CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Jun 1897, p. 3

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f~TRAa DU IL.U THE TIIME OWIALMAGE'8 DISCOURSE. mmti Uuforc",tha Lanson e*~Lt -The Orestest Coeonatloa. germen la j4cibraka. 'Dr. Talmage hb ac etn tteudlng i-li oeoataaqus- ai Bealulce, Neli. Ha er- tueli Sa-ada>' anti presoluet liunday. Irtâ, Bot-er Y. 3, "Wisat wiht thon, Quoient lier?". 'Ila question, w-tith w-s. saket of a guac tcoumauttis cf Years aue, ail civiizsd ntions are tlii duy asking ofetf vsie.Ic Indi. "What w-lI diot have cf lianor, et rew-udt or reverenceso anerviral, of os- Usol ant i ternactiotial acclamait"o? tendu emtuIT " Al nations prolose ont to, tb beautltni and tie grlorious reigu et "l ole quici amilt tian>' centtsuies. Ptem 5 oeclok ofthli mrnig of 1M11, talu tise Archlalahop o! Canterbtuy i' i uamatheis emnarramedc andi weepitit sud almaut affigltet ii et 181 yrer vii lie k at annlvsrsary o etr etbuctelastt IW pm>er et ai goond ptople nil ail aides -et due ea, niehier tht lrart'r be offer -* d b>' lhe NO0,00,UW0 ot ber mtjeccîs ou tie larger aumber ef miionsc Whto ara Do lm siljetsta w-betbsi liat prayer ha o etsad 'n churuli or rAe f ron granit crceutras or pouned tarrit h- militari bcie rous forts sd batticinit and in broo etIritinpisatt at'muca ail arousus tile w-w-l, hmbaslcu ami la aoil, "LIed mast tis qusen." Bectnniffg wltis tisut cne at 5 t'tt- te the morning ini Kesusauîticlai plst-c wire eh@ asked the Ar(4bkhtcp t Cas tombail tas pra>' fur hbr. ad t-ey ktIsl -dons, imporing tiinne guidant-e untt tii r, net ouI' i te sunilme litu>' ol oeabliste i-uhulîh but an ail at-es eao, gise basa dir,-cs-t- tir inuit-ectI>' di diareti, -'I helieve n G.a1 t-le Fther AI miglit>, inaker a! het-stn anti carti. an lu Jas <,lit, hua ouI>' letutuîn Sou.' 1 icciatre i, fearleas of ctatradilitli, tubs a. mîistiet chaumpin tut Ctli»nst te-day la tise tioe o! E.uflanui. t la dae. tbat- muo r aut' *in"- rie tirote t -Davd anti tise lirume of Ilit-ekîiau ai- thé t-rans oft Emutr lis bot-n in sud constlant tout-h w-ih th e t-lione ai iest'a es the thi-otta of Vi"ctra. Ftrot siat- iuuw-r o! ber haitel ob re.ale tise Bibi anné Issuol de jta bkspisre. lSe ai mis e lihIymne o! tiarataît) Bossa- mou tisaitse doma lji-ta'. " Sbral," bas ont knuingi' alunttei ulîtu ber pie anc. a cert'p man or disaltute worna Ta vry tiinlgtui'sIed ntieu'tit anti ser celolrateti prima donma cie issu uleline recaption téatuise tisy e>' tro ituntas. A thde coming cent-tiet' et tine ctanost r vois. tise anvantages a! tatung hati suai fmr o! histian wounatioasl euduu'nu hepa-eo! Itaglanti. Compare hu coutr surratîndingn witis ut verf tl -court vutrrotititgs 'n t-lie tée o! tient VIII.. or n-at soe tisa' toutt uurrounl il lus tise tinuse o! utlis, tir et Letti XVI.. lu t-e liues o! mcnais w-emeti W'hoseé ninie-r Mat rota he mentit et lin 'le--eut sutnv AInsI f.r tht- ýt rie, andi tht' sra ll':iisaa toas, Andl fle nu.r tuti lea dainie, anti tise fr'rust-a,uu û ui îehl muât nut 1w lfitI. 1I liaIlier, t- <srat-auu tiugltet. th - Christtan w-s te Chrisltian moutiluit- tise Chriilan qut'. and lt tise tiuiri-i o! <Itut and ail boii oai .raeboa institutons lits aorMt ov .«oe'O. os tise>' -sie althl music si nee- bat, mud mnilittn valrca bu. 'ni due leaedctionas of .entuh ansi henni r Vm n wte frast choui, <Juie Easr'" A Noble Lire, Autat-her tt"un1 tual]i )-uer attent-ion "ul illustriotia tranmanu. i arer as tsat i 4le a spestumen o! isgli lite iuul.ssn-tp Wosii mlie have liteai ta t-t-rte tht' a ti* tnMsveu'sry a! ber i rsanat-on n tis Sevenlt>-t'igisdi .nniveýr'y tf1 hhitl i e d Whisuitt ieen an example gond pnincmplia ad guttt habit»? Wl diere bas-e beeti boul Men andi w-amen ettalt-edtiatin anti huidea tatio na have carr"Itti -r s'ies earn ant tat oennies anud eigisties anti evîýn îthe a. fie. of titeir lifelsme, ;t'ies atona very rare. Tise majolu> rf th-. sc-i tisin hobleit- t-limée. and ltter resai foeraia. anda they are ex-..Iilngty s'a la te fiftiea. Lungetit lins .i htst otaracteristle oft taie mit uo! tiote Il bacc reaaadieti l uau-'- n that- or t counity. In matir ait', ther w-eu tasul thisnuto tindulgences t',ri tiser t ors maie tisen recktesa, un tulitr ott.o iisa of tiong wrang aie uiplie.] i lie oterwhottiug. n cuit le as iras' t au w-ten fthe Bible irai pr-esaau. it. ' wlckcti lie not tat bal! tht-ut da) Le.g.t-ity la net- a pt*Uslve prasf ut guý cien, but lit le prima tau'ue cidêet- ta direcft"i. A loos lfe bac ki hunti't o! inuent Ameicans. A la Nite ta new- kilug liintiretis tif e-mu Amoirbooa anti Etropocatî. Tise toc amre y> kieti anti te certificate gr atter thse datiuuguuised mats of dito tien le teati, sa',s, "[lied o! C"nnietia Iao brain," atiouli 't wat deliriumi man.m, or "Duei tf irrhon o! dis tus aiitugs lit stas s roundt o! uitn'ttt cor "Diati of htart faine,' aIt-botghi t- lic ven'geance ot autragetilaw- thata blins. Tise tenltuL4one out social amtont tise stitceesftl