CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jul 1897, p. 2

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tchA..a. jcoaada titiawu dmutard, ceds, del- AN Pbdw . The oral coatfflût " M ".soi,wlid dawtai.usf a" ndPlantIn ttiSentebas lumeni dles ÇUeqCii9IS. ntroduced hems. Alarge aiout et chiaI TiLLIOZ&Chero. ScrtSevisB« sr i t slla sud IC. are flow bulng md s &airer! daugerouts coflttrnit t s , - Boye i Ifanc7 prleve throiiib maun- bl the lthograpblc piocO4IL" aad cBdil atimnAathe nine, and thie report saM - Ur THE BOF NTY of pictures of the front sumd& tttientthe Gemo.n o fe er '"wbh - gether. The paper il Japa-Mfl. tWÎný cheap subtitute for eogtee, la realy the tiasu fhi legal note. IWetithe ilion commun Soja beau. whlcb cao be haagt ~D~ON SEI,4ATORS TO aft Olber bas been dltributed. 1%eht i e~ heply aiest anywhere. The laeci 0f q il of à series of 1Iitl aud bears i sui atable place for impartial tests. bY boti ,...THNE AMENOMENT. latter g; plate N. 4 to b. round ln té the tseed dealer and the bayer bas lisin lower part of the large %, st the lover muet la Europe for aaarly OiftY Year5 by rght-band t'rner face Of the D>t*> J.tflecestabliashment or "seed isntrOI llet- idAgseu.t.z...err. fo Tslie o unt 'rillman. regiater; 1). N. Moreno,. tions," novsnumbering aboit 100, and on'ezt tréenter; No. 376,til;sa aliu whosta eta utranties are based. Sev oef. >M ,cb of the vnrk on the note la '@rat exmermment station. l ubhiécountry filtt io a sIsa 6trit Train biuWced and inilistlct- «ePitely a t* bvetaken ths matter op, and eceitl gýbar rreate Crune of the face of the figure rePremnftinlf a connlttee fron them had a cotrference "Ameria.' soit the imaprit or the bureau a b giiindDprietcnen DelaFtha Trif DII. redtn tnsThe nl sd' ing metiioditaîîd appartion. lFor thye ubu, eaCian. Sehff ll. iU'i n«bdrc r hn h eon n y(*5 ethe departient lbas heen investi- ~sdemled to nol agifli a b adlybluibrred. The nnmbel'lOB 1 tue laige gating hefulicsîty or agrenîtutral seeds. 9" bount! 10f ti o ire' sndlie dit rit.outlinea or the original nom lrendy ftitis ear avec hait a million Of "le ~rs ra» c fa lot! di .ace iied e ton in moCrore tu have i e those turmped a ho ;n te d ap- and tegted. and a samlitriai grooiid bs > by Senator Alleu îatb'd- 'i'lwr, hack or th- note bas a au' adedîegbteren stirted at Kensington. Nid. Prom1i- agnre1agrclf iti i al,Uliparance. The green fant l a a nig t tccr jeu. t atîcui. requentlY pretailibeet sngf r lint! bl, ili i. m sade tthahailt oed nf 'nf fireîor six alleged differrut rarietiel t maui': uc tre -1t. .rThe portraits oft--Grant" and "Sherl-i-.uranaicle n itesal u h , decta nc lire t'itdo n. stanfoutla reletf tc oàwm eiml uaY l.uiilbeoll fi Sc auiasn the lciine. qrbcnote has Iel p-report urges cuvefail aelection by pîtrebas- 1 wziru r (t.1 bavnz beu crccr-l.d.odin aYsif good cci:tcont WA&v p4tin a dc.ivi huhe Mc.idftratibrousci ait: I fimr'lsolegiolation wil be nec- lis aiff bât. Mr. iBaron ta i'ii:-r- i ecliath ot fbos aracter e ii ushut out blit!cela. The report ~tpsatiino itlu, Note for Mr. orthucPaper. g. i te i aporfel aeed culd be a'Wsnacndmeitte 0inti-ilfi ti d Wfi ITf~L ,1THIC tMAN. %acce.stiiytaisied hbrr. orientaitneW av- ýýj t u n aitl manîifartýred 1rclii .- mlra of profit teo America uibantiidfir ýfte nt Tenciface ben te-k filic luo)r Ilova ijrnuril efect Rimases a GO'n-unlit l articulari, pointetiontairer bet Uni delvered a met peti agalifi 11w berntral Caniidat*. and hairy vetch seed as capable of beliegz I flenator Maion. ut thc rcqimcc ft d lon.ii,- tiût' ticket named at Des made'an importaint indugotry.0 e Àmeican Pbmruicetiltif'U X'i.o iiMoInes, Iovaî, lVe"nda 144, augued wtb the Senati lîîn1 For Governor...Frderici E. Whit ROLLING MILLS mHUT DOWN. hrs à~ltcagaimmaut 0nlia .lîty (,if Fur Lieutenant Goye lm? veaPulferrevt, asu Md4 althol, as I uudinunrceftlec i'"Benjamin A. Pumrou»velt-Ategil miu m, tugglut. NWben le fin'lu- Ucý For Sopreane Court Justlce. U.L* maustemi Aaamactl0na Uwamza Peste. Ont éowttmfP assureul int 1 bat 1 i îei For Superltendent of Public le- As Ctei, reut nf the foulure ofthte j).ilut Thua-i ildiiduty Wealdnuntlbci iuup-Nc'. truction ....... ...G. F. PBeliardt vage courtece of tige AnwaiiataefiAs. noftii' For aIlroad Commaaimioer. .AL B. Cran.