Mrs. Kate Etter, S o Cfli.ou la CuvaieOfissetMaWse [W.m. ime' NM u Mmmd &sRmmEu IXGRATES MAD NIE luOUAPPLI- CATION. lieusrs. Burt & Storins, pubilabers et hie A-tiockelt Nirabave d1msolved psrlpersbilx, Mr. A. A. Storina re&Wuig. J. J. Durit ai assume enire manage- mcxiiof The Ne, for wICb Position It e emineîîtly quiilfed. Jar. Durit la souod oewsPaper maxi sud ve look tor ,Uic sane bigh standard uf excellence ta biemaiuta.tned as bas hereture beaua justi! accisdlted Thse Nea. Wbenever tbinUgge a 1111e quiet asE. RATE IWU liesao. around the Capitol, Senator Stewart m ra cen 11e depended upon Wte prung a ia yaamc startling disoverY 0f &OMe sort. S aicum a anoonm lâtala th 1e existence of a seheme te umssUe ais,g bly Cuba frontSpan witb Cubai% rl mspis bonds gnarateed by the U. B., vblcli hoe declares la beig puilbed bl apeculshlura vWho vilIl ry 10 laitel. adrntage ofthlie sympathy for the. Cubogns t0 secure 1the nscesaaY Congregsional legislatlon. There la itile ballef in 1the existence o1 snch, a > scheme and noue that il couid poésibly succeed. le If Congres intenda te do eveu a mmthsaine sud' mral part of vbatCuroent guesip iss e 11.'aEstie givezs as the probable piograin, teIbm b.,.StormoneY" extra session yil ul in m the regular aad Baryes sent fir sesaion, next Decemlter, but Washing- VL MILE MEZ ton dog da-Vs have UPsel manY Congiesslunal *progrims of the past. 1g. Accu rding lu gossip 1the tariff buiingo10 Ihbve good pâe 1e flloved by a bill1 autborixing Uic cale. . Foi parti appointineut of acnriency Commission On CHALS Brx sud a treaty for the anuelalloul of _3- Raili, nul tu mention legislalion Admnlatr ibal May he made necessary by the PUBLIC NOTICE ev 'Cubaxi policy 0uth11e adminia- ,55ubV55ilir admil Mary urphy de brallon. up go Ibis@his Washngt Count Court let tuash11d4nu disagreeble Bmmmci Wuiegan,.ilu ami weatber thia season. iy 1the Cime the. Monda of Jîli ne:l ânaIreal sizzard gela ini a few dayit cpeisotisavdIL vont a the Capitol, 1te principal thne u sund Cet uakegan. Mayi,, suxiety of every member uf both 83-i MASOAxCE E branch&es ut Congress vili 1e tead. EXOeUo journ. UBLIC ?90TCE jour. ________________ subscriber Exe, testamfenttof Han% Tb@evaynte of 1the past veeit bave attend the Couutit Made it as certain au auy pol.lical un ..:a.l eventa lu 11e future cau e ba 11e ail p 0rsu bavne] tarif! vili nul igure Esa sunse in the an aotifie an re nmx National Campaigd, sud perbaps Christian s é wvili sud t.tan neyer agalu. The Cause ofthitbla i 1e Wankeffl. MaI adoption ufth11e republilcan policy ot Exeoutl Pr»teeioe by a omaidérsable portion p B r% u1th11e demociatic Party, vbile mail tstart of biasB populista bave alvsys bellsved lu il. atttn tise Countyi( tratheisf lte Tins, the demucratie Senators Who lu Wa& e In a bave voted for protection du nultaI aiIîsrsîiuijnez~ oeili ilby Ihat usine, but %btain arqe luiffd Cour immaeriai. Tbey bave vuled l t put Chrlaaa a piotective duty upon t1e producte eessed.wll ot their tates, sud they bave dune s0 Waukeitau. May 3 beeause outh11e viabes ufthIbir con-. slu ht. nthose atates Ihere 0n" AK lie nu arrit Issus, vbsn everybody L K lavura protection under sume naine or . COUi i noen foras. The silver men have menu Ibis thing comlng for soins limeE aud bave eucuuraged it, because hhey Wright, Pi tbinit it vil bave a tendency We mirae Libertyi the mouey question 11e oversbaduv- JUg Sse outh1e next campaigu sud they say that ls vbat îbey vaut. Issues lntq * Certlflca FPX LA KE. on A large number ot visiera from t1he cily speul Bunday ah tbe laites- The funeral ut M. Noble, utf(jisys-- laite, occuiied lust baturday atteinoon sud vas attsnded by a large sud syxptizioig audience. l'be nevs bas jut reaebed nustof te tieah of Mis. cremin, of ltolilns. 