CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 4

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S1a1 1 i 5?, 1 Zntered et the Vogt-OMMieaet Libertyvill, ilal. s moodcI aaamater. AV>T15110 BATESMAD* BiOWN 03 PPLI. CATION. hboeEButier in mncb pieaaed that ib'DW Asolutio sto the teealihty o1 *1711< the princîpie otîhe initiative fl r oeeidim to Federal legllation tet a b investigated by a sub-com- Sanator Hune's report In taver of OMallag x-Benator Corbeti onuthe of.rctielo0f the Govoonor ot Oregon hm aa eon ordered prluted by the ~owmmîuee ou Prlvileges andElectlone but the Conmuttee bhm not voted alLer for or agaluat'the report and ia Dot likely tu do go et thie present ssion of congre"s. A proposition la being taIked of aong nmie Senajors ta presont Vice Preaideut Hobart vltb a gond uatured petition askng hlm tu speak loudor. Mr. Hobart makes a fairly gond preulding oficer, except tbat hie voles man seareceiy be beard aveu hy tbe Occupmnt& of the nesIs nearent te him wheu bo lIstes hie decisioni ou pointa of order or says auythlug relatlng ta the business of the Seuale. Foyer ex-Senatoa bave heen on the floor oft he Senate since Senatar Buie offered bis resolution, to amend the milen te excude froin the privileges of the floor ex-Senatara ongaged lu iobbylng, than for a long lime. Somoe of the ox-enaors are bopplng rad, but tbe activily ot ex-Senatars as iohhyists vas fast becoming sanedaous and Mr. Hales 'el la geuerallyj comoldered wlse. Durlug tbe laut two weeka elghi pateut attorneys have heu disbarred from prectico belore tbe U. S. Patent Office. Two were froru Nov York, two lrom Ohio, and one trom Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maine and1 Tennessee, respoctsvely; sud Cous-1 misaloner Butterworth bhm ordered John Wedderhuru & eo. tu show cause wby they sbould no e odlarred, cbarglng thous among othor dis-1 reputable praclîces vlth maklug1 -frauduient, doceptlve, Improper andIl lucosuplote searches, wi ltntu i dotrauti andi the resit t fdotraudi.ug1 clients, ta tbeir lujury; and vroug1 dolng, ta the scanda]Iand roproacb or0f the. Patent Office and contur 1!p -eqully and good mors. .." A strauger ut Waahînglon vouiti know rlthent helng tald that the tarlDf dehete la drawlng ta a cloue lu lheBeglae. Tb. Beutars show It hy Uneir geuerai good nature. 0f course, lihere are Soualors tu vbomx the bill, wtob vil ho passeil Ibis veels, la1 .,,eytbing but pleaang, but il, la douhl- tel wetoîer tlcre lua aligle sonator vrho dosa net rjolce tu know thetthîe eud la uner et baud. Unieas thora Oabu h mucb <rester dolay thoan la urpeted Inluraacblng au agreement as tote .Sonate ameudmeuta lu con- gerauce, the utar billvi"] ho a 1ev before Jnly 151h, andi Congrosa ca adjouru hy that date, as It in generaUy underatood tbat ne other logilation ln, tu ho atteuipted aI this sessIon. The opponont ef the treaty for lhe annextilon e01Rveaare unplaylng it esar y trying tu keep an quiet sa they enu, lest tLe programme ot ellowing the lreaty te go oer ta the ait aoalog ahould ho ahandoueti, andi