CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jul 1897, p. 3

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- mmV. DR. -TALMAGE PREAOHES ON MUNICIPAL WELFARE. 'lDicsssite cille.sudaiToune, or '111.1Cou.t"r frotteaàMoi-ilsund Re- ligions stand peint- CouDuel to Te Who Moiti Publie positions. Taillesn ourneua. Tieseurmonu orDr. Talmage tilacussles frcma a moral and religions etautipoint the s-itai-e cfrail the towsudticitiez cf oui- eountry. His test in Ezekiei xx vii., 3, "t0 Chou th.iI art itate ai théleut-s cf Ithe Thsis lua apart of mn impaslonéti apos- tropheio théeilS- cfTyre. Il sas abeau- ÜfCityî- A majestic éis-. -At tis eéat cund ef thé Méditerranean fi t ut -ote bandi beétoulus- thé inianti trade ant i uti tise eher fthé commercé cf foreiga nae- tionsr. Stlsng a mouistroos boom acreus il» bai-bei-te *utout torelga eteriés andthobn avnug back filet boom te Jet lu Ils fi-endh. Thé i- cf he dsert tia fi- gi-at wt-llthe spiceshi-eus-ht lis-cars- vans to ehtr taimansd al "s eaustré éft loto felntu lis-thé kehet ht-br laien mer- -haulmen lier mai-ketas-re rlch is bornseutandimules anti canici. fi-eus Togar- malt; tiîthupbheérs- anti étons- ant ivrrs train Dédan; tui-iuuérarluluanti agate anticoi-ai fi-cm Ilsris; wtllis-nefren Hlbon; sqth ins nèsuedbésrurk fi-cm Ashur nuiti Chilimati. Tait about th.l apli ttial-rnomu et your Couard-iaut. Jamnanmoîi %N'bite tar finleinterîn- Conalti tnam-sby, thé bivlttît-uof the atateoi-saus ln titrse. Tyrian uhipu i- ern u irery, sud lîsmicai of eut- cent-sucatirasu theéimtaItsfrthé atippins-, tih n'l Iti-e fluésltten. quihtiul tuitolher suin i - s-rouishI t-is éuti-,iideiicu almost iniracu- ed aIl lnotiotns.itantempcuirueu fit ls4 beartb,'aî. Ilujeatie culs, stîalé UI thé eutry cfrhu-Il-le Buî -lcieu, atue s-lt-slx ut ugC it hf i-rt-s- eru, théetron,,otbr hi-rtus. tie hiiti f lier shippiLns-? Let thé iaheiuieu s-ho tiiy their nets cn ie pace o hi-r,-i,-euutn-e e. J el thé es. that rashes îîîaîuî tht- basirent-us mslhère mlic-Once eîit-setthe admiration cf ail nations, l,t titi- liai-a lans uho bmilt] sheir Ihous Oni iti- piste s-hèrelher palaces gfiterMi. anasr tht- questieon. llotîrd eut tcrt-vcr Itlfi-r- gel Qeod. anti Goalfors-tht-r,. Aul tihi-e cor modernecitie, admire lier'igluiry leut bisem tatées-rnlng autlber uàfui douar. The Vire. City-. Calins-as tic founder tot thé i-t c-ts- anti 1 soppoal it tfaliafter liait lu moral%. Il lu s long s hile hfore s its-etcuset tirer heé caructer et thue e sucrounid IL 'Acé e - crimina exilies, tire itit, anti thé prisons, ant fic11etdi-tmn-hi-i--art- Cle thaiotis cf inchi fenuderi. Nes-Yoi-k ulli nel loi- 200 or 3W y0 s ecape f rontî 1e goti influencésoetlt foundérs. thé Pions seteru s buse prayeras-i-St ni, front thé véry iti-ecîs s-hre anti bnuits dis- count. anti it-eérs shave, anti Ctmpaaîe-u dès-are ,diiedei, and smuggiers as-car cuium hliue le, anti uhoaé tiré roni of tht- trlsym anti thé ct-nct uftie-aale- ttiilers' îîullaîa la hi-ar.]lttî,a-riptian, ~'Wé sorshîi, thée, t tien almis-liy dcl- ar.-Thé-cbui-cb that ,uucC alususton IVali ut-et atil tirows IL& hiéssuns- ticr a&lthé sit-îtoftraie sud rcpauthé abripsteani folîl theur suhite - a luire hlai-tsi. Oris-- inals- min gatht-e i-élttciia fronit -- sîtS. It sas tt, -inr(-diarys tort-h or thé assasina t;agxt-r. (ntiti rte VM rs eér lilvétilas the Counat-y. thus-luho bal] noihins- ibut i-ult ieh 5 uhtrti-vagaO bonds@isho santéd tl e héucat-their pince et businss, but mince cîvinuztiutn anti re- ligion limai- uruade iut anti-f-ut-ne-n t,, luxe aineât nus--lre titin t-ngrri-s-tu iii-rais hécausé cf iii,(ý puruciy fui- t-us<aiunmt. Citiés are flotvt-aarh> iii. iilutte somtini etet-a nigaîs. lTh,y JiveItt thée irtiipiai-î-of civ litbéni pullular ibehrty hia liftéd ni, uta ruý.Il. t nésa <eitus and Iia snuu V>uiu-vu. Th, entat-- Of theî represvcuativu.a of Ii- chties if IEut-îît- san thr deathhlns- le feudal tingti-mi. Cit--, at-e thé Ptruiller* otar t at-i litelrîutîr,- - aritelcture pontilla Inrifus BriIti st ilem nt I., ionn , i Ito:tai hi-rtv iu Paria, lit a Vtici-su luiii. i t.îx î -i the wscilîlu s-iper. Atilînt a athage,- ([reéce îuuîm .'tiseus, Euuigisntixt tniîi Fi-naîteil'utarisb tslyi. us tuntue a th tt.- citiez n s li-h Ced basa citi ot iitau S-cltiecideteé iidcstits- of tisi-Amrircîîî peple, At this sioasoetthi- s-iar I bave theugil il miixt héuf iiilttuîhk a littîh s-bilé aboutItic-moi-ai resyii iulity - rai- lus- upon tic- Offic-e b-ai-rs-i-un al our i- ités a thème ai oppreprialtus othîss- saiti,- gaivérneti as tu thres-uvi-t-tot-. Ticet-trai éhlaraclen- cf bQseWo site ieCîi-tyhba match te di, tbtht- charu-tu-r cf rtet-City taiu. Min. someu ndîuî,îl îhî tit-r--ail lutéreé in lnainlleui îsitîî-. Whcii th.