classes have bat greaft tulat ever' ointer la a hn]ocat iumota narvtu, ana lie htaches af tossinu ata of! higis lfe are conata at-rew-tu widi pistlcal aluét mental mot-ai .dipwrrck. Bas are, ail j-s sut. fnl oui-s. Queen Victoria'* iabit, self-de., ad altant acetic. unuter a gooti P dent'e, accostai for ht-n uuigifcent gevit>. It tay ba a isauel>' Iecan i sexag-aimitl annitercar' 'n Bitiai ces, but it in serti al tise million olars ie celetration w-ll cent, anil laloioats cnvocaioun o! tuhe eprea tuvs - ram attlis azones of t-be planx tise nations wlt lent-r tise saiit-ar>' le ot gondi luara. pain tour, outdor. csa, ne-atanatait ahatunt-iir't and coeu sinse habita. That %vi:,ltt'oiIa the jail-er la Jot as apurottnate for anti for me-"'De thyself ne haLrt." bêtre ltt mne sa> ne peopIe oulside oftt Bntain titgit te hié more loftereata tis jutc'nan jubilise than oui nation. c-asiles of most o! aur ancesior w-it. la eppval of but goooment doet, at tuw m> ne hals a t m aton.are dswPUiSiithae aémste ierisa0taM i d- ce ofana-i mliboatil la de 5tt55jesr tn n iuéi i Loué; erel Mn bave net madie aCit a gos-uiudwhb Iaetébeawl woodertnl suecai et1govefat thlaIt ieu' Jubilent sWmn., accen13- tisey »Muoti & froisidt«weiîies dotild 1i ield b>'harpors w-it 111e4r ti aveu't-mie a tutu-ast- pover. Tbise tctlattimlen mw-t daittruMpota. the bh- ttisaI men have matie a bei nmosa ot IL. reti anti orty anti tour dhoamd uut cuS 'nh. Moet dausalt>corruptthisut oniluista tise éChmus, tatswe w-i l ck te 1 earth ls Ammican poitice aftat meus iave Iaaac Wattst' odie si, uted due*a5,00 liIlail tisais ow-n waylin bie cmUI7ntve tTonga, Fijtisud Sanea san for 121 >'samOtber duluge boai u al - tise> cae ap tliais ldeh.1 eor -for tharoare foutle &ausafwoUficouSw-Oit Cwlstaràlty, asud 1 wonldst ha sulitt Ls I &mS a mont o-l "y ottua' istaeboIiro tee sosne of ySu nid iteaofthde oi'O, coa, woman.ha go»eâsi> a keesf w-to for a Mef*u. ibeau, tdift in »nu et wat.ar1ia4t and whallsn wr-the ii.service, beting ine wit yur itgbtt tisa. hamn-isai taturatll'mtuefa fDth baudi a itti. b'smolou wil mmn> «- yo Za Sin Ced anti kuosrs bat-lterhoe m "e '~jeu» â S il rlasubar eer mm- aclt-uaoetftoam ueid w-on ore ho441te 1DoebistM *vaousa"ve ruie ;ra agiiolt temperais05 anti thesoial cvit i, à ldusunait,«UàrIMe, tabe drs anti w-csatiénsingei4tau t ae tba iTo Pi mmnea" iseMd misgtae more coulti? dm &a mprema cour au' natiLtau"ca"s.y a<~bts a Sonate diamisar amtiàaHoumeset Rap- PMejbi bnaetotr ng;W sentativea iu sbis hwomauly voie w-r. Aua~tels sedit hti OMagla, auusfinsu he&rd, We tamen sh elitu' And w repent t.ille lnd stant dropp moof etlie uirn out 0t aur posp- I oue Salit antiwitu a iti].lasso!fsaper' Chot esmona. 1. clitoasn tissat the. lmbe M he l~ Capital antiLaor.-The lateret of . - deove. of our veote anti halm tais fs lb.elaborer la net mrveti b>' crpplîng - ai. o!i-be atti emx, w-leo mte hliche an" injurlng capital. 'Ph. capitmilae h eLrda favorite. tramnt thetact t ho le ofteppla abau matie more oftlieus. If wotan baio. t b poil; ho must net ho look- 0 au e b.d aInieual anti r n u tiietiuposma. a calmina-Iant i an fea>. - vota oc Cipitl Hill at Wssinuiit an', Unleis tiis tooltis war upon poperty d i n t-teaEtuitit Pav;amneat, do ffu thinik anti tpo tise hitgher w-anIs et cvllta- thttetirM an udvuna tien comese an slud tise w-iole bod>' tioeasoetihe arl àcoulti have gOB nuli- polie cw-it auffer.-Bev. P. M. Mill184 tl thi tre s ithale boteei nAs-rn'ogregaticsalist, Chicago, III. tnations wouàl boive gotte forth wih breestc fleoeWoamlp.-Het'o w-rbtp leaa a u hclis aa atI-.~dusllr iamrlatîtinot evet>' âge antination. reltef until tAbdual Haitwoui bave badil l uan-ua upl.t -r Cno lt-roas te mit on, ansi Weyter tisa cani- shiptisa ierolc. Anti jugathelb.woltir mnading assain in Culbs, wou-d bava applaudanti admires tise braver>' of1 tacetu irus Jut a prson, as dark -s cht tise solailer or nattoea hero, w-home actS inss s'hh l murderoti Dr.izt-i1i amu'acieve bonefitu ter succeetinsitgeoiera- -ne advocate fur émtenti.suffrage, asti 1 do tIna ub aiee its crt net know çwhetbeli t woulti tas liut tu>terejoice La antd comainoato tise -have ;t, but I point>'au ta tise qneeo n r<e ssairaetoiotCrlt.-Rev. A <are*t BRelIian thie notionuOser wultit e; n euret fC asb ise tauproaf titsa: womniaustsM ay s epo-A.Ln Martien, Presbytes'iaui. Phadel. ît-tit> tdomsinant anti pru.peittrrelan pila, P. Ged sacs tise quion, whtlonw-on thie Crstlan Work.-'-Lt Christian peo- irause in Bukinsghsam plare or in vonepIe bultint for tba promutt but foi il t-me te camne ID Amiu'can White Houss. t-he tuture. Let tiescu e huilaitisat as tyAnoibes' Corèi'ota genration. ta cacme w-mis Inta liseir Bust 1initeti On net te tisa atiivet'5t'>'temple.a&td me. lie rtes maidct*- ni af ' oranation, but teà<o cronaietcilssuait 1 efome hywllfe toe ,d -s«ye,te 1w-e creio n..Brougist mua ereiit is> -I ts tec as w- are , tu loveas nodOt ta frinetfgev- ihat the>' ans eirsdirect anti legiti- n erument limitw-iinlerepubalicausandi-mate bsa, etf tisheU t eDettOIia"t deoc1 t . Mva.lvig os du Ide of tue tiat tiseir wotk w-lt hotranunâiteti ant ma. cannitetam uil>' M dos living ou laissaiup tu dua Service b>' the genma- the otie, aet"ofthle samappreciâte ths lIons tisaI are tu coae.