CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Jun 1897, p. 1

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Vol. V. No. 37. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. June 25. 1897. Dr. Charles Galloway. TheSeuAlil Others. Office over Lovei'sDrug Store sucSsîni cnrfev ordinatine,sasys a 11011138 NOM1i TO 8 AUD 6<TO a PMX. oontemporary, là te one pessed by Libertyville. - Illinois motiters and fatera of girls and boys.. I neses nothing more titan a short execuiiv session, vithout debate, to Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. geL ODu passed tirai vil] keep fificen Offic overTrIgs & Tyior a Y ad youite and mises trom Offce verTrige 1rylo's.par"dig ithe sireets ai uhasemly -nol~uk- hours. Wih snch an ordinance lu Sin10 1a . M. 2 to 4 snd 6. to s P.,M. iteeldence on Broadway opposite Park force in every home the danger at Libertyville, Illinois. nrmaing 'theflamber of vayvard girls and reekieusono ould bc - - -reduoed far more titan conid be Dr. E H. S ith, expecied tromé governmnaalinier. Dr. E H. S ith' ference. Be§idesa I Ae vriiien, --He DENTIST. ihai Iooketb noi afier hl» own houge- Office over J. W. IOutera b!dg hold la voir« thau a heathen." There -la scriptural auihoriiy for jon, and Hous~steisa. . nd t £ ..m. AiY'beides i in good commun tsense. Lîbertyville, 111. - Wili Hoid a Pienlo. Titere viii bc a grand picole and Dr. E. V. HARVEY, hall, givenbY the aIe@'BocJal Circe DENT18T. of S Patricks@ Pariait, Monday, Jnly 5, -OFFICE BOUM - ai ForesieersPavijiion. There viii be varions gaine and conteste, aihietie, 9 ete il. . itos5and7Itu SP.19. gYmnasiic, etc., duringlte aflernoonj Grayslake - Illinois. for prises.. ood miusic wiii be n attendancee. No pains viii bc spared te malle ibis te event of the »«sOu. W. E. SCHAEFFERS RuaMOnd Lake Parc. ' NURSERY. There wiii bc a grand elebration One mile ,.outh of! Luir (irov,.P. 0( Laie a CO.. iii. ad basket Picute a&t i>amond Lakes FnrutPbade and Ornansantal Tr-, G (rape- Paerk,iDiamond Lake,,fili., Jniy , 1887. vlass and 01"11 Fruits. Grand llluiu»lnatu A te svosning, Offt MY prio'elàon aclmso. 1' . oiovd by a big dance. Prof.9 Wser a eyrtr:dfo o-I ory of Iiusic, lutrua, Oerniany,e Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. wïlii ftunih the mui.' for dancing. Physiclan and Surgeon. A good Lime In stoýre for ail. BE5SI*EVEOPPOMITS LEEMAN MOTEL »LDO. Illinois Music Tachers' Association.t Gurne, - -----Illinois. 'bneaièîih convention of!&b@Ililinoil, __________________________ MIC 'teachersi' Amc<wation vii tl - -- - iieid at hankakee, ju. 29-30 and Juiy 1-2. Ten concertu viii Lbe giveit. IL 0. F. Butterfield M. D. C. beu1tendaj eveitug witiéa votaert VETERiNAIII BUIGEON AND i>ENTiS4T. Mr. iierY Eaii. .pînic, t. Gien - ILTO5lial, -Dur, and tr. Frantz Wagner, b _________________________bcefine, given by Ci bg' est aent, 1i asisied by mtosiians groin i]paria ut p &lie state.'Te tollovinig art IL 1ev of Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. tûtc nany srong atiracticon,.. Wdne#- 01OU134TILL 9 A. M. i TO i 5W» 770 M . MdaY8echooli music-vilii bc diseussed, anid the ladies' amateur clubs uf il apecial attention pid 1n the Il inois viii give a concert. Tbuvrsday1 trealnent of Chrç.nic ihetumatians. thie gr.