-soclationof Itlin sud lSteel Wmrkers sud dear, lUIRTAT nBR U -TuUATtEpti'r. FrederickEa witte and Judge Eâ» m.nnuae-tfiiei5to agieer if nhoufle seale iletsIci -are Democrata. Plomber andi Reinthardt, at the Yonmîgtown. 0.. eiifere. eeerY jouiri:;. bu»Ilesilme' Girl Train Wrackaer la milier itepublicans. sud a. B. crane, can- liniinluthe Unitedl State. self a teçv cl- religiok Aretitir the isherif. aefrRhiodCmmmo r aacption i, whose ivage craies tirrtînuer the Ctadi Sbainna made six attemuptî ta Poplildi. The ticket realiy repésenteauidciro h iagauti gdcà hr 'N ~ <wYork, New Havenand ama rt- the combiaed vwon et dire. séparafe and liuoiaron, telAnad ml'fd Aairkia shn irt b sus, rutlon provisiOnabt down These toriis altogretherlm- aid l Fanr Taylor a 1)3eof isic ouet'the adation 0 aw ah batn the arrestes srieurbriteithétat. iàom et ploy 25 0(9) mn. sebo are meoibri" urthe readv et Ville, ILE. W trefeDeottieoveno bd~ AmalgamaI cd Artsociaition, heailea tholle Bill *Bd ils ameaCameripotu ber im:1 nteHpr tel nd thé. potult twho are net. The Anmlglted Àuuso- od tv ihall -aatcfasled Ihte,ril ' àd mm r R p ia n cnaveUtioed. i- ciation scle comnitreesud the mi.ami- trouli se i a d iV a eed on ti e trac i. It la e dmait th e act o tor th é D e ino cr ta. tactu rer q cou i rut .gre ci on a P lîdd li E t a ttheicgir bas made sel Sn t- Flfty-tmreemdleiofuthte roaild Puisis, raie. 1Ilbe conitf e hld put for ZÇA.591 Vourf thdétaili trains vitlin blaIn ameut it by.d3 . . Ma.Weler miii Weeka. S ton for puddlinx nuitf the manntactiir-@fot"ii suh--,pi!-ut ctdro refoaed te bridge front their stand for lues« all wi as C lugtrt.- _eda_-il$4. Aû ad>euruuîeut bine flie waa finil! a&Illb Irinouait vou fiouh -, enchhuaide tlu:et the other i.mow opintl ttepotal expfress frodn Iolt-il -when .àhadl experienced a change ot vas ' ý" ab ip of -.ics sud ½auar.i lté,' Nomuiated for Goverapa' Of 0h00% hert. kuese t ralirouil compnr put a patrol the Democratic Coaa$ tyllei. For tvo aigbta tic trains@GOvferimr.......... Horace L. Chapinuan A1is TO CRI"H iGARtCIA, seven Spit disturiem. Tien, ire cotisecu- Lieut. Unr............ Melvlle P. Shase -andi rUup vere maie tai vreek trains Ilupieme .iudgm'............ . 1'. SP-9gs WeYier f'ow Cai. for :10,O00IRe-- brate lu L Ud It nt been for the Attoney General .......... W. Il. Dore forceuments. genta of a doit that the flirl bati ltb State Treaurer.... James P. Wi'aon Th'e receipt ut a fcmfgranî front WeYlerrnezrs je S doubtful vhethcr the. sherlff'u Board ni Public Warka. Peter il. Degnun rderrlg 35.(M<J0rc.cmforcrients te le lckl'ý VOWii have Saagt ber. The girl Scionl Commssioner .... BYron H. Biard sent ini nt fonce, bus set the Havant toryr 4ete of the atiempted crime The ioregolag ticket vas placed in nom- palace goaips ut work. The officais lie- Tir iaiag sen tuur thc treeka nt s late luationa Weinesday by the Ohio. Demne- gin te thiuk rthat. We> er la appreciatil tbcýr- litic nght aflerthe postal train racy at Colombo@s, Ohio',atter une ut the Gsrcia' wortb a liti,, andidt atie ili tbcy cie te __tiOF Ai vatcb *as- muet cxitiM contesta in the hitory- ot try ta caiuýah hln it b overwhlelming nom- cars mi sutd aie tvascaptured rifler aBà heepoitca iurrency plan!. de- liera lt nue. Newsa vas reeeiveed tlit gas tralabadi just crashieu over a cldri lver coinage at the ratio of Gaca afre nd rided the towu ot only . lci eleaie ai plsccd on the 16 to 1, Ieai tender qualifications for rthe Jiaou na i anad that Man- triait 'T'he gr. Who la of ratlier ligt alirer dallar, und legllation -to preve'nt znloitcfnas mrnaced. The toire lftt - -sim debiidh!attactve p-demnouelizatioii of unirkind ut legal 1:M- that sens raidie as partialty huruci, aud Thý landpreumabli attate. aie-der mmllo!bypivate ontrat." the Cubosls eld it for twn days, sithin throi l*tchen ta tic Washingtou County a fear heure' march tîif