-Arcb""he Ietwe cornstionste whil Huip andi dow-n Rtosdan, Cat-boUc, BSm Franclaco Cal. ie eBible you ani 1Ià»arngSUmi'nvito. E4041:10101 Not Elonio M> Samnfiene bs ave suds morlittildeaao! otyo h o aa xrmloto Ln. religon liat you diI ofk tutilas sau -tus'e ienalnt nexsnlno ' dtuwan wle adark osiar, or taut ons btr- tise blgit saisit-. RelIion la1.osa edrau ciamtmou, or e, a flage'lltiwlion, f ortu or an~tis muat ho thea costrmi '10 ta fron a dark relliar, 't isa palace, axs oa Awotliy lite. But muea ou' s-anti insteati to a aittarri 'otin i Ilai5ai5tion w-thout purgionseoftiol n t tr- ty gardoen, tm witisthebtrsites toua- libon. ExcteneM fth. nriafor a, taluis. ht w-cie ever rinhot-et.i.d ntita-fle mers piasaure of excitemet haa ne er t-t-d o!f lagellation lla crroatioti.but ln licce It eds o lie a torauat3 .onus uterîreellpsingthvie ane enneblg lstoc. I ed. l t-> w-use mlles nutveiai 'u no- setsgweaken thea w-lit te enfeebla thisaInt, od tceur-tî'st. It w-s au greai dat- raisn D-te produtce tisaI condition of spirtual tu vl, tIse ltte king %'ho was lange et-uug lassitude w-bch showsataeif in ciroel id t-o thtas tiubtis.taok thse travis t conversl-oi-Bev. D. . Jordian, Uni- ,Rltaislai-a rown nelghuig a talent fetat-'an, Oakslanid, Cal. Sgolti tuai cncirt'ttst n"ufh paucnlulsa,,ta- - BeauRellglon-Reltglon lu -forune. Fud thse peolile aliaute,], 'lonnalv tise kil-t!" It-w-ta agret day -'heu-Pet-anti service. In kt lu Justice, brati>'1 li' ans w sr.,udtit> tikieiatim nkl4af4m andt rut-i. Theakuowlotiefet ti >'ttutits cuatietin's &aritlretetvd rntma ,oti's prefeuce tn t-be every-doj tire la de, wsator thse lautre trosSi, and rie peot-le tise need o! tise hotir, a religion tisat en, uoutd, "Long tiire titi pol!" sanctifiestise store and the office, a ra- iu Il w-au a et dey w-hen MarkAn liglont ta ruina tutotisa busineass ef er itoniy put upon Cýaear due miUinitIeut tars Manda>' anti Tuestia>, makini you Ms !ad "the sarh, sud in iboterofa! lne are!uii miset your cretilta anti tebte tz.aulisarit>' Cae.arbhas lit placeti attet'r-ad I botJu -e.on tis easaio! lie statue ot Jupit-er (lyt- alionamreon ua>'a bot>' pu&, it wa. a great day on w-itaisei prulae. anti prayers. The trend of r,- gn'aetst of l'retcistuen tulk tht' diadem of lgaus tisogit to-day la lu t-ho rglt iiiss.eustigii.andti ititu hua otta iow-, tiiecitof.-Rev. Dr. Harcourt. Metlso' n It oua a great- day whec. about an aigisthis tilIPhliatsp'blu.Pa- dis o! a ruile tram tisa gaie o! J5itilu't ui' Tyr&Wnofethtie Trust-Over againat '1 d" aisLy paYitw-is tickest- thoisuesatisatyrmy of' thtie imiorlng umen standi aa- &uttion a unouotain trousussist et 50jtl'tise tyrsany 'ot le trusta. To-morrow-. un'] quaka. andth-e air ou tire widi di aias' "th re W&fllho&est ler tîeiscses o! a mo, a crrw-n etapire, wes bisa lie ata" i&a-is ire ho ta t, -f put upen t-liapa" &Miant iouisi hnw bs00- udhnil.h. i -t hite 5! ur Jous. But tuaI particular cote match Matie b>'a match truaI;bia i tinntiona nmd tears anti tlooti antigross.s break!m a h coked w-ils el-I furnimisat Rbtu &adti hitetit cataclysmeu, matie yoti 0w-nb>' an OUI trust or wIth col berugist b>' t-be cron:tioun posible. Paulssw-eDot a Mua thesaBatI cool comblas; tise artisan ne- ta lt-ue hu@ equilisntun. tut vison tultt aid w-lU drink coffe e ugisl of tise cotres ara nui"saryusn, wita cranuksi but-k anti in- trust; ho will sweeteii bis cota. w-lt-h toua1 làaav-tletes. gaI a gimins ofo!tle uuown înar troun ties Ogaz trusI;esat est- t'ý ,rwngnittu Sunanti oing t-o Yeu, I o1h at" rut u nce yau ,:a ta>'rt-psnsnce ail failli cePt niabouglet b aa ltut u tise iti, lie n-t ntut ecurtaies. ansi bis pour'an a cetmatis b>'a aew- clothisng trust; iso eyt' fiaubeti andi ils crooketi iach etj'sjght.-anti wbsn llghl coma. more t-bau toyt thms et-ed s bu ,"tie ta Ttiuotis>'"Tbere s trustsuhavae-Sita t tol ram tisapoor aitai laid up for me s1craf-ti rrltcttut." nman's meager w-g.-tes'. N. H11lis ion- anid ta tise Cariithisins, Tbeue atidetes Indepeutistt. Chicago. 111. rt-u to utobtain àa t-utptuutle, tre anuetnt- i, niptible' rrosvn." Ansitet-oersc "beea- hngt u'nvo tun lie speeka o!f'"thse craisoftlon>," We are largei>' rasponible to eus 'The &ei t) t-bs Phliptt'ua=5 le sy,*"MY loy tisouglita. Thlnking pure anti noblé t.' ansi rown." Tise aputitie ter catches ttaoughts w-Il]ma-kous pure. 