CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jul 1897, p. 1

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Vol. V. No. 39.__ __ ___ __ __ Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, JuIy 9. 1897. $ .0aY a i da Dr. Charles Galloway. LOSES AN EYE. A Golden Weddinu Surpris.. A Mid-dsy Blaze. ROUND LAKE. Mfr. and 1frs. Atou Ingrlsit. ge At 12:305 Tuesdduay nou a tire eated Llsten foi the wedding ble slnthins Otfllcover Lovail'asDrug Store . M.Calloway the. VIctim of a lespecUvely .eveuty six as e t f lnte BIte over the dinlng boorn of vicnlty &coo. nous e rcul »o$AND> are ap.. m. Brus Accident. tour yeas, but stili a baie and hearty lt ue onnem P. 6. Botes'tarin Ivo Will Cleveland called on IVeukegau A Libertyville. - Illinois What bas clmlnsted lu a most ld couple vere married ln Austria and onie hall mlles uorth-wetoîfienas lbst week Tharsday. serious aud partiouisrly unfortunate flfty yeara aga, @Ince whlch lime Ood Lib5tyiltls, oompletely destroylug 1Mr. Henry Hart entraîned guests - accUent occured ta Dam Gslovay, Jr.. hma blesend tbeir lves abund. lte structure. The famlly were eatIng froin Woodl&vu over thte Foîîrtb. pela Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. et bis home lns Libertyville lest Valday sntly. They caine to Ameuîca dlna6r wvite flarnes vere di&.- t àHeOandee navite 9utertalued p ca Office over Trlggs & Taylorle. ulatit. Mfr. Ualloway vas opening a about twenty-seveu 36515 aga and covered snd bel ore belli could bc th"ek. «eo .... -nua-box Of tire worksalhe had pnrcitaaed ln nov eujoy the fruit 0f Ibsir BiimhiOilSd, Tie ieàsd ased sueh The fire-wOrks Of Round Lakte are 7 ta10 L e. m.a 4 M sd . to s p. ta. the city for hies stees obldren lua te labors. Children sMd psd-cldren headvy.tittat sIimpossible tuasave Worth mmetlonlng as they vere con- keeldenoe on Brodway opposite Park atternoon. Experlencing norne dit- to the nuzuber of thirty-foft, nineteen auyliuing excepisa very few articles of sidered fine. Libertyville, Illinois. tlcultY ln removlng the cover hie of whom, cafromanChicago, amserbled fiiiitup sud clohlng. A large crowd 8. C. Ltwler and Jopeph (lervod a p t etemtd uforce I yhIt ng etathiehomeo eeHn doo ad Ocinoebors wore s ontte <oua nd fedbuinnt i cicao lest I t 8 êa etee iiLibertyvîlle 'se vl .v Dr. E. H. Smith, thte grat bmw asPartiele Of steel not sud vent ln abody tahehome of Jo5 otier out-buildings. Thte orîglu of veret@ eakîatveitt AO DETS.larger tiraat a plu head bruite off Uh. Ingriait viere this ihappy old couple the lire la s mytery. There bail beeu picule gropinds for lte lourlt. gag DETIT.hernier, strikiug oue of his eyes jmet reide vitit thoîr son. Boe etbey no lire lu thte toves lu the bouae for lisehaus entertalue<i thîrty-fotîr Office over J. W. llutler's bidg above the pupilisud peuetratiug the feasted snd held a graud f&nifly several vesits, snd the ouly conclusion gueste o ver the tourth; liendees lveè; Hours: àt512 Zlda. id sud à p.. DAILY. eye bal.