CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 1

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45h JI sn Vol. V. No. 38. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. July 2. 1897. Dr. Charles Galloway. Office overLovellesDrug8toro vouas8 Faon1 TO ai 41 TO 8P. M. LibertyvIlle, - Illinoisj Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. 1 tu 10 a. lM. 2 tu 4 and a. to a p. ni. liemidence on Broadway oppoite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smnith, Office over J. W. kuters bIdg Hurm: e tu. 12 aMn. aîîd 1 tui 5p. Mn. DAILY. Libertyville. 111. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, -OFFICE HOUES- Grayslake - Illinois.1 W. B. SCHAEFFER'S NURSERY. ope Mille moutti f4l Long lirivm 1' 0.. 1.8k" cO.. Ili. Frurjihadeanîl Ornamantal Tr".-.., Orag>.- vines sud il Fruit-. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physlclan and Surgeon. 1 sEsIDaCIe OPPOMITE 155545 MÔTEL 5100G. Gurne, - --------Minois. O. F. Butterfield M. D. C. VETERLNAEY SURGEON ANI DENTINT. Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. 501155 TILL B A. m. 1 TO à A14D 7 TO M P. M. speeia attention paid tu the treatmelt of Citronie Rbeumatlsm. Roclcefeller. - Illinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Attorney aud CowaUnsir aI Law. NOTARY PUBLIC sptial atention given colaction.s and Conveyauicing. OFICE WIu NLAIE COrsTv HAN, Libertyville, Illinois. LIBERTYVILLE MOTEL Eltaat baudîs, i.t cepia$d. 1 a" msery uisEah.d hg.u i UNiCIB-rocll Service Firt Class. Hmaliuowt"'s fur anOIssd CommerisI 1 ,ar 1.,s., TILLOTSONi& frURNEY. '5075 Co)r. 1;w Ai..d Cluri, <St.. LIBRTyV4LLE. -ILLINOIS. W. H. MILLER. 'fi..h. 1 ,At IST, go...1hicir -st cidi . ,-.111V CIiii.WFuiicAX ,1, l'W vus. .Nu-Xtt l-rt W ri, s I- to- oun iia.. v V i~ .i îr li Wanted? At<llo'ý A g.uud ulOCtot la buy or relt tIuý c-t ùbo,e andl prac- lAce lu Lake î.îî.Jusi (open uy ensimeansd nuimel9-, c.iuap. John J. Longabaugh, rik Grayslake Illinois. FOR SALE, Pure Manilla PLYMOUTH and SISAL inding Twine, undaniably thie hast grade made. For Fail Sowing R CuimPiete Stock of Timothy, Alfalfa anîd Mfedituî Clover Semils. CHAS. STEMPLE, Long Grove. FIy Nets and Dusters. Leaijueýr TrumNu 5-t-', i-ri,îlr ........ Ravitido. ' i2 ...--u un Sngsle lti,,ui1..itl.r Ihug .....-t 1.6 Scrim Neis.. ............ ............ .90 Lau, Dustra. a nrw 1u.ri'i i't.50 a CHAS. KAISER, Li"rtyville, -Illinois. LAKE COUNTY -1 BANK .... Wrlght. Parkhurst & Co. Lib.rtyviUe. Mlinois. lssues interest-Bearing Prohibltioniste lu Clebrate. iThe lilneaa Club of Chicago, a proiition organizallon viii itold a celebralloîl sud picule t Lake Bluff July 11h. Au Invitation tu te Lake Counly Pr<ubtou.uts 1W Join them on Ibat occasaAlon bas beau accepled by thea exeLutlve comAîlsoe of te Couanly irganlzallon. Ail Lake Couuty proibllloulsts are urgad go ha preseut. Wa prInt herawtb the prograux as arrauged: Pialforiromeeting aI Il::i AuinTaber- uacle. Addrass of welcome, Hon. J. B. llobbà presîdent Lane Buîff camp mîeetinîg association. lts'pouse by Rlobert J. lioawiuppremi- dent Milunebaita club, wbo lresîdes over tae meeting. luivocatlon 1e. H. 6. L.eonard, Wsukegau; Miss