Ruthi Neville Gto.Carle , o hfti!<, WIIOIDWO SeeDSbin - eGaYlknvîsitors Sunday. . V ýIlllsOflarntwj8he M. Oscar Whilcoub, oft ieag, Sat ailr.?mtars:Itmririu, 1imr' i2 ears Experlonce. speul memorliday lu lOis place. J.. 'rb' rnrr"ilrmlra i Bicetkng17itipoeen Furnituw. v ntil ira. Jn. i aes, o iahoeChicagor Tue'.day. (u my re.mctiug vbeei, Iv il dlg andi M. W Hugea elivred lage 'a i>r.' iawgoy., o! Watir'r,îrda. van bere ibrick a commun staleil, 10 foot or M. W. Hughes delivereti a largehean on îmrîiir'na Fiday. lens; and i ili fumnleb vater anti ever>'- of trniureat remnt enter ami .1. 1C. Ptmrly. of Elgin, . tula i mm- thing uecemaai7 except puup aI pricei Il hee Friay.Ibat viii amrprise anyone vho te in Mr. antiMr%. W. wat, of Elgintc.( ie lagn eladbadmsl mpenl 1the raI of the veek in t,' Thme rrvitlamplttîlg l'ri i)nr' Kweranti beip or nu paI'. Cieating out olti M C Iplace. uges un Main trect. vels not lucludem lu lime above. lis n he'lce f uriur, illoh L. M. il, of Chicago,'mai limîr, itr iiLintorlnt, f i'Plat ine ouaxr.b- yet I ai oa r1 b lm fFrntrOicoh rien, anti parentsa afeu buitrs visit ,.rr'rr'd Iere SaturrîaI. irice tor sbeaming andi tying vool. R&É udad Widow Shmies and anew freah lin. of Sonda>'. A lt of D0mw boulsa ve'lit on the lime8menta p'rlheati. Enti mates fun rs zw . udW*11Pap« o select from. Clarra 1111l, of Chicago, viled ltk< lanI aeek, tru let. for rclearingg rîp landi or an>' other Job bisgrndcaetO r ndMmM . Go ]krwt aIoateOrto Work. Ali vmrk doue in souri shape bhs islgrandarn. Mmtaei mcM. . ,r'. ia vs u ovi lm. lr I n uat ho ettlilrf fir by cash or due bil, MiliSond>',tireweek vlb a 'r3(ii.Al lettersa aimaereti ou short notice, The G. A. B. ta noummnaitjr.M. J. Hr'dge bas lîeeîm engagetoti 1<vîim full1 iarîleulara. the Fnc building insteati of lime kermh the Zumr cJS .WILA Beauifulmciooî uildng.Mr. anti Mmc. LSeip vl'.lled ut Boxmi111, Lil>erl'vliié, Ill. Mr. antiMn.. Timos. *leynoi(.e.), rît Wlmceeiig Weoinemdi.y. Chicago, vîsiteti frim-rmtle ii titi. lim-umy itapt), of1.Chimmagt, traliiaelri Ce trvicluit>' aturdaI'. ieiitm'ca hmm'lire Battnrday. ied Tocsday ii'rrirtig mt lite hruw.. ' F4tm'ber Ciask, (r,! î.îi..rlyviie, vueatt ~IE 11 4 T beof ber parents, Mica Elulatti-,' a R. rî,t.,im'c'alrlrUdrmy. A______FINE__________________ floerai Th ursdaI'. Frank ,lilger vuaseijmwlbriliig ,vmu Mr. . Oaks and miuîglmlrr L1.1.1.i, rl ..r treela lad 8<,trroy. O -Sotid Oak Ciicago, spsflt me*mmruiuloYriayami, C. l. lkeynir usv itmvedtoI0ller-- Mr. Rouer, rof Nmnrlrmvimlel t bri i ieitaef, ielan sP iR~ 'I'4 E Polished frienda andi relativesatim Im plue.