'haini oul- tbe inspration ansi crie. out, "Ye ahail base ant iIgnoble diengg in -l mais. e in rtcic aà clown of ilart-'that fadlD us w-cked. Tisiukin men hava maodu lied auna>," anti lt. Johit joÀinuntisa rapture t-be w-ai ciaIltla& Ailthle worka o tome andsasts, "Faillful toa titsi, anti t ril] a rudu mbttemtra teint rive riscs araw-u o! lite." simd ele#iee Is rut uaebttb aai tors nuctatis, -"Hol t uel' lat no mna take forun tirongb w-lsci tise tisougst 0o ven th ris>w'ewn." w-n, cuowtua, cravu ! mna la expresseti. Man neyer rlu0e upc- 'Pe di netexpt'ctti'n coming hers lu-day ahove bis tisoutigs. Andthie aUbILalsi %n t t o liivtaitte a coruaiuln. You ea Idea- main ever hat inlathea t-bughtaio trt- oarrtis> beieve rotin ow-n tans, but in Âtmlgity Goti.-ev. Dr. Rogers th,"Ue naine of a perduinnt(oti ansi a eatu-r ,i.., fit-mut Obriat and an omnipot"nt HoIr mors Rel ol ilatY Neetist. 'sas tIp:nlt and a triutipliant hSen.1 off ci No"e o ua have eugli reai mt slow- fteh u aacravi for the. aking. Croveafl, pathy>'lu oui inatures. W. cantmmak lite cea,! lIon'to gelfluerewn 'Pe w-a>' k "go round." Wo exhalentit upon W - t 'n go Itictanuus gel ber crown, an lit-vktieee. AI- h-ta sufferlug, andi noue eft tfor deette stt tboigh iaglt ducheae. anti marquise, aIantisud atier eailt. We needtu taremît.. this ins o itufetaiver, carrieti ber train, andtI ia-t-w-ers w-e canant asipatisluiew utly lie witdow- ansd 'arbes anti roof o! tise aven Ih ecilie oo at anti abisey %blook witi tise "Te Deumu" o!fte hveiangileci-lm.Nontl x.s'- rif e feutI ldiapason. nie hati te kasel, sonar teed cethtie Influenceofota i.d obe h«J t comte dowis, Tget te iaren her and aw-laemid telead iiniu ylag etfpardn aiedt-rnalIltif, t-on w-lllhavaward. If w-e canuot axtent thie.I ravi- taLut-el, yen wiI bava e 0cousitOw-. hlm we are paw-erl55m ,tar godine fat : ot eu'a. Riuton neCYatisat aI ber cOronaticusa. ha ta concernait. for a Dot- ni>' tisa entiro ennisi'wept w-t-h ,pail- profouisdtieotion. but Victoria waulus Tbroeab Preparsd l.struissnis. ta o! tears. Saecou wil] have te bava your tir>' cd worka tlreuagispmrea'eti tr th t-eytte. nimteasatiw-luh tramtinluyaur caae monta. W.lmoitgt maref thtie tit enta- leara o! repentanuce tsars of Jo>, tsarsoftocfChutt, anal a i'gtrInfuain t keti' if co-WtioX, uant Yeni oll fet hkt' ct'>incth ie flt>'Gistif we lae te do tI innan ont w-tli lretalal, "Oh, tisait ya>' iemi e wSatwtati ncrmaisgt eice eler- w-eansatranti mine e>ez fountain e! Thne cl t tha hou-r-lh rostascon.l sinon lers" id ta AIl tise apentiers of cartis anti heaven tt-tiotlot Godae service andl a userais r you at ewreist laikteone ouoaifor poling power frein an isgh. Itla th An., o., afosehas-..o tLeauug glory, fiel>' Oboo w-rite. w-ho urx il Great coq W g brigistise, one oyerpow-et'intw-anti upalde down.-Pesmbytetais ed 'n prttutde> do 60uUadktni' tiltrollng, Ltxrn)1B àfÂ1TE'NWS E<wla 1 bakr utTHE 815NDAY SUHOOL. dent of the ('amvrtial Nationailandi wua____U~cmWi actIveaiatwork tttil Tueodey. fertons 4thli a OCCURRENCES DURINQ TH4E At fllOomnnlon, (Chares (raini dt'ie INTERIESTING ^NU INSTRUCTIVE The MoottidOUi i le t» PAST WEEK. Wedne*day. Il.- linesa for'"' lo $10).- LESSON. brut c etes le YOOS or lI t. 000i. lie gave l1trgtly tîtwarld rtet"nti of liog of! IxcOý Thbb nmia i thse Illimta wffl..ynn I tivt'rlity- thet' ct teri>' devod cftha li o0f earlm tatess.Uevrit brary fltdlig ad gift of hinisseif asuitw,!,-beillOt$44.1ftt BeilecitOns Oftan Blevmting Chaiactci'have nevernoeinlla tain aa mroabrfld Coaomi Vuaaedb>'i.ghtlo- Aape1s tie,îttin a h-h aiPry fr Wiloeoe Food for Thougtig- out of!litepaliefor iny living thtng. contente oCag AI*C.IPS :0 iu- à» tii. leetion o a Mite.r tellia1t Itit-y>'fth Be utt lof u tt. tt ureD-tll,, est! ofsa tht' tiîs ti n , ý ,-W tud>'lng the c.ptui'a Lesson lu- sayea awrtvter. M» lis las «P" lbet. namite t. e tr IllerméfaittlW"ttt .the 1ýt î, oft a iivl . h " lligeaty i>' .d Profltably. notre. Il dl@playa ga lnteligence la - figbtlng thse huma.a atmtagely aitfaat- a tuajorit>' of 4-4. At thé- ,.1rtfg . ttt Lanson for june 27. ance wi thfi»afplrewW Scmplote lack .7'11UMIIO 11irl. ilie olU ttas-il,-rst,.Itry t' idyh~4taGolden Tert.-'Tlia do in retiitsbrance of nny mesual atllbot% ave thse very 'fîr,. a têtruivtt iti si :i 1-v ,.- W-Ile t'ig'gîtîgr l fi.-firiiin iltht-ifie- of me'-Luke 2:19 eto li ovtest ortier ofmainUn. 'ney are rare hultkliîtt a il' t iivert'ittS lit.totw_1 1,1,r1 .f Alat%. Co (uuity. W. M. ltt' Ite Lord'o Suppef ia the anhjecIoYt , t oureil alngy, but a» tn droea.ut 1,nittt,0. ttii ,trt'kbyIstio1c.rî -,sjt-i-i,>w..i!farine.r., ,iv.rtd Ctî în-1 Cor. il: 23-29. The passage omaunrdedoal. Th stligl ie diel.l o tt' bt' ut.1ut.:,i ,:'oeaa ng gl ,Ir t- e sce-nt hi% bellii It, , 1selttifor the' leuon on tha Lords Sup-frteabde o bML& T b ton.. ttllptUtliit amt i ltrari ,! îr.tailiy neit oig'., h,,,,tti,'l iltntgIe .fouacate wtl an119 nas ability tu acent men letart.cutartý, biulding ttelt i. .liin;tgtl 'acartz. thrn,,'r. aii tMr. Reit - ptr la a fricore c ser n bssW'hieh adu tnrked. 1 bave knotil a drove cet t, ti>t îîît i.$7,5&tt> nti tii.,- i.-11 I u.'lie ave- et té, digging t.. a... ertltin the' ex- grown Up In the ceurch aet Criat. il ther ta, acent a M»n a tUle Off &1114 content.' -inist .'é-ai't'Untcl y iti~5 jt't Ibe l.'