- Ater cOnsultlus a local re uniou vhlch the elgbteen grand. 10 litI miesbal carrled matches ut avoasxsd lwlr îvu UuiboAay.LU luo arooe ixad itilraelve.Began ~ a 5 J y Lbrvilmphysicianfil vas declded tu remove chldren sud ail olliers presenit Ii theoattlAthu ignitlugsominnsrnmmabe Parties tram Chicago have uleerly>, u 6 h Libertyvile, Ill. hlm tu Chicago for treatinut. Re long remember vlth plaeure. 1Mr. mterlal. The fsrnlly conalstlng of 1Mr. lt0 a lge b aseou thte oc-Iîhan ae W ln lion efea lar agemC u e on t e or l t rc f y u e t e C .pe e l ke you a pecial prie du vas ak en 10 th e T rem o ul B onne viere sd lrs. Ig r sh are h g tly respecte i sd lr . B o es sd three c l d ren are b euit f the la ie , uu u i Dr. E. V. HARVEY, esTan tacility obtaable could be baiud prosperous. Thelir sous sd beng seltered by neighbors for the MTr. Cha. Aben, 1r. AI Witt su d hveugo lseot te baa adDoctora Hlolinesand Wescott, danghters vers pregeseu ul o : prenent. The property in lusured lu thee frîcuds speut the Pourtit et thelr ocal- av began t ls u h aa DENTUST. vhose finme as eye sud ear spec.talles Joseph ingrlah. lte eldest of Fremont; Mlilburu Mutual but the long fer tage On the soutb bant. 1Mr. Absu ce- -OFFICE Bouas - assured hies uxînus relativesansd lira. Thoras. of Chcsgo; 1fra. E. E. excesds the Insurauce. PBet. afr.eaeue, 01fustan. baps. u toen-D esGod ,inW Otol2iA.f. t6and7to$P.M. frleudo tiret everything possible vould Beudee, Grayalake; Frsk nksd John 10M. rde o u tin bs.rt Cl Grysae y ot f 8tu2 teSoat atkofte ae hreteyae ob donu 1"aethe sYs, voeecou- Ingrlsb. froin Chicago sud lte Senate Passe* Tariff? i. gaedmp fIn chorunts otya d W s o s.C re ,Gov ,1 Illinois- ultmdershotheffchoi-dorn ea vain aandhWashMrG.odowaCorseffulofeTe hovever sud Thursdlay moruiug Il vas Lîbertyvillé, aigu the vldov of lte non PemBed thte revlsed Dlugley Tariff Blil main for about two veeka. En rieis uti fonud uecsassrytl rernove It. Thte Fred ingrisit. Thoe. ilii Uieir Thureday efteruoou. Thte flrm of walkeî' & Johnson ood a d, W. S. SCHAEFFERS 10«ofobuI njured eye 'la s terrible aiiearnmode happy copnyGifla WARr..DsYduion ofLaessvieittà Liug0s - NURSERY.WARE.eslauite pas$ wboreevitiP"'eia "W one mile souti of Loug rove P. 0., Lakte amîictlon 10 1r. GsllOvaY as8ihebas iagotd coin go the amouint af elghty- . Chez. WlI thevs s hîcao Tletor romes s 5 bac t an. 'if o r uig ntigiitu bv od i iipy Co.i.beena"iOut bliud lualte otiter oye for five dollars vere preaented aieslest Wed br as hiagov Arcops and15glarlos u".a 1sad <njftPhade and OrnamuntlToc, (rape- tveuîY Years, beiug JuàItbete 1mrany articles uaefui sud besutiul. W.Belmn . lA rudpse soradthe ge are se fous thu PstofheaebyngaYhn nth bv odti i è vIcan ersdi! Fruits. diatlaguisah dira outllues at short Dly prenrons arrangement A. B. of a nev viteel.i us krna evl r oieu red (te aipre, n c'Imstd .tet. range, tnus belug bift almnoat blnd. Lewis, te