5e fas been ait for som ins tînsd ber dealli vasouuexpscted. There vili bu an entertaimeut at the Fuit Bil h uuilà on Friday en.u c ing, Jaue l. AdmissIton 15 cents. A cosrdial invitation ile xtended lu aIl. Corne uverybody sud bu inade happy. M. L. i.aligei sud tanily are eutei- taining IMo of isn ephoa. mauna 0f J. W. Ii nit, bue ut the old veterans of 1the 37111 Illnois volunlesis. These young msen are preacbers sud aie bolding te vival meetings aI 1the Fort IOii cbnrch. Services bsginning at m ocloek every eveniiig. Fidiy exceptud ahlen 1the entertaininent yl~I b. 1Next Sundsy Ibere vill ieb ~f servýices iuoruiug, aftsinoon sud aveu. - u I iug, Sunday scbool si 10 oclocit a. mn. Aternoon services conducted by Dr. J. E. Cobenour, of Anioch; inorning sudT evening serices by 11e Bunnî Brohers. T Cornu eveiybody sud youviii bie VA" auterested and instiucled.Co p Between Seditfma and barvest. Is a guod oppuiluxity teiquire only une day's ride froin Chicgo. I ioutiHnI cropis uf Whoa&, Con, Buis sudFilax revsrd 1the tiler of the so. M As a tock sud dairy couiily South I l>sktlaitlsl h 111. v d. Firatllsa.. fai ltaudswvllb nearby inaitesii nov be bougtfor 810,8121 15,andup. yards, per acesand I"ula 1the tlime w lovent. For turtber parUsIMwvilleW t0 leu. H- Hsaffoid, QeeaiWPasaeog Agent, Cbicago. Milwaulice a 5.Paul RIvay. %)Id Colony Building. Chicago When th sideration, Mi. lIssue Borner, pioprietlur outhe1 Burton ituîs, Burton, W. Va..sud over, and1 une outh1e tuet videly itnowii mon ilu B 1the aate wvas cuisd ut ieumatiam90dnU ater thro yeurs of sufteinig. ne Mlya: d'agood E "Il bave îlot sufliieut commad of linguige 10 ionvey suy laeot vbaS 1 after a yea aufsrsd. uîyIyxh'iclii btld me Ita" nothilug cîslibe doue foi me; sud my a fit SUbjec trlands acre tully e.onvaced th&$all r .i ~la marub bat ¶'vc im vs eveiely lroObiSd and itidmen aad a gît mwd m tisat my condition rTise telsgraph brougit la n tensant. i veut la bonott, vas brougitl IL k%0 Ateblaun ubere aa.woîked vita me hce 1 em yb l a n niaar ud by id ait ave g ae let b&H eto. aI appiltaral mtrtraitic. tLun Al 1bm ere ven tatîh sed. yre ul h <ten 1 ite unu" ti. t trn pd ent. boon 11e ra sureetau Piu,.st' uprsn ui for djudication SAViS. r@admnistr afrî ltaore Notice. Tlae herebi giventisaI tise ci trîx Of he eat iiOfu sBeest. i dend vhl LaCouty aita erm ad Cunti. on tisetiret x. 1»7.,vsen snd vis.m idaimâ aaint dali aneslal u p nt s .orfor adjudicatin. 1nstitut Aad dec.tatrc. àtoras Notice. 'E Msiserebi Biven tah.1e ecutrix of liseitatw lani ,ssBuath eiaqssd. wi Court Ot Lake îîonty. St a bulden atie Court oulas said Cout. onith1e fOral xl.187 i57vien sud wbi' gdeaims againa: uild cotaIs' ru eteil t rJsînt tise Ifrajudicaltion. Wesii E<BuriEx of trix o Iant tofqaiiiet t aide aid.32 7 ebik ahrs t & o. tev, 9.whIll nd .