MaI11.. L. Guide, of Whealou collage, vito wou tte prizo si te Ilinlois (oljegiatu. cointent, viliirend tae ieclaratlon of lndepeîîdeuce. Tha wiuuer of tae diamud îndal at the Wllard bail content viii recte. Addreàâses by liey-. J. B. 0. Smith, Bey. Frank Crane, Mmr. Loiusia B. Rounds, 1ev. J. W. Fllleid, Rey. Kil- tredgue Witeeer, Hou. E. S. Wellb sud others. Muie by Ibe îlrtbîîdlst reachors Quartette sud the Lakeu County Quar- tette. A New Faature. The E. J. A E. railroudilnauguruted s paseegr service ou lhitr Unlîj st subdasy. A train As mn betweeu Waukegan sud toi-luit two tripe a dey, îuaklug close i'iîii.ectlons vltb trougit traînasfrom Jiîel I bat tbru aI that alallol. Thii arraugemeul durs away wîit the tedlotimunsiA durAng thte gvîtching of freigbt uIthat poilit, which As geuerslly .iin,,îderable. Th hagrain leaviîîg Jiliet aI 2»)0 a. m. reachen Muduul autil li. Thoera il la mt by tbe Waukrgau train, wblith reachea Walîkegau aIt <E. lu tha aftamnoon a train leaver Waukegan at 1:3o p. Lut., counectiug smllA. a trougit train ut iRendont, ret.urîing t', Wauke- gauit44W fEP.n. Lot the Boy Have HI& Flinr.» lL theaaail boy alone. Ha Asdoîng vtat nature ms-ut tAn. te do-la make unise sud ha glad N olîody eau itrep hlm duvu. Ha ougtitto hava Lis fliug, sud ha ougit lo about for is country s mucit as Le liâkes. Ha will soon énougt esch thIe age atm feu ltifugs Au lie esu maiteiea heurtlhat fauter oîr ltaecoluir deepen Au bis faded cheeit, w heu ha ai) eto lte uîuîverbal sAgt four youiîb deliartad: Bft,- uic. silic u csi, m.' ..tricg C. E. Topua Carde. Tlii..1ISUiEINtDENT job >office tas heem kep lu-itusy prinliug tChristian Endeavor TopieC tarda for varîous societit-8 lbroughu.utthe couiîtY the past fev days. Wr bave tte c b a iliAlIes foîr tiisclam. of worit sud eau maya money for luosa haviug lu charge the priutlig outolpic cards. Gel otîr liies. Marsh Cas. Tha deat o! J. P. Williiauî in1 suohercolui,,cuisl î3masitga8our tire uanip acculiimialàisg un a ses-l te lui1 beau dlggtng bas a signiîIllrsue tu welli 'iggers.ud msluld serve Mtinauuke lhuuî uitions. Tiiere ara otbrm sud struilar cases wvtueb lave uceued n titis ioculity oulne yearm ago. Our rerm-entsive jet a lighted iaîîlerîî 1iouî intae weil viiere MVi liaiîns wast s iffoatsd, vbitc vas sxiiîguulalrdj vhan aboil 10 fret dovu, Hsd Wlliams laiteju iisprecaution Fus- day momuing as vas% bis wont, we are Aformaui, wva vuud not bave tara cýajiid pon u. chroîii,-lr Ithe aad failily. Harsit gas is ediries.., Ieliàg formied t,î s greai estent Au narahes, tance is Dame. Il issues troni Cemvi'e'. Ite carlt ii grater or jets q.iaîiities, ilu huAscase kar -Iîuuuiiiug luwiy. Dec<.mpoilion io! vegetabje- or animai mater cauîses this gas tii isîutinulate, and t As hlgbiy expluuive vbeu mizad wtt airu Nover go docu îin a val l ntl a ligLI bas bweru et duiv. Il lakeslîttie lime aîîd Ibe lInvariableobeervanca of Ibis procautiol u îîld bave saved Wlliaums' lite. It bal;beeu cumîîiîary with wiliamus to saturuite Wassîr wtt coal oîlI i.d aterligtig iltbrow t iîîa viell where e halid discovered Mie~ preseuce o! uarsb gag. lu ordillîary eass h couid desenud wit safety a tew