-aî ipitring quartette of Chice - Rockefeller. Illinois. g' ilgv a couvert, an iliînoit day. Predeorick t oot, A. F. MeC&~rreU, il Jessie klougland, Ria Examet wycoff, il PAUL MacGUFFIN * Helen liackley and other eminuent iý Ls.artiste vii aPpear. tbend lte Seretarya Atiorney snd Counselior aiLw. C. M'. W6eka, Otava, Ill., for a copy i NOTARY PUauLC ulthe OMpIsa. Programmes,or Le, L -P. C. Rapdeu, presideni, qiucy. 111. (j OPC4taq attention glsen Co)lletion.j and Conveyaacing. orTicE WiTH LAxE COI'NTT BANN, Libertyville, Illinois. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL: MW notl fmeiah.d Ikast.. DII.g.rooa. Service First Cisa. HesA4qusters for Cyles ansd <o~.e'c Tras ,'er, TI LLOTSON & ruANEY. Ps. s. Cor. Mliv. A-. eo'I Chur, t.. L1BERTYVILLE. --ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER. TuNSI(iliAL AB'l TNT, Whe Ywe yi a ei-,î,basve.or s good haic e<'il on ..bill. CUOICE BRANDS Or CIOARS Nert door to W. C. Tiriage Shut tOre on, greague ai. fBhoî p.* .s'ry day evsninassand hînday moiIi ntgs. Wsnted' At Once! A gooIddOctor Le buy orrent the bebt loe andPrac- Lice lna Lake (onuuy. Jînt open l'y chance and muet goj ctoap. John J. Longabaugh. Brnick tor.Grayslake Illinois. GRASS SEEDS FOU BALES AT WBOLRALE AND RETAIL AL INDsO Pure Clover Seed. Tim- othy and Red Top also Alfalfa, Alsyke, Millet and Hungarian Seeds in season. Try my Seed Corn. CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Grove, Lake Co., Illinois. grAppicti'Ii" by Mail promptîy aiteaded tu Fly Nets and Dusters. Reavte. 'in set .p pi ...... ...4e.50 »Ingie ound Ltâthpr Bitugyi'N. '.40 s BerinsNet8 .. .. - . ... .... .0 I.sP buste,'., a n- s 8-"tiI'-ni. .'. &!<O 1.i CHAS. KAISER. Libertyville, -Illinois. LAKE COUNTY BANK. --... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Excursion$. The t' . ai. t P. ity .iii11 l excursi,,n tickets te îî-îute and on dates &asdescribed L'oa.For te1 annual scle umect isloiàcu L. A. W.i fielddt Racine, Win. JnIY lot, 2ad, and àrd tickets viiilic oid .1une. iftb tojly 3rd, inclusive as one fare aind a titird for round trip. Guod fur retnrn until .iuiy 5ib. For Fourtit of Jnly tickets viii h. w-Ad te Pointe ittin 200 miles on J uly 3rd, 4tb and ôtt at one tare and a third for rond trip. (iaod for retaxa untîl Jniy 6it. For National Educational Association1 tu bte teid at Mutukee juiy tb to 11h tickets viii b. sold f rom pointsi within 100 miles of Mlwaukee on Jniy1 3rd, ttb, StAiand et auas nc tare fori round trip pins $2 uembersblp fee.( Oood for ret-ru July 6tû li 1 itb incelusive. Fur ihe Mouons Lake ateelut)y te te beidatàisdicon. Jniy 2Uth to lti t tickets viii te colO Jnly 111h 10 301hi inclu-ive ut une fare sud a tbird for1 round trip. Good for retura untilE Juiy .list. For ttc unveiling of John À. Lagan1 monument at Chicago July M2d1 excursion tickets viii ne soid Jmîîy liett and 22ud at une lare for ronnd trip. Goud for return antil Juiy 26th. E. L. DuBois, Agent. Dance at Hit Uiay Club Hout. There viii be s dance ai the huit Day Club Hlouses, Saturdsy eveing Juiy 3. Prof. 8mitt's Chicago Orchestra of Chicago, viii furiihmusic and1 refreshunenie viii ho sierved f desired.1 A good lime inA ssrcd ail vio tt lend.1 Tickeli 60 cents. Mir, lasse Horner, proprielor of the Blurton Hanse, Burton, W. Vu., and one o1 the muet videly knovn minA te fiate wM cnned of rheumaticm afterttroeeyears 0f suilerrg. lie sys: "I1 have not sulicient commannd of1 hanguage lu convey any ides of vhat 1I cufered, my physician told me tbatc nothlng couid te donc for me; and myc frieads vere fniliy convinced tait nthing but deatit wouid yelieve me ofi unY sufering. la June, 18"1, lMr.1 Evans, then saiebman