ý, request-e a u rsn h Ilan eqtaiunt f a e -4 ___ DENT_ . FEDT ua18, 1M. rAS WOOOMAN. Pahumiema M oS' Ithe iost-offOeat Liberyvi lie. Iliioa 5 eond-claie muer. GRAYSLAKE'LOCAL NEWS. t . MRS. B. B. SHERMlAN. L.«-i fdtoe. 4for the INDrPENDNr alLo orders for job prilting. cati on ber for rate.. ROLLINS. Win. D.oolitie vas au Atiock daller malurday* 0 VX* . B. Burge, of isaysaite, "uetÀ pIday as RoBiis.4 rMr. and Mis. .J. Porter mpeul 1the lîrsI of 1the vesi bere.A Mia. J. Vauiiusen, of Atiocb, vlslted relatives bere Isut veek. A. M. alicities, of Auîiocb, spent the IursS uf Ibis wesk at bome. Mis, w. Doolittie aud family visited relatives at Laite Villa Saturday. Mr. and Mis. T. Y. Oilocuin made several buiness cuis bure Fiiday. H. C. Paddock, ot Libeityville, made many pleasaut calîs lbers Friday. E. C. Rabin, of Aniocb, bas beeu engaged tu leaehCiobiambuoi next terni.0 Claire Edwards, Jim Winters sud1 oscar Dîury viied Wankegan Wed- ueeday.9 The aummer resortis aronud Fouitb,1 Round sud Long Laites are flled with guette.1 F. O. Bundvall sud vife are spend-1 ing the suinier lu tiheir collage et1 Taylor'% Laite. . E. Churchill, of Libeityville, losed a veîy nccestifuui terni of sebool bere Tbursday. Mr. sud Mrs. Roystou Mleuzie, uf Chljago.atteuded t1e funeial of lIra. Cremin bere Tnead&Y. Mis. F. C. Giinoldby sud daughter are maitcing a visit amouz old frieuds sud neighbors. Mi. Griinoldby vili juin lier about July 15. lirs. Wm. -Cremin died unuday afteinoon aller a long sud psinu n luneas. The f unerai vas beid Tues-i day afteinoon. Oui scbool nine are gettiug to be exerhal pîsyess aturday theY thyd 1e Lakte Villas. The scores vers 28 t06 luin!arfavor. ( Among Chose frum a distante Who visited ounr Snday scbool iluudsy aternoon vere Mi. and Mis. John Murrie and Mis. Geo. Thurweil, of rysîsite sud Mis. E. Sîleities, of Saud Laite. LasIt Saturday Misa Cora Edwards gav, a alaw4p psrv Jo bafr blle subool friends. Abeul lwetye eepissent. The afteinooii vas pleaaantlY speut. After supper &ailiistened 10 the, excellent singing sud speaking that vas reudered. Mi. Krauselte aged Chicago gentle- Mis. Cieujin, ut Laite Villa, vbo'had11 in vhu bas beau boardlng aetlira. been a sufferei for su long a lime , itioik's died iiatuzday atternoon peacetnily pased . 5May at Suday allersa long sud painfiii ilinea. Be sud vas laid lu ruaI t îlte Avon leavea lu mouru is luss a vite aud Conter ceuîetery Tîîesday aftcrnjoon. daugbler besides nîber relatives lu Many trum là rsysiake attc'uiieiithe Chicago. lie vas burieci bure Mon- obseqîties. day. Mr. Wooiey sudlitis daagteî lIrs. Fiank Clark ictt Tîîesday firAbany,1 WODEWFUL are te cures by New York tate, wla.avhelbY viii visit rdl" Saresapaslll, anid yeî uhey ielatives aud friandsansd also Niagara1 aresiplean naurl.Huod'liara Fals abnd olier place» tof inherent pare.bpa ndnainra l. enroule. Mis. Clark vili retîru iu a1 pailamaesPU E LO D. fev veeks. vhile ber laitier vilii _________!_ remain ail gominer.1 HALF DAY Fred Day, vito gam; almisesceraI People living un or usai 1the main ltîttilb iniIniditent, retutriiet i lst t- rond ut Laits euunty uoiug gondl Idi!. lie says ther-im isoui- rsasotsuIbt vau-b dugs aiso veil i11ud corn cribà,Pine '-W' ieferebli! i)lu l' utasd taIt bail butter laite cars ut their dogs. in th1e îîburtilaiteofut yiutg illes, Sbonid they gel shot 1theuly rumedy' Grayalake bavittg So fia, Il MiII ""tt ini a pisîtitul suppl! ut Tale lueka. bu lnbîutgts-te tbere are tîtîtri, Fiel, These sharka alias îlog shooterg viiilte ieittsl giltiare Til tO. coma the gaine on you by askiiig about Rev. E. Htarris viii give au illîatpd loity-seven limes if yun have torm or sermon in the Coiîgregalioai euiuî'e liltie pigit 10 sait, probably corne 10 ses ui'xt Snnday eveulug. 