CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Jun 1897, p. 8

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A fine line of single har *nesses at prices sure to suit y6u. Calil and see them S before buying. We are headquarters for the Plymouth Blnding Twine at prices which defy competition. ýJWachine Ois, Paint Oîis and Oils of ail kinds at Bedrock prices. We seli Bushnel Wood or Iran pumps, Best goods made. Gaie Spring tooth Cultivators. "Wober wagons with 281n. box -guaranteed- for $48.00 * 4wges of ail1 kinds and a new Une of road -~ wagon» just received. Thos. Mc Bride,. 1%ýckefeIIer, - - - - Illinois. We're StiIl At It. SAssortment _Thbe Winuer This Time. t* U aiAe of lte Publie Patronsge, Md urge ufon th. ed in particule, IaAà"a in adlvestigate lte uer lino of Lava., Colleueand guun.mrUnad.r tw bave juât edded la aur stock. W. are lhor. for business, and claim r, veyojq u ney. coine in and aee for yourselvéa. We bave adalea a tiue Prias te oui NMa- Mc. Côltic. Wit crvery pouna avobeed ne gir. you a easutif i hime Cap aed Saucer, GoId Band à Pkg fe....S.15 per l:,,b.f............os Fu O-P rn Do mmd Pria.w aanv u sketComn4caa.............25 8 Bmr mothcnGooeeScap........ .25 8 Lino: ..o....26 7 --Old Oountry ..'..... 26 Do't forget laibavc your cana glîlea rith GaeoiJne et the extrine loy prie ..................7 Krodn ........................ .08 VUmbrelles and Parasol,, bot Ladies and Genta ................ 600 a 1.60 Thti lte place la y Btnding Trine. 4000 b.Manille Stand- ard sud Sisal. Prices , 7, & 6jo per lb W. are ln It on Pe4nts and Ois at Iowest prices and best values. Uf y«ar dry stop at Carfl<s cd gaI a nicecool drink of Soda Water out of W4 elegant PFataln te hites t set up. alao have Pop. GîmgînAMe, Lemon ,6t tugt &cot rfnak! an d wn e 5. tem toa. Illinois.1 -iFonitre.F'urniture. A lange Stock than ever before, for ili sPAIMOa AND surmMKR TRADEi. P...L.~.yum "y eaU for ithelUn, 'of &Furniture, Oilloth, ,matting Md Windov Shadea m a nov fresh Uine of MMP lw CUperM1t select frora. Beautiful Polished Finish and Brass Feet OnIy $1.95 A new lot of Iron Bedsteads $3.90 and up. White Enameled Chamber Suit.. lido not cut pneas on my goode for a v.ek or two at a trne and i sae. tllern for a long time, but alvays keep on vxth the rock- UNDERTAKINO A SP CIALTY. WILL KNIGGE, lRoçkofelier - - - - Illinois. AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store. droom sets, Antique Oak Finish $12.00 ungeBrussels 5'00. uçbCorduroy 7.00 ildOak Center Tables wortn 82.2 5 1.75 wý Sleds worth $4.50 4.00 > WIre Springs to fit Iron Beds 1.35 leboard Antique Finish .10.00 Il Iln. pf Baby Carrlages Constantly on hand. 1 poitiveiy vii not b. undersold. These Prices For A Short Tîme Only. UNDERTAKING. S romPt Attention, sud RiesoumbiePlât.. limais, SaIlnte Peter and Paula Church. LMaeTYriLLa, Im- SUNDAY SERvICES. Pirst ile-AS a. BîghgliNs-o a. am. ROCKEFELLER. BlcyclIug la ail the rage noradayi. H. Alfas ites lu hie possession a itra3 borne.. Bertia Harden li teproual orner o a uer bicycle. Bey. H. A. Barris. of Grayalake, nui itereITituraday. Carl. citera noms extra good bargains Road hie ad. MiraHaiden and Loltie wri Chicago viellais Tucaday. C. M. Goiitam and daughler Leurs wrraChticago visitons Tuesay. 