>'1r,! ' rI.Klin thd lac eyortebri F R I U E AWfld nesda f antiThrai'. A d t good m'nI' Elgin sprorts vere i lu ifeliPictureFrames Finish and Afl in8!ndelku gol rrubtrdaI'anti Bmuday. CokSeleFommud aiva>'. onhandat the Waucunmia Fmmmni- ECokBile, om oud tune store. riat ducS heareservice. EnilI Fmauk Irealeti lms barber chuî3 B rasS Feet The farmer@ in thia vicintity are I,6Ctm r îîtic ek Wall pockets, Paints, talking seionsiy of buildig an H eury Br.lp aund Eutil Franmk vereParhods, O, fioctor>' or o! buying the Wamtr.ndu a m'tkegan visitnsc Tuesdrmy.Pairhles ls O nly $1.95 faclnrI. Tlie emgîme bruise vasrtrealmd loabev- Book casles, Varnîshes, N 1. H. Porka bas retiteni V. D. hiilr'ml'al eca sof paint laht wtek. cul - o rn ooa fr awek o tw ata tme nd meat ,market. M. Porkii viii bave a Win. Mci)oimneii anti ife bave movi'd Center tables, Glasis, ý C pneson nyg o o eko toa ead gondi sutplI'of ail kiwis a! nata ati ti l r,ominmc rver the xaneEtnsotasPty thom fri1n tigie. but always keep on witl the rock- restpectivol>' mocta yonl patrmmmage Wi. Eicr'ltneitntertailmet guemtsExeso a',Pty Î,.Quises »d sulanl profits. The liagniscope entortaument front,wîrtiltrrt outhlimeeek. Dining chairs, Brushles, ND Rr% iG A vbicEvasgiveYlu akiand MIIi l t'EtiClark, o! Colo.radorSprings, la ID RT KIO S ECAL Y.Bitord.>' venring va@ vaîl attenrbed. viaiîmlg tr!iis iîtimhis vieluityI. - ockers, Mirrors, Ail ver vir>' unch pleaseti ii tte Thern'e a apractie game o! base Couches, Mattressesl, . -L K- I Eeenterislnueul. Imli on tiri' local grumicm iudaI'. S.Dieti at ber home rieur (iioriso Neya lias, jut reaelîrd lnsOmîthlie Lounges, Cota3 Springs fller - - - - Illinois. lairo, Monda>', lrs. oranger, vite o! deai , m rb tmrmt.oNnic.Came ut. EcEc Ohrleoi;(Oranger. The trauerai viiimceltliMrJonllret fAuoelChm rsit. EcL% belli troum1the bouse Wetisieday. Chue. 5.11, vWa uvcr frrm Palatine .ObltuMamynex week. suiuda>' iti M.r. lHemmmibg, o! Chicago. . .A T.. The man>' tricutis anti relatives jet Ai IL. Firke vient tri Barrlngtmn thia place of1lira. H. Iendoiof Tfiirslay ti (lu monite ffimolograpiig. ISAAC HEATH & SONS Orayalake yullieo pain et touhear)f 'i'lie Zturichbusluimoekt ire rogut- LîbertyvIllea Illinois. bertatidlon teatb vioW ocumeiiar tripe ttri olemt trains ut llannligtumî.__________________ Tuéed>'morniung. Thélnbemnenl pIThe ieprit ix tu bIre elarged miaddlime A~T HE ednetiu. Frank Meym'r mtmîvdelivers1the Cii- rotorbouts, if >'ou need one for >our " -THEWaucnda.ciii. -i v-t-co- Dveeth- te t1 c st youw propertywith me mad Iwtt! find oeu a cuesitomer st Among numerous choice bargains 1 have tiie foilowing. .abc CountyFaFrme For Sale. acre luprovet tarin on tank, of Oums b.Price 050 per mire part euhb. balince Ume if loy rate of 1 utoeet am lproveti faral adjaceut 10 Thirti ).Liberal term. acres on Milwauakee matibouse, large lisgood tenues, s gomitWoello, gooti aie- ,Somorue imber. Priem Siper acre. part balanceon lime eil4 per cent. morse bai! var halveen Wsrreatên re>nd Graysike four milsa nclh of rtyvill. Weli l inpoved undet oud of ,inltivaion, no vasee and., gonda k o dairy Mmt. new Miing sprlns andi lag vS. Tumtu.hberui ivrove ire.,Obolce BargIn.les mores mat te a Wis. Centrai IB. B. station. Et reesomable rms. mr faims lu Vernon Townshmip. veril oholcu farms lu Avon Township, r(ranalaki,. urT