CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jul 1897, p. 6

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ý ý '1% -1wýas Il 1 ý ý 1 , ý , ,6.", 1 ----. ---------,- a, &7&îîfFý ý ýjItw,-1ý - . Want OU4 Ligh - ý - Ille liait en imurume traite abiï« te ii;ïf ax»mw - ý m-ffl ;_-ý . F '. _ ý _, 1' 7 :1 ý ý1'V, ý'_7,v',, ý. , main seilois Croixal. , . ";ZXme. Il emakint 1 1 , ý,,ý,,",ý- ý,1,ï,"i- In Outre bogged tbefa net ta effl Iller bad wSDmIffl =,-=f Pddlob«%4 The reporte of and tbe tepoWbf **et «mmktm ý 1 ,., ý MW" ' -1 Il .. lggf,ý=oggfgigea *8§ng 3"8 LèVels, bu the jade asmeil elimetture, wbeu ilhe prie- ý1 . 'T IK ý ý ,ffl ! ý - toua"f'r *forme tl'mg%'Mt @mrebtt-the Place, as filer refit cure that INDORSEO DY THE DUCKEyE r«dily diq>iiÎed of. lUr»'w» mure dm ew«' -" » ... ý ý 11, ýgelîý »colligera lhh"o und NW@Surd étre reeelv- more prtoom.n ,,,, still in il. 1%, Car T1419 WERK'Ill 00tuos ln «MATE essi* . . . . ILUMOIL god. A lavandin mruck the Dorthem Por- bans began tearîug down the joli, but Dot REPUBLICAN CONVENTION; the uligual lnt~ taken in the mutilations il , ýý ýý ', - 1, . Z*uin guaday from lit iloqui City. _ý , -0 , - tien of Itich HM, Me,, Thureday night tm'M th, building wu& in ruine (Ud they and the cýommittee Wou in afonion ail titillât AND HOUSE. contained the rentable of victime or Il . tryhaff te fra me the plettarm ne as te pre. ý or' '%a damsge witl s'nouait te tbmwc&& Of disecricer a secret digingeon undenitmth. wreek on the Wabash rend. Ail bodj«., Exestinu Conteras Over the Oalection vient a conte« in the convention ne the tiens am finit denth came te ai legat tour ,,,-e B.Bn S ARE FOILED. doi4ar%. ()'ni' -14 et kik- end -ne met of The", in a sanail Pen, hardly large enoue civil service. Cuban and otigter planke. A comp»b«odve Dige" et the Proie of tige tire mail clerkh aiment instantij. Ï- ý 1 furnares of the Cýherokee-Lanyon Selleiller 1 for rheo, fil Jura about lu. uýre fo'r ,nerf. Of a Cam»ai" Chairmatt-Platterm ceedinse ta the Le _ýLý ý cmpatl.v würe blown down, caugligt litre 1 In a second tren ocre tiiree women. ne Croats the Preloideut and Ceaur"o ' The phitform adoMed lador4en the lm. gielativ* Cham- Thoir car Pitelitici end tiret through the 1 , to ài Republicran platiorm sa pledgen bergit et Witihiugtou-M&ttere tku% break lu the trestie. The gremains et loge ý , and wire lotally conatinred. The black- 1 Veroilleu were aiment insane. and it 'Tas De Loyal ta Aute.nioction Tuuete. on' 1 ý . . ý jFUT&E ATTACK ON A SOUTH amith oh" aud Ortler buildings ai the ý actine ligne before they could tell Ilicir coge«n the People. Nuit were carried troin the wreck and 'ý , - DAKOTA BANK. Pleut were N'Avu away. ne Riel' HUI Étorie«. (Ille boit Ilore, , belle If file ritY . Were recorpred Rogue distance down the , 1 , 1 c"maing factury wmà wrecked. Telle brick and huit beeff imprisognerd berailse elle for- Unebueil Renominated. Lewmakeý et Labor. etreant. There wêre signe or lire in the Bandite Moter tu Dayligbt end (ýolnl>aliY vvam utiroofed a-IIII the wIîIùfý ilig the troopx tà,re. Thectrtgertwowem ln Toledo Tuesday tu nominale a ffl minufacturetl woofien tendu orcupied M, dragued bilai front the wrt.wk, but he dled IblýK*k of the M. S. Cowlee lýlerc&ntile g:ýIM advanirrés of thir cOloncri commaind- The Ohio Repubificalit convention met . 1 - A «Jubilera content cirer the dutlea body of the tifth niail clerk whên reneii M>940«r Cantonniers end OSelais ta ý pougerd in. greniMy damagitig rhe .stock. outifineil fier linvitig relatives in the (ruban attention of thë Senate throughout Thuro- a few minutes later on the Lauk of the Uniteil States k;eniit,ýr. Therte %%-fin me dey. Il Wou & dey (if comuant roll colle creek. ý The Btirkfii4igo block, briek, wax iiiirý)f- arme bill the remeeun fier imprisotaing theui Opposition tu SIPtatur Hanifa for both tik- Conductur Corwinnel w9ilec mlippoeed te be ý ýlb»w UP Their Head@ - Georgia cite and the buiddiugs otýýiiieIl by the in tif: horribâr bute wu& not ao,ýrtaillýl. and of crous tire dirigeais ou the efféliet of d il whec takeh trom the wreck, and bis OMV&cte XIII" by Lightaing. . Dally Iteview badlly damaged. 7ie crirty lit,ý,v'û,,rtý terri oggly unie a (la , and es 110 «bon and the long terme; and faune totthe . the dii*dm lu ndvancins raies. Many heu y rPnomiu*Àion of Gov. linehtit-.'l ont] il lier atiieaidinents vecre proposerd tu rIgduce the cuir, witig a hitndkerchiet down over the lI ý hall end the Wineniau brick blIx-li wcrê lirht ciiierocl lige plutre, th State officem. aJi of wigout art maniait - lutes. but theee were reje-ted ter decivive ', tact-, wu& rouget in a row with the neigea ,ýýel ,rosir la lestage janiée Style. unroofed. The KluuilIp Vock vIns demaged %tas illaý4 iiiIIlIrntlIle. Tbey trend be,11 fer therr second terme , cor ___ robbffl entered the Butte County and the anàl)bil'h(.mtr houisic, horse wtzi!ls in Ilier, s;x njoulýhs. but ail mociouct mère 1 in P#P@. A fetter minutes later sonne one The conteet froui the alart w«q for the mlljoritit - Le" filon tire P&S"s wore obxerved a sigin of lire and lie wu& qnIck- at Bellefourche, 8, D., Monday of. sherchi, and floral huit, togeilipr witit agri- wrfý-L.