photogrspher, vas titere sud M ien Cook, 0f Wsukegan, l u su ad patrous a littIgen ie varwound Mfr. Ullovay le a meMbor Of thse took e handiome group pîclure of t of lira. Edwin Potter. thte beautilul vatersnIttis laite. DrH 0 .YO N .Liberyvle villaeoboard, sud very large fsinlly. lMay pouce attend thera di ny Of'aMr citizens sttended Ithe Tvo Parties froin Libertyvîlle flsbed A Tv v a ÂI W " Dr H B Y U G.POPUILar vlth'hie cousUtuenta. Be bas fat mauy yeare yeît g corne. celebrstion et Greyslake. lu Round Lakte Weduesday and caugbtg Physiclan and Surgeon. practiced lsv la Chicago for several _______mu. .licCatmy, of Chticego, wva snomfin le flh. Ah! Bound Lakte Js thead surage OposTs"RUM 011 Y&rà mkIB bs hmeln ibrty neffI ofJ. J. Ureezer lesit M oday. Place t 10 o flig. A party mCi- Co. GeneseeandWashington Stt.1 susnsss o.s.aîv ~ ~ esr, sklg bs hme n Lbery Nol0de Two Inquet. Chau. Tucker vasin Chicago lest cago esught ten blackt bauseveraglug Gurnee,- -------Illinois. ville, vîit bis parents. The universel ourpouds pe conceru as la bis 'vellare attente lte n aurdaywvs, a buay day for lbe WeesdaUdy itl acar load ~o. MPaurtoun sonanM.ieece.EAN __________________________coroner. Tva Inqusata voe. hld, one mi»e Emme fltrang aur popnir 1r.Pat u uad1r. ve A K O N 1>1gb teem Arnds sud nead b& Il at Grsyalske sud onedat Atlocit. dresuraker tavîit M rs. Patterson thia reo rcsLatvr hSt conutesa rleus aij ou andstl eki. Benehan Honte lest Wednesda u ba lheuqusetet niGrsyétake wva pon Uo rgs ecul odJespent Ivo houreiutt ushlug, ctciu l 1 Tle a k C Ad Th~n e blecktbasa. Corne &galan1Mr. Pratt, ve L ke C unty A a * O . F . u t t e r i e l d M D . iC e x p r e e s e x e s î m s t h s u e g r fl e t l t h t ie b o d y o f l i n e s W s i k e y , f o u un d d e d S t a f f o r d , o f W a n i t s g s , s f i n e d r i v n g a r e l v y s l a d 1 0 e e"ou r e n l u VITMNR URENAN E lIT ty. Tbe doctors lu charge tuink i ne.? titst place. He bail been over. mare. 'face. yu mln Possible th&&- nomeILLîs.ole p<>aslble come by the ibeat. 'Clspham brettera Tom sud Jos secit At PreâeDt ve bave <campng au tite Business C ollèee Ma hai soi n ddt oai srug li H enry M o g tes ifed befors th e have ne v be gIe. A Word tu te lake the Congres" Athlete club co -_ _AN inyh Ae iermllgeye, corone uy&a i a okn i il esficienI tfo . M. white, Chu.Rauh lto saylng kt le sometîmes te case vitere - sJryttlit a o in v1e Ir Wl suc n ie hvio have besuhsBul: u a i us Dr. A. L. TRA VIS. Ones oye la uamoyed that nurelgr donvhu indo dscver4 islausrelative Aà Wgauitegsn lte Len, Bertt kd William lucidus.The e he s T-an Boum=£ à. I 1 O 1&XV Tea P M. me tregthes te rnranni'rb.thse body. Be bord thte dog ast up s pon eek uet ave returned. aitcthofhelufrnedywlopn tLbryv apeelalattention paid tu te voet ig, ad<ong t oee Balpit DadY carried off several amnutngulo176 cropples sud 122 bas. le l. trataient of Cbrulc RiteunsaUmn. Woodmen's Piculo, lie dog