'rhe luit of 1te pigs sud lu dolug no gel 1the iaY outwhiilî yl be. ','aret1the Lîght outh11e outer buildings. Nov ut course yo)ur. Wojril"l Il viii belîo)vt' ail, îld as gouil dogcoaulnluand eil ul rOhabi! veillils voung lis attend asnd gît the malle aafhuas should lhe sec anyboilh :beletit - tif I i iileîcltuab and there nul belungluz Ibsie. ' religionis trial viîic'b vu fi'tl ùsureil removed sud 1the vsy tlu Ibe saimneil vîib bu. buildings ls cluar. Su if yuur dîsg is ait! gueil t a&H eep bilmavay fîom Soroios Chapter 0. E. S. enli'rlaiîîud cuicd thers, yl cure yoo." 1IRauyMatrsu, ut Il., at a special miîteting thess sh ooteb r .vii hoo t syus ." belm 'Jiday o ue' to ul ilI membeis vere prueat sud 1the ritualietie voit ut the orîlur vas given Nov isa1the lime to courtist tsi 5T0 furtinpeclation ofth1e disli nguisbed ecumber pickles, as the Plauhiiig v iitor v ho uxprî'ssed ber approbation seedo aie.rB.eCoband.Contract a n nwords uf praîse for au young a seon eîtiM.iggCs Y Cay o, mii&IleChapler. Aler1the vois, ice craila, SonT TIga &Talci's LIeryvII . stcakesd sandwiches vers seiveil sud IL. W. STAFFORD. a piessaul hour vas speul lui viaitiug. Mia. Freeman iturued tsi Chicago lhe Pais his nu éb. 11e hV us l. pain PM&a. nuxt morulug. The "Qîtecu utFame," vhich vas preaented lun1the ' Cougiegalional churcb lesit iialrday sud Tuesday & 71ýâ â " ,l piglits vas, thebat production ut Ils r or OVERCOAT SAN13ORN & CO.. >AULORS ANS GCENTS FURNNiabfRS evDleck, Libertyville Ililinois. ete Line of Fancy Silk Vesting on Hand. RIGH LIBDERTYVILLE, I LL. &SON, Dr. 0. B. Howe Tri-aIs N,-i'entiflcily inîîd sti"fxî by ttii' Iaf"'st ttpr,îved uttuiial - .eboii~il-e !aie, if 1the uîgs, heu.rt, Ibrît t.cir. a im. ilomneth, l ver. kisi- neya, b wioci, ii itlsîand iiais Stîtl i It,î'tsî-. Pei'in]i'jliigies, sait ritesîtti. said hvbel. tetter. psoriaalsi etîpitis. us mis.tx ay'iisîbaiheia ittis rinig vi mi. i ri s el, sud aIl foitus. ')fet ii,îts,,iuîtiiit, iîtî'hes, blac'k. bes. êds,et.1<. ci ied îerixaeil. !îbIelcandît sujierti touts lmir ienio'ed viîhotitt pet t by elet'triuîyala. Dises ofth11e nervoula syslem iteurasaîenia. lIoîmî,hîîial5xia, pro- gressilve paralysîs, beaduche, neursîgia St. Vitus lance, sciatie insomula, epl- lepsy, cured by Osrnan mettio sud electiolysîs. Rheurnatisim, seule, erlieular, Mua- cniar, infammabory, sud rheumatlc goul positlvely cnred by a nev sud s ucceestul proceos. O. B. HOWE, M. D., OfflosetaI otel Woudtook; Suite 28 and 29. woQOSTOCK. - -ILLINOIS. 1IUUR-i10 tut 12 A. m., 1 1o 3 sud 610o 8 p. .EVEIIT DAY RX('EPT BuN- IDA.Y. May be cousîxliteil $uitdeys from N te 19) a. m. sud 31u o p. ui. et ResI Cottage', !,s,.... . 111. . i ,e Question of Buggies ls taken into con- " n, wouldn't it be wlse to think the matter' 1 fiureoutthe real value of a!F.A MISIT VV. aggy? Ne mqpan, when we say Miatiufaturei ot Buffgybf a velchle that wIll not mrl ?ar's work look as though it was Mîl 'ct for thé- ac Sm 's ord-iron b~ile. Youi and if you investîgate, thatthere la a difference Granite es. Corne ln and let us explain it ta you. 