minutes ater lbrowiîtg a sîîficent am)ut of Aîianimable materlal lu sucb a vail. Wity ha neglacted 10 test Ibisi welI vAlli bis "@afety lauîp" as lie vas lu the habit of dong romins a myslé-ry. Let. bs sud axperlen. s prove a warîîAug tu otiters of tai craft. CcInlrnPUcIS, Now is the tîme to plant Cucumbers for pickles. Plant now and pick crop in six weeks. Get con- tractsatMV. B. Colby & Co's5 F. C. Smith & Son's and Triges & Taylor's. R. W. STAP'FORDO J. P. William. et et in a Wsei On J.Ioph* MEnleirar Farm. Near Llertyviiie. A MOST SAD ENDING. Chrîs Kuhn n Attemptlng to Save Hlm la Overcome But Regain. Conaciounsne Whsn Brought t0 the Surface. James P. wiliams vas; sufocated in a weil on Joseph itle'%reona. 1,0 snd a hall miles uorth-tast of Liberty- ville Isat Tuenday morulng, by lb.e presenceaof marsit gaz or ira doioop, muort famiiariy kuownu auoug adi- diggera s à,val dam p. W illiamis had vorked lunte vlil lioudsy afteruoou, itavlng reacbed s dept o! 35 fart. TuesdaY Morulng1 about 8:»1 ho deeutded, Cirî. Kuhn,i i. aisisîsut, iettiug atm down lovly, ut is msquasI, tw enable iim to1 examine ttý curbing. Whoun doWu about 20 feel Kuia tusopped itis boras snd aaked Williams Afl.eVOrYtîiulg vas IL rigitt,*10 vitich query lte ecivad4 uo ru.piy. Ha caite& Lu Williams a second LAme, snd vas alartied 1tee, hlm ta]] froinite huceinlu hAitha vasi standing. Kuhu immediatly ' dencendrd, asisted hy J. F. Hsguem sud eo. Beckmau, vito bildarrived in te mesanlime. lubu hacauta1 almuist uncouselous viten dovu but tes, fret sud vas bastily puiied up. Hea proponedtlugo dovu sain and fasten a ropa aroîltul Willams, wviîcitlha did. sud vas hmuugt to tae surface s seconud Ulime, uncouacouns and spparently lifeiras. He vas lu the Weil i buîitIvo minutes the se!onld limeansd greal difiiculty vas experieucevI An restorluig Jtlmn10con- ariotisucs. William..wvs..Inte Weiliabout tweuty minuta.. many believlng lira vas extinct befora tae fel frou te t vas soe minutes aler eaviug te surface hafore lhe tell. Kuitu axtlbited bravery of a rare9 quality Au gnung dovu tae second lime, explaiuing bis action LU, Our reporter by imply sltnglha -vas af raid Jini migitl die dovutera," sud litailte wu@ sorry Le "eould Dol gelte h th tie mt lime." Ieceaasd vasboru iu IbIs counny octohar 7, ls6i, baviug apeut &Il bis life Au thia viinlty. He wu& marriot to 111iss Bonuer, vitose home vas lu Ciecgo., April Ih, 1888. T-o elildu en s girl of eigitt yaar i sud s boy 0f1tree auîmmors vere bors Lutem. Two lrotrs snd 1,0 isters aiea survive bum. He. vas o! s jovial disposition udliitdmsuy freuuls. Hliswa s Ilifa o,! to'itsud fev ver..the bours of rscrs-aion ble allowed blunsoît. Ha was a uxcîlier sud offleer of .eme Canil., i. N. of A. in wheb orgaulxa- tiii lie carried ti2tlAieMe usuran. e as. carryiug SIJxM0 un au old JAe comlcaiy. Fanerrai servicea vare tItl 7itumsuiay aftermoo aIutahePresby- lerian cbomet, 1ev. Heuivar ofiIuitug. Acune Camzp atteîdu.d lu a body, titey baviu.g charge of ceremoniet. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! 