CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jun 1897, p. 5

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IN OUR G GoId Dust W Johnson's Pettijohn' s 9 Bars Kirk1 2 Cans Gooc McLaugh lin Triggs & PIAl Corne ini Libertyvillî FF Over Ban PRÎN CLOSINO EXERCISES.é flt $11,50 PICKED' UP HERE AND THERE. ntertainhin Proaram Marica th. 7. 4 * CIoins of Buhool Year. 4 Locl itms ofInteest to Libertyville Readlers. The exercises at thi., Union clinrch lE 0 111 L o c al 4 4 4 * 4 B 6 4 4 4 4of 4Int e r4 * 4q4lut*4 * 4 * é é 'y 1 1 1 h t r ï e t t h E D R O Biti baula iiitftin<. aler chei t~Y i trtitam ia'. o 4t rbIiyear attracted al à 196 lar~~~Isge audience, t tat the auditorium H g e r R .R Bijineu t imroing 1 altr chel WârsILbruit tale.W"s crOvded t, .veriiowilig. Ii smohe Biach Sheop Cigare. IL$a agirl and vil borult iHtday. room vas prettil:y îieîrated vlth 514U1Ô iit Dont forget the entertuanmentt atra. l'amuit Ray vent to ChIit!iZO lowers, vhIeh vith the daluty union church ýhiè> Friday night. Tueiday to me1et Ler ister and' costumes of! îhe ebool girls, Who mat ARE THE BE.ST. soi. K.'isey aîd vite vili go eait th brother, Mils Luli» and Prancia Ii,, u a body near wetbpIatforin, male a Th"SoaI Flexible Shankal lait of this montb go be gobe tvoof'> Nip<ttet, Net). comilifation ias once beattiful and months. o. E. Chnreii viii not Leach the pleailul, A progrilu.oo a chaxieter ValufortOfll, BachheepCigRe.iollins Debot neit yi'r. E. C. Sabla. that ellted repeatid applause vas J.aB.eAfornsoney akvile epC i go !Alichahbeneg opresented aid reltected credit salice on j.B lasn n ie xpet9 0teuehlà bitI chool. paticipiflla and thome arranging IL.1 %ROCERY DEP'T YOU'LL FIND tý Oneida Cony thetiratOfJIY o!The Ladies' Aid Soiety Of the' M. E. Arhur Bulkley, la his, inimitable ,S .spend the snommer. church viii hold a quilting sud e ln m nr rendered two recitations and lashing Powder 18c . 8.GieasOnhba it complettd lhe theciucirîyJae rm Ietorni of applanse accorded hlm , I8C. erection of a large and commodioti M P. M. Everyoneii. vite>. Admission uiniPly made the .'raftera ring." .J barn flfor K .Welr ncns Davis rendered soloa Of.a very superber "Break.Food"10C- 'hie Nishviile baniner ilysthere laa tncesew th-rdio C a in t o a 2 c . ch ld th ree m o fltlio ld il ugh a t it w bh o a r n e th s i o erit 9I LLt lef t , ia o ait. and S i h . T e recit - m aron 2 c. Aah urdaerfr lk seo uperiorz. ThnLraY, t be gone t ioDavis pleaaed the audience immenseiy Sal 25~~~~Cigoa hheeeha Theyel'îe 't toecU'b ail indi and vers vorthy tha manîfeat appret-' n's 4x Coff ee 17c. Cigars. .V Dde adr ______________sud kirsl. Frank Avery, of Chîesb,0,1 Jud Moori e ira&ie borade Riti> John University addressed thet acholars ln a v iited W. C. Sanborn'afao il y Sunday. Tague tlai. eeh, sut Bouter Felton'few terse and veil chosen remarhs, 1 ried his Inch: wiii a baud of gypales. after vhich Prof. Davis preaenied' T a l rssales on the Aceke eî iAl got the hest of the ohher !ellow and dipiotuaigo Maud Wheeler, Lyle Bond Tayl r'sLibrtyelleeII. ic. l the fnitrerts hil are pleaaed in congequenre. and Walter Bonld andin bebalfot County _____________________________svwbee latt l. tre S uperiniendent Narvinanneed thagl veeh Smoe Bach hee Cigrs.couaty diplontia huit azived for the Black Sheep the béat 5 cent cigar. Nias Âlice Corletpasied the hlghesbfn ointcoarbt 1 ie1 M lrs. Wi. Waidron, acompanied bY examinitIOn n aino.ay ohe illov 0.f ihebeng butroopae gor ber aidter. Min Lydla Lee, la viiing elii ai the Evanston acidemy receutly. présenationiglial evening:Eanl C. relatives in St. joseph, Michigin, this Roy Corlett attended the griduiting Dy= fd SrieSemn au4 AN D vek. C o eo t P nM n . d eiercise t thuginstitution mondy, BWrightdBute Trggi, O I J < N O? E. . Cokr, f t. eu, Bin., udreturning tb Lihertyvilt Tunday. Loi Serm a, Editb it Bcey, BIEthelO K O W JM.C ottro Bamsbou. Win., vers And mtli the treets are unprinhled, Wnr, Ethel Gibacu, Barl Colett' O R G AS guntisof ther brother, Fred Croher, duiiy and disagretile. Oh. for a EdYlli Colby, Warren