a force triple their nsa t4 ingto, elestii rfueiltu POPIJL&TIO% 01? NUSSIA numbers. The insurgentsr are preparmn i hl lala ama gÊto iretthl eu19a ifor Weyicr's recejtion. sunt doubtîcsthe Su"'% hejomi milaitha i> aINov 12921.113. sid UneasDoubled net few dmuré ailIlie franelt vith im- anud M ae &W erat s! ait laFoitSve Teatrs. portant venfts ifthte captoin general at- tncbi ta esape wbenevru a chance or- For the firt rnee iu istofy s generai temipts to try conclusions wvmfb Garcia. by1 Siam th girl'@ arrest it bas been ceiuas bas been taken of the p*pulation of bliai Cht 1ev 'ttier vin vorks1 aiti th na.aan Empire, wbicli la ubovm. tu Farfhaqualslu ciOblo. toet* bta aftanrlei rievatnce adinmtI: u Mb" ,211,1, ut ofvie'btotal 64.- Sortie anbterranean phénnmenon. nt on fi ecopsny On uccount oft(a 61l,281) ses maies sud "ff.l4833 filaur'es, nulike iii incipient noitrano. diturbed, a hm Wh"vlci e sa"inIsdue hiem Untd State. Consul GurlKarel et tuigluborbuffilnear the jonction ut Rose. a ,rallroadecontr'. Iltla St. Pterslbturgsmye the figures show finat lPii' în iighland coîuties. Ohio. Il Out tic girl ina! have ber n la ort! ire geara fthe population ot Vus- wsauatteuded hy au undergrnund ratm- Foi ajereomplaiailng about this tan- "iauna dotibîie, and dormeg the tat bliug oei the appeurauce ot deo iTu,1 *rang and set ot ta ngt mottera tinlvre yeura It bas Increutsed 20 piet c-ut in the ground, fromt wbleb ake or va T ý ,wzob* a rain.Tb faike tua ceamu tire Rossian Goveru- por issied. Daring peuple have attempt- tusn MUIIT FAtCE TUE LAW. ment etaployei an ariiijou 150,000) la?. ci to fathum nmof u these fissures, but encE sons andt lia complettquin lutbrecmoîtàtia coulilfint no bttom. mît tai Met«eCourt Insent u, nn it l~ram'ied as afreat sebievemaen' litiit &*Metth Xmee.vsuvonthticvaut expanse ut territury rui- tarried Nine limt.asI vtp as lttkeur nt Ci- ccciani tbcilhtercy ot the population. Abner 1lorsiythe. 761 jesrs Obi, bas Ea-n?' o Obtoueg ue onnecil lu edin .rîiaud front San Fraucisco, vhere ta ;Ë ie tia. e w lacnnectin vte PssaeO s lua a ic. lie bas liecu "sylue seih riue sou uf isud Orale ned tatres vhcbint atc Tie bolter ut a locomotive on tre Ci.- cglutjm sife. lie gues to Victora rit net tVal - -et ht nlii Site agmint a cage aui Nortimerl aci îic rond exploided a son of hieu iuith wite sehom lbe bas net Ci'5 or ulaftnl ata laiSt auta* eerlyt'burmday moring roear Morvan mecc u fr averuyenas. White sealking tU ic nr tic teritory in Ohio. An Parki, probabli tatally ljurine the rire-stet in'shkcdlytomeot * t ictatc SiesCicut outmas ami cangineer and birting îhre pas- ot $, lcaaifug bia unly his ticket tu Vie- ecl mmc y Judge Taft, opn a show- senaigera on the train lie locomotive wax~cf deby Myron T. Herric sud iRuob- daria.'tteva asib rah u Blchdmerfer, recelvers of tic the trincrame te ~a tandstîll before auj Eloped te Asrstits. de' ISeiansd Lakc Brie ReilIses!Coin- outhe ~passeagers re.îîrcd abat lbai hup- lurs. înB radbury, Losi Angele'sCRI.,ti.! ta!b! théIc beellie Lake Erie pefici. Menandsudrmeni ere pitcheil for- aife or na eil-knun m illiiuuîire. and il, nu RtmneCoal Company, wierehy vwgri frontichir meta and mans' reeuveul Ituipàl Ward, a Younmg Eugishmuaa, have as Vted$toites montrealit i directeil tu aligt i>rulses. The greatrat cxctefi'înt loped.l. tiasaid theur detiiatmon itug tu thelr Caincrs t von suad Io lre- prevallel. Thomc vbo aere in the ca 'hem truilil. %ard alandoucl lbis selte uni lbt mi enlavinlterfereace vitb the op- vers ale-tricea, mand ai made a ;ush tavu ch:uîbrrn. sho nrf nuw touriug Eu.Pd, etim ftheir raivai. tfoi tie doorways. Womcn erepuul peb____h IVZAU MUTINT AIN INI slie and tramtiled up-o aa the trlgbteneu- Amifrma rspe 1 Ksa. foi passien!ers atterrpteil ta male thelr em An .irnuy uf 15,000O tralipu now in Kan- bie et liamaatn Easprafciicapie. Once outaide ticj sav vluat la n.l tfameseswr.1ed nrttet happen-i. Ticeene wasmiatotal wr_'<k. aceat nuitîdcortu fieldi at niglt. The Pi A gait the f i rtlis.' Plecea of!troun erre catteri about in trmps ame hounnifor the