Ihe lreety ratiied bofth ie present sesion adjourus. Accordlug ta nmre bla droppeti by eppoentoftaethe treaty, they hope to accomplisb the * rajectîon ut the trety hy à lavlsh expendiltureofe monoy te tbrov public * opinion Iu the U. S. agaluat It. Il la aaîd thai the mouey ta tu coma trom Enropean governinents who vlah the treaty tu MIl, but do net vlah lu appear ta ho opposiug il, sud fromn the sugar trust, vhlch bas opposed i t trous the tiret. The trieuda et the traaty aag tbey bave uo lears. They bobleve thal the Sonate wilU ratity the treaty, but i Iltfalla, the Morgan bill, lready Introduced, wiil brlug aunezatlon at once, andi there la not a bit ef doubi about their ablliby ta page that. Sentai Hrris reâolullen, declaring thet the gevemu meut ehoniti et ne reus tise Union Peciflo telrcati fromaprîorlieus anti thon Iske abape te foreclose Its usrtgaga, yuL sun amenemet offereti b> Senalor Miongan raqueatiisg IL. Presideul t tosuspend procediup la cary intao eff tthe agreement sloe oti ahava besu atis ma s elb.interesta of the U. S. lu tbe .'. R. I. andtil h. sluking funti, Iati turther action ot Congreas la Lad In refarence thereto," bai beeu favorably reportedti theo "na"e. beustor Hanria, ot Kana., vrate the repov on the rosolution, anti Le pa'aested figures te show tisIif the proposeti reorgenizatfon la slowedtot go tlsrough, tb. gevernunant wl loe. MUer 83,000,000 and ti lbr creulilors vil& teom10equille hesvU>'. TLe rspc*t mukea ubel la ver>' ner toas toae chângo againsi îLehet adalnialstmon of trylng ta aid re- agutailon acheta, anti of vIIh- âdbdinf ormaation on tiese ublect #rom CoDgýeas. Grand Celabratioru. Tbae.viilbea egrand lalsratiou aI Olboure Park, Juy il>'i. Evsret liesaulb.eavent la Charge ant i :C eese. hravh UV«aMant rd e prenant. tir. end tira. C. Dillon ar eanlertein- ilig their brother-ln.lav tir. A. Ford, ot Chicago. Mr. sud tirs. C. D. Smith i"eut tLe putl veb vlalIlng relativesanadloluf friende lu Waubsgan. tir. . Hoyard&aid tatuly viaiteif vith Henry ULogera md atIml>' et Wauksgau ove? bondtsy. tirs. J. W. Torrsuc< suad tirs. J. K irvîn visileti the ]&ter% ulster tirs. B. Communai SMtonavîlîs one day lent The Vasey ochool langlil b>' Misa Garey clouoi ait entlday. We beur they bava sugageti Miss Garey for suether 7Yeu. tir. Abert Renght spont Bundtul Weukegan vith relatînha anti frienda. W. ara plaemdt teuir tira, Rugbl la Iusprovng under Dr. Knlgths eblîttul trealmaul. Volo continues to Iteprovo. C. 0. union lia a nov roof on hie bouse also puftiug eam addition on the ban. and J. Prout baishbenu svlug s nov bitohen buml. Richard Tovusend's son vas baptizeti hy immersion lest ahhath lu Flsh Lake. 1He bai natti vilsthe Chrisialn oburch. Wo hope te se many otberstolow bis exemple. The ordînano. of hapliain vas admiaistersti go nias ns, ussussai tb.eti. M. cburchbebre on lest Suintis> etiaroon. A nunnihr froin Wauconda att.nded the services. Ahea tr, anti tira. Johnson trous Lake Villa. Où Batnrtiey of lest week Mr. C. Dillon ok throea chool masuse te Waukefan tu attend tise