'Mnmns CEMETERY i WORK NE BELLSr ~ O"L.o EVERY ~2.z ~ ~'toDESCRIPTION 49F7 podsc j. S. L)ongliaugb lias been In Rua-b ReI Oltenof utae, atindiig in*111e salea of some profgsity there.C MIr. sud Mrs. Malt Palîur, of %W8uke- l gaît, vern e e iCts of MIr. aud Mis.1 Whitehead over Suiidiiy. Mr. sud Mis. Whitehead have g0one tu Long Laketeu10 riaith tbtheir daughter, Mis. W. Wilson. Mi. Fred Higley and Misa Bruiei, tif Chieago, apent ltst Sunday with the formr'» brother, W . IB. igley. e Um Lucille Furat, of Chicagos, Mas a guest of Mis. E. B. shermaîl Ivo veks,t returning tu lier bomne 1"t Wedzesday.à Mi. and Mis. C. B. Raslon, ôf Puer-( field, visited severaI (Jaya of last veit vitb Mis. l>irliy sud calbed on other1 friends.y Lynn Harey fr11oit bis aheel las-t veek sud sprained ibis la; butIis tîyt iug il over agaiu Ibis week. No morei accident& 1 1ev.* Fair, wife sud ibier, andl Mr.t .Osborne b&ve'pteked ap theii teîit sud goue tu Libertyvillet. We wiblî theln sulecesasvherever tbiy go. Mia. Hugitt Neville is vîsitilig lu lova, sud Miss RthllNeville, of %Wat- cuda, lit keepiug bouge for bier lrîtler duriig bis M ifes absence. Mr@. Lizzle Audre, of(Ch icago, vas te uet of t 1ev. aud lira. Hàrrift several tlsys 111e pas1 week. T11ey aiso euieitalued tbeir faîber, 1ev. Haris, munday. The Uiraymlake Iboys oile Pisvud theu higli sebool nine of Wauitugau s closei game of base ball lsst Mek Weies-1 dlay ou ibeir îwn (liaîîsoii, asud iiuîsbed1 vitb a lie. Mi. Krause, wbo bail made blis home vith Mis. Struini thIe lait Oive Years vas laid 10 reat in t1e Avon> Center cemtsiy last Monday. Rev. E. A. Harris oficiiatiug. Mis. Wliis Struws hass îsturued froin a fouirnoulths sujouor lu Tex"a looking uîuch inpioved lu benith. Mr. Sghows îetnrued iseveral veeits befors bis vIte., rhey aigu Visited 1the Noabville Exposition u ontheir wvay home. k s c h s il t j' e a h 'I i Cucumbol Pickes. Now is the time ta plant Cucumbers for pickles. Plant now and pick crop in six weeks. Get con- tracts at M. B. Colby & Co's, F. C. Smith & Son's and Triggs & Taylor's. R. W. STAFFORD, LbertyVille. lIII .. w,& Or . if t dm uil t s ti ssa uio.Oi i U. Es sn L.A. SuOW&co. Hackney Sîsllon. For uIe or traie, uns impurted Hbiset PoPE, Lîbertyville. -VJU UOOD THINUiS 10 Bars Lenqx Soap Lemons per doz. Apples per can Arbuck les Coffee 'per l b. kmd ever given ln Urayalake. Il vas pechacular tu ils niature, and 1the costumes vere speakinaollectively bemutiful and artisîlu. Tuesday ulght beilg so very Warta, 1te audience won smaIl, but Saturday uight tbere won a full boune. Sncb entertainumen s bhis bas a tondency tu uplift aud Intruet 1the young sud are very beuellcial. Mlzapb Camp Il. N. of A. bad a jollificatlon tant veek Wednesday eveuing viien they procured a bus@ and drove to Wsnkegau to meet vltb bhe Camp there. Waukegam Camp kindly lnvited 1the oflicers of Miabab camp tu give degreed lu four candidates vho were prepaîed 10 joln tbe. Camp. This they did aler wbich tbey ail repsired to the banquet ball acrosa the vsy tW paîtaite of th1e many SOMd bhing. tbat bad been prepared for th1e unner mau. It vas 2:30 Tbnîsday a. n. ere th1e Orayslaite people returned to their homes, testityiug 1tu1the generous hompltaiity of the ueighbors in tbe city by tbe laite. Last Tburaday a. m. at 7 clock occurred 1the destb or au âqed aud nach îespected citizen uftâtbi place, Mir. Isaac Noble Who bas long been a patient sufferer fhum liights diseas. Hie was vell kuowu sud mach bejuv@d in Ibis communuty, wbicb vas lentifled by th1e large number of friends Who followed his romains 10 Ibeir lent restiug place lu Orayalaite cemetery. 