% %%lier, tmkeil Out. nuit could nu . fý ets, disposeil of during the dur, rarrying the Il ,ý tu end dernanded the mouey froin cuilliral l'filin and othr biii!41àiiýge ai il'( heur the suilligIgt. lie met, vlere vol ) lm of the $laie CAIntral Cumf1ùtt,ý. Bellute'throuuh paracruplis 370, the tiret Ir trousterred te a atrctebiýr and givra, ,r, . ý Fâch of the twenty- of the parographa rwiatinit te carpets. Au 1ý 1 emahier, Arthur Morille. He replied fair groulldes, werie ,ýiil):ç-t,:y deniolisliPel un, boli.., ,,,,,Iiti,>,,, sud twu of figent every Possible attention. Of the ainétren ý, one ceu«re.ssýiuiluI air of gerlocatu l)ervadýS the Huuge, owing githers injured nul une la in a critical coný ,-ý le"Wng hie pistai ai the leader, but it The strot. arc tkx-ktý,l mitli irtý,-.. fienl, m 11;m. .:I".Iý eli,,I." diatricts was clo@Qly - te the denth Of Mr. C .... âge et Illinois, ne uition. Argiongt thérir, ail literie, ln net one ,, - fre, end be was compelled te belli and outhuildings, ýigti% 'finit plait . assied, La. ad- . blind ,-Ii.lldllin. il, his Invocation, refer broken bath, though muny or thom ,mars. "' hie 'ffis( il uN CONGRFSSttiAN FOUND DEAD. red ', ' : bande with four otber men who Te ChrIslical, n'al F, -cite 1 'Il, 'lieu caiiv _ e - v«Ilee for cortimittire- th-IN'n thre"uartt-ro of the length of the _ý __ - ln the batik nt the time. The b- tertre vvre'lloi. The, hfflinphou.e Of file Il ý feflingly te .Mr. cooke's deurh ne a grIgat la r't) Memphis recul is a "al II. grecs armi froiglit Fdward D. Conke Diagrovered Lifetent . , illien and lotit fnv- Ptll)]Ie('alaueity. .Aftertlit-rendincottho ýachea ln which thry torero rifla«. ... -e Üt ru Jouit the cash on the ce ý ce, ._ un er fions claigiled ci full- 1 ... Il I, il. ., backcd out te their borne whielà cars IvtrP blr,%%-ii froui rite track> lit rite in Hie Bed. , 1 1 ý ý'. Journal the 'tlxýakPr atiiiIiince(l the recep- 'rite figurai, whicil wu* alino,êt a cleud- . al e liveilly- !! Ir tied la ait alley. One of the gang Pacifie and Memphis yer(Ils. While the ('on;rrýý,iiinii Fdward Dean f'ý)ke» jority of Ill 'Il a--, - . lion Of 'ln iliNitatioli front the Belginu burst. hmi %%%,i)llen flic little %treang te a ý- ý_, notable end kept fflng Up and W iud hm; been dcstruPdve to trec., croi. tifflitt.-t-ý,fr,.ni the Sixth (ýhiý,agI di.trict, unie memberta Ille fi, Chaniblir of I>eptititý tu file miroitiers of torrent. The finoil erarried awny a wagon ý , . and buildiul,% in sonne sections, tige grain Mas fotind deuil in Ids boit nt the l'ýIý,,bý. the dur Il lie l'of f-I:N'ATOit ITANNA file Ilouse tu aile"(] the- international par. bridge a lhort diýLaiiere above th, N-.ýab.,h , ýý ;; ici keep bock the citisens, who acre haé; greutly bellefiteil .ogme cmpts. Aýoiitgd rail HotPl ire Waslùngton, Thursi. vPràtiuu. - . iiati't'ntarY conference lu ravoir of arbi- trergile. Th#- wrock of Ibis bridge wmé _ time aroiiýed. They mounted their Forak-er, , allegiauve ici flic national a.litùjiistratio giration, O hleb ve in bi-gin Aint. (J. '%Ir. Veux burleil ih wu upou the raitrond treatle &nu ýý 1 K l'hv.iiians who clarifiai ý ý1 ÊtÉ., ail marre the one who was guard. Cotre, Ili., fully tire inelles ut rein bas agora"' - . faiten within the Inst wek, breaking tac romaine ,iiy Ihat dentif tra, the fret f neil and ",ih,>.rýs Iiuý;! , IAfý,ý;,ý,ýg... ,île pri.ý-.1ýil 1):aiike are the foi: of ""u'>'s- un behaIf of hie delegation. carrieil Itul'Y a m)'%',ýtwtmbdiýnxiipportis in bult 1. stree and vrhose borne escaperd î ri ý . , th'il n,)n"ull,ýIl the dicath of bis icellesgue, the center. A targuer lioticed the peril« ý ý " lie was d'Ial'erl'4 and savilig corn and olbPT crops. heurt ,ti»eiise. Mr. l'ouke was out foolinc been fair - 1 > the other four robbers. jon of weil the lirevions evenbig. but tiothing cHAs. L. 917RTz. their efforts te ret iiii 1 The itt-iIittilit-nie Party tenu alwayo been Mr, Cooko. 'J'lie mistoiiiitry rt4"iitione nue condition or flic trexile aloi rirsoived lc«en prisogoer hy Deputy Sheriff Arnold Reports f-I -Ily evvTY s"P't were adcipteil and Il 'ýun'illitte-' te attend te duc the passenger truin, %vhi%ýh bc knew - digad taketi to.Deadwood, as there was soutigierru Illinois ùidieûte rigint whéle fille vl as thotight about il. es ho bâti been eulb- Cbaàrmn Obarles 1, Ktirtziwhile ',ltt-ii- 1 flic friend qf the do%%ii-trýýd(Itýn und oP' the refilerai wax avlioluled. t-e)iàoi&Unir of yicIII of vricetit ici, leLow the average, Ille Wt te attacks or meule indigtemion. Abourt &ter Hanna and the oèd folioter ng of l'r.-,- preose-1, lind bas aknays direply @ympa- te lui abouf due. For nearly agi bour lie otrms feeling te lynch him. During the jý,,A, 2 o'clock lu the morning, however, attend- ident MeMaley end &ývre4ary Sherman ilbized %vith the strkigg;W ,If Igny p.."Pi(. fur Mesortl' Foý@' 1-r'el(.e' Belkoui) of 1111- stoud il, Ille icirriti quellity 's lln'LýuaZly food- NL - ' -toit Mai. Cilleriez, Dick for the- independence. 'toile: Moody of Mawýarhflqetts, 17 ouly tO rail lit l'est lis III& coud inientionn, OUM«dp on the strffl an old gentleman Mo., sufft-red ýixýifL]ly front the vvin.t. unis ai rite hotel were sumaïoned to hi: millier We extend unir bywixtthy grifir or lus-a Boyet. Or Indiana, pele- _e dowilleulir (If grain, JMmd Waller Gay was shot through the orse. Il Pl-4b. MQ. Dick was chairmau of the ý if) file lIatr'cwtý, of Culla lit thecr efforts te of ,relus. 