for te Wheeingr i)rug Co., recommeuded Chambertiias Pain Bain. At titis lime my foot and '11h were evollen 10 more Ihan double thier normal ase and il seemed ta me my legs vonid bujrît, but soon atier I begmu using te Pain Balai, te sueil-1 Ing began tu decrease, te pain te iesve, and nov, 1 consider that I1am entireiy cured. For sale by F. Bl.t LovELL. Libertyviile. J. R. IIEAGRE, G(rnec, L. H. LITUCFIELI), Rocke- Now la the time to planta Cucumbers for pickles. a Plant now and pick cropt in six weeks. Cet con- tracts at M. B. Cdolby &i Co's, F. C. Smith & Sonla and Trlggs & TsgyIor'e. Word* of Appreciation. r1When YOU do.à thing andi do At veil tO have $one one caadidiy exprea Iheir appreciation 0f your effort i alvays gratifyIng and tends Le servi as an aipetua Le «rester exertion >The toilovlng entireiy unsoicieW communication from a man vitos iOpinion vsIre am bound tu respect vhoe broad minded logicai reasonigi frou the pulpi han mode for hi. countiesa frieadâ and admirersa t ti iocality, late ns doubly gratiying: EDITOU OF TUF. 1515ENDEUT: W hAis siLuan in My room asud reading te Ii<DEPBNDE5T te ttoLgui camne Le me tai Iitsd neyer exprsased Wa you my ApprecaLion o! yoar papuî. 19 1» oIdoin ltastI und Limte terad MP &o S cars! Uiy ate preseat, tut assure yon il ev«eacpy contains as excellent maieriai, Laite Couaty people andi. otters ue, renid At May vel cogratulate theméeives on taving as 900d a vcekiy. Noyer cued titey b. a! raid th*&t any eoatamlmatlng ia. iluences vil] pronesi froni t atopoison te iearta and minds or titeir ciltdren andi joutât. Ilsiatigitmoral standard deservuespecial commendalton. 1 amn sometlnis acoSeti ot m111-g $0o ah of envirouna. 1 belleve lbat wvitter a person serves torarisbehinth ie bars at Joliet or pioan& for htoir avina from a Metitodisi or Prestyterlan puipit dependa iargeiy on surrouati. iagn 0f bis cblldhood. Our etaanlerm are but bandIes of habita, oui habits are but bundies of acte, our acte are lar ely determined by Wbita vse agrendanisd hear. lBenn e int partance i attanitLu surrqumdingyoal ani citiltirenvAt Lte besl Afluenoss, the nobiesi teuciters, te test books, and paper andi asociates. And itence miy deiigbt ate eLitaital u jtile effort i bave Put forth An înspirlag thc jonti. vitit noble Adeas, le Dot tiîvarted, butiA ncabiy cccoudcd iy lte higit moral go"e th&& b trcib througbonu your paper. Itzv. G. D. lisuvin. Wanta Correspondants. Thc INXiEPRWiET bs spaefor àbalf dozen More couniy vaines these couaribator te iea oourmns and Docpvmmuaity caudo beiter th"nlo îeip tem gu iUlte neya frou teoir locality. Titey are a benefi te te paper, tut tiiey arc a beueflL Lu' Lits tOmmunitY as voit. A competent, trusiy country correspondent la an upoxrtalit part of every neepaper. Tce INIJEPE14DENeT ha bone gondi ans and vEnts more. lindredeutoftitoumsantbavetisau unduced &0 try Citamberialuis Cougli Liemedy. ty readiag uhasiIltasu donc for others, andi bavlng Ltod ais acrta sfor themnseives are Le-day ià" rarmesi frienda. Foi maie ty y. B. L.ovELL, LitirtyVAIUr, J. B. Bciligcus Gnruee, L. H. Li"pizîLp, iRockefeller. Grand Picnie. Ivanhoc Camp, No. 1263, M. W. 0f A. are atrranging te ilvc a mammoili uicute Lgolthe modem oodmasn of L~ake county ai iases Grove on te bauks of Grayalae, July 5. Thes varions commiLtees are vieing vitit one aâother Le make titis te lages and best pieutce@ver belti la Lue county. Martiai ant brasabands vii etu Anattensace and aaunceiringeti bond