vas, found WaWklY lyI ln a lu s îea aIthe bicycle racs luit veki. 1fr. Beuehau reports thte appearsuc, Roceflle, liinis. Tu Wodiens Pcue S (rsyiatebale. Titere vers no syldeuce of a He ridesa sTitil. It lesa beauty. Of 8ainsu test Tuesdsy eveulng WhoM o d Rokfle.July 6tht vas a grand saucess. Snob a struggle and lte body lay on ies bacit, Ba omalnr lvi oeated lu a ver, pecullar manuscae M o d y S ptmer 6,us. wit ama ndles otareche. .some excelleulntou Ontihe road lte ug a limentdeal of dleîurbsne &sinnfWlth a Faculty of Three or more gstiteriug of nelglibors sud Iheir Pvîli a r a dgsO. L. Machester peut wveki, vitich& in aIppreciete. bieSguent». One ofthie young ladie frieuds liesnoe e *- toen lsctsersdO .Mactse eo. Scitauber started fou California retlrsi lao lte bouse lu a lit of bys- C m eetIsrcos PAUL MacOUFFIN, Place lu Ibis county. A ouanervstive ouruoborsuid Molga tesllouy. Thetsas Tuesqay. Riee »q ta one'L9À ladies eboviuig thoîr Atorney sud CouBMsolioreaLaw. vlusepae it unirA A e r udict of tjie Jury W" ataIdesti bitut a Mbttmld =yVi)isî»Jt i TTU'rmaun ôoted t&-tiàe11 NOAR PBLC e st 2,&o. vpla e ms um atnd-16 cLeg 'fSldente vito have completej ltseIgMit un avr ed tj rain exposurs 10 boeaî viîls sadotiser pointa vils a vsv of @Pot iuorn sheer frigbàt. W Pe aee 0f ligts nois pubic »cébole, by Slaing W-. 3,000 vere titere. The refreslit in aI 5wesiteued condtion. JmsSherman who han bedOut snyory collge, vi h ltee oentor liu, «t dbf S p c a n dst e u o n v e u n c o tl e ll o sa n d e v r e ' c le n e < j o t" e r y l u h ll r c u cuth eh e i q e s I W i e o n s i a e t o r k t e p a g e o o r 1M r . J o h n s o n , th e o r ig in l o f ..M r . I l i 8i 0ite s u d <es e r a i b ilt . su Cnvyscld.ely. A refreshlng raiu the night (Irayalaite, the coroner vent on t0alitreq Marthe hm e uen d d ill Johnson taranrme boas," vent for&a 0s.vicu Wrru LIAECOU14TY BANK, prevlaus laid the dusit sud s mare Atoht oda Neli ra ot hreo h ei ok o r ue lho h ar. aigacs eoly4 " omrs i os ftitmwee Libertyville, Illinois. perfect day couldnot lhave graceib te O. Her, Nell.tuabsud othie deud S5b St bodnriug his absence n the lhe bookedaà ver, large leit vulch ie hmndouinmer Teaiciers- omiDuolv ______ cSelon. White tiieir parade wva s rantestifled tit lhietailreturuesi veutI, gel vithin tfltY le0t Of thte boni vheu o"Diuo v. homeareout 2:l0tar W. . Priesoviand èe Ilsh auddenly makhang s lange Par Yser, Cash la Advsuce ................ htomepaboutt2:30 arldiedsfternoon sud vs reporteid nome boîter lest vesit hm-tare-v iinto tise vater. Oisly for Raies cf rtwson Pe aram .. .. . LIBERTYVILLE HOTrEL :doles rtelu adas ail e e petfound lte body' of bis vite lyhflg onbeau vorse, havlug been lbreateued thetelinely assistance of frAendB 1Mr. Per veei, ". ...... rdible a s o ve u d s mals vcam y he <sa. There as no evide ces of vit typhold fever. Dr. K ig t1th e Johnson might no v le the food of tbeLE D R maOm . c0redeie s lg trthlaesta rgl. ttBigphysicendlsuIsau1Ahop e 1 lfi" thaltlihrev hlm tutu the vater, leFah» "àsdwuuggle. sl9h t.brakpt heAn lever. We trust le M y de lrlg tat the llb as large enougit "eA 1e m op u dY. Sept. 6. 