118ileY for %%I,ýil the ,gig-obash I.,,rupallyg New teoiý and au the citizen& were firi Big trees %verte uprogoted, and tentait leuilil- r(ý111- bc hâvikg hue', laken w llt;ut.rr of Illin.ix and Dins- yo'L' ng ou had a fit of voilliting and wa Obdo SIate executive commit-tee in Witt se-hieve frueloin front Iib&niub cruetty and fusil mail ,-nàiIe iliniiiiering (en the Mm ettregating robbers one or the latter Juge; crushed. The Ortler Pointe t1iroinrh- - inuch re- more Of Arkansas. Thcn. nie a ruminer terni uns blindinglind the I.eIgili.ý.riuld 1 W» seon te reel in hin saligne. The bank *mi the Stale vit-Ilitire Ille terforni %ces ompi- lieved, hi- .nid. lie wu$ a.ked if bc did et McKinieY'e caulpalgits for Governor oppression, sied holcre finit tbe dey Of their mark of respect file iloitýe neliourned outil 'T'IcIt met, fi,,- si'nal ,bill, il,.. f:iruiI-r one 110111t but 875. Cashier Marble'à p cially severe wore 'Moberly. Alexandrin, flot ,,alit il IgIiysitýinn, to which lie go%* and in the prenid«rU&l compaigni of 149*--. deliveranve i,, n'car :il Ilicail. %%*i- vommend Il.nday. rire S_. et negfiiive reply. saying finit bc %%.Outil Dick wala auperselled by Kuru as chair. the course of thé- l'reýile-ni. and exil frnivtically ýtl,,,l arioc the lyiock. ilit atoll in locking the vault doorre" lý'it.vefte, Trenton sied Cnl;fcriiin. saved bc -cil] right." Ille hutmI ýttvIIdIjntq ai.. mon ln Gov. »unbuell'a tiret campal6n ofir crolifidetwe in Ili. ,pcPdý jinel pair:.'"ti . The Senatf Frillay compicteil the wool The 1(,e'oriI,,Iive strnck the ir(-wtlP and ý erad lives were loxl, týhrutigh libchining. cor c -hireluw, the sijk . ý Wfetter loue te the batik. Mm. Bubon Itli-kjtl>ý-itigh, II ife of a tarin- d4ngly turrirel doien the light in bis two Ye&m ago and Ille bas belli the place disiýitioli cet Ille ( - , Il [:.Ill question in ne- xi * Fcht-dille ont] the tobigero, I>ftglýl fIýd-r. lent 'tire icti.jer went through )- » rougit aloi retirel, Not responding tu a 'orer agince. eurdanci, wiih ,isc mi Itemulailshif, and a Il ""lt"I' II' gb larlit 'On- au" with ibis Il'i'l'tIgt-l"-"'k. 'I't-Iýheigcjtgo,-Rrtoli.led BIMIKUS A CONVICT CAMP. or, wae illetajilly killed whfile ýivrilig ut 1.Il'.Igcl)liýlitýl the tariff fcadem hâd the off doi ils xide und fil-, mail i-ar. which 1 - the vý-illeow Of ber bonne, t'vu milieu front ci,]] in file iuoriiing, th,, door Of bis roolu, In addition te the factionni f4ements firni and vi;zoý,tjs im.ii(ý. ý: Ugktutmor% Fatal Boits, Visit a Geor- Alloginy. Albert Rovister, a tarai bond liv- wax bruk'Pn olwn and the (',)iigrýýsiiiiiti rePremm-ted there bas been a etronc rival. We ln licc that th, 'ý,1,,iiiii.,tritti,>n ln '.*Islbf"ý-li-n 'If Ln-winx that ail the me1ed- folloo-cel. III, he.1 intu th, ýt,,.«,,, ,.,ci fir.t. ý' : gulut Ir.esmi Colony. ý imK near St. ("hariý, '.%Io.. alleu siiffmd %vas foigroi deuil. Ile wa. lyinàr filet Oi, hi. - - ___ --------. ___ - uleR of fil, bill and the frec li*t bac! bé,ený Evert' fife in thi- car wa. fout. , l'ho 1 i ZÀI«btnhg etreek the conviet camp ut death lit the "me %vay, wbilea nuinber Of buc-k and bis face ettgowed nu sigils of &of- golle ()ver once. Thiere outil, refouille only rinoker, Ilext lu-hind. followed. Il wu* 1 f ' "' ;'o tl'r'Ilgh the ""' a second linge, PsmgIý in ihili fur glial (,«,,iecln,.tnr Collet ne ýý, à" la-mb« mille or Greer Brothers, fleur fumiers in bccrh li'ýim.>is and Misceoori bai 19. - ýý .. ing un the iremA pauserd over. 11,boue litre rfding. 'J'hi. other oc, a 1 wu& ,til.altg "I.alýj or_ -Ê4otl4 GOL Tain convicts, bath neggroms, barils &net rrOpg blimel by the lighýtniiig. RACE WAR AT KEY wulélir. . very nultairrous and important. ineluding rions irjory. The chair car, nerf balade ý ý M , M» lutantly killed, tire Chers, white, In a Topeka, Kan., hailstorin tibony per- - ul,,ýý. cual. ton and béer. Affer al., pluitued in ,ilion tht. iloitue of wreck- UW:Obnrdr atter ana rasait of the oàoeks 900,11 würe btirt Pied lueurs suit Ivindowa of Town Terrified Ovel, a Couftict De- ý thal the intermil revenue fetiturgie of tige t*OeWe4. while ten teillera tuerie severely bouses giiaiter-L 1 ftfe end firlet. n'fil an ils pjixsi-stgýrit were t-cien Wligten end Blactiole. bill III in tee ail riflât remalige. , l'roirrrsu thrown 11, file forward --ud lit ait gilde. 1 WMU4 flûme of ,scintilla will die. White Ail attellipt nt Key Werif. Flý II, . %vftý raitid, althougit every Parnaralph le- riIIIIIII0 boule. HOW Irbey I.%,ý;ýl.ý] With . .. i. Jynch latiflor to cartels m'ad ofubburniy cuit- or ý gUilý numbering about .1W. were WIIOLE ARMY SLAIN. Sylvester .Johnson, colocred, Who IlIended au more mettons injilry la a lfiystery, 'J'h, . Mt »Nt«. a terrible eterm came up, and - 911iltY tu asmult. relculted in ait kilri.,iiig . 1-led. front end or Ille alceper. netir jet th.. rear, Wbwûw building was etruck a pente foi- Buron Dhani. and Hie Nile Expedi- of the negrý and the rapture by thengof - An illervid ii.1 Piartking ha:t ln the fair- jamnied ilitu file Ir,,trudiii;: end of file 1 ODWO& About twenty of the prisoners. lion Milleufrairrifil hy mabdi.t.. the town. ne local militigt, wPre ren- iff'(It-talP oi, c urrirel fil ibe lienatit, ut .,:.,W chair car, and ..I» tien. t.r.-v'-i't..ýl front #"à" Adventiste of the general confu- Telle BruýmeJs Reforme says il IeýrIIs dered poutte-riestit by t P lie ý 'l lit ,s of theiT or- le -1-IIL el'aturelièY, when. in the guidât ,if fOll«,Otàz il.