- gi-tstlhetidi.ftiai l ei-tionîui c es, -it-- patilIaut ati tu e t-fouci it tie iutUîui hiox. We ate& aiti-ri-tei l iitt- dîscuis- sien 'ifnt iînalifinance.cîina it ii- l t - are wtidi-ring ws- wliit iiuuxt ili tiî- pi-éidéntiai chair. Nes-. thtît ois- l i véry ucll-iu vry- ti-l. hit iut a lits- ime thatilo oueuof irete nîîîtion s-bit-h tavehurenéén tii-rlus-tutnationtal affaire nadi brounsht ilte thé «Itndys-of u- nicipal gotérntent.Ths ltbuaustoe s nos- la the chier point le hé tai-h. blatre thé cillés ris-ht anti the nainiuîu -ul hé ris-bt. 1have netlcéd Ibat, acu-otduas- te their cpportunities, théi-c bas t-iails- hea more corruption iu municipal gie imeats In ibiu country than lu lie Sialvu anti na- tional légilatures. Nos-, lu théré no hople? * Wlth thé ntlgliea scanluinnt- bandtir ie gloius Soupe] of .esuuuChrismt. chah tuaI aIl ou idlls hé refcrméd anti put-ihIét ani rédeemeail 1 béllièrethé dus- s-dlcrente. 1 In lMf §ssmpathY wttililoes-ho arc opposeiluacarvyits- polies mb toreligion, but our citiez s-lu uevéi- be refrerundu purifi tulmail té carrs- religion itb poli- tics. i loknier oui- cllien iati 1 sie Ihat aiH gréaI Intereste are tb héeaffécîéd lunthse - future. as thés- bavé téén sffctedinluthée differéait tiépsi-ménts mile over as, anti I Vropoae ta claîsltomseéor thosé interéats. Comeataétat Ethlcs. Iu thé fieutplace. I rentai-tcommercial Etethies are ais-as afféctéd bs thé moral or Imsmoral chai-acter et hose s-ho bavé mun- nicipai Sapi-émacy. Officiais thal s-lnk at frauti anti that have nithér censuré nor rrtsls-unut for gliltéruts dishoneuthés al- _aaru _k..énthé.pulset cmmrca Obxltlapmné le Ato fil e t *bue miti, "We'll baveaisothins- tu do witls the managemnat of publié uffairu.,' ani they alloweéti eéryting te go aI looce endsun- tii theri rolléti up lu that cit, aàtiébt cf nearly-*120,000,000. Thé municipal gov- érament hécamé a blasiag anti a byword lu thé tiole eartis, anti théu tise Chria- tian meri-hants maw théir toLly, andti tby wéut anti took possession oft thé ballot bolles. I1uli ail commercial moa ten- tici-stanti that thés- are nct ludependent of thé moral Chaxacter cf the mcii sho i-lié over thora, bt met hé thoreohly,, utgt- ils sifécteti by thés. go aise cf théeueutienanl neetuof a City. Do Yeu n us-thaI thu-ré are ln Ibis country about 70,0(9)> conmnusehodia, andtirait Ière si-e cii-r SOUtt.tOUO poplie, sud thait théeotajerits- of thuné ebcocla asu the mnjority of thouc paplig are lu oui- cillés? Nes-, Ijiii great mulitutie of cul- tirén uuli hé affecte] by thé Intelligence or ignorance, thé vu-tue or thé viré cf boardis et éducation antibouardsetofcon- trol. Thére are Citiosns-hère eéducational affaira arc meîtled in thé loti caucus in thé Abandoueti parti cf théeltiés liS-men full o! ignorance anti mm. Il ouglit net te hé se, l'tlila manycitiez it lun su. I béai-thé tramp of comiug genéraîiî,ns. %Whitl that gréas multitude ef >-eut h alai cfer thia s-ciid anti thé neat avihli le affetter] vers- ntuét'Lly théebeai--tt-r t of yii-publie sehutols. Yeu halli ttir muutipls- thé mortalind religitons ittifin-i-e-abottlthe c-ommun arliolu rather <lin ssiet frontD thtun. Inatéati of dririns- the Bibié aut. S-en u at bitter tiiae thée BibW -forth-r in. May- Cod défend oui- glorlous cuuliuit si-ultei stém anti Rent i iitataut anti cou fusinît aits statuta encnujîs. 1 have aime te Kas-tlat the- i urat-ter of nfhltIclia l îcil> affcts theîudîluivtuti, cii- cli-. lu a cits- shi-ré gruugaiiîuîuhauve tiir oaa usa ansd garrtullttg bu-is hure- trot uit- tecfereI -A lth, anti foi-f-leut oflusing ptu- qIrai Inilueutée oltItialm u huuîe thi-ir i-s s1ut fezterins- aboainattens-iit ail thusé cuties the- htme Itîterests lui-i tuî nueI-tmpîlora- ti,ou. Thi- y i-nst-ni,--,o thf t ylu- ii t I inthi t il> lii-affc-teul y ivt.ifi îîîti,-i ha- it-ei-or tht-immorcm iuraî-îu-r uf thiteé tutt, t-ilde uvî'r tireur i ai ill ge) taniser sandiavtu taIthé t-cIi irlos interettu ot a cils uite thas alfécteti. TFhe cuchsie te dus-bas t0euuitc-nd with i-vils tfi-et the civil ia- ight-litu, stute, anti. wsalp 1i aeai lo t have the' cia-ilngev- craiment lut ans s-ai-é rlan ita hcaergs un thé ar-ist anti puiment or crime. 1 s-oiti hasé a thousautifeltimîure uDt--s-s Polt foth in thé trirs gsaup ut the rtua lisof laiquits-. Théeihuurch îtf (Ilusies ut-, penniar- aid frornt plitical paiveir. but tihu'. "k that li addition t,, ail thé cila s e tunoat tei-u-marils- contenau gnst s-e 1mhaltittlustotuils-ht atau )iii ustiteipal nés- Iiig,-n-c. (Oh, tlitIutin ,,lîorcuites<hi- liait pé tpié ucuitiiruse niu. aundltîtht they avauuldb-ut théir baud untti-e làu-iîuî héfor,- Iiiraticil dti gjuig,-s havi-e a i'lthu- uluip busteasil uf gît lu .ti, îtIu tint u rita utio .ai litit-s. suat. sutua- ut 3-ur ilit-- tiiiht.ta tueliipa5 Igtîvirinorii. 