11ev. E. A. Harris officiated ant1the unterment and .pokre solid vorda of comfoîl 1tu1the bereaved. Mr. Noble leave, behiud tu monru tbeir Ion an aged widow in vhom 11e had been wedded sixty.eigbt years. s daugbter, ,irs. lienson, of (iladhrook, lowa, andi a mou- John Noble, Oregon City, Oregon. They vers botb pissent nt th1e f uneral. Isaac Noble vas bora iu Bcotland Juus 19, 1819, died June 1 ,0, l1 W7 aged aeveuîy-aeveu years, eleven nionîba asud twenty-une daya. At an e!ïxIj me xoved wiîb bis parent. tu Lisimy then ta PolAnd. Spelft aeveral yeara lu Poiand and Rtusasa thon camne t0 ilcotiand sud lu 18"4 camne ta America: lu 1845 came tu Laite cnty, Ill., where bc bas iesldsd ever mince haviug lived op bis fartalun Grant townsfilp forty-tbîse yeux». Reaulutions of Respect. WIIEREAs, It vas accordlng 10 Divine viii of oui lieaveuly Fatber Ibat ournreiglibor Lida liendes vas called front our mldsti, therefore Rnoltî,W, That aitbongh oui beloved netghlîor wii b1e greatly misssd lu oui Camp rouai, where sbe was ever faitiîful to duties as a ujember aud au ofbcîr, wevubily 10v lu snbmison tu t11e devîce of Divinie Providence. Bie lt further JenîlThal; we as members of MIZ ah Camp IL. N. Of A. foliow ber exafuplu of fsithfuinema.lBe lt f urtber Ihenoir,d, 'Tbat the Camp Charter aud th1elouer Sentinel chair be draped for tbirty days sud a copy or Ihese reiol iitiiii e sent t<> the fatuîly of deceamed sud lie plaved <ou 11e Camp record. COIITEZE. F. D. BATTERSHALL. Grayqlake - - Iii You Can Sav Money by buylng here. ln al Lin« of Goods, Dry 0004 Bargrnnsrocerles, and Bargains for Blcyw Rider. too. Ladies' entire Blcyple Suits S2.0O'to $7.00 Men's 2.00 ta 7.00 Boys' aliwool Suit ' 1.50 SweetCorn per can 1.0 '5 Yeast Wafers .02 Prunes per lb.0 1 Can Good Table Peaches .10. 1 lb Good Berry CQffee' .12'. We have a fulli une of ladies fancy Dresa Goodu Shirt Waists and Wrappers which we are sellingi the Lowest possible Prices. Cal and sSe before purchasing ellsewhere. F. H. KÇuebker, Brick Store. ORAYSLAKE, ILLINO 1 SeIl WITIIELS Corne ln and see the Monarch for $38.00 Fowler for 40.00 Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. Complete Line of Sundries always on, H E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, ILLIN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Independen And Have The Best. U NSYSTEMMATICAL LV In the lead with great bargains in Extention and Canopy Top Surries as as Single Seat Carniages and Farmn Wagons M ake Us a Bid on Springtooth and 6 Shovel Cultivators, Moq Rakes and Bînders as we *111i beat the lowest. Blndlng Twlne, Barb. Woven Wlre. bargaîns In Boots and Shoes and Blue Flame Stovea. A your Carniage and Wagon Paint, of us ks we lead In' qfaltyý and PI iought taknow whlch SeSAM at Libertyville and GEO at Wa* Unsystemnatlcally Yours. TERMS CASH. .1- 0