0 Fo ,m ttc Woidiucîi Picole t Grays-8 lais- un iihe5tb o! Lily. Ttc boys o! t oil I. uili..e Camnp are maiig arrange-d incelt.. lui tertai the largest galber- iiig i.! luciodmeli and Ibeur frienda tait saes.sver kiiîiuinîu ud Laite county. f The bre1îms-sit saîtya -mil. or shine evt-ytiuug go-s scci.mdAng te prograin, (-vs-n tO Id lis-. <uixs-y. Who la îOv sunsinrmlilig vit ii. iwh vite îmules at Grayoauke.- The speakers, lbhe bands,d the hall clubs sud everytblug yl let ther-. boul lumit.. the grand sud gior- usiua xiiiis-ugateriîig. The Laite eouuîytUnions Key the Everet Haill1 ulIub lias golte gel up asaie te3 du8t o! olci Lîiericktfroni Iheir soilld1 elothes, if tey win tite gaula. Looit1 ont1 unionis tte old champion Evrt uint. ara bail piayems, sud dont you for- gatitI. Btter put ilon Ice. lvauitoe camp arr propariug te ee~d thousaudt ut ilotel De Wood durlng tae day sudi îigitt. Dont forget tae grand dancingJ paviliion sud the firevori t I ulitl. Niglibor Chas. E. Vbel, Of iMadison, wi..uOur princApal speaker, saye 'lia UP youm doge aud louve your guns utI Iiun,' sud il would ha val te bave1 u ambulancerready tu carry off tae desd snd voundad after tae gels throuigitspeakinig.Ru lte riait, fer lie As a spiaîudi.l speakerarnsd Irue patrlot andl s Woodinan ttrougit sud 1trongb. our oter speadei's yl ha lucre sud gve you goot sount patIn- otie ud Wojdmnao lIs. Stay sud see I ailsUnd go home lunte moning vAt 1love sut frlendsbiy for Our county, Wuodimn ansd Woo)drftl. Coma ona aîîd ail sud maka Ibfis Oue graud, giori- ou@ uud dllgitîful ludepandouce sud Wuaiviuan day. Everyitody vili ha tweleoîîud. IRinmenhr te limeansd place, Juiy 5, 1897, t Sînsera Grova, ou vraIt ank o! Graiy@laka. Cou. Thistle Commsslonra NOtice. Notice iseitaraby givon ltaI persona iavlîg Osuada Ihisîlas on Ibir rporty, are notifiait thst asma muai be eut or tasîroyat sand ual lefI le propagale or go 1u .oed unter penalty of a fina of nut eas titan tan nor more titan ueitundred dollars. TisI notive sppllos aliketauapîiblitigit- ".ys sud raitrutaitrightu of vays in Town of Lbertyvillla. Thea igitay commissloners being lhable for tae faithful perfotmance o! titeir sub- ordinales saong tIhýlina. Tte penalty for non-observancelhf îLe ls l u scb cases provltad for 19ioaaA more sevama, tbey hing labketa 0sneuaof net laeutitan fifty nom ukumetau 1,0 huntred . Tiistie, T<1nsitP o! Liharlyvilia. B~I DRUCE LAKCE. lire. Gao. Druoe itaa been vary alck lte paut vaek. The cottage@suad botel art now veii filleil wllh resorters. Mima Mamie Pratt bsJust ralurned fromn a year's viil a BIrooklyn, N. Y. N. D. Pratt sud family ara o, anjoyiug ltae deligitîful breezeslau thai.r làkeide coltage. The NEEDN a good reporters vito vili ha pleaseul lu chrgniceit I Items of nlresat Iis locality. Give nstteneya. Rev. sud lMre, W. E. Toli vlth about forly loliy choir boys, 0f Christ churcit, Waukegan, ara nov hara on Ibeir annuai tan daya summer ouling. Divine services atIil a. m. Sunday Juiy 4. Patriotc »Mumn sud munie. Bicyciere and &aHlothers are cordlaliy nvited. GAGES LAKE. Mir. Jorgenson closed bi&sechool tare aest FrIday. Theluaw club bouse on Gaga Lake se ueariy complotait. A eocial is ta ha given at tite chureit Lbis Friday eveuing. Mima «BeaIp WAlham vho lbas beau ery i li