vii funniat music tu &ai viiîg ou dance dnring tite day and at aigit. lames 0f cvery description vith prises for win ners are interestlng feanres. Agante of base bail belveen te Everett reguiers and Laite Cony Unioas for a purss;of $20 viiilaite piace n the afiernoon and ire vorke galore wiii te sent skyvard in lte even. nug. Atidreases ill be Made by Boa. C. A. Whaien, of Uadimon, Win.; W. Wbltmore, of Ooud Fsilovsiip camp, ?Aicago. C. T. ilcydeciter, Wanitcgaa and octaers. DAnner viU tbe serveti on the grounds fur 25 tena. A corn- Inilise taving the maLter in charge bave siguAied their- intention ur erecting one of ttc tarifent and becs dancing paviliiona An Lake Couxity. Ivaaitoc Camp neyer does tiage by halvos and vhc it cornes topicnic's they're abuve par. Every. body plan te lake lante Woodmen's Pieute. Ton vaut te dasppeinted. t 1, s t b A cood Buggy. Witb double coler Steel Ailes, Springs 36 incit long anti varranteti Norway toits anticlUps. iBody 54à lu. long, round corners, saliti vood pael meat. Wheelas avorn or compressed band. Trimmings. ciotit or leatter. Fourtoveditop. lrice vith 28oz. rut- ber top 142. WAtt letteri$tep 846. Wtt fullA leathen Lep 348. And& G. H. SCBANCE a SON. 36- vAut Notice. 1 ihto sunoance Le my frends, patronasad bbc publie n general thau the piarmacy lav requlces evemy phtarmacieslmoSte oIcare bshie nrg store wlitauut a registereti pharuaclat An change, itence i1awu otiigeti to give up ouiiide practice, tut viii continue practlciag at My home, la conneciion viLh rny dtg stars. Thanklns my patrons for past tavons and hoping to retaîn your future patronage, I remain. Tours ncspecifully 35-db T. L. Kui.Ax, M. D. Thistie Commissionersa Notice. Notice te hereby givon thats persoa baving Canada thisties on their properly, are notiicti tha&t mme mut nc eut or deetroyeti anti fot lAsite propagate or go tauseeMi nter penalty of a fne ai nuL leu titan tsnar more thau n ue itndreti dollars. Titis notice appiies alîke ta pubic bhigit. ways sud cairoad i rgtof vays An Town of LibertyvlUo. The higtvay comnimaionora being hable for te falthfui performance of their sut- ordinales alongthia lins. Tte penalty for nou.obacrvsuee0f telav Au sueh caes provideti for railroatislas more severe, ltey taing lhable sta afinset not leu tian lflty aur mure tian Lvo bandreti dollars. W. Buruîzn, Thitse Coumissioner, Township of LAihetyville'. sept. 1. 1O.reet be proved by thomaads WARREN. Floyd Wilbut la on the sick lisi viii s tsemumpe. laDitiyoa a&#ed Lte Amet Show ai eOrange Hall lait Saturday eveningi kIL vas âne. John P. Wooêsy véloe vu Injuretilau a ru"avy'foi 'Ta s'avsare gisu tereportsmb t le.prnvsi. Mi-ss NopeaKong ma aguest Of bei 9 sISter Mur. NSI&Mlem nad farily iéat Saturdal a"m& dy. Prof. sayair s"Avife, of Wanitegan, vers gueste of J. a. Cvayer la" aiir. day sud SuudaY &Wisev Be. Habtarti 0f Banlinglon, WIs. iss«Scitaub« e uentertainiag itei friandMissEll& Due, of Miwaukee, te psut vent. N1Dans viii vliA ter relatives atitricada tefors her roeurn. 8lUrn. y. C. WAbft, of Groaske, bas ebesn vtsiiing relelin lgtAsi» ocalALy lte Pui$ eet. Ule lamsouettter. 8 ar MMaY friende V"atfor ber speedy recovery. J Miss Peadu mut bas Juat ftlshsd te sprint tern i ehooi An district Nu. 6. elts vu iiked anti gave good ti stisacton.9 W. 8. Pruce vit as ben on the mck hst t.etl n Lie menti Weare alogiad sl portMrGP. Roue iW b the ~ b.sick Ilsi for nme ure l muB4 îov Oviag Le lte' n, f ay thut veatiter lai" aS =, olg tse sebeci pieute a n~lilNo. 