.appears tisait lier. was a total lack o! re- trtke asa traigst tor hlm athe rrowfi ait 1,rý-a't. Ei--rythitîii ité-liiiii u lrwg-,tFranis M. M,:Kay af thi" gard for tielleproprietten o! wuoWip. In files. There la nfose y to filgiste wa* welter tia.kedî. "hîe ,î 12: t1gies boa~ rd ,,tý f rtel'n" a! l fiti- perticular, tise ordmnontce o! the Larda tuee awltli gi..The C OeB idl of rtt', uin >0a1 a n t a titIi.ttt.alée loi. -àii:*N....flint <ot. Tanner han Sapper vwse pe.veried im-to ans ordinar> a full battey woeu i.d rva»Dommefe- flue v'aile t'li re furututnré, ato l ,rntutt aifrtpilthtie tiivt'tity attttrittaitittn bltitand ,onnewsat rietoutial,. 'Tle early foct on theinsthan ta pepii.g ut a wuit tover $'~0l.The t' î*,:'î:.t'tti I'i lti i. '1ert th-t'iiiv-ntity if lllit(im in hi Oristiana celebrated flua urdiinance !u'e- tite crscker. The oniy tisiisste do piedi ly tti lu,artrntnst!ofrît',o"" t'ttli ositionitre ilvas es-r in luttor.:, quewlf i> t soepertodraprohabir evtery g>, tuhyauie)lgy- , t'iitttV y lelP' -ýo-Y-ssîhv i e oret, f) sen iithn .tfever day, and sometilue . eitO7pecd whthe iy gel ater 70u W te rUaaw& ofte tienat lte c'tablilrarttoryitre. S.tor Ntt 0111Y artelitth' ,.t-tiueéry Ing or toiieiving a reCuLalftilleul. a rmtesa teaShma ai a!i'a'li-ae ahtrtryt ,ttitiiI titî> -xa-tas t!tif fi, 'tiuî,ti1rivilte . frm 'u e eoy for evil disposed persintain- you. Andti ie. theie W no certaineti and i ftlhtitute u'tutittuio' . iel iithet' lit il lias ftiia forthl,'.t-t, flme t r oduce unetemi>' levit>' even gluttouv tient tbey wen't atei Yom.TheY arle ofhlhie&-làti lrary of the 'dgitl'tr'ttex' tfsnt-w deplartintenî ,,f mo', i ha :2(t.effl and drunkeaneeis, ai this uacred nid- nearly as'nwtt as a homse. aad thelr en- pt'imeetft satitit. ',rk it( r.-lait ittle ai'foîr"oa] t'ttiiinaesîî ) lite cititt'- nonce. Paut rehu« tàe ubari tote who durance la au tirent an tui viclous- tlasage s-.]! hla' ttIIttIitttt.til oI't. ittg dettrtunesai ani $2tt.ttttttfor itdditions permit oicle prsêcees, and objecte tote ine». Drcatue hhn yïyna ;e, ttitas bran>. ,practice of combaient telielliper witii an e A friend r ionel.enceuâtered a drove A eireetais't, aîas'tr ~.tîtuv itnltlt' -Lelsji-. - tatint odnr'ree-( or 1 22). "e o! fileul lu a wtld part of Mexco a tf" wt't t Dteanr ', ttitrtst Itatri ,~ ~t.sîneltlie t-ttttiutt i iii, 199 naiotnl then âives t tlumslu àa ew werde thse lue dynamite wbit'li oa 3, 'mtules t, iin a iii tlis oi iut.iti,' tf 'htîttutts on ignificauice and solemnity et dis corstearun& e a. anti hligeo e w o..m »Acu wtrtileisa. 'Me t, u' tu: na, euitti 'xjha-im n M 14- Il shttsntt htiti- lttitlivuiltl i - ion>'. In ctSinectianiititis acco.tent,lua Havr o iy abtad Yi.lti dok ti,'-:>, 'iécre r,- ,70) l > Inita tiX', aggu-turtte ,î,,r $3<t0N.thse narrative of!théisitl*tiaîuof the or. waunde'a tnuilleret libelle. Tiien ha ponunita t, o ht riittt lu' ai tmattazinetw 'hitt itmthe' tr,',t,-st tuett i it e ittnki dinance iu the gospels atoutit also lie ren-d look refuge tn a trou. The peccarlSa neaar the t' til1'ttrttu titles,f titi.,-il%. t icat..finte aie'tINs 7.i"e . 'rite> (Mai. 263:26 2t;,etark 4: 2--25; Luke 22: kept hlm inthse tree aIl that day and Fifty ' itoiéssture-it St-t tîrti- 4tt1ttl titrit'- tbarhe bl tery tNtt<)!u D"et- 14 20.t*t.lrougb thse nlgbt. Th"e lvled arouind plti) an ,a trial]. ' thé-r, a,. t-n. ttt-ît, ,r attflete tl'îatît. c trt a bouaitit EsotataatoiY.tise tre.. gruutlg andi .quealtng thiai ai dieu'fil.. é'srt-t-tt! t -%%t. , w ut nus $3S<ttti Ot 'lttoitti, antdtti itutare "Ibalve i'eceived O! tue Lortd": liy ti-idelîglit at lie pocpf of a toaut go tint'neht-alt ansent ,"tutir.. 't teu .:-,r,'- flotatrie ttitrt'ettiî tht- .1.-1ttimitt, tr exprnwlon Pau] certainly>' - utii à"-isoon exbauated bts saMmuidon, a"i Itirtai a ,hIrt i:tu,--ttamr î-tît-'l $43.240.3:20<. The .tti-r iiti" t,!fthe' .11- câne a epemial revelatton. It la nuit nee trouglit down a pemuar et efeh t& i u.t'tvt.m tî thé- gr._s.a ,tih- iI.'tint-. glculita tu.fdétit tt ,t i%- a criui t vItugpeliriag sary ta stip>ose, ias ever, tuenatt fieem But tisad at o terreaufotoilbeaaeu* lirtly .lut t,! tittttlt t!ftell' litt. ritattte' at a ,r, exi.'rt ii t1- average' r'- historienit acts as lu tht' engin ot tii.Aog em'dmia ts rua iattti litetcy t-i-rt- t' téfi h -1l,.st, *"' t-t 'tth tatî,nte" ,330 uppet' were thus conmuînicated.; for tisey tht' fin-t' of t'.-].1, t-tiIi, r agi,]î la-r . ltt -a rgr-tiintt 1,vrait j'J.prpnrabty forme.] part o! t1te cdamloo ga a Wcal tise o lenb"adkifloi, and oser in t-lit-gra-tti.a. îti1:1 it i îîîjrt- t-m 'ixt, nait fti-ttt,.îirttii igleiftin!luire $tg'aposftoirt'radition. sud of the early doctu- wheu tiseO tins satielliotitis emr-rnO 'fT-te't ltit,, li a trl- , at ,. al, t bity atnîîng ti'.,tttiir>Ibunkers. ment rotas ili-ic's osgpel, taccordiusg otoftheir sfaeilachathey torm'd tn flse atit jeItîi. hblta uti..