Grummitt, IF NOT BundsJ'. sprluhling cil Existence vould be Emma Borden, Besait Bond, Edlth Blach Sheep Cigare, clear Basana just heirible these sveltering, hot Fich. Florence Balard, laytpn, T Piller. days if tht treets vert but sprinkled. gtiplea, Blanche Vuilie, George Luik, W E WV4ALNi VOU T KNOý.e Help &long the Lakeside Cemetery Au Ilte h vs i uâ ntifer and &Il on Rut1h Wiîner, Bond S. Wneeler Ye found by attending tht entertaiument accounit of tht absence of à mesaley, Lyle E. Bond and Walter A. Bond. ai Union churci to-night. IL vili be lusignillcent sprînkling cart. Such la Theelcisng remarhî by Prof. Davis, good, ioo. life. ln hehalf of the retir>ng teichersanmd That we corne nearer having everythingyoU w The gopet meeting et Pairs Gospel Gopteetnsiebelfhî himael!1 deacriptive of tht school's han tr nLk ~~ metng r big edprogreasduring tie put velve pearshn nyother soe inLk ountyy. Dont, Tent wiii be postponed Fridsy nlght ,aightly under cnvas, by Evaniellat Ivr prpita urfrnepruddit hnig ta noecn~ on acconut t0oftht enterhlutuent ut tht Ueo. Armor Fair. " ~ Gospel TenV't" notikn ta noe ng Unîion ehnrch. ila locited on lis. Penimaisl ion un severing their connection vith ieyuasgo bran sw d.Iyuw liegular meeting of Lakesde Cerne- Lake SI;reet and the meetings are et- the achools, tht breihing o! fond tiesn ieyu sgo agisa ed.I o ter Asocaton t rs.Frnk ratig firy gndandenes.Mi.auch as uiLy acholirs and teachers somethlng cheap we have it. If you want som Fai inà, orcfulspekerandau n iaaoociated for years canappreclate 0 Dymnd' Fida ateroûn Jne 6, eli a n r d simple, aimiating Mm- cai aperceptible mitrl oygood wehave t, and atprices th at re abso ai 2 0.Evrybdycodillylniid.self iiini) prtitular Ocreed or de_ tyts. He achuovledgtd his apprecia- correct. Va.ine for money, BWich heep Cigare, nomination. tlon of a gift recelved hy hlm dnrlug Thinie omiissone Buterlel inthe iliernoon fron thle acholsxs, gtisg-ilder"msioer uter iteid ldivie Blseh Sheep thetibent 5 cent cigir. thanhing them for their lait of ~.g g-' ~a..admat ntmd il 0 radhienotce Our tiectric llghti continue Lu giov numeroua toheus of regard and I a u ee iie SLe « i.adii vl ander....olumnan o d e tic edig'and tht service is excellent. We feel ipprttialitio. e paid higi tribute 10 Ourline of Hot Weather goods such as H4amm -~ iy. warranted in sasertlng there las not tht Offtient vorh of!bis assistants md Croquet Sets, Fans, Ref rigerators, M uslins, LaW JT J~E ETT R.A large arc lamp, the Ouly ont in another village ln tht stage viii a bis final fareveilias gaucher and tNOiNEse W . anor'isor abete letilghl systeni. Tht lnstructor casi a gioom over preaent Shirt Walsts, FIy-paper, etc., is complete in uIWý metropolitin ippearane rigin retlgb@ t ariulr are gÎving and previoue &holra ad graduais. date goods. Corne in and let us show you our 1 R. Sherm an h~~eeping wîtth Iis puahang, enterpria- ve mn h a uhfiil i n1.audience hardiy ln heeplg ith lngbug.incandescent lampe fot stre*it illumina-',the ottisiioti. Suj.tuetth PesYtTtu huehtion, noneecau candtdly in tain they 'n B. o b & coul nexi Snnday are; in the morning,-The are Dot meeting evtrY requirement. CldOl5Dy Danger of Dalying With Destîny. Bc ht Cgrsctr aia Exercimes vere hIld tuthe Presby-Lietvle II.....2, In the evening. --Greât Mens Eatiate Bilaker. Cgre larHvn tertan churcb lait Snnduy mornlug ietvl ,11.Iamlzý ofthlie Greutiieaio! Jesus§." pinticipated ln by the juventies. p i gsettiug the boiler and engins ui the At the' restd:eu:e of the brideS par' up thteprogr5ni a uexellent N E W S LM M EP 00014,* pring ~~~Thomas faciory tii weeh. eyerai ente Ttetada uigbt uccurrt'i the lu in&l the vcrds impita.: àduch favori&- 0 i lu tht building the tirai ofnexi Mlie Lyon, Mtev. 1). leuver per-, rendertd by .ieunne Vulle and Eldoit formung the ceremony. lUr. sud lira. Clark, vhlc ie c ertainiy tht heat it Dr. O. B. Hove, of Woodsioch. veo Nadole lefi on the 5:20 train Wednes' has beenuDr pia-ainre io tueur frosaiur for ome imebus aderegiilat im day moruilng for Beuton Harbor, Micb. -littie folks. Tht prograti through- * ec day visita to Lîbertytilie has dtcided Tht hapy couple ire voltad fîsor- ouitviu god, ad hte llmited apite * * 110~~~t discointieemsme, li leasi for th byuoueradhe DNEPENDENT forbîdla extensive comment, o! whieh A Prk avebee0dclatd yf udpre- tat rgniztioave.dorethe nIN prenant sud ne aunouinceslin is ad innunîtes vith thoir many !riends in ex.