6, vu Pc@Poneam ui euasuqoa.AUl vho participt.d repotet ouient time, The Warren esnusy Society helti their msai meseaiGag al lm iveet Wedes. Isr.Wnle vas elecieti prm lins. MayVo, Vice Presideat. Te oier affiera vers relectati. Edvin Pot tas bulestcompieted tis ne- barn vblcit "dé veiy mach t. the consfort 0f btijeSmys ant inAsa marititi iiprovemert. Ottar Alm. provemenas An nouise onstruton are: Mns. O. J. Whi&norâ la building su addition teelier bouse. i. B. Patter-onan addition ta bis tara. 0l. B. Wlitar an additione&0 Ibis tara. Lest ve.iWeDnuday oeccrnsd te d ehtiof lins. Elzabtet ubiarti at ber home ta Wauitsgan. Nb.tas tien a Patient suiterer trous cancer trouble lte P-auSbeser- m. Bbe vas higbly ctscmedsud ruepeed bysail vbo knàev ber. The fanerai vas beiti Fn- day atternoon te may relatAves la titis iiiy atendeti. PA LA Îi-4 Aininni sud banquet Vtitay alghL. Lttis Mary Biehbu diplâîteria. Chas. tteiP vas tuLaite Zurich receat. ]y. Hesnry Seboppie vas An Barrington Fred Mliaer vas ArnLaite Zurich lent Tueufty.- Prof. Searîs concerta acît Ttnrsdsy afiernoon and svening. Mr. Chu. Miler, o! Chicago, visited ei R. F. Baker$ reniiy. Mr. sud Unr. Siorins, of River Viev, vsiteti frieads bters over Sunday. EImer RoberLion viii erect as@ummer collage on the tanks of Laite Zurich soon. Jaune Julian recciveti a nev Creseent bicycle lant Wednesday At being ber birthday. lins. Evanson, of west licHeary, visîteti ber parents ini Ibis place Dot long &go. Miss Lena Danielson vas a nB&xing. ton, a guet 0f Miss Gertrude Kitson reeenuiy. A brother of lMr@. W. C. Williams vau% brougitt heu. for bunlal Monday afiernoon. Misses hmAc ieWAiliams and Mary Dantison vsited frientis ln Barringlon S§undày. Chsxiey Bahcock's dog vas strucit by a test teans Bslnxday evening and dicti liontiay nigtt. A. O. Smttitsud Water Lytle made a tnIp ta Barrington on ibeir viteela gaturday evcning. Ncarly ailOur uesehers are enjoying a vacaltion, aearly aUu te shoole a inte districts being ciosed. Chas. Paitenas stcer, an old ime reident of titis place, vas brougit hure fut internent recenily. seyerai mon vorking on C. P&ttensa ceilar quit vonia st Tuesday on se. couni of lte exireme itsat. M-es Maie Roberts As spending a fcv days viit ber tnlsnd lMus. George Wilson ai pussent vrlting. Mir. sud MUs. Pratt entertaineti Irois fron Minneotna, Ciicago and Arliagton HeigbLs lest veok. Tte ladies of Palatine snrprised tirs. L. Painain on tLebot anniverary ut hon tlrttday sud ail oajuyed il. Bey, J. C. Butcher in nursing a black eye vici came from an accident An dismouaning tram bis vitesi recentiy. Mr. and Mrns. Henry Bicitamseta Pluai Grole entertatned a Party of young frigada viib an ice creans and cake social issu ltuaday. Citai. JulieIn entertained tvenLy of bis ltle frientis on liAs birttday lunt itatnrday alternoon and ttc littie people vers royaiiy onterWaned. Fred liaxmening wvas tten An tse cal! o! heAeg by a atatdog Ifonday eveniiig sud had to have t burned by a doctor wo preveaL ite being tald. WAUlioeaser bas purcitaed a large trame lan vich ta hang his mouane i vbIte Svan. lu As aearly six fest higit and viii te au ciegant piece of vork wben compieted. 