collet, sabere tir !1Loadin diabitr: Affaira lu British l'.a cr-rdirection, snd iyiue rieur the tracktbya!lu iitrfurcrwrkl y' bath r. reandTinCablutinole ciai tir er Englacer Fogg and Fireman Lat- flue irrigantel valîcys tiirthe West. in boi ee n l aluta s ht shav. No cause for the explosion bas yet --C , illu eos- y nbig ace.been aacertalned. Engacer Fugg eau- igtot Teara for Geanlt ar S la concelel by thc nevspepers that net aSemant for the gndien mlsbap, evry- Louis tiniiot. fthe coivicteil Union Bank of vémneit ii BritisbhnIeraie i ndustan thing bavîng been lu perfect rder donte Il rrof New Orleans,, ss.senteucei th li aWygroving,.cuatuel]piucplly b theictp lhe maie, go tar sa leh lasel! by"Julge Panrlange f0 ciebt years in the es - ite terrible î'uittonit resiltiug f romtfthe inova. 'rhe engineses. nt or a large pntnin S adybr Tecm vl ho len lu ayenla. rell nae iOCptternIl Itas une Ot the lucomoutives blieapprneîc. _________ iwicopeij ay ima a ':blluu mma>lioused!la tie uburliai service of tic Chi exeti.cago snd Nortbern Pacifie systeu, run-i»CARBET bOVATIONS. c Aiiceso fs liiumit na ot fei Grand Central station. I ; Fllwin i th sandngof heclbs asgoig t aslw rteof pfdbavnne IChica1o-Cattie, commua ta prime. e ,, té th National Baaiitall Lesgue; just leftfthe station, vbe a anienlith ti 1.50te $5.' ;hue, ahippinegrades. , W. L. W. b. bolier expludes! sud carrici vithilIt fhe $3.00 ta $3.75; sbcep. fair toebolce, $2.00 I 4. na4148BnoLlyn ....Vi 32 Caen vbo munIl. Nothing la lefttnr fhe $4.00; wbea% No. 2 reil. (Ise f0 70c;n l c anati ..38 18 Pliladelphia .21) ltj aiine exept the scatiered peutca of lron corn, Noa. 2, 24c e lu26c; onim, No. 2 17e mDiiore _*1 20 Louimnîilie .. 4 d4 v6lh compose the wreck tbst la ieft tai 18c; rYc, No. 2, 33c te 35e; butter. YN< ork .351- 3 Washinton .2~3 'Iîuârouni tie trmeka. echoie. M'ammry. 14e fI Ille: ces. fremsi t iael Ciidl.31:WChicago... 24 37 7c tei D; nesepotatoca, -75c e t05e perà = .êbrg ..'> 0 1Si. Louis... Il1 49 président Olvesa alilaer. buabel. ~e suaii c th meber ofthe Tbc Preuldent gave a dinner Tbursdsy îadiauapoi-Cattle. shiptum, $3.00 fui > !»soin tth emesoftenight ta tiche bers ofbils Officiai tailüy g5.00; bOgMcholce 1g! 311t 37m 'W etern, Lrague in snmmarmed below: sisf v areciguele. It vas u eu- beeuj. common ta choice.. 53.00 te 1.7t8: W. L. W.*b. tlrely informai affair. Tic gueuta out- uvita, N. Z 74e tn V76; cocrn.Iio. i mbs...42 21 Detroit ..... ~30 i e the cabinet vere Vîc-President Ho. ite, 25e te 27c; nata, No. 2 white, 20e1 tu' ?uni .... 46 'M Gr'd itpidu. .24 42 hart, Asistant Weretar! Day, Assistant ta z=c. 1:1 m.41 22AI =Mnneapolis .21 47 Sereta" Rooaevelt, Carl Scinru, tvhtlme fSt.Lonl@-Cattle, 4&.00 tu $525; hutis. s' Make .41 261 Kansas City. W 48 a guet t tic White House, and Sef!m'- $3.00 ta 18.751 heep, 1.t3.10 te 1 4 5>; 1tarir Porter. _____veat, XNo. 2, TUeta 75c; cura. No. 2 Ê' Wipaa Ont AuD 014 pend. Drsni Aoy 014 Tiiala. yellow,2è ta 24c; natn, Nu. 2 wehite, 17e Michl. asad f h nwl- preIdina ucuiaChaiWe ng e 8e ye N , ict We ____________eh. loe Fie 5<1. F asiM us. REVIErW Or114H, IRWOlK AT dom« eoeniolsforIG«02»i0nort0Ioa. WAUMNOTN. sea tarte auner ta Kso&uk Ooualntro Cnaddate Wts entt ta Kefouk Csur li 18157 trouisi mtin, Ii eor Gam"a Detagfti ?rocaediai 09 0-" s u ad »d varia mit asa fotsubanéuntg *diS hi non" -UiIslais i " er A.kotuc*d sboig tt f *0van. WIia be W» IN> - * au iftàer Bren gaseiioetafma'terni ont la 1M 5is eretum tu aWdisto nem t.ibaCoafr Btlane ubliait ho à« thiled' er eanes, frvia th eseceptia. i et rtiea i. maron§Wed in Thes Leulealaflve Orini. Cenlgrs. lu 1992 ho ria aisint MaSo A S a re a n ît t oft e r pli! v rk o n lb ent Jo h n P . L a c y f t d a o urle s Md v o 01 tarif! 0111 Weducmday the close of the loue debarto u In h etillatund the final rote on file bill le felt lu be rery ucar mit baud. Two ot flac mont important pnroii, -thone r,'iatlag lu the Hualîsu trerati miI~lm,.. of ierrfcitv and the daity on coal- wiere perfectedfIflhile uîuother sourceofon cie coofllî' th e rcriprocllj section,.wax asm- âme ~tred hb fie FinanceCommttie sud tpre 1mei enterri ftluth Semeate. Amide f romnt fl.