79 PFEU Tern ends Pria", D M. esi s.viy i.hSd. erein lei.fThg fprechesr< Briy board Neil cry out ven lenicssu. aW0salvhmvtle< b hl l atJ eurra9<b<laMonda', Don. 6,'07. Holiday vaation bgiit, U, DI..g-oou ~ frs Clas. uumer u he.Theapeche îuthe____________ JuaàlO i W Tern lidstheldayli51. 1mad'*. floesdsusrterafrviscelts dCosme. aforenoon vere exceUsunt. Iu the siter- lie found bis wife'n body, sud goîng la. iter Tried aiaMr.i.9.Sri 'TO Bdga Tm fo r s. .iroi ainesCommerciaec ovd veu 1 lits bouses, a«Wthe body. Re FOX LAKE. Monday, Mu. 14.,q&m.prîng Tenu suds Frid&y, Jare lu, 18. spue cosrobousted 1fr.rNous s teetlmnysIn Ahlarge n, chor foucher,@elNor" eue URNEE. Teac Jer, TILLOTOON & FuaNEcy. Pwoes wluding up vltb e base bail outm oNte M. ellalesimnyla Avargvemsitf lt vitrJar ly E.11, 10 Aug. 12, 96. Cor. Mi.. Aie, sud Chunt lMt.. betveen tite Everett's sud Lakte Coannin veyry psrucular. nov et Fox Lakte. MAss Irene McClure la speudlug s For f urther paticulars address LBRY ILLE.-- ILNOIS. CulIos. It vas s gaine of The sider- Titjur, deeided thsl Joseph J<noll sud vite sud also Gev. vesit et borne. l ________________-_- ______dests 8 5rK HU flattetheAr motiter Mr@. 1f w.E. Knox le;borne trou> Des Moines, H. C. PADDOCK, PrinciDal ___________________________ tilemalt vonby Iie ldonrlabl KulI ai Fox Laits over Suday. ow, for e viit. Lbryt Everelîsa, vbo sbooit the Linrlcitdost Ail of the 4th of July pîculca are James Farrell ves lun<licango luest ____________________________________ W. H. MILLER. off tbelrfeet ln ifthiing sud pleyed A Mortel Law avet naw sud lte fermrsvlll have to Tuesdny on Ibusiness. TONSOBlAL ABTIST, fast bail, ltogether too fast for the Fermer@ sue voîl pleued villh the SeIlle duvet tu more serions Occupation A partyof Guriiee g nutlec e- Wheu yo naluean siave or a Unions. Festtures ofthlie gainie vere uew 1ev viticli requlres oftis>vn of haylag and liarvesllug. brited in Cbicogo lestMiby Vaod hair eut cait on "ýBII.' the Pltchîug of Brt Thienessud ai s modeuste compensation. coin-. There wiII bc preachlng et the Fort Mn. -DaîZiel bas retUruCKIlfrom ber 1111 cituuoh by Dr. J. E. Cobienourlatwt rediu euivhnIo. caniez BISÂNIS OPC I(iAS. e. cîtchng of Tony King, the battlug of menciug Tbureday eaLh fermer vilI ho ever, Sundsy siternoon et 2:30o clocit vlatvlifine Irltvsl oa Next door lu W. C. TrgseShom Bo .m JhnEedmoud sud pbeuomeual field- required go vatel i hs ovn roadvasy until frhrnto.Saa col&Te)ie crceo vntn MsSra, t. Stop opeever la i mg of iFrunk Voue sud Frank Talley. unUl tiSe lth of Augnet aud destroy at 1:30. spont several dans tis veek vith gude iouiomBateie:King sud Thlea, Evereît; "u oxious veede tittmay bc ltere Lest Fuldan afteruoonthie mouotony A lesantorer. asATe t i ______ ________________Petrie and S8edansa, Unions. Umpirea, guoving deductlng froin his roassitixof car liltle village vas somevisal bouse of Mfr. WOO1lsY lent Mondsy even- Lînuersudltouen Scre,9 t 8 u t Ie rte f sshilIn anhou f ulthe ensed by tse Blunt Broters lug by the brase baud. Linne ad ooey.Scre 9tu8 i e te at ofa hilig u butfo teboldlag a religions service lunlte________ Wated' At Once! A gond doctor Evarette favor. Il vas s great gaertrUne employat. Borne feumera bave sciiooî bouse. te boy or cent the host borne and prc- peclaliy ln sud alter Ilfth înnîug. kept theîr grendde laansd olbers Thte protracted metings that have VOLO.T n ' rPi 4 licelu siteCoutn.Juetope byDancing vas enjoyed te mars owlug would have doucets, except trâtist Ilus been iteld dit the Fort Hill1 chsirch for Bo!boWWo ssthslntln chiance sud muet go cheap. go gond munie durug thie anteruoon comparaîîvsîy uselessno long as îiiir lte lest ltres vasis close on Sunday dRuoihterWhe &Yfar n' ine~ e py oh J. on a ug , anid evening. iveuites Camp bua gaiu ligiboui ueglected 1l. Nov Ifiat an evenlng. Daring Ma smeeting there r ehr h frea ap.2 qt GraniteBai............. vasJ. ng b ug utitres sddilioua lte churcli. Mies Mable Ford sud Mster Jubatne BsiI. Drsi kro Gaylae îlnos.demonstraled thelu ablity as plculc muât join lu the labor a greaî fin.Ford, 0f Chicago, are vaitîg1hei*,,1 Sace*an Lon-Had$ projectors and vere amply cepaid froin puovement l inte sppesraucs of GAGES LAKE. an, u.C.Dlltsd alî5i ........................... a____ pecuniary staudpoiuntfor titeir certain ruoade may lie sxpected.- Mr. WIUl Bay viited his parent. on home lmrpovedl by a fresit caegt 0farge Dipper..................... efforts, liard vont aud consequeut DusPage Comtp Desiceral. Dnnday. peint and s nov cblimney. id" TeoCofe os .......... O R S LE worry. Blei.Min Lollie hard, of Chilcago, spentl64uinorrsayave are .......have Pure anlU As edsed y o Bibe i~Delet n t od thm.spu udysdten pIoeu.inofuom Vole tu Fox Laite. " Wash Dish........................ As ondoedbyth U 8 Dplunt IntiSe beginag Godcested th Mm eM&linsetSn n np ee ud unamrailroad. Granite Pie Tins 3 for...................... Puehnil eaveuse sud earlh. Then ihe made Munay tm. A gceaI many vwieelrnen pâmes tTn W tig os....... PLYMOUTH and SISAL veetien Illn1o9: istm lieeforlbos svrarasd rM».Frankt Clark returued Fuldsy ltrougitVol a turdansd S undsy eu- 2 ft, Box-Watro os............ PL M U HadSS LofrcutrfonrleIlnsfor b dtolbrl detsrsad»taler trip sast. route four Lake Geneva, FOI Lakes sud2 OXW od Rule ...................... Bidn T ie estuedif th veat1a97ragetfom. prompt paying subacribera and il w- Mise Viola Edie vlstsd frlends 1lunother Points. undeuiably the bout grade Brade. %o> 10 degrees aboye normal, beng god. Thte next day s blizzard ast lu Evauglon lest vesi. MisnWalnresRussll and Mater LreEtaQ at itCp t1< e blghest lu central countles, sud Tai-sud Be created the inu vio dlda'l Mu. Osca Rogers, of