Teechera' instituts. Tboy report a very pleaseut lin=@ vitb plenty et bard voîk anti anxious tbenghts, venderîng if Ibe>' qTLalaitqnarterl>' meeting of tbim contenance yean vill ho belt Inluthe Volo ehunch on Fridayoevening, Jul>' 9. AIl eacordiahi>' inviteti ta ho promeut te huern that ahle devine, the Prosldiug Eider, F. IB. Handig; aller tise sermon the Lord'i aupper ylho adminuitereti. Ounr communîy wva s hocked ta bear1 ofth l.dreatif niaccident ibet Leppeneti1 ,n the lamily of B. Bues Jr., telegrapis pperator at West ticfenry, Saturday June 26. Tbalr 1.0 eldeal chiltiren, a 11111, boy and girl, aged ulue sud seven, white croaiug the foot bridge ove, the dam on their vay te chureh sudtri nmre unkuevu vay vers dronvst. Physiciesmasd bli t rieuds titi aU they conidt terestis tuea ein1 file, but alillu valu. We extendt t the b«ereve fanfly our Lenderealst Ynt pathy lu Ibis thou isour or trouble. Fb. people lu Vole anti vlcluilY bave beau coumîderabl>' sîlîreti up over1 a rumor that a certain party wvas trylng tu <et rooms ta open a saloont lu tiblavillage. We vouîti etvise the pirîy Ifleb vialies ta go tutuothb. degrmding buinless 0f s eepflng a ealoon Le beti htter go hacb ta Chicago. We cannet givo beau>' nelcome o 1 people vbo locale lu oui commuait>' wbose buanesa tends te lowor the itanduerd frghteonsnes sud usoralil>'t anti brlng orrow andti into oui home. by making drunskands of Our 3 Luahandsand sous. Batwean Seeti Time anti Harveit. la a gondi oppertunit>' te luquiro about farmlng lade lu SeuIL Dabota, eniy eue day'm ride front Chicago. Bountltul crops et WLeât, Corn, Barley andti Fez revard lbe tiller efthIe Boit. As e stock sud tain>' counI>'South Daboa leude a&l tLe verît i.Prat cdais term a lndsa vithnearti>' markets caun no' ha bougbt for $10, $12. 815, sud up-a varda, p« rsr, andti Ll la tLe lIme la luvoît. For turlban partîculens vill-e ta Gao. H- HemSorti, Ueueral Passenger Agent, Chicago. Milwvaukee & stPaul leilvay. Olti Colon>' Building, Chicago Té &MalitOthers. Wvite« OMa.00e"iDe by 0& M ILLW NEAUT OURh. IMm ARC e"Mriefme.>' uassus .a daat vom o tviaeiues., f kabov Ubat bai restorei Ilium la sudmitb mai m& 0. F. Devis, pub. Imbe et Quee 0f tSihast aavmpapehi lu lova, vitlastrucs. ilcauiehtila.. Aug la " 0.RF> désiute bonoit teromptes »towvilla "hm We bave ssadD. le.' wRemeil . l mgýixvtlerlu, psiitetlugt boul. am lis.* oe M i I.,"ll Dr.11m'Soill. resai , ail ir ibi aisg hiUeaaei .ati bseaisoe nms>' a r. SeUsceBasa sati orasaeat fis 1. ee tip whas. Di, ILUNEDCALC'PM aslmed lesvekl. 0 hcgl pu.MRS. IL . B.UNUMAN, Lacal idftor. Uis Mao Vore,ofCcgJ *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.1 Iu e nenrvcto jbrltives * Mra. Sherînan lma nthorlred te roelve tqubgerlptîlous sud advertlaments lu the oeuulry. 