1 1 demnuuitithat lteChriattaîtir uihiles-hi, huai e en asanding- nlu.uuf riîtu jîuitîlt-i tati-@ contet'aick, ahtiun th itihisluof iod try te sas-c Our citiée. If tluiî-auuri-uur havi' be il . ut us ls-caui- K-0al ruoll- have iet tienuu lunbi. Thari iîaietitan iiii 1iebu uitreis- gees 1,t,, lpoil.andîîui mta4 liii vate dueésli-ut hi - tis di i. I t ta not the bllot box thît de, îlý es iu-ii iliuaî iâth ie paJit-ui c-s,.sai tu t tht, pt- ltttrY ieétius suftilu,- lîhiuutpa~r. 1hua uufii anld tni inie- uuiatt. lui-nlteballtt1-tualitiq noîîulitg f1', sto btt ta t -lieuet lutait ta,, thii-ves la Our- hunrt b-, ls-t'y urui itvog u taiun ecy n est-ut> oi yt st- , -ne ut-tht- niuht- iutii-uit un tiitv-uiiu-i l- i hers at- tiioa- ihointît iu- uicplCi uîuuj andi ticpitii up',u il bat ii.ail the ctles. ns ong ubur- eit tai- tpi albot fi-ti lflhtth tu, a,ni, hts-deuuieofur cbu- ail] mn uittht- rltutututatlonq. urt] ri t-lieu, riltbtlotitbaianti rut. 1iký ài, siu-pitlu,-r iii this athjet anîd -k titi- a ati . -.,ic-e uintire emniphi oeî t~f i-us r. ilu> 1,Y la> anti errsday. tire-'t u cet- t Ii beLaDis béfore (Cod for ut uleuuie. If >-,u lire lun ac-ty pridedé -ut -riva nia, or. priu> fir uni.irhé -ief îuue ti-it-a i- f ialits' iv intia iosities of gi-cal r-spoutaibilits-. TMutîs-Ot the kmns- ah-iqui-a Stui i-r- ouifthei- tins iitu iccti-i dointli. 'iîtli tiea-t-atch of ut 1-nu lue ita> n.iviti--iai iifiun- ittitatton or inhk a r:iiasîa -utlitctla liv apbsointiaelts lie- itua> uai ii ura, cati-y ibeu rtat4iilti teiu "-ty-. Ifin the- Epi.coil chut-t.--,b> tii- nuit htîtil uf thé liians-. aît,]ult,;îuîr tt 'ts-p rhuru-he* ws-evtet- Sabauuiith -rut> fi-thtii I't-t-nhd-t ,îfthéetunit-il brille.. svhys-nii. tht-o. iic'mat as tut-ai-i>lit uruît- auuiiii ti-ns fir-thiicibit-maguistsrnaestofcttic-. four ti-ir gutdii-e. fuît tht-ut-hi-niti. , rr 1tiir lt-o-ut atnd itiijr i --ltins-mor- niity? Thé Cousau But go fui-tber. sud ittay tsr s-aur cc.n- auîi couard. if t-youtr cti lias a colnuîî Ceatteul. 1'Té>- holt inlatichi- bandeaa phower mpiéndid for cculdet-terribleé foi- ès il. 'le-have tuons-telatpittois. Iii mnuihs-of thé iritiez tabou boardts cf .mu moiu n, uimcanliaive s-tuti- dîîî- nlatht- mitéisiruat aof politietii-orupioni. Thé> uu,,iti u-t tatithe ;.îttcr itf théirehluu-.. Cerruplitticamne in andati uieb-uiu irnthou nîuîi auit luehinti tht-m. tutimat bt-fat-e tii-tut. This- reeklesls- rteti mitithé,usu euruéd maucys ut thé peobilu. FIes- tait- hri-ugalt cul, hot-,mid thuttisoul. go tiltt it the- t-d cf theiut-tc-niuofcfi,etits'vball nutitéoagli of musral ri-naitîs lîut te matér a il-cet-utfuneèr*]. ,Titei-yat-t itîtoOffie Waitît'tht- huzra cf the- multitudel. Thes- cameé'tut vIls tht- auîtheîna cf ait décent puple. Theré lunat elle maicuit Of a huoulred tt at cain endurec the tiiilltationsi of thé comuîîan cOuncil nien la cuir grétt citez. If s Munatiret position have the Courage ut a(Croumwell, anti thteiépen deuce cf an Audruas Jackson, anti the- pnule apiritédnès of a John Fi-éden-tk Oberlinandlthé piéts- of au Edaa-i las- soun, héeîî ill have it, asurplius te thi-ata uas-. Pi-nyfr thtt-e ut-h. I-vet-v mutu lités t i t rtiyéd for. sDte >au kîtoîrhosi Dr. Norman Mctéoti bei-ine thé quceits eliaplaia? Itl'sas lu> a varut hèartt.î prés-e- luthé Scotch tii-t, iinbhlitof th'- ros-al tamuls, oeéSabhialu whutu thé qucen andi ber so en s-ie présenit incognito. - The1hPolc. Yeé. Lo fui-lter, my friénti-anditti i-a Boue 414u.,MWs8mocImpatient men, amni flot tfor -hose places. Th"yhavé isuder their care mmWhwbere Oce as 90M* i on, bat tlisy got trippéti up. Bad compans- or stroag drink or trange ien- Jonction o! direu.tances tuug thent héadlong. Go dowu that prison corridor sud asit thetc how they got lu sud about their familles and wht their eariy prou- petsInlulité weré, anti jeu tiuil ilti that théy are %ery muéh like yeurscif, exccpt lu tbif, that God képt S-eu tiilé hée diti flot regrai. theai. Jmm oee fisé acp matie thé différence betweéu themi anti YOu. Théy usot more thon prison bars. more titajali rare, more titan baittficu anti hopple,',, more titan a vermîn cuver- éd conrh ta reforn theni. Prsy Qed day by day that thé men uho have thèeetîn- fortunate, la charge may hée areltui, Chrlmtlaaly strateglé anti thé méans reformai ton andi rescne. Gadle.ReuPresatstiVem. My7 word »wcula to ail tiho may comté to hoiti amy publie position ot trust lu any ctyt Yots are Qed. réprésientativés. <ict, thé King and ti lir sud Jutigé, setm yct lu bis place. Oh, hé taitbful lu thé tiis- charge of ail S-or dtiels, so that wben ail oui- citles are lu ubées, anti thé worid ltii im a reti icroîl oifliante, Sonoiy hluei thé nacrcr