a 1,lo imlproving. Mi. ud Un Tte. Pipe, of ~bcgae vAi@fÇg relative@ haro. i Mire Ada lManchter bas rolrnod home la @pendl bei summer vacation. lira. lBqMolr sadMisé Liteit, of Cicago, viatted atI liiVZbos. James, tant week. lira. Frank Clark vbo ta vAalllug relatives lu New York is azpecled home thie week. Prof. Hpeckman, vifs and cbildrou ire @pouding lte nommer vîit ar. Ban James snd famlly. The Ladies' Aid Boriety have poeponed titeir nit meeting si lira. George Citandto10Tluiaday J uiy 15. The liçoeussiuzNr le lthe beat paper1 a' lie go ah it e year 'round. If you lon't bave Il; you vili mien taenewa. j There vill bae peolal service aetltte church ou nazI Huliday avening. 1Mr.j N. D. Pratt, of Lakte Forest. .111 have chtarge of lte aiugiug. Mm. Sloltower bam realgned hie pastorale bere sud bas secured a charge lu Iowa. Ha yUl prachi& i 'arevaîl sermon DoIt Uunday morniug. Bey. Blunyan lte %new puator viii conduct ltae palriotic services in lte evening.________ ROUND LAKE. MIr. and lMa,ý Parker sud frienda rus- ticated aItte ake Sunday. Mr. Wm. Wilson purchased a ne, carriaga of i9. C. Lîlvilar. lira. troue Orumbieby in viaiting relatives l i ciiury aI praseul vrit- log. MIr. sud lire. Witt Edwardeand fam- iiy, of Grayelake, spent ëunday at Round Lake. Mir. B. B. Town e 4ok out nofO!lte largos& blackt basa evercaugit InuRound Lake ient vaek. Mir. J. W. Reneban nt hie resort on Cranberry Lakte enlertained over Sundsy lir. and lira. 1J. W. Grahamx, MIr. sud lMr&. liciay sud Mien Annie Grahtamx, ailfrolu Chicago. Ti inAsoua oflte ovliesî lakes in Lakte eounly aud to il a&U augiers for ltae iluy tilbe delight in comlng for try are quite certain nol Sc go avay m ithout ouae or murertringe of fineilait. Ai prisent wriling we understaud that parties froux Chicago are cou- templsling pureitasng land ounthe laitesud eracting a sommer itel o! 150 rooma aitih ail modernluiprove- meula. There are several flue resorla on tii preîîy 11111e body of valet. Renehiaus ou lte sonthbanit viit Hendee's diraclly opposite on lte nortitwvitle B. C. Lilvil. r sud 1Mr. Garvood'a ou the easltanok entertain qulta iargeiy during ltae sommer. Mr. Rendee reports 125 guasta hiver Salurday sud Suuday, nesrly ail beîng frolu ltaecily Mr. Ilendea tas about completed a deai wheraty te viii ha abla e tAanci ounlte latte one of lte fine"l litho slmmers An Ibis section of lte aouulry. lir. Handee la alvaya desirous ltai s guesîs loave every- Ihing o!1lte bout. Tite fofloving guesta are at Ilcuaa sfor titiswveu, hi..Suilivan, lire. Wite ansd daugitter Florence, Ernest White, lir. Jevali aud vifeand lias Dorotity Jeweil, Mr. Fox, lMr. J. Goodaîl, lir. R. Lemon, Mir. W. Jensen, Mr. sud Ilia. Nobles sud chiîdran and lir. D. lioKauzie and vife. Home o! the aboyea uccaeeued Iu landing stringa timait tIare vorlt menllouing. lMr. Jewaîl boit back tutoelitacty 14 black bas@anad 7 picitorel, oua picitarai veighing Ili pouuds sud tae irgoal basa 4j pounda. lir. Fox brougitl lu 6 baseand 3 picerai white 1Mr. Whuite isuded f6 bons sud i piciterel. lMr. Lemon sud friands from Careon, PArle A Co. aucceedad Auncatciig ltae largoal number taiig tome 10 their friands 108 