64 for the 1',urEFNDENr alMo orderii for job prinlting. Cal ou ber for retea.s Frank Vaugbu le epenîliug fis tvareu- o tien et home. Hie expe-etst e titril ticg 44*4444lis44'444444444 Chicago tbid.veek. 1 ao i rs. Linduer, wbo lias Ijeen spefut. GRAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. ROILINS. ing a fov veeka nitb fritînda ii is t1SI N LolIjp No. 115 A. F. & A. M. Mrs. W. Haiitilit4iii vilifed lier sin~ l locality, relnrned te the city Sun t'lis d R -filir ,Mnuîncitiiiti.itîh(> tiity lamt weeîk. .l e fl ialits n tir lm- ýfuui-f,1ll (I *Larry Vaughn, et Chicago, wViOsMc M t.LITwiLERa. W.M. Ailleed lm fti(' prid porseeuo *lu our attidnt lest udgy sied bf-lpe-i J. J. LONGABAîUGî;ný. by*lrun Iî,le bcycle..i ,1 z tlit the defeal of tbhe Lake Foîrest iboys. Q05051 clilfîr. . J). rlr kEesfîrn Mrmi. jî,li G<illli eis sptîdiiiîg a few a NM. Parson, of Chicago, lîavbîg %sa nî is v: ti. ,-mtjiy da*vfl li t Peter lRings. q-f r r e u t e d L , F a g a n e h b u s ei , i s n i i . v d A . M u l s . I E .I B . l f i F . aN k êA s , W . . J o seui p h l i t wn t r l o s q u i t e a i i n -t r r th smmrutcast. Wuî are gladtitueIAYgLA In:iNo. 1341M. W. "nit î *Sîiîîî fkfcîîî 0B r e xS a ta bune il DowIng , sthjare a friîalitiu I'tltLrigi -N tiiimr i.4.iT. fi). S ii- llt- tranig1 asLe o o p2 c ti ellip uidn up our towfî. EN ElETT iÇFNIfLi.. . C. red fotthvty The Ladies' Socijal Cirele of S. li- ( Miss Liî îulrhsnn o Lemons per doz. 1e 9rîckha parlith on jnly 11h nilI givi' a M IZI'AIICaîntuNo. 2»G i. NA. M-î'fs-!oif 2c grand pieute andi bol aI Ftirî.et.îs unî iîfirîîiy' -i u mth ii î MS igl5V iii iiifttl,' 1 isiI friéndîs Pavillont. No poines bave licen mipured M R..M' W. lAtt,hU(P--1-li- t Orîîysfîîkî Siîtuîrdîuy. Apples per can4. ltall iakbis the laent' it utthe siifin. MoE. umI I . J. W'glitiIiîati ff, 4c.-gî,î'i Contie ail sud bave s guiod Mlie. rONG]tEGAI N A I,('tiii n-h Niîiiier- On frîieids bu-ru- lat n uuk. At this tim of the yer pienieR Vi s î M.:sî -1ni. tut 7. ie f. Iranîr li-cf. M.Iariirt fMakI AtIislmeo is ea ieiaare fils enlyvqdnu f .S C . in urkuNiWukgan, fBade Arbuck les Coffee per lb. lc Vin oriey. Ms naYr lsdbrMna,ý-unr t64 ,a.iul -islve"imiy school Wedueeiday vilb a pieute. The ---- t--Irs. Efîge-fe visittu-i relu- 1pîencle as bellilutMr. Michael Xrea Mise Annîa W Ijitiiieire vitsitll lufitiifiliu Cliivugîi luut n,-uk. 1grove, and ifi a perfec.t day bias an>'- Chifcago iietil (it * vi lIut-eik.Fru-itl Div, firtîirly ot thin îinu- ail- TERM S C~ASH. thing tb do wib beavlng s gooiief, tir. anîlMinss iîîîiry, if lliu-,,,-ilr î d iifi iii ffîlm îtarit -ck.s we fe]ute 10as>' al haâti a5mtiien -areIliit,-giu-ntiuof ift-fifiter, Mirs. Mr. Jesi.î Mead hm lifitptii-k. lr. jouable lime.' At Ibis vritiug vo have i'rut tr. Stefri5 ali f iîia net heard the features (if the pieute. FS.Iîifk- stis <t r iiff t Neli flMa iletefif l iuui, culu- t The Loit gaine et the seceu n sis uriug ciiîîpltîîi. iThe LiyIvod îiîof- t<p î~ ieiedv __ playeti on the Everett grouds luel ing tii., <'hikago, u., iii hdccl nI rufit *ý, BA T-r here tHA... i..y Suinde', n-heu the Everett Crackerjacks lest neusk. Tii.tîsI,-r.jid Tuvuiirm Laike have F .B T E S A L Idefeated the glosa>' Lako Foresta b>'a h . sB iifs neek. score ef 8 te 10. The visitora ,tartei.l Mise May hîrrfît (If l.îîlîri. lti l1ii11,niii51.