2ev. Spengler, of Ivenitoe, rasa plceaul cller iu our tom liouday. Mr@. Je.aie Willoi, of Diamond Lake, viited lira. Fred Sbaddlc Tues- day. mise Anale Euigge, o! Chicago, ia spcnding a fer days rlth ber parenus lira. Nelson Gordon luesn elfinuadto Chicago aller a short vsit nititliha paîîuta. R. D. Cook, of Gilmîr, boardeal the train Wedneday et titis place, f0r Chiicago. J'redand Eddic e edier, of Wau- couda, rare here Sundcy viciting relatives.. Shaeo n~i g adInluanotber column. Th.» hieU Bedroom acta are biauties. Tony ing played bailrll itb h Evanîtte laut Suudey andl hiut fici T.e caipenters are rusiig ltse no hatlI building aud nIl oon bave It camlefld. Mr. and lire. Churchill andl daugitten, of Lîbityrui, atlended church bere lest Bund.ay. Red MoBîldes uer ad. He selle buggies anda gIcuitural implementi et loreat prices. Erneat Bors end Chas. Teltîcu, of Dientond Lake arm dolng lte caipentol rork au e bain for Fank Day. Pneaciing cetlite congicgctional churoit Sunday mouiug sud aeculg. liorniag sîllject --Indlvidual f24. aponmbilty.' Eveniag sobjeet --Who lu rny Nelghbor." AU are cordially fuviteal. Thte soda rater tonutainut CarIes la lte laleet lhing lun bru, and. George cen Dorwlbc sesuariayed in rhite vent andl apron, dIspenelug thes foany baeiragi tu a ltiraty titrong. The Children'o day exorcises lent Suuday rere vcry duno. lu lte mr- lug lier. Buck preacited otonlie beailât of the litîle onea analdite eeaing lte meeting ras condoceald by tae juniors. undet tho leadersip pto! linse. Iarden. WAUCONDA. J, Golding wnl to lits clly Tuosday. J. Baumaie a quick trip to Chicago Tuenday. P. Hl. Maiman aent 10 Mclloury Tueday. H. Fullenr ent lu tlie City lant Tituraday. Mra. Fannie Bales la vlitiug relative C. W. sudai], of Bingrool, ra o. Our streets Mouday. Ferry Powrs, of Elgin, vialteal relatives hmrc Snday. J. B. Turubuli and son Lesglie viailteal fricade lu Irsuhue Tuesdcy. A. R. Johuson andl J. E. Pratt noe Nleiury visitons Sunday nigitt. Mn. Sidney BRumel, uf Waukegun, rai on oui atreeta lte tiraes0ftlte reek. lira.Johu Wells, of Ivanhoc, risîteal friecuala tbis place lest Thuiaday. Meurs. H. F. Hugites andl M. W. Hughes wre Gsyk§hake viltaris Tnee day. liMra. Bsasie Comaltocit nhha@aibeen viaiting relatives et Barringtoan returo- ed Saturday. lir. sud lira. W .1. Fard, of Chicago, aie vlaliing relatives lunttis place ut prasent vrîting. Mr. sud lira. G. C. Roberteste enteitaining relatives rum Ivauhue ut picesul riig. M"r. W. Houglilun, af Grayauake, alieudea lte graduation exorcise, Weqnesday Biglât. UmaiMyrîle Diaun, uofliatringlun, spent Buaday nitit bot patenta Mr. andud ra. H. J. Dixosi. Mn. andl lra. IB. C. Bihl starteci for Enigirta, Win., Saturday to viait Mr. nudlira.W. liclaey. Mr. audlira. Fred Stlon anal san Harry, of Hampshtire, viaited Mr. cual lins. C. A. Stoien Subday sud Mon- day. Fr0 berna and contents, tru hay *Jacsk, 0oner al ack wre buineal ut the faim utofJ. Goulal Tueeday &fter- Doon. Thtetuerai of lir. Fehix Coyhe nito dl.d et Voho ras bolal lu the ctholic chuii June 8tb. Fatitor ONeil ofileteal. JOa.iàlu. aotto open a barber stop lunthue Hughes buitding. lie reaecttuhly soUditàa sportion ot yauu patronage. T. Gironon, of Prairie Vien. soud L. Oravanor, of Unayalake, attcndsd the