- bergerlhemuresaaeraniaîîmnaiil uesu w h hbic Im te u i u ore or les couilict vrère litios:s ior. 'bc laefiiuii prtviaf- inn of Illm' lonst' bull w-lus îeit,red affer brie! lti i îîand iffbout the fifraslily aitnailt C.l'bisbhu itli e fei of lentuer lug the 1 î11 if liii a irettlu) oftrt'ipi il I n l fiull fireêlnn fftti. lîi tir f luî iu y.%i î s..j , - Tîmrplc i-t Intdianla jiuike il ipuîlrt Oftfif- ori 11116u0s. ,'mi teîfr a 2 tan ifflit. fi Xoit goben- III ~ ltu lll'uf. Il i l.ji-t'il is no a bt lehl' for fl, l~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ picitfretiq cf.ifititul- ,'utireicviruncei'u ait llea ueuiltuiltiîîl , leo ht' u,î ilii biill. y tim ta c . a î îi. IVclral îîîîfxîaulsl mI-vf-orcu'c uluriiîg lime prog- as»ithe'". :!% 11v, RBmnt lîGitadmeut cli 1au - t iiu k I avil i geaL- S littie l ' dion l ii fua gaine m y rocî." n .,. f I li a i u ff ill 't lil raifl i . b u.- dîe- otf fre sJ . n d tie n s fua'n b lir bisi - t -.i ui tI r ei' i l l i o a I I i l , fr e s . I fl u d w tm %, ai o a g t e e d i i t b u n t l i t h OUT IN A SNOWSTORM. lion o if huadicpauî'b ,vi!l cause retient. baîu.'ii .eîam placi'i..Off li..fri-t-c ;Il t) ta opluluif fuie Ihum uhar Most boum cap- fuiet-in Ergrland. Ilt ai neslly the mourkr 2.teund ottolilit-uauiu.fiy a votîe 0!î,q 1)port. li lcit eit eleetinMajor IAoeT ehie, ltudeavorera Coant tu a if %Ir F-Icr ui1 r. IHamelin, joitilly. téu ZL Illebt'duty oilaahite pnlî' umîinenoppom eitn agrain, sud tile fini fted< hfudiaammer Itlazsard. 1h hum nthit file ailîuliisfrfltiuu laver! sa-io>cs,:lé troiiîîf 32 lu$1 l'nier u'ifl.h(lm C,;oîigtreesminan Iârey am kudofeaudm Ot t h e f r3 iu g p a iu eim to t h e ic e o . p n ii .u u f t h é d i g t ri . s u d blu c i ei s it a s ilI -:1 2 t lu . T é,'I l i h u ll u I n 11 - c îi »iîl cl t e d . s i tb l t a t t l t u i sie f a s u l u sh Lu. iteben, sllegur! salih elaulîsm *r.cai "fifUiA tlisihti tu 'i'.ii tiu"r.slril!sîliî 10srengtbec bis bout viîth t froteivrer 'Ica. fhuilaithti: ruain loam ofutfouir-tî ii ' lli.i2uic'ladliiiieth. Ion 8a15- gîlîll filoli jr,g ,os ,am nmarie lu tod oftor Gor»r. ri Cieiai ,for tflan lomng sertaaarîl hîry- la-i uît >'et rep1ilci llfii it' 11hiii4-iil pl nsgnieabs luenet î -a. il Isaos bot su ipnen flueIt-i I' "A Inter dîspafî t fIiLic saunMe cecafrir inî'luu.îu-'r. (iîl.> lIni'u' of tllt'i-BIMETALLIC MEN MEET. ov151! lîot--but thea' f!idn lu nd mini ut. eîuî fitn«i îbaiet awhite Aumîriemaints iecool tir.ti i r.iil i IffJr'ulu u ili in liren ci.ata.dick trousirm und Pd ii'ee f o!flair ci'asls lu preveut 11h'-iltîsmico ltirrIi' it îfailika-lu ifli h lblValley lésuecouveseetaiCn- uvaluts sud carryiut ftiasired torti- gsa ialisirinluBehrng ifra EueIan1 linillu-.r a î.î innaati mandlieuars Wpeecbea byoa etunaonmaîpply f' ibe fel ns mv.,e offine-s'- b a mcre ec! .mil ad sautiiwre thé- libre Ohio Valley Bilnetllbe Loagw[Mat oynh,%te et tBibel -ae onî." t- ,' o helrifbil"oért g Tusday ut tic Pilie Opert a ise bu#&l Fa o L-s. etey f the%a),.sjc.."___________liIllai i'liaSliltilfcJte ng In Utinusti, anmd choseGeorge ethe gnrls didu't kuose snd the boys MTWV 1 AA- ifltiiliidutfliîc, Sîlîte Friduiy ifilue ex, Washington ot Newport, Ky.. tempecau? ai't lc'uu. 8fonlin vias ii u ot cu -éI -lotw oljcé.M'i r' hgi- ee. .p tf le~ ~ ~ I thi fi el-fr ny ut ritlen fhofa Duriontie DRY.vuuli Ocre sIr t. f. uifaltbume hu' fide-Oblo, Indiana, Kentucky sand Weut ir- igoféith fyc o iegorsis e he Torrid Visitation. haleuto' iruîe r iiiii!ciîaa-slr- alLa. Ex-congremauallH. F. Bartia ig u le t e pp ic cl o f o lnu b O s A îro ou :.ud 1ge«f.drath o l tru r e the evi rIf lua l i . ar "l ,u'érefiliao ry laulsu' an a un admire «a. s.l luele sothirofitugopelmen'Zuive Lentduig tepitwp hl-proiol- Othit a aî'îusînyi!coluntry tii Aiter an outiug lanfthe dte-rn te os.iilmxurionmde ýit ospeflce t tiu'ii 1u.t'td on flue record, lu tîuieugu ioua .Iiiwuirt nl ellt!oni y article Come,&lanad the principal event vuiseh mit avs presi outif re thein.. lia itrinfi lcfinit Iilsys utfthe bot seau-e tliiru' ". 