cropplas. DIAMOND LAKE lira. Oeo. Oet le axpectad home from Nebrasktalthe fore parI o!flte veat. Mr. Pleutarcit Hougitton, of Wau- couds, calied on friande Oua day leat week. UmsaLucy AYdrevs ba@ relurnet from Laite Forest vuiera site apeul tLe luit veat. lira. Geo. Miîithlila viiing friands lu lte City. Iuntae moan tima George js iaarnlng te ite a viteel. Mrt. F. GelAsitohas»ltan s vacation for a mentit on accounulo! iii itealt. We hope t10&ses hlm acit agaAn ara long. Mir. Lemitar dit a ru»hiug business on Bunday. Thara verea agreal amauy ouI frauxthelitaty and avory oua OU RN EE. Ecîvard (iersidin anu faiy moved te Chiciago &li$As eek. lire. Thomnson relurned te ber home at Spring Prairie lasI Tuenuday morning. Our Young people ara planning te attend ltae coiebralion ai rsysiake July itit. A large parly of summar rosorters cama Our iast Sslurday aflernoon sud returnod Sunday evenîng. On aecount of unavoidable circuni- stanices il bas iteen lecessary te pont- pona the concert for sevérai veaks. Tite 7:10 traiu top@ at Guruee avery Monday morulng i,,, titus giving Chicago visitera ounltaIt day good ac- commodation. A Party of several Young people at- lended a lawu social aI York lionse Isal Tbureday aveniug auid reported a very pleasant lime. MILLBU RN. Miss Mamie Thain basn returueit frour St. Parti. lise Nille Trotter ls stopping vitit Miss Jessir Strsng. lira. Cummingsansd RAllia Smith speut lte Battat lunChicago. Gea. Steveus ln doiug good vomit lu preparing taeroada u intae village for gravai. A largo dalegation o!fltldgaland& people spent Sunday wtt Mr, sud lira. Statitweatiter. Meesa. Bort Trotter sud SIait. veatiter abe buay tailng flue-borses 10 sud froni Chicrago. Tite autertaiument given by ltae liaguriscopa vas a great ucesa. lTae picturas vora claarl1y aud accurately given, sud ltae base hall club scorad a WinuA l ite le crealurlina. IVANHOE. Mir. James swazi vas a piessaulcoller tiare Suuday. Miss Leurs Dean, of Chticago, As vis- iling aI lirs. B. D. Deausà. Thea Aid Society meals vîith litre. L. H. Brmyant next Titursday afternoon. Mir. and lira. Van Hrn. of Palatiue, isiteit friands aIttis place tast veat. 1fr. Frankt Smith aud daugler-Peari 7alild ou friands st Wsuconds tant Friday. Mir. Charles Dorfier vas severeiy lu. Iored lionday afternoron witea ioelng s torse. The sciool cloeed Thursday sud hait a pieuté viti the Huuday Scitool Fmi. day ai Dîsmonit Lakte.. Mir. Shaw, of Bloominglon, gaveasu able adulra on Chistian CitizenshAp Josi Ruuday morniug. A number 0f Our Yong people a1- teutat a surprise parly on lies Eva Dykes liouday ovauîug. Alitreport s gondUlie. WHEELING. <EeSed 100 laist for lest yack.> Citas. ArmbrusleandsutBsruy Hatan vera vitit ira ovar Hunday. lire.Il. Pariolate and Miro. Hartman. oi Chticago, vema Wboallng visitora fluudsy lest. Rumor saya tiret Joe Becker ls golug tu relira fromt faruiing and la 1u accept a position Au Chticago. J. A. Scitminke, Fred Schmidt and E. H. Mmson vare on a 1,0 dayagabiing expredition aI Camp Laite last vaek. Wm. FerrAs. kuovu as --Pontiac," formorly ut lite Union House, vAîl nov ha seen ituslliug al tae Chicago boenne. Thte lunihar von dravu fromr