gradation exorcise. tutis place lest Wedueaday nigitt. Te bail gar ieictwus tu lie ~layed betrein thc Lake Couuty ion analthe Eviretts Balurday bas bean postpaaad ui tite 26th. ROUND LAKE. Wilt Ceveland risiteal rlatives at Long Laka Sunday. Ve are sorY lahesr of the dealli 0f lira. WeÙ. Cremin, Rtollins. MieLydià Ltriten visileal her brotcer sud family lest reek. WIU hlialon and wlfe, ot West lieury, visiteal relatives et Round Lako. Ilseemaho le the fashon nov to cher gum ut cbuicit. BOYS please dont9 do IL. Mri. and lim. John Porter, ut Auttocit, called o<n fiioda iu this vl,-lulty Munday. Thea terman measies are provatliug lu tiianelgbburhuod at promeut vvliug. Frak anal Herbert Grengsr, of! Jenearille, Wis., calilsa un frienda bore1 recently. £enobit, Garrood anal Wlmington tare purceselD a nwslsiantitresher and are neady for work. Loul, Grood and Lyle Litwîhet attendod tlhealarD Party giron by Mie Cors Edrarda Saturday eflernopu. iT eatitar ita bee uacomufontabhy oel fer aummer bodndira taofor bu$ ram retr brinatem le the. reSrts aB vweted fbiendetauLiberty- ville leat Iuaday. Y9?T~W laaAi Fred Aseue took , busiuess trip tla cent11.r1word liret u. itcent par vord Chîeffo laut Batuidiy. addlbtiaai ane. M""X orse all WRnNnKeAPPLE-IR»rs Ct ,lrOa Merln Mre. as Waconda *airmahine for eharponlngaarcippers lir. and lira. Kutgge vlsltcd i blnde airneeWm5good as non., il, Chicago lest Bunday. Ir Yole HORSS TEETH-Need aIxn> lir. and li. H. Flcai, or., viaated u Ili e ort te Coslnîy bis broter et DaiPlainea lalssis day. h"entE.and e iera odco. .y Joc Delta rea pleaaut caller et tie ti tlon. A l lB.IËeJin ood 84. home of luies Emmia Bleue lest Sonday FR îAL l. 20.40o.18 or a iaulres of £004 of evning.finatroyelaud. oemlle weat of Fremont >f venug.Conter. Termsasn<d Partionulars arbireeaor W. F. Hal and iarnilyaillenta e eil on C. Loru o. t us pleasant day lent Saturday viulllug lte ~RBL-O eî0l letv Citicgo p<rks.Fvil~ga.Ver eîrbelooation. gcla ta. Wa are glad te report that thone rito aet C obougt t eep torcei rere ou1te alck lât len e oke 0 ~r0 loraa~ofcLiberty. re 11111Y recovered. k r O é x R l E T Ah u »LieaMary Schrlben îeceived an FOni barn and hfaIt ee oo 0 Ta pleaaent Oeil fîoin AlignasLohmara lest . deNIrs elade and frit .niti or l'tbout furnIture. WiIi veaae onabsort Sunder eveniug. ntic.Ap a a T ie thermo mne lci aood l1aitdegre esD tc.A pl tI D p ND u ff .w lu the.aihade laut louday lu tii alcalar Dock of the roodi. W. Don have ou sale et lte satiton a- WIU Wheeler attended a bauce TeeRide Bearer Commrutation etRdDay lest Satorday evennt Tickts, for between Liberlyvîlle andi lreparte a very pîeaant Ume. e Chicago, rate $4.70, te Aqe g llilci aud wl0 f Chicago, E L. DuBois, Agent. rere tbe guesala oiFrank Ulrlch cand tofamily legst Saturday eveuiug aud Sain-. h ra rdcn alo el day.ThGra rdcn$àio MieGracs limson, 0f Gageae. .O G .22 sPent a fer dayla 01 lait reek vieIlig 1G O G .22, te hier s151er, li. Ausou Wheeler of tii o 9Q )y plae. N.901 If YOU rant a delleloue cool dink Standard und ot trottine astd partin toi thia rarc he ty ois f buIee.sûsred d ru lb Adlii it<u reaite lr soe f botJr t ltrId ainm o! Xad S.) by iA. G. Gcitrna Co@ bottled Haubletoalan le: baIn, anar E s shlerbete. peuingmersbv aao1ofPe . Ptl If you