-Iis va ortby, vs mre coubinalned go say another coinnin. teudiug cougratulations. Tbey vilI bc the Presbytérien Sunday schoolisn a Ladies Jersey Ribbed Undershîrts ...... A large number o! tht races chtlt a home lunlM». Gibionsa bouse on credit go toucherssand .uperintendent Men's Gauze Undershirts ............ ver bohedfortusseaon I ieaiLake sireet upon their retuen. and iheir utrlng efforts lu hehal! f uto albign Uneslt eut indications are thut there wilI be ompsaud by lait Bunday's exercices. '* Dress Straw Hats .............. D cig t tisumntmer. Lite GEESE. vAt the Mettodiat churcb in the AlW o w aest s-ulee the rjc.tuf il ay, rb î u petycostumes Bcce Caps eulbdrJc~ fetaievDggterioFnyH se............................. ________________thuge__ee sd 61111fermera havetumeO«ad11 Elght 7 ln. FIag Slate Penis ......... t. 'terrible led' yoît agreed. ani fortunéealn breedins sud fatteniug one..lhe chorus vorh of tse athol v erc ats wùn shrtl aler, hatcoo, rereè- gns.Whetier gliteale any secret il u ve ry fiue, villerecitatiotiai 0 l v e co a s. iin oraeatatuorereieah- r méh~Iodevhster iltanmlbu dons dialogues and muicial selectIOns We have a new ine of Iawn shaîlles,. ___________________ tg dmnofl' uadeailnatre evieby any intelligei min or voma "de- coutribîtted to inahe tht oLccassion a vin iere thauhful. Then itA ladtlposent uayeti Do,, At &Il e5té er.Smont eujoyable one. Tht vsrlety and mnrealire the great widiom and éta farmers o thabittetage bave fi iat atr. htpormepasfrpercales, in ight and dark, arereieby nfrme taifer àgod many yeara. Acording dtos cae lu charge tare!ul and proficient which we are seîling ri'ght. %ve âtr reliaby iiifomlisth tthRhode lsland tieory, a gom le n vorh lu trainlig for glttparticular several cottages ar to lie e td mici a grumE animal asuaàateep cr a occasion as veil inlutht Sunday CO ME I N, and up anU du il tht syntlicate property byCia o o oUdes, IL $00geme cmn le pasted achool, and their protegleea did theni- SEE GOODS prties. Work viii be commeuced su an acreUp 10 8 veeha ni. at vhicb selvsaprond in conaecquence. Itvau $ 1.5the latit o ntitiTitre jiditot âge they are laken to a immli pu ad gool to be there. BE CONVINCED an enipty bonnet in towu and tu our filles by fasding orached con, lbed No trouble to show Simples. knovledge two parties have hinutd inliuisou d anal mm stalhi. Anoter- vainfordestabl honee.tiiig ie ot penhala gsnsraily hnow&- Ask your dealer for Black Sheep F. C eSMNIT Hr & SO N vai fo deirait ouss. ameiy, git; ht ills sese do nDM requin C igeis. Brik l-ontie grouiid fur tht se ulb vater tlaw ovI lu, ey Duel Bra ao Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illih R E D R O K R fundatioti o! tht e depotl ILtus largequintily la dnih. About once ev- been decided to set tie building MY tlsnMinutSmes&mel cf lteohé(Il Iaaallckn Ii ik, - LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. eightetfefet t othe bitof telae iDllu5dtutésnil&be n as 81AVN i DIIW61 II lNIh a plat! or vwich viii be o! vitnifled eht hay arhp t liel watr ia ROUTE.N (I (>< )1 S Fbrick. Excvationi for tht ales N EviiD iFor commtitethittliaeek. ~j' Loule Sherman bhu engaed luth V r N w ri e frui business, havlng reuted tht baieew-É ce D elci usment under Smth'&Sstore. 1evit heep barries of &Ili inda, peaches,F o L b e t v l e plut applos, etc., in seadon. Loute ato 1.rt ý i1 e I ce~ ~ ~ bus~ a ia ntier and vo bespeih for hlm and Ice C ea mbis nev ventture tht succeans o! vhith hol odeesu.PiUlov Lace 5Inlches vide ......$ 04Tht BeOU Black andWhite stnipo ht leino sringt. Bîdo!Ai à~U U t e e e e e colnre il t.l a at loc, bo t, hilPauy Lce 21 m voih II 1)4 motShed Pe... Butto..s.......

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