Wheeling station 1tat vak for Mmm. hAck's rasA- deuca, vhieh in 10 ha bult ast o!f the chnircit. Fred Beli, ltaestandard 011 Agent, la nov busy snpplyiug is cuslomrers wiith perfection oit. Ha As a itustiar. Try hlm. Lots of raib of lae tle ith did cropsa s deal of guotd, but If AL rains mucit more At yull ha Loo nmuet o! a good thlng at oua Lime. IL is raportedt litIH. Boehmee la put- Ling an alectrie plant lu bis crealuary. Cou ILt hatltheaeleclric rond lacorn- Aug a1 tant sud timing IL aa power houas? Our ball grounds are hein« ploved over sud coru plauled ou saine. Boy abolit titose saas lthaIvera sctdulad for our profeasmiunai playera lte coming seaou r A very serions accidedt itappened lu Wm. Schmxi hâtveoit. Witile dra,- iug gravaI the pit cava4In and crushed itim, breaking bot bIs legs, aiso Anjîîr- lng blux internsiiy. Haevasnttaen la ltae Gamman Amarican Hoapital An Ci- cago, sud le reporlod sedointssevahli as lte circustances warrant. FOX LAKE. Plenty of rain nov. Cropa are iooking veil. 1 lMr. A. Twee-d of Ibis place viailedl Woodalocit recenly. Our scitool closes on Wetuesday of tItis vaak. The teachar Miea KirvAn gAvas excellant saifaction. MAse Mary Tveed vto itas 'besou attendlug scitool aI Boacohal, W ta., relurnod home for lte vacation, bring- jugsiter aultitre. Huilier viit bar. The meetAnga at Fortbill vili con- tinua for auotlier veoit. NazItSnnday tbera yl agalu ha services ltres limes aI 11 a. ni., 3p. m. and &gain aI 8 lu ltae avantug. Sunday sool aI 10 'clocit lut ibo oming. Grand Celebratlon. Thera yull hea agrand celebr9ti.n at Clyboura Park, July 41à. Evaraîl Mianou bas lteavant lu charge sud dacites a big alteudauce. Titera viii hea abail gagneAu intaeafternecu, mdancing in lte evulug. ltfroubmenta Served ounltae grounde. Everytody luviled. EvUEITT MAsoN, MWug'r. raîber anovaI slgt lteseltres or four Inien asailliug asrita u! oue Publia Notice. coqimon sizat boras aven lu ti bacit- la hematy givan ltaI 1 vili oil at wffots. Il in ne common occuranca public auotion ounltae 101h day o! Juiy, itera. We undaratanit ona o! our 1897, teathehaigiesî bitter for cash, citizen.e ecured a phtoo0ftem. oua blackt mare, 12 yrs. ot, for ber Our Ace cream sud stravharry social board aud feait bill, smouullug te $t9, luruait out te ha s greal enccoeseasd a sait mare belng tae property o! gootîy omm vs raalîaed,.soudngso Josepit Dorolty, o! Chicago. il. D. I early $25. vitic, it ii aequ"e auCOOK, Glmar, 111. adition la litacemaey adice' o!ftaeOamaaty Aoeaon TithO . CI &I.P. Ry il on JUIZ vi*b te relur u aeatntk fo.lta 4tsud1th oeal excursion tickebtul I indneaashucyn hsam by lMr, sud lr.Mneplafor lte atl g t u Imtiviko lvoelthe unes. = 1 aeoln l e ntrogular lare v;ais.l" e auOthéiro Who- halpeit Pl-a 0 oasis o«r Utround tdp. Oood SHOES--Onow, AT WYNN'S. TO BE GI YEN AWAY ---- DU RING JULY AND AUGUST. Sale Commences Thursday, July Ist A numiaýr gîven with every pair of aboes, Do maller wliat price, froîin SOS s pair te $3.