1h.'1a1f'liiéii'il" iiIe'oyat"ontaelfWilliam J. Bnyas. An. Baya henaouifumitant Conradoli Iturcas îîrî>4"ias ersOrns nrue(iubedsieamu141b dultlii' 1i'ag'tré,fle IIIt, itIf ltitifil tarrivai laite lin the stiernon. .ai'I ituis mnaL-lut'frurrndfislosu'im ée lieîuvasire inistratëd .'aondîyth lere ai iri'illi 'ietu ti au lieiiit othle bfaiit> - frind iorae B. [Inaiar. ieaiui ftlon, jîîat the pr'oiies'antidote forré,î tl 'alie in luCîoinémaiiti amui seuintu 'hbouré fniiot lui' .iitfosaer e 'reg-e euec tJhuR c.a.Pol Ientflosiit5lt. The teaperittire %%>lis proustratlions. sebile lie Detroit anud vicluiiy îlcut. as 1h flic a ea liii ni îatOrtîie crov<detbd ncthe urri &ound tic reeliaoe -df'gneci tuelon; flic treczing 1caiil.ou ieriti,Klimt- day mthe afllerf'iflil nuis of SM'enti(. Io) reoii' roil racti "'- and conipoelil Sir. Brya su.bore v-utto file nulces vp ere pliitmimittoucîn tmu' if..Unbruillât ilenafla fi ie. 'i'lienm'iii! 211, mI -I n t. viédui.onuin iiiilles (ifris. carr age. 10go tturoagh s brhefmeaim flace national loliîlîty aslîb the lulg %aert»mîîamîy préatratiîîlu nult acacral duliullitil acdulii ,n jolîi ig atii'lt',, eofhandkuait Ig.ln. Ifrysas dTm mnaam'h guî o li ynr ue -ftdeufhin utother cities. l.tuh-e' list. l icPi peatlrse mneept- f Cteorge 'azhlnltof neerisluii Fll.afmeslbc,' nrî'onilei ctfulrmlfTm e 'Fui' >t.if hl îor lttoorv a'"Ir vunoe lonug. 1înasractci. ifcafnaoi ar -. and! bot scnteb vasisainuea si,-_ oudm' t :f lclîuea îîsîîued: uîuîiiienif'tlii iMuitl.fin uitf pliniea ot en-htimmi. lie ssii ie urnlnetth~e over tjfe% estf'gliiieeYPîllsuîîure - a.....o i ffltos-----------94 Ltutlilllfxi i0 agaa"lt.I villielti'lIn te,»ea.but tu eduiii't. Wbat lue vsted h,@ec,inaiunitfi ieft Deuver auili the ,,mrer.b.iré:.-un15Alical. N. 11-iné, oposition.ill andlîlitiotiîit hie, oiiuity vas ongatuizuro mud agitation until i- outbous ate Ne Yé'ý ..-...ius or so' hif'l.-î' $îcîîîuîuhed raunetr nt ). Fourbfîslle uiSsiil .- ee'uk2o!i .'rîCituy.îit mtaus nnnpil avwere buidlin aithe conienaoutfiecafo ..' .....1*mo-- - tsi uui ..f.m....- nprotafuinz.t i il-îeîtigiîf. sIuissaitb- rimme to Lem awari. Tey bad tit. 1lai.......t.>90ueblbi-----------. 9i îîmîi 'a ftr n rtraoî i,tsrlli;Zlë. 'I'be ~DIEO ON SHIPDGARD6 - I Ira ...i......------ 1Nirlilattr. 9 r l i Y ryfalerd-tai bave thetr lamai osa-egî. N, Y_.4i si. t'sS .....-iMU> fiilliaali) f -on-,iuaiif iili.ff l.ul.ArciblaiflulsasenmuWhoDied White iauci and bnmning-lt-la l a ctilh!luaaraYa Ni--' mniien ..... il).laeu- -,lii.r -.niliil'orut îifelil.ali,'aia on s Vieil to its lm i 5a to fileta ". home. u lcwetuirfiell- lii....fillm. Trcs Iicîma ien h.'m.... . Itili.. hi>'yiii! lImi,- ArebiitoFrancis Le e he %periConlcldition f tew hor tîie I ..!.tIN,shatlle------------- îituil.îupany (o îri-orpoirtfiot.u. fIlc-h Orierfna l ied on ticstteamer Cre i cul ai-bal' tie itateaslix-en aimai un- îtempbus - 1%11it 'îrlotail. .u' $ i. 1&)> it ofais' iiuior'. lintilfmtheriî. , 5metrouie tai NcVm.vbrlevst Ia forflue saunier fine cl l le.scti11e. iali uîaeaccYtai-'il..iuthet ci liiullîsmtî'. ashiîtber faÈ@ a ahlp ,for fEurope, hInatention bu- bc aililca mmiofthe ltoeky %Iouuftai05 inîrgliullioiru.,regluic.iftliif ir -un- ing f0 Iiilbis famAin 11la H oi. Tihé 'w a% repiurtci ferotvarinîas part%. TORNADO STRIKES A GROVE. flitiaté. ofutciib, mmentib sci'a ruhlabp hai luhotrci bmdand Wt-orsme 1f 1tTellitnide theeseaua taîýl nf riglit Iliff. compfll>u», rfniaI -h i me I il h eem apparenittit ha vusW e-aý of flairs. vIle treras iere lirukin Punic ud Défait Amonfit:Pieniciere $,lm) trr,' alic' n rl.Il ht'r,'ut. breaking dose-z. Vueldingirto lii. importu- theaccigbt t of ffl, lrd 'oldncésf. Naer tBaron . Ohm. ces: liel on aiiitut r:iuILfv 'or ut hrca ilr K'r-al the exi.atrmlOuta w ene treuil ltiugiea Beach. four failes errât tr I-inif .l. f tr'ik îî ,uîy ,:.l' e ofbuckng eow rn, Oio, tile themreileaoialfieuIe rlaer i anr cuirmntmi, -il eai'b lii>' *0 mnfinl p~ cyloneeut s t rft-' value or fratiofit hî'rit, -iu. l'iL-c'sa u'sk miain