- - -*unos b>' scoriug 5 rue lu the tiret ifîîîiîîg, sud Mr. Heîîry îîîiiruiî, uOf 11 " i Mis'iiaiîîa Mtî Offîîi tHaiues- G asI Ilnos sud it looked asif the>' Cou in [;petit Siîduy %itiitlMr. iandiMis. E. B.:vile, %iittii i Te iti îes ii-re Sunnîay. baridil>', but the lCý'rckerjàwks tbixtking lierm"Ili. Fiii C. liiti<iiituI.hII-t Ssttîîrîluy ciii the>' ehonîti hegin their seasotviî-tir- 'Mr. and tirs. lii ail a v l 'i iîîî'îl Skiiliî iiict*v 1eai tfig ni . ilil ig iuiiiLonîg louaI>', spurreti up their neàiih iner- itu their flleulitel remîdeiîtî, n hirhi leuk. gles sud wonf out easily. Mantergon receiveil the ftiiîîtîg toucîhtes lamt l.iriif,îtlîîsîîr. Sits. shoved ceusiderable ekillinlupilchiug, n cik liiite kîtii i i u e Sihi telteiiii futc f1, '!tM ily JIY ab te. r liv o u but was knocked proiiiaceî,uly after be et paint. 1 sti<-kîcn s a V lug mizeti up by the bide. (.ladder tIr. Pîiliiu, i f Nlillitiiit. -lipîieiilec L % an r ,,-î i.î iiîgt ttu futifi- iof llhîa- pîtcheti a flue gaine, but n'as net prip.-r- iarladl iii i <if trouii ii iii lit ti . lti. v t lfhi i r l ime un tîhîeii, ly aUPPOrteti in the coiîuîeiiceunut. Wediidtdaiut(]îl itr'vBn fuij-m a ia-niiiîî As lit vas the tiraeiet tfor the- kiile, lîîaîOf tstleutt uiriiy M n y b .uyn ee ilbos cupe f uligafe tscu e Dr. C. C. W iitfiîîire lias fitti-il Ili,îa tMr. uîîîi'iiiM-. i huit. 1i f itiltifv, o utn e l'get; lu the gaine," but etter makîn iitlutelîîlAstnnireiinl<rn li.' n.tfStîîial[me of(od f.. lt, au uIr>', te>' matie use ot ail the euls, toiin herv M ,I iiii sti uî-eiîiiiie i-ueitirîttgfîe, I)e-li .. lreiu ldea, upper cuti, anti doubitle plsystif' luis frietntîsliuis liîu"îîkti'Irs . ltitfsisitîgie known te the luitiateti, Batteries, h ltie ti ntMr.. i. 4 lt m t-riitii.raiie Inocail U nod 5s ryGos Everett Crsdkerjacks, Gladîler Brus., * , iiiitii- r nfîî.. * k 5i.r t(;'Goels adBranso iyl Lake Forest, Mantersou n sdDMette. Mn. Mitrgafni iil ietr-iitit the il ntte aRî*rs too. cnd ister, I utie,îîG ri iii, W le.. Soldiei-a andtillers Associatiori. drove dean bore lest Sntiirelay-fi spei l Misé i la lîîîltîîî nliii io L ici-fii s teewilsys iiftlif'ir. iii lii Mlirgntritietnyiîtg a it iilien raiîiiceiisre îLas Ladies' entire Bicycle Suits 8 .0t 70 Tise Executîve Cozumittee ot the undîlfaluly. refîlu idtfu Iihom iîîîe itlit ciîago.Me $"'2.-00 ta 7.00 Lako Couuly Soldiers' andi Sellersq' Ir. Priictoir tlook a oîuuaî f li- hi .fiuu<i,.,i.i-tv t îtii Bo s ai.00i Sute7.0 Reunlon Association willl meet aI G. A. î'ieup Chlristie,,î liilentiîruira rtio, i Cfr i i ttietn f i tinif,ou Bos al lSut R. hall lu Waukegau ut 1:30 . tm. Cliiiîriiia thisnt neck adctaî irtîil fir li .,eîtîc'1111Vîiisiîi .silarge: Sweet Corn per.can.5 Tueida>', Jul>' 13, 1897, for tise pîîrpoe Fair Oiak ft attfe lest Tt-Ii I,-afeî i , ' .05î*c. .Yes W fr e îff l, e goane cIlîtfi li tfî I,.atW f of fixing np tise place sud time fer . *F ' îî,Prns erl .02 holding.Ihe ulueteeeth annuel reuuion. Mr. antîlMr-. Su-f-i-r iiiPrne pr 0 Propoilioe fo gronda nil nte-trs. Lux -r., tir. sid Mr-,î. . IIX. TitsSales