andt race et Christ retiardeti for your fnitbfuines. You may smoite rs-artis cf etérnity thé émtoluments cf your offie. Wbat caré yen fo'- adverse politicai crlticias if yetî have God on sonr ide? Thé one, or the tI-e, et-thé three yésrs of your publie trust vviuhipas. ss-ay, anti ail théeeas-sof ycur i-arthiy isirvice, anti thens thé tribunal wii li lteli before whieb yon and 1 mutt appéar. XMay <led make yen se faitbf iii uct thit thé lait sceau shalhéc10 S-cc cxhieratiuu anti rupture! t wisb ucwt t exhert il] goîti peuple, sibthér they are thé goeernors or thé goversié,tu,10Malté one grand effort fer thé salvation. the ptiriicaLien, thé rédemption cf our Ameni- rait citles. Doeeu nt kuoti that theré ht-t- multitudes goiug dowa te omilnt- p-irai anti eternai, dropping quicicer than msords tii-p froin my lips? tirogsbepi unaliosi thent np. Gambliug hbeletiévour tisera. Rousis ot atteneare ianmniîîg thrm.(Ob, ]et unstoilianti pi-as-anti preacli sn o vountil al thesé srougs are riglit- éd! What s-e do ientmt do quiî-tiv. WVit ur rîsicri, anti oit thé lame plat- foi-ita- e muet nttlant cone hforé the throne ut Qed te answér for wbat sie have doue for tbé-httering cf oui- gret tes-us. Ain", if oet thatdaiie héfounut tisas-ui- handtti ts tee-n idié anti my paipit bas lies-n gîtent! OS-e tibo are pore antibotp- estt sud Christian, go te locrk anti belip Ir mokéile-h citiés pare and bonést aus' Christiain! Lest it may havé ht-en thougbt ihat ' nui adrlreusing ouls- 'hat are calicti thé bttér cdusses, D'y fluai word in te sonte tiefsluté seul te whom thèse words may camé. Tbougb YOD ntsy he covereal with il crimes, thougli Son may lhé smitteu svtb ail lepiosiés. thougli yen may have gene through thé tilciécatalogue cf ln- iquity usdti may Dot havé béeu lu eburch fer twttS S-ars, yen Mas- bave yeur na- ture eatireiy reconstrnctéd. anti upoa y-ut-r--rw, bot witb infainous practiées anti hée-ététi sitb exbaustiug itidul- g-uces, t;ed ta-ilpince thé Iashing corinet ,f a SaNioutsiforgivéucsa. "Oh, uer' yiî asy. -IfyS-ce knew tiho 1 am anti whi-re 1 î-nme front, s-ou wuiudul asay that tt) nie. i dli'tt héluevé thé gospel S-au are pr-einipeaku of Mus-cisué." Yia, it lo-syt -lrethur. Anti then, s-ba S-eu. t.4 me ithat. 1 uhtnk cf 's-at St. Teea .ani wbcu rctuî-éd te tter destitution. lIanglussily IWOepieci of moeés- ift. ai- jingléd thé ts-o pleceés etmini-y lu i-r banti anti saisi,.'hMt. Teresa andtivie t-ltct-s et moneS- are aothing. but Si. Te- t-i-unsd tac puet- ofetmoey s-anti (;otiare ail tiiitgg.-Anti 1 tell yeun antitht 's hile a %in snd a sinuer ai-e nothiîg. a sin andtian inîîir aa n al forigvlng anti ail i>tnpausinte <tsi are evcrything. %Vho la that tht I st-e rontg 1I icîst 1ils %tep. I kuoti bis i-5gs. Who la it? A prédigai. Conte. people cf Cati: let ios tIt ont anti Meet lias. Gi-t théeh-st t-tibe 3iU cati Ii lu il Hthéeatairchéb. Lét thi-uan gelis ef Qed fli their châliceo anti drink to bui eterual réscue. Corntepeople of <lad; let us go cut anti meet biim. liThe it gui lunc,-îung hconte. lThéedeui is alive again. sud thé icut la roundi. PIi-aséil vith thé néua. thé saints heicti lu sangs théir toesîié empios-. Bejoi anithé skies thé lidings go. Anti lien yen s filléti with j,>. Nor angi-I eaui théir jey i-tntais. B-utkilndie witb tîcti ire, "Tisesinner lottlinfonuntithéys îlg, Andti triké thé sntiading lyret. Short Sermons. Prcapv-rousEî-S iés la compos- t-i of out- érlia as sl s eut-vit-ues. Whtîs-dis the siiketi prosper? is oftitu estkei. Thé ausier ls, becatisi- ut-let thi-t. and bc-t-use -bs-their ltusIn.-sisè ablilits-anti untutprise thés- désert, ta. 1ev. Nti. C. 1ght, tuîtain.Neti York(iy. love -If i love tas-neiglîbot- aiiîîiy bei-anse lie-love-s me. or dos Dot hate tué. 1 do tint ri-iliS- ýoa-é hlm 1 Inut- love tasself tirtiugbý hlm. If 1 love itini. not for mysanti, but for bils sako, titi-f la ily lave geutlue 1ev. J. lS. Datid, Scc(deiutbotglan, San Franuîisco, Ilel-.-Nfit uîîîy preuciiers believu lu a hl-l of literail ire, nor do thé Orthodox eltirches géni-ralis- caré te minsit nîon éndiess unuuslment. Thére la goute- thing lu our sige cf kinesa to luih brutes even tisat maktea it suein eut cf placce.-Rev. H. W. Thomas, lutiépenti eut, Chîcago. Ili. Confidence lun lod-Whaî luI itîta tuakes thlid mi o ttn look utetn upon thé poor Rlth fear? Vahy lu it thuit tué por man look@ wth énvy tspo>ntlie rie-lt man andtigîbs to ressort to evo - lutionars- Méioureu for tbe en îdîsiti. bttion a G(ods gonds? [t la al tîrotîgh mutiof confidence lun(iod.-Itv. J.ltin Seulîs-, Cathollc, Phlladélpbla, l'a. A Cléaner Church.