(- ofiller. fat,, fil.. , i.n.,Ii. ,rbe made à dash for liberty and site- from a rond source that the entire Dlieni4 mory suit ýiiiiptiltlit. U*I) go Friclny night 1 .1 1 ý 1.1.11,11.ute .1-01, Itelialor 1,.-ttiz".%ý. twO Fx'-I-1-il'T $1-rielu" ,-os- 11--s in flic renr , b lier Several couflic-ts huit o,,urrýd, on, white . il, 'Irpublé, tell lu eDmPiug- It won Borne time W elliedition to file lieradwaters of t e N a 1 1 tr 1. -nu of ý;ootb I)ak,,ta. wa. ait could bc organigted, and in ineluding Baron Dhanis bimýif, bus bref r"tllniIl,ýl Ou the Irack. am Pu 4ing killeci suit ,"veral whiles and ne- . ettri. lecti II "il] 1.1raly.i* of the ý," cotri. The gli-cille .et Ille II r,ý,1;, II hich go bill g l.mVe»time the beavy min bol] ootffec- maffl.a(-mý(1. Baron Dhanis laut year en- grues Jmoýug %vullllc!týj, The white@ de- . - %%Li<h Irftjt:ilt bis %,ýb4ýimn mpoorh te) A týpnty-onP suile. ii,,rth--.-%.t or hnn«. tUMY oblitemted the convicta' trucks as listed 6,01X) men in the cceugu Free State elared .1Oiiii«,ti should bc lytwh-,d if il 1 « ý-i-,.%*- oith a ýldinj,, Ùalf utrirId. The City. rivar Micotouri ('ity siotiir,. I%.m voe- 4 seloi the bloodbounde nucleus. Two te toile part in a secret expodiiion. The look ervirry Catiensia.n on the i4land te do ...... ý . 1 S,..,;Il"r wa. nul 1.),Y.imliy ilorepti "'fat-'- ItPd hY nieny per-ils. The imortai notifier- ý British Gevenàment allowed A numb f Il; white the blacks, hfrgP1ý- lit the major- lq 1 exc i-it in tige xiititiIýài l- or the jeuwer of itien rerport that ibr-,b;illv tioýlirl) all of file lie humer troupe ta join the empeder o in In Q e 0 11, 1 Ju W fi .1,I-i.i.h. (ln motion ,if Mr. Plati or Con- , i ily, were &uIyPmfuiý ut' to gigot fi Pr i 1 i.. n'I'tlcýlit of the b'illuiiI'c (ý-Illeililtý- Coller- n'un 'Arricil on 111" Infir, %- 1-t or cl- tuiff' . . 1 but Il wa& officially demed that the Abielý the ,]Pfii.I-. The lilieriff wired Gov. ý11 . à . The car II ' I.r-,LI-,I -ol 1 BelgilLe mûrement bad beeu c.ný,rtt'd Bk)xbani fer pernoîseion tu rail upon the ni .1 . - crart;ý. %%n)tiuliteriiiIit1qi(actunýl. "ji,ý,Ild. .ilint.,r--.1 filet fleurit ..- su ýe against the Mabdists. The greneral fin- - ', - -I tu :*N al $:; a toný Thix lor- te IlývIrc:ai.mitt'ate'l ý (,Oemnii-tit for belle front the artillery -e- 61& off. Prul-4bly te- drift i ni ý Io- s'ouri ý WRICCUED Blr»YNAMITE. Pression, howetrer, wits that thi force and infantry ými)aiiiiý stalioned literie, - - ý_ __ - __ - .j.l..,ý,i le livi,!y e,,iiir,,v.-r.ýy J...I,%-Il . 1 ý - - il ' ' rl%"r "'i' tires intendfd te act in conjonction %vith t Nir. Piatt Aloi Mr. 1'.,ttigr"% (,,jý%cr iti_ 1 III. b.t. ý ý h . prirt-ciit the 1)!a(-" front rigiiig and - 1 _ýaïjý_-2j_'ý ý_ý ý IllIl,;Iili-) ut -ýoufh Dakota, Ichivi. c'aille. --- ----ý-- _ - 1 *bu" Batlàtane et South Scranton. the Anglo-L4,gyptiau expedition 'II' t P burnin.- the town. CORNELL ROWS TO FAME Pa., Blown utile N'tic and take the '.%Iabdiets between Iwo 1ýI tilc ý.c'i'r.ý-iýe cilmax Ilheil Mr. 1-eti,- 1 À dyn=ite explosion in South Scran- Ores and eventu&Uy eomplerte the recule- --- ------- --"-ý-- - - - __ýý ---- TOLEDOARMORY, WHEREOHIO HEPI-1Ilýl('.ý,,N('ONI-ENTIOIÇ IVA.s IIELD i: '_ ,%:, 1 I,ýýr,ý'f'.. lit the midIst ,If Il -_ - - ___ ɧ14 PR, blew up the bucia"s block or queet of the Soudan. In Augiigt In-t I)oz« o. Hi. Trait. ry for years between Dick and Eurtz and 1 nt.;,vi):intin,. tào trenty f%,r Ille aimxation ,ý.t.I-,Il..!,t ,1ý-,ý-le. The clrllaq, icr",.,.,ýt- lithoir-le lý." Winner. ln the Trl» ' Mirager information hall been rP-ived 1. lâtit nu fIiril..r provr- on fi,, ferfr ,7-JE41WOltUtUt a double dwëlliiig block Baron Dhanils was reptirterd tel have or- o the fight betweét dient was the distin- f of liavoi ha. n,-t,.Il II lx-:v ,ý.iIl..uulu, voqr.tjv. Xace. bold-ille on the Louisville and Nash- . i 1 - . ;I ,,itý4 fonde :1,ýýl Ille im elik, f,ý-Ilý-, .,--il'.. ëOlAI les were n'-er wit- ý, ýpW»d hi bleu, and a detached bonne 9" ing frelate, of this convention t press the tient Ille 'scoa c vIl., , ;, rived ai Ladite, north of the territury of L ..,, ,ce, - l,ý, neexcel 1,, r,,r,. al ai, ville Railroad. One lutin armed %ville, two '.. 'atify ceilà.1111ard by thire ieý'-i.jý't jet te ,. a -%,...riul, bruit racP. ' white Nile. involved &Il the p&Ky bonderres on une aide 1 flic sainc. 1 . d- ýý 41ruM tir Michael O'Hara. Twenty oth« the Congo Fripe State. on the pistolet saked the expreils car and oh- ur the clIkser wap the morect bitter con- 1 ýN'e (WI,ýllncý. lhP viuItItion tif vle spirit i-l'IriýIlII-ut :et 3 c"..iý. L. lie xlirie-Lisig c'f Ina'.3 .tq.,.]Il 1, Ijll,... the . fur boft« bad all, the windown blown out and sonne W25 miles north of Victoria Ny- taiued. Rcrording te reports in Clarkulrille, bui.1cliog "f me-orc.. «If I rkjr",II aloi il'.. ,briller 1 -%bg 'pkuner tom frotta the ,gratte. Th.? auto. It wasithen understû,od thut the test that haâ, beeu waged within either 1 of Ille ,.ývij serv ce al.t by Pre«idont The Serolle soude ;:oud prozire.. On Ille effigie - hI--ýr. tri ,le ýî ý Dhanis expedi ion woold Punit, on Durite- from $:-».(KR) te $4.000. The expri-s car Party for ye&m. ' ý . . -Il e (-*IeI- târiff J'in MiloL.