laJuly Moniny aftemnoun.Acyumectamnta - ----tbrough the làrgoak groire. teilliglarge e Flta-.Eî.Lafioju frtria thie tmnuip MANY SLAIN OR MURT. numbera ut trees, taisting tilenul oifliku' -maefliei ie es fS1Le (11 pietlel.Frank ('banier bai lla h fonedm ncipaîdel budcuise t ie.Scks pip f u'F»wrt o hd estl'e teble s 'yfia.g ré aaîlboué,iiîof bhuum ud ficngaili Um...lDIood! bof h hlmelhorae aarn beine Lihlea. A dortluelafitima. ri re t reed ay , o b servan ce e Ot tic ns- bh nes ac re k ilici and a lange um u ber o utI i t e S o t g ee n o ( v t t l'as holiday su t hIc dtirai Indepen d- lîtuegirs îîîmd crarlagi's sana ch inmb kimmî- o'1' ii é- , e he Sît m' o'il f0tire'5'litf' c day for tic Aincrcau amall boylue tolifi. The gnose î'antaimueih meseralie uî. lyf ls'isu i ietni ben u atuida!, continuel inter- tliUnsuiiipeupile'. w-lau ere driven initiéa etLider i l *iutiiiramig ule ,'and tari- î'i'uai oncecl li a Iflefu. ' l ag't ur luOtYf itentl! on B8ma57. amimaie as maclu panie uy file Stormn. eita'a - efiifa n îîm sl possible of bus fat vaniuii oppontmifity - a ans,îm%% a4 huitmi if hîsMrotBefor mn.e SMonday. lHe pal Wriedoes ntic car Iiai' .îuîuî-,îuxlamat lu or ntvoteamfor utr. cL-a sud shot off b onche r f fir c raciers -farer ueil. l c i u a a îfct sh 1ed l aiid'îu. ,der o es sun d o tin cana for thc filot u b il l.' 11 .g iliIf' it ,ulii-f bs ,.slye. Monda! be toucici off cannion IsgtLe n'liui i. iitl le oli. 1 inlue ri cL-ens. firei pistOls and discluareiritmvoesitmOi ut sibdit.liefaifuh Ir tie oi stiature bombeaiathterriédi ot lite sud finial fui I ne uan fuitulé]te- g011- lb uni propert!. The sainain ait fort!-lecn-'iseioigi pnvoaino -b t o u s e x c if e m elca t rs u d n o is e b a u ! if s t h e lia ii n i u î's la t i g ix o n li t u a t i n , i n -u fct uluou tbe juvenle, boverer, sud the ai- ulv I si ig ifu g mf'lli taf u m il ,layes "l"Urh" it 1. said, vus quietcietru tel i i jiîn ;tt ut a t I ruîaftthe Counatry than suc.. ' se oululoeltîîîe -ir>'village îî#lubanudet in Acuao AsEs uns bau-e b e r nn ycm i?5 p at. Tr u e - fi le l nd trsied l i .h c ld i s ri e r t mon t bis M u ri ed s. h e iccid ei un p ar a Bitis o th deywer Do asDameonshumle it fauky aomê bisreget urnIait f0 his f aauily, beUecng dilet a am 1tie 1tt e d y r ut Cias gu eo ns th fe c IVole.__ __ __ _voyage asaiuld d u hlivagoal. Ardmbiaop in previoum i-cars. cl lucao tly- ___________ irty-flie alasm e reNie* lvz uiniPg ansous raine u AmerIca a a priet. bc day, tever thu ever efore rec:rd- becaine blaliup in Misisppi uni on tue .the miomber lait jean briug cofuidera- Iterretani ortheî Interiorishmanas su dsl ea »afmf 0 ove? 100. Fine pensons vere kiled. the au-si-ohauts ini lis Irpartueuit tour enu in u t ola h op oLey v .apOint-nt uon otiers saronalY iniorei a nd aS nufi- C meree xuueu sud su ci-N Iai o"a . di""or h e e . ne of t e lar zerît un dt m ot lu- fr of otiers amiieti! hurt. T e p eu ' Ncitbm'n the Chi me n ir i tireui il ii i Portoraual-mm nis ire exiiosui ofo a blettie filleul seith gun- eds iitnbsmme a îîrotet ga tim aser'c.manacine tatall. Auotucnvie, the Hawltan treaty out anelaiIiJUOGE QOOLEY AN INVALIO. au met datb tom a balleit fireit by a The eungrteoiomal ditiet relari ai f ci ut in cellebnst!un ot the Isi. One by îy Jerry Sînap mwuai h. hn p omit ofl lliuTh . Jasile. Loaa f Marierna'! A V lo wd b 7 a Dis- in bris frsght tel! rtoma sainduan on se- flou, ielret I.he tri'dStates. Tl'lilntixty if-ara lnhâvaeti egreiat puay or Deep meemcboly. cunt ut the fivingair a Canno n cacer 11.ei tehes lurigestn.bu tey I i lue ten hoafMlioly ad t'as lillici. Tic accîdetlexphloon The reslesîmtiom ut Mseruaue CoxI milduî'. ufu ifitai mgnu.hitfu' sianed htTuaaM oneothe rewuamt i ie o! one man. uni State«mîntater lu Honlunas rendl a buavimereentîeau n migncîtcn oluiti uîrlate is vin hanfor mao! nut brlyn seea for utfhieInîlifnosrc.-tmutltheeleaiu, hgaul lilhta uttiecounntry und au te burseting of a tus' cannionu emdel the don, bus bton etimreived t atthe filiatileie- tor or nis landîoft hi. 