-l tiîît"- vti-tl lamltttn H1ltil, fo ,r revcn veau', Mark,.sua uppoed tu have lippu wrmftn. and trotted off. If th.y had net bel btut vit' ta-tiaiiî %%t-rcit- . Wîîtr. i ti-ieb,,. lîs'iitîigl.yti geti.atgttout titberov,'rBut Plelni ta>' have receivet a deeper ap- one of tliOown inumbot ta devocri, ti,,n a ntsc,.k,-iî iii lutt-t-'ttuta ttîit'tht- ;f'rit K,-ttut'ky lfit- 'harle. l-iniey prèesioof o!edinter nseening oft tii].they woulduhave puriet that tree un- iý a na d tut i.ti'v ri,-tu..oattts. tif ('airît, hItoup tieîté) 4t'ttltr.t t, re- soemis sYusaio, maing hlm therafter M ta>'rienti, through shew exhaus. M fln»v' toa stttti'tio t h'ta etr to $,- Marecouelous Of!"t'a importante inii tltion, dropped toinhiWpercis à"n.fai. '.,~sîI. lardrai Dtrovre (teust in vt'ul nît ial rente.l. tître lest'- lieftee! iividuellsaitd ut tise CiiMrCis'lawed thelm to11111111,a nmi Of hlm. t'hitrlc. '., î,'tt-r kni,wîu at stili ' ugbig qt'uiatt nt w tt olel,,ya-asgitlie Ha ape&e awith authisat>' concernai, i~ThawI aaat igt iatfm Il o î,ks hi, ci tle r e t tétiithé. »alt s aa ivon tut~ ,'ita.iîl, i'unt sI areffemerlygivlng an ola-Th dclan 'g t"wm1:11, ta-ilr>. ittf-ct ' tt 'lb'tt't ha 'Vi- îHoarni wttihici tt) go iuto ttuiueas. ion. -.*ul -dstered unta yau": durins hie Mxri Wife ru iepoal Lin tlt'llivan g,i,t Tiitittt il-:t3,trt-Itutenti bx- liaitia big Itireseanti tiseuleft vel to t be Corintthlaicurcs, an hie sec. wltb InatluiCUTiear. ad o,.n rat". p1ie'ttr tf thta, itittleî'ttt- iV -thlis,Satt'. lit' fsleni ta ittif>' hte reiu- ond jouruis>" 'lbelster wewrttendux" anakes keep out et thir patie. Malitlsttn-t', ii iiii :t t ,i ttttia'islvt's if! is nhert'attass.ta.Il,.îté-W did i nirtii he tdjounie>', tive yearm Inter. Mày -4. ItIli. Il.- t-John ii-t ,tliithrect' touftes aatiand tihe t.eîliew has. l'HOeloaké.ecap, wien -léhea<155p!ed": tIo.i ba, n.sils Itui tl. h 'uis- nw ta-t-nfittto. Auntagent retire- hre wu&-t*unsa sme laterval btwes t!ho I'.usîtiu.' it'f.tritetiirt rottorMiflth liét -tue n asin ntwo part !tisa cereeasny. As ltiey cet tht' rni iand ltitn!,. l-k r .-"*," m 'irt t afi-n tnysago, atîtl an,-kkalutily down for dis e eemnanmei, or pehapa 44l that b' tti,-:tîf t'f.uir lii-.uil li- i.-anieui that there vs..a atter itlibelliegunt, Jeasuaild broati- itttt'tinîtt a ret-tt ribla-r> t,! ttii.itr<I;rat- lainilton l-linart ai wtrk as. a pt-tannsa sund gave eu the udiscpes: Wbm di. itittiut ttt . f Stlaiurt ttitt' attitrer utht'Kenttutcky aide if tht' river, tis]sai n'., cetieet, ititeaci et tise u"e 't,,~îtiii nti,.'. . ,î:~,atht- pauaig round aofie cup o! trio andi atit' nlttt.sto,,- tttr Miltl. b;ltrà Sheniff tense o! <'hicao àtts alet-uaa' i euett rn tiaIgv N,'ettîI il titi At- lh. ,i.>titer i.. Il lt-kot,,i,i tr atikitut for nfotrmtation -,,mngu a ia s lerf ni edi fiadgr lira~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~m 'it-i, iin îîh- tfiroalittit- girl 7 t-t-ra aiti, wni ta u.ùto liete themnsilletttise words ftecrded.-"lhe 1:". ffil W new fsaotament in ta>'blond": ion>' pupile t,) rt-ýt'. ls'e-i ta- tu.îi ai,, n fIr ltthé là.it_-hein luau an 'a tWos-rths $1tt.tWO ai Ans- gelt ram t, ie Word*. a &innotion tisat t-r. stiedt,] l.Iliat'n Atto.rnety lh-u..euu tin. 'Tel. 'Tlt' tett,-r oatfrottuJames. thle New Tamt asa b ook In ln soins nt-b'ru t, nîti ttt;,ff & souts,. Ialvu'rn tf Auiin uittise lvhrt»t.,fiit l.- "io'ni'a ho la nuehta sAIma Grepen. The. Way csnecsd wtbth te diakin oa!frine. Cosvili'dl ais a Crip-ittte' etter uvée, t-bat the' tattte s, lcf t by astamtent a5ol) ihe 'cevenauut" as il) W',itlWetîî. t lît-lf' a! 7:t Vtat 'Nt 'an nckM Kü s,tutledt , l i s ).fe revisai version. Thse fu1jietifilog of Itureu-ti i-- i. <uru.'o, îittrnt'y nni tml- l it'at narnt'si Muary fltvi-uin litislese Words -le nute asl>'fathiomsed, but tant-puiét- ,li, in t uititi iitt îe,,iîi-it iihall one- îhuîll a itînug'tte,-,-tieseomeutotacoutain et lefit the tissugtis a,1'-uur fr IIt, Atet-ittn'tt-tirn' -,u'.îit ay ttemra. tsa~!a'Iint n tis e auaatts titthof Christ, (.- %vs', riila 1.aT I ittiliînltt antd rittht ae a ttatuat uuu oMt ,uioj~ fir4ilhadowe-n &lath-tt irat satiterandi of $7tNe I-iiu'l,1ai riin ,r.ttr tfi't-a>' ff hiitti Suba,'uîtetttl, ou fiue uî'th ut coisuienftiteti b>' &irepeitioc o! lt, a a ut1'ugeontu u,:- tai.. ' t- ui-<tri-en. ie inarnu-ti a secionditiuatmnti ueo coveunt lietwean lad and men sas tratua'.. tarts t t h. n idl.tit>'tt-e 'baai' nine n'asMatn, atdti.b' iea dicc.i mettutal.- Tiasdo ae, as ott us je A new wonsan la anoiti girl tisateaf 'V-t titrtit haveti-- s tw i,t ySti- it' h1iaittibut atn,' utilti, Ama <recen. Ifdrînk :t, in niensrauce nofuse": a omt -bide If. veale.]. Mn. lit-aIt' ru ati att<iet-. uovry'7living stea' 'us î,,w 7 atrs (i.1-,Effort, iiet frequenrt repetitiou afthie stipper in tt'a a Wise ssn uta do 'Wt knoW WB i,tit.Àft' ni ,,ua,.,if t,!tlttsandtttihave iteetimadtitrace Mn,. ManntMd ud uggt*teti. nmthri .liis, 'y n-i,ati ,f lu'nits tl ta ttitil- her utisitiin thse plates nht'rceti la ktiawn 'tth ie twieniy-si.tuh verns, probably. vt a -uill-illeIII .