To T&àDu-Cholceumore corner lot lu 6yvîlle for aa&l i mmprovet fm 140 tu cal) neimUeliuville or ilwamukee 1R.. 1 ray cash tiiferene.. Bal! mmrelot vU ightm51romu modmibouse goud vii. cistemu, ibid. sud frit tres, oewfi fer cash. cr ou misonhil tus. For msie. nov building 22140 fte. ebeap for eush. Choie.iotsau5xu felutat fromnSt Wtuse cmoh. Subscription News Agent -aIM- General Solicitor FOR ALL PERIODICALS AT Ptbblishers Lowest Prices LIFE INSURANCE AGE±4T If Fou vint tu Huy,' Seil. RanI or Tm"tenil 9a14i Il yul pai' i't OU on smi H. C. PADDOCK,- EILINI ý»S pring Trade. M Prairie City Seeders. Keystone Dsc PulverizerS. The Hummner Sulky Flow. À The X-Rays Sulky Plowa. David Bradley PIows. John Deer Plows. iCoystone Corn Plantera. Bradley Corn Planters. Steel Lever Harrows. Staver and Abbot'sCarrlages and Buggies. Flsh Bro's.. Wagons and Trucks. Tlmothy,Cloverand other Field Seeds. G.H.OSchanckl & Son, LIBERTYVILLE, ULLINOISI *1 "a Midnight, 2:174 FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERNM ILLINOIS. NIo. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaled November 12, 1885. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, Ili. If you want speed and endurance breed to a horse that bas, got ItL TERMS: $15.00 to masure lve colt. Ail mares dlapoaed of after belng bred. Breéder wiIl be held for service fee. Ail colts to be set.. tled for soon as mare has foaled. Mldnlgh ut a.sired b>' Niggew, ha b>' Plymouth Rock 2:30j, son o! HUI'a Blawk 2:31à, sire of Ethmn Allen 2:25J. lilught'a dam vas b>' lariigbl ipaer) 2:171.s00 ofMOt lcEs'BHrse 2:31j, second tant <pacemi b>' Ktg Fharieh, sire et Bicbil 2:12j, Mawlu>' 2:18Ij, andi others belier Ibin 2:25. Thîrtd dm b> Ethasm Allen son o! HUIs$ BlacîbivI. Mldinlght is a âine coai.bmk boras, standing 15f banda. veigh a1140 pountis, la ver>' heivy honcti mUj $troug mumoîct. lie la a naturel pocer, a fine Mever, anti bas a kint, gentie dispoiton. iHe hm.paced a mile in 9:08, half lu 1:03, quarter in :31. a 2:04 gâie. Hi. ouelau lc eur>' coni>are near>' &Ulpècers, large tant ooîh, anti ahow groom speeti. P. W. Shervooi, lidnigOlsa former ovuer, lu a re. cent ler mye: 'lie bas tiait a tovcolts lu miaamurli, anti I loît for nome 0o!Stara te go lu 1the 2:25 [lostor- botter "bis em. Istted i idaight in 40 race, là al1. vlnan& g3sefiret Mmeno>'.,56seconds, 581121,dm, nplaceti 1 anti dravu one, mazing a vonaierfai %boving, anti vinulng a uic. "M0f or o>'. Durlng bu races 1 sieti hl hm agai nil ncbnotai borema ainViaI 9:041 2.:191, Camie 2:111j. Loinla cCotti>2:14j, ami Wilil Rusel2:1k. Iam u muprîset bs hat nît gui iae»nordi of 2:10 or bçllew, a&,#lieba poed anti enmdurance le do ic. Il vas vlithelb.bermsaboie mention-l that1 I#&a~ hlm hie record ai 2:17%,smut coulti bave manke I hlm 9:12 bat 1 wiaeti. 'enover inisbti bock ut third place." Tbme.of iidghtla colts bok tratI romiup. et the.lHir>'Ceuni>' Vair lu asi a mndSrtqa u

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