rould like a pair Of thec2 George 0. la a ebetaut borse, àa upoa -o entent lIttl plik sycd pets you evei getter and la bred sas noir ke GeoreqWlike w uer mseure a pair of lBert SBllîs Çm'sire Ot trotter'§, as Itlta poaalble 10 itîe rat. Te Alca o ay George 0. le the sire of eigbt ta the nliaa 2~c epaIr.rlind son in 2.18)4 and anhumber of otitera Rer W.A. citerm». f Cvigtou, 1 ilO stand George 0. et my plann v Ill., camne heîo lent Tussday alter Menrg,. Iii. au 28pet mare payable lu it ttedin th AnuelLutheran Bynod cah or ue b 1 aetlime of servla.NaraaDot utlenhiuagotl iite una wekwtb vroviug lu fu i Il he entitled 10 a retura cI Cticao, viut a ockrltbbis essn. The ab,,ve ple tgt irei. Braed ta parente. a honte abat nam Pr.ven hiueoIf bathar o C. M. Kuox cailed on relatives andtotradiouýr bliende lu Wauconda lust Saturday. 08--7 L.. ffrny I. lie vilted lte temaraek sramp aud obtaiued norne very flue ipeclluucus of the piteher plant and lady alipper. Mir. and lira. Dryer, ofLîbîtyvhlle, Eggs! Eggs! Eggsl IMar. "d lir. Edar odwin, Of Rockefeller, Will Herbiion, of Ivauhoe and William Willlrns, of Diamrnd Lake were ait' gueS a0f C. G;. Saraill eftad family last uday aflernon. Gilmer carne very unir heving a big bleze'list Satuiday moîuing. -Tha- biuttecr factory cauglut tire ou tite roof brilla the amokre &atckbut ras %li. *covered In t'me sud qoickly q textinguiied rithout luch dage doue. A uer amote stock bas been ordered an idl m00l be io plece when titere nu liecnuomore danger of rire frounttis source. Our achool nul close oeIl Saturday rlth appropriate exorcises, autetra vey succenssful ecool year of nu.e oouth ,lMr. lieck, 0f Ivaniue hb lcousecored ta teaCl lte scitool for thieeeu],r, year. C. M. Knox, Our preseot bacho ,o.zcv seaanouN, ras ôf!ered te scitoul for cuotitor0» ON a pwtlt year but strilck for itigiter wages titan Blirda o! flue HceLb n on the 01Inter achool conid afford 10 psy.HeklLoeadCm Any &Chc]o board wîaiuîugtu accure a a Speciclty. good teecher for tlie comlng sCitoot I1liav@ nu more bards for mile, but -year wuuld do welilu odrop liim a hune. nill sei ggs for balehing là for 75C., Be la an experileced and very j14 fol $2 <(441.ta vestigate belote buylog Successf al teaclier and Up to date in el »ioo methods. e a OlddOlîmer- la brusing op a little 1.WILIAM&îS, as nil l e seeu by te followiug îm. Liliertyvilie. lu. 3provements: August Schwrtmau lias en1larged and licaotified bis front yard t iy building e uer rite foce ad lti i. A<ha fL aetting out numerous lowrrlng*iî illfl AlVlèaOil abrub@ and planta. Fred Leniker bas il a 8199P 811011uv trealted bis bouse tu a nov cuat of peint. Martin Morse lies greatly 1 2 Vears Experlence. enlerged and beautilled his garden. Recpairs have beeu made on Our botter Sinee making my lust improrement factary. Wrn. Bloomn la building a On mY re-iactlng rleel, 1 nIli dig and Fler borse bain 24x4(4 aud also brick al commun alzed reli, 100 feel or reahiugllug andl otiterrise lmprovlng les», and nIl turnlali rater cad eveîy. the Murphv bouse, parlir or moving thlng necessary except pnmp et pricea loto IL. 0eo. Baker. of Wauconda la that will sur-ptime anyone rho la lu dolng the rork. Citnia Crackenberg need <af a gond relI and boardl myscîf la reshlugllng bis bonse. and