-What le ut-cuit-t to-tins-a not a blggér chumch, but a héttér church; not a richér c-urchlbut a deénr church. There las one duc- trine whlcb muet hé pé 1.i u IIUS T BE VIGILANT. Mlaorn paUIt 117t8t*c. dun l t A f A i-MiLLIONAIRr- ttached te a ligh pole ai the station Livinic Lihe a Prince on flilo En.l1 Pointe Over thie track. tl aiguilles u Acqui.-ed Fortue. TR'IAIN DISPATCHERS HAVE 114- Ibère are Do 0ortiers for tihe train and 1 'sil-m.. luit; asrecentiy been ctijîy- PORTANT DUTIES. It l l flomt stop. IfItifs biade hé drop In.- a ulh- and Inostsgt-ceaidi e- ped Il means the contrary. At nigbtsaion, througbi the genierîity of James Usfatr ofLif. sud Property Dépend, a red ight on the pole muins Uw anme , > t Ilsiomir- i-ry rr as the outstretched biadv Iby iday. 1, 18trutigîr rati " lition îlle if t 1 Yvpon Thols »tseretlon -Oigin of white ightllt nctpestih.- mailleas tbe iji,,, iit IlN,ýW Y.rk w lien-a a ld.:, tiy- th. ayoto P4ow lu Vogue ou il bade liered. tmie- >fars ag. 1-ie î , t idail th. àtaii.oaia. !i I-r the -otiantr3,. tic fît. luiaox ais' The olti way of a ronîtuctor huvifg ou steatin4-r. and lD wagons, bis; jiiiîw Reorlatig Tme o Trans. to report at every station big arrivai li ihtusuaiiy teing a raggedcd mt The systlu i f a cf ?rilw. and dgeparture or of aâLiiîm for erders, 1I isevrn h eso trains bY the rnethod known au s i (e ta it,éc tdivision fis habits andtn r-atimenit ivre tllaSo dlsPatchlug 18 o». of comparativeîy Points. The train dispatcher Obvîntes of tranmps gouerniiy, ant iehé earn.-,i to receant origin. It han been arnendeti that a.nd Urne la savéti. enJOY it a? Unî of a lII,- 11,e g,,alt t and medcsnled no &as to met thé re Withiu the lkItI of a crowded city, refte-c upon the- accoes of big cariy quiramenta of Unifie, until Dow thére like Chicago, trains are rua on whlut chiidhood al siirt uime agi. and 1là la asùular coe. nd aearly ail, If la known as the block systean.SOrne clude-il tint bu wanid reurn hotte Ola AI£ Uoe nti coundary con-.rOa" shave eiectric connections aiiow- Llght-hs-nried. etpî iipts- i DOt .i InUIII'0cde Ln the oUDraIon igthttofrckl îcrbtween rpurned ta lits native citY. te0 iar.a fofLn te that 00andfreithé ptlODocertain Points. Other roais bave the thbai bis intherliai tuddendlieft ini Une ttodeytmtriswern @astem of diska, showlng différent au lnhberiiance of 8ev-ri thî,iq.niti by rnecara. trin eftChiage llb day and niglit. This syastémla rs . theé1inlome of wblîIciîliaiti eîlî fr inataC"e A train m etiago, t.however. la IDdependeDt of tiset-aiDn alarge muni mwe the faters deaîh. Au eaat-bouad train on the sameefine- that Ivan befo,'. the doubie-track sys- ten Dow iilYu vie-by soiné cempaDes- bati ieft a given etaton on lts schiedule time. The Urne eard Widlcatéd wben and where thosle trains were to méet and pessa. in an open country-, on a line C'oMatpaavely atraigbt. andtInlethé daytirnc, theré was no danger even utn- dcr Buch an uncertaln andi bladusy- tem. But ruaning train& undér Rnch «Ystma en a road madeé Up of curves &Wd In a foggy or black night was encugli te break down thé net-vous sys- tem of those who ball thse résponisibli- ThéeD'an who first suggested han- dlIig traina by wire ln stili living. fls Dame la Robert PftcaJrn. Wbén the war was millier way Thomas L. Scott was aut thé béad cf the Pennsylvania Sys- A short Urne beforé thé bautie of - tietain LlDcon sent fer Scott anti toki film witb characeristic franknes of the prograsa1. As -ahowing Lincons CapacltY asua&rlitary man, hé toid L ES.ADMR.AI iER bcotthat tihe battie wouid hé fonght 1______E.AND___________ERRY Des, Antietarn, about snch a tie. The dîspa±cer's ýbusines, sitbough It la of B erryt- hougbt of a gentleman In commander cf the Ârmy cf thé Polo- assistance te lm lu tsatI t réliéves IMOUnt Vernton, Ill., lJnry Thomipuen, mac Was présent. Thé Président said hilm of acmé of the fésponsibliitY Of who bmd hefrtéided film In bit% poveir- thé OnIY obfftaCié, no far as buman handiin.g trains within the Ciy. ty, ant Ile rturned to tbnt lîttle city foreligt éouid discérn, In thé way cf In connéctlon witb this subWtci, tere, anti repaiti Mr. Thompaon a tbenssnd victcry. tWa thé Inanificiént means the lu nome add1ional informiation whicb fold or more, As hée diti not wsit te Governmént bad of bandling its'troops wil interéat the layman. Ieso i -st lnlér ocui sud té muitios cfwar.Ail nort nand esat bounti trains are ed te marry. Il@e bc-ure acqualiti Sicott thonght tâtat couid hé arrang- mun un evén numbers. soutb and west wlîh Ms. Sai 1 enc. pétyMou éd. He conauitéd with Pitcairn, who bonoti trains. ohviousiy, arc mn 0on Veruion girl, «20 yéaru cold. Théy tient had général kncwiédge of thé han- cdd numbérs. te Salent and tiere marriéti. dltng of trains, as hé liad cf everything Traîina do flt oit consecutiveiy on Tehe ehé teîI to @pend bisrnou~. clme Ln cennectIca, with railroad mat- numhérs.