Florîda, ls Maison, 01 Chicao are vielng tbefr G osUm. Fo al own aCmleefulavrge butnrml I ulaite bis home paper sud suolter vito viitlag aet1Ur. James. saun,,lMus. E. L. snsdfaiy Ail od Strictly FIRSTS and ar F o r ail S o w i g s C o m p ote faI s"e 1 < a a b o t n r m al Il v as d id n 't b elleve l u a d ve t lalag , sd R e M ies M g g le Jam es v sited frien d s ; T e V O lo c iou l clo ed la" I F rid ayn o t o L a k teaviest lu MclieurY County. and gonduld Tt eilltn<~l1 u Chicago on lest Sunday. 'a tr" esmnlte' ternui esiulfly nto ek Stock of Timothy, Alfalfa and ins1strip Training Iroin Bock Island reould Theuoil sudo.ncut d oths e ur.Bl u rdPtle ftaglb e sm od has bieiumCloer eed. ottad iTewk w bbI olig aiadli rse hîhcago, viaitedsilr. Bt'useu Monday.. muci beloves by lheu pupils. Wseer Medum lovr Sods fasabefr. e as ves < fellov voto aites liSe edtor', papier M.Wle evy Ictc ,l they have engaged herulsster, Mabel,- C H SfaTP L ,v orra bile foc t tons bc i n ueh a n d<o v for' years an d th o u telle tu p y for I . v l i lg et M . Joh n Je fer s ~ f r l t o i g t r n C H S. S E M L E er , usfidsyare itivan la ea u d Vit; devil teon uted, but the edior ee . The edd ng belle rang lu Vole lent LIBIERTYVILLE, ILL.. Long Go e arcoytiue sorance belng la id y.ares iasn't lied uy Test ganes. Prof. Orson Manchiester, vîfe snd Wedueada four1Mr. C. 0. Busen snd LongG rve. coninu sioul su soevial bmare___________ cild are viaitlug li. Mancester'» Min osAlle, Who ers quiety Ifu llbonean sd shov igne of r1pen- Pauturage. parents e hoe. raruAed by lien. Clark, palor of itsem._Z lacitlair r els; cloe cnltiug cn b os a,î le eîo lligilnsbr uusout.e 10Bîgu er VoledA vî alsdoItemti ýFlyNetsand ustes. +Pleuly ai gond posture fou stock on lira. Clarence Boyd wvite baheu titElgind hmrre u erse Lete ea ee erpi ........lmwtfMrralei; yle ong cnu h on enl ie eto Wnbed eeeund rteoburchomelVolo. CAil. v ibor tIAnnounce~~ , Lestie 72 a a fev have ont timotliy; Iiuseville. Aply go homin nJolieS lest veoi, pelycula 10 coui rne lte nort e S single Round tather Bu gy Nets .... L w p stures a d meadows bave mp oved 4Ls a Guo v. MA es E ia ud L a s G l or, f road. W e extend 0te t or out congr su. ffoulin Nets............. .n..a..e....a...v.9olllnr the oatsand pubîgacdynsuareChicegohatPIt have odeyuedsstirg jtions. 1bpu Lsp Dsers. a nev saortment ... u. 1u 1.60 gond; uaspberrles plenlitul. Thitle Commssioner. Notice. 1Mr. Dolpit Chard and wAfe, otfebrated lte glorlons fourth atnrdsy, 1 do aie otlultIlns M ciuios d a CHAS. KAISER, Notla brey <vn iaÈpnon iicgapqnt sa lewdays vlsltAng JuinS. TVey bada larg va ans.i Yo sybnlhevol ae sd&Ila OudaIillsonteireatvs treltnfr pr oUie ie o dytiivirmVlinoedd.IeselUyIvIeainolaeea ei .il-A m Ss ~ Liberyvile, - llinis. on iuaylbrituh îe r a aiin opryrut-e Na meml sk.Tefrvrkî lt eeîg vr.taionhe5secllciparod~e, FIXING 140m Pý*q"«" t- «t ma etimo tbo"l

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