1ev. i4ucti sud dangliter. of Ariing- ton fluigita, atLended te claanday ex. ,ercises Wednesday sud Friday eveni- inga. Bey. Iaciilaspessor of te Gcr- man Mttadiist eburcit sud father of Mis Floua Rocti of lte graduaaing clam., lit. Irvin, of Rockford, vas in Leva ImtI Wednesday. ReelAs orgaaaing brancit lotiges of te Supreme Court ut Honor, a fraternel teneflclary oit SPECIALS... AT WYNN'S. Childrens' Jersey Ribbed Vests While they last, each --5c. Buttermilk Soap 3 cakes lai box, per box Beautiful Towel 18x36 in. whit, each Men's and Boys'Caps To close, worth 25 &35c CILMER il Bort Hall visileti frienda tu Liberty. ville lent Suatiay. tt P"mker Bartiott vu An Cticago ial rFriday on business. C. M. 'Inox starteti for bis home on n bAs bicycle lasi Wednesday. dlMarin Morse called on relatives and f riansa nLitertyrillasentMonday. r A. P. Weesler anti A. G. Ocituerman Yteck a business trip tb Chicago Tues. day. î, ev. W. A. Schverman occupiedt he pulpit for 1ev. B. W. Canbl Sanday. Mir. sud lMtr. W. 9. Hutchinsan, of r Elgin, vited ai F. B. Huntington's1 oas day lut vesit. 't We arc sorry e report that George r rnéeahbteez 'ery 111 the pont veek vith Ltrost trouble. Um Lulu D. Scituerman tas reLurnodt romi Chicago Le keep bouse for heu brother Henry. Fred Thies and Wiibnr B. Morse 1teoit a carloati of hoga te Chicago tmarket lait Wsdnesday. B. D. Coci, sae«man for lte butter lactory look a trip te Chticago lelt aWsdueadsy n coliasction vAt te business. Quite a Bomber tram this place altendad tie Cildren's day exercise lub attatt aIDiamnatLaite vhicb DVers very dune. Wm. Bal and faniiy atentiet the veddiugo01 May Whitney ei Laits Zuricit lait' vekit brsday. Ttey report a very gool tins. Fred Tities tas tai a Rev. frieand visiting tAm froin Chicago, vitoi te aocompsnied home te fore paru of thte veet, speimiag a fovtdeysvAt bhie ftiend lu Chicago. Mr. sud Mirs. Cosiins, of Liberty. Viii*, verste Ouests ai C. O. ommi nad famiiy lutt Sanday. They took litio Gracie Smnail toue.vtt tShen vitere @bu viii lAve duriag tbe A. 0. scbvsrmaa à Co., have juat reosived sImout a canIqati 0f biadlug Lvine. Tb.y carry foui grades, al te productof te fanions Plymoutht Muill. CalA and get their pnices belone pnrcbasing elsevbsre. Aibert A. G. Gotivin anti Henry WealrerfWt, of Litertyville: Wiiis Wiliama, of Diainat Lake; Jiese Porteons, Rockefeller; Joe Axun sud Arthtur Hll er. aIlLte gueule of C. 0. 8.ou ai tiuady aftlernc. Theo folloviîg la lte average stand- lig au tfial szamAnation, Giner actool: Seventit grade-TillAs Titiem W42 PbiIip morse 185, Beraice Uliricit 82. Fiftgrade-Vmnk Uliricit 76, May Biaal 79. Fout grade-Bert timaili 8. Titird grade-Carnie Thles M8, Grâce Smaii Bi, Leo UUJrAch 83. Second grad@e-Orsco Wheeler 19, Boeeamani 79. T'fitoilovinu As lb. peroestage ef vords apsielledoorrectiy durngthe montit of June. TAile T 9ie0l0, Pblllp Morse 140i, Bernice Uliricit 100, Frank Uhricit 90, John (iross 100 May 8maii 80. Head marks -CarrA i hlea 4, La Ulirlit 6, Oncef tiMAIl1, Nom Grosas2, Bessie Smul11i, Wile Brackeury 2. C. M. Knox cioseti bis sohool lait Mouday aLftpr a very succesiai soitool year of fine moaths. Sohool vas ta have closcadllut Saturday, tut on secouai of tserada the cioslng exercics s ere postponeti until Mloaday vitich itse s fne a day as coulti te viitet for. Afier carrylng ont a very ine progran lant.eitcoul room aIl rîpairedt ea grove near by vitere titsy partook et a tonUîtlll repust. The afiornoon vas mont plessantly spent ai varions gaines anti sports. Grace Whssier coulti sving Lte tlgbest, Mr@. Grausuatilire. ittasataer teck th. htgitsbonoeApiyg croquet. Bert Sual ouddrn t mosi ahertet anti John Graéss vasLb. champion toic climber foiloveti ty Pbilip Morse a close second. The toucher sud schoieas icsitotapublicly thani al ihose vio contributiedtiL maieth ie dey an injoyatie on. eepecially lirs. Grass vbo came over jus& before Donouavit a gre Lioad ai gont iinge. We voe.