èslkéakn.H plt82,0foa tete.. Pitcirn said Il counitibh donc If Freiglit trains bégin to e h nhéered' bot-e, harnies andi buggy. Wiii fiis hé was given fofl authority te anII froin thé laut higbffat numbér of pas- [wlfe he wént for a&~'gv Atec ail thé trains. This 's-a grantéti, and séngér traina. Théré lu a acries cf store wbere hé nw scimething hé want- the work was donc on thé saine gén- nusahérs for trai on short rails. ed hé stoppéd bi& horne. Theré twsa eral sstemn as that Dow lu usé, sud On four track syste-ma paqséngér ýaiwas n ome boy ready to boidthetic ni- Pitcairn dellvereti at thé appoîntei trains havé thé outside; on thé tbréé mai, for which service Berry tieulti place, on lime. evéry D'an, hersé, wag- tracks thé saumé. On doublé track s-s- Igivé a dollar or more. One boy reMév- on, gon andi other war munitions whcb tri passéngér and fréighta mlx. cf éd a dollar for bandlng hlm a match. weré brTOUght lut play lnuoeeoe thé course, andi on sncb aystémis thé work- To anothér hé gave a dollar for pick- gréat confilcts cf thé war. lu plain of thé train dispatcher la one et gvéétcr lng Dp hit buggy whip. To a jési-ler Eungllsh, hé simpis- sept oe e t-fer, or responslblllty. If the-re la a wsreck or bclie ald 15-for'régnlàtring bis watcb, sud hé la conaderlng thée question of purctassing a valuabié pléce cf landi luiaidcuoatiug Il te thé cils- for a park. OEATH LURKS IN IIAGARSWELL // The Anuel Pilgrlusage tb Mécrca Ne- i i aarded witls AppeehenasIen. 'I i I A chrouic menace ta thé healtb f A-la andti eirt Europe la thé aunuai pilgrim- ele of plios Moemée te Mecca. Mure threiteoiag tha ver It appeara ibis s-car onuaccouait cf thé préence ln jadia cf a piague fur worse titan choera. El Id ei Kebir. or Big Blairat, au the Tuirks kuuw Il, falu this year u theé 12th of May, ai lia il-hicb turne Amabla willi bointcnaeis- bot sud coaditlons wilhé favorable tu the gpeédy propiagation cfl dises.Thé lu- habitauts cf Mecca live crowded togethér j and surroundt thér homes with refuse aud flUth :nd foui thé water iuppiy. If a dis- caLse aucli au choiera or thé buhonie plagite bc iutraducet i ilstraîghtsva>- preads hile wiitiiré. Thé cnstat cause la thé drink- iug of choléra polli tai ter. Among the rai odlnancém ishîcl to thé oh = zeare commandis la that of piligrime b Ieevm. Every maie il Meharniedan-.wornea ticnt out-muit lui" som e a is11f.irmalle thé pitgrim- age. An rtimle betor- be diu wiii au- uwer. From, Tnrkey, front a belt of colia trs- extendilng eautward seroms Asis 10 the farîlicit confines cf Malaysia, sud frorn thé wtiilof Arrien, pligrirna set eut éverS- ys-er, turning their stepe toward Mécea ia obedience to tbis commandi. Soeéfai sic lis- thé way, msny dile. Frein about 00000 te 0,cr 100,000 ecri yesr attais théir end. Menti and sométimes years IN THE TRAIN DISPATCHg.R'S OFFICE. havé bren devoeéi In thé tuaitmuid suf- ferlugs end harîtships bave béen limier- message. te ail couductors anti engin- biockadé il La bis business te givé that gone wtàhlch il îtihé ilfictuit ta de- een ad divisiou auperlutentiéuts éD'- information te ail trains withln bigs cribec. Not loug agisa cab]@ dispatcli bld pioyed lu thé térritory whére thé traîna division, andtet comrunîcaté ora-u a pilgrimage of 10,000 permoua, cf wéréte é hadiéi. Uderthîsrul tie teeachtran asto e Ifrm ua- siboinmore than ous-haif imver returueti, werete c hndld. nde thi rue lon e ech rainan e hw fr I sh i aviug tieétiby thé way of choiera. The more traîn ecan hée mn thau under thé pt-ce-ced, anti how, long il shal] watt. procéédings cf the plgrima sund thc way olti system. It foliotis tiat a man wbo la a train they live aIse tend te thé aprendi cf the It la nt claiméd that Plîcairn's idPm dispatcheér must hé a ihorougb rail- dus2c. was St onceé adoptéti. Il tisatakén Up t-oaidnan, asti lié must hé an efficient The chief source cf danger aInleeca la lowly, and éscli s>-tcm so adopting telégraph operator. Clrcuitances, thé famous Zcmzcm, thé rcputed "Hagars fi d14 ao indépendently. Then. nomé- iométlrnes makre a train dispatcher of weli," trisre Itlunuppoaed slie drewv sater where lu 1880, tht-t- was héiti a cou- a D'an lu a short Uni, but fi leléot cf- fcr lber sit lalimaei. At théelicît et véntion te discuss thé proposition cf téeu hé e etethat postionu nutir a imé, Ibère lebut ltile wtaer iuthéeticil, cstahllahing lu tiltiscountry- that ls legs serv-ice than fitn tyears. anti thé pilgrima .warni around i i. Ev- nwknown as staudardtimure. Furthér, __________ rs- eue tilîhes tbdrink et aud te bath. ilhsare y al retis te consent luiétZnéAou Pg lsi athèse réputeti miraculoits waters. Eacli At waa aZoegréed gHone te a générai arrangeganet. te hé Acouatic signssare excellent lhIlUcle . uséd, as