belp or nou pay. Cleculng out old relisnot includea lu tlie aboro. LEITHTON. Priee for sbearlug and tylng rooI. Roada are In excellent condition lit cents porbead. Estlmatea fonuehea andl arouna boire. fer clearing up land or auy otiter Job Mrt. Jay Allanson sud ai,» note iu Work. Al nurk doue in god allapte Lake Forest lant reek. muet lho aettled fý)r by cah or duc bihl, AUl lettors ansnered cri ahort notice, Mr. Jno rBrookean andl rue nere ritb fulpartieulers. lu the City lust Thursday. The oinerson te WscosinJAS. P. WILLIAMS. Central wre bore dolug uecossaay Bo 4, Liertyvillc, Ill. painting. MBulli Wilson eccompani.d by ber brollier rouI tu the City last Trefieon te Central and Belt ral.IO $îE IN rayntrae xcelgl evydrn The latter part of J une, Mri. Henry Strand,. of Joliet, ils we will employ a first luspeoleug cars bote during Mrt.cas U ho te r fr n Ntalta's absence. cas U h ltrrfo Mr. C. F. Nuitta bit fut Jacksonville, Chicago, for the purpose Ille., lust Ftlday for a rock's visît c co m dtn h rltb flmi patents and friendm. o co m dtn h people of Lîbertyville and GURNEE. vicinity, who have work lira. l)lzlel sud son vi8lteil frienda, of thiS kind to be done. et Grayalakre lest Sunday. Mie Cannon, of Taylor Gtuve, Anyone having Chairs, vlslted bloends hors lest Sunday.' Lounges, Couches, Etc., Mir. aud Mts. John MecClutpe cently that they want re- uphol- mcdo an extendoal vinit ta Wisconsin points. stered, should leave their Mt. and lirs. John, Petetaun viaiteal Orders at once. As soon lu Racine lait Wodnesdaày andl enter. a h posee rie talusal compauy fron t tatCity un a h posee rie Sunday. we wilI cati and get your A party of Waukegau rheelmen aud articles, and return themn roinen came out eerly one rLornlog tis reek and stirkan early breakfast as soon as, done. et Mutev's, returnlng- befure rte bout of day became su intense. For further particulars enquire of Fifty dollars rwu the proceeds o f S N the Amtre uteigeirnent liât Frlday ISAAC HuaEa sa -SON cveulug. The charcit ras fllled andl U etvle îios mau8y wris onble tri gel in. Al rere betvl.11nos 111811Y Plemeed ltwit te exhibition. _________________ DIAMOND LAKE. illiN KI lit., leFkin brtherhea bcs> laiqTîlIIOlo triumph Blnders. TrIumph Mowers. Buck.Y. Mowers. Crown Mowers. KeystOn. Side Deitvery Rake. Three Kinds Hors. Rakes. Extra Sections and Knives for ail kinda cof MAowers CHEAP. Buffalo Pitt's Engînes and Threshers Swing Stackers. Buggies, Wagons, Trucks, Lumber, Coal, Tile, Cernent, Sait, Hay Carriers, Rope,, Binder Twlne, Etc. G.H.Schanclk & Son,: L iBETY iLE, IL.113 S 9 4I FASTEST STALLION IN NORTHERN.. ILLINOIS. Lý No. 414 in R. A. P. R. Foaied November 12. t@85. Bred by R. H. Pooler, Serina, fl. If you want speed and endurance breed to a horse that has got It. TERMS: $15.00 to Insure live colt. Ail mares disposed of after belng bred. Breeder witi be held for serv ce fee. Agil colts to be set- tied for soon as mare has foa.ted. Mdnlght rasuirealby Nigeibteby Plymootit Rock 2:30è, son of 0111. fliacktark 9:31*, sire of Ethan Allen :2j. fllaigit'a dam rwu by tanlgts(paftr) 2:175. son of MlieaForsea2:31j. eecond dami (pacer) by Rng Pitartob, aire of Bithail 9:114, arlay 1:154, and othera botter tima291l. Third sam by Etan Allan eau of HI' 1c~ak Midnlgh