'speclul ant-le, l Fatal accidents elmeere sere alerte The $tlctelm-arhutit gbisreffoîneal tii John Billinum ini'. tlelui hfermenanithe umpratvc! tee.Tieatiior castaisî es agalu pneus durhei-iCoud clfualumu îthuu b-epiri% usinessfl or uthle tonthaund ldiejecta. bus lostItis Co-ere! a vide range of cases, but sere PmplmlGeeritu mu s'h tntu f u uandiatehui utitentll lîmîun pi-mcipulli due go tbe careps fine of large uo a réellemnmt.licea-allas liî niubrCie-aufitflCtCin ainfbit lrecraLck e'a, v h icb l n m aus' cam es llet - S e'ulin N e bronu . A l d c i .la b ck en in D ealeîr. thîcre o lu a vesl ul t e s! paînful, if not meions, Injuries. The W'ashington ratler s lofng relt at hhua lmiii' %bc q.iuin c fillimuetemi, lxiléuîtuîiuîîîomepri uenuall l.o sias nut atwas tublâme lu th@ n t harwel, -Nee-. lit. 1. Iii> hîfeaitlleiunci-tnia Iolulba'éutdoni' ailt il uîîlul tol îîîukî vote asylnailtutie nter. uis anch ut the recL-lsan'ms vas machu ial;oveil. the jîmieuli ffin rIl lag uuîîaeas. l.ît us near future. For mnulestiea by bis eIders. Catrroll D. NWrighit. chier utf flcNati,il lluluelimern mui-Yinas u lYmorne.iheiilMrticsoc ALTEL AO I-l ISUS. Bureau u or [Aler aiNVaghiumunon, busbef'u land lîit ifDualer. iey hum been grain- - - LDADTH SSE. numinateil tom Presideut tif the Amueru-ulo il l l luit ul uîîufileîîî î'niîe aitr mlyfalune la Ine litho ltaOVi'oa utilIail Adrese aUnîtaimin Associatfion. Vil. ica tîu tirIla olitahi> uliagniriîl ruASMaOtLTndonhfohSeveain DxGvroe lîl a Met ng. « a A bel bas bren purchasel by the Millyisjuililci u&LA uutirehie-i-s'ua lre ci-ny itîlmrla t tue fi.tuulitutîs oullauld utas Ia! John. P. A.lfgeid, fo rmfer Guvernor ut of tic le Se reta ry o t e Trnaurs Dcii- a gîuist hbci- eer 1hua luit îuut h ic o if . re euflir, l useneer. thit h m a nai bic &m Iîllni, spair tu un tirutise audie ne tei Manntng for tic Unied Sta tesi eruisi W uilîi. fuii Sa ic. - _afferteul. Jlmflge C oley forts for ma7 ot abllet 2 5W0 pe rsoits Mom day morain sebicu hebrans ls n me. ÀA uI fl .on. ars q'i m emmuer ou t hflac faculty f tic Uni' inuthe B o olyn Acadein! ot M u ne. The Menaton spooner prememut cd s pitit Ion tii %"ifh luuh l Iusa lii Iillial itiui n ire- nensit! uit IMichig n, a i ude of ti e u- minclIae sealuarnthe auspices of the the Senaete ilguid b! 1<3,tOOO etizena of 1-ise, Ptidt il;ii.liley s-lîl hase it prene Counrt, amni îoumttuted for mouel 1) mocratie Leaigue et Klugei County, cud Cicago, pnotestlue aigusnt the proposai gr.bft t,tl iYfinceî luieai u îoba n rn ttcltrtt s s te lm ihi! a F o rti ut Ju li cre lera- luerem .&e (It the tu x ou b rrr. ueu i th i.le i r W mi etifigtiiii onts . C om m rc e C om m ission. tion. For tiose Deniocrats saho aiouîld Senatur Chndler la a devoter ut bIcy- uuîw'aii le uit bé'ant ffforfhiti ut ittlc dli- teau p o n i e, s e v eu l i g noiu re th e ralleer d in n dî ap e rs m c i u t b ts lim e a t o m eit' veru l i. W b e u -m loffi' Ile s e la fo s f S p a r ia fr o nt M e W ta a s. question, uim li Stui uprly ruidne -over the mac Of Newr HaMPabire. o!ratuii'ciiug Clinm tlu' ai tunî iiîîaui he tate Itepartoucat bas relv ni. loca ism ru. Ateeihu aa uun îîbpare( u xi! .00mls i cei. mnxîlî îîi- iht-i o s ie.Ci- ttmetton osl eealL.u "Tatr! T e..- . -enedtct- ; Aruîî awuld-Ut- rot onulG etiLegr mmv. c TiI veifa conat thon qia!" Trii baud the o tions. ita hi and t Ita tri grant vans Into i 'chant horse, <nom and spleni tional atatel Ivory, the n finest serouil louis f ed aI! heurt! entry Bai ers, fi ber ni thci r atone]. barre Admit lans rot G Cal: aud 1 It in oreri IL 1, amui t tic th vl s the g ploua the r counu dlaî enall ut 1h sîrcit ver7 lied n bonds et bu, notion ahmua bers u Coulet p>optule nar i enarai c*aeul the aw Gree, Frn<u citles yet d propli At tbuug whilc ing Ur athet *.govrr ehara * ltaelt. Intere geat patric box. sion' arcM j presle] L. ery affuli nîcipa * riebi. ticir more, tional wlti glorle rele 1a 'oppos bt ia purifie tien. air gr( futur. pat. diffeus filopfc In f ethica ailcips t rani mrai or un court there k!ndm tier Oath exce

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