fax as I ccOuid hé praIé- open sein, anti for lta ssting the a p- -- :- tiolbie, fora standard codé of hautiing pi-ocu of resseis te the cosse lan a tr-ains hy tclégrapb ordér, anid thîs fog, but unforlimatol l>' taméyest code Ila til In fféct. It la kucti3 n a way~s r£elian twd Lla ocuciahnied thé double-order asaent, asuystcD' by t t t r e arail nd thîsI niseué wblch tihe 0saine diaPatch lIn t simul- wém thé scund lanflot a>wffya hes.d - taneuly te aIl parties lnterested. et thé ea-ével. prrt, w te tri or s uuv. i-S 'h5g t. g p-lt-5ecked m a ptaluso bave Whlch reeipoeda 10the ordér firt Thé agiroi that théeatt-ens t wéré Infcrlor trains gel thé sanie entier and a5i151ic on the ccenat havé at Ihies att sipon It. Tihis mile is La vogué on eesa.d tos llow, snd théy bave ai-C'usé overs- importaut railws-nyus-sen lu liée the keepeéof etngLiete. United OBIdes, la a OOMu ntimtkatCmtisé Acauieiy - Wheu it wàs iraI suggésted ln thé cf Bomicutuéhe anena tuisaibea se West le utuluze telégraph ilues In con- long decelved evéryhotis-lis dtuly set .li neotion s-lb the opération Of traiss forth. lb bas beau fou btanf 6.1 PiéIr higb is éiay authorltile étéi-d a pro- are surroundéd by ia nétral zoné, la tULéEldS AT 5tAOAR'5 tiELL, tige-eA. test, for théS- fanclefi ibis ment théeavhlch thé soimilla not s est tthé giving au e!f ais-as-ieretsa-ope. ea sej-ésc. Thisajmséla mreor l- plIgrînltOrlnu tnppedti te h saist atou-s ould know uhat usa geng on. distatit, secotiiasg te thé héight of te stands bhéside the tic-l s-hIc sa uctet ci and Chia uculti net do. Thé practical sum~ or. tiseonglet, sud Lt b~as na thé wter sa ponreti ever hia. 0f thlu hc woi-kIng et thé aystém.bos-evér. swon -irlth cf about sigit Chousanati foio. egrydIk si fosfotUcIut s-on lbs was-. Thé A B C'a cf thé nés- 0,n the nesrer aidé o! Ibisaoe th ie resl flowi-ng over hai nati-ulbody-, anu ms-tea. ére smon miatereti, sud ri-h- uti la et course hm zSetheatreamnis- butsk lato the wtilIta bu iîéi . Perfeoti-. bhtlas-sun. Hia placé hi immî.tuistiiy taLit road rmessbave gens ou progresbng whe ,1 et ave-s(qld the aomid wéea l is-nother anti annuler, sud sutahi. î-auIr until,wvile thé work cf ba"ndll-graiuaiiy tiLi Lt bccomées mereis ter-tirinkîins île iaschînga cf tire i-cal traIînelimier thé codé la vaut, l ha.ceptibié, theia It luse-umsésacain, anti ltOé ns-ayin 181)3tiýre avim,- Mt) atIit beu goaomplified that the keen, I-as-te hézone ia léft fbehsinti theue ln ici-a, andt tis weriv-r-2,201 uicails tn watchful train dispatcher- la net regumea Ils tull bateusi4ts. _la duene aibis t-l alîontu tht-te irn%1.u,- weghted wth gseli St cuplcatéfi ré- Expérrimaieis have ée-tmude oui at-e îut t,,lie îauî'c, I. betiIllhe uluonsIIltS- as oe u suItuppose. thie sub.léct -s-lb a stéaxtveassel, bts tîisrimago la xet-, ti- roitudé fer a As a genézal rule, Clere am .as many caiiigig lte al*troncli et- recédé fi-tandosnuil@$ is sirewn t Iill Ii le ti bo"lie, train dispatciera lunaa s-stientas héré a ilgbtshtp Iu dtttérmitdirecýtions anduci he icfitiutuftîlicuil luy a draft cf dirty are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~_!h Lw.lmstdiiino n uasingt n e u ie-lt course théwaaer lifter al iti iltiiculiiaantidan- aver-ae, an-O100 0>1158 loue Thrisét-utsetasaiwas iledéitticuséi osît conplucs.îs s-truthé untot-tunatepnle b~téhati vercoame, dispatcher of éach division bas con- lu a Z" w thése cetral liue s-se about CtI, or manasgment, 0017 of sucli fifttéén thepsand' féét. We have nieyer poséis a juilgéet Cmlii. jp are lu bisdivision. ri, lbutthé air mniles wti iilti bave Tiseemapitor. mstcl h; day sud Persistent luutars la the bust anti- ne enlargufi ploturés haugigug n lihe fIght 111>11rIli h catéou IéCthehédote tor tenittiln, -la SERIOUS sueemwOT o A gChOllas'ly Epo.itloa oet tb -Thonnhîs Worthr et Cal Un-- tion-Hall an iHopen Sats- et Msiptres-Tbae eneU SisL floliien Teit.-"*lpâiev. ou rite Lési. Jus-us Chriot, anWithon "baliehéMvfPl andt Iis hntuae,'-Aets 1031. Tis lessoo treatu of Pauli anti thé Pbà. ippiainjaii-Acts 16: Z2-34. A& s wOM., an Ir" t-héfirt oirvet l in urope, 50 5 aiir tioman wus e émuse of tbireI luét-acition in Europe. Tise versesn 10,21 teté liew the dstmruance arou s ll led ta the iré. of Paul ant Biou. À fori-nuof mnantal anti physical tiéusngemmt n hi led te incoeol utîeranâce .upau- A cal lis-thé ignoraunt lu e héprotthéi, W» healuti by Paul. lier autérs, tio ce titén du'privéd et Chir luconte, angnily ali la ekéal thé méddUW gJeus anti séctiasa tht-m iifore thé magista*of! itesptktl lu proséolyte Romuan citiene te thé .elalm religiona,silli tiWoodan Offense again»t-ý tlie isti... Apparcnty withot tée fer- mah"iof ataintise magistrettes or- tii-t-é hém ta hé bestcn wichmeuner siripes, anti thé-n irai hein into primas. flue-réa-as ai Ibis tiome intense fee5ilig ln nome patsaof thé empire &,gainai J«u. lith prorilyti Zero, Whlo wei'. tiaklig CM verts. lu IRomeé Iti ttCers tiere pa of noble birtis. ctefléty wme, tuéhu aceptietithé Jews treligion anti s-cip. cdinu snagogues. Thé ut.horiti« m» wiiag te shlow sibjéctsa siréstis-of é~er% fait-h tearmain theréin, siositDmotPenait thé deserion et native Romneuiste 6. Jewisit ranki; uer <Md thé puhbliék a mtc-h a îroc-i-édiog itissuytblng lm..obole sat-ýn anti ba.tiéd. Tis feeling, sand tee fréquenit nc f ditiinction on thé part et lins-ailsuaN 4ivem iJewus ld aitians, ex-4 pains thé violenot attack et Plhippi. 