if 1Il îîî,î [Sjj-.IaI-jIaiiii 1 Can Good Table Peaches .1 fulmnent vîli ho recoiveti frvin" places ard cuti tirosNc-llux.laive mwiji-nrfiste i,# iu-t i fi uti iiI1 ttt- ilb Caad Berry Caffee.2 thal t tia Bbave the renicu. Cein- Sunda> mille tir. cetrr s :.W.Il peîul-itt i"i-î-îîrnîîîîîî-îîm ratios are in vlted tu ho promeut. If îgley. . K . POLOCKu, Presideut. Mr. Shaiw, fitt iiiti.. i ~ Hood's Pills alirei lb-.t faftîil>' B.AiD7Ns-, SeCretar>. Christin Caiizeilmsiil>l.uuîi i-ivi- tflait i.ail hi si-icil li. iiWehaeafiilnea a e anyDesGad- ffe(ýleitl-eftri- iliii- iiifiIgregi hit ast ad r Raesfitilliîu -iiiiiiit ldity t <-llI, %II ~, vvt ass n rerpPers wnicn we aeslig Races, prmîtîie thi iw i-iî wl-t nu- r. ic A W.,d Ahuol reab Eggtei&a Th -AticbDriving iPark Ak;motil -iîaume if the siiiufi uîti-îiîw îiii The murke-t prie i-awhucb obtalul h ow s osbl rcg lion wiii give tnîî good races et temi gri-efi-ul hio t tau- îs I-r 1the~ b different c-ies offer but uittle iu- driving parât Monday, July 5, 1597. eijiyabtie, ti liii.e tif teiidifile Caîl and -.îtriir t-iofl unemaaiiAtorJeel i Cl ndfebe ePurchaa*ng elsewhere. C. ). Aines, yul aLsegive $25 iu piizesi Wle t(kmgýal'vmiir,-1fclPutybKÜg e oritDtl fer ladies' or gents' bicycle ravesa.For trieii uis nt Miî,iiev ,,sl'y i u lic ktamlsetib>' thise prite. ni hoeuee ofa ontriessand conditions apply te C. JD. !giu îîliifiiiiii iiftfhai.nnbrod eh ledpurul .I.K e k r Âmes, Antiocli, 111. Tbere yl ails) btc taktefiallie. iiIeiicf a4tî.-iluifi .Mr.. lit, bhrieging teunmarket ananti&Il F .K e k r givon s reati raeIl tthe aboeo(rutateir for'ki-uas truirIirv M it..I.ii1v 1 parî, - eggs henîcygalhe r. Ttihe market insu prze, tatug.119.0 . u.fon A« «orllet .u,-hit. Iiîe.%, îîîriîuan egg l is -ue ti,)-neprie hardi Brick Store. GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. preie.taSrti%' as9:o0e. CnusfeinA- in-i iisugi îtkji fi i- eri.t entera mblise malter aI &IL Tu the. Autîech 10 Trcvîsr, - revîîr Ite)Bi-tlia i l-itvel t i , Mrn it i i u ii uii Corners, Beihin' Corners te, Antitliet. havetie-it 'tggh lteouI' kntihoofmnldbav t i ________________ tieut, cfdon sto ai . Ail euities m offer. Lel film sefîo olaba aroputa. ij)j s satfro n u oentei. AhiblictNotice.n lion for havinîg trictl1>'flrtait eggm, anti cy l start~~~~~ fencrcbPoîcNtcho vil ii Sd lt it aoabout malle bis evu _____1 Iu-hreiiy gîivu-i thut1 it nll I Ihut price irrcspectve of icygeneral market. Excurstons. publie altu l file otieutH dy ut jiihy,' lA gaat-dqaî> hut ivr~Corne in and see the Tite C. M. et St P. fy il>' vîl ou1817, to file ic it I iiili-r fruimtbl, iod franeep li 0utaouitmoo excursIon tickets te points anti on unehicet finuire-, f2 vrm. ili, forr c i ufolt itan0 ci-ut in Ce.Lan-- datessas deocrïbedl hiloy. For tbc Lourariletutufi-c ili. 1iiiiiuiiitiiig tii v4:î. d tIait3 Lt annuel stte iteet Wisconsine L. A. M',mudsaituuri-e ig fict rîie Whî to rt- tii tht, hucineme for eggs Ir>' Ibis boet et Racine, Win., Juîhy Il,t2ud, anti . josepihIli>îîrTeit luvo utCtii-.gî . î 1). ystom Otf I)rlî]uf nI>'cartng for heu bene. *M onarcn for $38.00 3rd tickets vilI hoemool June;ltis tojul>' CenOflireîe r, fil.aufinht wiiîii ti.