(X) a pair, sud every night at 9 o'clock ua uID1)er willbe drawn fti te day nuinber, and tbe holder of! ha nuniber reeve $1.00 ln cash, Mud Ibis. wAiI be repeated every day during July sud Augnat. This doffl net Antir witb the coupons we now givu., you gs.t tbeuâ jmat the sanie. We wIi ffer.lui. thii sale, moeurai lt of shoes at big eul priees. teclo temn out. Our &ho@ trade for this spring has.been the hast we aver has.' Everybody is well satistled that wr auiithbesct ahoas fur ltae last IDouey et any store in the ecouty. Soineone ahIl gel $1.00 of our money overy day. Tb@f winung numnbers wilI appear iu our apace lu tis paper evMr week, snd as socs as the winuing unmbers are rctîîrîîed aud tbe cash pald, wo 'Wll publia thlie namnes An titis paper, ao you eau sec thât this lis a square"da. lThe tact of lit matter is, we waut the @boe tra dîurAng thte stmmer uxontbu ot JaIy snd Aar. ual, sud va vant you te tell your frîeîudâ ali about Ibis chanCe tle sy aitos cheap, snd stand a chance of gettiug a rebule of $1.00. EvorYbody eoi*.' yul gelS6 par cent discount auywisy. Notliîg to loie, sud everytfl ta g an. AT WYNN'31, Cor. Oenesee and Washington Sts., WAUKEGAN. The Lake Cou nty AcadeMyr Business College Teachers' Training Sch o _WIII open at Libertyyille, Ill., M onday, A ugust 30, 1897. Wmth a Faculty of Three or more Competent Instructors. ePrepartorg rStutenîs vito bava complted lte ElghtIt Grade 1 Sf ltae IlUno a publie c sioals, by taking our 4"a lCoure, vîilAl eit e uenter lte Frmhman" chas any collage, la ltres yeaar or lema, accordig le prat ailsainmants sud geneal ai llAy. SAoQI er willl comprise titres terme o! thirleen vesiesci sudj 1 'mit-summer Teacitera' Normai Dril of lve wvis. Rate* of Tuiion Spucial Classes Par yen, Casaitlu Auvance.................... lu1 Pr orm ... ..... .19 Pervwei, ... ... 1 ..... 1 U vii h instructed six vesits uring July sud Auguâ 1897, Ifs a uMcient number jotn a opayexpevnasa-of Il wspecAs terzm. For f urther paticulars address H. C. PADDOCK, Principal, Libertyville, fil.- lun Iare Pritcs@;. 2 qt Granite Basin ..........................$. 0 id. 66 Sauce Pan Long Hand e.......... 0 5.. ~Kettle .............................. 5 Large~ Dipper ............... ..............1 Tea or Coffee Pots ................. .25 Wash Dish ......................... .20 Granite Pie Tins 3 for......................... .20 3 qt Tin Watering Pots...................... .15 2 ft. Box-wood Rule .......................... .05 Large Extra Quality Pint Cups at . Oc. per dozen., Ail Goods Strictly FIRSTS and Warranted notto Leak. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL- Announcement I publicly annonuca ltaIt I bave opeîîeil straining stable sn4ý veterluary offie aiultae LiI.rtyvilile u Truckt sud am pireparou te do ail vomilt h&&lina lu a ecieauleanl sd aucoasaful manner.. 1 aapeciahiy Invite aIl no interasted 10 cali aI My officeandt h shovu lte marnt collectAon o! mamblut speciman of herse saoýy on earlh. (sac big tills.) If yon Ihlnit you have Sornelbiug Sîeedy sud vîit 10 tesl tS merita comae sud see Brownu. If yau have a colt yon viiht atueste briug hlm le, Brown. If you have ouaeltaIt la onllraly numanagemble, lhitnleJul Brown te iooking for no doul hbea arald la corne. FIXING MONSELS TETtI A SPECIALTI. Ail Consultation Froo. ..'

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