la a Buriooeh-blatc horie, standing îsg btands, 'nia 1110 poulada, Ia Very itssry boaed sud atop usled. Hl lasnaurel pecer, s tins movr, sudhu a kinal, geatle disposition. He tes pacidal WUle in 8:08, tailtlu 1:08, quarter la :31. à 2:04 gate. aila cuite ila ofiery caupàty ara acarhy ofl pacera large anda mootit, and sitar grea4 spesal. Pl. W. sbierroa, lildalgitîs formér orner, in a re- cent latter maye: iHo hta idarac a fer coIte la Miasouril ana look itfor aeme of teom tugo ln th. 2:25 flot or botter titia y04r I tared lidaigit lua0race la al. luianng30O moneys, 6ascounds, 3 thirda, unplaceil 1 u da ue, maIag a ndirful showng, sud r àuBlocanie.me0ofmonay. Durlag tia race. I startad hie egaisnobauitnotad borne s MFatal 2:04j, Store 1:054, Joran l ia21, Aimant Baeiar 2:194. icoil 2:12j, Citamois 2:11*. LuI, MoCurdy 2:14J. and Willii litueelh 9:15. 1 arn surprises! ehie nol Sut s record of 2:101 or botter, as t. ted apeed aud endurance tc do Il. Il rvu rit theit.horsa. above mealonad ibti1Igave tIn hie record et 2:17j, anal could averamankeal hie 2:11 ted I riaitea. Se neyer dniated teck of titird place." Three of NMimght'a colt. took Bmat preelum as te Mllfauy Cony -Fair lusttfai, ana lOr@i sud second eM Liii.CouV F air, la compeltîsion iti a ar eilof colts. TRey rare shora by 9. A. Smit, e]U"wood IDi. OEO. F. CARLE, w, - - - Liai jour propirty yuL Me and I viii find jon a oustomer st reabonabi, ratels. Among nurnerous choie. barMin@ I have th@. folloving. LaimC. ounty Perme For sale. Llbertyvilli City proporty. "00 me emproved farem on taks c aeaff li aiuemlot riti elgbt roam modem bome IA"- .. Pa pr ama, Part euh. haaee god rai l latira. bade&R and it taa.. long Une et lor rate ortnhteruit. aieep for ceash, or on re»aeoele terai, 14 & air mzved farnm adxacet to Third For "el. new building MW e fet. ebeat> f« Lake. Libereltera.ceh. lui RS«a ODulrawak8ercad. houep, large ObholS lots algfestst etfrom lmt m bmr ue. 9g oote. 2 good relie, gOodet.ia- h. lern. 20 &Oes timber. Frics OU par acre, part 0au. bala» ncDUrn et 6 par cent. Ms - e.hait -Y h.ret D nWamt'on Subscription News Agent GrOv<eed Orayelke four mliii nort> QI Llbertrvlile.WeOU uProyad undér good -ND ateoi dantivetion, Do relelad. good General SOlicitor stock o diri faim.neyai failing aprng and floislnril. Termei lberal. FOR ImPrved Fam CiOoe D la.a --@ AL PERtIODICALS adiaeant 1 a Win. centr a . a. gStion. a mout reaeonble terme. AT Pour terme la Vernon Township. P blhr o etPie B@eyeai blse rme la Avon Townahip Pbihr o etPie WAIM T eADB-Cboics acre corner lot la LFEI URNEA NT lbotyyllifor àa«eMailmproved fer. (do ta If ros West tu '»aS«.) wUb«yvynor Milwaunkese a . Bay, fBell. lientor Fred. eaOM Mt"@ WIil Par eauh dîfference. tnpayutoo ui K 0C. PAD)DOCK,-ï - LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS Office Bitoraqib aeta Graye W, Ca.. IIL FruilpIt Dr. F Phy asmaci G tirne O. F. I VICTEEIIt Dr. mouas TU Specila trea Rocki P/O Altars Libert LIBEI Cor v Wbeu good liai ert ad la buy om Lice in L chance a] John Brick ti Pure Alil an in Se CH Long G M'Appll. attendeal Fly IN Leather T, Ravbtde., Single iL BOum Net Libe'rt LAK c Wrigt L updL -Vol. Dr.C Office mou Liber Di OffIce 'ta Iteeîdeu Lil

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