&al sorrythat Carri Ties vas liianti coulti not attend. IVANHOE. The Sanday sehool lita apieutitis veek Friay. Mie atie Deciter speat tce tral of Lte veek at Evanstea. Mn. L. Titus tati a large barn raising tait Satnrday afternoon. Mr. A. Wirtz itatilbis barnu repainteti ty Hike Wagner lust vect. Mir. B. B. Smith &peutillut veek viLb friendaEnt Wauconda. Miss Francia, of Litertyvîlie, basd been visiting uFrank SiLh's. Hovard Beacb As tome fromn Bloii vtere lte vas attanding scitool. Thes Stravte ry festival beitOSar day nieti quit, a aum of money. Mys. Laingeiliaid chiltinen retunneti te their tome at Evansion Sanday. Ttc muet looketi fur nain came at luit anti frmera fuol muet encauragfet nov. Thes Misslonary Society viii meet vAt lins. A. A. Payas noît Saturday ai ternoon. Umis Haitie Braluard tas returneti trou Evanaien, uhere #abe vunattend. lant setool. Misseliertis Wblbam speut a fev deays vith Mu. Citas. Bockvitb'a tamiiy thîs voit. Thte Modema Woodmeu of Anurica met last Saiurtiay evcnlag and tact several An tem rcamp. The cemetery society vili toiti lis Boit meetingvAt hlire. Juasn Chambterlain thîs vesk. lit. Augusi WAtts presentet isi daugitter Lisaie a fine ted room set vi icie- parchaso tu Chticago lent voik. Titere are quit. a flamber frontere -5c~ i2ci AT-WYNN', Cor. Genesee and Washington St.., WAUKEGAN. The Lake County Academoy' Business College AND Teachers' Training' School Ml open at LbertyvIlu'flI.,- Monday, A ugust 30,91897. Wlth a Faculty of Three or More Competent Instructors. Collage 1' ideuts Whio have compieff ed us Egbtit 0" 9 o!theJilino s publie sehools, hy saunla 0 ens Àeeý Prepu#lorg Course, viii b. Dtibed tioent ie. fteli.unm"â aaà«y ollege, An titres yearsor ims, socofdng to eveq (&aitalments and genersi atliiiy. SeAooil ear viii comprise thueeeras of tirteen veiss ew ade mld-oummer Tmear' Normai Drili of11vve ets. Per year, Cash in Advance ......................W Rate. of Tuiffon Per tenu, .............. je t < Per veek, ............... i11 W Special Clagses viU etanstructet ixu eeks during Juiy sud Au=. 1897, iAta suilicieni number jotanto pay expenas o!I01 apeciai tom. For further patIcuIars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyvîlli.,Di. T'luW/are Prie&s, 2 qt Granite Basin......................... Io1 696 Sauce Pan Long Handle........... .10 5,,. , Kettie ............................ .26 Large" Dipper ........................... .10- :: Tea or Coffee Pots ............... .25, W as D sh..................... .20 Granite Pie Tins 9 for ........................ .20 3 cqt Tin Watering Pots..................... .15 2 ft. Box-wood Rule.......................... 5 Large Extra Quallty Pint Cups at 10c. per doze n. Alil Goods Strictly FffiSTS and. Warran.ted notto Leak. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. on eartt. (Se@ big billeg.) If yon thlak you bave nouethiug apeedy and via tai.Mdi merits coine and see Brovn. Il yon baveaocoltiyonvish bc aducate bviug him l to Bro 'k Il you bave on. Listi.e enirely uumaebabi. ulitai a3 Brown An iooking for so, don'% b. atiail ten03m.. IXI NO moRSES TTYN AOALTY. _____ Al ni aftat0 flq r. 1In. Best Dairy Butter 1 ý A Pound Mt 1, ISP-ECIALS,ý.

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