ý, di.jeuctillirt ut ilo. la flý,-ýj>;,t--l- c-f ilercaet., pheek was feit ail over the city. The tells ý I.iid in thise ,,r.lý>r.ý %Il)ýc -1tudýl ils kr'I- Corlicil rovcd Iloroligh 1. 1:,;ý,, f.,rc'...] by r_ tvm of the explosion le unknown, but tuant in the direction of Khartoum. l'arly lu 'harge, of Mescienger L. C. Bren- Wov* ta the Convention. ý opelration brryonci lis 1,ýIrlý end latent, eraph. r,ý,;.Iiuu fie hi.b.., ýlýiI-fi bute I iýý non. The train, No. 102. left Meniphis ai ý > Pu a flotilla or vieroat. kill& ,if irtift. ail in ý, ý. tk*OUM alleilles that Il was the work of in December test it was reporte] that the o oe!oek Tuesifliky afternoon. The robbery The tiret dures session of the convention 1 and deinanil sorti, revocation of orders or fi 1 it-s--tlr(.(.(,fljàu(hý-,,utn,%trmj-. A.titiiil. full-elrt-en gind ,allaiter ,,lits (.I.1o.r, un the, tinblu lie made during poli exillodition huit met with &iraqter and rital tron 1, eIzr.ý,-i c-u ih, .lit3, un biele. tien] and occurrerrel four miles Pest of Clarksville taken up with the preliminitry work 1 tilýhfit-ation of the law nu will ý(romp:iub .;ci is lola'.I.el ut lltidýo)tà river, the iitei,,ýrif file toust nu- OOgnb'dimputes in that section. The te- Baron Diluais had been kilied. Later if t i)ýt-Il ,,,e.lý.L. If i. suprecolod the fruit- The bek in the Argnory won opemed ai "; 1 itA mallifeet piirlý.,. - 1,er cent. a-1 %ýtlcrt-iit il, pho-c lit il, Portant inier-4.(ýlld---,iiitI. ,."Iel,.t ,.r il. kifid was authoritatively staled flint there Iý1I o'cloeX but the delegates were laie tu i ]*'Ititlbflllly w",Ied ln the princriple of Filer lernijol, :o. .,ngiiii;lv r.-Iwrt.1 hy tdlmwülreacb$25,000. Thertiinuare %vus ;1-ictet - evé und for the report, and glial tchen Pr bo-arded the train nt ClarLoIrille. ul malice q,,,Iilicit't.ý.> 'l'lie dico. r -1-1-ided in (bis ,,.,;.ýir,,. anci crown- botiti cheured away te ancertain if there pu g-ro IVheu a low minutes ont he tercet the arriving. Senator Hanua entered by a protertion, tiýsII'I' ý pàlç ajàyvktima buried in them. test hëaril front. in Septêmber. the Baron car and ordercet ,,, ,,.,,,,,,,nt aide liner and w» on 1 vc demand for the Woolf Crotter' drifted iiitu a r.-,Oýr;kf debatt, cite Ir Il, 4'l vitil file Proud fille or Uncle rain's. cru of Ohio such amp:P protection for wool .o, "' ' .n . . ater. 1 t Ma. the grentest . - wax ai Stanley Fans, 600 mlles front the .. tu open the 1 frime that t'a--k I', the .entier treoit- quet ut IIO l Dearest Derviah forces. te, o-hich wu& dune. After securing the plonforgin before a. .!;-.fil sI"lily inercaeere Anierian d-ko Mg-. Siolith of Ne, Ji-lý,ý) erpulie agailoiri n'.1jiP%.,.gII.-gct c'er 8I,.,ý,,II,1-libI-Il J'y Cor- . OOOD Niswe To VETEIRANS. Songe illoney. the robber pullëd the bon bis Primatice in the mutfi,-i.,ntly ýo énipply ail Atuehcaff net-edis. 1 .,11. ýl,,,ý.. hotury fiùrl.%ý brieilic. ww% - convention hall wu» .- We ilIdiIýe the witur, f.1iý.bfuI nord - fi.. dilly cite lliilI-#. vihile Mr. .%11..!l Of .,I, ,, cord. When the train slacLed ils spééd I'VI, fact.ry aduiligierition ut G.c. Blimohn il- Nebraaka eé,ll.ri.-,l ille doi). 'l'he new latic c- :.ii,,Iý.t.. MOI flic .àu'o-r lm en. ý »80,ète Cillignatitteil Decilles te, ]Report WHITE 18 TUE MAN. dierovemL He wu% n lotragraph v,-4 aurceci fi,, %ill- ý.4g. orte ', bc jurgilleil off and made bis escape. Blond. en titied tu ail the gj, tient goic. . jlh ei'l' Il , - IPoLverably on Pension Bille. - 1, gr, , r'elec . toiserai bundred pension bille w Iowa Destinerai» t Him au . Go- bouffie, were plaetid on the bandit'a trait. glven a &eM, nuit the and coligratwate the peeple of thix Finie Demoriffit, l'a. liges or t*t:Ih. aloi se', rift ictorir. cire re- bernatori The Paseetigem were not di.t bed and Dingue made by the upon flic fin&ücýa1 condition of the ,ým- l'opulimi. aloi eil'er Iceloiblicart. voting COrticil o ou 11, throfr und onP (,,tsrth ý' to thé Senaite Tuenday, as the te- nfil il ,,a. H a o B a delegatea in,,tiwenItIL lengtim froin Yâe, the lutter being ai __ ýý . knew nothing of the robbery uur . with tif,,-cet.s in file, affirmative. . = the tiret meeting of the pension Fo'lowiug Je the ticket naturel et Des frported by the unexsenger. bailli amrcely aubsid- Thë thaniru of file peoPI& clin State least tenir a ilez., c - Moines. Iowa, Weduesday: ýÀQ Antotnt otber parugrigidis disi-scil Of werc .11 à nifillui in the %ciel of MUM»Ittee aince the preaent Congreu as- sa ischion, Gov! Buahý, are due bu Sclicturu, l'orakW and Ha"124 ni] thosc iclaiiiig ,,, xl-,,c%, a xut»tiint,- Harvard lit the ligne <If ,r".biijK flic finixh, béablt& Mr. Callinger of New Hamp- For Governor ....... Frederick E. White Cornait Il. Ch.-pion. non, accoîýPahied "1ý1 for their wjIIendýd efforts during the Pires- ý 1 e . eWrm&n of the eommittee, etateq Fur Lieutenant Goyernor. Cornieil prundly dettes by Attorney Generai 1 ' fier the 1,:ir:il:r:tlth ciel live annulais, trou )tue afol Imitent the Vriijofon ,gloppe-d row- 1 t 1 Benjamin A. Platumer the tille of quition M unett, 1 effet souillon of Congreex, soit we congrut' .Ire and titaiiord --laris Ill indow». The rt- lac. The Officiai gigue in: ( 'Ortarli, 2n)ýJr#; t It had bette decided te report favor- Kinn o fthero%%ingwýld. Herrhâmpioncrew o elktered. ulate the Peuple on rhierir ieprýrm-jàtatàon olution Illltllcrizillg the 1, relident le, in- Yale. L"f-11,11, sud Harvard, 2I:(wý. ýý &B the" bille whieh lied formerly For Supremf Court Justice. .L. G. e overIvIieligningly defeated YoJe and Har. The Bushnell men . in the Vnîted Stulfr. Sonate. vit-- forcigil g.,ý.