'Tu keép them n&M". u~:fer a fooilier hicariusanti pulehiSéat Bore i)&Ur day. "T7hé lou«rimlsa"~: oniau n der- sr-und titungéon. but sa iniesreom seh héaybsalb, w4nst ul wndOirmoreu tb tion, iark anti <sgresable; a 1155* tUa aiervéi for tiangérous crivdimhsaou5M t.-.« dînatr7 efféntiers er. cunisadin la 0. et prison, liguteti hy windmm. lu'ht POaUl nd Bia ou hti Pmabd- Ring s'hsllu ingies Pain trous the moee - Ing, tisé stocks, tIse close air aM * tiaanpaém, ciotiet cf tisai t uf 6tbW s-èem de. Wé are seinetlmue s pi toet-. tribut. -'Il lthé quduraasée of azocsr obistians ta uési-miraculotns ,06 f rom liens-en. Doobtwms r h aim helP ett donc. but a gon oticrté of ê~î muaiycourage wasDoct ussllig.note~ -iihthé piinéris ant asprchsNa extraets fi-onthlie Pualnm., This miracle muet bavéeatiosai6.- mait tngiéd feeings lu Paul bimuif sM arcU as 0 in fica re priaosers. Te sWb thé doota, bbiat ielt m sute "d b*~ i hope foréver, uddeuty flolocpen. te *0 ; thq chais mappeil andi tisé socks e w"distiatt ai bisyôn asi Paul, tise quickly uursied llthat duelar hati done titisart cf duhlvsrs o, e u Peter maiy "ams ua.-M éêaelt-- prseucé of mid. Tiseeosee ers W-alconiaoay P ndeiby th. pith. keepeva lfe.---'Supposlng *m tisé prisasser aisd eén Oeil": an ecaltes. sion net ln accoordance ulth protgu«. otatical usage. Betotes. 'thM t te peoqgu ers hidescapet.' Supérsitiosisfear ot thé écrathth pi-ciai-hasti aslumchtaledoe tlditise lé et'@ f ignt osu theéthonglit of bie priao.erd uptuoset irleee. T'lé quetion, -Wb muet I1ti10 ohéesaveti?' certai l__h tSO îhe fulit mcainx a lie-hiecmobt. e irihuité te It. l'bc mileu- ts tboreughly f rig-henéti. conectét ishidainger vil moneraui]t cf bis osin. pérhaps seau. nsq. i.-ct cf bis pagan worsi-lprathe hm #ay~ sensé ut moral lack. anti ashet i ht b. muloit do te cacape thisénpéoditg culuiem# -ot pun4insent atter dést. Nerorts.. lesm, Paand m1d"Sasgve hlm as éW eultéa tu lits case. RHéw»ties uotr béetter than hé kueti. "Bélière on *9 Lord J-un, ObrisI"; s-bethéy "sptk. uwuo humn the tord o! the Lord," va.l suppose tint there aras a suffieleastlfp expntation tae sligiten huan anti hW.ftra- ily, ilhosa héieonm for afler ueel a o6 réf astenius f et tsé icraandt he ésah of tisé fetteri ont tisé criserpriomeés.Peu preheisle lil teaithéestory of Jeune mail hi. teaebsinsg abos4 sin sud tise érom fait t,ý then ciptainedti ie me&ni" o f baptni. Whou lu bis gratitude th.ejsiler tuS., l'ail ant i.«uasot Luite écourt uSes. tht-te wais a tank useti for bi hgp«or- poete re-ieéthé pain of tiseir vosamis is- wsaliang them lu théecco wter, )» or Pausu rggatéd limaI lisré tisDounetIol avait fer thé performance cf the lai" rite etfa bhit-bthéy béi bée upeabing. Acv-ordias-iy le anti thé membére et bWa faniliy--all o!fs-hein tcréetfsuffiélénta s to untirtianti thé inatructiaus séiehu Pesta bail pi-viclutis givéis thein-téré ba. titéd lu thé réaérvctr or cliooes. éle y. A boméls-bubehanliful piéttire la 5Is< ot a jailit-' Partye bis sovy Iooklag tiards. nosheabenefaitom. Thésct ion et Pail sMiBilas in réf u@ng te depart secretly in thé mangtue. demia. ing a publie acknos'lédgmeat e! tise wosug doune thcm as Roman étixénawas mi duel te petts- Initiéor obuUnaay. "lu amertisg se îwerngiy their perseital rlghtu, duel amsyf bavé b,'e-a juîluénayéd lupart hi, a nteoli sse cf juatiee, ant in aPartby s regaih ta thé néeessts- of aiclia sindIcatimoi e thleir lnauocéaicr te tise causa cf (brîst t Iltiiipiti. littinas Important thet anu sim ssotit est upon théir réputation. h tis aotoî'tous tuat théy hbld béén scoerg anti liniipsaucrlmiose; anti if, alt rteir doau tie, maly casé ad suapeeted ce risuit bave in.inuatéu4 hat poWabiy hld suéfré tit -ithott au-ase. t iidl creaiéd a préýjudice ugainet tise rnl, 1't Mas- ticpropér at liane, tcashlli 5 tiaekod or miégudttilt transpie so inaMrluai rightlitansd lâtereteif Uuge - chocoe, but those lie oare ettfor' 6. 4W fese of the geaupel eu e abja .sNul andti ieur inufluenée te Ohilt &MI) de-li. s, nd bave a right teain@ohu6.

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