>'galber au egga they tyti, Inclusive aet<sue tare sud a fitrereau vouclu fuir if-§ beug laid thIatdaly for round trip. G.iid foir nfreutetuti liiC. N. <u St. .lty tsf .. the il IIfinttcdu ifleuuty lu gutitîg F w o 0 0 Juil> 5th. 4 d ui1tt i-ltexiutriuui tkut' ucustumt-rm lwiII tu tapuy the botter F w erfr-0 0 For Fourth et J fil>' tickets nil i h-M tîtu.î fui o i- the iiie. fIil ff i Icfte, %old tu points wittbtît 200 Builes ciOn uîuvul-ftkm. ut ,ie ri-giîhîr fi, InLondo flO ri-nb uggisarenDevoircheap. Jul>' 3rd, 4th and ti1h aItfoietare sta pifluts )liiitiffnfuir thée moîuauitripi. huiuiuiTio siltings 110 Cents) je abouItis iyceRptrh peil Ihird fer round trili. tiuod fuir retfîrîu fuir rf'ttin ut lin ii> ulyIithi. unana prire pk r dozeu. thougis uusîlt iy l e arn p cat unlîl Jil>' 11h. moidb>' W-fghf, anti il doula ne y For National Eduetiisual AasocîatiuîD.miu usistr orRemaim mncbit he year rund. Campnflete Line Of Sundries always On Hand. tu he oetiaIt iîlsukee Jury' th D ie SrePatesfrfhemts 11h tickets vilii eli frontpointse vithin 104) telles of Mlwaukee ontuJiuîîyINO C . 3rd, 4tb, 11h cuti th at otie tare ton Dr. 0. B. HoweM---------, N OTIC E.,WLLU ER r rouud trip plin $2 unierehlp tee. Tiusi-eiiiui uuisî-- -fit I FRI MR.JVUILE , ANDEVEIA TWOWILL BCTNtAKofT Uuod foîr reurnum Jury- fist lttb >'t i et - afiit uipros u-ui.1tutu thî,uADuîls. titICS TERLAFI Inclusive. 1utinfilelu- ulisf-auc fi i, tutti irt Fuir the ttouona tLake aasi-ni)yte Iiririt, i-un. fui f tilsai, Ivu r. îl-______________________ bhodolet tMadilsont, Juily 2ieti t,ît hBetysu biinilm, m n dumuî ,uîî I 5-suoirganes. E .S e m n tickets vilI liesnoter J <il>'19mbtii itlihE.B he m n încLu-,ive aI ene tare sd a fiird fui r Sbiîu ineasf-s. eceii-îi, mtii i i; rht-uttt, scu-1uti b eau. t-fi-. îpsoriasis st ,enausdets o .sw, us RAYSL K ,IN IS retîn318ti. Gui e ufl uttiihiî.psoi-asis nuiututieiirs iehiou* orrnce laopsenUt5 . Par» ILLNOIS Juhy 11sf. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rnigvirui. herpes, Zuutfr. aloi il lfortuuilasd s- - -l>aesîsLi.Ias len. _________________________Dise______________ Fer the îIIIveilifig uit JohtnA. Ligaun f uititeuîis erifif inr, ltftin fe- tets W«iaçM. nl s Monument cf Chicago Jury' liuf ieuis -e.l-ee îritunî>.fo,i,-P., hi.or psf bed, ee. viiedpeniitnty. dei.W. sdvne, il pli.fbleSoras, tSOit C MBsN T uxcurétio iettttii-bolul ho muli July lînt 'blscîfsîpnluiiuhîurr-i ~l <aire.est-fustd... il b .touis - sunti 22u uaItiono tare !or round trip. MNîîfîouut s'IiHLtenirHvtso i P.tmami,"vIthI' Geuti for rutîfru until Juil>' 261h. l iatiel'y Olectrouut'lstm.55cou sslatiusuin U. 8& a"illeuls. nu. ui E. L. DURcis, Agetf. Diseciles ouitheIbe tirt VuiItS iys4, ten. f, s dd ,-A OFFER .