-ri'lI,,-[,tâ ici jartiI-ileett,- While il je truc that the finie doex not Éaom* either branch of Cougmu, or bad Fur Supérinteffictient of Publie lu- vard Fridny afterucon ai l'ýiekeepgie. 1,...g'tbe delegates mAj. c. v. Dl .. 1 I)e)4Ting te cobt i nue such rei>nýen"tion il, the trjlun-ý'j'i P.'llusition nt O Arkionw-h file workro record or Io:-ID. ut fraction ....... .... G. F. Reinhardt ed te otvtdu the Hameau, men in the le,- ,'a 1 ý - - favorably eoniddered ln committee. Fi., Rrailroad Commissiciller. are the claim for glory of fige 1-Ing- tri uo"e nreel appreciating hi& servir- Io the party abit, %vas e.grt4-d te, ý.,,t. urger the Senate de ley Corneil lotit yeur, living One min. PMàM testerai pension bills were Jactait J 8. B. Coane link strolité, il would seem, for Mr. Leh- sud effusivecillest, of t1ileïr grergerging. and to, the 1 ' o - Fredérick E. White and udge Kintir 1 ioopie of the Stato omit nu- .1wil"i. te and a quarter édower. il Wum O KrPat . I& t» of tbem amelading the law or lm. Ire Demecrate, Plumber and Reinhardt, m&uu*s clew from Harvard. ils avolivred Charirman Creuse called the crouventie, tien. and h-i« ,miggent uni] prormet fillic« Sreveral litillI!nl pension bijim cecre re- etrugglê fer gul>"'IlIaI-Y. C-rueli's ,,ictory M" angotber referring ta profici in pension envier Republicans. and 9. B. Crane clin- e'Pý"t*l fininhed, exhausted six] huit te orgistir sud màde & short speech. in for flic Polesitiur, Ive inclorse the I-andiloy wax e*P(rciallv ettriocatinnal fou abc renoua, icales. didate for Railroad CouLuii"ioner.' la a e.ýd. lenifflits, beileind Yale. And wliieh lie touit occafflon te congratulaie of flic Honorable Marcute A. 11.11111Q for porteil fi) thé- Scoute Tio-sdjiy am the re. thlit nirither Yale lier Harvard cunmidered ýrëw rowed a pliicky race. bu Yale's the deleïrates thet cher hall a Itepub,ýi- L'uited States Senato, .et Il Or Ille tirst il]4.t.tiràg Of the Pelotion Populizt. The ticket really represents t wax ne r tu enircelerci Iiiipse4f C . the Ithacun-fý-rft moulent. Yalt-'atrain- Athietes of th. ibia-.I.& 'r c;n Presideut, tw4D RePubiie&n Senalors and piedge th 119111tutieic ceilo.i. fi,, pretient Voligrems P.011oli.8 in t - of three étierparale end in il wkh Crorgnell. Coguell,ë tigre, L'o ' - a e support Of the party in the , Titre rire, cren. utik-rirriitinatP% uni miaulai lie standing of the clubs the combined work min - il, .I-illill(,I, -P gvncral Pension bills et the Natioligui B&.ebail L.-àg,»: di«iart ettaventimis, but on acringut of tites -M seconds. wax net récord bres nu nd ItePublicau offkcerli ait the way clown nkxt Ge&@r&l Ausembly Io his election la 'v( feared ouly Harvard. Harvard f,,rd . ' i igh positioas te constable -re incho!ed. foie or thein nitiellclilig fil,. the Provision& ,tif the natif leur bill wu$ gocul cvu*kwr*ing the condition of train tàess b -- both fige short and l'mg terme. unir Y-lie. Both spoke xlIghtingly or Cor- , W. L. W. L. -go- After the pleurer filleur young Wengen drv»ý The mention of SlIfIator It.itina'n nouf@ law of 1NII0, aloi another m-territiK il. whiceh tous p.», ', the J'foie Lýgilga- file traiter. oeil, vi-hu %vas net thought 41 factur in the .... 39 14 Cleveland ý - .2ki Z.- turc the - ad ln whàte sang a couple qf'aongs, in was zirirertedi with lond dIfmonýtrutiofg., Proof "à lm-llx'f'gk 4'um(ýx, ""lu' ta"'d' bill contelit. Demofrratic convention had tu 1 wil. then t;,k,.iI ici-. :effet the parairraph .. ..u 17 PbiIodwJpbj.ý 2-, M) . Moraillon Eiders à-.xpýJJd. whieh they Pre&cted the ellaction and ait and after-rbe resolutions %%crie adolited An a .1.I(.tncle the race wax one or clin. ý 32 uomijaa.e if primarily and the P.Iulýýt Is!) relatif.- Io II nic-le motrellielit.. ý loek., EEEý . .. 17 Washington. :.,j 3-1 sud eo . -au : Fiders Hydalch, I'u---Y. Pariait and honorable and long aemtorW earver foIr Sênetor lianna wils calleil for. lie Prem, julerest, nuit il, gay thot it wu, ape, .. .. 19 Louisville .. .-"o .t: de » :ver Republi, Il lm "nveat"* lu- J.mrs. four lélormoin elders front, Irish Mr. Lionne. This caught bis portion of . thui,,rd thier fflnýi-iitiIn for this etv., Ilerrecteil by ,fi iiiiiie out the e laus -s 11, rxird the action of the L)Pm.crat%. wlre run out - pires- ' bY ti'Ausau'14 la in six-ak contiorvatively. ý -ý% 2K Chicago ... - .29) 34 Fi of Meridian. Mies. the deleintes. and they ]et 1tose a lot si.n of confidence titid la(rd,-e(l himesl ,Ili %v;ttI-i-,-- and (,il jIr,,,I. fier ninkfiog ,lbe observation train ajoue held 4,f». b47 f'ty-rbre* fluidifie of the rond I*opuH.rý, P, ne eld- oit te . E ...2r, 27 SL Louis, .... Il 4ý, beed"d by Mý«m welhT end have beréu in the city levers 1 deys mon of Hanom ent"siadm c')-uýrate %,-:t-h file standard-bearirr - ,.!If-li--e :effet ---,tjtiiiii,,: flic 1,,is-,igrIilli tu 'J'lie railmild tracks for a ligne ut the dotait, . bolted. WeekIl. amantinir for Dwebngs, and bill begun a Tben C=@ COntrelsIfflun Grostienorr', iBushiiell) for itepublieur, *,,cc,." in Ohio. lieu- ffrtie-lés toit nocele of I-lijiljl fer [eý-r- würe cboicly plicked. A dozen large ex- ý The showing oIL the marguilliers of the bonne-tu-bouse col,.