-t ituutt' i ltt'viOtit>' ta bave lis-rd, bt t îout aniteéi) afur. Paul,commentaeiegin; îisaughilin leutl No main ever getaquit.e sacloSe lla Ie .u l tit'ti i' i t,-',. ii,,>t.r paatrn-u gow hv -n olplei ied aposaihe tisatlie ls .1111 quoeting the Gaitieshadites achen hie UtIle ohm. la izi' li:ui atnd. nhile , nintisi tai lia Asautm'it aeint 'autr'tlautWord* of Chista, now in tise thtird per- %tck. t-tî,tr, iablé, -t'. g-rt.. ait, s tt.tni ,il i,,tht' 3it'tt littitinera cynt-nilta cntlyta b,"'son inatendoth le tirasf. "Ysdo abis w A mans wio w-II admit liaittlha la esa iiiiniruill.lg tet 'Iuitiiiurtera Ina ein ttcls,nk of t-t11-4)tina4itnjr titnft att- forth tie Lord's deaihit 11 is coma":- fe. fcjmntal ha, ne mersetftI about b 1 boue. Ilut' ha.itlt IuI.a p a 1fft't4'e f u, thi tb,iren utof utauTh pllan la tise vlr! version, -"e proclaut im ts Lords tissu a frog. teeanue iléist h stluu-lal'.teiti vogue i dea ii b1le corne.t' The aupper je tison ~ wae en e îlk ts, tbes prturituilnter (ittes anal iitue odoutntry' fer a memforial anti a sywbol et tise deatisf etWoe ee o hnkt@ Old ieSttisi-. liotut s Rene. t 1evera -*a-. Itooks a! etigras-isiat-atipe <brit.It la Ralanas w-e mut leer fiousougist ta be loved wlicthcr tise> de a 'bh l ;tiattui'ra a!o tîst- itit.sht-hi are ta hoe sld ta'. suc i ildreil as deane 1iCor. 1: 16, 17, &"Conutniaon,t' orahar-of Iltetseu vea or lDt 1thet- uîîîual reutulnt itaturtltyin lu Lio ,,start »alat tavig fonde anti thias t'>' y ng o! spirîiuel lsssing. atnitise ment- A mia.nover bisa"an money. Beem l'unrle. Elutîn. Mtî jiivtiisfroi t>ua.a. t 'uta.,t'Itl»gitti.ili a rt'apouuatlt' labook-bers ut a chiurcisof Christ paerfakiti f lihogela marreih <tni1l at ff tIrtts tthé' Fo.x ltister s-tilt-t airt' trea'lt, If the' sitfeit-uuu nt utarurtIn tt- steiti'u. Tise pasas cite,] andicatles tétait tise h <. ried ho mmtoieds. M àma;i.iîi afotla-tbtia'olf at-un *f'). .arealeitIiat' tis're l i. u ojtont>'tl th ii shan'ung o! te litngIe lastandthie singleai eamrid evledc Aiuotug ttgtIinuîni stirt' reme-utand oti tltt't ,,ht'qe, but tise puIALc stttatl tenchiers cupiymbliîsai e feilowtip of ttus. Wisen oea mna e.s isszas other à : 'iso tti s-il aifar la,-k nu 183. i. 'il-yabutii mt h,'matît' to net inaagenta for partaklioz, ln tubaitcosmon Lord. But îî meana about aie lichiean wheu oei r iaiies.,t,-d tafi) iins., eittrtt atItiret-tiamitht';et*:liiai tf!t-be funda fnvin the'.'bel-i- uquite trua isit t-be memorWai ignitl' mn.calla anotetsa"ottman.» rouuiu-,u'ctf atueuurlt t141Y. Tise fol- drejLit.Thst'ýt-ttltve tintniant tîttie3ciace a! thse orînace, judinit trous lie A inentomntwil aiva>tit en>' 1la1 e«e' u u t ltt't'ai; o! fit, leo i>t-tilt-taAsstt- an il u, ant esuttaan tn 'il, îteak scripture referenctea, exceesis tise eient Cant put ana &ela ptllow-'e tom -; t!atiois oc-ne 't-,s'lrttutut 11. .thietu take'p tise at-itnfta iftnti>' of eielowsip 'n Importance. hligtePIWl emuh F Tln)nauuni: sieîn-ri..Atiu Miui; more ittitla in addition tc,î hihtr otiser 'rieme stre "«= unWord*, wo-e t a odn ulllieisbtmets r s,îrétary, lîlît ii . Ntotstýmh: tn'tiuutr, ssork. lBastidus ttis4, ltieou.h-arute o!t-on eastter.Êd byever>' Christuinwuth due ha- A woiiiStclin nevo quam I m e 6 E. K. 'W'. i'iruarabat. t-1). F Dt- t-trunc!tsrre'tlfront ct'botolîutii-lana,] aeîiltt'n amui oef-examinantion. Baltisa: witt a mati who dosnait s »Y ,W str: i-xn-ittsttsîtiu't- . E. t-ld, J. frontu -aninuta raouia. 'fi itcre tortet-sit bave blii tuo! ttsu umerstood 'n a tense ia aud looka hurt wben aie tal m ill. A. iaîurin' l.Lrki.trothle. t'hIclil'uni tver intended tisei. Pear- A w-aman alwaimbas a tallit u W4 l tate Nes lau irtet. Tiihe îtaudtif iealiauuote ('hîtucît '«ed- fut saule. nutfu] O! pas!aies antdpriment fers navat Up .omawewlsW'b1» a uhot.nif "intirser" anti titailatin thci'fuo t helevbuatitadtiseteidenies tain. iatae, ta appraoh lie casaftianti ryoverOBCtJD7b7&. IIutbv' r Nur:iii. n utaualire sl' au. .-,luuti.tlui violt'uenetf the ntortu. Ts'.tdit-ai upoan Lcrd' table letaûtbey camteettier a curs. oalgfcI b a 1--a fui: Olit-ti i' ). ~Leur ht-atîct,'iîîmtht- nein hut intu-It>' gtat,4. .. tti&aTi ta partictslarly ttae o! tome yeunne The aveage -onnga e l 'a i -i lïon ah t , a g ri tt a u dîîî l r '; ' s, tr li . ta s 1 ig t h ir d v a s il îtti b >' lig l îtîîitî . w s u e te r - C h r i 'd i s , t a b o i t i e c e le t ra ti o n o e i s g r a v e t' c u e m b e r t f l g n ie a i , g i r l g a var e a,! al tle altitit t-, ir. oTtiirs- n-rs t îiuit.rcti tlt' benetitititttttio ff ie cotol. ordiiiiiice 'usa pain ratier tisa a islsing, tise disapesl wedtig presetW OLg' lu utttttu,-stittun:rng,-t i îîg reli. l'lru' eourt'1rotrt,sl. Tht-n lt-iti'iet-hle word "unworihily" s555e ettsi The average vweuati gesanIe Korblei& trt.tis-r' siuvi- lltit -,r -w', ain -aile.t-.Srange visitatntt %vile tii,' rainwate, tietu off tise sacrpd gronnt. Thie tisat aise cale ratas planta just mboet mà if bt-lvi.'entr ,off ilh,- ll. iaf-suie ti i .15 ua- t-In udtbail hlu'lfeil iuavity lititii,' noatis tivileite becsuuuss a dreatiet test o! con- rglrya Li»wt h "fvt ouatai. wru'ukt-l ut tt'. brl.rte unIs , t'nsipulof fittt-. T'fyin litghtttittg su-ic,' tt and parjtake accusas equaîîytire-reorl uatn tisiehafve ti pry aiîlio' 'n tlb,' )lttk. atsui 'tt tiuîix flashNI uld lplttyt'tl qieer fr. aký.atb o sn. u' tiititoas. But a stuiti>ofethlti, pasaae Yttu cati neyer tellbonia girlIo"~ d vritîh $1:17,ami aa o,. f tuilv-get- tLctt. Leu ter lt-ure'dl. t tu"t0-u aîuut-ln.litutitt 'onftectioni withth ie vernes tieaI pue- aftishe hreaktanlttabla b> tise w9y .L inuttl'lit-t'>îaur:u ,t -.uuty s- gît-ni' littage ta Prt'.ttrtr aalsuit- brtke Iltiti-ictletend !oilow 'u, oug'ht turatmae stuv-b look w-len aise ala ont on tise pagiif al.y îiet.itaoihs Ia' ruttv,r ltttuili h tv attt' nur-hanr,--ýi u't-rhs-itîl ir.'- . -'ni- ourt'airutla s.Numani cat-a te tise lrd'a in thse evculug. l'f -el b'.an.atiug av ueîit.-1tititu> -,'I,. cu amitlau, tjuru-ul bh-t ie peu-ruituid. suler "tartit"'intait-biesestisaI buig_____________ l- na'il Ns u ri' fth-at ir tLiitu- ,,;urg- Tieei,'re tuf,'tt inKtu su-and i udtIot',titi nets- contiu-t i.asu purfec.t an toentasblie tutt uA Modem jouaih. e0 at-y. stheun bi iqt-tv-t toure, ut S Wtt,,is and iollet-t iamnetiits-en the î't>. u-rone stiti a uit-titiretord, ut--tii-g nu for- i. in i'ue ti,,rnÈng. lu tise nutlt o! the' htas y rnttirin i as- tivenî'na. N'.t-iran rscez"unwtrtily" A ecutewb&t &tUtig 001 re i-y1tuntay ouî ir rtait attrtoa n arionrîastres- tinai al anu tsluu, i)'tt' s-.oss-i,ofa!sinm, huitt irrel>'frotin acrthe e.Th tic r ls', itlsf,s.îa'sua, sas nttiureit-rt xciutigexturience. 'lhe' car trat ntudt' tl-.iritc forginee'tnutl iurxýn'.suigearacter la an n g» seman vie,, 90iutié iiiýfoi léers w*niiýlý- i-tilt- ,nvelattetin l utthtet offilante, srih amîendaiitent tflf I.'Tistéintaushuinul'nuluivisite egaget intubiSg<nee-be beh.g' v Io lti ali-ii ia it. <ittit evertsut.I .iF'lat- et] lu pun ise liat-tnnlrti tti'oith il. srrot'tfiletii-rtsarintsiti vu. 57-t 55'i'itO to tatise rew blit a kug vi- n uurt.Pitl r'tni-a fsuu tîs-î ,,ul'u- t-t- a climuax a! brightnt'otiutlter tise o!rtuirt-utti-tiiersoit. Tii,'>'came tu tise îupli.?steiltise expotiSetctheise 0tt Id f aill t,tar'tritis w o'ft- lht' dcar and van'unb. Si multanastuaty tlare Iaru'-t suîî,îsr a.. I0 niortitîar>' tapai, eat- htIiil. Th » MadeW p*itii uliatuaqarlw.hhwflt flewaan aexploion sca an asnthe' rcjtirt ut fiaglant i -itkttg in a fancuer shiuh';atd3~.!ii. 'h UIi siaW te urut til. flet,: s ttf~i u.-tntit' iit a cantioun. whieh nhtok tie cuir ad tuirii-'- ttve bt-,' ,i'iourtpl)ui% t-sen totiuti atl iente tisait t-le>' heti d oee't riea t.ui-trl.t.Dei es taftlikt.'tni lt-tint-st..> fitt-td it. lagitsinithuiti trui-Ltisecau'. h,,i. Iliye>'at-*'antrthit-." ortvieilie mr ouis 51t0tuwhalaS orne of 10lé riniuvoht-n iliuneyrertandtlatuirtirtul wiewne ndoetatwi ,n "itktknl, u wagvygs n 11- ile iio Ë.alh tttlI t-e 1assnietrs wOct-ne iéttuit-tk- 'dta.-,aiuug the' bodty-" t, <'lriti, 'Vias i tuile Of Itl towed v boS nf ftemudrfit r ode 't' ' theslàtaintasellt t.t-r- % rs it ugut>-f.'. lanis ltuuiitt,'ulittk,'- a ftt-r iTht'dhtiIaýtnitt'ktii' ns,.! ,u the -inoler" t imviaurtalit-Orattt-u u ti-tuuiti ti,,i) t' tance w-s Fr dwaiie ble Th buotiist>tt urfuitrtbtn' ttli. -,utrolley té oi ftele'le3tosiiuelntaii ffi rîae c a ie lt Anq Md-i tal b i ir ahrs iim adD-tht' rt ttr oifiIt. Tht' finit] t-t,'> sa) grttaayiy x-rctnIt Iter in a vital parlt. Ti e e" b1c if ,-r-ave usnt'.ltittesslf itftlttic l 'fiIlltttO'-aiftitcommnie talieu. luthte -tirent Qusetrix evew, i hi lgn u wm ho ir-a. Hl-lînt-.madettptti'ationaituîf. n :1il- frutin h-1l' ut"i'ttltW sire andti trutthr.ungti 'Ilp,'sa imfrr -s(xuiaiof tif le doîuuuru-r er Wittc~euuai sacape t b uirtl i .r.-u-lt t,' latit t,'i'ticout, ttelleîtfrit--iis the- t'ar ssitiotuîdoîtt a nchî,'iittag,'te tlise moti.îî -in tue u.-uiuiur couirse i.,ilt,. melr ~a is emu» n thei IW1 *Y afst-t rt'i-onut-lit1ýI tI. 'ti'uI t 1411ti ' a l otoîîr. file it ih a errnt fntata otf tra- rat-is-. t t-uttt tir dut-it, thois-trk, tlu i et. WhoI hi t n mi dl d & o r-a', t »rtior!et >Mi'sorti raltî-uîttuîîamtia te-c-Iita. I'le-,-1uun 'Viu uia 'slbv -îe's'î- t ,-10: :1ut :îultu29. Ti.tu-,. l îu-ic lte bout anutd eit up rMti-utrlifl s-a,! tbautik îushtll a l'aria, fle nauuealy Itrng iugstaugrt--I ic tti' he tfthe! tlu"ituit'îiug tif t 'the îIt rish, tfut- MaI w-t-bh w m &cotie a fib0 h Wi' I. ('namt-.onto.No uone rw«. titIriul. uthv ii.lrat quatentt r nltuii ,î,'- outldget ont of the W". 'i ~ be i'iini-t'u >'ariutl 's Ytgt'r ,at bic îtavituur striti-tui i t l t'tuttt-to it tvelupet o-tt f tlttut ýhr.' - is a.. lffd anti b«wbt eià~ .dt ifte ittli-iu ttt. r't ls-tv t a s'if, tellnit luir le oa tn'flouet1,t'ttuulitt , vîie il bpensec-utiotut, u -tts' theivesaelta remove tie bicits

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