** ____________________ unâsteieîa. îocomuîmuur siifxnpro- O. A. 8NMOW &O- -- - - greesive paralysis, beadacise, îtu-irahgia o,. pa ez , ie.Wanwnsea. . o.1 A1E OFFE R FOR A SHORT TI ME ONLY ls' t ituu(lanceGerat uîinsom nie,________ les Viue dencoelati viitisîfto, cpiTHE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND CucIIDIDOI P ke huathailkoriif ,uu-Hackney RfaIlion. L KAt tiseD PE DE T . No i te ie a latculan. iitunsuate.ry. aeirul t'liutiîi For mscie îr traîloneuic lponted Il actif AWtefly win er Ocaan su ynoefudeut,1 os guutpoifve>'drct v trs ut ti- Bailti cglt ecaiud.5C LI.i ek lut e '. îan . ipedet 1yr....... ............... .....~ Cucumbers for Pickles. succenstîi r hem PPF, Llhurt>'ville. Daîl>'anti Ounday Iuter Ocam sud ludepaen l.year .......... ....... il 7 Plant now and pick crop 1- 1.........6o in six weeks. Get con- 0. B. HOWE, M. De, The IDEAL-BLUJE FLAME STOVES are the orettiest, neatestto operate, use tracts at M. B. Caiby &,Office ut Hotl IWoodseck; suite the least oul and oh, S0 handy I Try one a week and you Wauld flot be Wlthout Colis, F. C. Smith & Son's I 28 an 29. it. Same is true of top buggies and surrîes, as wei as ail klndS of hay tools andTrgg & ayors. WOQDSTOCK. - - ILLINOIS. such as mowers, rakes and tedders. We wiilseil for lesa3 than cost now. and Trigite)12s. N..Tayi3oadr6s. Carlit afford ta use an oid mower when we can put you in a new one for about IIOL IRS: fil tii A St.,103an i 0what the two sickles are worth. Cause: Wu have.mase *m.u.. m Rt. W. STAFFORD, id-"l. LtLiu.i AY b\ULk St'N-' Librtyill 1 11 a>' ho couflted Sftitdays froîn 8 te Pan hea osbhov aufh Dr. ltflmsPinPIlla. 10 a. ns. anti 3 tc 6 p. ma t RosI Cottage, jFKBAIRSTOW.11 Mafaclurer cf --- - - ..- *-t- ..te- aass w a Wi5. marlile Graite SUIT-or OVERCOAT Kabskit. LIbetyvll., iliois. Complote Lino of Fanoy 811k Vesting on Hand. CEMETIERY WORK EVERY DESCRIPTION Corresliond.tun lu oi o.aS..tmm .Lib.rtyfil , -or G@orige 51 Wsuoona. WhillIrenais etid. JT-r We conut refraiu treus caltlug Jour attention Co tLe fat that vs teeI mre ihet ve bava the pretîlest lookIn¶ mont durable anti Oconomîcal itU PLAEOIL COOK SRO VES ou tb muarket snch on idosl, Purîsan asud National, sud et prhren vIlla recb or' ail, ai vo vlIl srco tu fnunai, Ville the>' has, at cltL,-r Llhu'rtyvllaor 'WauIcfîudâ, or ahi pyen direct ou ortie, 1 completa Bine Plame store and uivehs, reati>'10gelt ilîter vilb, for ouly.J3.6. 2'Ley ail produce abe hlss a*eit Slbe. sme 011 yeîî i»inlu ir lampe suid tocit mlolle or mmcl) ue bit mor. rlabt lengt1L ta humT. Vont local damte£ mc>' gay that Lutie 'tlayaemuaîialoucuusi u"tu ltig anti )cave the ovec off Langh A>' Iîî,î. Wa oui>' charge 12.76 viflut oven. -We bu>' ur fataves lu lbe hane Iffylt where vauaeal nur blacd ht In boocs anud aboes ebleLare couttieusally arn,. lng et LibertyiDe anti Wanicotitla We lead iltyoîtplease.' ot follov. la quai. îuty ami prie. Ladies' lais style audi tîtruati flexIle sol@ blsckiamil tan» frein OIc. te $1.75 Large )ine -f me» boys and i mes cmounin sd mai" @boa ohep. Barb vire, voven virs. Dell». haîtivare, corn plasleru. cutil. veto,., raS.,, mover. roerigea vegoas. bicyclse. antiabuSeso- r Lana.,' eu and Êhgws

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