çaus fer the perpose of àpewh. Mie. GronvenoT teck; occasion te ' celains. l'iliI.:.I,[)Ii.. .cre e-iliilIK(41 Io - elir-;,,st bouts, met Includinu a fleet front t%-IKUTHEBUD IN, A TRUNK. securing couverts. mention the two United States Senator@ Ticket Nomin.t.d. ý'. fW«tèm Lsague is summarizp.d bal.w: \'ominationa were theu made as fui. :-e-ilts lier .-Ill'ic. tout Ili loirrel. alui Pack. .New York City, showed dock. bl.,k with ý W. L W. L - front Oldoc. Pleut. be, sailli sonné Lied jo%,âý igem and $7 lier licousand ire litilk. 'rite obýrv(-rý. A ilotilln or yachts a utile long poumbus :** 3i 17 Detroit ..... 2g 1 things about Seuntor Forak". and the ,-,,jiinaittt,,- rillem on leail orP ilIý- celotre Il huit berge parties aboard, and o. tho. ,; ,2 Iwo Little Girl. Perieh White Ploy. Kan-&- Geta a trouât (.I)vern"T-Asa .9. Ititslitie!l. ý jammmpolu. .36 IN #-,.Ikd Rapide.21 37 bas Bide and oireig. The merci intense heat liait bai p revigorât wereduly approved by the ad- 1,.,tji,.Iý .cri- a.,rred lo, . re entrera of thet gentleman tube, were in flic Lieutenant (.()vtýrrior-A. NV. Jon". :UJti)Lý'I- -%"'sýrs- l'otiglikýýI)mie side of the river every bill Mt Paul. ... . 44) ý ZI. Kan=. City.29) 42 When an oid trunk was oponéd in th@,. vailýl in ( - 'entral Kansas for "verni veurs Stistreme Jndce-Ja(.,)b F. Burke-ft. 11--itf-'1-1. ILlotic flot 'J'I'ller vl>tüll 'ville and r.--k was througed. 1 09ill"s'"I'se --are 1>1 MiDneqPolin. 19 41 honge nt Joseph Meît-n. near Bordiery. bas been éIPerienced the lent four . dfic vu convention hall. Imimediately after thil the lt..I"11,lii;,ý,ý il. flic artirmative aloi ---- ,- -- 1 fi - applauBe hold ficied awily the temporary Attorfory (,t-ner-ýtl-llranL Mannett. __ Ky.. the falber foignid hm tierce litt:e ;rirýIs the tternlum4l" averaging IM, and nul' chairmun turnied bis attention Io ,%,,. Stage l'r.-a.tiýr-li.imliI-1 Caliil>t":I. Mr. Ancti uith the Ilýiiiimýnits lit the, ATLANTIC LiNER ON FIR£. 1 ý - lII-g;Iti"e-.-- - -- - --- Endeev.,ee 1. a Wrocic, Irinu in IL .nw)fh-red tu ,!ýth. Thfry ly reâching 104. Hantas. He mid &U sorte of good thinge Steamer City of Bouge Reporte a Noir. Two -sertions or a evhriMian Estideuver wêrce, jýârx, awýj 7. and ironie, ggýl .-l. =ý about hing,, and thon alepped back front FAIR WEEK FOR CROPS. Decorticatinir Machine. rofer Lacepe. «cursion train en the *4orthweutm Whille rheir parrats wére abm-ni the (-bit- âÏlARKET QVOTATIONS. The pi»lliý-11,:il olecluele te, flic mil(ý*I-$ý- ettilided ai Wext Chienlits, thirty drierrit bâil lýý rinying *'bIlI- agir] om.,k** bit table te w" fer the appliause te die The Anc hor lâne stenuier City ut Bouge . - "Way. The Huma mero ghoutel thêta- Corn blake. 1-rapid Stride. ».d FpinSr fui pniltie-lielu of Ilite Ili the ýýtI'Illit""I arrived ri faii (,Iusgoii- and Moville aller a = trous Chicago. in Du Page Casimir, wità film* other futur wbiie -ýr'h;njr Chicagý>--Cattjtr, common tu prime, selves bourse. but rà: Bushnell men mot %%hýat 1. 1,.itIg leilecil. stiit(ý is Ille iIxI.-LLýe of flecorticallexi: thrilliv', cxleerience Iilh lire on board illit 12ýM Wednesday gouvaing. Threq, for a gond hiding p1aIýe the two ývýentlý sa.w tu $5.1z; lwg-. ethippinir crudes. tullefflir sileDOL Gen. Grosvencor broughi né week's croie bulletin, baxeil (en Ille luit if Ille Iluii-illiw- Ircecelilly (%tl$t. Ilugh Young reports that the- 1 - "ri' "il' p riding, on the ttwmght of ou cleil trunk in thé cellar, 5; elle, . - jeatenteil Khii). y E = re k1IJ1ý. 'rFnnil'týl, ether. wý rrawlptl into fit and clolil thé IIdý A 93.qX) te, $3.7i 'I', fair te $*2.(N) reports of Ille diree-turs ut the w-ea: cli. by fi lý,rtj)(.Il rcýkIeIjt (if (,,,Lgt 8IIIIII ni.- tIteainer ettiltl on «lune II) vvith fift -ail gared. Argoth Endentfor train wam spring !ock made il an air-tigbt total,. lie IÎ4 ' lot" whent No. 21 red, 72f, tu 73,; mate and crop soetionces, 1. il. f.11.ý-s: (1,Inll)li.,Il %vluit . W clatilleil fier It Ille saloon, ninety .econà c.abin and 150 steer- OrrOcke 4B the Vanclulia mail fleur Va.- ---- - cura. No. 2, 24,- te 2(ký; unis, No. '21, 17e - Exccpt over tige -ntral It.c-ky Moult- lerolbItýlit bt ý-lve4I, und thiq clountry inay tige Pn.%sëljgeru und a corw) or general , te, litc; nle. NI, *-,, Me tu 37..; but ter, tain region and CaIifornî;i, ve-fiere il veau fugerchandistc. Saturday ;if 2:30 p. gare in ý; ýl"Hà. but nulle lent traingliten were bu- ' work of crues W luit. choice , rialucry, 14(- io I.-ic; eé,g%. fresh, unbeasonab!y cool, the wk bas bPPI, 1;,uý Profit J)v thi- iiitrexlii(,tioti of iligoliliger latitude 4IM1'ef, longitude (Zi-2ZI), the bridge Î;;.d. New@ bas been rýeitd of a terrifie 'S.. (o th-: [,-v potattiés, Wie tu 9ac fier emlly favorable fur the growth und (:uItiý lnitn-try. 'J'he filler tu lie d4,4ýNuIJ- .ID,-(-r de-t(ý-ted .toi.lie igmnfiu; front No. 4 . - e7eloce which latteigied tiftéren utile% norib- , - gre-tit ý 1 ,.ikt.,Il 1,4, of course, enril(41 liy un vlid- CrO-*ed the gaborià. Iuliel; br-,iý corn, (-ona;t!,oii grouth ta vallon of croie. (ýwrn Jus ma4c vigorrous 1 bold, iniiiie(lial--ly forward ut tige bridge. letter halil rPn(.Iàýl the governor B"dey nýuht. As far luekno ;. th," choice zreilit hur;. $25 fi, $7o lier tue. growth in the principal corit, States dur. lesc ;'PrOi) t(I Ille' ruils, which t am Dense ii-hijneci of .moite sono begau il> ý ýOeberld ait Algeria front the Soremor et Persona are demi and a 'nunlher danger- Ilicliallai»Ii*--Cttle, allippligg, $3.4x) te Ae e ing the vvef.ýk-. Ili file Dakotam, liow4ý%-t-r, criWierrit, J'tel Veilit-Il IllilY lie .,Itl'j'ii&(trd ascreild. . The tire alignai was quickly 00 Fmch eOlunY (if Senegai by way or ouâl-. i'ujured. Tlw dénd were memberz $5-25; hog-4. eholice ligifit, $3.0x) te, $3.75; the croit, eonotinues haîrkwigrd tel ith tiiiI-vfzi Ili jWy dü,ýIrPd tliti.ii(Ný apart by guicile soutided and the ('N'%%' büRt te quartiers. ý , -htrop, ooillutoin te choisIf, - ,II groivili lichile.4, %vlil,.Ii al", ý111,1m)1't flic liber F.U-".ctoo' The e"KPateh wàà «Tried bf of tIlte (;«rxy family. and othërs of rhis . JI3.00 to J4.45: giiiiiiels. (-14)tton bas malle goui Meanwhilcý fin ollicer mail detailed tu nuit. &M courrier« on droinedaries, and it eow f8m,'LY are aime basily luirt. Mr. Goeoy wheut 1 No. 2, 74e lu jtlé; lcorn. N4, -1 ., during the wcok. Soutl'iwarcl of the P.1-th. %%*Ilýi]4. It I,ý tieinu, (1fý-ot*tl(-ýit.ýil by n fy the passengers, Nu ho Ivere calgrudy ait- ojtkutes the firbt klifI%% il instance on tee- wax away front bouge. 'Ille reniai White, 2(le te 28c; ouils, Ne. 2 White, :Xkr . . f cru L.,Illld.iry of 1'týuil,ý,,;,,,ý il ting or pnlIl(.Illl.lillg the dePk.. . ý . aller of le bOlk of t'le ,cries ,If I11I:Il,ý bru'Ile'. wlll(.Il rire 1 ffl of tur(li»ýIin oMc lut communications the family hall ret:r(,,I. und when the te 22e. '. -1. winter whefit Proie haý 1) bar,-e.,-I(-fl 111 ai fcw minutes hotte mils stretche4 illi )Mviâg truvermed the grcet Sahara desert. alerte gtruck til,,y ' Si. L«uis--4-Inttlp, $3.00 te $5.2.5; bogue , , aloi soute tliýgI."Iillg bus 1 n doa, in ( '."'l'm made fur their Pare , Iýý1!, ri .If' - Id t%."ýl' Ilqý-(ýs:Il*,v by eoinbý cocu- along the flerk front the engine grenat ter ý _ _ BefcTe they huit got Out ,If the bout*' $3.00 to $3.75; glit4ýp, &,»Iý()o te) *4.i)(); 1 Texale. lIum,ýtiiia !il Killý,LI8 is iienr;y uccurd with flic.]%ý!11.I. the hold vchere the tire liait been raging. Near the 2.000.000 mark. Ilowevoir. the tornado liait demiroyed iý %%,Jieat, No. 2. 7k te iSe; Punir No. LI irofigiffleteil and ter begin thi6 Iveek in In- - ---- Steniff tend water were turpiret Intu the .1 . CbâmgOrs Population Je neamint the Tifs work of destruction wils flot kilown yellow, 212c to, 24c; toute, No. 2 wluit& 1-se dingue , Ohio, %%'est N'iriài'zi .luit .Maryland. . Strance Worahip. buriaing eutupartunient. ami lit 5 p. lit. the ý ý, %101111,11111110 mark. AcVordiniz te the eati. - titi m-,iýr -h-crc _.;ý,6i_.. f-A ,à,. _-te lige; Irrite, Ne. 21. 31c to:I&-. - . gr, Iý...ýý--,ý,, -, ..... . -:- 1 . . .... .. ..... i,; - . . ý - - .. __- -- - .----.ý- ___ - 4.- -- ....,.-. --...-." -_ ___ - - Mý'YA&w E Ti ou Truste tbe Pro a lierai and ites Duties or the II Maur Temptatio Our Wilabir »ralmage?» mi àpeeal Itt-mt for lottpart to be lawyer bleàde of lawyers. 1.13, "Bring Zeami tl ý Ilhe profession of 'tueed and within v ýýàY âOý Young nier wafflu in %arlou» 1) t III are taitit ,,l.trions pro I Iitr lpropriate that 1 ,inen front, a moral point, as ulxiu iliIý reepotimibilities of tl in the text by Yeui We ail adinire il aide of I'nW'â natu while tlie jai-1 reniant are -vveri Wb@" he stands un, ,,Ides of the Nero, stirnilndtl lictors: ai when %v eliýrelihow vrith hi, bairclot-Il and vr'il, Intersticei: a,, %vlIl toile the thirty-uh of %%iiich fet,-Itý-,t 1 Ing in hi. uti-i--iii find hiui, rrganL--, b mise C delIV41 ture tu Felix. the Blit 94)ulrtifilfý% %ý- onild and grenial *W le that he hIIý ri«.er t'y Ir-,f- nax. Ild h.. %,:, ,ý.1haJe ýe hâd forII, this la,, i I r in 1 Il- ý;qUetiLII In to this Z.,na. 1 h.. bad a warin :ittitý h. proi vic. fic and Bring Zua. Ili, 1'tib Milo of n'y in l'ilici. portera of Christ theut Blâ1kýto-ý- on Engli.là law. Mancipator. wi Buti.r, Attý, and tèe là1ý Châr of tue tk-« Niarqhall at be4l and Sir Tho the tru-b oil 11I.- &choit initu, and àý, short. IIý oarcfi strike awry A NI Ainong the fil bave 1-i, ilad, bave L-n plcas 1 ChristiewtY, et stood in rbe 14UI, ton rAýadifg în cAse, tienoeuriue the îwith came, tigue Mora sid and vulctir orbea Saliruel I.- the !Palier of Om es the ilatf-rin meneli"lt nd,ý leury of the .1er: Burke, Il, 1*lIý liastince. n.t liait MOMIA, rio-1 1, -lue pl,,%t nligtigt In wesiolinsier péa,41 theý lieu- of t t*arnt.ý h.- Ili hm in tbý wIa vrhone a _,rerlod: 1 illIpe& '.CUD nature, wl the "AuIý .1 1 ratik. alpi of Il aitl;atiý,n in the Yt,;tbu flint: the ric).tx *U9 rou the Ilýe Cmb against it. 0 Oliver Crouffl yers wigbt IW as iripmbers. M zru::Ih." an ork Here lie Aý.. TWO huildop tmu.1 with ý Prne --hint: ýI for La, p rý' of th.. ýâsi th'. 4viKy ý,f Uwn a ýyoiith :i th', 41 they or-- 1 aid, Ptirw»oý thal 1 while. F,'r e a tniiid tý, iny Prove that h,ý me. 1 IIIII&t feud my riglit, law that a In, In plenHniz 1 merits of the ce4 fomgn th not te tl- -itle' liby b ýther 1 h opg 'Il til ýY adj tira in Il issu lm w cant rgo t Il e:ýr ý"b take "iwýia1 they bave S. bond that it 1 cide wheber aneegtmfflot me or to One 1 gay the" there bas bel against Ilint t. generatiol grou nd that 1 *at t-hey dc h- .-irn

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